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The aim of this study was to determine the effect of age on the modulation of forces produced by the digits and to determine the effects of practice on the control of these forces in young and older adults. Young (n = 14, 19-28 years) and old (n = 12, 67-75 years) adults used a precision grip to perform a variable force-tracking task (sine wave, 5-25% of maximum voluntary force) with their dominant hand. Participants performed 100 practice trials over 2 consecutive days. Results indicated that both groups improved accuracy of force tracking as a result of practice. Younger adults performed the task at a higher level in pre- and post-test conditions compared with older adults. Younger adults showed improvements in force control in force generation and release phases. Older adults reached performance levels comparable with younger adults' pre-test performance, but only after extended practice. In contrast to young adults, older adults' performance during the force release phases remained quite variable. These data suggest that older adults are impaired in the accurate release of grip force. Varied force release patterns that disrupt the precision of force modulation may contribute to older adults' diminished dexterous abilities.  相似文献   

Chan RC  Rao H  Chen EE  Ye B  Zhang C 《Neuroscience letters》2006,398(3):189-194
The present study used functional MRI to clarify the brain regions activated during a series of motor sequencing tasks in healthy volunteers. Ten subjects were scanned while performing three soft signs tasks ranging from simple (PT: palm tapping), moderate (PS: pronation/supination) to complex movements (FEP: fist-edge-palm). The FEP task induced significant activations within the cortical networks including bilateral sensorimotor, SMA, left parietal, and right cerebellum, but no activation in the prefrontal area. Moreover, the percentage signal changes within the left sensorimotor, left thalamus and right cerebellum showed an increase in activation with task complexity. The present findings challenge the traditional belief that FEP was a task for frontal lobe function but suggest that successful performance of more complex neurological soft sign tasks like FEP requires the participation of more brain areas than simple motor sequencing and coordination task like PS and PT. These also provide the empirical data on the neural basis of neurological soft signs for further study in other clinical group like schizophrenia in the near future.  相似文献   

Previous research showed that force control in a visually guided continuous tracking task is influenced by feedback accuracy and force-varying rate. More specifically it was found that higher feedback accuracy and greater force-varying rate led to decreased task performance. Here we studied the neural signature of these effects using functional MRI. We hypothesised that performance costs were due to increased task demand and reflected by increased activations in the visuomotor network. Using the fMRI-BOLD response as an indirect measure of enhanced brain activity we found that the task induced activations in the visuomotor network. The different task conditions thereby modulated the BOLD response such that those conditions with poorest performance showed highest activation levels and vice versa. This indicates a parametric modulation of the BOLD response according to task difficulty and force production. The effects point towards the interdependent and parallel control of visual feedback information and force output rate, which is probably achieved through a joint neural network.  相似文献   

Arousal and valence play key roles in emotional perception, with normal aging leading to changes in the neural substrates supporting valence processing. The objective of this study was to investigate normal age-related changes in the neural substrates of emotional arousal processing. Twenty-three young and 23 older, healthy women underwent functional magnetic resonance imaging as they viewed images which were neutral or positive in valence and which varied in arousal level from low to high. Using a parametric modulation approach, we examined how the blood oxygen-level dependent signal varied with single trial subjective ratings of valence and arousal, and whether this differed with age. In accordance with previous studies we found that the older group showed greater activation in response to positive valence, in the left amygdala, left middle temporal gyrus and right lingual gyrus. In contrast however, they showed reduced reactivity to emotional arousal, in occipital and temporal visual cortices bilaterally, the left inferior parietal cortex, and the supplementary motor area bilaterally. This study represents the first of its kind to clearly dissociate how aging affects the neural correlates of emotional arousal and valence. The changes in arousal processing may in part be mediated by the functional reorganization evident in the aging brain, such as reduced activation of the posterior cortices as described by the posterior-anterior shift in ageing (PASA) effect.  相似文献   

