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患者 男,51岁。1.5年前在爆炸事故中左前臂缺失,仅残留肘下5cm,X线片示左尺骨残留4cm,桡骨残留3cm,并呈屈曲位(图1),右上臂中段以远缺失,左髋关节以远缺失。身体其他部位及脏器无异常,临床和辅助检查均无异常。手术于2001年6月23日进行。供体选择严重外伤临床死亡者。  相似文献   

目的 建立前臂同种异体移植的大鼠模型.方法 在Brown Norway(BN)大鼠和Lewis大鼠间进行前臂的同种异体移植手术(n=8).供者大鼠的腋动静脉与受者大鼠的颈外静脉、颈总动脉进行吻合,同时,尺神经、桡神经、正中神经进行吻合.对其中5只受者大鼠术后给予环孢素A进行免疫抑制治疗(观察组),3只受者大鼠未给予免疫...  相似文献   

同种异体双手移植一例报告   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
目的 探讨同种异体双手移植重建肢体功能的可行性。方法 根据ABO血型、Rh血型、人类白细胞抗原(HLA)配型、群体反应性抗体(PRA)检测及淋巴细胞毒性交叉试验等,选择脑死亡作供体,移植的双手均在腕上5cm处。移植的具体操作基本与自体断肢再植相同。术前两天及术中、术后均联合应用免疫抑制剂。术后观察、排斥反应现象的发生和生命体征及移植的肢体血液循环。结果 术后经过顺利,未发生排斥反应现象。移植双手血液循环正常,生命体征平稳。术后10周时尺、桡骨接骨处骨痂生长明显。术后5个月时手部的温痛觉完全恢复。术后7个月时取出尺、桡骨的内固定物同时行肌腱粘连松解术。现患可完成洗脸、穿衣、叠被褥、持牙刷刷牙、拿勺吃饭、剥橘子、打电话、使用遥控器看电视,缓慢地系鞋带等日常生活动作。结论 在联合应用免疫抑制 剂的情况下,同种异体双手移植可以存活,而骨愈合和神经生长速度快于自体再植。  相似文献   

两例异体移植手功能康复早期报告   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的 报告2周异体移植手早期功能康复结果。方法 2例心理和一般情况良好的右手外伤性缺如患者,通过组织配型后2例与其相匹配、无传染病脑死亡供者的异体手,移植方法 基本同断肢再植。术后密切观察生命体征、移植手血液循环和监测免疫排斥反应。术后进行心理治疗并在康复医师指导下进行功能锻炼。结果 Tinel征检查显示神经生长速度较快。术后4个月,移植手可以持物,痛、温觉试验和Tinel征检查显示,神经已生长至拇指、示指和小指末节及中指、环指远侧批间关节。术后5个月,例1移植 手指拇、小指有外展动作。术后6个月,例1拇指、小指外展动作增强且可抗阻力,能写定;例2移植手拇指、小指亦有外展动作。术后7个月,两患者尺、 桡骨愈合良好,去除内固定 物并 同时行肌腱和神经松解。术后8个月,移植手功能进一步加强,可以打羽毛球、拍篮球。术后9个月可以切菜。术后10个月,例1 手指运动功能恢复等级为良,正中神经优,尺神经良;例2手指运动功能恢复等级为良,正中神经与尺神经均为可。结论 移植手近期功能与自体断肢再植相似。为了提高异体移植手的功能,术前应严格筛选病例,受、供体 组织配要匹配,并制定合理的手术方案;术中操作精确、熟练;术后合理应用免疫抑制剂,同时配合实施良好的康复措施,对促进异 体移植手的功能康复具有重要意义。  相似文献   

异体手移植术后早期康复护理   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
目的:针对异体手移植的特殊性,探讨康复护理计划在异体手移植术后早期康复中的设计及重要性。方法:通过对2例异体手移植术后患心理、体能和移植手早期功能康复护理计划的实施,评价移植手早期功能恢复的程度。结论:2例患心理及移植手功能恢复良好,无一例护理并发症。结论:良好的心理状态、体能及移植手功能的早期、有计划的锻炼,对移植手功能的早期恢复具有重要影响。  相似文献   

