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To test the hypothesis that the median eminence microvasculature has a direct regulatory role in the hormonal communication between the brain and the pituitary gland, it is necessary to determine whether the physical means for such control (e.g. smooth musele sphineters strategically located in the capillary plexus) actually exists. Our approach is to search for such structures in transmission electron micrographs of thin serial sections of the median eminence. The complexity of these images and the anticipated need to include large numbers of them in the study led us to consider computer reconstruction for this problem. We report here the successful three-dimensional reconstruction of capillary modules using digital image processing techniques for capillary feature detection extraction, for construction of montages (mosaies) of overlapping images of the same section, and for automatic image registration by two independent methods without the use of fiducial marks. These tasks have been performed manually in nearly all the published neurobiological reconstructions: here they are performed by programs using only the mathematical properties of the images. Methods like those deseribed here provide the only practical means for executing large scale reconstructions and gaining significant new information about the regulation of blood flow in this region of the brain.  相似文献   

Vascular casts of the pituitary-median eminence complex from seventeen adult female rabbits were examined with the scanning electron microscope. The results of this study confirm the presence of a single capillary bed common to the entire neurohypophysis. Arterial supply to the rabbit pituitary is only to the neurohypophysis. A direct supply to adenohypophysis was not found. Within the median eminence there are an external and internal capillary plexus. The internal capillary plexus is directed toward the infundibular recess of the third ventricle. It does not receive a direct arterial supply but derives its blood supply from the external plexus before draining to the adenohypophysis. Vessels of the posterior median eminence are confluent with vessels of the infundibular stem. On the basis of these studies, it is proposed that the entire neurohypophysis, not simply the median eminence, serves as the final common pathway to the glandular pituitary. It is also proposed that in the median eminence, vessels are organized to deliver blood containing hypothalamic releasing and inhibiting hormones as well as posterior lobe neural hormones (antidiuretic hormone and oxytocin) to the ventricular surface for subsequent transport to cerebrospinal fluid and distribution to the brain.  相似文献   

Using immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridization, we have analysed the distribution of vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP) and peptide histidine isoleucine (PHI) in hypothalamus of male and female Sprague-Dawley rats under normal and experimental conditions. In most cases there was a good overlap between the distribution of VIP- and PHI-immunoreactive structures. At the median eminence level precapillary arterioles along its lateral aspect were surrounded by dense networks of VIP/PHI-positive fibers, suggesting that these peptides, via their vasodilatory property, may be involved in control of blood flow through portal vessels. Furthermore, a thick VIP/PHI-containing nerve bundle of variable size was observed on the surface of the median eminence in coronal, horizontal and sagittal sections. Also this bundle could be of importance for portal circulation, but VIP/PHI released may reach the anterior pituitary level and play a role in, for example, control of prolactin release. Although different lesions were performed, the origin of the VIP/PHI nerves around lateral blood arterioles and of the bundle is still unclear, but is in all probability peripheral. Within the median eminence of untreated rats only few positive nerve endings were seen in the external layer, but after 48 h hypophysectomy a large number of PHI-immunoreactive fibers could be observed. With regard to cell bodies the suprachiasmatic nucleus contained VIP/PHI-immunoreactive neurons even in untreated rats. After colchicine administration fluorescent cells were in addition seen in several other hypothalamic nuclei, including the parvocellular paraventricular nucleus. After hypophysectomy, with in situ hybridization, VIP mRNA could be demonstrated in magno- and parvocellular neurons of the paraventricular nucleus, whereas in control rats VIP mRNA was undetectable. These results demonstrate that VIP/PHI are present in at least three systems of direct neuroendocrine importance: (1) in nerves related to the blood vessels in the median eminence and presumably involved in control of blood flow through the portal system; (2) in parvocellular paraventricular neurons, presumably related to stress-induced prolactin release; and (3) in magnocellular neurons after certain experimental manipulations.  相似文献   

