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Six types of endocrine cells showing immunolabelling against gut or pancreatic islet hormones were identified in the pancreatic-bile duct system of the normal adult rat at the light and electron microscopic levels. They were located within the epithelial lining of the duct system from the intercalated portion to its duodenal opening. However, the distribution and frequency of each endocrine cell varied along the length of the duct system. While insulin, glucagon, somatostatin, and pancreatic polypeptide cells were widely distributed along the entire duct system, small numbers of cholecystokinin and serotonin cells were confined to the terminal portion. A considerable number of somatostatin cells were concentrated in gland-like pouches of the terminal portion of the common pancreatic-bile duct. When the accessory pancreatic duct was present, insulin, glucagon, and somatostatin cells were also found in its epithelial lining. Electron microscopically, the specific content of the secretory granules of all endocrine cells was confirmed by immunolabelling or cytochemical staining. Further the characteristics of the secretory granules of each endocrine cell type corresponded to those present in the same kind of endocrine cells in gut or pancreatic islet. The duct endocrine cells displayed a particular ultrastructural appearance. The “open type cells” were highly polarized, with their apical cytoplasmic process reaching the duct lumen, whereas “closed type cells” showed long basal cytoplasmic processes with no connection with the duct lumen. In general, insulin, and somatostatin cells were of the “open type,” while no morphological connection with the duct lumen was found for glucagon and pancreatic polypeptide cells. The presence of various duct endocrine cells with their particular ultrastructural appearance implies that they may take part in modulating the function of the duct system.  相似文献   

Polyarthritis may result from the haematogenous distribution of arthritogenic effector lymphocytes that emerge in the efferent lymph and pass through the thoracic duct (TD) to the circulation. We therefore examined whether TD cells collected from rats in the late prodrome of adjuvant-induced arthritis (AA) could transfer polyarthritis adoptively and whether these cells included a subpopulation of arthritogenic cells that could be identified phenotypically. Unfractionated TD cells collected from donor rats 9 days after adjuvant inoculation were injected intravenously into normal syngeneic recipients in numbers equivalent to the overnight harvest from a single donor. TD cell subpopulations, equivalent in number to proportions in the same inoculum, were prepared by negative selection. Unfractionated TD cells transferred polyarthritis without in vitro stimulation or conditioning of recipient animals. Abrogation of arthritogenicity by depletion of alpha/beta TCR(+) cells showed that the polyarthritis was transferred by T cells. Negatively selected CD4(+) but not CD8(+) TD cells transferred AA. An arthritogenic subpopulation of CD4(+) T cells, enriched by either negative or positive selection, expressed the activation markers CD25 (IL-2 receptor alpha), CD71 (transferrin receptor), CD134 (OX40 antigen) and MHC class II. Cells expressing these markers were more numerous in TD lymph from arthritic rats than in lymph from normal rats and they included the majority of large CD4(+) T cells. Thus, arthritogenic effector T cells bearing activation markers are released into the central efferent lymph in the late prodrome of AA. Recruitment of these arthritogenic cells to synovium probably determines the polyarticular pattern of AA.  相似文献   

The submandibular salivary gland originates from the floor of the mouth whose mucosa contains elastic fibers. Therefore, such fibers were sought in the duct system of the derivative organ. In adult rats, light microscopy has indeed revealed fine, circumferential, elastic fibers near the basement membrane of the duct epithelium. In the larger extralobular ducts, they were separated from several layers of longitudinal elastic fibers by a capillary-rich zone sparse in elastic fibers except for fine angular ones. More peripherally, larger angular-appearing fibers were frequently present near the submandibular parasympathetic ganglia in the duct wall. As duct diameter decreased, elastic fiber size and number diminished. Intralobularly, the smaller striated ducts, granular and intercalated ducts, and acini generally lacked such fibers. Electron microscopy of the extraglandular portion of the main duct revealed fibrils extending from both fibroblasts and elastic fibers that were close to the epithelium. Microfibrils coursed from them toward the lamina densa. Anchoring filaments joined the lamina densa to the basal plasma membrane of the epithelium. Elastic fibers also appeared to connect to both capillaries and collagen via finer intermediate structures. These associations might permit dynamic interactions of fibroblasts, fibers, smaller fibrillar components, vasa, and the duct epithelium. This interplay could occur during feeding and grooming when tongue protrusion and neck extension stretch the submandibular duct and the gland itself. As a result, the tensile forces engendered could modify cell geometry and the calibers of the larger ducts' lumens and intercellular spaces, thus affecting the flow and composition of salivary secretion.  相似文献   

