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Sallam TA  Raja'a YA  Bahaj S  Al-Shami AM  Lu M  Roggendorf M  Tong CY 《Vaccine》2012,30(37):5564-5568


To examine the carrier rate, prevalence and susceptibility to hepatitis B virus infection in the city of Taiz, Yemen.


In a community-based household survey 521 subjects from 98 randomly selected households were enrolled. Carrier rate, prevalence and susceptibility of hepatitis B virus infection in the city of Taiz, Yemen were examined.


The median age of the subjects was 19 years (range <1–85 years), 219 (42.0%) of whom were males and 305 (58.0%) were females. The HBsAg carrier rate was 4.2% (22/521), the prevalence was 16.9% (88/521) and the susceptibility rate was 57.5% (287/499). Male vs female carrier rate, prevalence and susceptibility rate were comparable. Children (age ≤18 years) vs adults had carrier rates of 2.7% vs 5.7% (odds ratio = 2.2) and a prevalence of 5.1% vs 28.4% (OR: 5.6). The carrier rate, prevalence and immunity to HBV among subjects who reported vaccination vs those unvaccinated was; 2.1% vs 5.5%, 11.3 vs 20.8% and 53.1% vs 18.8%. A proportion of 47.2% of subjects who aged ≤10 years had isolated anti-HBs. Of 142 of the cohort born after full implementation of vaccination program (age:≤9 years) 72 (50.7%) were immune and 70 (49.3%) were susceptible whereas of 357 subjects borne before program implementation (Age:≥10 years) 140 (39.2%) were immune and 217 (60.8%) were susceptible (p < 0.02 (Pearson) OR: 1.6 CI = 0.42–0.93).


An intermediate endimicity was identified in Taiz city. Vaccination reduced carrier rate prevalence and susceptibility among vaccinated subjects. The high rate of subjects with isolated anti- HBs together with the reduced susceptibility rate among the cohort born after inclusion of HBV vaccine to EPI reflects impact of the program. Improving vaccination coverage will further reduce susceptibility rate.  相似文献   

目前,我国艾滋病防治形势严峻,艾滋病经性传播呈逐年上升趋势.为了遏制艾滋病经性途径传播,防止艾滋病由高危人群向一般人群传播,笔者于2005年3~7月对孝感市城区101家娱乐场所中的182名暗娼进行了性病/艾滋病(STD/AIDS)的知识、态度、行为特征问卷调查,并对其中115名的健康情况和HIV感染情况进行了检查,为制定、实施干预措施及评估措施效果提供依据,现将调查结果报告如下.  相似文献   

目的了解福建省漳州市居民吸烟现状及吸烟危害知识以及对公共场所禁烟态度。方法在医疗、教育、机关、餐馆/公共汽车站候车室/网吧4类机构和场所随机抽取911名人员进行面对面问卷调查。结果吸烟216人,吸烟率为23.71%,其中,医疗机构人员吸烟率为19.81%(63/318),教育机构为18.86%(66/350)、机关为34.38%(22/64),餐馆/公共汽车站候车室/网吧为36.31%(65/179)。被动吸烟538人,总暴露率59.06%;人群知晓吸烟会危害吸烟者健康的比例>95%,而知晓吸烟会给被动吸烟者健康造成危害比例则<90%,对被动吸烟造成的健康危害知哓率则更低。结论餐馆/公共汽车站候车室/网吧等场所吸烟率和被动吸烟暴露率均高于其他机构,而对吸烟知识知晓率和对公共场所禁烟支持率却低于其他机构。  相似文献   

Undernutrition and intestinal parasitic infections affect childhood development and morbidity in many developing countries. Undernutrition may increase susceptibility to parasitic infections which in turn impair the nutritional status of the host. The relationship between intestinal parasitic infections and nutritional status in 400 Mexican schoolchildren was investigated. More than half of the children in the study showed intestinal parasites and polyparasitism. The prevalence of helminth infections was significantly higher in Oaxaca than in Sinaloa (P < 0.05). Z scores for weight-for-age (WA) and height-for-age (HA) were much lower in children of Oaxaca than in Sinaloa (P < 0.001). A significantly higher Z score for weight-for-height (WH), WA, and HA were found in non-infected versus infected children (P < 0.05). Higher prevalences of intestinal infections were found in children with lower HA and WA than in normally nourished children (P < 0.05). Higher intensities of Ascaris lumbricoides and Trichuris trichiura were found in the schoolchildren of Sinaloa than in Oaxaca (P < 0.01). Negative and significant associations were found between Hymenolepis nana and T. trichiura infection (eggs per gram) and nutritional status. Intestinal parasitic infections may be regarded as main risk factors associated with poor nutritional status in Mexican schoolchildren.  相似文献   

