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目的:探讨老年人进行健身锻炼的适宜运动强度,为老年人群科学健身提供理论指导。方法:以健康检查和调查问卷方式筛选出61~65岁健康老年男性32名,随机分为3个运动强度组,分别以心脏功能能力(F.C.)的30%~45%、46%~60%、61%~75%的运动强度进行8周健步走锻炼,每周锻炼3次,每次维持靶心率30分钟。运动中以心率、步行速度和主观感觉疲劳等级(RPE)相结合控制运动强度。分别测定锻炼前后受试者的身体成分和血脂水平。主要结果和结论:随着运动强度的增加,运动降低血脂的效果趋于减弱,中、小强度有氧运动(30%~60%F.C.)降低血脂的效果好于大强度有氧运动(61%~75%F.C.)。经过8周的健步走锻炼,3个组的身体脂肪总量、体脂%、体重和BMI均值均有所下降,但无统计学意义,提示可能是由实验期较短所致。建议:30%~60%F.C.的强度可作为61~65岁老年男性降血脂锻炼的适宜运动强度。  相似文献   

目的:了解北京居民在2016年的体育活动现状,并分析体育活动与居民情绪之间的关系。方法:通过按比例配额方便抽样的方法,从北京市16个区选取20岁以上的1460名常住居民作为研究对象,其中男性591人、女性869人。采用体育活动等级量表(PARS-3),正性负性情绪量表(PANAS)进行调查,采用相关分析、卡方检验、t检验、F检验对数据进行了分析。结果:2016年度北京市体育人口百分比为32.06%,不参加体育活动人口的百分比为24.18%,69%的居民仅参加少量体育活动。每次参加体育活动的持续时间在21~30分钟的人数比例最高,为26.5%;每周活动1~2次的人数比例最大,为28.2%;每次进行轻微强度活动的人数比例最高,达61.2%;居民参加体育活动的主要目的是强壮身体(80.1%),缓解压力(47.5%)、健美体形(18.9%)、交朋友(12.3%)、展示和提高运动技能(10.2%)。独立样本t检验表明,女性的体育活动量显著小于男性(P<0.001,d=0.411);单因素方差分析表明,年龄(P<0.01,ηP2=0.008)、受教育程度(P<0.001,ηP2=0.015)、月收入(P<0.001,ηP2=0.013)、职业(P<0.01,ηP2=0.011)对体育活动量影响显著;活动强度(P<0.001,ηP2=0.023)、活动时间(P<0.001,ηP2=0.041)、活动频率(P<0.001,ηP2=0.026)对积极情绪体验影响显著;活动时间(P<0.001,ηP2=0.042)和活动频率(P<0.001,ηP2=0.057)对消极情绪体验影响显著。结论:北京居民的体育活动现状与"经常锻炼"标准依然存在差距。居民中60~69岁、男性、教育程度较高以及从事管理职位的人群活动量较大。体育活动时间越长,强度越大,频率越高的大活动量在积极情绪上得分较高,这种影响是通过对积极情绪的激活和对消极情绪的降低同时实现的,即体育活动量达到一定标准后才能实现改善情绪状态的目的。  相似文献   

不同走跑锻炼方案对中老年人血脂异常的调节作用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的:探讨改善血脂异常的适宜运动方案.方法:以中老年血脂异常患者为研究对象,以走跑锻炼为主要运动方式,根据受试者年龄、性别及功能能力(F.C.),将其随机分为对照组和锻炼组,其中锻炼组又按F.C.和血清总胆固醇含量测定值进行配伍,分为中等强度长时间(60~70%F.C.,60分钟/天)锻炼组(ML)、中等强度短时间(60~70%.F.C,30分钟/天)锻炼组(MS)、低强度长时间(50~60%.F.C,60分钟/天)锻炼组(LL)和低强度短时间(50~60%.F.C,30分钟/天)锻炼组(LS).观察实施不同走跑锻炼方案后各锻炼组血脂的变化情况.每周5天,锻炼期为2个月.结果:2个月后,对照组血清TG、TC、LDL-C和ApoB水平显著升高,ApoAL/ApoB比值显著下降(P<0.01,P<0.05).各锻炼组血清VLDL-C和TC/HDL-C比值均显著下降(P<0.05,P<0.01),ML、MS、LL和LS组血清VLDL-C下降幅度分别为26%、27%,34%、21%.ML、LL和LS组血清HDL-C含量显著升高(P<0.05),分别较锻炼前升高10%、7%和6%.低强度锻炼组血清ApoAI/ApoB比值显著升高(P<0.05,P<0.01).结果表明:走跑锻炼是改善血脂异常的有效运动方式,走跑锻炼的运动强度不是影响血脂异常改善效果的主要因素,中等强度(60~70%F.C.)和低强度(50~60%F.C.)走跑锻炼均可改善血脂异常.  相似文献   