We studied the direction of the three-dimensional fingertip force vector in young and old adults during a simple pressing task with the index finger. Ten young and ten old subjects pressed against a force plate with their index finger and maintained target forces that ranged from 2.5 to 15 N. Subjects viewed a display of the force normal to the force plate; forces tangential to the force plate were not displayed. Young adults produced fingertip forces that were nearly perpendicular to the plate at all target forces while old adults produced fingertip forces that deviated in the proximal direction of the horizontal plane, and ulnar direction of the vertical plane. The fingertip force deviated from the onset of pressing in both groups, but in young subjects the force aligned to perpendicular within 200 ms. Additional study is required to determine if these biased force vector directions contribute to clumsiness and slowing that are characteristic of fine manipulation in old age.  相似文献   

Acupuncture, an ancient East Asian therapeutic technique, is currently emerging as an important modality in complementary and alternative medicine around the world. Several studies have provided useful information regarding neurophysiological mechanisms of acupuncture in human brain activation. We explored brain activation using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and compared verum acupuncture to placebo needles. Two fMRI scans were taken in random order in a block design, one for verum acupuncture and one for non-penetrating placebo needles at the motor function-implicated acupoint LR2, on the left foot, in 10 healthy volunteers. We calculated the contrast that subtracted the blood oxygen level-dependent (BOLD) responses between the verum and sham acupuncture. Verum acupuncture stimulation elicited significant activation in both motor function-related brain areas, including the caudate, claustrum, and cerebellum, and limbic-related structures, such as the medial frontal gyrus, the cingulate gyrus, and the fusiform gyrus. These findings suggest that acupuncture not only elicited acupoint-implicated brain activation, but also modulated the affective components of the pain matrix. The current investigation of the specific pattern of the brain activation related to genuine acupuncture provides new information regarding the neurobiological basis of acupuncture.  相似文献   

The goal of this study is to investigate the neural correlates of working memory function associated with chemotherapy in pediatric cancer survivors using event‐related functional MRI (fMRI) analysis. Fifteen pediatric cancer survivors treated with chemotherapy and 15 healthy controls were studied. Blood oxygenation level dependent (BOLD) fMRI was acquired. A visual n‐back task was used to test working memory function during the fMRI scan. Responses were recorded via an MRI compatible button box for analysis. fMRI scans were analyzed using statistical parametric mapping software. All statistics were corrected for multiple comparisons by false discovery rate, with p < 0.05 as significance. Patients however gave more incorrect responses (p < 0.05), more no responses (p < 0.05), and longer response times (p < 0.05) compared with healthy controls. Correct responses generated significantly lower BOLD responses in the posterior cingulate for pediatric cancer survivors compared with controls (p < 0.05). Incorrect responses generated significantly greater BOLD responses in the angular gyrus in survivors (p < 0.05), and no response trials generated greater BOLD responses within the superior parietal lobule (p < 0.05) compared with controls. Working memory impairment appears to be due to an inability to manipulate information and to retrieve information from memory. The ability to delineate the affected neural circuits associated with chemotherapy‐induced cognitive impairment could inform treatment strategies, identify patients at high risk of developing cognitive deficits, and pre‐emptively tailor behavioral enrichment to overcome specific cognitive deficits.  相似文献   

This study examined precision-grip force applied to an instrumented test object held aloft while the weight of the object was predictably varied by transporting and placing loads (50, 100, or 200 g) atop the test object. Transport of the loads was performed either by the subject or the experimenter. Grip force was examined in four non-amputee control subjects and in the anatomical and prosthetic hand of a subject with a prosthetic device. As subjects transported the load, anticipatory grip-force changes occurred in the anatomical hands and prosthetic hand, which were scaled in relation to the load. When the experimenter transported the load to the anatomical hands of control subjects or the prosthetic user, anticipatory increases in grip force occurred that also were scaled in relation to load. However, when the experimenter transported the load to the prosthetic hand, anticipatory grip-force adjustments were absent. During the phase in which the load was being assumed by the postural hand, grip forces in the anatomical hands and prosthetic hand were further scaled to load demands. Ability to adapt grip force in the prosthetic hand during this phase suggested that the subject was utilizing sensory information from the residual limb to adjust grip force. Thus, while anticipatory changes precede the process of adaptation to load changes, actual sensory consequences resulting from added weight remain necessary to fully adapt grip force to load demands, even for the prosthetic user.  相似文献   

