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腹泻是猪最常见的一种临床症状,它不能构成一种独立的疾病。腹泻是由多种致病因素(病因)引起的一种综合性临床症状。临床治疗用药时,一定要按照致病的病因选择用药方法,进行治疗,才能收到满意的效果,常用的治疗方法有:1 停食法 停食是猪腹泻最简单的一种治疗方法。它主要用于中毒引起的一类腹泻,病猪腹泻前或正在腹泻时有喂有毒、霉  相似文献   

正立秋后,早晚温差变大,小儿秋季腹泻的发病率逐步增高。家有腹泻患儿,家长有必要了解一些小儿腹泻的家庭治疗、护理方法。轮状病毒是秋季腹泻的祸首秋季腹泻多以病毒感染为主,其中40%~70%是由轮状病毒感染引起的,柯萨奇病毒、ECHO病毒也是引起秋季腹泻的常见病毒。这些病毒性腹泻的传染源主要有病人、隐性感染者及带病毒者。一般急性期患者发病2~4天内的大便中含有大量轮状病毒或其他致病  相似文献   

小儿腹泻是一种常见病,其原因错综复杂,除生理性腹泻、细菌性腹泻、病毒性腹泻外.霉菌也可引起小儿腹泻。引起人类致病的霉菌虽为数不多,但危害不浅。因为霉菌感染具有传播广、治疗困难以及容易被忽略的特点。小儿霉菌性腹泻就是一种典型的霉菌性疾病。已成为影响小儿生长发育和健康的重要原因。  相似文献   

人们在外出旅行过程中由于种种原因所发生的腹泻被称之为旅行者腹泻(Travelers dianhea).引起旅行者腹泻的病因复杂多样,但最多见的仍是由生物性致病因子引起的感染性腹泻,即当今人们所谓的腹泻病.本文拟就中国腹泻病的现状和控制对策作一简介.  相似文献   

治疗急性腹泻的药物可分为3类:抗生素、吸附剂和微生态制剂。抗生素主要包括有黄连素、庆大霉素、氧氟沙星等,此类药物主要用于细菌感染引起的急性腹泻;吸附剂主要是蒙脱石散,它能够吸附胃肠道的致病因子,连同大便一起排出,而且在胃肠道黏膜表面形成保护层,  相似文献   

霍乱弧菌致病因子及调控基因研究进展   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
霍乱的发病机制复杂,霍乱弧菌到达小肠粘膜后,首先要定居于小肠粘膜并产生肠毒素,进而破坏小肠上皮细胞对离子的转运,引起腹泻。尽管霍乱毒素(cholera toxin,CT)是霍乱弧菌致腹泻的主要致病因子,但霍乱弧菌在其致病过程中还依赖于其它一些毒力因子的协同作用。现对霍乱弧菌致病因子及调控基因研究进展综述如下。  相似文献   

正11月,立冬和小雪节气的到来拉开了冬天的序幕。每年的11月到次年4月是流感的高发季节,体质较弱人群和老年人、幼儿可以提前接种流感疫苗。每年此时也是病毒性腹泻的高发季,要格外注意食品安全和个人卫生。11月有"世界慢阻肺日",及时戒烟缓解慢阻肺。注意个人卫生预防病毒性腹泻病毒性腹泻是由病毒引起的一种感染性腹泻,主要致病病毒有轮状病毒、诺如病毒等。其中诺如病毒感染具有发病急、传播快、  相似文献   

近年来,已证实产毒大肠杆菌(ETEC)是引起人类急性腹泻的重要病原,也是发展中国家婴幼儿腹泻的主要病原。ETEC致病机理研究的较为清楚,主要是细菌通过污染食物和水,经口进入肠道,细菌借助定居因子定居于近端小肠粘膜上,并产生肠毒素(外毒素),引起分泌亢进,而致水样腹泻。我们于1989年3-10月对济南市历城区近郊202例腹亢患者做了病原学监测(历城区是山东省的腹泻监测点)。在检出的72株病原菌中,有56株是ETEC,而且主要集中在区驻地洪  相似文献   

霍乱弧菌毒力因子的检测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
霍乱是由霍乱弧菌引起的烈性肠道传染病。霍乱致病主要依靠毒素和定居因子作用在小肠粘膜上皮细胞引起大量肠液分泌导致腹泻。霍乱的主要致病因子是由霍乱弧菌产生的霍乱毒素(CT),此外还有许多别的毒力因子,如近来新发现的毒力因子Zot(Zonulaocclu-...  相似文献   

众所周知,从急性腹泻病人分离的大肠菌株多数能产生耐热肠毒素(ST)和不耐热肠毒素(LT)。有人将引起腹泻的LT致病作用和霍乱肠毒素比较,证明与霍乱腺苷环酶(Adenyl cyclase)刺激作用非常相似。但ST引起腹泻的作用方式尚未明瞭,仅产生ST的大肠杆菌一向被认为是动物腹泻的病因,最近,Sack氏等在墨西哥城从三名腹泻旅游者  相似文献   

