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Acute severe pancreatitis remains a disease with multiple complications and high mortality rates. The body of knowledge about clinical pancreatitis is being subjected to rigorous evidence-based analysis, and relevant, practical guidelines have been issued. Great efforts are being made to identify and profile the mediators involved in the systemic hyperinflammatory response to acute pancreatic injury. Lexipafant, a platelet-activating factor antagonist that showed promising results in initial trials, failed to reduce the incidence of new organ failures or mortality in a large double-blind study. The search for an early and accurate prognostic marker for severity persists, with urinary trypsinogen activation peptide as a potentially suitable candidate. Patients with acute pancreatitis do not benefit from anti-secretory therapy with octreotide. Percutaneous, radiological, drainage techniques may eventually play an important role in the management of infected necrosis.  相似文献   

Anemia is a common finding in patients with diabetes due to the high burden of chronic kidney disease in this population. Anemia is more prevalent and is found earlier in patients with diabetes than in those with kidney disease from other causes. The increased risk of anemia in diabetes probably reflects changes in the renal tubulointerstitium associated with diabetic kidney disease, which disrupt the delicate interaction between interstitial fibroblasts, capillaries and tubular cells required for normal hemopoietic function. In particular, the uncoupling of the hemoglobin concentration from renal erythropoietin synthesis seems to be the key factor underlying the development of anemia. Systemic inflammation, functional hematinic deficiencies, erythropoietin resistance and reduced red cell survival also drive anemia in the setting of impaired renal compensation. Although anemia can be considered a marker of kidney damage, reduced hemoglobin levels independently identify diabetic patients with an increased risk of microvascular complications, cardiovascular disease and mortality. Nevertheless, a direct role in the development or progression of diabetic complications remains to be clearly established and the clinical utility of correcting anemia in diabetic patients has yet to be demonstrated in randomized controlled trials. Correction of anemia certainly improves performance and quality of life in diabetic patients. In the absence of additional data, treatment should be considered palliative, and any functional benefits must be matched against costs to the patient and the health system.  相似文献   

Free-radical generation and nitric oxide (NO) generation were detected in the rat bladder following acute bladder outlet obstruction (BOO), and the results were compared with those for vascular ischemia and reperfusion (I-R). Forty male Sprague Dawley rats were used. In the acute BOO plus I-R group (group 1), rats were catheterized with a 3-Fr catheter and an inflated balloon was positioned at the bladder neck. The bladder was overdistended after administration of Ringer solution and furosemide (12 mg/kg, each) for 60 min, and was then drained to allow reperfusion for 30 min. In the acute BOO plus nerve stimulation group (group 2), the pelvic nerve was stimulated in the distended bladder for 60 min (5 s every 5 min, 10 V/0.1 ms, 20 Hz). Pelvic nerve stimulation was performed in nonobstructed animals in group 3. In the I-R group (group 4), the distal aorta was occluded for 60 min followed by reperfusion for 30 min. Sham-operated animals served as the control group (group 5). At the end of the protocols, the levels of hydroxyl and superoxide radicals and NO levels were measured in the bladder tissues with luminol- and lucigenin-enhanced chemiluminescence methods. The results were compared by a one-way analysis of variance test. The levels of hydroxyl radicals were not significantly different between the study groups. In contrast, superoxide radicals and NO levels were significantly increased in both group 1 and group 4 compared with those in control animals (P < 0.05 for all comparisons). Superoxide radical generation in group 2 was comparable to the levels in group 1 (P > 0.05), whereas NO levels were substantially lower than in group 1 (P = 0.06). In summary, vascular I-R causes significant oxidative damage to the bladder. Acute BOO with overdistension of the bladder mimics the effects of true vascular I-R injury. The NO pathway has possibly a major role in I-R-induced bladder damage. Prolonged BOO may therefore significantly enhance the oxidative damage to the bladder and further accentuate the effects of generalized atherosclerotic processes in the elderly adult.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To detect superoxide anion (O(-)(2)) signals in the heart, liver, lung and kidney tissues after burns. METHODS: Twenty-four male rats were randomized into 4 groups. The rats of experimental groups were immersed in 100 degrees C water for 15 seconds and 25% third-degree burn was created. Thoracotomy or laparotomy was performed at 5, 10, 15, 20 and 30 minutes after burn, and specimens of the heart, lung, liver kidney were obtained for burned rats. The specimens were then preserved in liquid nitrogen for cryo-preservation and detected immediately using EPR. RESULTS: The signals of superoxide O radical appeared in the heart, lung, 1iver and kidney specimens 10-15 minutes after burn. CONCLUSIONS: There is a direct evidence of oxygen free radicals (OFRs) injury to viscera of burned rats between 10-15 minutes after burn.  相似文献   



