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下肢截肢后不良残肢的临床评估和处理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
目的分析下肢截肢后不良残肢发生的原因,并介绍其临床处理方法。方法对109例下肢截肢者(共计110个残肢)进行评定,评定内容包括:残肢皮肤软组织状况、长度、形状、关节活动度、肌力、幻肢痛、残肢痛等,然后对不良残肢进行相应的理疗、体疗或手术处理。结果本组合格残肢64肢(占58%),不合格残肢46肢(占42%)。不合格残肢主要表现为:残端形状不规则20肢,短残肢18肢,残端不稳定瘢痕伴感染13肢,残端肿胀及臃肿14肢,关节屈曲挛缩畸形18肢,神经瘤2肢,经理疗、体疗或手术处理后,均达到装配假肢的条件。结论对不良残肢要进行对症处理,使之能装配或穿戴假肢。由于假肢技术的不断改进,现在残肢的长度不再是影响假肢装配的主要原因,而残端皮肤软组织的条件已成为影响假肢装配的主要因素。  相似文献   

本文介绍应用现代截肢技术处理15例17个肢体截肢的体会,指出现代截肢术同传统截肢术主要区别在于残端负重点的改变,较好的解决了传统截肢术后装配假肢带来的皮肤搬痕化等并发症,提出了术中、术后处理方法,并对患者康复期残肢训练提出了看法。  相似文献   

现代截肢康复(第四讲)中国康复研究中心崔寿昌9残肢并发症及处理一些残肢并发症如残肢端皮肤破溃、窦道、疤痕、角化;骨突出外形不良;关节挛缩;骨关节疾患;残肢痛;幻肢痛等,可影响假肢的穿戴,需要进一步处理,使残肢具备穿戴假肢的良好条件,以发挥最佳的代偿功...  相似文献   

目的研究气囊式临时假肢的康复训练方法及对患者术后疗效的影响。 方法对1例因地震创伤导致大腿截肢患者给予压力衣、气囊式临时假肢治疗,同时对其进行康复训练。于治疗前及治疗3周后对患者残肢一般情况、关节活动度、肌力和步行能力等进行评定。 结果患者经系统康复训练后,其残肢愈合良好,关节活动度和肌力均已基本恢复正常,穿戴气囊式临时假肢后行走能力增强,残肢塑形良好。 结论早期穿戴气囊式临时假肢系统能提高下肢截肢患者行走功能,对其尽早装配永久型假肢具有显著促进作用,值得临床推广、应用。  相似文献   

截肢患儿的护理与康复指导   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
儿童处于生长发育期,其截肢后康复及假肢佩戴等方面有许多特点,作者报道26例截肢患儿的护理与康复指导经验。对截肢后伤口的护理,重在预防伤口出血,特别是控制伤口感染,这是防止继发性出血的关键。强调严格无菌操作,减少伤口感染的机会,同时做好基础护理,使病室保持清洁。康复治疗中,首先保持残肢的正确肢位,防止屈曲挛缩;其次,保持及改善关节活动度,增强残存肌的肌力;安装假肢后,应按照假肢的功能设计进行操纵假肢的训练,对年龄稍长患儿应指导其正确装卸假肢。此外,对假肢使用中出现的骨刺,骨端过度生长,神经瘤和幻肢觉,幻肢痛等并发症应及时给予适当处理。  相似文献   

目的观察地震伤员下肢假肢装配前后综合康复治疗的效果。 方法安装假肢前后对地震伤员采取综合康复治疗,包括:残端处理(按摩和拍打、残肢塑型)、运动疗法(关节活动度训练、肌力训练、平衡功能训练、站立与步行训练等)、物理治疗、心理治疗。 结果42例残肢中,残端有溃疡或窦道、残肢肿胀、髋膝关节屈曲挛缩、残肢痛分别占74%、72%、41%和5%,残肢肌力明显减退。经综合康复治疗后,残肢无肿胀、溃疡或窦道完全愈合,残肢形状、关节活动度和肌力明显改善,已达到假肢装配条件,均装配假肢,并获得良好的功能。假肢行走功能结局,良好:20例(51%);一般:17例(44%);较差:2例(5%)。 结论地震后截肢不良残肢发生率高,安装假肢前后对地震伤员采取综合康复治疗, 确保假肢装配成功十分必要。  相似文献   

