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目的探讨成人小耳畸形的扩张器法耳廓再造术的序贯治疗。方法第一期手术行皮肤定量扩张器埋置;第二期扩张皮肤形成耳前扩张皮瓣(A瓣)、耳下扩张皮瓣(B瓣),同时残耳形成残耳皮瓣(C瓣),应用第七、第八或仅第七肋软骨雕刻立体支架进行耳廓再造术,A,B和C"三瓣"从前方、下后方和下方包裹支架,使用耳后筋膜瓣从后方包裹支架,筋膜瓣后方行皮片移植治疗。结果 2010年1月至2012年6月,共应用成人"三瓣"技术实施扩张器法耳廓再造73例(78耳)。再造耳廓立体感强、表面结构清晰可见,耳后瘢痕隐藏于颅耳沟中部。结论成人"三瓣法"小耳畸形的扩张器耳廓再造术并发症较少,再造耳廓不仅形态逼真而且耳后瘢痕隐蔽,值得推广应用。  相似文献   

目的探讨一种再造耳廓位置的定位方法(苏氏定位法[1])在先天性小耳畸形患者耳廓再造中的应用。方法收集893例先天性小耳畸形患者作为实验组,在耳廓再造中应用苏氏定位法对再造耳廓进行定位;以289例先天性小耳畸形患者作为对照组,在耳廓再造中应用目测测量法对再造耳廓进行定位。术后半年测量再造耳廓与健侧耳廓的前后、上下位置差值并进行统计学分析。结果实验组两侧耳廓前后、上下位置差值(0.55±0.18 cm、0.43±0.15 cm)小于对照组(0.71±0.22 cm、0.63±0.19 cm)差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论苏氏定位法应用于先天性小耳畸形患者耳廓再造手术中,能使再造耳廓位置更准确,优势明显,是目前耳廓再造手术中较好的定位方法,值得临床应用与推广。  相似文献   

目的 探讨全扩张“单瓣法”外耳再造在耳廓畸形患者中的应用及效果。方法 总结2019年1月—2022年9月武警部队山东省总队医院155例(162耳)耳廓畸形患者,全部采用全扩张“单瓣法”外耳再造。结果 术后随访3个月~3年,155例(162耳),其中5例术后出现再造耳术腔血肿,经更换负压引流管或穿刺抽血肿后治愈;5例术后出现软骨支架外露,经局部拉拢缝合、带蒂皮瓣转移或带蒂颞肌筋膜瓣覆盖外露软骨支架局部植皮修复等处理后治愈。全部病例最终均获得满意效果,再造耳廓位置与健耳对称,再造耳廓皮肤颜色正常,耳廓细微结构显示清晰。结论 全扩张“单瓣法”外耳再造效果确切,术后并发症少,是耳廓畸形患者外耳再造较为理想的方法。  相似文献   

显微移植耳廓复合组织瓣再造鼻翼   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
OBJECTIVE: The plastic surgeons prefer to reconstruct nasal alar with free auricular composite flap because it well matches nasal tissue in contour, texture and color. However, the size of the free composite flap should be less than 1. 0 cm x 1.5 cm due to the limitation of revascularization. Our aim is to search for a surgical method which could be used to repair full-layer larger nasal alar defects. METHODS: A surgical technique was presented to repair nasal alar defect with a free auricular composite flap, which was vascularized by branches of superficial temporal artery. Briefly, the contralateral auricular composite tissue pedicled by superficial temporal vessels (3 to 4 cm in length) was harvested from region of helix crus and preauricular skin, which matched the arc of the nasal rim, and then transplanted onto the recipient area. The superficial temporal vessel pedicles were anastomosed to facial vessels via vessel grafts harvested from lateral circumflex femoral vessels, which were about 10 to 12 cm in length. RESULTS: Twelve cases were treated, among them, 11 cases were successfully repaired with satisfactory results, one case failed, possibly due to the bad condition of the patient's blood vessels. In our cases, the size of alar defect varied from 1.5 cm x 2.5 cm to 2.0 cm x 3.8 cm. The minimal auricular donor site deformities and inconspicuous scar were acceptable and could easily be hidden by hair. CONCLUSIONS: The technique of free auricular composite flap, which is vascularized by superficial temporal vessels, is ideal for nasal alar reconstruction.  相似文献   

