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目的分析和描述2002—2012年中国居民能量及膳食营养素摄入状况和变化趋势。方法利用2002年中国居民营养与健康状况调查、2010—2012年中国居民营养与健康状况监测数据,对2岁及以上居民的能量、宏量营养素和微量营养素等摄入状况变化进行分析。采用家庭连续3天24小时膳食回顾和调味品称重法进行膳食调查,依据家庭成员的膳食能量比和中国食物成分表计算每标准人日能量营养素摄入量。结果同2002年相比,2010—2012年中国居民平均每标准人日能量摄入量从2251 kcal下降到2172 kcal;蛋白质摄入整体水平与2002年基本持平;脂肪摄入量为79.9 g,增加了3.6 g,城市高于农村,农村摄入量上升,城乡差距缩小。维生素A、维生素C、钙、铁、锌、钠等微量营养素摄入量均低于推荐量,且呈下降趋势。结论 2002—2012年中国城乡居民能量摄入稳定,膳食营养素摄入状况有所改善,但脂肪摄入量增加,微量营养素摄入不足问题仍普遍存在,城乡差别明显,居民尤其是农村居民膳食质量有待提高。  相似文献   

目的:了解三峡水库消落区形成前人群营养状况和膳食结构,为连续动态食物与营养监测提供基础数据。方法:膳食调查采用24h膳食回顾结合食物消费频数调查。结果:居民总能量摄入低于推荐摄入量(RNI)。摄入量未达到DRb标准的微量营养素包括维生素B1、维生素B2、维生素C、硒以及钙。膳食结构主要问题在于粮谷类、豆类和蔬菜水果消费不足,而动物性食品和食用油脂明显过量。结论:重庆市开县居民的总体营养状况有较大提高,但某些营养素摄入和膳食结构仍有待进一步提高。  相似文献   

中国居民微量营养素摄入的地区分布   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
本文依据1992年全国营养调查各省不同年龄居民的膳食情况,详细分析了各省、市、自治区居民微量营养素的摄入情况。分析结果显示烟酸、抗坏血酸和维生素E的摄入比较充足,大部分省份居民摄入硫胺素、锌和硒较好,而钙、视黄醇当量和核黄素摄入量普遍不足。东北、西北和西南内陆地区是营养素缺乏比较集中的地区。本文分析的结果可以为分区或分省进行微量营养素膳食干预或食物强化提供参考。  相似文献   

目的 了解山西医科大学学生膳食营养状况及其存在的问题,为开展大学生营养宣传教育提供科学依据.方法 整群抽取山西医科大学学生429名,采用24h膳食回顾法连续记录3d膳食,计算每人每日食物摄入情况,与中国居民膳食宝塔的食物摄入推荐量进行比较;计算能量及各种营养素的摄入量,与中国居民膳食营养素参考摄入量进行比较.结果 在学生所有食物摄入中,谷类摄入量偏高,鱼虾类、禽畜肉类、奶类及奶制品、蔬菜水果摄入量偏低;维生素A、维生素B1、维生素B2及维生素C摄入不足;钙摄入不足;铁摄入充足,但多来自于植物性食物.学生早餐摄入的能量较低,女生零食摄入较多.结论 山西医科大学学生的膳食营养状况不理想.应指导大学生进行合理膳食.  相似文献   

目的了解中老年人膳食结构和营养素摄入情况,为有针对性的开展营养改善工作提供依据。方法选取成都市40~64岁居民571名,采用食物频率回顾问卷进行调查,了解其一般情况及过去1年食物摄入情况,分析各类食物摄入量及膳食能量、营养素摄入情况,并测量其身高体重。结果调查对象平均每日食物摄入量为:主食338.0g(谷类327.8g,薯类10.1g),蔬菜471.3g,水果86.4g,豆类58.6g,奶类129.9g,畜肉102.7g,禽肉11.8g,水产品25.8g,食用油37.5g;食用油和豆类摄入量高于膳食指南推荐量,奶类、水果和水产品的摄入量低于推荐量;谷类、薯类、禽肉、水产品摄入量低于全国平均水平,蔬菜、豆类、坚果和畜肉类高于全国平均水平;膳食中脂肪、胆固醇、烟酸、维生素E、钠、磷、铁、铜和锰摄入量高于推荐量,钙摄入量低于推荐量。结论中年居民膳食结构和营养素摄入与膳食指南推荐量有差异,营养过剩与营养不良并存。  相似文献   