目的 了解山东省潍坊市大学生对麻疹相关知识的认知、态度、行为情况,为高等院校开展健康教育和制定预防控制措施提供依据。方法 制定调查方案和问卷,采用分层抽样方法对潍坊2所高校1 573名大学生麻疹相关知识认知、态度、行为进行调查。结果 大学生麻疹相关知识调查问卷平均得分6.30分(满分为12分),中位数为6.39。大学生麻疹相关知识得分及格率为31.02%。不同民族、地区和以前是否接受过麻疹相关知识教育之间差异无统计学意义(均P>0.05)。不同专业、性别及生源地等差异有统计学意义(均P<0.01)。获取麻疹相关知识以广播电视(47.55%)、报刊杂志(45.65%)和网络(43.42%)为主要途径。95.10%的大学生愿意接种含麻疹成分疫苗。结论 潍坊市2所高校大学生麻疹相关知识了解普遍不高,高校应采取多种形式开展麻疹相关知识宣传教育。  相似文献   

目的 了解重庆市主城区老年人群艾滋病相关知识、态度、行为现状、健康知识来源,为制定老年人群艾滋病防治策略提供依据。方法 采用多阶段抽样的方法,抽取重庆市主城区年龄在60岁以上的老年人群599例,用自制问卷进行调查。结果 重庆市主城区老年人群艾滋病相关知识知晓率为68.4%,HIV检测率为8.3%,54.1%的调查对象不会继续和感染艾滋病病毒的朋友交往;不同年龄、性别、文化程度、职业的老年人群某些健康知识来源存在统计学差异。结论 重庆市主城区老年人群艾滋病相关知识知晓率较低,对艾滋病感染者存在歧视,健康知识来源与人口学特征存在关系,可根据人口学特征制定有针对性的宣教措施。  相似文献   

A cross-sectional population-based survey was undertaken to evaluate the relationship between nutritional status and parasitic infections of schoolchildren and demographic, socio-economic factors in Sanliurfa province, southern Turkey. Nine hundred and eight schoolchildren took part in the survey: 57.2% boys and 42.7% girls. The children's mean z scores were as follows: height for age-0.8 (+/-1.0) and weight for age-1.0 (+/-0.9). The mean haemoglobin concentration was 123 g/l (+/-2.1) and the prevalence of parasitic infections was 55.1%. In total, 50.2% of children were hungry when they arrived at school and 13.4% worked after school. Over 70% (70.4%) of mothers and 18.1% of fathers were illiterate, 16.1% of fathers were unemployed and 46.3% of fathers were engaged in low-income labour. The mean number of children in each family was 5.4 (+/-2.5), and the mean number of children from each family who attended school was 2.1 (+/-1.1). The school-attendance ratio was 0.4 (+/-1.0). Data indicated that older children had significantly lower mean z scores of height (P < 0.0001) and weight for age (P < 0.0001) than younger children, and boys had significantly lower mean z scores of height for age than girls (P < 0.0001). Children living in shantytown areas had significantly lower mean z scores of height for age (P < 0.0001) and weight for age (P < 0.0001), lower mean haemoglobin concentrations (P : 0.003)and a worse parasitic infection status (P < 0.0001) than those living in apartment areas. Children who were hungry when they arrived at school had significantly lower mean haemoglobin concentrations than those who had eaten (P : 0.04). Multiple regression analyses indicated that mean z scores of height for age were significantly related to maternal (multiple R = 0.183; P < 0.0001) and paternal illiteracy (multiple R = 0.216; P : 0.004). Mean z scores of weight for age were significantly related to maternal illiteracy (multiple R = 0.154; P < 0.0001), as was parasitic infection status (multiple R = 0.261; P < 0.0001 ) and the number of children in the family (multiple R = 0.267; P : 0.005). Hunger status was significantly related to maternal (multiple R = 0.095; P : 0.016) and paternal illiteracy (multiple R = 0.104; P : 0.005), as was belonging to a large family (multiple R = 0.104; p: 0.009). These findings indicate that school health programmes may improve the nutritional and health status of schoolchildren. The participation of the local community, which such a programme would entail, may help to increase maternal awareness regarding the feeding of their children before sending them to school. School health programmes may also motivate parents to send their daughters to school, thus increasing maternal literacy in the future. In turn, better levels of maternal literacy will positively affect the socio-economic development of society.  相似文献   

