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Wallis R 《Immunobiology》2007,212(4-5):289-299
The lectin pathway of complement performs a key role within the immune system by recognising pathogens through patterns of sugar moieties displayed on their cell surfaces and neutralising them via an antibody-independent reaction cascade. While particularly important during early childhood before the adaptive immune system is established, or when adaptive immunity is compromised, it has a protective function throughout life, neutralising invading pathogens directly and helping to stimulate and direct an effective immune response. Complement activation is initiated when complexes comprising mannose-binding lectin (MBL) or serum ficolins and MBL-associated serine protease-2 (MASP-2) bind to pathogens. Binding induces conformational changes in these complexes, leading to autoactivation of the MASPs, which in turn activate the downstream reaction cascade. A major goal in complement research is to understand the molecular events that trigger complement activation. Over the last few years, structure-function studies have improved our knowledge of the way in which MBL binds to MASPs by defining the portions of these proteins that interact and by solving the structures of key protein fragments. In this review, I will summarise the main findings of these studies and describe current theories to explain how the components combine to initiate the reaction cascade.  相似文献   

The possibility of simultaneous measurement of the classical pathway (CP), mannan-binding lectin (MBL)--lectin pathway (LP) and alternative pathway (AP) of complement activation by the recently developed Wielisa method allowed us to investigate the in vivo significance of the C1-inhibitor (C1INH) in three complement activation pathways. Functional activity of the CP, LP and AP were measured in the sera of 68 adult patients with hereditary angioedema (HAE) and 64 healthy controls. In addition, the level of C1q, MBL, MBL-associated serine protease-2 (MASP-2), C4-, C3- and C1INH was measured by standard laboratory methods. MBL-2 genotypes were determined by polymerase chain reaction. Besides the complement alterations (low CP and C1INH activity, low C4-, C1INH concentrations), which characterize HAE, the level of MASP-2 was also lower (P = 0.0001) in patients compared with controls. Depressed LP activity was found in patients compared with controls (P = 0.0008) in homozygous carriers of the normal MBL genotype (A/A), but not in carriers of variant genotypes (A/O, O/O). Activity of CP correlated with LP in patients (Spearman's r = 0.64; P < 0.0001), but no significant correlation was found in the control group and no correlation with AP was observed. In contrast, the activity of CP and AP correlated (Spearman's r = 0.47; P < 0.0001) in healthy controls, but there was no significant correlation in the HAE patients. We conclude that the activation of LP might also occur in subjects with C1INH deficiency, which is reflected by the low MASP-2 and C4 levels.  相似文献   

The collectins are a group of soluble multimeric lectins, which contain collagenous segments, and resemble the complement protein Clq in aspects of their structures and functions. This group of proteins, which includes MBP, SP-A, SP-D, conglutinin and CL-43, are known to act as opsonins in various circumstances, and are likely to have roles in innate immunity. The focus of current research is to pursue the hypothesis that the collectins recognize and bind to non-host carbohydrate structures on microorganisms and particles, and participate in the Les Diahlerets, Switzerland, 9–12 September 1994 5 processing or elimination of such material, either by direct interaction with phagocytic cell receptors, or by indirect routes such as complement activation.  相似文献   