目的:预见截肢后患者穿戴假肢行走的相关因素。方法:75例下肢截肢患者参加本实验,成功的穿戴假肢行走定义为穿戴假肢可行走至少45m,同时测定主要人口统计学参数及医学因素。结果:康复出院后68%患者可以成功的行走,逐步回归分析显示,成功的步行与残肢没有萎缩和康复住院时间有显著的相关性,与年轻也有一定的相关性,与手术水平或截肢病因无关。成功行走者康复出院时平均穿戴假肢的时间为5.7h,行走的平均距离为67m。未成功行走者70%是由于伤口愈合不良。结论:这组病人中68%可以在康复出院时利用假肢行走,尤其对…  相似文献   

目的分析地震致截肢患者残肢的特点和原因、观察康复治疗的效果。 方法从残端皮肤情况、残肢形态、残肢长度、残肢肿胀、残肢关节活动度和残肢肌力等方面对52条残肢进行评定,并进行物理治疗、残肢塑形和运动治疗。 结果52条残肢中,残端有溃疡或窦道、残肢肿胀、圆锥形残肢和短残肢分别占76%、73%、34%和40%,残肢关节活动受限者占42%,所有患者残肢肌力明显减退。经康复治疗后,残肢无肿胀、溃疡或窦道完全愈合,残肢形状、关节活动度和肌力明显改善,已达到假肢装配条件,均装配假肢,并获得良好的功能。 结论地震后截肢不良残肢发生率高,综合康复治疗能明显改善残肢条件,早期康复治疗对促进患者康复,安装假肢具有重要意义。  相似文献   

韩作峰  祁秀 《中国临床康复》2002,6(24):3706-3706
目的 探讨截肢后残肢功能重建的综合康复治疗效果。方法 通过22例截肢功能训练,肢体理疗,按摩,中药外敷及再手术原因进行分析探讨。结果 22例截肢患通过综合康复指导治疗,使残端愈合时间,残端定型,关节功能,穿用假肢后肢体功能等诸方面均有明显提高。结论 采用综合康复治疗,使残肢残而不废,尽量发挥最大功能。  相似文献   

摘要 目的:为了提高小腿假肢穿戴者的步态协调与对称性,降低长期穿戴假肢造成的腰背痛、膝骨关节炎等并发症,我们设计了一套小腿假肢-触觉振动反馈系统,以达到对小腿假肢穿戴者的步态进行自动识别,并根据设定的参数提供振动反馈,从而帮助提高小腿截肢者的平衡功能与行走能力,以及适应各种变化的外在环境。 方法:通过在健侧和假肢侧的大小腿位置,以及假脚的足背共安装5个陀螺仪传感器来采集肢体运动信息,控制主板进行比对数据处理,然后通过固定在假肢侧大腿前后左右的振动马达来对患者行走状态进行提醒并建立条件反射,进而达到调节小腿假肢穿戴者步态平衡性和对称性的目的。招募了6例小腿截肢者参与实验,对穿戴该系统前后的步态参数进行比对。 结果:6例小腿截肢者使用触觉振动反馈系统4周后,步速、健侧单步时长/假肢侧单步时长、健侧摆动期/假肢侧摆动期差异均有显著性意义(P≤0.05),穿戴4周后3项指标均高于穿戴前。穿戴前后健侧步长/假肢侧步长差异无显著性意义(P=0.052)。 结论:该小腿假肢-触觉振动反馈系统可帮助提高小腿假肢穿戴者的步态对称性和平衡功能,提高假肢使用的安全性,降低跌倒风险,增加患者对假肢的接受度和依从性,具有实用性和可行性。  相似文献   