目的调查孕妇孕能量及膳食营养素摄入情况,找出存在的营养缺陷与问题。方法调查孕妇孕能量及膳食营养素摄入情况,分析营养缺陷与问题。结果哈尔滨市孕妇能量摄入是合理的,但蛋白质和脂肪供能比例偏高,碳水化合物供能比例偏低;维生素A与核黄素摄入量为边缘不足,硫胺素摄入不足,与中国居民营养素参考摄入量(RNI)比较维生素A差异无统计学意义,后两者差异极有统计学意义(P值均〈0.01);膳食纤维摄入量低于推荐的摄入范围;维生素B6和叶酸摄入不足,与适宜摄入量或RNI相比较差异均有统计学意义(P值均〈0.001);钙、铁与锌的摄入不能满足随着孕龄增加而需要量的增加;其他营养素摄入都是充足的。结论哈尔滨市孕妇在孕早、中与晚期的膳食摄入均有一定缺陷,应对孕妇开展经常性的营养与健康教育。  相似文献   

目的:了解会宁地区406名2~4岁儿童的膳食结构及营养素摄入状况,为改善其营养状况提供基础资料。方法:采用24h膳食回顾法、称重法和半定量食物频率法对调查对象进行膳食调查。结果:调查对象膳食构成以粮谷类食物为主,杂粮摄入较多,为42.1g;动物性及豆类摄入较少,鱼虾类摄入量仅为1.4g。能量的摄入基本满足需要,但达到推荐摄入量(RNI)的人数比例较低,碳水化合物供能比偏高,饱和脂肪酸供能比例较高。蛋白质达到RNI的人数比例只有22.7%,来源于动物性及豆类食物的占26.7%。铁的摄入量较高,但主要来源于植物性食物。钙、锌、维生素A及维生素C摄入均不足。结论:调查对象膳食结构不合理,部分营养素供给不足。应加大营养知识普及,改进食物加工方法,改善该人群的营养状况。  相似文献   

【目的】分析2011—2015年上海市杨浦区223名居民食物、营养素摄入量及其变化。【方法】数据来自2011年和2015年"中国居民营养状况变迁的队列研究"项目中杨浦区2岁及以上居民的原始调查数据,采用3 d24 h膳食回顾法和调味品称重法收集膳食数据,获取居民每标准人日食物、营养素摄入量及能量营养素来源,分析其不同年度的摄入情况。【结果】2015年居民每标准人日蔬菜、水果、畜禽肉、水产品、蛋类、奶及奶制品、大豆及坚果、食用油、盐摄入量均低于2011年,2015年谷薯类、蔬菜、水果、水产品、蛋类、奶及奶制品、大豆及坚果、食用油摄入不足的比例分别占56.0%、84.0%、98.2%、56.0%、70.2%、97.8%、85.3%、91.1%,畜禽肉类摄入过量的比例为51.6%;2015年居民每标准人日能量、蛋白质、脂肪及微量营养素的摄入量均低于2011年,2015年能量、蛋白质、维生素A、维生素B1、维生素B2、维生素C、钙摄入不足的比例分别为84.0%、56.4%、97.3%、93.8%、93.3%、90.2%、91.6%,2011年、2015年居民碳水化合物供能比低于50%的分别占64.6%、49.8%,蛋白质供能比高于15%分别的占76.2%、40.4%,脂肪供能比高于30%的分别占76.7%、72.9%。【结论】2011—2015年杨浦区社区居民整体上的食物和营养素摄入量均普遍降低,食物摄入不足和摄入过量的问题并存,其中食物摄入不足较严重,能量、大部分维生素及钙等营养素摄入不足情况仍旧严峻。同时膳食结构不尽合理,3大营养素供能失衡,建议应加大对居民的营养宣教。  相似文献   

目的分析中国居民主要膳食维生素的摄入状况。方法本文数据来自2010~2012年中国居民营养与健康状况监测中连续3 d 24 h膳食回顾调查。采用多阶段分层与人口成比例的整群随机抽样方法进行抽样,研究对象为中国内地31个省份150个监测点18岁及以上居民,调查总人数为64038人。不同人群平均维生素摄入量及摄入充足率采用2009年国家统计局公布的人口数据,经过复杂抽样加权处理。结果中国居民膳食来源的维生素摄入量为:视黄醇当量441.9μg,视黄醇活性当量为291.5μg;维生素E为35.7 mg,其中α维生素E为8.5 mg;硫胺素为0.9 mg;核黄素为0.8 mg;烟酸为14.3 mg,烟酸当量为21.0 mg;抗坏血酸为80.1 mg;叶酸摄入量为180.9μg。我国居民总体膳食维生素充足率为32%,烟酸的充足率最高为79.3%,叶酸的充足率最低仅为9.0%。结论中国居民膳食维生素摄入不足问题普遍存在,至少有2/3的人群存在膳食维生素摄入不足。应通过营养教育、营养强化等干预措施以提高膳食维生素的摄入水平。  相似文献   