A parallel investigation into endocrine and exocrine pancreatic function, after duct-ligation in the rat, was performed to study the effect of reduced intestinal trypsin levels on insulin secretion and glucose tolerance. Animals with only a slight exocrine insufficiency displayed a normal insulin secretion and a normal glucose tolerance 4 weeks after operation. At 4-5 month s these animals showed a slight increase in glucose-induced insulin release when compared with control rats. However, animals operated on with a more complete ligation of the pancreatic ducts, who showed a marked exocrine insufficiency accompanied by decreased levels of intestinal trypsin, displayed a markedly increased insulin secretory response to intravenous glucose and an increased glucose tolerance. The results lend further support to our previous suggestion that, in the rat, the levels of intestinal trypsin may influence insulin secretory processes via complex feed-back mechanisms which may involve cholecystokinin and/or other intestinal hormones.  相似文献   

The duct system of the rat submandibular gland consists of the intercalated duct, the granular convoluted tubule, the striated duct, the excretory duct, the main excretory duct, and the salivary bladder. The duct system contains special cell types, such as dark cells and tuft cells, in addition to principal cells. However, little is known about cell distribution in the duct system. The purpose of the present study was to examine cell distribution and to perform a morphometric analysis of the duct system. Transmission and scanning electron microscopy were used to examine the duct system of the rat submandibular gland. Six regions in the duct system, the striated duct, the interlobular excretory duct, the 5-mm proximal excretory duct from the hilus, the main excretory duct at the hilus, the 10-mm distal main excretory duct from the hilus, and the salivary bladder, were investigated. Morphometric and statistical analyses of the data were then performed. The epithelium of the duct system consisted of a heterogeneous cell population. Dark cells and tuft cells were present throughout the duct system. The principal, dark, and tuft cells were distinguished by their different microvilli by using a scanning electron microscope. The frequency of these cells in the total epithelial cell population was as follows: The percentage of principal cells in the six regions of the duct system varied from 87.5% to 94.4%, that of dark cells varied from 4.1% to 7.2%, and that of tuft cells varied from 1.8% to 7.2%. The number of principal and tuft cells was significantly different between the striated duct and the main excretory duct at the hilus (P < 0.01). However, no significant difference in number of dark cells throughout the duct system was observed (P > 0.05). The abundance of the principal, dark, and tuft cells in the duct system of the rat submandibular gland was determined. Few tuft cells were distributed in the striated duct, and most were found at the hilus. Dark cells were distributed equally throughout the duct system. Anat. Rec. 252:159–164, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

A systematic search for endocrine cells in the excurrent duct system of the testis was carried out by means of histochemical and immunohistochemical techniques. A panel of antibodies against amine and polypeptide hormones was used. 80 specimens comprising representative areas of rete testis, ductuli efferentes, ductus epididymis and 30 examples of ductus deferens were investigated. Cells immunoreactive for serotonin were detected in four out of 110 specimens. They were invariably in normal-appearing ductuli efferentes. A salient feature was their rarity and focal distribution. We failed to detect any endocrine cells in other segments of the excurrent duct system and notably not among epididymal epithelium. It seems of interest that serotonin cells are specifically distributed throughout remnants of excretory mesonephric tubules in both males and females.  相似文献   

