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Differentiation of the ventral motor neurons were followed in the developing human spinal cord from week 8 to week 26 of intrauterine life by thionin staining and the rapid Golgi method. Ventral roots were seen as translucent rootlets by week 8 and the ventral motor neurons were clearly identifiable by week 10, indicating that the ventral grey was earlier to differentiate than the dorsal grey, which showed a small, darkly stained, undifferentiated cell population. Lateral groupings of the motor neurons in the cervical and lumbar enlargements were obvious by week 10. Nissl substance and dendrites had reached an adult pattern by about week 18 of intrauterine life.  相似文献   

The development of catecholaminergic innervation in chick spinal cord   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This combined biochemical and histofluorescent study of the embryonic chick was designed to investigate the temporal and spatial development of noradrenergic pathways in the spinal cord. The sequence of catecholaminergic innervation was analyzed by measuring the specific uptake of [3H]norepinephrine, the levels of endogenous norepinephrine, and the distribution of catecholamine histofluorescence. Uptake studies showed early axons present in all levels of spinal cord by 10 days incubation with subsequent increases of uptake activity appearing in a rostrocaudal fashion. Endogenous norepinephrine values were low until day 14, at which time transmitter levels began to increase, approaching hatched values on incubation day 17. Morphologic studies demonstrated catecholaminergic terminals first in the intermediate gray matter and later concentrated in the ventral and dorsal horns. These observations were interpreted to indicate that: (1) noradrenergic axons are an early descending supraspinal pathway; (2) arborization of this system occurs in a rostral-caudal sequence; and (3) monoaminergic uptake mechanisms develop prior to and independent of neurotransmitter synthesis and storage. The development of this noradrenergic system parallels alteration in spinal cord physiology and refinements in the motility of the embryo.  相似文献   

The ontogenetic development of afferent (supraspinal and propriospinal) as well as efferent (ascending) fiber connections of the spinal cord was examined following the injection of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) or wheat germ agglutinin HRP (WGA-HRP) into the cervical and lumbar spinal cords (or brains) of embryos ranging in age from 4 to 14 days of incubation. A few cells were first reliably retrogradely labelled in the pontine reticular formation on embryonic day (E) 4 and E5 following the injection of WGA-HRP into the cervical and lumbar spinal cord, respectively. Propriospinal projections to the lumbar spinal cord, originating from brachial spinal cord, were found by E5, and from the cervical spinal cord by E5.5. Ascending fibers arising from neurons in the lumbar spinal cord could be followed to rostral mesencephalic levels in E5 embryos. Thus, the earliest supraspinal, propriospinal, and ascending fiber connections appear to be formed almost simultaneously. Retrogradely labelled cells were found in the raphe, reticular, vestibular, interstitial, and hypothalamic nuclei in E5.5 embryos following lumbar injections of WGA-HRP. Except for neurons in cerebellar nuclei, all the cell groups of origin that project to the cervical spinal cord of posthatching chicks were also retrogradely labelled by E8. There was a delay in the time of appearance of the projections from various regions of the brain stem to the lumbar versus the cervical spinal cord, ranging from 0.5 to 7 days, but typically of about 3 days duration. A large number of cells located in the ventral hypothalamic region, just dorsal to the optic chiasma, were found to be labelled following cervical HRP injection between E6 and E10. These cells may represent transient projections that are present only during embryonic stages since no labelled cells were found in this region in the newly-hatched chick.  相似文献   