Regional neurohypophyseal and cerebral blood flows were measured by the radiolabeled microsphere technique in 30 adult sheep under light barbiturate anesthesia. Regional blood flows were determined under basal conditions. The responses of regional blood flow to alterations in arterial PCO2 and to changes in arterial blood pressure wee also determined. In addition, the relationship between regional neurohypophyseal blood flow and neurosecretory activity as judged by plasma arginine vasopressin levels was assessed. Under basal conditions median eminence blood flow averaged 461 ml.100 g-1.min-1 and did not significantly differ from neural lobe blood flow (436 ml.100 g-1.min-1). Blood flow in the neurohypophysis was about 8 times cortical and 16 times white matter blood flow in these animals. Median eminence and neural lobe blood flow proportionately increased far less than regional cortical or white matter blood flow under conditions of hypercarbia. With alteration of arterial blood pressure, regional neurohypophyseal blood flow remained constant beyond the limits of cerebral autoregulation. The neurohypophysis demonstrates a degree of blood flow homeostasis that exceeds that of any other brain area studied. Although the neurohypophysis is a diverticulum of the brain, its vascular system forms a unique functional as well as a unique anatomic unit.  相似文献   

Hypothalamic neurons producing growth hormone-releasing factor (GRF) have been characterized by immunohistochemistry in monkey hypothalamus, using an antiserum raised against hpGRF1-40, a peptide with GRF activity isolated from a human pancreatic tumor. Cell bodies with hpGRF immunoreactivity were found in arcuate and ventromedial nuclei. From these neurons, bundles of fibers innervate median eminence and appear to terminate in contact with portal vessels. In addition to median eminence, hpGRF immunoreactive fibers were found mostly in the anterior hypothalamus and the arcuate and ventromedial nuclei where they give perineuronal endings. These results correlate with earlier physiological data on hypothalamic control of growth hormone secretion and suggest that GRF is also involved in interneuronal relationships related or unrelated to neurohumoral control of pituitary secretions.  相似文献   

In human fetus, newborn, infant and adult hypothalami, antibodies to ovine corticoliberin-41 stain a paraventriculo-infundibular neuroglandular pathway. The perikarya are located in the paraventricular nucleus, they mainly project to the ventral and lateral areas of the median eminence. Eminential corticoliberin-positive fibres appear during the 16th week of fetal life, and increase in number during the following weeks. Perikarya were first revealed in the 19th week. In some areas of the median eminence, corticoliberin-, vasopressin- or [Met]enkephalin-immunoreactive terminals are similarly distributed. Sequential stainings or staining comparison of contiguous semi-thin sections failed to prove the coexpression of corticoliberin and [Met]enkephalin immunoreactivities in fibres, but indicated that corticoliberin and vasopressin immunoreactivities may be coexpressed in a few fibres. Those methods enabled us to observe, in the paraventricular nucleus, perikarya revealed by corticoliberin and vasopressin antisera. Our results suggest a possible release of corticoliberin in portal vessels of the median eminence beginning in the 16th week of fetal life, i.e. 8 weeks later than appearance of the corticotrophs in the pituitary. Establishment of a corticoliberin hypothalamic control of pituitary corticotrophs at mid gestation agrees with previous physiological and teratological studies. Abundance, as well as immunostaining intensity of the corticoliberin processes, in the infant and adult median eminence attest to the physiological importance of this system. Close vicinity of corticoliberin, vasopressin and [Met]enkephalin fibres, in some eminential areas and coexpression of corticoliberin and vasopressin immunoreactivities in some neurons, are morphological correlates of functional relations which were reported.  相似文献   