In order to study human bile duct cells in vitro, cystic ducts were obtained during cholecystectomy and treated with collagenase and mechanical abrasion to isolate biliary epithelial cells. The culture medium was supplemented with 50% of a bovine bile duct conditioned medium obtained by incubating minced bovine extrahepatic bile ducts for 24 hr in Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium. Cells grew in monolayer and showed contact inhibition at confluency. The epithelial origin of primary cultures was verified by their growth pattern, ultrastructure, and indirect immunofluorescence for cytokeratin. The cultures showed specific immunofluorescence for lysozyme, collagen types I, III, and IV, fibronectin, and laminin, but were negative for collagen type V and factor VIII-associated antigen. Thus, these cultures provide an experimental model for the in vitro study of biliary atresia and other bile duct diseases.  相似文献   

We propose classification of duodenal endocrine cells of intact rats based on ultrastructural signs of secretory granules and subdivided these cells into 10 basic types. The effect of long-term irradiation in a total dose of 2.5 Gy on ultrastructural organization of duodenal apudocytes was studied. Irradiation induced nonspecific changes of cell organelles in apudocytes. Differences in the ultrastructural disorganization were detected between different types of apudocyte populations and between different types of endocrine cells. Under conditions of adaptation to radiation apudocytes released the secretory product not only through molecular extrusion and exocytosis, but also via degranulation.  相似文献   

Summary Chronological development of immunoreactive, pancreatic endocrine cells was immunohistochemically studied in rats. The first immunoreaction occurs for glucagon on day 11.5 and for insulin on day 12.5 of gestation, respectively, in the cells located within the cap-like or tubular pancreatic primordium derived from the gut wall. Immunoreactive somatostatin cells appear first at the periphery of primitive islets on day 15.5. On day 18.5, the cells of the primitive islets obtain their definitive arrangement and the islets are now separated from the tissue of the exocrine pancreas. Decapitation or encephalectomy performed on day 16.5 embryos fails to influence the ensuing further development of endocrine pancreas. This suggests that the hypothalamus or pituitary does not play an essential role in the histogenesis of the pancreatic islets.  相似文献   

The present study examined the possibility for regeneration of pancreatic endocrine cells from centroacinar (CA) and intercalated duct (ICD) cells in rat pancreas after 5 days of continuous streptozotocin (STZ) administration. Nine rats were divided into 3 experimental groups: 1) Control group, 2) Short term recovery group; three days after STZ administration (STZ 3), and 3) Long term recovery group; ten days post-STZ administration (STZ 10). The CA and ICD cells in the STZ 3 group had swollen cytoplasm, and sometimes contained a vesicle within the core. An insulin positive signal was detected in and around the CA and ICD cells. In the STZ 3 group, cytokeratin 20 signals were co-localized with insulin signals in both CA and ICD cells. Electron microscopically, endocrine cells and small pancreatic islets were in close contact with CA and ICD cells. Systemic biophysical serum data reflected these immunohistological results. The present results suggest that CA and ICD cells are involved in the regeneration of pancreatic B cells in rats following a lesion produced by five consecutive days of STZ administration.  相似文献   

PurposeThe aim of the present study was to perform immunohistochemical and ultrastructural analysis of gastrin-, synaptophysin (SY)- and atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP)-positive cells in the pylorus of “two kidney, one clip” (2K1C) renovascular hypertension model in rats.Material/methodsIn order to identify neuroendocrine (NE) cells, immunohistochemical reactions were performed with the use of specific antibodies against gastrin, SY and ANP. Gastric NE cells were also examined using an electron microscope.ResultsThe present study revealed a twofold increase in the number of gastrin- and SY-positive cells and a significant decrease in the number of ANP-immunoreactive (IR) cells in the pyloric mucosa of 2K1C rats. Test results obtained with an electron microscope confirmed a change in the activity of the stomach endocrine cells of hypertensive rats.ConclusionsImmunohistochemical and ultrastructural investigations demonstrated the impact of renovascular hypertension on the neuroendocrine system in the rat stomach. The changes in the total number and ultrastructure of DNES cells proved their undeniable role in the modulation of gastric dysfunction, as a consequence of deregulation of homeostasis-maintaining systems.  相似文献   

