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Abstract Arg47 is a rare transthyretin-related (TTR) amyloidosis variant that is characterised by polyneuropathy and autonomic failure. We describe an Italian family with this mutation whose members (two women and their father) showed a rapid progression of the peripheral nervous system involvement and died within 5 years of clinical onset. Patients with Arg47 or other aggressive TTR amyloidoses should be considered high priority patients for orthotopic liver transplantation.  相似文献   

During embryonic development of the rodent forebrain, a cavity normally appears at the midline just below the corpus callosum. This cavity, the cavum septi, is present in mice by gestational day 18, but is subsequently obliterated by growth of the septal nuclei and neuropil. After x-irradiation of pregnant mice with 125r on gestational day 14.5, the cavum septi did not develop. This dramatic developmental abnormality was accompanied by delayed fusion of the septum, and a reduction in the population of subventricular cells that normally migrate to form a sling of cells extending from the medial aspect of the lateral ventricles to the midline. In normal animals formation of the cavum septi involves degeneration of this subcallosal sling of SV cells. Thus absence of the cavum after x-irradiation may be due to the premature killing of subventricular cells before their migration toward the midline.  相似文献   

Recently, we presented evidence that sulfite protects transthyretin (TTR) from normal human individuals and heterozygotes with amyloidogenic TTR mutations against the decay of tetramers into monomers. In this paper we demonstrate a stabilizing effect of sulfite on TTR tetramers from a familial amyloidotic polyneuropathy (FAP) patient homozygous for the most-common amyloidogenic TTR-V30 M mutation. We compare the conformational stability of partially sulfonated TTR from a heterozygote for normal TTR and amyloidogenic TTR-V30 M with the stability of untreated TTR from a compound heterozygote for amyloidogenic TTR-V30 M and TTR-T119 M known to have only minor or no problems of FAP. Using a combination of polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) and sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) gradient PAGE we demonstrate that TTR dimers containing amyloidogenic TTR mutations decay into monomers at pH<7.4. Increasing the pH by some 0.2 units within physiological ranges, i.e., pH 7.0–7.4, and sulfonation of TTR were observed to have additive inhibitory effects on the transition of dimers into monomers. We conclude that mild acidifying episodes in the interstitial volume of tissues at risk for amyloidosis could contribute to the development of FAP. Early and permanent efforts to counteract acidosis by treatment with base could possibly help to delay the onset of the disease. The intake of sulfite could support these efforts.Essential details of this paper were presented at the 5th International Symposium on Familial Amyloidotic Polyneuropathy and Other Transthyretin Related Disorders, 24–27 September 2002, Matsumoto, Japan.  相似文献   

Song J  Goetz BD  Duncan ID 《Glia》2006,53(3):257-265
The shaking pup (shp) is a canine mutation that affects the myelin protein proteolipid protein (PLP) and its smaller and less abundant isoform, DM20, with proline replacing histidine(36), resulting in a severe myelin deficiency in the central nervous system. We present evidence that the mutation leads to disrupted trafficking of the shp PLP/DM20 within oligodendrocytes. Immunohistochemical studies revealed significantly reduced levels of PLP/DM20 and other major myelin components such as myelin basic protein (MBP), myelin associated glycoprotein (MAG), and 2',3'-cyclic nucleotide 3'-phosphodiesterase (CNP) in shp myelin. The distribution of shp PLP/DM20 proteins were altered and mostly retained in perinuclear cytoplasm and proximal processes, which co-localized with distended rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) within oligodendrocytes. No abnormal accumulation of MAG, MBP, or CNP in the cell body was found. These results suggest that mutated PLP/DM20 in the shp could be selectively retained in RER, causing disruption of their translocation to the periphery to myelinate axons.  相似文献   

The presence and synthesis of transthyretin, a major carrier protein of thyroxine in rat cerebrospinal fluid, was investigated in choroid plexus epithelial cells and ependymal cells by immunocytochemistry, in situ hybridization, and analysis by Northern and Western blot using a specific oligonucleotide probe and a specific polyclonal antibody to transthyretin. Choroid plexus epithelial cells expressed transthyretin at high levels in developing rat cerebral hemispheres and in cultured cells. These cells secreted transthyretin into the cerebrospinal fluid. In the developing rat brain transthyretin was present in the cytoplasm of ependymal cells, in vesicles in contact with the apical membrane and in cilia. In ependymal cell cultures this protein was particularly abundant in the cilia of these cells. In contrast, ependymal cells did not synthesize transthyretin. It is postulated that transthyretin is transported to ependymal cells from the cerebrospinal fluid by endocytosis.  相似文献   