目的了解新乡市建筑工人艾滋病知识、态度和行为的现状,为制定艾滋病防治措施提供依据。方法于2007年4月-6月对新乡市6个建筑工地的工人进行问卷调查。结果共调查332名工人,艾滋病的相关知识的认知情况有所提高,但对"治愈其他性病能减少艾滋病的传播"的回答正确率较低,只有35.40%;56.30%的人认识不到安全套的有效阻断作用,安全套使用率低,在固定性伴和性服务人员中均小于50.00%。有了解如何预防艾滋病及其传播途径知识的需求。结论针对建筑工人的艾滋病防治工作需要重视,尤其应加强安全套使用方面的教育,积极探求有效的宣传教育方法是当前工作的重点。  相似文献   



Several occupations in developing countries lag behind in ensuring the safety of their workers in occupational settings. Lack of implementation of safety guidelines at workplaces can expose workers to health risks. In Pakistan, barbers are one of the un-regulated occupational groups. Low literacy, increased frequency of direct skin contact and blade/razors use can expose barbers to body fluids including blood of the customers. We conducted this study in order to determine hepatitis B virus (HBV) prevalence among barbers and their knowledge, attitude and practices in a peri-urban district of Sindh.

Material and Methods

Three hundred eighty-five barbers from the Sukkur district were interviewed using a structured questionnaire. Blood samples were collected and tested for HBsAg. A scale was built to determine the proportions of responses to knowledge, attitude and practice items.


The prevalence of HBV among barbers was 2.1%. The barbers’ knowledge on HBV and its transmission routes was poor. The response to attitude items was good, except that only 35.1% of the participants agreed to have vaccination against HBV. The overall performance on the knowledge and practice scales was poor compared to the attitude scale on which 80% of the barbers performed well.


The prevalence of HBV among barbers was lower compared to the available national figures for the prevalence among the general population.  相似文献   

了解三亚市小学生肠道寄生虫感染情况,为今后更好地开展防治工作提供依据.方法 分层整群随机抽取三亚市10所市区小学和4所乡镇小学的2 790名小学生,采用改良加藤法检验粪便中的蛔虫卵、鞭虫卵、钩虫卵.结果 三亚市小学生肠道寄生虫总感染率为6.99%,其中蛔虫感染占53.79%,鞭虫感染占42.06%,钩虫感染占4.15%.乡镇小学生感染率明显高于城市小学生(x2=114.20,P<0.01),城市及乡镇小学生感染率均随年龄的增长而下降(x2值分别为11.62,36.47,P值均<0.05),乡镇小学男生感染率明显高于女生(x2 =4.23,P<0.05).结论 三亚市乡镇小学生肠道寄生虫感染率仍较高.应加强健康教育,改善卫生条件,整治环境卫生,将防治重点放在农村.  相似文献   

衡阳市县城居民艾滋病相关知识和态度的调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的了解衡阳市县城居民的艾滋病知识水平和对艾滋病及艾滋病感染者的态度。方法 2006年7月9日- 7月14日,在衡阳县、耒阳市和衡南县县城,采取随机拦截的方式,对调查对象通过面访,不记名方式进行调查。结果 收回有效问卷316份。县城居民对艾滋病的传播途径的认知率较高,而对于非传播途径的认知率相对较低;从大众媒体获得知识为县城居民获取艾滋病知识的主要途径,而医务工作者和学校健康教育在艾滋病的健康教育中起的作用很小;只有63.7%的人能正确对待艾滋病感染者。结论 衡阳地区县城居民的艾滋病知识知晓率较高,但不够全面;应充分发挥学校和医务工作者在健康教育中的作用,调整健康教育的内容,引导居民正确对待艾滋病感染者和患者,营造一个人人参与、共同预防艾滋病的良好氛围。  相似文献   