背景:依据国际复合组织移植大会的交流经验和猪异体肢体移植研究成功经验,我们制定了一个人类异体手移植计划。方法:通过全面的移植术前评估和患者的同意,选择移植物的大小、性别、皮肤弹性相配的一个58岁的尸体供者的左手移植到一个失去左手13年的男性受者。免疫抑制治疗包括Simulect(一种新型免疫抑制剂,为竞争性IL-2受体阻断剂)诱导治疗和普乐可复、骁悉、强的松龙的维持治疗。结果:供手的冷缺血时间为310分钟。无术中或术后并发症。移植物皮肤在第6、20、27周发生了中等程度的排度反应。通过静注甲基强的松。在术后一年,患者可以使用左手进行许多假肢没有的功能,例如投掷垒球、翻报纸、写字和系鞋带。结论:利用新型免疫抑制剂获得了异体手移植的早期成功。  相似文献   

背景:联合应用最新免疫抑制剂治疗下的动物异体肢体移植的长期存活以及自体肢体再植令人鼓舞的结果使我们相信人体异体手术移植将会成活。方法:1998年9月,我们将一位脑死亡的男性的手和前臂远端移植到一位因创伤前臂远端1/3截肢的48岁男性患。供的手臂用4℃UW器官保存液灌注后,肘上5cm截肢并置于冰箱中运输。同时解剖供体和手的手臂,辨别各自的解剖构,使有活力的结构准确相配。移植过程中包括骨的固定、动静脉的吻合(缺血时间12.5小时)、神经吻合、肌肉和肌腱的缝合和皮肤的覆盖。免疫抑制剂包括抗胸腺细胞蛋白、FK506、酚酸和强的松。维持治疗包括FK506、霉酚酸以及强的松。 随访包括常规移植后的实验室检测、皮肤活检、增强理疗和心理支持治疗。结果:术后早期过程十分平静,未发生外科并发症。患能很好地耐受免疫抑制剂。术后8-9天发现有轻度的皮肤排斥反应的临床和组织学表现。加大强的松的剂量(20mg/天至40mg/天)以及局部免疫抑制霜剂应用临床和组织学表现消失。增强理疗使运动功能获得令人满意的进展。感觉的恢复(Tinel征)十分理想,已达到腕横纹(20cm)。术后100天时正中神经和尺神经的感觉已恢复到手掌,至少24cm。手掌的深压觉存在而无触觉。结论:异体手移植上是可行的。现有的免疫抑制剂可防止急性排斥反应的发生,如果以后抚排斥反应的发生,此次异体手移植的功能预后将与大量报道的自体再植预后相似。  相似文献   

目的:探讨比较2例不同平面异体双手移植术后疗效。方法:应用显微外科技术对2例于前臂不同平面双手创伤性缺失的患者行异体双手移植,术前、术中及术后一体化康复治疗,随访17~36个月。结果:两例患者术后疗效均达优良;然而从功能、感觉、外形等方面综合评价,前臂近1/3平面移植双手优于前臂远1/4平面移植双手。结论:医生经验积累和患者主观能动性充分发挥将有助于移植手良好功能的恢复。  相似文献   

两例异体手移植患者的功能康复治疗   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:报告2例异体移植手功能康复治疗情况。方法:2例右手外伤性缺如病人进行异体手移植手术。术后进行综合康复治疗以及心理治疗。结果:术后10个月移植手功能评价:病例1、2手指运动功能恢复等级均为良,病例1正中神经恢复等级优,尺神经恢复等级良,病例2正中、尺神经恢复等级均为可。结论:采用综合康复治疗是提高移植的异体手功能恢复的重要环节。  相似文献   