The authors report a patient with rapidly progressive cognitive decline due to bilateral internal carotid artery occlusion (ICAO) resulting in multiple pathologically proven cerebral infarctions including the entire length of the corpus callosum. The gradual evolution of the deficits was suggestive of hemodynamic ischemia. Bilateral ICAO should be considered in the differential diagnosis of patients with rapidly cognitive decline. Although ICAO commonly spares the splenium, complete callosal infarction is possible in the presence of bilateral ICAO.  相似文献   

The principal finding in this study is that the callosal projection to the occipital cortex in rats and mice follows a complex and highly reproducible pattern which has not previously been described in detail. In some regions, the callosal projection is associated with well defined cytoarchitectonic boundaries such as the border between areas 17 and 18a. However, extrastriate cortex lateral to area 17 receives callosal inputs which are not related to previously defined cytoarchitectonic boundaries. Following intraocular injections of [3H]fucose, transneuronal label occupies area 17 and mainly the posterior part of area 18a. A region in posterolateral area 18a which is ‘subdivided’ into callosal and sparsely callosal regions appears to receive an input from the lateral geniculate nucleus, based on transneuronal autoradiography. Comparison of the distribution of callosal axons and transneuronal label suggests that regions of murid cortex similar to areas 18, 19 and lateral suprasylvian cortex in cats may be located posteriorly in area 18a.  相似文献   

Rats were trained to discriminate between an intracerebroventricular injection of 1.15 nmol of Neuropeptide Y (NPY) and a sham injection. Rats rapidly learned to press the appropriate lever during training. NPY's discriminative stimulus effects were compared to those of saline, and 1.15–3.45 nmol [Leu31,Pro34]NPY, a Y1 receptor agonist and NPY 20–36, Y2 receptor agonist. [Leu31,Pro34]NPY resulted in NPY-appropriate responding, whereas saline and NPY 20–36 did not. [Leu31,Pro34]NPY also increased food intake, but NPY 20–36 did not. This suggests that NPY's discriminative stimulus and orexigenic effects involve the Y1, but not the Y2, receptor.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the association between callosal or periventricular lesions, and the presence of oligoclonal IgG bands (OB) or the IgG index in Japanese patients with multiple sclerosis (MS). MATERIALS AND METHODS: Brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was studied in 34 Japanese clinically definite MS cases. Sagittal 2-mm fast fluid-attenuated inversion-recovery (FLAIR) imaging was added to the routine MRI studies. RESULTS: Among the 34 patients, 20 (59%) were OB positive. Among the 20 patients with OB-positive MS, 17 (85%) had callosal lesions, although only two (14%) of 14 OB-negative MS patients had callosal lesions. The periventricular lesion area was significantly larger in the OB-positive patients compared with the OB-negative patients. CONCLUSIONS: The present study clearly demonstrated a strong association between the periventricular lesions and OB in Japanese MS. Certain OB-related immune mechanisms may contribute to the development of callosal and periventricular lesions in MS. OB may be an important factor to understand the pathomechanisms of MS lesions.  相似文献   

Although some allografts bearing major and minor transplantation antigens can survive after the cessation of immunosuppression with cyclosporin-A (Cy-A), nerve allografts do not. In an attempt to induce immunological unresponsiveness to nerve allografts, we used grafts containing only minor transplantation antigens and varied the duration of Cy-A therapy from 2 to 12 weeks. Our results demonstrated that nerve allografts survived in rats during Cy-A therapy, but when the drug administration ceased, the allografts were rejected. Other factors besides the degree of histoincompatibility and duration of Cy-A treatment must be involved in determining whether or not unresponsiveness develops to allografts after Cy-A withdrawal. We conclude that nerve allograft immunosuppression generated by Cy-A requires regular administration of the drug.  相似文献   

The factors regulating oxytocin expression have not yet been characterized in detail. Although direct control by ligand-dependent binding of nuclear hormone receptors to the oxytocin promoter has been suggested, the presence of these receptors in the tissues expressing oxytocin has not been shown consistently. We have analyzed nuclear proteins from preovulatory bovine granulosa cells and corpus luteum, tissues actively expressing the oxytocin gene, and describe here the characterization of a tissuespecific factor binding to the conserved element in the oxytocin promoter that has been implicated in the control of this gene. This factor is the bovine homologue of SF-1, an orphan receptor expressed specifically in steroidogenic tissues. It is suggested that SF-1 binds to the oxytocin promoter in vivo and is involved in control of oxytocin gene expression possibly by interaction with other factors.  相似文献   