非流行地区居民艾滋病相关知识、态度和行为调查分析   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
目的了解目标人群艾滋病知识知晓及需求情况,为下一步开展艾滋病健康教育活动提供基线资料和依据。方法采用分层整群抽样方法,抽取城区居民、农村居民、中学生和娱乐场所服务人员,进行面对面问卷调查。结果艾滋病基本知识知晓率依次是宾馆服务员(81.0%)、城区居民(78.2%)、娱乐场所服务人员(74.5%)、农村居民(71.8%)、中学生(60.2%),差别具有显著性(2χ=205.95,P<0.001)。艾滋病的三条传播途径(性、血液和母婴)的知晓率分别是92.7%、89.3%和82.7%(2χ=42.17,P<0.001)。无偿献血知识知晓率为29.9%。知道本地区有免费自愿咨询检测服务(VCT)的比例依次为:宾馆服务员(58.0%)、娱乐场所服务人员(36.3%)、中学生(35.7%)、城区居民(34.0%)、农村居民(24.0%),差别具有显著性(2χ=40.01,P<0.001)。结论在非流行地区,人们对于艾滋病知识、无偿献血知识和VCT服务的知晓率较低,需要开展和加强艾滋病知识、无偿献血知识和VCT服务的宣传和教育。  相似文献   

艾滋病防治示范区流动人口相关知识调查   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的 了解商洛市艾滋病(AIDS)综合防治示范区内流动人口对艾滋病预防知识知晓情况。掌握流动人群对艾滋病健康教育的需求。为进一步开展健康教育提供依据。方法 对商洛市3个艾滋病综合防治示范区内的建筑工人、宾馆和酒楼服务员、美容美发人员等进行AIDS知识和态度问卷调查。结果 流动人口总体上对艾滋病基本知识缺乏了解,知识水平普遍较低,自我保护能力和意识比较薄弱,对人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)感染者态度总体上比较消极。但接受艾滋病和性病知识宣传教育的意愿较高。结论 流动人口作为特殊的群体,进行艾滋病健康教育特别是综合宣传教育刻不容缓。  相似文献   

目的 了解济南市城镇居民对捐献器官的认知态度现状。方法 采取问卷调查的方式对济南地区400名城镇居民进行调查。结果 46%的被调查者有器官捐献意向;年轻高学历群体的认知水平明显高于其他群体;仅15.3%的受访者能做到比较了解或了解相关政策,而通过公益活动的方式可使这个比例达到32.6%,通过新闻报道、公益广告和亲朋好友介绍途径,达到比较了解水平的比例分别为9.6%、7.2%和19.6%,故而社会公益活动是器官捐献是最有效的宣传方式。结论 城镇居民器官捐献意愿和认知程度有待进一步提高。  相似文献   

目的了解深圳市福田区社区老年跌倒情况,分析老年跌倒相关信息,探索有效且可持续的城市社区老年跌倒干预模式。方法自行设计问卷,随机抽取福田区某两个社区的老人(>60岁)进行问卷调查,发出问卷650份,对634份有效问卷进行统计分析。结果跌倒发生率为11.99%,老年跌倒呈现随年龄增长而增加的趋势(X2=6.145,P=0.013),且女性高发于男性(X2=5.02,P=0.025);独居、空巢老人跌倒发生率较高;老人某些防跌倒知识点掌握较差,过半有提供跌倒认知教育需求;跌倒时间多发生于2、3、4月,跌倒主要发生于室内(41.11%),主要为浴室/卫生间、楼梯过道,室外多为小区公共场所。结论福田区社区老年人因自身平衡能力下降,对跌倒认知不足,环境致跌危险因素未能引起关注是造成跌倒的原因,应采取防跌倒健康教育,改善老年人平衡能力及改善家庭、社区环境致跌危险因素等措施进行干预。  相似文献   

目的了解衡阳市县城居民的艾滋病知识水平和对艾滋病及艾滋病感染者的态度。方法2006年7月9日~7月14日,在衡阳县、耒阳市和衡南县县城,采取随机拦截的方式,对调查对象通过面访,不记名方式进行调查。结果收回有效问卷316份。县城居民对艾滋病的传播途径的认知率较高,而对于非传播途径的认知率相对较低;从大众媒体获得知识为县城居民获取艾滋病知识的主要途径,而医务工作者和学校健康教育在艾滋病的健康教育中起的作用很小;只有63.7%的人能正确对待艾滋病感染者。结论衡阳地区县城居民的艾滋病知识知晓率较高,但不够全面;应充分发挥学校和医务工作者在健康教育中的作用,调整健康教育的内容,引导居民正确对待艾滋病感染者和患者,营造一个人人参与、共同预防艾滋病的良好氛围。  相似文献   

