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It has long been noted that incompetent perforating veins contribute to the development of chronic venous insufficiency and recurrent varicose veins that are complicated by skin ulcerations or liposcleroderma. For these conditions, severing of incompetent perforating veins is an effective surgical treatment. However, severing of incompetent perforating veins by a direct approach has become less commonly performed because of the excessive invasiveness of the procedure itself. We referred to 37 cases (44 legs) of varicose veins with or without active venous dermatitis, who underwent the two-port system subfascial endoscopic perforator surgery, which we devised (hereafter referred to as TPS-SEPS). According to this method, incompetent perforating veins can be severed without surgical intervention in the lesion. The criteria for insufficiency of the perforating veins (IPVs) are reverse flow demonstrated on a color-flow duplex and a caliber more than 3 mm in diameter. One hundred forty one out of one hundred fifty two IPVs were processed. A mean of 3.21 perforating veins per patient was severed using ultrasonic coagulation-incision apparatus. From these 37 cases we conclude that TPS-SEPS provides a useful tool for the surgeon interested in treating severe chronic venous insufficiency same as the single-port technique. Our TPS-SEPS is a relatively simple operation, but its skill is dependable and provides lower invasiveness than other operation procedure. From now on, it is necessary to unify the authorized name of the endoscopic surgery of perforating veins and is also important to define the indication of this method for the primary varicose veins without stasisdermatitis.  相似文献   

Subfascial endoscopic perforator vein surgery: indications and results.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Subfascial endoscopic perforator surgery (SEPS) is a new, minimally invasive technique performed in patients with advanced chronic venous insufficiency. The objective of the operation is to interrupt incompetent medial calf perforating veins to decrease venous reflux and reduce ambulatory venous hypertension in critical areas above the ankle where venous ulcers most frequently develop. Patients with stasis skin changes and healed or active venous ulcerations are potential candidates for the operation. Preoperative evaluation is performed with duplex scanning of the superficial, deep and perforator system, to diagnose both obstruction and valvular incompetence. Results of the North American SEPS Registry (NASEPS) as well as experience in several individual centers confirmed that the operation has significantly fewer wound complications than the classic open surgical techniques, and that rapid ulcer healing can be achieved. At the Mayo Clinic an ulcer recurrence rate of 12% was observed, with recurrence significantly more frequent in post-thrombotic limbs than in patients with primary venous valvular incompetence. The NASEPS Registry report confirmed a 2-year cumulative ulcer recurrence rate of 28%; ulcer recurrence was significantly more frequent in post-thrombotic limbs, especially in those with deep venous obstruction. SEPS is a new, low-risk, outpatient procedure that effectively decreases perforator reflux in patients with venous ulcerations, and should be added to our armamentarium to treat patients with advanced chronic venous disease. Long-term prospective and randomized studies are, however, still required to provide level I evidence of late efficacy.  相似文献   

Lower extremity ulcerations that result from venous hypertension are a significant cause of disability in Western nations. Venous ulcers, highly related to lower extremity venous valvular incompetence and post-thrombotic syndrome, demonstrate a protracted course of healing with a high recurrence rate when managed conservatively. Effective treatment includes correcting the elevated lower extremity venous pressure using non-invasive (compression therapy) or invasive modalities (removal or correction of incompetent venous segments, most commonly the greater saphenous vein). Minimally invasive subfascial endoscopic perforating vein surgery, performed on an outpatient basis, allows ligation of incompetent Cockett perforating veins. Venous ulcer healing rates of 88% and infrequent wound complications have been reported using this technique. Using 5-mm cameras and trocars that are available for other endoscopic surgeries could further improve this technique; creating ports smaller than the traditional 15-mm incisions would subsequently reduce tissue disruption. In addition, the etiology of recurrent ulceration and the failure of the primary ulcer to heal are not completely understood. If these poor outcomes can be further defined, even higher rates of wound healing may be attained using this procedure. Significant efforts have been devoted to elucidating the exact mechanism of skin breakdown from venous hypertension but the pathophysiology of this process is still not understood.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: The objective of this study was to present short-term results of transanal endoscopic microsurgery (TEM) of rectal adenocarcinomas registered in a national database. METHODS: A Danish TEM group was established in 1995. The group organized a database for prospective and consecutive registration of all TEM procedures. The perioperative course of all rectal cancers treated with TEM and registered in this database is analysed. RESULTS: One hundred forty-two patients had TEM for rectal cancer. In 43%of the patients, the cancer diagnosis was not recognized before TEM. Eighty-five percent of all tumors were classified as benign based on macroscopic appearance; on digital rectal examination, 35% were benign, rectal ultrasound classified 15% as benign, and the preoperative biopsy was benign in 36%. Forty-three cancers (29%) were classified as low risk cancers. High ages were an indication for TEM in 22% and concurrent disease in 21%. Minor complications were encountered in 39 cases, major complications in 4 cases, and 1 patient died within 30 days. CONCLUSION: All larger rectal tumors should be evaluated for malignancy before treatment, even if TEM is the only surgical option, due to high age and comorbidiy. Rectal ultrasound appears to produce the fewest false negative results, but it should be combined with biopsies and clinical evaluation. Multiple biopsies may be beneficial in the case of larger adenomas. When resecting large sessile tumors, there is a considerable risk of incomplete radicality. The short term mortality and morbidity of TEM is low even in old patients with comorbidiy.  相似文献   