目的 探讨带蒂扩张皮瓣加带蒂筋膜瓣“两瓣法”在先天性小耳畸形患者耳郭再造中的应用及效果。 方法 总结2012年1月至2018年1月期间712例(756耳)先天性小耳畸形患者,全部采用“两瓣法”行耳郭再造。 结果 术后随访1~6年,712例(756耳),其中15例(15耳)术后出现钢丝外露,经及时处理,拆除钢丝后治愈;10例术后出现再造耳郭皮下血肿,经更换负压引流管,引流通畅后,血肿消失;3例因术后患者保护不当,再造耳郭受压、碰伤导致软骨支架外露,经局部皮肤拉拢缝合,带蒂筋膜瓣覆盖表面植皮,及时处理后治愈。全部病例最终效果均满意,再造耳郭的大小、形态、位置与健耳对称,再造耳郭皮肤颜色正常,耳郭软骨支架无外露及吸收,细微凹凸结构显示清晰。 结论 “两瓣法”耳郭再造效果确切,术后并发症少,是先天性小耳畸形行耳郭再造较好的方法。  相似文献   

目的探讨耳廓再造术后三期中利用耳甲腔部残留组织抬高耳颅角的一种方法方法于再造耳廓的耳甲腔位置做一蒂在耳屏位置的半圆形切口,切开皮肤剥离皮肤之下的筋膜瓣组织至合适的耳甲腔大小,将此筋膜瓣带蒂通过隧道牵拉反折至耳支架后方耳颅角处固定,使患侧耳颅角抬高,耳甲腔及耳颅角处分别植皮。结果本组患者共56例,均应用此方法抬高耳颅角,术后随访患者40例,随访时间6-14个月,平均随访时间11个月,术后耳颅角维持在20-30°,外形美观,患者满意。结论耳甲腔下筋膜瓣组织转移行耳颅角抬高手术方式简便可行,安全,并发症少,是值得推广的一种方法。  相似文献   

目的探讨畸形小耳的残耳组织在耳廓再造成型术中的作用及效果。方法对29例先天性小耳畸形患者临床资料进行回顾性分析,所有患者均接受外科耳廓再造术治疗,分析内容包括治疗方法、临床疗效等。结果29例先天性小耳畸形患者均顺利完成耳廓再造手术治疗,手术成功率100.00%,其中1例(3.45%)出现组织皮瓣坏死及血运障碍,经对症处理后痊愈出院。结论对先天性小耳畸形患者利用残耳组织实施耳廓再造手术治疗可显著提高其疗效及预后,有利于保障患者生活质量及身心健康。  相似文献   

有些头颈部恶性肿瘤手术造成的复杂缺损给医生带来挑战,股前外侧皮瓣、前臂皮瓣、游离腓骨皮瓣等都是常见的修复选择供区。近年来,股前外侧脂肪筋膜瓣在头颈部的修复重建中也得到较多的应用。论文收集近期的文献资料,综述股前外侧筋膜瓣的应用解剖特点以及对该皮瓣在头颈部各个亚单位的修复应用现状进行文献复习,总结该皮瓣使用的适应证、优缺点,以提高临床医生对该筋膜瓣的认识。  相似文献   

目的分析与总结"全扩张法"耳廓再造术治疗先天性小耳畸形的临床经验,并探讨该方法的适应症。方法自2014年7月至2016年6月,根据患者年龄、耳后乳突区皮肤厚度及松紧度差异,选择年龄大于8岁、耳后皮肤松弛的患者共220例采用"全扩张法"耳郭再造术。手术分三期完成,一期耳后扩张器置入术,二期全耳再造术,三期再造耳修整术。结果 220例患者术后平均随访9个月,196例(89.0%)患者及家属对再造耳廓形态满意,21例(9.5%)认为再造耳廓可以接受,3例(1.4%)对再造耳形态不满意。216例(98.2%)患者胸部瘢痕均未超过4cm,最短只有1.5cm,未出现明显的胸廓畸形;扩张期相关并发症发生率3.2%,再造耳并发症发生率5.0%。结论"全扩张法"耳廓再造术是治疗先天性小耳畸形的理想术式之一。患者年龄大于8岁、耳后乳突区皮肤松弛,是"全扩张法"耳廓再造术治疗先天性小耳畸形的适应症。  相似文献   

