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Objective  To compare a five-visit antenatal care (ANC) model with specified goals with the standard model in a rural area in Zimbabwe.
Design  Cluster randomised controlled trial with the clinic as the randomisation unit.
Setting  Primary care setting in a developing country where care was provided by nurse-midwives.
Population  Women booking for ANC in the clinics were eligible.
Main outcome measures  Number of antenatal visits, antepartum and intrapartum referrals, utilization of health centre for delivery and perinatal outcomes.
Methods  Twenty-three rural health centres were stratified prior to random allocation to the new ( n = 11) or standard ( n = 12) model of care.
Results  We recruited 13 517 women (new, n = 6897 and standard, n = 6620) in the study, and 78% (10 572) of their pregnancy records were retrieved. There was no difference in median maternal age, parity and gestational age at booking between women in the standard model and those in the new model. The median number of visits was four for both models. The proportion of women with five or less visits was 77% in the new and 69% in the standard model (OR 1.5; 95% CI 1.08–2.2). The likelihood of haemoglobin testing was higher in the new model (OR 2.4; 95% CI 1.0–5.7) but unchanged for syphilis testing. There were fewer intrapartum transfers (5.4 versus 7.9% [OR 0.66; 95% CI 0.44–0.98]) in the new model but no difference in antepartum or postpartum transfers. There was no difference in rates of preterm delivery or low birthweight. The perinatal mortality was 25/1000 in standard model and 28/1000 in new model.
Conclusion  In Gutu district, a focused five-visit schedule did not change the number of contacts but was more effective as expressed by increased adherence to procedures and better use of institutional health care.  相似文献   

This population-based cohort study was conducted to compare pregnancy complications and outcome among nulliparous, low (1-5) and high (> or = 6) parity women. Women who registered for antenatal care and gave birth in Guru District, Zimbabwe, between January 1995 and June 1998 were classified into groups by parity. The women were compared for baseline characteristics, utilisation of health facilities and occurrence of pregnancy complications such as hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, haemorrhage, pre-term delivery, operative delivery, low birth weight and perinatal death. In estimating risk, primiparous (parity = 1) women were used as referents. Pregnancy records for 10,569 women were analysed. Mean ages of nulliparous and high parity (> or = 6) women were 20.1 and 37.7 years respectively (p < 0.001). Prevalence of anaemia at booking (haemoglobin < or =10.5 g/dl) was reduced in nulliparous compared to multiparous women (11.7% vs 16.8%; p > or = 0.001). Nulliparous women were likely to book early (< or = 20 weeks) for antenatal care, have a higher number of visits (> or = 6) and fewer home births. Nulliparous women had higher risk for low birth weight (RR 1.70; 95% CI 1.36 - 2.13). Compared to low parity women, nulliparous and high parity women had an elevated risk of hypertensive complications RR 1.62 (95% CI 1.37-1.92) and RR 1.64 (95% CI 1.29 - 2.07) respectively. The risk of developing any pregnancy complications was highest in nulliparous women (RR 1.48; 95% 1.31- 1.67). In conclusion, nulliparous women had an increased risk of pregnancy complications. High parity women with no previous complicated pregnancy were at low risk of complications.  相似文献   