Vascular casts of the pituitary gland, median eminence and hypothalamus from several mammalian species were examined by scanning electron microscopy. These observations were correlated with light microscopic studies of injected, cleared median eminence-pituitary specimens and with light microscopic examination of serial sections of injected hypothalamic, median eminence, and pituitary specimens employing reflected lighting or epiillumination. Transmission electron microscopy was employed to study long portal vessels on the ventral surface of the rat median eminence. In each of the species examined, the median eminence (infundibular) capillary bed is subdivided into an external and an internal plexus. The external plexus (the neurohemal contact zone) receives an arterial supply from the superior hypophyseal arteries and is continuous with the capillary bed of the infundibular stem and process. Egress from the external plexus is possible via three vascular routes: (a) by fenestrated portal vessels and capillaries to the adenohypophysis, (b) by capillary connections to the medial basilar hypothalamus and, (c) by internal plexus capillaries to the ependyma of the median eminence. Median eminence vasculature is structurally organized to deliver (1) hypothalamic and neurohypophyseal peptides to the glandular pituitary via portal vessels, (2) hypothalamic and pituitary secretions to the medial basilar hypothalamus via capillaries, and (3) hypothalamic and pituitary secretions to distant brain sites through cerebrospinal fluid via ventricular and subarachnoid routes.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of arterioles supplying the median eminence of eight rats, eight rabbits, and two cats was studied after vascular perfusion with phosphate buffered aldehyde fixatives. There were terminal arterioles with a lumen diameter of 50-70 micron within the pars tuberalis. Smaller arterioles (precapillary sphincters and metarterioles) with a lumen diameter of 15-20 micron were present on the surface of the median eminence. Arterioles were not observed to penetrate the neuropil but were seen to supply the external capillary plexus of the median eminence. Direct innervation of arterioles supplying the median eminence was not present and hence regulation of median eminence blood flow by peripheral sympathetic mechanisms appears unlikely. Resistance vessels were found to be closely related to axon terminals on the surface of the median eminence and to fenestrated capillaries of the external plexus. In addition, the endothelial cells of arterioles were characterized by the presence of pits and vesicles which may play a role in transendothelial transport. These findings suggest two mechanisms by which blood flow into the median eminence can be regulated: (a) by central catecholaminergic systems terminating in the median eminence and (b) by catecholamine secretions from the adrenal medulla.  相似文献   

The distribution of corticotropin-releasing factor immunoreactive (CRF-i) cell bodies and varicose fibers in the hypothalamus and the pituitary of the canine brain was studied by indirect immunofluorescence. CRF-i cell bodies were demonstrated mainly in the periventricular zone of the third ventricle, while some CRF-i cell bodies were scattered throughout the ventral part of the caudomedial hypothalamus. CRF-positive fibers were mostly situated in the median eminence. In addition some CRF-positive fibers were detected in the ventromedial aspect of the lateral hypothalamus forming a pathway arising from the CRF-i cell bodies, running via the median eminence through the infundibular stalk and terminating in the pars nervosa of the pituitary. The localization of the cell bodies and their projection points towards a possible (patho)physiological role of this peptide-transmitter system in the release of ACTH and beta-endorphin.  相似文献   

Topographical relationships of neurosecretory axons with the capillaries of the primary portal plexus were studied in the median eminence of rats from the 14th fetal till the 9th postnatal day by means of electron microscopy combined with morphometric analysis. Special attention was given to the light and electron microscopic immunocytochemical examination of luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone projections to the median eminence. Neurosecretory axons possessing secretory granules and clear microvesicles were first observed in the median eminence at the 14th fetal day. However, all of them were situated at a distance from the primary portal plexus. By the 20th fetal day, neurosecretory axons reached the external basal lamina of the primary portal plexus giving rise to so-called axovascular contacts. Some axons even penetrated into the perivascular space, apparently facilitating the neurohormone delivery into the hypophysial portal circulation. From that time on, both the number of the axons abutting on the external basal lamina and the entire area of axovascular contacts increased gradually. As to luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone axons, they grew into the median eminence from the 18th fetal day concentrating in older fetuses and neonates either over the primary portal plexus, or around the infundibular recess of the 3rd ventricle. After birth, the concentration and distribution of luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone axons within the median eminence became similar to those of adults. Luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone axons were found to arise from the neurons of septopreoptic area including the diagonal band of Broca. These data suggest the onset of neurohormone release in the median eminence from the 14th fetal day followed by the establishment of the hypothalamic control over the pituitary functions during the perinatal period in rats.  相似文献   