An assay for the mannan-binding lectin pathway of complement activation.   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
The mannan-binding lectin (MBL) pathway of complement activation has been established as the third pathway of complement activation. MBL is a carbohydrate-binding serum protein, which circulates in complex with serine proteases known as mannan-binding lectin associated serine proteases (MASPs). When bound to microorganisms, the MBL complex activates the complement components C4 and C2, thereby generating the C3 convertase and leading to opsonisation by the deposition of C4b and C3b fragments. This C4/C2 cleaving activity is shared with the C1 complex of the classical pathway of complement activation. Therefore, in a generally applicable complement activation assay specific for the MBL pathway, the activity of the classical pathway must be inhibited. This can be accomplished by exploiting the finding that high ionic strength buffers inhibit the binding of C1q to immune complexes and disrupt the C1 complex, whereas the carbohydrate-binding activity of MBL and the integrity of the MBL complex is maintained under hypertonic conditions. In the assay described here, the specific C4b-depositing capacity of the MBL pathway was determined by incubating serum diluted in buffer containing 1 M NaCl in mannan-coated microtiter wells before the addition of purified C4. The interassay coefficient of variation in the ELISA version was 7.3%. As expected no activity was found in MBL-deficient serum. When 100 normal serum samples were analysed we found that the MBL level correlated with the amount of C4b deposited on the mannan-coated surface. However, we also found a threefold variation in C4b-depositing capacity between individuals with similar MBL concentrations. The assay permits for the determination of MBL complex activity in serum and plasma samples and may thus be used to evaluate the clinical implications of complement activation via this pathway.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Systemic anaphylaxis is the most severe form of immediate hypersensitivity reaction. The activation of the complement system occurs during anaphylactic shock. The purpose of this study was to determine in a mouse model whether the lectin pathway of complement activation is involved in anaphylaxis. METHODS: To see whether the lectin pathway is involved in anaphylactic shock, serum mannan-binding lectin (MBL) levels were measured after passive anaphylaxis. Also MBL expression and binding to potential ligands were investigated. To determine whether complement or mast cell activation is essential for hypothermia in anaphylactic shock, mouse strains deficient in MBL-A and MBL-C, C1q, factors B and C2, C5, C5aR, or mast cells were tested. RESULTS: After antigenic challenge a marked drop in body temperature as well as a rapid decrease in serum MBL levels were observed. The decrease of serum MBL levels in shock could not be attributed to MBL binding to immune complexes or tissues, but an interaction of MBL with mast cell-derived proteoglycans was seen. In contrast to mast cell-deficient mice, none of the complement-deficient mouse strains were protected from shock-associated hypothermia. CONCLUSIONS: These results indicate that neither MBL nor activation of the complement cascade is crucial for the induction of anaphylaxis. In contrast mast cell activation is associated with the development of hypothermia and possibly the observed decrease in serum MBL levels.  相似文献   

Paracoccidioides brasiliensis (Pb) is a dimorphic fungal pathogen that causes paracoccidioidomycosis, the most severe deep mycosis from South America. Although cell mediated immunity is considered the most efficient protective mechanism against Pb infection, mechanisms of innate immunity are poorly defined. Herein, we investigated the interaction of the complement system with high and low virulence isolates of Pb. We demonstrated that Pb18, a high virulence Pb isolate, when incubated with normal human serum (NHS) induces consumption of hemolytic complement and, when immobilized, promotes binding of C4b, C3b and C5b-C9. Both, low virulence (Pb265) and high virulence (Pb18) isolates consumed C4, C3 and mannose-binding lectin (MBL) of MBL-sufficient, but not of MBL-deficient serum as revealed by deposition of residual C4, C3 and MBL on immune complexes and mannan. However, higher complement components consumption was observed with Pb265, as compared with Pb18. The suggested relationship between low virulence and significant complement activation properties of Pb isolates, was confirmed by the demonstration that virulence attenuation of Pb 18 results in acquisition of the ability to activate complement. Conversely, reactivation of attenuated Pb18, results in loss of the ability to activate complement. Our results demonstrate for the first time that Pb yeasts activate the complement system by the lectin pathway, and there is an inverse correlation between complement activating ability and Pb virulence. These differences could exert an influence on innate immunity and severity of the disease developed by infected hosts.  相似文献   

The complement system plays an important role in mediating tissue injury after oxidative stress. The role of mannose-binding lectin (MBL) and the lectin complement pathway (LCP) in mediating complement activation after endothelial oxidative stress was investigated. iC3b deposition on hypoxic (24 hours; 1% O(2))/reoxygenated (3 hours; 21% O(2)) human endothelial cells was attenuated by N-acetyl-D-glucosamine or D-mannose, but not L-mannose, in a dose-dependent manner. Endothelial iC3b deposition after oxidative stress was also attenuated in MBL-deficient serum. Novel, functionally inhibitory, anti-human MBL monoclonal antibodies attenuated MBL-dependent C3 deposition on mannan-coated plates in a dose-dependent manner. Treatment of human serum with anti-MBL monoclonal antibodies inhibited MBL and C3 deposition after endothelial oxidative stress. Consistent with our in vitro findings, C3 and MBL immunostaining throughout the ischemic area at risk increased during rat myocardial reperfusion in vivo. These data suggest that the LCP mediates complement activation after tissue oxidative stress. Inhibition of MBL may represent a novel therapeutic strategy for ischemia/reperfusion injury and other complement-mediated disease states.  相似文献   