The cellular distribution of synapsin I in chick spinal cord has been examined during embryo development and in cultured neurons from different developmental stages. Using immunocytochemical methods we have observed that synapsin I appears lightly detectable in spinal cord of embryonic day (E)5–E8 embryos when the motor neurons have already established functional contacts with muscle fibers, and increases at E9. Until E8 synapsin I immunoreactivity appeared mainly localized in the gray matter of spinal cord; immunostaining of white matter becomes clearly evident only at E9. These observations indicate that synapsin I expression and possibly its transport to the nerve terminals may be stimulated by sequential signals. The cellular distribution of synapsin I observed in vivo is maintained in E8 and E9 spinal cord neuron cell cultures. In fact, in E8 cultured neurons, synapsin I immunostaining is observed only in the cell body, while in E9 cultured neurons both cell body and fibers are stained. The addition of muscle extracts to E8 cultures induces synapsin I decoration of fibers similar to that observed in E9 cultured neurons. Indeed Western and Northern blot analysis and in situ hybridization demonstrate an increase of synapsin I and its mRNA in spinal cord neurons kept in the presence of muscle extracts. These data suggest that synapsin I expression, as previously reported for other neuronal markers, can be modulated by soluble factors present in target cells. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Protocadherins constitute the largest subfamily of cadherin genes and are widely expressed in the nervous system. In the present study, we cloned eight members of the delta-protocadherin subfamily of cadherins (Pcdh1, Pcdh7, Pcdh8, Pcdh9, Pcdh10, Pcdh17, Pcdh18, and Pcdh19) from the chicken, and investigated their expression in the developing chicken spinal cord by in situ hybridization. Our results showed that each of the investigated delta-protocadherins exhibits a spatially restricted and temporally regulated pattern of expression. Pcdh1, Pcdh8, Pcdh18, and Pcdh19 are expressed in restricted dorsoventral domains of the neuroepithelial layer at early developmental stages (E2.5–E4). In the differentiating mantle layer, specific expression profiles are observed for all eight delta-protocadherins along the dorsoventral, mediolateral, and rostrocaudal dimensions at intermediate stages of development (E6–E10). Expression profiles are especially diverse in the motor column, where different pools of motor neurons exhibit signal for subsets of delta-protocadherins. In the dorsal root ganglion, subpopulations of cells express combinations of Pcdh1, Pcdh7, Pcdh8, Pcdh9, Pcdh10, and Pcdh17. The ventral boundary cap cells are positive for Pcdh7, Pcdh9, and Pcdh10. Signals for Pcdh8, Pcdh18, and Pcdh19 are found in the meninges. Surrounding tissues, such as the notochord, dermomyotome, and sclerotome also exhibit differential expression patterns. The highly regulated spatiotemporal expression patterns of delta-protocadherins suggest that they have multiple and diverse functions during development of the spinal cord and its surrounding tissues.  相似文献   

Transplantation of activated transgenic Schwann cells or a fetal spinal cord cell suspension has been widely used to treat spinal cord injury. However, little is known regarding the effects of co-transplantation. In the present study, autologous Schwann cells in combination with a fetal spinal cord cell suspension were transplanted into adult Wistar rats with spinal cord injury, and newly generated axonal connections were observed ultrastructurally. Transmission electron microscopic observations showed that...  相似文献   

Potentials of 13- to 18-day chick embryo motoneurones were recorded intracellularly. Action potentials could be evoked by antidromic or direct stimulation of the cells, but the amplitudes were relatively low (less than 40-45 mV) and no overshoot or marked afterpotentials were observed. Pronounced evoked and spontaneous postsynaptic potentials were observed. Both irregular miniature and bursting high-voltage spontaneous postsynaptic depolarizations were present. The association of spontaneous action potentials with the latter type of spontaneous synaptic activity suggests its possible involvement in mechanisms of spontaneous embryonic motility.  相似文献   