Immunocytochemical detection of carbonic anhydrase (CA II), (Na+-K+)-ATPase and the anion channel (band 3) glycoprotein was used to study structural and functional heterogeneity of cells lining the collecting ducts, especially of intercalated cells, in the rat kidney. High content of CA II was found in intercalated cells as determined by morphology, although a weak diffuse cytoplasmic staining of this enzyme could be observed also in a subpopulation of principal cells. (Na+-K+)-ATPase could be detected exclusively in principal cells, whereas basolateral band 3 immunoreactivity was seen only in a subpopulation of intercalated cells. Double immunostaining experiments revealed that the weak cytoplasmic type of CA II and basolateral (Na+-K+)-ATPase immunoreactivities were colocalized in 20 to 30% (depending on the segment studied) of the collecting duct epithelial cells but, in contrast, cells rich in CA II or those with basal band 3 immunoreactivity seldom contained (Na+-K+)-ATPase. Instead, band 3 glycoprotein and the abundant CA II were colocalized in 20 to 35% of the cells in various segments of collecting ducts, whereas, band 3 and weak cytoplasmic CA II were seldom seen in the same cells. The results show that the current approach is useful for identifying and characterizing two distinct subpopulations of intercalated cells, both rich in CA II but differing in respect to the presence or absence of band 3 glycoprotein. On the basis of physiologic and biochemical data of the functions of these transport proteins we propose that the subpopulations of intercalated cells thus identified represent the acidifying and alkalinizing subtypes, respectively.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to determine whether intercalated duct cells in the rat parotid gland have the properties of tissue stem cells. After induction of cellular proliferation by repeated administration of isoproterenol (IPR), a β-adrenergic agonist, proliferation activity in acinar, intralobular, and intercalated ductal cells was quantified using Ki-67 immunohistochemistry. The total number of each type of component cell in a gland was also estimated in the course of IPR treatment. IPR was found to induce proliferation of acinar and intercalated duct cells, but not intralobular duct cells. The total number of acinar cells in a gland on day 5 of IPR treatment was 1.6 times of that at day 0 (baseline). In contrast, the total numbers of intercalated and intralobular duct cells did not change from baseline, indicating a high possibility that the proliferated intercalated duct cells differentiated into acinar cells. On days 2 to 3 of IPR treatment, intercalated duct cells with amylase-positive secretory granules were recognized in a region very close to the acini, and were suspected of being transitional cells from intercalated duct to acinar cells. This quantitative study indicates that intercalated duct cells may have the properties of tissue stem cells upon IPR stimulation.  相似文献   

To determine the progenitor nature of centroacinar cells (CACs), we attempted to compare the expression pattern of endocrine cell markers and PDX-1 (pancreatic duodenal homeobox gene 1) in CACs of both the quiescent and the regenerating rat pancreas. In the normal pancreas, most CACs were relatively small cells with sparse cytoplasm and oval or elongated nuclei. In addition, we noticed a distinct population of a small number of large cells with round nuclei in the centroacinar region. By immunohistochemistry, 0.21% and 0.3% of CACs in normal rat pancreas were respectively found positive for glucagon and insulin, being large CACs and designated as GL-CAC and IL-CAC. They also exhibited the mRNA of each hormone by in situ hybridization (ISH). The ISH signal for glucagon but not insulin was also detected in a subset of small CACs (designated GS-CAC). The expression of PDX-1 was also observed in subsets of small and large CACs (PS-CAC and PL-CAC, respectively). After a 90% pancreatectomy, the relative frequency for GS-CACs, but not those for other CACs, was significantly reduced in two days after surgery. On day 7 after surgery, the number of GS-CACs recovered to preoperative levels, whereas GL-CACs, IL-CACs, PS-CAC, and PL-CAC gradually increased to about double in number. From these results, a portion of CACs was suggested to differentiated into endocrine cells. A possible cell lineage is discussed for endocrine neogenesis during pancreatic regeneration.  相似文献   