目的:探索先天性小耳并外耳道闭锁行耳廓和中耳一期成形术的效果。方法:对6例(耳)采用Medpor聚乙烯材料作为对耳轮支架,膨体聚四氟乙烯(PTFE)作为耳轮支架,一期进行耳廓,外耳道,中耳成形。结果:术后随访8-23个月,听力平均提高28dB,耳廓外观满意,无再狭窄或闭锁。结论:Medpor作为对耳轮支架,PTFE作为耳轮支架,一期进行耳廓,外耳道,中耳成形,可以达到满意的术后效果。  相似文献   

软壁外耳道重建的鼓室成形术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:观察软壁外耳道重建的鼓室成形术治疗胆脂瘤中耳炎的疗效。方法:73例(76耳)胆脂瘤中耳炎患者行开放式乳突病变切除鼓室成形术,以耳后肌骨膜瓣行软壁外耳道重建,不做耳甲腔成形术,应用自体乳突皮质骨或砧骨雕刻后行听骨链重建。观察术后外耳道的形态和功能、术后听力以及有无并发症。结果:本组平均干耳时间为术后(21.1±3.1)d。术后外耳道形态基本正常,保持了正常的功能。随访6~24个月,术后气导听力平均改善(14.5±6.1)dB HL。结论:应用耳后肌骨膜瓣行软壁外耳道重建的鼓室成形术能使外耳道的形态和功能基本恢复正常,无需行耳甲腔成形术,听力改善满意。  相似文献   

Surgical treatment of acquired atresia of the outer ear canal remains in some cases troublesome. Based on previous experience, we have refined the existing surgical technique to obtain better results. In four patients we used two pedicled skin flaps for the treatment of total mature post-inflammatory atresia of the outer ear canal. We raised two well-vascularized pedicled skin flaps with the distal 1.5–2 cm thinned to the level of a full-thickness skin graft. All patients showed complete primary healing with stable coverage and near to complete air-bone gap closure.  相似文献   

目的 探讨带蒂颞肌筋膜隧道皮瓣作为修补及支撑组织应用于鼓室成形术中的临床功效。方法 选择病变较轻的中耳炎96耳,其中46耳以带蒂颞肌筋膜隧道膜瓣为修补材料行鼓室成形术I型,另外50耳以游离颞肌筋膜修补鼓膜,作出对比;选择病变较重的中耳炎73耳,其中23耳去除外耳道后壁再以带蒂颞肌筋膜隧道膜瓣作为外耳道后壁软支架,另外50耳行乳突根治术,作出对比。结果 经过半年随访,转蒂移植的颞肌筋膜隧道皮瓣愈合良好,该组成活率为97.8%,游离颞肌筋膜组为88.0%,术后听力提高相仿。以带蒂颞肌筋膜瓣作为外耳道后壁软支架的病例组术后半年干耳率91.3%,乳突根治术半年干耳率92.0%,术后半年听力提高前者大于后者,行t检验提示有差别。结论 带蒂颞肌筋膜隧道膜瓣可作为良好的修补及支撑组织应用于慢性化脓性中耳炎的手术中。  相似文献   



The superficial layer of deep cervical fascia represents a valuable material for the reconstruction of defects secondary to partial vertical laryngeal resections. However, there are drawbacks to the use of this flap, which include possible weakness and subsequent instability of the laryngeal wall.


To overcome this problem, we included platysma along with the superficial layer of deep cervical fascia to form a composite soft tissue flap that will meet all reconstructive needs following partial vertical laryngeal resection.


Inclusion of platysma yields more durable and adequately vascularized flap resistant to saliva, seroma formation, and infection. Because of segmental blood supply of strap muscles and their indirect perforating vessels, medially based horizontal composite flap is better supplied with blood in comparison with cranially based vertical flap. Medial insertion of the horizontal flap is much more convenient than lateral, due to ancillary blood supply from the contralateral side and easier pursuance of ipsilateral neck dissection.