目的调查北京市房山区中小学生膳食营养摄入状况,为房山区学生改善营养提供科学依据。方法对北京市房山区中小学生进行膳食调查,采用3 d 24 h膳食回顾结合家庭调味品称重法,依据中国食物成分表计算每日食物消费及营养素摄入状况。结果共调查北京市房山区中小学生164名,男生91名,女生73名,平均年龄(8.93±2.21)岁。中小学生水产品类、奶及奶制品、大豆类及其制品、蔬菜水果类摄入不足,畜禽肉类、盐摄入过多。能量平均摄入量为1710.30 kcal,蛋白质、脂肪和碳水化合物平均摄入量分别为61.57、72.21、211.48 g,供能比分别占14.38%、37.95%和47.68%。中小学生维生素A、维生素B1、维生素B2、维生素C、硒平均摄入量达到推荐摄入量(RNI)的比例分别为34.8%、27.4%、33.5%、24.4%和47.0%。仅2.4%的学生钙摄入量达到了RNI,超过一半的学生铁、锌、铜平均摄入量达到RNI。其中,女生铁摄入量达到RNI的比例低于男生(P<0.05)。结论北京市房山区中小学生膳食结构不合理、微量营养素摄入不足,需加强学生、家长、学校食堂营养宣教,有针对性地改善学生营养状况。  相似文献   

This study analyzed the status of dietary energy and nutrients intakes among the oldest-old in China. Data was obtained from the China Adult Chronic Disease and Nutrition Surveillance in 2015 (CACDNS 2015). We enrolled 1929 Chinese elderly people aged 80 and above who participated in both 3-day 24-h dietary recalls and household condiments weighing. The dietary intakes were calculated based on Chinese Food Composition Tables and assessed using Chinese Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs). The dietary intakes of energy and most nutrients were all below the EAR or AI, except for fat, vitamin E, niacin, iron and sodium. As a result, daily dietary intakes of energy and most nutrients were inadequate in the oldest-old in China, especially vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, folate and calcium, with the prevalence of deficiency more than 90%. Furthermore, the prevalence of inadequacy of vitamin C, zinc, selenium and magnesium was also high with the proportion below the EAR more than 60%. Approximately 30% of the subjects with dietary vitamin E intake did not reach AI, and more than 90% of subjects have reached AI in the intake of sodium, while more than 90% did not reach AI in potassium. The mean intakes of niacin and iron have reached EAR, but around 15% were still faced with the risk of deficiency. In addition, although the dietary energy intake was below EER, the energy contribution from fat in total population and all subgroups (region, age, gender, education level, material status, household income level groups) all exceeded the recommended proportion of 30% from the DRIs and close to or over 35%, is a significant concern. For the majority of nutrients, higher daily dietary intakes and lower prevalence of deficiencies were found in the oldest-old living in urban areas, aged 80–84 years, with high school and above education level, living with spouse and from high household income family. These findings indicates that the dietary intakes of energy and nutrients were inadequate, while the energy contribution from fat and dietary sodium intake were too high among the oldest-old in China. Most oldest-old were at high risk of nutritional deficiency, particularly for those who living in rural areas, with lower education level and from low household income.  相似文献   

目的:了解喀什地区农村住校中学生的膳食结构和存在的问题,为改善当地学生膳食营养提供依据。方法:采用24 h膳食回顾法对喀什地区两所中学的447例住校中学生的膳食情况进行调查,并根据《中国居民膳食指南及平衡膳食宝塔》和《中国居民膳食营养素参考摄入量(DRIs)》作出评价。结果:被调查学生膳食构成中谷类、畜禽肉和油脂摄入过多,而其他食物摄入较少;三餐能量和三大营养素分配也不合理,午餐能量偏低、晚餐能量偏高,碳水化合物摄入严重偏高、而脂肪摄入严重偏低;维生素A和钙摄入严重不足,维生素C、钾、铁、锌、硒摄入量也较低,而维生素B2、烟酰胺、铜的摄入则偏高,钠的摄入严重过量。结论:学生膳食构成不合理、营养素摄入不均衡,应采取相应措施改善这一现状,倡导学生平衡膳食。  相似文献   