Endomyocardial biopsy is the gold standard to identify rejection after heart transplantation. Due to its invasiveness, discomfort, and difficult vascular access, some patients are not willing to accept routine scheduled biopsies years after heart transplantation. The purpose of this study was to identify whether there was a difference in outcomes among the scheduled versus event biopsy groups.


We studied 411 patients who underwent heart transplantation from 1987 to 2011, reviewing biopsy results and pathology reports. There were 363 patients who followed the scheduled biopsy protocol, and 48 patients who were assigned to the event biopsy group. We extracted data on biopsy results, rejection episodes, rejection types, and survival time.


The 2481 reviewed biopsies over 24 years, showed most rejection episodes (86.4%) to occur within 2 years after heart transplantation. The rejection incidence was low (2.1%) at 3 years after transplantation. The major reason for an event biopsy was poor vascular access, such as tiny central vein or congenital disease without a suitable central vein. Event biopsy group patients were younger than schedule biopsy patients (19.7 years old vs 47.6 years old; P < .05). The 10-year survival rates were 64% among the event versus 53% among the scheduled biopsy group (P = .029). The 10-year rates of freedom from rejection were similar.


The rejection rate was low after 3 years; episodes occurred within 2 years. Although the long-term survival in the event group was better, they had a younger man age. The rejection and freedom from rejection rates were similar. As the rejection rate was low at 3 years after transplantation, we suggest that the event principle could be applied for biopsy at 3 years after heart transplantation.  相似文献   

Neurophysiology does not provide a satisfactory theory which explains the phenomenon of muscular "spasm" which is said to be present in the neck following soft-tissue injury. Lacking knowledge as to whether long continued intermittent traction--ranging from 10 pounds to total body weight pull--is therapeutic or traumatic, such treatments nevertheless are prescribed in physiotherapy departments and at home for months. They are believed to be non-physiological and irrational and, in the author's opinon, represent the persistence of several medical myths associated with the "rear-end" collision. The question is moot whether the intractable complaints following such injuries are not caused, in large part, by the repeated traumas to muscles, disks, and joints produced by strong intermittent distraction. Experimental anatomical studies also argue against the hopes expressed in favor of such treatment, namely: to relieve spasm and/or traumatic fibro-myositis (?), to enlarge the neural foramina and relieve "radiculitis," and to hasten recovery by means of a conjectured internal massage.  相似文献   

PCT is a 116-amino acid polypeptide glycoprotein that is ubiquitously expressed from various extrathyroid neuroendocrine tissues during bacterial infection. PCT was shown to closely correlate with the severity of sepsis. PCT synthesis is probably induced by tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNFalpha) or interleukin-6 (IL-6), the primary cytokines in the inflammatory cascade, as they always peak before PCT. In healthy and septic animals, PCT injection did not initiate or enhance the production of TNFalpha, while TNFalpha injection induced a 25-fold massive and sustained PCT increase. This indicates that PCT release is not a 'proximal' but rather an 'intermediary' event in the sepsis cascade that requires a 'primed' inflammatory background to exert its effect. PCT, a prohormone that follows a cytokine-like expression pathway, was coined a 'hormokine' to signify its cytokine-like host-response. In our center, over a period of 2 years, we investigated subsets of postoperative ICU patients with sepsis. The area under the Receiver Operating Characteristic curve for PCT's prediction of survival outcome demonstrated a very high discriminative power of 0.90 from day 6, with a cut-off value of 3.2 ng mL(-1) PCT concentration. Interestingly, in our study, PCT declined a few days before a lethal outcome. This ominous sign clearly demonstrates that patients with poor prognosis would manifest, at a certain stage, a decrease in their ability to mount an effective response to sepsis.  相似文献   



We hypothesized that patients with acute mild gallstone pancreatitis (GSP) admitted to surgery (SUR; vs medicine [MED]) had a shorter time to surgery, shorter hospital length of stay (HLOS), and lower costs.