Ficolins and the lectin complement pathway   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Ficolins, found in various tissues, are a group of proteins containing both a collagen‐like and a fibrinogen‐like domain. Recently, it was shown that ficolins present in serum are lectins with a common binding specificity for N‐acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc). The fibrinogen‐like domain is responsible for the carbohydrate binding. Mannose‐binding lectin (MBL) is also a collagenous lectin in serum that is specific for GlcNAc and mannose binding. Its domain organization is similar to that of ficolins, except that MBL has a carbohydrate‐recognition domain instead of a fibrinogen‐like domain. MBL plays a role in innate immunity by acting as an opsonin and activating complement in association with MBL‐associated serine protease (MASP) via the lectin pathway. Investigations of two types of human serum ficolins, ficolin/P35 and Hakata antigen, revealed that they are associated with MASPs and sMAP, a truncated protein of MASP‐2, and that they activate complement. These findings indicate that serum ficolins are structurally and functionally similar to MBL and have the capacity to activate the lectin pathway and thus have a role in innate immunity. This work was supported by Grants‐in‐Aid for Scientific Research (12470079 and 11670328) from the Ministry of Education, Science, Sports and Culture of Japan.  相似文献   

Studies in the past decade have demonstrated a crucial role for the complement lectin pathway in host defence against protozoan microbes. Recognition of pathogen surface molecules by mannan-binding lectin and ficolins revealed new mechanisms of innate immune defence and a diversity of parasite strategies of immune evasion. In the present review, we will discuss the current knowledge of: (1) the molecular mechanism of lectin pathway activation by trypanosomes; (2) the mechanisms of complement evasion by trypanosomes; and (3) host genetic deficiencies of complement lectin pathway factors that contribute to infection susceptibility and disease progression. This review will focus on trypanosomatids, the parasites that cause Chagas disease, leishmaniasis and sleeping sickness (African trypanosomiasis).  相似文献   

Mannan-binding lectin (MBL) activates complement independently of the adaptive, clonal immune system and thus presents an innate anti-microbial defence mechanism. Events in the MBL pathway of complement activation involve the binding of MBL to patterns of carbohydrate structures presented by the surface of micro-organisms. For the activation of complement to occur MBL must be associated with serine proteases (MBL-associated serine proteases, MASPs) in an MBL/MASP complex. When bound to micro-organisms, the MBL complex mediates the activation of C4 and C2, generating the C3 convertase, C4bC2b. The C4/C2 cleaving activity of the MBL complex is shared with the C1 complex of the classical pathway of complement activation. Different assays that allow for determination of the activity of the MBL complex in serum samples have been developed and are discussed in this report. We present data from one such assay (MBL/MASP activity test), which we have found useful for the routine evaluation of clinical samples. In this assay any influence of the classical pathway has been eliminated by using a hypertonic buffer, which inhibits the binding of C1q to immuncomplexes and disrupt the C1 complex, while leaving the function of the MBL complex intact. In parallel we determine the MBL concentration in the sample. As predicted a very high correlation is observed between the results of the two assays.  相似文献   

The complement system and the natural antibody repertoire provide a critical first-line defense against infection. The binding of natural antibodies to microbial surfaces opsonizes invading microorganisms and activates complement via the classical pathway. Both defense systems cooperate within the innate immune response. We studied the role of the complement system in the host defense against experimental polymicrobial peritonitis using mice lacking either C1q or factor B and C2. The C1q-deficient mice lacked the classical pathway of complement activation. The factor B- and C2-deficient mice were known to lack the classical and alternative pathways, and we demonstrate here that these mice also lacked the lectin pathway of complement activation. Using inoculum doses adjusted to cause 42% mortality in the wild-type strain, none of the mice deficient in the three activation routes of complement (factor B and C2 deficient) survived (mortality of 100%). Mortality in mice deficient only in the classical pathway of complement activation (C1q deficient) was 83%. Application of further dilutions of the polymicrobial inoculum showed a dose-dependent decrease of mortality in wild-type controls, whereas no changes in mortality were observed in the two gene-targeted strains. These results demonstrate that the classical activation pathway is required for an effective antimicrobial immune defense in polymicrobial peritonitis and that, in the infection model used, the remaining antibody-independent complement activation routes (alternative and lectin pathways) provide a supporting line of defense to gain residual protection in classical pathway deficiency.  相似文献   