The microbial diversity of wastewater used for irrigation and fertilization was assessed using specific polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assays to detect and genotype several pathogenic protists including Cryptosporidium spp., Giardia duodenalis, Cyclospora spp., Eimeria spp. and Enterocytozoon bieneusi. A total of 220 wastewater samples (110 raw, 110 treated) and 12 sludge samples were collected from 2005 to 2008 from 18 treatment plants located throughout Tunisia. Except for Cyclospora, which was detected only once, E. bieneusi (61%), G. duodenalis (28%), Cryptosporidium spp. (27%) and Eimeria spp. (45%) were frequently observed in wastewater and sludge. Sequencing of PCR products showed that C. hominis, C. andersoni, G. duodenalis sub-assemblage A-II and E. bieneusi genotypes D and IV were the most prevalent. An analysis of the distribution of 209 internal transcribed spacer sequences of E. bieneusi originating from wastewater at the 18 treatment plants showed a similar genetic diversity, regardless of the geographical location. The identification of these parasite species and genotypes and of host-specific Eimeria species indicates that the microbial quality of wastewater was impacted by humans, livestock and rodents. Given the public health risks that some of these parasites represent, guidelines on wastewater usage are needed to minimize human exposure to these pathogens.  相似文献   

Human enteropathogenic microsporidia (HEM), Cryptosporidium parvum, Cyclospora cayetanesis, and Giardia lamblia are associated with gastrointestinal disease in humans. To date, the mode of transmission and environmental occurrence of HEM (Encephalitozoon intestinalis and Enterocytozoon bieneusi) and Cyclospora cayetanesis have not been fully elucidated due to lack of sensitive and specific environmental screening methods. The present study was undertaken with recently developed methods, to screen various water sources used for public consumption in rural areas around the city of Guatemala. Water concentrates collected in these areas were subjected to community DNA extraction followed by PCR amplification, PCR sequencing and computer database homology comparison (CDHC). All water samples screened in this study had been previously confirmed positive for Giardia spp. by immunofluorescent assay (IFA). Of the 12 water concentrates screened, 6 showed amplification of microsporidial SSU-rDNA and were subsequently confirmed to be Encephalitozoon intestinalis. Five of the samples allowed for amplification of Cyclospora 18S-rDNA; three of these were confirmed to be Cyclospora cayetanesis while two could not be identified because of inadequate sequence information. Thus, this study represents the first confirmed identification of Cyclospora cayetanesis and Encephalitozoon intestinalis in source water used for consumption. The fact that the waters tested may be used for human consumption indicates that these emerging protozoa may be transmitted by ingestion of contaminated water.  相似文献   

New and emerging infectious diseases pose a threat to public health and may be responsible for nosocomial outbreaks. Cryptosporidium parvum and Escherichia coli are gastrointestinal pathogens that have caused nosocomial infections via person-to-person transmission, environmental contamination, or contaminated water or food. Helicobacter pylori has been transmitted via inadequately disinfected endoscopes. Finally, hepatitis C may be acquired by healthcare personnel by percutaneous or mucous membrane exposure to blood or between patients by use of contaminated blood products or via environmental contamination. Rigorous adherence to Standard Precautions, Contact Precautions for patients with infectious diarrhea, disinfection of environmental surfaces, and appropriate disinfection of endoscopes are adequate to prevent nosocomial acquisition of these pathogens.  相似文献   

Cryptosporidiosis is a gastrointestinal illness caused by parasitic protozoa of the genus Cryptosporidium and can produce watery diarrhea lasting 1-3 weeks; one or two cases per 100,000 population are reported annually in the United States. Fecal-oral transmission of Cryptosporidium oocysts occurs through ingestion of contaminated drinking or recreational water, consumption of contaminated food, and contact with infected persons or animals (e.g., cattle or sheep). Unlike bacterial pathogens, Cryptosporidium oocysts are resistant to chlorine disinfection and can survive for days in treated recreational water venues (e.g., public and residential swimming pools and community and commercial water parks) despite adherence to recommended residual chlorine levels (1-3 ppm). For 2006, a total of 18 cryptosporidiosis outbreaks have been reported (as of July 24, 2007) to CDC's U.S. Waterborne Disease and Outbreak Surveillance System, compared with five outbreaks reported for 2003 and seven for 2004; data for 2005 and 2006 are not yet final. This report describes five laboratory-confirmed cryptosporidiosis outbreaks in 2006 that involved public recreational water use. The popularity of recreational water venues, the number and geographic distribution of recent cryptosporidiosis outbreaks, and the resistance of Cryptosporidium to chlorination suggest that treatment strategies for recreational water facilities need to be improved.  相似文献   