Salusins are two newly discovered TOR-related peptides consisting of 28 and 20 amino acids and designated salusin-alpha and salusin-beta, respectively. Using immunohistochemistry techniques, salusin-like immunoreactivity was detected in the rat hypothalamo-neurohypophyseal tract and immunopositive cells were distributed in the suprachiasmatic, supraoptic and paraventricular nucleus. In the paraventricular nucleus, salusin-like immunoreactivity was observed both in parvocellular and magnocellular neurons. Many salusin-positive nerve fibers and their terminals were identified in the internal layer of the median eminence and posterior pituitary. Less intense salusin-positive staining of fibers and terminals was found in the suprachiasmatic nucleus and external layer of the median eminence. Dual immunostaining was performed to determine if salusin coexisted with vasopressin or oxytocin in the hypothalamus. Most of the salusin-like immunoreactivity was detected in vasopressin- but not in oxytocin-containing neurons in these nuclei. The functional significance of the coexistence of salusin with vasopressin is discussed, including the possibility that salusin participates in the regulation of blood pressure.  相似文献   

Growth hormone-release-inhibiting hormone (somatostatin) has been localized in several central nervous system sites, but the contribution of somatostatin in these various loci to the control of growth hormone (GH) production is unclear. In the present study, the efficacy of castration, alone, or with subsequent gonadal steroid administration, in modulating hypophysial GH production was examined, and the response of somatostatin-containing nerve endings in the median eminence and the organum vasculosum of the lamina terminalis (OVLT) was evaluated by means of immunocytochemistry. Orchidectomy reduced the size and number of immunoreactive GH-cells, and testosterone administration prevented this change. Ovariectomy appeared to stimulate the somatotropes, but this effect was neither as dramatic nor as consistent as the effect of castration in the male. Administration of estradiol, however, resulted in a marked reduction in the number, size, and GH content of somatotropes in all animals examined. Somatostatin was localized in the external lamina of the median eminence and in nerve endings surrounding the core of capillaries in the OVLT. Only the median eminence responded to steroid manipulations with a visible change in the immunoreactive pool of somatostatin, with a decrease following orchidectomy, which was reversible by testosterone treatment, and an increase following ovariectomy, which was reversible by estradiol treatment. However, as in the GH responses to steroid manipulations, the somatostatin responses were more variable in females than in males. These results suggest that: (1) testosterone promotes and estradiol, at least at high doses, inhibits storage of GH in the anterior pituitary; (2) these changes in GH production may be regulated, in part, by altered somatostatin release from the median eminence into the hypophysial portal blood; and (3) somatostatin in the OVLT may not be involved in the steroid-induced modulation of GH production.  相似文献   

GABAergic cells and axon terminals were localized in the basal hypothalamus of different species (rat, mouse and cat), by means of an immunocytochemical approach using a specific and well-characterized antiserum to the GABA biosynthetic enzyme, glutamate decarboxylase. Lightmicroscopic visualization was performed with an indirect immunofluorescence method and electron-microscopic observations were made on material with pre-embedding staining and use of the peroxidase-antiperoxidase procedure.At the light-microscopic level, a dense immunofluorescent plexus was observed over both the medial and lateral parts of the external layer of the median eminence. The labelling extended from the rostral part of the median eminence up to the pituitary stalk. Over the subependymal and internal layers only a few immunoreactive dots were visible, except around the blood vessels where they appeared more concentrated. Immunoreactive varicosities could be found following the outlines of the capillary loops and lining tanycyte processes, especially in the median eminance midportion.At the electron-microscopic level, the immunolabelling was exclusively found over neuronal profiles in the median eminence. The latter represented a small fraction of the total number of varicosities visible on the same section. Labelled profiles typically contained numerous small clear synaptic vesicles and only a few or no dense-core vesicles. In the subependymal and internal layers, rare labelled endings were found close to ependymal cells or among transversally cut fibers, respectively. In the palisadic zone, elongated positive boutons were visible intermingled with bundles of unlabelled axons and glial or ependymal processes. In the neurohemal contact zone, immunoreactive endings were observed among unlabelled neurosecretory endings in close vicinity to fenestrated capillary perivascular space.Small moderately intense immunofluorescent varicosities were observed all over the hypothalamus. The density of the glutamate decarboxylase-positive network was higher than in most diencephalic regions. Intraventricular or topical injection of colchicine allowed the visualization of small lightly immunoreactive cells in the diffusion area of colchicine. In the arcuate nucleus labelled axonal endings containing small pleomorphic synaptic vesicles and sometimes a few dense-core vesicles were observed at the electron-microscopic level. Typical synaptic junctions were commonly found between positive endings and unlabelled perikarya, or more frequently, unlabelled dendrites.These findings show that glutamate decarboxylase-containing endings are localized in several strategic sites for potential GABAergic neuroendocrine regulations. The GABAergic endings found among neurosecretory endings in the neurohemal contact zone may provide the morphological support for the release of γ -aminobutyrate into the portal blood flow as an hypothalamic hypophysiotropic hormone. Alternatively, neurosecretory cells might be under GABAergic control expressed either at their terminal level within the median eminence or the cell body level within the parvicellular hypothalamic nuclei.  相似文献   