Mannan-binding lectin (MBL) is a plasma protein found in association with several serine proteases (MASPs) forming the MBL complex. MBL recognises carbohydrate structures arranged in a particular geometry, such as those found on the surface of micro-organisms. When bound to e.g. bacteria the MBL complex will initiate the activation of the complement cascade. Mounting evidence supports the importance of the MBL pathway of complement activation in innate immunity. In this review, we focus on the structure and function of the proteins within the MBL pathway and address the properties of the pathway as an initiator of the host response against potential pathogenic micro-organisms.  相似文献   

张伟  王墨  李秋 《免疫学杂志》2011,(6):502-506
目的探讨补体活化的凝集素途径在IgA肾病发病中的作用。方法用ELISA方法检测20例IgAN患儿和正常儿童血清的MBL水平,免疫组化检测53例IgA肾病、23例非IgA沉积肾小球疾病患儿肾组织甘露聚糖结合凝集素(MBL)、MBL相关的丝氨酸蛋白酶(MASP-1)、C3、C1q、IgA和C5b-9的表达,了解有无MBL-MASP-1途径补体活化参与IgAN发病;回顾性分析MBL-MASP-1沉积阳性组和MBL-MASP-1沉积阴性组患儿不同临床表现的差异;分析IgAN的MBL沉积强度与病理分级的相关性,了解不同程度补体活化与IgAN病理损害的关系。结果 22例IgAN患儿肾小球有MBL、MASP-1、C3和C5b-9沉积,23例非IgA沉积肾脏疾病患儿均无MBL和MASP-1沉积;IgA肾病患儿血清MBL水平和对照组统计学无明显的差异;系膜区MBL沉积强度与IgA沉积强度之间存在正相关关系(rs=0.865),但与IgAN病理分级无关;MBL-MASP沉积阳性组患儿蛋白尿水平显著高于MBL-MASP沉积阴性组,肉眼血尿更为多见。结论局部凝集素途径的补体活化在IgAN发病中有重要作用;MBL-MASP沉积阳性的IgAN患儿蛋白尿水平更高,肉眼血尿更为多见。  相似文献   

Deficiency of mannose-binding lectin (MBL), a recognition molecule of the lectin pathway of complement, is associated with increased susceptibility to infections. The high frequency of MBL deficiency suggests that defective MBL-mediated innate immunity can be compensated by alternative defense strategies. To examine this hypothesis, complement activation by MBL-binding ligands was studied. The results show that the prototypic MBL ligand mannan can induce complement activation via both the lectin pathway and the classical pathway. Furthermore, antibody binding to mannan restored complement activation in MBL-deficient serum in a C1q-dependent manner. Cooperation between the classical pathway and the lectin pathway was also observed for complement activation by protein 60 from Listeria monocytogenes. MBL pathway analysis at the levels of C4 and C5b-9 in the presence of classical pathway inhibition revealed a large variation of MBL pathway activity, depending on mbl2 gene polymorphisms. MBL pathway dysfunction in variant allele carriers is associated with reduced MBL ligand binding and a relative increase of low-molecular-mass MBL. These findings indicate that antibody-mediated classical pathway activation can compensate for impaired target opsonization via the MBL pathway in MBL-deficient individuals, and imply that MBL deficiency may become clinically relevant in absence of a concomitant adaptive immune response.  相似文献   