<正>"人的身体犹如一台机器,运行久了,或多或少会出现各种毛病,我们总是习惯等生病了才去找医生。其实,如果常给自己做个测试,很多疾病都能早发现、早预防。1.每天要做"PERF"四项自测。P指"新鲜农产品",每天要监测自己农产品是否吃够。按照《中国居民膳食指南》规定,每天最少应吃200克~400克水果和300克~500克蔬菜,品种要多样,尤其深色蔬菜要占到50%以上。E指"锻炼",坚持自测每天步行及运动状况。据  相似文献   

对杭州市社区居民锻炼行为的干预效果观察   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
目的:观察对杭州市社区居民锻炼行为实施干预的效果.方法:调查杭州市社区居民参与健身运动现况,比较干预前后社区居民对健身运动重要性的认识态度、保持锻炼行为信念和参与运动锻炼等状况的变化,分析对处于运动锻炼行为不同阶段的居民实施侧重点不同的健康教育方法和干预措施的结果.结果:(1) 杭州市社区居民参加运动锻炼的比率为36.5%.(2) 社区居民在运动锻炼行为各阶段的情况:前意向阶段的居民占44.0%,意向阶段的居民占9.3%,准备阶段的居民占10.2%,行动阶段的居民占9.3%,维持阶段的居民占10.0%.(3) 针对运动锻炼行为处于不同阶段的居民,分别实施侧重不同的干预措施后,居民对健身运动的重要性认识、对保持锻炼的信念、参与运动锻炼的百分率均有所提高.结论:(1) 杭州市社区居民参与运动锻炼的百分率较低;(2) 对处于行为转变不同阶段的居民应采取不同的健康教育进行干预,有一定的效果.  相似文献   

上海地区南京东路社区居民体育锻炼现状调查   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
目的了解上海市社区居民体育锻炼现状,初步探讨体育锻炼经常参与率的影响因素,评价居民对慢性疾病体育锻炼的认识程度。方法对本市南京东路社区35~74岁的常驻居民进行入户问卷调查,包括慢性疾病及体育锻炼情况调查,并对资料进行统计分析和相关因素的x2检验。结果该社区1457名调查者中经常参加体育锻炼者(即符合体育人口标准)470名,占总人数的32.3%,进一步分析提示性别、年龄、文化程度、是否在职、有否患慢性疾病等因素有统计学意义(P<0.05),影响了社区居民体育锻炼的经常参与率。结论目前社区体育锻炼的经常参与率较高,居民的健身目的明确,但锻炼队伍的年龄构成不平衡,组织形式呈现个体化,缺乏科学的体育锻炼指导。  相似文献   

<正>体力活动(Physical Activity,PA)是指所有由于骨骼肌收缩产生的身体活动,PA在基础代谢的水平上,使身体能量消耗(Energy Expenditure,EE)增加。美国疾病控制与预防中心(Centers for Disease Controland Prevention,CDC)和其他运动医学组织提出建议:为了促进健康,成人应该每天进行30分钟以上的中等强度运动。PA的好处明显,但如何检测PA水  相似文献   

目的:评价有氧锻炼对最大摄氧量的影响和最有效锻炼强度,为有氧运动处方强度的制定提供依据。方法:以MEDLINE为文献主要来源,搜索1976年至2008年间公开发表的有氧锻炼对最大摄氧量影响的相关文献,根据纳入标准和排除标准选择合适的文献,并对其进行质量评估和相关数据提取。结果:(1)对35篇文献中889名受试者进行Meta分析:最大摄氧量加权均数差为3.61ml/kg/min,95%可信区间为2.96~4.25ml/kg/min,与锻炼前平均最大摄氧量数值(27.26ml/kg/min)相比,锻炼后增加了13.2%。(2)根据锻炼强度的不同进行亚组Meta分析,锻炼强度分别为70~80%最大摄氧量(VO2max)、71~80%最大心率(HRmax)和61~70%储备心率(HRR)时,最大摄氧量增加最多。结论:久坐不动生活方式的健康人群通过有氧锻炼可以提高其最大摄氧量水平,且本研究结果中最有效的锻炼强度为制定有氧运动处方强度提供一定的理论依据。  相似文献   