A review of 11 patients who sustained burns that were complicated by limb amputation was completed to determine their eventual ability to use prosthesis. Amputations included six below-elbow, four above-elbow, three below-knee, and three above-knee amputations. Ten of the 11 patients (91%) had open wounds on the stump limbs and nine patients (82%) required skin grafting procedures on the amputated limbs. Delays in prosthetic fitting because of continued surgeries, open wounds, skin grafts on the stump limb, and breakdown of the stump were identified. However, eight of these patients (73%) were eventually able to wear prosthetic devices. Fisher's exact test was used to test the influence of the number and site of the amputations and skin grafting on the stump on successful prosthesis use. None of these tested items were found to be significant. The results demonstrate that most patients with burns who require limb amputation can achieve successful prosthesis use.  相似文献   

In this review intended for medical staff involved in patient rehabilitation, we provided an overview of the basic methods for managing amputation stumps. After the amputation surgery, it is imperative to optimize the remaining physical abilities of the amputee through rehabilitation processes, including postoperative rehabilitation, desensitization, and continuous application of soft or rigid dressings for pain reduction and shaping of the stump. Depending on the situation, a prosthesis may be worn in the early stage of recovery or an immediate postoperative prosthesis may be applied to promote stump maturation. Subsequently, to maintain the range of motion of the stump and to prevent deformation, the remaining portion of the limb should be positioned to prevent contracture. Continuous exercises should also be performed to improve muscle strength to ensure that the amputee is able to perform activities of daily living, independently. Additionally, clean wound or edema management of the stump is necessary to prevent problems associated with wearing the prosthesis. Our review is expected to contribute to the establishment of basic protocols that will be useful for stump management from the time of completion of amputation surgery to the fitting of a prosthesis to optimize patient recovery.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To study demographically, amputation-, and employment-related factors that show a relationship to successful job reintegration of patients after lower limb amputation. DESIGN: Cross-sectional study. SETTING: University hospital. PATIENTS: Subjects had an acquired unilateral major amputation of the lower limb at least 2 years before, were aged 18 to 60 years (mean, 46yr), and were living in the Netherlands. All 322 patients were working at the time of amputation and were recruited from orthopedic workshops. INTERVENTION: Questionnaires sent to subjects to self-report (1) demographic and amputation information and (2) job characteristics and readjustment postamputation. Questionnaire sent to rehabilitation specialists to assess physical work load. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Demographically related (age, gender); amputation-related (comorbidity; reason and level; problems with stump, pain, prosthesis use and problems, mobility, rehabilitation); and employment-related (education, physical workload) information about the success of job reintegration. RESULTS: Job reintegration was successful in 79% and unsuccessful in 21% of the amputees. Age at the time of amputation, wearing comfort of the prosthesis, and education level were significant indicators of successful job reintegration. Subjects with physically demanding jobs who changed type of job before and after the amputation more often successfully returned to work than subjects who tried to stay at the same type of job. CONCLUSIONS: Older patients with a low education level and problems with the wearing comfort of the prosthesis are a population at risk who require special attention during the rehabilitation process in order to return to work. Lowering the physical workload by changing to another type of work enhances the chance of successful reintegration.  相似文献   