The aim was to study if postoperative rehabilitation improves functional outcome in lumbar spinal stenosis (LSS). Surgically treated LSS patients (n = 102) were randomized to rehabilitation-group (A) and “standard postoperative treatment”—group (B). Intervention for A-group started 3 months postoperatively, consisting of once a week outpatient visits for 12 weeks (1.5 h per visit; 1–6 patients per one physiotherapist). Physiotherapist guided stretching and strengthening exercises. A-group performed individually estimated exercises at those visits with guiding and at home up to 24-month postoperative follow-up. Physiotherapeutic guidance (12 times) was repeated after 12 months, in order to update exercises and motivate patients to keep training. For B-group, the “standard treatment” thus included normal postoperative treatment, or no treatment/self-management. Outcome measures were measured at the start and the end of the first physiotherapeutic intervention (3 and 6 months postoperatively), and at 12- and 24-month postoperative follow-ups. Oswestry Disability Index (ODI, 0–100%) was the main outcome measure. The other outcome measures were back- and leg pain separately (NRS-11); satisfaction (7-point scale) and treadmill test (0–1,000 m; not at 6 month). The intervention consisting of 12 + 12 physiotherapeutic sessions with further home exercises did not influence the course ODI in the 24-month postoperative follow-up (p = 0.95 for ODI; “as-rehabilitated” analysis). No influence on any other outcome measures was observed. After LSS surgery, routinely performed outpatient rehabilitation did not improve functional outcome compared to standard treatment. In addition, it had no impact on the back and leg pain, satisfaction and walking ability.  相似文献   

系统康复治疗手烧伤的效果及成本评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 了解手烧伤后系统康复治疗的效果,并从经济学角度评价康复治疗的成本.方法 将62例烧伤患者98只患手分为康复组(32例,48只患手)和对照组(30例,50只患手),康复组在烧伤后早期进行系统康复冶疗,对照组给予指导性教育.于治疗前及治疗5个月后采用Carroll 上肢功能评定标准,对2组患者上肢及手的整体功能包括从粗大到精细的抓、握、捏、夹,前臂旋前、旋后,取物、放物及写字等进行定量评定,比较系统康复治疗前后功能恢复情况.统计2组患者5个月内的相关医疗费用,进行成本效果分析. 结果 康复组:37只手的对指、对掌、握、捏功能恢复良好,患者能够独立完成进食、穿衣、如厕、整理个人卫生等日常活动;7只手的对指、对掌、握、捏功能恢复过半,掌指关节恢复较好,而指间关节相对较差,患者可完成手的抓握等粗大动作.精细动作相对较差.灵活、协调性动作较差;4只手困残余肉芽创面,未严格按处方要求坚持治疗,手各关节活动度差,功能受限.对照组:23只手进行了修复手术,14只手功能恢复较好,多数精细动作相对较差.灵活、协调性动作较差,13只手出现严重的爪形手.康复组患者总成本平均值与甲均功能增量值的比值为181±11,明显低于对照组(298±30,P<0.01). 结论 系统康复治疗对手烧伤后畸形有良好的预防和治疗作用,可促进手功能的恢复,改善手部外观.从经济学角度分析,手烧伤后早期进行规范的系统康复治疗是经济、有效的.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to describe the indication, planning, technique, rehabilitation, and clinical results after cryopreserved allograft meniscus transplantation. Forty consecutive patients, 33 men and 7 women (mean, 37.3 years of age), were evaluated at 1-year follow-up post surgery. Symptoms, patient satisfaction, ROM (range of motion), surgical time, blood loss, and surgical history were evaluated. Thirty-eight (95%) patients had previous total or partial meniscectomy (mean, 11.4 years ago). Preoperatively, chief complaints were knee joint line pain and swelling. Mean surgical time and blood loss were 123min and 87g, respectively. At 12 months postsurgery, 5% and 10%, respectively, complained of pain and swelling; ROM was 0°–132°. Thirty-eight (95%) patients were satisfied. According to the results, meniscus transplantation can lead to significant pain relief and satisfaction in young symptomatic meniscectomized patients. However, long-term results must be obtained to prove the effectiveness of this technique in prevention of degenerative joint changes.  相似文献   

《Journal of hand therapy》2020,33(3):426-434
Study DesignCase report.IntroductionThis case report details the postsurgical rehabilitation and outcome of a young maintenance man who sustained a complete amputation of his dominant upper limb at the level of the distal forearm. The patient underwent replantation surgery with 2-centimeter bone shortening, followed by early controlled active motion commencing on day 6.Purpose of the StudyTo illustrate the use of early motion after replantation.ResultsThe patient achieved almost full active range of motion of the digits, intrinsic function, 30 seconds on Nine-Hole Peg Test and early return to work without any additional reconstructive procedures.DiscussionSeveral fairly recently published protocols advocate initiating active range of motion at only 3 or 4 weeks after upper limb replantation. The following therapeutic interventions were considered important contributors to our favorable functional outcome; early controlled active motion, occupation-based therapy in combination with therapeutic exercises and many custom molded orthoses.ConclusionFuture research is required to determine if bone shortening, which is an integral part of replantation surgery, reduces tendon repair tension, allowing for early active motion and thereby contributing to a favorable outcome.  相似文献   