The method of our choice for laryngeal reconstruction after partial vertical laryngeal resections is paramedially based horizontal platysmofascial composite flap with the insertion opposite to the side of the primary laryngeal tumor.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Assessment of plastipore prostheses for middle ear ossicular chain reconstruction. Hearing results with total and partial Plastipore ossicular replacement prostheses (TORP and PORP) were evaluated in open- and closed-cavity operations. STUDY DESIGN: A retrospective review of 237 patients who underwent operation for chronic ear disease as well as ossiculoplasty with plastipore prostheses. In order to assess the functional results, only 156 of 237 patients were included in the study. Follow-up ranged from 6 to 46 months. METHODS: Canal wall up and canal wall down operations were performed. Either TORP or PORP ossiculoplasty was performed in each operation. An airbone gap closure to within 20 dB was considered successful. RESULTS: With TORPs, the airbone gap closure to within 20 dB was achieved in 43.1%, and similar results were obtained with PORPs in 63.3%. In canal wall down and canal wall up operations, the success rates were 55.8% and 55.7%, respectively. The best results were obtained with PORPs in canal wall down operations, with a success rate of 82%. The extrusion rate of the prostheses was 4.2%. CONCLUSION: Hearing results of PORPs are better than TORPs. In canal wall up and canal wall down operations similar hearing results are obtained. PORP ossiculoplasty in a canal wall down operation yields the most favorable hearing result.  相似文献   

Comparative silver-staining of argyrophilic nuclear organizer regions (AgNORs) was performed to study the proliferative activity of auditory meatal skin and middle ear cholesteatoma. AgNOR expression patterns were counted by standardized methods in two centres, Bochum and London, and mean numbers of dots per nucleus were calculated. Specimens of normal auditory meatal skin showed 1.54 dots/nucleus (n = 12) in the Bochum study, whereas cholesteatoma had 3.71 dots/nucleus (n = 21). In the London study normal meatal skin showed two dots/nucleus (n = 4), whereas acquired cholesteatoma (n = 8) gave a mean of 4.90 dots/nucleus and congenital cholesteatoma a mean of 4.70 dots/nucleus (n = 2). Our findings confirm the hyperproliferative state of middle ear cholesteatoma, suggest that the congenital variety of cholesteatoma may have a similar activity and indicate that AgNOR staining is a useful technique for assessing cellular proliferation in cholesteatoma and objectifying and quantifying its aggressive behaviour.  相似文献   

To clarify the usefulness of modified soft-wall reconstruction method by combing with mastoid obliteration, 96 patients (98 ears) with their age ranging from 5 to 82 (average 51.3), including 62 ears with chronic otitis media (COM) with cholesteatoma, 18 ears with non-cholesteatomatous COM, 14 ears with postoperative cavity problem, and 4 ears with adhesive-type COM, who had soft-wall reconstruction of the posterior ear canal and mastoid obliteration using mainly bone powder following mastoidectomy, were evaluated their postoperative conditions more than a year after surgery. Overall success rate was 76.5% (75/98), and fresh cases showed better success rate (84.8%) than those with a history of multiple surgeries (69.2%). Among unsuccessful cases, crust and/or debris accumulation was observed most (nine ears), followed by persistent wet condition (seven ears), and exposure of the obliterated material (five ears), while only two ears showed a retraction pocket formation. The success rates remained almost the same among those who were followed for more than 2 and 3 years (46/61, 75% and 21/28, 75%, respectively). In 60 ears on which postoperative hearing was assessed, 41.7% showed less than 15 dB of air-bone gap (ABG), and 61.7% showed less than 20 dB of ABG. Mastoid obliteration with bone powder in combination with soft-wall reconstruction of the posterior ear canal appeared a useful method for obliterating mastoidectomized cavity especially for prevention of postoperative pocket formation. This paper was presented at the 139th Annual meeting of American Otological Society, in Chicago, IL, USA on May 20, 2006, and its abstract appeared in the Transactions of the American Otological Society, Inc.  相似文献   

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