Phantom pain has been given considerable attention in literature. Phantom pain reduces quality of life, and patients suffering from phantom pain make heavy use of the medical system. Many risk factors have been identified for phantom pain in univariate analyses, including phantom sensations, stump pain, pain prior to the amputation, cause of amputation, prosthesis use, and years elapsed since amputation. Multivariate analyses are lacking in the literature and, therefore, no estimation of an overall risk for phantom pain can be made. The aim of this study was to analyze risk factors in a multivariate analysis in 536 subjects (19% upper limb amputees and 81% lower limb amputees). These subjects filled out a questionnaire in which the following items were assessed; side, date, level, and reason of amputation, pre-amputation pain, presence or absence of phantom pain, phantom sensations and or stump pain, and prosthesis use. The prevalence of phantom pain was 72% (95% CI: 68 to 76%) for the total group, 41% (95% CI: 31 to 51%) in upper limb amputees and 80% (95% CI: 76 to 83%) in lower limb amputees. The most important risk factors for phantom pain were “bilateral amputation” and “lower limb amputation.” The risk for phantom pain ranged from 0.33 for a 10-year-old patient with a distal upper limb amputation to 0.99 for a subject of 80 years with a bilateral lower limb amputation of which one side is an above knee amputation.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess the effect of a plaster cast socket on the healing of open wounds and on temporary prosthesis fitting after below-knee amputation because of arterial occlusive disease. DESIGN: Randomized controlled trial. SETTING: Rehabilitation center, university hospital. PATIENTS: All included patients had undergone recent (in the previous 3 months) below-knee amputation because of arterial disease and initially had an open stump. Patients were randomly assigned to two groups of 28 subjects each. The sizes of the amputation scars were 8 to 24 cm2. Ischemia of the stump was eliminated as a probable cause of delayed wound healing by the inclusion criterion of transcutaneous oxygen tension (TcPO2) of >35 mmHg. The average age in group I (the experimental group) was 65.2 +/- 12.4 (SD) years and in group II (the control group) 66.8 +/- 10.8 years (not significant). INTERVENTION: A plaster cast (supracondylar-type) socket was fitted on the stumps of group I patients, interposed with a silicone sleeve. The patients were gradually trained to wear this cast for up to 5 hours a day. They were provided with elastic compression bandages for the remainder of the time. Patients in group II wore elastic compression bandages, which were only removed for dressing changes. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Time required for stump healing, length of time between amputation and ability to walk wearing a contact socket, and length of hospital stay. RESULTS: Group I had a quicker average healing time (71.2 +/- 31.7 [SD] days compared to the control group's 96.8 +/- 54.9 days) and a shorter average length of hospital stay (99.8 +/- 22.4 days compared to the control group's 129.9 +/- 48.3 days). CONCLUSION: Use of a plaster cast socket leads to more rapid healing of the open stump and to a shorter hospitalization. If there is no stump ischemia, this plaster cast technique is safe.  相似文献   

A policy of maximizing the ratio of below-knee to above-knee amputations in patients with severe nonsalvageable limb ischemia is followed. The value of this policy is examined. All the patients that were amputated in our department between 1995 and 1997 were followed up for 2 years after the operation. We correlated the amputation level with 6 different parameters: primary or secondary amputation, perioperative mortality, 2-years mortality, amputation stump healing, artificial limb fitment, and rehabilitation outcome. The results were analyzed statistically. A total of 64 patients were included in the study. The revision rate was 38% in below-knee amputees and 4% in above-knee amputees. The perioperative mortality was 22%. Two years after operation, the limb fitment rate in below-knee amputees was 95% and in above-knee amputees was 64%. The overall artificial limb fitment rate was 50%. A total of 47.6% of the living patients were capable to walk out of their house. Artificial limb fitment and rehabilitation status are greater after a below-knee than an above-knee amputation. Although the morbidity may be higher in below knee procedures, it is worth trying for the lowest level of amputation because of the better rehabilitation results in these patients.  相似文献   

Purpose: Upper limb amputations cause severe functional disability and lower the patient's self body image, with severe psychological implications. Many parameters are involved in the successful rehabilitation of upper limb amputations. The aim of this study was to investigate whether there are any parameters that might predict the successful prosthetic rehabilitation of upper limb amputees.

Method: The records of 45 patients who had undergone an upper limb amputation were traced. The patients were evaluated according to four parameters: (1) Modified upper extremities amputees' questionnaire; (2) Pain level according to Visual Analog Scale (VAS), range from 1 (lowest) up to 10 (highest); (3) Pain type - phantom or pain in the stump; (4) Functional assessment of prosthetic usage.