We performed chart reviews of patients who underwent a cholecystectomy for acute mild GSP from October 1, 2009 to May 31, 2013. We excluded patients with moderate to severe and non-gallstone pancreatitis. We compared outcomes for time to surgery, HLOS, costs, and complications between the 2 groups.


Fifty acute mild GSP patients were admitted to MED and 52 to SUR. MED patients were older and had more comorbidity. SUR patients had a shorter time to surgery (44 vs 80 hours; P < .001), a shorter HLOS (3 vs 5 days; P < .001), and lower hospital costs ($11,492 ± 6,480 vs $16,183 ± 12,145; P = .03). In our subgroup analysis on patients with an American Society of Anesthesiologists score between 1 and 2, the subgroups were well matched; all outcomes still favored SUR patients.


Admitting acute mild GSP patients directly to SUR shortened the time to surgery, shortened HLOS, and lowered hospital costs.  相似文献   

In this case, the difficulty in differential diagnosis between acute viral hepatitis and acute fatty liver of pregnancy was analyzed. These 2 conditions often raise controversal question regarding the decision making on emergency anesthesia for cesarean section to avert complications and optimize management. The dilemma in which an anesthesiologist is put is whether to promise the anesthesia straightaway in the face of a demonstrable acute jaundice in pregnancy to advise a postponement of surgery until a turn for the better. In this embarrassing situation, the authors suggest that a postpronement of surgery is rational to observe the development during which both the mother and the fetus should be closely monitored. Once the necessity of a cesarean section outweighs the benefit of transitional conservative treatment, it should be performed immediately.  相似文献   

Early cholecystectomy is the best policy in the case of acute cholecystitis. The aim of this retrospective study is to evaluate the current treatment of choice of acute calculous cholecystitis, as seen in our experience and in the literature data. Between January 1997 and July 2000, 150 patients were operated on for cholecystectomy. In the group of 30 patients (20%) with acute cholecystitis, 15 patients (50%) were managed with laparoscopic approach while 15 patients (50%) with traditional operation. At the beginning the Authors chose the open via for understand the pathologic findings of acute cholecystitis, then they always preferred the laparoscopic approach. Comparison between two groups concerned the interval between onset of symptoms and operation, postoperative mortality and morbidity rates, postoperative hospital stay and follow up. Statistical analysis was performed by the Student's t-test and the chi-square test. Both groups were homogeneous with regard to sex, age and onset of symptoms. There were no deaths and morbidity rate in the laparoscopic group was 20% versus 40% (p = ns). The average postoperative hospital stay in the laparoscopic group was 5.6 days versus 10.5 days (p = 0.046). The conversion rate into laparotomy was 6.6% (1 case). There has been one case of incisional hernia in the open group at a mean follow up of 20 month. Early laparoscopic cholecystectomy is the treatment of choice of acute cholecystitis because of a lower postoperative morbidity rate and a significant shorter hospital stay.  相似文献   

Thrombolytic agents have been demonstrated to improve free flap salvage in animal models. However, clinical evidence regarding their efficacy has been scant. The authors reviewed their experience with flap salvage using thrombolytic therapy in 1,733 free flaps from February 1990 to July 1998. Patients with intraoperative pedicle thrombosis were excluded from this review. Forty-one of the 55 free flaps that were reexplored emergently were identified as having pedicle thrombosis. Of these 41 flaps, 28 free flaps were salvaged (flap salvage group, 68%) and 13 free flaps failed (flap failure group, 32%). Thrombolytic therapy (urokinase in 7 patients, tissue plasminogen activator in 1 patient) was used in six flaps in the flap salvage group and two flaps in the flap failure group. Statistical analysis demonstrated no difference between the two groups with regard to thrombolytic therapy. There was also no difference between the two groups with regard to use of systemic heparin (100-500 U per hour) at the time of pedicle thrombosis or with regard to whether Fogarty catheters were used. Smoking, preoperative radiotherapy, and the use of interpositional vein grafts during initial flap reconstruction had no impact on the outcome of flap salvage. The flap salvage group was reexplored at a mean of 1.5 days compared with the flap failure group, which was reexplored at a mean of 4.2 days (p = 0.007). Early detection of pedicle thrombosis remains the most important factor in the salvage of free flaps. Although these numbers are small and definitive statements cannot be made, the role of thrombolytic agents in free flap salvage requires further clinical evaluation.  相似文献   

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