This work was undertaken to analyze the changes in GABA concentrations in the anterior and mediobasal hypothalamus and in the median eminence after acute or chronic superior cervical ganglionectomy (SCGx), and whether high prolactin levels interfere with the effects of SCGx on GABA content. Acute but not chronic SCGx increased GABA content in all the areas studied, as compared to controls. The presence of a pituitary graft abolished the effects of acute SCGx in the median eminence and anterior hypothalamus, as compared to controls, but potentiated its effects in the mediobasal hypothalamus. Chronic SCGx increased GABA content in the mediobasal and anterior hypothalami, as compared to pituitary grafted controls. Acute SCGx decreased plasma prolactin and GH levels, but chronic surgery did not modify these hormone plasma levels. Acute SCGx increased plasma ACTH levels, whereas chronic SCGx did not modify them. Pituitary grafting increased circulating values of prolactin, ACTH and GH, as compared to controls. Acute SCGx did not modify plasma prolactin levels in grafted animals, although it increased plasma GH levels and decreased those of ACTH in this experimental group. Chronic SCGx further increased both plasma prolactin and GH levels, without modifying plasma ACTH levels. These results suggest that SCGx differentially modifies GABA content within the hypothalamus and median eminence. Induction of hyperprolactinemia in the neonatal age interferes with SCGx effects on both GABA content within the hypothalamus and median eminence and the secretory patterns of the pituitary hormones studied.  相似文献   

The localization of dopaminergic and non-dopaminergic neuronal perikarya sending axons to the median eminence was investigated in the cat by using two colour double-immunostaining techniques. Unconjugated cholera toxin and wheat germ agglutinin were used as retrograde tracers and injected respectively into the median eminence and the neuro-intermediate pituitary of the same animal. As controls, cholera toxin was also injected into the arcuate (infundibular) nucleus or third ventricle. The retrograde labelling of one of the tracers was combined with tyrosine hydroxylase immunohistochemistry as a marker for dopaminergic neurons. The retrograde labelling studies of cholera toxin alone and the double-immunostaining of cholera toxin and wheat germ agglutinin on the same sections revealed that the cat median eminence receives major afferent projections originating in midline hypothalamic nuclear groups such as the anterior periventricular nucleus, the periventricular part of the paraventricular nucleus and the arcuate nucleus; minor afferent projections arise from the anterior hypothalamic area, the rostral part of the medial preoptic area around the organum vasculosum of the lamina terminalis and to a lesser extent from the posterior hypothalamic region. We further determine that the rostral part of the parvocellular arcuate neurons constitutes the main source of dopaminergic afferents to the median eminence in the cat brain.  相似文献   

In the rat, melanin-concentrating hormone-containing projections are detected in the median eminence and in the neural lobe of the pituitary. After vascular injections of the retrograde tracers fluorogold or fastblue, melanin-concentrating hormone neurons are retrogradely labeled in the rostromedial zona incerta and adjacent perifornical region. These neurons may be the source of the melanin-concentrating hormone projections toward the median eminence and posterior pituitary, and may release their secretory products into the bloodstream. After fastblue injections in the cerebral cortex and vascular fluorogold injections, some melaninconcentrating hormone neurons contain both tracers, indicating that they send collaterals in the cerebral cortex and in the median eminence/posterior pituitary. No such collaterals have been described for the classical neuroendocrine systems. The melanin-concentrating hormone system is thought to play a role in arousal in correlation with specific goal oriented behaviors such as feeding or reproduction. Some MCH neurons may be involved in such functions by modulating directly cortical activity as well as being neuroendocrine.  相似文献   