Determinants of breastfeeding in a rural WIC population.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The purpose of the current research was to identify demographic and psychosocial factors important in the decision to breastfeed among a sample of WIC participants in a rural area. One hundred and ninety-eight women completed both a prenatal interview during their third trimester of pregnancy and a second interview within one to three weeks postpartum. Twenty-seven percent of these WIC participants initiated breastfeeding. Multiple logistic regression analysis revealed that prenatal behavioral beliefs about the consequences of breastfeeding and formula feeding were the strongest predictors of breastfeeding initiation. The results suggest that education to improve the current low rates of breastfeeding among WIC participants should emphasize that formula feeding is neither more convenient nor easier than breastfeeding, and that breastfeeding need not limit mothers in public or social settings.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to generate data for developing an action plan for accessing the female condom through primary health care centres in Zimbabwe. It used both quantitative and qualitative methods to gather information from sexually active women and men on the perception and acceptability of the female condom among users in rural areas of Zimbabwe. The findings show that very few women had used the female condom prior to the survey. Several women (93%) liked the condom especially young women aged 20-39 years (83%), compared to older women aged 40 years and above (11%). Both women and men liked the dual role of contraception and protection against STIs including HIV/AIDS played by the female condom. Most women (98%) felt that it is important for women to have their own condom. However, both men and women pointed out that it will be difficult to introduce the female condom in married situations due to the stigma associated with condoms in general. Over 80% of women said they will have to seek permission from their partners to use the female condom. Women had problems with inserting the condom and were concerned with lubrication, size and appearance, and how to dispose of used condom. Regarding cost, 77% felt that the female condom is too expensive given that the male condom can be obtained free from health centres. The cost of the female condom could hinder its continued use and would encourage women, especially commercial sex workers, to re-use it. Respondents still require more information relating to side effects (45%), effectiveness in STIs prevention including HIV/AIDS (44%), proper use (43%) and cost (32%).  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Our aim was to determine the coverage of antenatal and delivery care and the determinants of non-compliance in a rural area of Zimbabwe in order to improve the quality and efficiency of maternal health care services. METHODS: A community-based, cross-sectional study was carried out in the catchment area of Gutu Mission Hospital, in rural Zimbabwe, from January to June 1996. Two hundred and thirty-five women, aged 16 to 54 years, who had delivered a child in the past three years were interviewed on general characteristics (age, marital status, religion, education, work), obstetric history, use of family planning, pregnancy complications, number of antenatal visits, and use of maternity waiting shelters. Associations of these factors to non-use of antenatal care facilities and hospital delivery were studied. In the Gutu district, guidelines exist to identify women at high risk of complications during pregnancy and to indicate where women should give birth (hospital, rural clinic or at home). We evaluated which factors were important for non-compliance to these guidelines. The analyses were performed using a logistic regression model. RESULTS: Ninety-seven percent of the pregnant women attended the antenatal care facilities at least once. Seventy-three percent came at least five times or more. Belonging to certain religious groups proved to be the strongest explanatory factor for not attending antenatal care facilities. Use of maternity waiting shelters and complications during the pregnancy were important factors for hospital delivery, whereas unemployment and being without a husband were associated with deliveries outside the hospital. Identification as high risk of a complicated pregnancy by application of the existing guidelines was not associated with place of delivery. Delivery at a location that did not conform to the existing guidelines was associated with non-use of maternity waiting shelters, unemployment or being without a husband and use of traditional care. CONCLUSIONS: Our study showed a high attendance rate at antenatal care facilities in the Gutu District. By analyzing determinants of non-use of antenatal care facilities, of hospital delivery and of inappropriate location of delivery according to local guidelines, we identified certain risk factors which are suitable for modification and may help to improve antenatal and perinatal care in the Gutu District in Zimbabwe.  相似文献   



To assess the need of episiotomy in a subsequent delivery in women with previous primiparous vaginal delivery with episiotomy.


In this historical prospective study, we followed primiparous women who had an episiotomy at a normal vaginal delivery. The study group included parturient women (n = 201) who underwent an episiotomy at a vaginal delivery during a 2-year period (2001–2002). Inclusion criteria were: primiparity, term singleton vaginal delivery, episiotomy, and a subsequent vaginal delivery in Edith Wolfson Medical Center. Exclusion criteria were instrumental delivery at the index delivery, preterm delivery or twins at the subsequent delivery. Episiotomy in the enrolled parturient women was done when it is thought that failure to perform episiotomy would result in perineal tears. The control group (n = 201) was formed from the same time period and included women who had a spontaneous vaginal delivery without episiotomy.


Of the 201 women with episiotomy at the index delivery, 48 (23.9 %) had episiotomy at the subsequent delivery compared to only 20 women (10.0 %) out of the 201 women without an episiotomy at index delivery (p < 0.05). Having an episiotomy at the index delivery significantly increased odds of a subsequent episiotomy (OR 2.84, 95 % CI 1.62–4.99, p < 0.05) and the risk of spontaneous perineal tears (59.2 vs. 23.4 %, p < 0.05) at the subsequent delivery.


Episiotomy at first vaginal delivery significantly and independently increased the risk of repeated episiotomy and spontaneous perineal tears in a subsequent delivery.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To describe the perspectives and experiences of women in their use of antenatal care and in their reasoning on specific antenatal care routines. DESIGN: Two qualitative methods including focus group discussions and individual interviews were combined. SETTING:: a rural district in Zimbabwe where a randomised control trial had been undertaken to introduce a new antenatal care package. PARTICIPANTS: Forty-four women and twenty-four men participated in the study. FINDINGS: Women were observed to take actions contrary to those assumed professionally acceptable in antenatal care generally and in some specific changed routines. Visits were to be reduced and weighing was to be omitted, but women, especially younger women, said they preferred more than the stipulated five goal oriented visits. One reason for this was the importance of being assured that the fetus was growing well. They considered that visits spaced too widely would make it difficult for service providers to help, should complications develop. On the other hand, older women (above 35 years old), a group professionally considered to be at high risk, were not so concerned with the visits. All the women said they wanted to be weighed at all the visits. The antenatal care visits are simply known as 'going for scale'. The health care providers complied by weighing the women without recording. Cultural beliefs had great influence, especially on the time a pregnancy is acknowledged and reported. It is believed that pregnant women and the pregnancy are vulnerable to witchcraft during the early period of pregnancy. CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS FOR PRACTICE: We concluded that, whether in its traditional or new form, antenatal care ignores the experiences and views of women and the way they make sense of pregnancy and the care of pregnancy. The importance of understanding the perspectives of different stakeholders as the key to effective change is underlined.  相似文献   



To compare the outcome of restricted versus routine use of episiotomy in a tertiary care center.


A prospective observational study was conducted for singleton normal vaginal term deliveries. Deliveries managed with routine use of episiotomy formed the ‘Control Group’, while those managed with restricted use of episiotomy formed the ‘Study Group’. Data so obtained was analyzed.