When manipulating objects with both hands, the corpus callosum (CC) is of paramount importance for interhemispheric information exchange. Hence, CC damage results in impaired bimanual performance. Here, healthy young adults performed a complex bimanual dial rotation task with or without augmented visual feedback and according to five interhand frequency ratios (1:1, 1:3, 2:3, 3:1, 3:2). The relation between bimanual task performance and microstructural properties of seven CC subregions (i.e., prefrontal, premotor/supplementary motor, primary motor, primary sensory, occipital, parietal, and temporal) was studied by means of diffusion tensor imaging (DTI). Findings revealed that bimanual coordination deteriorated in the absence as compared to the presence of augmented visual feedback. Simple frequency ratios (1:1) were performed better than the multifrequency ratios (non 1:1). Moreover, performance was more accurate when the preferred hand (1:3–2:3) as compared to the nonpreferred hand (3:1–3:2) moved faster and during noninteger (2:3–3:2) as compared to integer frequency ratios (1:3–3:1). DTI findings demonstrated that bimanual task performance in the absence of augmented visual feedback was significantly related to the microstructural properties of the primary motor and occipital region of the CC, suggesting that white matter microstructure is associated with the ability to perform bimanual coordination patterns in young adults. Hum Brain Mapp, 2013. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Recently, interhemispheric disconnection syndromes have been noted in patients with agenesis of the corpus callosum (ACC) during the performance of certain tasks. However, few studies have demonstrated an asymmetric disconnection syndrome. In this report, we present just such a syndrome in a patient with ACC, who manifested ambidexterity (but with a left-hand tendency) and had high intelligence, no neurological deficits, and no associated malformations. In a comparison with similar subjects (amateur musician), we studied her asymmetric deficits using four tasks: (1) simple reaction time for visual stimuli, (2) paced finger tapping in synchrony with visual or auditory stimuli, (3) paced finger tapping without an external reference, and (4) rhythmical finger tapping in synchrony with visual or auditory stimuli. While the comparable subjects displayed no significant difference between hands, and the patient showed no significant difference between hands in the auditory paradigm, her tapping performance deteriorated significantly when asked to synchronize the left hand with timed visual stimuli, irrespective of whether finger tapping was paced or rhythmical. We believe that this phenomenon constitutes a novel asymmetrical disconnection syndrome in an ACC subject; these results suggest that synchronization of multimodal temporal information was lateralized in the left hemisphere (in this case), which is something that the ACC patient could not compensate for.  相似文献   

Accruing evidence indicates that gap junctions are involved in neuronal survival after brain injury. The present study was aimed at clarifying the contribution of the neuronal gap-junction protein connexin36 (Cx36) to secondary cell loss after injury in the mouse retina. A focal retinal lesion was induced by infrared laser photocoagulation. Remarkably, this model allowed spatial and temporal definition of the lesion with high reproducibility. Moreover, Cx36 is abundantly expressed in the retina and plays an essential role in the visual transmission process. Taking advantage of these features, cell death was assessed using TUNEL assay and light and electron microscopy, and the extent of Cx36 expression was studied by immunohistochemistry, Western blot, in situ hybridization and real-time RT-PCR. Secondary cell loss was most prominent between 24 and 48 h after lesioning. This peak was accompanied by an increase in Cx36 expression. When cultured explanted retinas were subjected to gap-junction blockers a significant increase in the extent of secondary cell loss after laser photocoagulation became evident. Using the same experimental paradigm we compared the incidence of cell death in wild-type and Cx36(-/-) mice. A significant increase in total number of TUNEL-positive cells occurred in the Cx36(-/-) mice compared to controls. From these data we conclude that Cx36 contributes to the survival and resistance against damage of retinal cells and thus constitutes a protective factor after traumatic injury of the retina.  相似文献   