合理规划和设计人居实体环境可以促进居民身体活动、改善居民健康。但当前该领域的研究成果应用度不高,其中重要的原因是人居实体环境建设和优化资金投入大,会增加公共财政支出负担,一定程度上影响了政府部门的决策制定和项目立项。为此,本文从人居实体环境对居民身体活动的影响,居民身体活动降低医疗费用支出的"成本-效益"以及人居实体环境与居民医疗支出的折算关系等方面进行系统阐述。结果认为人居实体环境建设中要注重居民身体锻炼需求,强调与之匹配的规划设计,这部分建设资金投入将产生二次社会经济效益,即可降低社会医疗卫生支出,增加社会生产效率,虽然前期投入较大,但远期效益将逐年显现。今后应加强主观调查与全球定位系统(global positioning system,GPS)客观追踪相结合的影响机制研究,提炼实体环境的关键要素和特征,为规划设计提供具体的设计标准和素材。加强多元统计分析,探讨人居实体环境建设投入与医疗支出效益的数量关系,凸显利于促进居民身体锻炼的人居实体环境建设投入的必要性和经济性。与身体活动缺乏无明显证据的疾病产生的医疗支出不应纳入研究范畴,有效筛选后的医疗支出数据可使研究结果更为可靠。  相似文献   

目的:描述下肢动脉硬化闭塞症腔内治疗术后患者的运动锻炼及患肢侧支血管建立的现况。方法:本研究为横断面研究,采用一般资料表和CTA评估2020年7月至2021年7月在复旦大学附属华山医院及复旦大学附属浦东医院就诊的下肢动脉硬化闭塞症腔内治疗术后患者,并采用秩和检验比较侧支血管的建立在运动锻炼组与非运动组的差别。结果:140例患者中,42.1%有运动,其中93.2%采取步行的运动方式,59.3%每周运动3~5次,每次运动平均时间为30.4 min,83.1%运动时无人陪同;相较于非运动组,运动锻炼组的侧支血管直径更大(Z=-4.462,P<0.01),且侧支血管数量更多(Z=-4.194,P<0.01)。结论:下肢动脉硬化闭塞症腔内治疗术后患者运动水平低、运动方式繁杂、运动频率和时间均不统一,且运动时缺乏监测、指导;运动锻炼组患者的侧支血管的大小与数量均显著优于非运动组。  相似文献   