Linxian, China, is a region with high incidence of esophageal cancer and a history of poor nutritional status. Nutrition Intervention Trials were conducted in this area from 1985 through 1991 and found a reduction in total cancer mortality in the group receiving supplementation of beta-carotene/selenium/alpha-tocopherol. The positive results of those trials have, in part, been ascribed to the poor nutritional status of this population. To investigate more recent food patterns, nutrient intakes, and seasonal variations in the diet, dietary surveys were conducted among the residents of Linxian in 1996. Food consumption data were collected among 104 households in spring and 106 households in autumn using a method of food inventory changes. Intake of nutrients was estimated and compared to the Chinese Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA). In both seasons, the five most common food groups consumed were cereals, fresh vegetables, yams, seasoning, and eggs. Low nutrient intakes were found for selenium (79% RDA and 66% RDA), zinc (72% RDA and 62% RDA), vitamin B2 (64% RDA and 52% RDA), and calcium (53% RDA and 39% RDA) in both spring and autumn. A large seasonal variation was seen in the consumption of leafy vegetables, root vegetables and eggs, all of which might have contributed to the lower intake of vitamin A (25% RDA), vitamin C (75% RDA), protein (76% RDA), and vitamin E (78% RDA) in autumn. These indicate that the nutrient intake in Linxian is inadequate for a number of vitamins and minerals including those shown to be associated with esophageal cancer.  相似文献   

Objective To determine whether socioeconomic groups differ in their food intakes for fruit and vegetables, their consumption of fruit and vegetables dense in vitamin A, folate and vitamin C, and their nutrient intakes of vitamin C, folate and vitamin A. Methods The 1995 Australian National Nutrition Survey collected food intake data from 8883 adults aged 18–64 years using a 24‐h dietary recall. Fruit and vegetables were measured as amount (g) consumed. Intakes of nutrients were estimated from the 24‐h dietary recall data. Participants were categorized by whether or not they consumed fruit or vegetables high in vitamin A, folate and vitamin C. Gross annual household income was used to measure socioeconomic position. Results Participants from low‐income households consumed a smaller quantity of fruit and vegetables. They were also less likely to consume fruit and vegetables high in vitamin C, folate and vitamin A. Consistent with these findings, men and women from disadvantaged socioeconomic groups had lower intakes of vitamin C and folate compared with their more affluent counterparts. These differences were small to moderate in magnitude. Vitamin A intakes were not significantly related to income. Conclusion As well as promoting healthy dietary practices, nutrition‐promotion strategies should target the nutrient intakes of lower socioeconomic groups. These programmes should focus on improving the quantity and choice of fruit and vegetables consumed by people from low‐income households.  相似文献   

Information on nutritional adequacy and inadequacy of dietary patterns is useful when making practical dietary recommendations. We examined nutritional inadequacy of dietary patterns among 3756 Japanese female dietetic students aged 18-20 years. Diet was assessed with a validated self-administered diet history questionnaire (DHQ). Dietary patterns were determined from intakes of 33 food groups summarized from 147 foods assessed with DHQ, by cluster analysis. Nutritional inadequacy for the selected 21 nutrients in each dietary pattern was examined using the reference values given in the Dietary Reference Intakes for the Japanese (DRIs) as the gold standard. Four dietary patterns identified were labeled 'fish and vegetables' (n=697), 'meat and eggs' (n=1008), 'rice' (n=1041), and 'bread and confectionaries' (n=1010) patterns. The 'fish and vegetables' pattern, characterized by high intakes of vegetables, potatoes, pulses, fruits, fish, and dairy products, showed significantly the lowest percentage of subjects with inadequate intakes for 15 nutrients, except for the highest prevalence in sodium. In contrast, 'bread and confectionaries' pattern, characterized by high intakes of bread, confectionaries, and soft drinks, showed the highest prevalence of inadequate intakes for nine nutrients. The median number of nutrients not meeting the DRIs as a marker of overall nutritional inadequacy was five in 'fish and vegetables' pattern. It was significantly lower than nine both in 'meat and eggs' and 'rice', and 10 in 'bread and confectionaries' patterns (p<0.001). A dietary pattern high in vegetables, fruits, fish, and some others showed better profile of nutritional adequacy except for sodium in young Japanese women.  相似文献   