Several Cryptosporidium spp. are known to infect humans, but most cases of illness are caused by Cryptosporidium hominis or C. parvum. During a long-term genotyping in the United Kingdom, we identified 3 unusual Cryptosporidium genotypes (skunk, horse, and rabbit) in human patients with diarrhea.  相似文献   

The intestinal coccidioses caused by Cryptosporidium parvum, Isospora belli, and Cyclospora cayetanensis are parasitoses of major medical importance, but many epidemiological aspects of these infections are still unknown in Bolívar State, Venezuela. To determine the prevalence of intestinal parasites and especially of intestinal coccidiosis, an indigenous population in San Antonio de Morichal was evaluated from July 2003 to April 2004. Stool samples obtained by spontaneous evacuation were preserved in potassium dichromate 2.5% and examined by the formalin-ether concentration method and Kinyoun staining. Of the 160 indigenous people examined, 92.5% (148 cases) were infected. Entamoeba coli (58.8%), Ascaris lumbricoides (38.8%), and Giardia lamblia (18.8%) were the most prevalent intestinal parasites. Coccidiosis prevalence was 13.1%, and cyclosporiasis was the most prevalent with 11.9% (19 cases). One subject with C. parvum oocysts and another with I. belli oocysts were diagnosed. There was no difference according to sex (p > 0.05) and age (chi2 = 5.6; f.g. = 6) among individuals infected with C. cayetanensis. Of these, two cases had only diarrhea. In conclusion, a high prevalence of intestinal coccidiosis infection was found among indigenous people from this community, with C. cayetanensis as the most prevalent infection.  相似文献   

From January 1995 through July 1998, we investigated the occurrence of Cyclospora cayetanensis infection associated with gastrointestinal illness or diarrhea in foreign residents and natives of West Java, Indonesia. We found that C. cayetanensis was the main protozoal cause of gastrointestinal illness and diarrhea in adult foreign residents during the wet season. The parasite rarely caused illness in the indigenous population or in children.  相似文献   

To determine whether clinical manifestations are associated with genotypes or subtypes of Cryptosporidium spp., we studied a 4-year longitudinal birth cohort of 533 children in Peru. A total of 156 infection episodes were found in 109 children. Data from first infections showed that C. hominis was associated with diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, general malaise, and increased oocyst shedding intensity and duration. In contrast, C. parvum, C. meleagridis, C. canis, and C. felis were associated with diarrhea only. C. hominis subtype families were identified (Ia, Ib, Id, and Ie); all were associated with diarrhea. Ib was also associated with nausea, vomiting, and general malaise. All C. parvum specimens belonged to subtype family IIc. Analysis of risk factors did not show associations with specific Cryptosporidium spp. genotypes or subtypes. These findings strongly suggest that Cryptosporidium spp. and subtypes are linked to different clinical manifestations in children.  相似文献   

Cryptosporidium parvum, a leading cause of persistent diarrhea in developing countries, is a major threat to the U.S. water supply. Able to infect with as few as 30 microscopic oocysts, Cryptosporidium is found in untreated surface water, as well as in swimming and wade pools, day-care centers, and hospitals. The organism can cause illnesses lasting longer than 1 to 2 weeks in previously healthy persons or indefinitely in immunocompromised patients; furthermore, in young children in developing countries, cryptosporidiosis predisposes to substantially increased diarrheal illnesses. Recent increased awareness of the threat of cryptosporidiosis should improve detection in patients with diarrhea. New methods such as those using polymerase chain reaction may help with detection of Cryptosporidium in water supplies or in asymptomatic carriers. Although treatment is very limited, new approaches that may reduce secretion or enhance repair of the damaged intestinal mucosa are under study.  相似文献   

目的通过检测HIV感染合并慢性腹泻患者的粪便标本,来分析这些患者的病原微生物的感染状况,从而使患者能够得到及时的治疗。方法收集我院的2008年1月-2013年6月的一共79例HIV感染合并慢性腹泻患者的粪便为标本,然后对这些标本进行涂片及染色检查。采用常规的粪便培养来检测沙门菌、志贺菌、真菌以及肠侵袭性大肠埃希菌:直接涂片检测蓝氏贾第鞭毛虫;革兰染色检测真菌孢子以及菌丝:抗酸染色检测分枝杆菌:改良的抗酸染色法来检测隐孢子虫;微需氧培养检测空肠弯曲菌;金标法来检测难辨梭状芽孢杆菌。结果79份标本,47份标本检测出有病原微生物的感染,阳性率是59.49%,其中感染真菌最多,有22株,感染隐孢子虫有13株,感染结核分枝杆菌有6株,感染难辨梭状芽孢杆菌有3株,感染空肠弯曲菌有2株,感染沙门菌有1株。结论HIV感染合并慢性腹泻患者最易感染真菌,其次就是隐孢子虫,分枝杆菌和难辨梭状芽孢杆菌感染率也比较高,因此值得临床医生的重视,积极的寻找病原,从而使患者能够得到及时的治疗。  相似文献   

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