AIM: The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between the influence of music on RPE during sub-maximal exercise and on the autonomic nervous system before and after sub-maximal exercise. METHODS: Heart rate (HR), HR variability (HRV) and rates of physical fatigue (RPE) during exercise at 60% and at 40% VO2max with and without music were measured. The exercise protocol consisted of a 30-min seated rest (control) period followed by a 30-min submaximal cycling exercise and a 35-min recovery period. Autonomic-nervous activity was measured before and after exercise. During exercise, RPE was recorded every 3 min and HR was recorded for every minute. RESULTS: Although RPE did not differ during exercise at 60% VO2max, this value was lower during exercise at 40% VO2max in the presence, than in the absence of a favorite piece music (P < 0.05). HR, HFA and LFA/HFA of HRV significantly differed with exercise intensity in the absence (P < 0.05), but not in the presence of music. CONCLUSIONS: These findings suggested that music evokes a 'distraction effect' during low intensity exercise, but might not influence the autonomic nervous system. Therefore, when jogging or walking at comparatively low exercise intensity, listening to a favorite piece of music might decrease the influence of stress caused by fatigue, thus increasing the 'comfort' level of performing the exercise.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To examine age-related differences in the physical activity behaviors of young adults. METHODS: We examined rates of participation in vigorous- and moderate-intensity leisure-time activity and walking, as well as an index of physical activity sufficient for health benefits in three Australian cross-sectional samples, for the age ranges of 18--19, 20--24, and 25--29 yr. Data were collected in 1991, 1996, and 1997/8. RESULTS: There was at least a 15% difference in vigorous-intensity leisure-time physical activity from the 18--19 yr to the 25--29 yr age groups, and at least a 10% difference in moderate-intensity leisure-time physical activity. For the index of sufficient activity there was a difference between 9 and 21% across age groups. Differences in rates of walking were less than 8%. For all age groups, males had higher rates of participation for vigorous and moderate-intensity activity than did females, but females had much higher rates of participation in walking than males. Age-associated differences in activity levels were more apparent for males. CONCLUSIONS: Promoting walking and various forms of moderate-intensity physical activities to young adult males, and encouraging young adult females to adopt other forms of moderate-intensity activity to complement walking may help to ameliorate decreases in physical activity over the adult lifespan.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Impaired endogenous fibrinolysis is an important predictor for increased risk of stroke and myocardial infarction. Acute exercise can enhance fibrinolysis, primarily by stimulating short-term increases in plasma tissue plasminogen activator (tPA), which is postulated to protect against atherothrombotic events. No prior studies have examined the fibrinolytic response to exercise in stroke survivors despite their high risk for recurrent stroke and myocardial infarction. The purpose of this study was to assess the fibrinolytic response to acute submaximal exercise in chronic hemiparetic stroke patients. METHODS: Eighteen (16 men, 2 women) untrained stroke patients with chronic hemiparetic gait deficits volunteered for participation in this single session exercise study. Fasting blood samples for determination of tPA and plasminogen activator inhibitor (PAI-1) enzyme activities were obtained before, immediately after, and 60 min after submaximal treadmill walking. Patients walked at 60% maximal heart rate reserve (low-moderate intensity) for a cumulative total of 20 min. RESULTS: The exercise bout increased tPA activity by 79% (P < 0.01) and decreased PAI-1 activity by 18% (P < 0.01). At 1 h after completing the walking exercise, plasma tPA activity levels were still significantly elevated (43%,P < 0.01), and PAI-1 activity levels were 25% lower (P < 0.01) than baseline. CONCLUSIONS: These findings demonstrate that a single bout of aerobic walking exercise can improve fibrinolysis profiles in chronic stroke patients. Significant increases in endogenous tPA and reductions in PAI-1 activity persist for at least 1 h after exercise cessation. The implications are that alterations in physical activity during the day may modify clot lysing potential, thereby affecting atherothrombotic risk.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Twenty-year trends in lifestyle (leisure, household, and transportation related) physical activity and leisure-time physical activity (LTPA) were evaluated in the Minnesota Heart Survey (MHS), a population-based surveillance study to monitor trends in cardiovascular risk factor levels among residents of the Minneapolis-St. Paul metropolitan area. METHODS: The Minnesota LTPA questionnaire was administered to adult participants in one of five cross-sectional MHS surveys conducted in 1980 (N = 1626), 1985 (N = 2292), 1990 (N = 2552), 1995 (N = 2432), and 2000 (N = 3089). Occupational activity was queried in 1980, 1995, and 2000. Age-adjusted, gender-specific geometric means of lifestyle physical activity and LTPA and of light-, moderate-, and vigorous-intensity activities were calculated for each survey. The proportion of adults participating in regular physical activity for 30 and 60 min x d(-1) was reported. RESULTS: Male gender, younger age, higher educational status, and employment were characteristic of greater participation in physical activity. Daily energy expenditure from lifestyle physical activity and LTPA increased between 1980 and 2000 in both genders, and workplace activity decreased. Using direct questions, the prevalence of men and women participating in 30 or more minutes of physical activity at least five times per week ranged from 8 to 12%, with no time trend. Only 1% of participants participated 60 min daily. Overall, BMI was 1-2 kg x m(-2) lower among individuals who participated regularly in physical activity. CONCLUSIONS: Although energy expenditure was lower than national recommendations, greater physical activity was associated with lower body mass. Public health strategies are needed to facilitate participation in physical activity, especially for women, elderly, and less educated individuals.  相似文献   