1. The ovulation response to electrical stimulation of the median eminence, or to the intrapituitary infusion of median eminence extract, was observed in control rabbits and animals pre-treated with chlormadinone acetate.2. Chlormadinone acetate pre-treatment did not significantly reduce the proportion of rabbits ovulating in response to electrical stimulation. However, there was a significant reduction in the average number of ruptured follicles when compared with the animals in the control group.3. Chlormadinone acetate pre-treatment significantly reduced the proportion of animals ovulating in response to the intrapituitary infusion of median eminence extract as compared with the control series. However, there was no significant reduction in the average number of ruptured follicles (in those rabbits that ovulated) when compared with the control groups.4. Chlormadinone acetate pre-treatment produced no significant effect upon either the proportion of animals ovulating, or the average number of ruptured follicles, following I.V. injection of 50 mug LH.5. The conclusion drawn is that chlormadinone acetate blocks copulattion-induced ovulation in the rabbit by action at a site in the central nervous system located above the median eminence. The possible effects of chlormadinone acetate upon the secretion of FSH, the pituitary sensitivity to releasing factors and the ovarian sensitivity to LH are discussed.  相似文献   

Angiotensin II binding sites were localized in the rat brain by incubation of sagittal sections with 125I-[Sar1]-angiotensin II, followed by [3H]Ultrofilm autoradiography. Binding sites were localized in the subfornical organ and the entire anteroventral-third ventricle (AV3V) area, including the subependymal area of the anterior third ventricle, the median preoptic nucleus and the organon vasculosum laminae terminalis. Binding sites were also present in the paraventricular and periventricular nuclei and in the median eminence. These findings support the hypothesis of an extensive involvement of angiotensin in the neuronal circuits connecting the subfornical organ, the AV3V area, the paraventricular nucleus and the median eminence, and in the regulation of fluid balance, blood pressure and pituitary secretion.  相似文献   

Summary In order to study the origin of the nerve endings in the surface zone (zona palisadica) of the median eminence and the proximal part of the pituitary stalk, experiments were designed to determine the extent of the smallest region of the brain, isolation of which does not result in terminal degeneration in this zone. Various hypothalamic areas were partially or totally separated from the brain by means of a stereotaxically manipulated bayonet-shape knife and the zona palisadica was examined for secondary degeneration of axon terminals under the electron microscope. If the medial basal hypothalamus, including the suprachiasmatic area was disconnected from the rest of the brain, degenerated nerve endings do not occur in the palisade zone. Axon degeneration is observed if any part of the medio-basal area was separated from the median eminence or became necrotic. — These findings indicate that the nerve terminals in the zona palisadica arise exclusively from neurons in the medial basal hypothalamus, and that fibers of other origin do not terminate in this zone. The present observations support the assumption that the hypothalamic releasing (and inhibiting) factors are produced by, and the neural control of the anterior pituitary is exercised over a short final neuronal link, localized in the medial basal hypothalamus.  相似文献   

Summary The effects of chronic lesions in the median eminance on water exchange and the morphological condition of the hypothalamo-posthypophyseal system were studied in the rat. A relationship between cell loss in the supraoptic nuclei and increase in water intake was observed. However, no close inverse correlation between the number of cells in the supraoptic nuclei and water intake could be demonstrated.On the other hand, complete disconnection of the hypothalamo-posthypophyseal tracts from the posterior pituitary was observed in nearly all animals in which water intake was above the normal level. In contrast, water exchange remained with few exceptions within the normal range in animals, in which disconnection of the hypothalamo-posthypophyseal tracts from the posterior pituitary was incomplete.Regeneration of posterior lobe-like tissue was regularly observed in the median eminence of operated rats. However, it was quantitatively much less pronounced than in hypophysectomized and posterior lobectomized animals, in which a distinct miniature substitute posterior lobe develops. Moreover, the regenerated posterior lobe-like tissue of animals with lesions in the median eminence appeared to have a much lower capacity to release its hormonal material than the normal posterior pituitary gland under the conditions of these experiments.  相似文献   

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