A case of retroperitoneal teratoma, showing considerable morphological development presented as an encapsulated and pedunculated tumour with a seemingly mature intestinal loop. Markedly complex intramural nerve plexuses and numerous epithelial endocrine cells were revealed immunohistochemically in the gut tissue. Ten other mature teratomas containing gastrointestinal tissues were examined for comparison, but neither intramural ganglia nor nervous networks were found in the gut components, despite the presence of amine- and/or peptide-containing endocrine cells in all intestinal mucosa linings. Enteric endocrine cells were found to occur irrespective of the differentiation of intestinal layers or the occurrence of neural elements. These findings suggest that the epithelial endocrine cells of intestinal mucosa do not have the same origin as enteric neurons, but are rather of endodermal origin. This invertebrate well-formed teratoma, containing a highly organized enteric nervous system, suggests that teratoma and fetus in fetu are related entities distinguished by the presence of a vertebral axis.  相似文献   

This report describes lesions observed in excurrent ducts of the testis in 152 of 518 rats, in the course of studies concerned with cadmium-induced testis injury and the actions of selenium and zinc, separately and combined, in protecting against such damage. All elements were injected subcutaneously, as soluble salts. Necropsy was usually five days (77% of rats) after cadmium injection, but lesions were observed within six hours. Ductuli efferentes showed variable degrees of sperm blockage, epithelial hyperplasia and metaplasia, periductal round cell infiltration, fibrosis and contraction. In 56 of 93 rats showing only ductuli lesions, testes were either normal or exhibited dilation of the rete testis and of variable numbers of seminiferous tubules, with or without “pressure degeneration” of the germinal epithelium. In the other 37 rats, the testes showed cadmium-induced injury. Lesions involving both ductuli efferentes and proximal segments of the caput epididymis (13 rats), or the latter alone (46 rats), tended to be associated with more severe testis damage. Epididymal lesions were characterized by focal proliferation and desquamation of duct epithelia, and formation of spermatoceles. The lesions observed were attributed primarily to ischemia, secondary to effects of cadmium upon the capillary bed of the tissues involved. However, their possible enhancement or modification by direct chemical action of cadmium, selenium or zinc upon the duct system or perivascular tissues could not be excluded.  相似文献   

The effects of a single injection of gastrin on rat gastric endocrine cells were examined ultrastructurally and as a corollary serum gastrin was measured by radioimmunoassay. Eight fasting inbred rats received single subcutaneous injections of Pentagastrin (300 μg/kg) over a period of 24 hr. Gastric mucosa and blood were obtained from the rats which were sacrificed from 15 min to 24 hr after gastrin administration. At 30 min, serum gastrin was elevated to a peak of 321 pg/ml. ECL cells showed ultrastructural evidence of histamine release at 15 and 30 min. Somatostatin D and ECL cells both showed exocytotic figures at the same times. Evidence of granule release was rarely seen in the EC cells and hardly ever found in the G and A-like (or X) cells.  相似文献   

正内分泌系统是机体的重要调节系统,它与神经系统相辅相成,共同调节机体的生长发育和各种代谢,维持内环境的稳定等,在人体及临床上是非常重要的一个系统。在中医院校组织学和胚胎学是一门选修课,课时少,学生获得的内分泌系统知识显而易见,因此在解剖学教学活动中,为了使学生更好地理解和掌握内分泌系统知识,摆脱传统的教学法——以老师为中心、填  相似文献   

Conclusions These changes seem to accord with activation of the ECL and A-like cells and deactivation of the parietal cells. The results suggest that the G cells are probably also deactivated, conceivably by auto-feedback resulting from the hypergastrinaemia.  相似文献   

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