The objective of our study was to investigate the effects of a home-based walking program on physical fitness and QOL among community residents. Subjects (n = 200, mean age: 64.2 years, range: 42 - 75 years) who participated in the 32-week trial were randomly allocated to one of two groups: an exercise (E) group and a control (C) group. The E group was instructed to increase the number of steps a day that they walked and to perform aerobic walking at a target heart rate for 20 minutes or more daily, 2 or more days a week. The C group was told to continue their normal level of activity. Outcome measures were the 3-minute shuttle stamina walk test (SSWT), 30-second chair-stand test (CS-30), and SF-36. Increases in SSWT values were significantly greater in the E group than in the C group (men 24.1 m vs. 6.3 m; women 8.8 m vs. 2.4 m), as were increases in CS-30 values (men 5.9 vs. 2.6; women 4.5 vs. - 0.1). On the SF-36, the scores in the E group for vitality and mental health increased significantly. Home-based walking is considered to be an effective and feasible method to improve physical fitness and QOL among community residents.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: Physical activity (PA) is inversely related to the risk of many chronic diseases. Understanding PA patterns and their correlates thus has significant public health implications. METHODS: We evaluated PA patterns and their association with socioeconomic status and lifestyle factors in the Shanghai Men's Health Study (SMHS), a cohort of 61,582 Chinese men (participation rate: 74.1%) ages 40-74 living in eight communities of urban Shanghai, China. Information on PA from exercise, household chores, and walking and bicycling for transportation and daily living activities was collected by in-person interviews using a validated questionnaire. Logistic regression analyses were conducted. RESULTS: Participation in exercise was reported by 35.6% of study participants, walking and cycling for transportation by 22.6% and 23.5%, and walking and cycling for daily living activities by 99.9% and 24.5%. Nine percent had high-PA jobs. All kinds of PA, except household chores, were more common in older men. Education and income levels were positively associated with exercise and housework but inversely associated with transportation and daily living activities. Men with higher BMI participated in more exercise, whereas those with higher waist-to-hip ratio (WHR) were less active in all kinds of PA. Current smokers, particularly heavy smokers, were less active in all kinds of PA compared with former smokers and nonsmokers. Current alcohol drinkers, tea drinkers, and ginseng users were more likely to participate in exercise but less likely to participate in nonexercise PA. Total energy intake was positively associated with PA, except for household chores. CONCLUSIONS: Despite low participation in exercise/sports, most middle-aged and elderly Chinese men in Shanghai participate in a high level of nonexercise PA. Their PA patterns are closely associated with socioeconomic/lifestyle factors.  相似文献   

目的:观察1年健骨操运动前后绝经女性日常活动特征、能量消耗、骨密度、体成分及肌力变化特点,探讨绝经女性体力活动与机体骨量变化的关系。方法:以47名骨量低下的绝经女性为志愿研究对象,分为运动组(EG组)和非运动组(OG组),EG组进行1年60min/天、3~4天/周的中等强度健骨操运动。分别对实验1年前后两组受试者各项指标进行测定:以DXA(GE Lunar Prodigy,美国)测定主要部位骨密度(BMD)和体成分,以加速度计(OMRON hja-350it,日本)测定能量消耗,以等速肌力仪(ISOMED 2000,德国)测定肌肉力量。采用SPSS16.0统计分析数据。结果:EG组运动1年后,步行活动能耗(包括健骨操运动能耗)显著高于OG组,视为有效体力活动能耗。与OG组相比,EG组活动步数、步行时间及3~6 MET活动时间均显著升高,体重、BMI及体成分均发生了积极改变,各主要部位BMD均呈升高趋势,左股骨颈BMD显著升高。EG组运动1年后肌肉力量发生显著变化,其中髋等速90°伸、180°伸、180°屈及腰等速120°屈肌力均较1年前明显升高,实验1年后EG组髋等速180°伸、180°屈及腰等速120°伸肌力均显著高于OG组。结论:健骨操运动(有氧耐力、抗阻、冲击性练习等)通过增加机体能耗,改善体成分,增加肌肉力量,进而增加对骨骼的力学负荷刺激,是绝经女性改善和维持骨量的适宜运动。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate gender-related differences in physical activity patterns at the ages of 16 and 34 and to analyse those factors that might contribute to an explanation of physical activity habits in adulthood. A randomly selected group, consisting of 220 boys and 205 girls, was tested in 1974 and reinvestigated in 1992 by means of a questionnaire. Eighty-eight percent participated in the reinvestigation. At the age of 16 more boys (69%) than girls (51%) participated in some sports activity in their leisure time. The results showed an overall decrease in participation in vigorous physical activity, although participation in light physical activity remained relatively constant. At the age of 34, there was no difference in overall physical activity between men and women, but the men exercised more vigorously (44% vs. 29%). Early experience of physical activity at the age of 16 decreased the risk of becoming inactive in adulthood. At the age of 34 cohabiting for the men, and having children and high socio-economic class for the women, increased the risk of being physically inactive in adulthood, whereas positive beliefs about health effects of exercise decreased the risk for both men and women.  相似文献   

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