Long term failure of endoscopic gastroplication (EndoCinch)   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
INTRODUCTION: Endoluminal gastroplication (EndoCinch; Bard) has been introduced as an endoscopic treatment option in gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD) patients with promising short term results. However, little is known about the long term efficacy of endoscopic suturing. The aim of this study was to evaluate prospectively the long term outcome after EndoCinch. PATIENTS AND METHODS: A total of 70 patients treated with EndoCinch at a single referral centre were studied prospectively. All patients were interviewed using a standardised questionnaire regarding their symptoms and medication prior to and 18 months after EndoCinch. In addition, follow up included endoscopy, 24 hour pH monitoring, and oesophageal manometry. RESULTS: The procedure was well tolerated without major short or long term complications. Eighteen months after EndoCinch, 56/70 patients (80%) were considered treatment failures as their heartburn symptoms did not improve or proton pump inhibitor medication exceeded 50% of the initial dose. Endoscopy showed all sutures in situ in 12/70 (17%) patients while no remaining sutures could be detected in 18/70 (26%). In 54 and 50 patients examined, respectively, no significant changes in 24 hour pH monitoring (median pH <4/24 hours, 9.1% v 8.5%; p = 0.82) or lower oesophageal sphincter (LOS) pressure (7.7 v 10.3 mm Hg; p = 0.051) were observed while median LOS length slightly increased (3.0 to 3.2 cm; p<0.05). CONCLUSION: Endoscopic gastroplication (EndoCinch) is a safe and minimally invasive endoscopic treatment for GORD with reasonable short term results. In contrast, long term outcome is disappointing, probably due to suture loss in the majority of patients. Therefore, technical improvements to ensure suture durability are mandatory before endoscopic suturing can evolve as a therapeutic option for GORD treatment.  相似文献   

In a consecutive series of 56 patients with acute myocardial infarction, ST segment depression and elevation in the electrocardiographic limb leads I, II, and III were summated for each patient before and immediately after intracoronary streptokinase infusion and the results compared with the angiographic findings. Forty three patients had angiographically confirmed reperfusion of an initially occluded vessel and showed a significant decrease in summated ST shift. The ST segment changes in the limb leads virtually returned to normal in all 43 patients, and in most, inverted T waves developed. Thrombolysis was unsuccessful in 10 patients, and the infarct related coronary artery was already patent in three. When these two groups are combined, all 13 patients without reperfusion showed no significant change in summated ST segment shift. During percutaneous transluminal angioplasty inflation of the balloon in the vessel that was previously occluded simulated reocclusion and was followed by new ST elevation if the artery supplied viable myocardium. In a further consecutive study of 54 patients with anterior myocardial infarction, the precordial R waves and Q waves were studied over the four to six months following infarction using a standardised 48 electrode mapping system. All patients underwent a repeat angiogram after four to six months. In 36 patients the infarct related vessel was patent. They showed a significant mean increase in summated precordial R wave amplitude and a reduction in the mean number of precordial leads without R waves. In 18 patients with unsuccessful thrombolysis or reocclusion there was a further reduction in mean summated R wave amplitude and an increased number of precordial leads not showing R waves. Precordial R wave mapping seems to be a valuable non-invasive method of assessing the salvage of myocardium after reperfusion and the damage caused by reocclusion. Loss of R waves in the acute phase of myocardial infarction does not necessarily mean an irreversibly damaged myocardium.  相似文献   