Development of the putative neurotransmitter, substance P (SP), in the embryonic rat dorsal root ganglion (DRG) and spinal cord was defined in vivo. SP was not detectable by radioimmunoassay before day 17 of gestation (E17). On E17, cervical sensory ganglia contained 4 pg SP/ganglion, rising to 49 pg/ganglion at birth. The dorsal cervical spinal cord contained 0.75 ng SP/mg protein on E17, rising to 6 ng SP/mg protein on postnatal day 3. The ventral spinal cord contained approximately 20% of the SP content in the dorsal cord at each gestational age. Intrauterine forelimb amputation partially prevented the normal development increase of SP in sensory ganglia destined to innervate that limb, suggesting that target structures regulate the development of peptidergic neruons. Conversely, treatment with nerve growth factor (NGF) stimulated development of SP in the DRG. Moreover, NGF treatment increased SP in the dorsal spinal cord, suggesting that NGF can modulate development within the CNS, as well as peripheral structures. It is likely that the CNS effect reflects NGF peptidergic neruons. Conversely, treatment with nerve growth factor (NGF) stimulated development of SP in the DRG. Moreover, NGF treatment increased SP in the dorsal spinal cord, suggesting that NGF can modulate development within the CNS, as well as peripheral structures. It is likely that the CNS effect reflects NGF peptidergic neruons. Conversely, treatment with nerve growth factor (NGF) stimulated development of SP in the DRG. Moreover, NGF treatment increased SP in the dorsal spinal cord, suggesting that NGF can modulate development within the CNS, as well as peripheral structures. It is likely that the CNS effect reflects NGF action on peripheral ganglia, but a direct effect on the spinal cord has not been excluded. However, treatment with antiserum to NGF failed to significantly inhibit development of ganglion SP. The system of SP-containing neurons in the DRG may provide a convenient model for defining events regulating peptidergic maturation.  相似文献   

The developmental regulation of cell proliferation, survival and cholinergic expression by growth hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH) and somatostatin (SRIF) was investigated in neuronenriched cultures derived from 10-day-old embryonic chick spinal cord. In this study, 3H-thymidine incorporation into DNA was assessed, using two different applications, in order to determine both cellular proliferation and survival. The rate of neuroblast proliferation in both control and neuropeptide-treated cultures increased or remained the same up to day 6. However, in neuropeptide-treated cultures the magnitude of cell proliferation remained at levels higher than those observed in controls through day 6 and was most significant in SRIF-treated cultures at C4. In all groups, proliferation markedly declined by day 8. Survival of neuronal cells labelled at C4 remained high up to day 12 in all three groups, then drastically declined by day 17. Neuronal survival in the neuropeptide-treated cultures was also higher than in controls. Cholinergic expression, as assessed by activity of choline acetyltransferase (ChAT), responded differentially to neuropeptide treatment. Cultures treated with GHRH (100 nM) exhibited a long term significant enhancement in ChAT activity throughout the culture period, whereas those treated with SRIF (50 nM) expressed a transient decline in ChAT activity. Videometric analysis showed that both neuropeptides enhanced neuronal aggregation, neuritic arborization and neuritic length. These findings lead us to suggest that GHRH and SRIF may provide neurotrophic signals important not only for neuronal proliferation and survival but also for cholinergic neuronal expression. Furthermore, we propose that GHRH possesses specific cholinotrophic properties, whereas SRIF may act as a general neurotrophic factor.  相似文献   

背景:基因芯片可以大规模地平行检测分析上千个基因的表达模式,克服了传统的一次实验仅能对单个或数个基因表达水平进行分析的局限。 目的:应用含有1 176条人类全长基因的cDNA表达谱芯片,对大鼠急性脊髓损伤模型中基因表达水平的变化进行动态观察。 方法:雌性SD大鼠70只随机分成正常对照组、手术对照组、损伤4 h,24 h,3 d,7 d,10 d组7组。损伤组切除T7、T8的椎板,并用钢棒从高处自由落下致脊髓损伤。手术对照组仅进行T7、T8椎板切除。正常组和各损伤组于伤后各时间段,手术对照组于术后3 d取T6~T10段脊髓,提取总RNA,运用AtlasImageTM 2.01软件(Clontech)对放射自显影基因表达谱进行分析,各个处理组与正常组相比,灰度值差异超过3倍的基因定为有表达差异。 结果与结论:结果显示共有显著表达差异基因81条,其中表达上调的基因有46条,表达下调的基因有35条,并在国内外首次观察到神经激肽B、神经肽Y、垂体后叶加压素V2受体等数个基因在脊髓损伤中的变化。结果表明利用基因芯片技术结合实验动物模型能大规模、高通量地观察急性脊髓损伤继发性损伤的基因表达谱,筛选疾病相关基因,对进一步阐明疾病在基因水平上的发病机制,有重要的意义。  相似文献   