We have used physiological and anatomical techniques to address three general issues concerning the topographic organization of the middle temporal visual area (MT) of the macaque monkey. First, we carried out a quantitative analysis of irregularities and asymmetries in the visual representation in MT. This analysis revealed a striking overemphasis on a restricted portion of the visual field that runs obliquely through the inferior contralateral quadrant and largely avoids both the horizontal meridian and the inferior vertical meridian. This corresponds to the portion of the visual field that would be maximally stimulated during visually guided hand movements. Second, the physiologically determined topographic organization of MT was compared to the pattern of callosal inputs in the same hemisphere, which are known to be distributed irregularly within MT. Callosal inputs tended to be densest near the representation of the vertical meridian, but there were numerous exceptions to this trend. Thus, topographic irregularities account for only part of the irregularities in callosal inputs to MT. Finally, comparison of these data with previous reports shows a strong correlation between body weight and the average size of MT. The representation in myeloarchitectonically defined MT was found to include much of the visual periphery, although it is unclear from our data whether this representation is invariably complete.  相似文献   

Mutated doublecortin (DCX) gives rise to severe abnormalities in human cortical development. Adult Dcx knockout mice show no major neocortical defects but do have a disorganized hippocampus. We report here the developmental basis of these hippocampal abnormalities. A heterotopic band of neurons was identified starting at E17.5 in the CA3 region and progressing throughout the CA1 region by E18.5. At neonatal stages, the CA1 heterotopic band was reduced, but the CA3 band remained unchanged, continuing into adulthood. Thus, in mouse, migration of CA3 neurons is arrested during development, whereas CA1 cell migration is retarded. On the Sv129Pas background, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) also suggested abnormal dorsal hippocampal morphology, displaced laterally and sometimes rostrally and associated with medial brain structure abnormalities. MRI and cryosectioning showed agenesis of the corpus callosum in Dcx knockout mice on this background and an intermediate, partial agenesis in heterozygote mice. Wild-type littermates showed no callosal abnormalities. Hippocampal and corpus callosal abnormalities were also characterized in DCX-mutated human patients. Severe hippocampal hypoplasia was identified along with variable corpus callosal defects ranging from total agenesis to an abnormally thick or thin callosum. Our data in the mouse, identifying roles for Dcx in hippocampal and corpus callosal development, might suggest intrinsic roles for human DCX in the development of these structures.  相似文献   



This study proposes an automated diagnostic method to classify patients with Alzheimer''s disease (AD) of degenerative etiology using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) markers.


Twenty-seven patients with subjective memory impairment (SMI), 18 patients with mild cognitive impairment (MCI), and 27 patients with AD participated. MRI protocols included three dimensional brain structural imaging and diffusion tensor imaging to assess the cortical thickness, subcortical volume and white matter integrity. Recursive feature elimination based on support vector machine (SVM) was conducted to determine the most relevant features for classifying abnormal regions and imaging parameters, and then a factor analysis for the top-ranked factors was performed. Subjects were classified using nonlinear SVM.


Medial temporal regions in AD patients were dominantly detected with cortical thinning and volume atrophy compared with SMI and MCI patients. Damage to white matter integrity was also accredited with decreased fractional anisotropy and increased mean diffusivity (MD) across the three groups. The microscopic damage in the subcortical gray matter was reflected in increased MD. Classification accuracy between pairs of groups (SMI vs. MCI, MCI vs. AD, SMI vs. AD) and among all three groups were 84.4% (±13.8), 86.9% (±10.5), 96.3% (±4.6), and 70.5% (±11.5), respectively.


This proposed method may be a potential tool to diagnose AD pathology with the current clinical criteria.  相似文献   

Ongoing electrical activity was recorded from the axons of neurosecretory cells from the brain of 5th instar Rhodnius prolixus throughout the moulting cycle. Dramatic changes in both the frequency and pattern of electrical activity occur at specific times during the cycle, enabling the timing of release of neurohormones from the brain to be inferred. The level of transport of stainable secretion appears to be closely coupled to the electrical activity at all times.Activity is low in unfed Rhodnius, but within minutes of the insect taking a blood meal, there is a rapid appearance of bursting activity from a number of units, in conjunction with apparently continuous firing components. The bursting activity declines at about 2 h remaining low for the following 5 days, at which time there is a resurgence in the bursting pattern for a few hours. Both peaks of bursting activity immediately precede increases in haemolymph titer of ecdysones, suggesting that release of prothoracotropic hormone occurs on these two occasions. The continuously firing components initiated at feeding maintain a high level for 5 days indicating release of other brain neurosecretions.Intense electrical activity in the form of bursting activity and high apparently continuous pattern resumes shortly before ecdysis and continues until 12 h after. The relationship of neurohormone release at this time to bursicon and ecdysis behavior is discussed.  相似文献   

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