Results of long-term follow-up of new mechanical valves introduced in the 1980s and innovative new surgical techniques complementing repair of the mitral apparatus are discussed here. In addition, recent reports highlighting new information about the indications, types, results, and applications of valve surgery are described.  相似文献   

In this study the long-term results of 121 repairs for organic lesions of the tricuspid valve are presented, and a attempt is made at selecting the respective indications for valve replacement (VR) and valvoplasty. Tricuspid valve correction was effected by VR in 37 cases (mechanical prosthesis 26, bioprosthesis 11) and by plastic procedures in 84 cases (commissurotomy 62, alone in 12 cases and combined with annuloplasty in 51 cases; annuloplasty alone in 21 cases). The early mortality rate was 9 p. 100. Subsequently, 28 patients (25 p. 100) died and 12 were lost sight of. Deaths related to the tricuspid valve (n = 7) comprised occlusive thrombosis of mechanical prosthesis (MP) in 4 cases and 3 failures of plastic surgery including 2 commissurotomies alone (TC) and 1 commissurotomy combined with annuloplasty (CA). Among the 70 survivors who could be followed up for 36 to 230 months (mean 98 months), there were: --8 failures, 5 of which required reoperation: 3 belonged to the MP group (3 occlusive thromboses) and 5 to the TC group (failure expressed as major tricuspid valve leakage); --4 mediocre results (1 bioprosthesis, 3 plastic operations). The failures of plastic surgery were mostly due to inadequate right ventricular function; --58 successful results, principally with bioprosthesis, CA and annuloplasty alone. Altogether, 93 p. 100 of CA and 92 p. 100 of bioprostheses were free from complications, as against 37 p. 100 of TC and 65 p. 100 of MP. It is concluded that TC completed by annuloplasty ensures satisfactory results, thus allowing the indications conservative tricuspid valve surgery to be enlarged.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Among 1,000 couples requesting for AID at CECOS Sud-Est in Marseille azoospermia is found in 572, oligoasthenozoospermia in 395. Cryptorchidism is recorded in 20% of these men. Several hypofertility factors are frequently associated. Ejaculation is absent in 23 men. 10 couples are requesting for AID because a risk of severe autosomic disease. Mean success rate is 10% per cycle, increased by sperm quality, decreased in women older than 35 years.  相似文献   

In a consecutive series of 56 patients with acute myocardial infarction, ST segment depression and elevation in the electrocardiographic limb leads I, II, and III were summated for each patient before and immediately after intracoronary streptokinase infusion and the results compared with the angiographic findings. Forty three patients had angiographically confirmed reperfusion of an initially occluded vessel and showed a significant decrease in summated ST shift. The ST segment changes in the limb leads virtually returned to normal in all 43 patients, and in most, inverted T waves developed. Thrombolysis was unsuccessful in 10 patients, and the infarct related coronary artery was already patent in three. When these two groups are combined, all 13 patients without reperfusion showed no significant change in summated ST segment shift. During percutaneous transluminal angioplasty inflation of the balloon in the vessel that was previously occluded simulated reocclusion and was followed by new ST elevation if the artery supplied viable myocardium. In a further consecutive study of 54 patients with anterior myocardial infarction, the precordial R waves and Q waves were studied over the four to six months following infarction using a standardised 48 electrode mapping system. All patients underwent a repeat angiogram after four to six months. In 36 patients the infarct related vessel was patent. They showed a significant mean increase in summated precordial R wave amplitude and a reduction in the mean number of precordial leads without R waves. In 18 patients with unsuccessful thrombolysis or reocclusion there was a further reduction in mean summated R wave amplitude and an increased number of precordial leads not showing R waves. Precordial R wave mapping seems to be a valuable non-invasive method of assessing the salvage of myocardium after reperfusion and the damage caused by reocclusion. Loss of R waves in the acute phase of myocardial infarction does not necessarily mean an irreversibly damaged myocardium.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: A large proportion of patients attending open access endoscopy have histological and gross pathological findings that are potentially premalignant. The proportion of these patients who go on to develop malignancies and the timescale over which this occurs are uncertain. AIMS: This study aims to discover the incidence of gastric cancers in this "high risk" group and to examine the potential for their early diagnosis and treatment. PATIENTS: A total of 1753 patients attended open access endoscopy. From these, 166 patients with dysplasia, intestinal metaplasia, atrophic gastritis, foveolar hyperplasia, regenerative changes, polyps, or ulcers who agreed to undergo annual surveillance endoscopy were studied. METHODS: Patients were endoscoped annually. Additionally, patients with ulcers were re-examined at two monthly intervals until ulcer healing. Cancers detected were treated by gastrectomy. RESULTS: Twenty two of 1753 patients attending open access endoscopy had gastric cancer (1.3%). In the study population, 14 cancers were detected over 10 years (8.4 %). These were of an earlier stage than those detected at open access (stage I and II 67% v 23%; p<0.05) and five year survival was significantly higher (50% v 10%; p=0.006). In atrophic gastritis and intestinal metaplasia the risk of malignancy was 11%. CONCLUSIONS: In patients with atrophic gastritis or intestinal metaplasia, annual surveillance can detect most new tumours at an early stage with a major improvement in survival. Potential benefits of such a surveillance programme are large and warrant further investigation in a multicentre randomised controlled trial.  相似文献   