Total number of deliveries analyzed was 458 (‘Control Group’: n=210, ‘Study Group’: n=248). Restricted use of episiotomy led to 64% (n=159) women delivering without any perineal laceration, in ‘Study Group’. This translated into 41% (n=38) reduction in the number of perineal lacerations in primipara, and 23% (n=36) in multipara, compared to the ‘Control Group’. Only 2% of primipara in ‘Study Group’ had severe third degree perineal tears.


Restricted use of episiotomy resulted in considerable reduction in maternal morbidity due to perineal lacerations.  相似文献   

Background: In the past 2 years, we treated three women with fourth-degree lacerations or episiotomy infections presenting with persistent pain and drainage not responding to standard treatment.Cases: These women were referred for evaluation 5 weeks, 3.5 months, and 2 years postpartum. After diagnosing fistula-in-ano, we treated them with fistulotomy and curettage, which resolved the problem.Conclusion: When a patient presents with pain or drainage at her episiotomy site, fistula-in-ano should be considered.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: In order to assess morbidity and health care utilization in developing countries, health interview surveys are often used. The aim of this paper is to explore morbidity, health care utilization during pregnancy and pregnancy outcome as reported by women in rural Gutu district, Zimbabwe. METHODS: The study was cross-sectional, performed 1992-93 in 12 villages selected at random. Women aged 15-44 years (n = 1213) were interviewed concerning their reproductive history, use of maternity care and complications during pregnancy/labor during their latest pregnancy. RESULTS: The perinatal mortality rate (PMR) for all the completed pregnancies (889 women had completed 3601 pregnancies) was 23/1000 total births. The attendance rate for antenatal care was high (94%). Elevated blood pressure was the most commonly reported late pregnancy complication, and a prolonged labor, i.e. 24 h or more, the most common complication during delivery. Out of women whose latest pregnancy did not end in an early or late abortion (n = 831) the cesarean section rate was 6.3%. The PMR was 8.4/1000 for their latest pregnancy. Institutional deliveries were preferred by the majority of women, with hospital and clinic deliveries constituting 58% and 27% of deliveries, respectively, while 15% delivered at home. Long-term complications were few, and only 14 (1.6%) women reported a current health problem, which they related to previous pregnancies. CONCLUSIONS: Antenatal attendance rate was high. The majority of women preferred institutional deliveries. Few women reported complications, which were not taken care of in the health service. Long-term complications related to previous pregnancies were few.  相似文献   

The finding of primary or metastatic carcinoma in an episiotomy scar is a rare event; we report three cases. The first patient presented with an abnormal cervical smear and was found to have a primary squamous cell carcinoma of the vulva in an old, healed episiotomy scar. A second patient, diagnosed as having cervical carcinoma 6 months postpartum, was found to have a metastatic deposit in the episiotomy scar during the staging of her disease. The third patient developed adenocarcinoma metastatic from an endocervical primary in an episiotomy scar that presented as a small nodule at the introitus. These cases exemplify the need for careful inspection and biopsy of any nodular lesions in episiotomy scars as part of the initial assessment and follow-up of patients with premalignant or malignant lesions of the lower genital tract.  相似文献   

Objective : To determine the relationship between epidural analgesia and episiotomy usage and episiotomy extension in parturients delivering vaginally. Methods : A database of 20 888 women experiencing spontaneous vaginal delivery at Grady Memorial Hospital from 1990 to 1995 was examined to identify those receiving epidural analgesia. Patients who underwent epidural catheter placement and had adequate perineal anesthesia at delivery comprised the epidural group, and all others comprised the control group. Demographic characteristics and obstetric outcomes were compared. Univariate and multivariate analyses were used to test the association between epidural analgesia, rates of episiotomy and episiotomy extension. Results : Of the 20 888 women experiencing spontaneous vaginal deliveries 6785 (32.5%) received epidural analgesia. Women receiving epidural analgesia were more likely than those not receiving epidural analgesia to be African-American and nulliparous, and to have an occiput posterior presentation. Women receiving epidural analgesia were also more likely to receive an episiotomy (27.8% vs. 13.1%, odds ratio (OR) 2.56, 95% confidence interval (CI) 2.38-2.75) and were less likely to experience a second-degree perineal laceration (11.6% vs. 14.4%, OR 0.75, 95% CI 0.69-0.82) or a third- or fourth-degree extension (8.9% vs. 12.4%, OR 0.81, 95% CI 0.68-0.97). When the results were adjusted for nulliparity, posterior presentation, macrosomia, shoulder dystocia and prolonged second stage, epidural analgesia remained independently associated with receipt of episiotomy (OR 1.97, 95% CI 1.88-2.06) and reduced episiotomy extension (OR 0.74, 95% CI 0.54-0.94). Conclusion : Epidural analgesia increases the rates of episiotomy use, and decreases the rate of episiotomy extension, independently of clinical factors associated with episiotomy.  相似文献   

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