Results: Thirty (71.43%) of the patients reported difficulties with prosthesis usage. Twenty-three patients (54.76%) were satisfied with their prosthesis - 19 had cosmetic prosthesis and four had body-powered prosthesis.

Conclusion: No significant affect of the amputation level except for trans-wrist amputation with 100% prosthesis use. No significant difference was found between prosthesis type and the correlation to stump problems.

The above-elbow amputees, with dominant hand amputation, who used functional prosthesis (body-powered), achieved the best functional outcome and result.  相似文献   

Purpose:?Upper limb amputations cause severe functional disability and lower the patient's self body image, with severe psychological implications. Many parameters are involved in the successful rehabilitation of upper limb amputations. The aim of this study was to investigate whether there are any parameters that might predict the successful prosthetic rehabilitation of upper limb amputees.

Method:?The records of 45 patients who had undergone an upper limb amputation were traced. The patients were evaluated according to four parameters: (1) Modified upper extremities amputees' questionnaire; (2) Pain level according to Visual Analog Scale (VAS), range from 1 (lowest) up to 10 (highest); (3) Pain type – phantom or pain in the stump; (4) Functional assessment of prosthetic usage.

Results:?Thirty (71.43%) of the patients reported difficulties with prosthesis usage. Twenty-three patients (54.76%) were satisfied with their prosthesis – 19 had cosmetic prosthesis and four had body-powered prosthesis.

Conclusion:?No significant affect of the amputation level except for trans-wrist amputation with 100% prosthesis use. No significant difference was found between prosthesis type and the correlation to stump problems.

The above-elbow amputees, with dominant hand amputation, who used functional prosthesis (body-powered), achieved the best functional outcome and result.  相似文献   

Purpose. To review the literature on return to work after lower limb amputation.

Method. A comprehensive review of literature on return to work after lower limb amputation was carried out, searching MEDLINE and PubMED.

Results. Most authors found return-to-work rate to be about 66%. Between 22 and 67% of the subjects retained the same occupation, while the remainder had to change occupation. Post-amputation jobs were generally more complex with a requirement for a higher level of general educational development and were physically less demanding. The return to work depends on: general factors, such as age, gender and educational level; factors related to impairments and disabilities due to amputation (amputation level, multiple amputations, comorbidity, reason for amputation, persistent stump problems, the time from the injury to obtaining a permanent prosthesis, wearing comfort of the prosthesis, walking distance and restrictions in mobility); and factors related to work and policies (salary, higher job involvement, good support from the implementing body and the employer and social support network).

Conclusions. Subjects have problems returning to work after lower limb amputation. Many have to change their work and/or work only part-time. Vocational rehabilitation and counselling should become a part of rehabilitation programme for all subjects who are of working age after lower limb amputation. Better cooperation between professionals, such as rehabilitation team members, implementing bodies, company doctors and the employers, is necessary.  相似文献   

Purpose. To review the literature on return to work after lower limb amputation.

Method. A comprehensive review of literature on return to work after lower limb amputation was carried out, searching MEDLINE and PubMED.

Results. Most authors found return-to-work rate to be about 66%. Between 22 and 67% of the subjects retained the same occupation, while the remainder had to change occupation. Post-amputation jobs were generally more complex with a requirement for a higher level of general educational development and were physically less demanding. The return to work depends on: general factors, such as age, gender and educational level; factors related to impairments and disabilities due to amputation (amputation level, multiple amputations, comorbidity, reason for amputation, persistent stump problems, the time from the injury to obtaining a permanent prosthesis, wearing comfort of the prosthesis, walking distance and restrictions in mobility); and factors related to work and policies (salary, higher job involvement, good support from the implementing body and the employer and social support network).

Conclusions. Subjects have problems returning to work after lower limb amputation. Many have to change their work and/or work only part-time. Vocational rehabilitation and counselling should become a part of rehabilitation programme for all subjects who are of working age after lower limb amputation. Better cooperation between professionals, such as rehabilitation team members, implementing bodies, company doctors and the employers, is necessary.  相似文献   

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