Moosdorf R 《Herz》2000,25(8):794-798
Constrictive pericarditis is a rare disease with an often unclear etiology. There may be a long delay between the onset of the underlying disease and the onset of clinical symptoms, which are fatigue, abdominal swelling, peripheral edema and breathlessness. However, if clinically apparent, these symptoms may progress rapidly and severely disable the affected patient. Diagnosis is achieved by the clinical presentation, echocardiography and/or MRI and right heart catheterization. The standard therapy is an extended pericardiectomy to restore an unlimited inflow and outflow as well as an unrestricted diastolic function of both ventricles. The risks of this procedure are related to dense adhesions between the 2 pericardial layers and severe calcifications especially of the epicardium. Incomplete removal results in persistent diastolic restriction while lacerations of the underlying myocardium may lead to diffuse and extensive bleeding and finally to myocardial dysfunction. Also, the postoperative course may be complicated by persistent low output syndrome or acute ventricular dilatation. However, early surgical intervention in the hands of experienced surgeons offers the best prognosis.  相似文献   

S L Broor  G S Raju  P P Bose  D Lahoti  G N Ramesh  A Kumar    G K Sood 《Gut》1993,34(11):1498-1501
Although dilatation is the treatment of choice for most patients with benign oesophageal strictures, there is little information on its efficacy and safety in corrosive oesophageal strictures. Of 123 adults with benign oesophageal strictures treated by endoscopic dilatation, 52 (42.3%) had strictures after corrosive ingestion and 39 (31.7%) had peptic strictures. Treatment was considered adequate if the oesophageal lumen could be dilated to 15 mm and there was complete relief of dysphagia. If dysphagia recurred after adequate initial dilatation, the stricture was dilated again up to 15 mm. Initial dilatation was adequate in 93.6% of patients with corrosive strictures and this success rate was comparable with that of the peptic stricture group (100%, p > 0.05). Long term success after adequate initial dilatation was studied in 36 patients with corrosive strictures (mean follow up 32.36 (17.12) months, range 6-60) and 33 patients with peptic strictures (mean follow up 36.32 (17.9) months, range 6-60). The mean (SEM) number of symptomatic recurrences per patient month during the total follow up period in the corrosive group was significantly higher than that in the peptic group (0.27 (0.04) v 0.07 (0.02), p < 0.001). The recurrence rate in the corrosive group, however, decreased over time, and after 12 months it was significantly (p < 0.001) lower than the recurrence rate in the first six months. After 36 months, the difference in the recurrence rate in the two groups was not significant (p > 0.05). Only nine oesophageal perforations occurred during a total of 1373 dilatation treatments (procedure related incidence 0.66%), and eight of these were in the corrosive stricture group. These patients were managed conservatively and subsequently strictures were dilated adequately in all. Endoscopic dilatation is safe and effective for short and long term relief of dysphagia in patients with corrosive oesophageal strictures.  相似文献   

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