目的 探讨中、重度前臂缺血性肌肉挛缩晚期功能重建的手术方法及疗效。方法 对42例中、重度前臂缺血性肌肉挛缩的晚期患者,进行旋前畸形矫正和旋后对掌功能重建手术。其中6例行指浅、深屈肌腱交叉延长术,17例行肌腱转位术+骨间膜、旋前方肌松解术,19例行肌腱转位术+骨间膜、旋前方肌松解术+腕屈肌旋后功能重建术。结果 术后42例患者均获得6~34个月的随访。旋后功能恢复:优9例,良18例,可12例,差3例,优良率为64.3%。手功能恢复:优11例,良15例,可14例,差2例,优良率为61.9%。结论 对中、重度晚期缺血性肌肉挛缩的患者,应针对其不同的挛缩程度采用不同的手术方法进行治疗。  相似文献   

This case report reveals the implementation of sensorimotor adaptation and learning process for rehabilitation in a patient with traumatic brain injury to achieve optimum recovery which is permanent in nature in compliance to the disability rating scale. A twenty two year old gentleman who had a history of fall was diagnosed as having subarachnoid hemorrhage along with diffuse axonal injury of the brain and bilateral lung contusion with pneumothorax. He underwent a total of ten months of sensorimotor adaptation and learning process for rehabilitation, which achieved functional mobility with a walker.  相似文献   

A functional restoration (FR) program, dealing with a combination of intensive physical and ergonomic training, psychological pain management, and patient education, was tested in two randomized, parallel group studies. In one of these patients following the FR program were compared with a non-treated control group (project A), and in the other with patients on two less intensive treatment programs (project B). A total of 238 chronic low back pain patients participated in the two studies, 106 entering project A and 132 project B. Patients from the two projects were comparable except that the patients in project A were recruited from all over the country, whereas patients in project B all were living in and around Copenhagen. Thirteen patients never started any treatment, and 20 patients (9%) dropped out during the treatment period. Of the 207 who completed treatment, 89% returned a mailed questionnaire 5 years later. This was the case for 55% of the drop-outs. The questions referred to work situation, pain level, activities of daily living, days of sick leave, contact with health care professionals, physical activity, use of medication, and a subjective overall assessment. The results show that in project A the treated group reported significantly fewer contacts with the health care system and significantly fewer days of sick leave over the 5-year follow-up period compared to the control group. In all other parameters, including work ability, there was no statistically significant difference between the two groups. In project B, patients treated in the FR program did significantly better in most measured parameters, except in leg pain, use of pain medication and sport activity, where no significant differences were found between groups. The overall result shows a positive long-term effect of the FR program, but it also shows the necessity of testing a given treatment in different projects and designs, among other things due to statistical variations. Received: 7 May 1997 Revised: 20 October 1997 Accepted: 5 November 1997  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to present the long‐term outcomes of allogenic hand transplantations performed at our centre. Between January 2001 and October 2002, five allogeneic limb transplantations were performed in three patients (two bilateral forearm and one left hand transplantation). Donors and recipients were matched for blood types (ABO/Rh) and had at least two human leukocyte antigen (HLA) matches. A comprehensive rehabilitation plan integrating preoperative, intraoperative and postoperative management was developed for each patient. After 10 years, all transplantations were performed successfully without complications. As of 2014, all grafts were viable. The transplanted hands showed palmate morphology, perceived superficial pain and tactile sensations, and the static two‐point discrimination ranged from 2·5 to 4·0 mm. Chronic rejection at 4 years after surgery reduced hand function in case 2. Grip strength ranged from 3 kg (case 2) to 16–18 kg (case 1) to 41–43 kg for case 3. Lifting strength ranged from 3 kg (case 2) to 21–23 kg (case 1) to 47–51 kg for case 3. They lead a completely independent life. In summary, hand function following allogeneic limb transplantation allows the ability to perform tasks of daily living.  相似文献   

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