目的分析邳州市甲乙类肠道传染病流行趋势,为有效预防和控制传染病提供科学依据。方法采用描述流行病学方法,对邳州市2006-2010年甲乙类肠道传染病疫情资料进行统计分析。结果 2006-2010年邳州市累计报告甲乙类肠道传染病5种1 303例,年均发病率15.29/10万,发病率呈现平缓下降趋势。全年均有发病,6-9月份为高峰,占报告病例的49.27%;发病在人群中形成两个高峰,一是5岁以下婴幼儿,占20.57%(268/1 303),主要病种是痢疾;二是40-60岁中年人,占31.16%(406/1 303),主要为病种是戊肝和未分型肝炎;男性发病高于女性。结论散居儿童和农民为发病的高危人群,痢疾和肝炎的有效控制是降低本市肠道传染病的关键。  相似文献   

目的 了解中国城市地区成年人二手烟暴露水平及其相关知识态度.方法 利用全球成人烟草调查中国调查(GATS)、国际烟草控制政策评估项目中国调查(ITC)中有关二手烟暴露、禁烟规定、二手烟相关知识态度的变量,使用SAS软件计算率及其95%CI.结果 2项调查中调查对象报告的工作场所室内全面禁烟的比例均低于40%.调查对象报告在餐厅看到吸烟现象比例在各类场所中最高(83.4% ~ 95.6%),其次为工作场所(53.3% ~ 84.0%),在医疗卫生机构、学校、公共交通工具看到吸烟现象的比例较低.GATS调查中60.6%的吸烟者和68.5%的非吸烟者知晓二手烟导致肺癌,但只有三分之一的调查对象知晓二手烟导致成年人心脏病.ITC调查对象对二手烟危害的知晓率高于GATS,但知晓二手烟导致成年人心脏病的比例仅有58.2%.ITC调查对象对学校、出租车、医院、政府机构全面禁烟的支持率较高(>70%),但对工作场所全面禁烟的支持率仅有50.9%和60.9%.结论 中国城市地区室内工作场所全面禁烟的比例较低,二手烟暴露情况严重,公众对二手烟危害的认识以及对工作场所全面禁烟的支持率有待提高.  相似文献   

城市一般人群艾滋病相关知识、态度及其影响因素调查   总被引:28,自引:1,他引:28  
目的 了解城市一般人群对艾滋病知识的认识、态度情况。以确定城市一般人群艾滋病知识水平及其影响因素,为今后在一般人群中采取针对性的艾滋病知识宣传策略提供依据。方法 于2002年12月1日在广州市商业区采用街头随机拦截的方式,对一般人群采用匿名自填问卷的方法调查其艾滋病相关知识和态度。结果 本次调查共发放问卷200份,收回有效问卷147份。结果显示,艾滋病知识总知晓率为63.3%;传播途径知识总知晓率为59.2%;预防知识知晓率为46.9%;对艾滋病感染/患正确态度率为49.7%。多因素Logistic回归分析显示,艾滋病知识知晓率的影响因素为年龄、性别、化程度和婚姻状况。30~39岁年龄组(OR=0.101,95%CI:0.015~0.678)和40岁及以上年龄组(OR=0.060,95%CI:0.007~0.498)艾滋病知识总知晓率低于15~20岁年龄组;女性艾滋病知识知晓率(OR=0.230,95%CI:0.099~0.532)低于男性;化程度初中(OR=14.161。95%CI:2.195~91.364)、高中(OR=23.455,95%CI:4.568~120.434)、大专以上(OR=35.378,95%CI:6.001~208.571)艾滋病知识知晓率高于小学及以下组;已婚(OR=5.761,95%CI:1.589~20.893)高于未婚。结论 目前城市一般人群的艾滋病知识水平仍然很低,因此应进一步加强对一般人群的艾滋病知识的宣传,尤其是针对化程度低、未婚及女性人群开展艾滋病知识的宣传教育。  相似文献   

目的了解震后灾区居民抗震减灾的认知与态度,为灾后重建、构建抗震减灾策略提供思路。方法对甘肃省康县农村和县城部分灾民进行抗震减灾认知与态度的面对面问卷调查。结果调查对象933人中有610人不知道灾后如何自救,占65.4%;县城和农村灾民自救知识知晓率分别为40.1%,27.8%,差异有统计学意义(P=0.000);258人不知道\  相似文献   

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