In 2020, for the first time, the Dietary Guidelines for Americans will include recommendations for children from birth to age 24 mo. We examined average nutrient intakes as well as total vegetable and white potato (WP) consumption among children aged 1–3 y using day 1 dietary data from the NHANES 2009–2012 and the Food Patterns Equivalents Database 2009–2012. Appropriate survey weights were used to calculate average daily consumption of total vegetables and WPs, which included French-fried potatoes and chips, for boys and girls aged 1–3 y. We calculated mean intakes of selected nutrients of concern, including vitamin D, potassium, dietary fiber (DF), and calcium. We also examined intakes of selected nutrients by major food group. Average intakes of most nutrients, including calcium, by children aged 1–3 y exceeded Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs). However, average intakes of potassium, DF, and vitamin D were 67%, 55%, and 49% of DRIs, respectively. Mean total vegetable intake was less than the recommendation of 1 cup/d. Boys and girls aged 1–3 y consumed an average of 0.58 cup equivalents of total vegetables on the day of the survey, which included 0.16 cups of WPs. Average vegetable consumption and mean intakes of potassium, DF, and vitamin D were far below recommendations. The consumption of all vegetables, particularly those that are excellent sources of potassium and DF, such as potatoes, should be encouraged.  相似文献   

Women's diets are of interest as they not only impact on wellbeing and risk of chronic disease in women themselves, but also influence pregnancy outcomes and infant health. UK dietary surveys show that, while some improvements have occurred, intakes of key micronutrients, particularly iron, vitamin D, calcium and folate remain below recommended levels. Women's diets are also too high in saturated fat and salt, and low in fibre, oily fish and fruits and vegetables. Evidence suggests that certain chronic conditions are influenced by dietary components, e.g. inadequate calcium and vitamin D intakes reduce bone density, salt and saturated fat increase cardiovascular disease risk, excessive alcohol intakes increase cancer risk, low intakes of long chain n‐3 fatty acids may adversely affect fetal development and mental health, while adequate folic acid reduces the risk of birth defects. Focused health initiatives are needed to improve diet quality in women, particularly school‐aged girls, women planning a pregnancy, those living in areas of deprivation and elderly women. Vitamin and mineral supplements, and fortified foods may have a role to play alongside dietary improvements in helping women to achieve optimal diet quality.  相似文献   

华北煤炭医学院学生膳食营养状况   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
目的了解医科大学生的主要营养问题,以便采取有效干预措施。方法随机整群抽取420名医科大学生进行5 d膳食称重调查和体格检查,并从中随机抽取190人进行营养生化指标检查。结果调查人群每天各类食物摄取量偏低;能量、核黄素和钙摄入不足,硫胺素和维生素C摄取严重不足;蛋白质质量较好;视黄醇和铁的摄取量充足但食物来源较差;中餐能量不足而晚餐能量偏高。尿负荷试验和尿钙排出量测定,大学生体内硫胺素、核黄素、维生素C和钙水平较低,女生贫血率为11.1%。结论应采取相应措施,改善学生膳食结构,特别增加奶类和蔬菜水果摄入量;女生应注意血红素铁的补充。  相似文献   

目的 了解中国农村留守儿童膳食营养状况,为农村留守儿童营养干预提供科学依据.方法 采用多阶段分层整群随机抽样方法,随机选择农村2~7岁留守儿童1278名和对照儿童1273名作为调查对象.采用3日膳食称重法和食物摄人频率法进行膳食调查,并以中国营养学会推荐的膳食营养素参考摄入量(DRIs)为依据,评价农村留守儿童膳食能量和各种营养素的摄人状况.结果 农村留守儿童膳食以粮谷类和蔬菜类为主,留守儿童肉禽水产类、水果类及零食类等食物的摄入量低于对照儿童,差异有统计学意义.农村留守儿童能量、三大产热营养素及部分矿物质(钙、锌、硒、钾)和维生素(维生素A、维生素B1、维生素B2)的摄入量均低于推荐摄入量.农村留守儿童能量及主要营养素普遍摄入不足,能量摄入不足率在50%以上,蛋白质摄人不足率达80%以上,而钙、锌等矿物质和维生素B1、维生素B1等维生素的摄入不足率达90%以上.蛋白质来源中,优质蛋白质摄入量仅占总蛋白质摄入量的35%,而植物蛋白质占65%.此外植物性铁的摄入比例明显偏高,达到87%.结论 中国农村留守儿童的膳食结构不尽合理,能量和多种营养素摄入不足,能量、蛋白质及铁的来源不合理,膳食营养状况有待改善.  相似文献   

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