Reelin, an extracellular matrix molecule, regulates neuronal positioning in the brain, brainstem, and spinal cord. Although Reelin was identified more than a decade ago, its function on neuronal migration is still poorly understood. Using a transgenic mouse that expressed reelin under the nestin promoter, we examined here the function of Reelin in control of sympathetic preganglionic neurons (SPN) migration in the spinal cord. SPN undergo primary and secondary migration to arrive at their final locations. In wildtype mice, postmitotic SPN undergo primary migration from the neuroepithelium to the ventrolateral spinal cord, and then undergo a secondary dorsal migration to their final location to form the intermediolateral column (IML). In reeler, which lacks Reelin, SPN also undergo primary migration to the ventrolateral spinal cord as in wildtype. However, during secondary migration, SPN migrate medially to cluster adjacent to the central canal. Our present study on transgenic rl/rl mutants (rl/rl ne‐reelin) shows that the initial migration of SPN (embryonic day [E]9.5–E12.5) was similar to reeler. SPN migrated from the neuroepithelium to the ventrolateral spinal cord and then back toward the central canal, despite strong reelin expression in the ventricular zone. However, SPN did not aggregate near the central canal when ectopic reelin was expressed. Only when the expression level of ectopic reelin in the ventricular zone became very weak (E18.5) were SPN found to cluster near the central canal. Postnatally, SPN in rl/rl ne‐reelin transgenic mice were located in both the IML and near the central canal. These results show that SPN position can change with location and level of reelin expression. Possible functions of Reelin on SPN migration are discussed. J. Comp. Neurol. 515:260–268, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Adult chicken spinal cords were completely transected under direct visualization. One week later, embryonic chick spinal cords 6 days, 9 days, or 11 days old were implanted into the site of transection. The animals were allowed to survive for 2 months and then killed and the spinal cords were prepared for histologic analysis. The survival and outgrowth of the embryonic transplants were compared with regard to the age of the implant, and its effects on the host tissue. Six-day embryonic tissue survived and integrated far better than 9-day or 11-day, and adult spinal cord subjacent to the early age embryo showed fewer degenerative changes. The chick embryo may provide a model for use in CNS transplantation.  相似文献   

Little is known about the development of the various populations of interneurons in the mammalian spinal cord. We have utilized the lipid-soluble tracer DiI in fixed tissue to study the migration and dendritic arborization of spinal neurons with axons in the ventral commissure in embryonic rats. Crystals of DiI were placed in various locations in the thoracic spinal cord in order to label commissural neurons within the dorsal horn, intermediate zone, and ventral horn at E13.5, E15, E17, and E19. Seven different groups of commissural interneurons are present in the spinal cord by E13.5. Migration is relatively simple with groups occupying a position along the dorsoventral axis roughly corresponding to their position of origin along the neuroepithelium. By E15, commissural cells are near their final locations and exhibit characteristic morphology. One striking feature is the tendency of cells with similar morphology to cluster in distinct groups. By E19, at least 18 different types of commissural interneurons can be identified on morphological grounds. Although the situation is complex, some generalities about dendritic morphology are apparent. Commissural neurons located in the dorsal horn are small and have highly branched dendrites oriented along the dorsoventral axis. In more ventral regions, commissural neurons are larger and possess dendritic arbors oriented obliquely or parallel to the mediolateral axis with long dendrites extending toward the lateral and ventral funiculi. The number of primary dendrites of most groups is set by E15 and dendritic growth occurs in the transverse plane by lengthening and branching of these primary processes. This study demonstrates that a large number of classes of commissural interneurons can be recognized on the basis of characteristic morphologies and locations within the dorsal horn, intermediate zone and ventral horn of the embryonic rat spinal cord. This finding is consistent with the fact that commissural neurons project to many different targets and mediate a variety of different functions. The demonstration that dendritic arbors of spinal interneurons with characteristic morphologies can be conveniently labelled with DiI should prove useful in future studies on the development of specific circuits in the mammalian spinal cord.  相似文献   