We previously reported that complement-dependent haemolysis of sheep erythrocytes (E) coated with mannan (M) and sensitized with human mannan-binding lectin (MBL) via the lectin pathway in man occurs in Mg-EGTA and requires alternative pathway amplification. Calcium was required for MBL binding to E-M, but once the E-M-MBL intermediate was formed, MBL was retained and haemolysis occurred in the absence of calcium. Comparable or greater lectin pathway haemolysis in the absence of calcium was observed upon incubation of E-M-MBL in guinea-pig, rat, dog and pig sera, and was further investigated in the guinea-pig, in which titres were much higher ( approximately 14-fold) than in man, and in contrast to humans, greater than classical pathway haemolytic activity. As in human serum, no lysis was observed in C4- or C2-deficient guinea-pig serum until purified C4 or C2, respectively, were restored. However, lectin pathway haemolytic activity in the guinea-pig did not require the alternative pathway. Removal (>98%) of factor D activity by three sequential passages through Sephadex G-75, resulting in serum which retained a normal classical pathway but no alternative pathway haemolytic activity, did not reduce the ability of guinea-pig serum to mediate haemolysis via the lectin pathway. Further, the C3-convertase formed via the lectin pathway (E-M-MBL-C4,2) lysed in C2-deficient guinea-pig but not human serum chelated with EDTA, a condition which precludes alternative pathway amplification. Thus, lectin pathway haemolysis occurs efficiently in guinea-pig serum, in the absence of calcium and without requirement for alternative pathway amplification. The guinea-pig provides a model for studying the assembly and haemolytic function of a lectin pathway which contrasts with the lectin pathway of man, and allows for comparisons that may help clarify the role of this pathway in complement biology.  相似文献   

Human neutrophil peptide-1 (HNP-1) is a member of the alpha-defensin family. Defensins are cationic antimicrobial peptides, which play an important role in the antimicrobial response to microorganisms. In addition, recent studies have revealed the involvement of defensins in inflammation, immunity and wound repair. Defensins are present in the azurophilic granules of neutrophils and are released upon neutrophil stimulation. Previous studies showed that HNP-1 binds to C1q and inhibits the classical complement pathway. In view of the structural and functional similarity between C1q and MBL, we have now examined the interactions between HNP-1 and MBL. We observed a dose-dependent binding of HNP-1 to MBL in calcium-free buffer, indicating that HNP-1 binds to MBL most likely via the collagenous domains. To identify the binding sites in HNP-1 involved in the binding to C1q and MBL, we used a series of overlapping synthetic linear peptides that spanned the entire HNP-1 sequence. Both MBL and C1q showed a dose-dependent binding to the same set of peptides, suggesting a similar binding site in HNP-1 for both MBL and C1q. Strongest binding was observed to peptides containing the C- or N-terminal part of the HNP-1 molecule. Using an ELISA based system, we demonstrated that HNP-1 inhibits activation of both the classical pathway and lectin pathway of complement. Furthermore, we demonstrated that C1q and MBL can form complexes with HNP-1 in solution. Together, the data indicate that HNP-1 interacts with both C1q and MBL efficiently resulting in inhibition of both the classical and the lectin pathway of complement. We conclude that HNP-1 may play a role in protection against tissue injury during inflammatory conditions by inhibiting the early phase of complement activation.  相似文献   

The mannan-binding lectin (MBL) pathway and the classical pathway of complement activation are initiated by the binding of the recognition structure of the initiator complexes, MBL and C1q, respectively, to their ligands, i.e. carbohydrate structures or immune complexes. Proenzymes associated with MBL or C1q are then activated and generate C3 convertase through the activation of C4 and C2. The cleavage product of C4, C4b, attaches covalently to nearby hydroxyl or amino groups. The current picture is that C2 must then attach to C4b before being cleaved by the same associated proteases into the enzymatically active fragment, C2b. This suggests a stringent requirement for the deposition of C4b very close to the initiator complex, or indeed onto the initiator complex. We examined the possibility of C4b being bound to the initiator complex by a solid-phase assay, allowing for the selective elution of the initiator complexes, followed by quantification of the C4b being eluted and the C4b remaining on the solid phase. Also, we estimated the generation of complexes between the released initiator complex and C4b. More than 99% of deposited C4b was bound directly to the solid phase rather than to the initiator complex. Our approach cannot answer the question of the whereabouts of the C2 when it is cleaved.  相似文献   

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