A rat model of spinal cord injury was established using the weight drop method. A cavity formed 14 days following spinal cord injury, and compact scar tissue formed by 56 days. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and polymerase chain reaction enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay results demonstrated that glial fibrillary acidic protein and telomerase expression increased gradually after injury, peaked at 28 days, and then gradually decreased. Spearman rank correlation showed a positive correlation between glial fibrillary acidic protein expression and telomerase expression in the glial scar. These results suggest that telomerase promotes glial scar formation.  相似文献   

AimsOur team tested spinal cord fusion (SCF) using the neuroprotective agent polyethylene glycol (PEG) in different animal (mice, rats, and beagles) models with complete spinal cord transection. To further explore the application of SCF for the treatment of paraplegic patients, we developed a new clinical procedure for SCF called vascular pedicle hemisected spinal cord transplantation (vSCT) and tested this procedure in eight paraplegic participants.MethodsEight paraplegic participants (American Spinal Injury Association, ASIA: A) were enrolled and treated with vSCT (PEG was applied to the sites of spinal cord transplantation). Pre‐ and postoperative pain intensities, neurologic assessments, electrophysiologic monitoring, and neuroimaging examinations were recorded.ResultsOf the eight paraplegic participants who completed vSCT, objective improvements occurred in motor function for one participant, in electrophysiologic motor‐evoked potentials for another participant, in re‐establishment of white matter continuity in three participants, in autonomic nerve function in seven participants, and in symptoms of cord central pain for seven participants.ConclusionsThe postoperative recovery of paraplegic participants demonstrated the clinical feasibility and efficacy of vSCT in re‐establishing the continuity of spinal nerve fibers. vSCT could provide the anatomic, morphologic, and histologic foundations to potentially restore the motor, sensory, and autonomic nervous functions in paraplegic patients. More future clinical trials are warranted.  相似文献   

A case of isolated intradural spinal cord lipoma is presented. Most isolated spinal cord lipomas are intradural extramedullary, and the most common location is subpial. True intramedullary lipomas are very rare. Patient history is usually of months to years of local back pain, with recent escalation of pain and development of neurological symptoms. MRI examination shows a well circumscribed lesion of high signal on both T1 and T2 weighted images, and suppression on fat saturation sequence. Subtotal resection is the surgical aim. This improves pain but neurological symptoms rarely improve, usually are unchanged, and occasionally are worse.  相似文献   

Recent evidence from our laboratory has shown that leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF) can act early in peripheral nervous system development. We have investigated a potential role of LIF in the developing spinal cord. In explants and dissociated cultures of spinal cord primordium, LIF stimulated a profuse neurite outgrowth. To determine if these effects were related to neuronal differentiation, cells were plated at low cell density and stained for neurofilament. LIF stimulated an increase in the number of newly differentiated neurons, without inducing proliferation of the precursors. Given that LIF has previously reported effects as a cholinergic switching factor for sympathetic neurons, we investigated whether LIF had similar effects in these spinal cord cultures. LIF increased the number of cholinergic neurons in proportion to its overall effect on the stimulation of all neurofilament positive neurons in the culture. These data show that LIF stimulates the generation of spinal cord neurons from their precursors and further implicates a role for LIF in nervous system development.  相似文献   

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