Motor unit (MU) synchronisation during isometric force production in the precision grip was analysed in five subjects performing a visually guided steptracking motor task with three different force levels. With this aim multi-unit electromyographic (EMG) activity of 14 intrinsic and extrinsic finger muscles from 15 experimental sessions was decomposed into the potentials of single MUs. The behaviour of 62 intrinsic and 30 extrinsic MUs in the motor task was quantified. Most MUs displayed a positive correlation between firing rate and grip force. Compared to MUs in extrinsic muscles, intrinsic MUs had steeper regression lines with negative intercepts indicating higher force sensitivity and higher recruitment thresholds. A cross-correlation analysis was performed for 69 intra- and 166 intermuscular MU pairs while steady grip force was exerted at the three force levels. Synchronisation, for at least one force level, was found in 78% of the intra- and 45% of the intermuscular pairs. The occurrence of synchronisation was not stable over the force range tested. Factors influencing the fluctuations in occurrence and strength of synchronisation were investigated. Force increase was not paralleled by increased synchronisation; in contrast, in most MU pairs, especially intermuscular pairs, synchronisation occurred preferentially at the lower force levels. The recruitment threshold appeared to play a determining role in synchronisation: the more similar the thresholds of two MUs, the greater the probability of them being synchronised at this force level. Synchronised MUs fired on average at a lower frequency than non-synchronised ones. Finally, synchronisation at the multi-unit EMG level does not indicate that all underlying MUs are synchronised, nor does the absence of temporal coupling at the multi-unit level indicate that none of the MUs is synchronised.  相似文献   

Behavioral evidence suggests that memory for context (i.e., source memory) is more vulnerable to age-related decline than item memory. It is not clear, however, whether this pattern reflects a specific age-related deficit in context memory or a more general effect of task difficulty. In the present study, we used event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) with healthy younger and older adults to dissociate the effects of age, task (item vs. source memory), and task difficulty (1 vs. 2 study presentations) on patterns of blood oxygen level-dependent (BOLD) signal changes during memory retrieval. Behavioral performance was similar in both age groups, but was sensitive to task and difficulty (item > source; easy > difficult). Data-driven multivariate analyses revealed age differences consistent with age-related overrecruitment of frontoparietal regions during difficult task conditions, and age-related functional reorganization in bilateral frontal and right-lateralized posterior regions that were sensitive to difficulty in younger adults, but to task (i.e., context demand) in older adults. These findings support the hypothesis of a specific context memory deficit in older adults.  相似文献   

Dimensional models of psychosis assume a continuum between schizotypy and schizophrenia. However, little is known about the overlap in brain functional alterations between schizotypy and schizophrenia. Fifty-four healthy volunteers underwent functional magnetic resonance imaging during an antisaccade task, a measure of cognitive control known to be impaired in schizophrenia, and a prosaccade task. Higher positive schizotypy was correlated with higher antisaccade error rates. Associations between reduced blood oxygenation level dependent signal and higher schizotypy were found during antisaccades in the putamen, thalamus, cerebellum, and visual cortex and during prosaccades in the visual cortex, supplementary eye field, and posterior intraparietal sulcus. These findings show that increased schizotypy is associated with decreased antisaccade performance and reduced brain function in regions also affected in schizophrenia, therefore providing evidence of neurocognitive and neurophysiological overlap between schizotypy and schizophrenia.  相似文献   

Summary Perceived heaviness of a weight lifted by flexion of the distal joint of one digit increases when an adjacent digit concurrently lifts a weight. The present study confirmed this finding for relatively low weights (representing 3–5% maximal voluntary force) and a method was adapted to show that this effect occurs for much larger weights (20–25% maximal force). Thus, the increase in perceived heaviness is likely to operate over a wide range of muscle force generated by the hand. As perceived heaviness is biased by the magnitude of the central motor commands, these findings may reflect a lack of complete independence of motor commands to the long flexor muscles acting on the digits.  相似文献   

Music performance and speech production require neural circuits to integrate auditory information and motor commands to achieve rapid and accurate control of sound properties. This article proposes a novel approach for investigating neural substrates related to audiomotor integration. An experiment examined the brain activities involved in sensorimotor integration in a simplified audiomotor task: pitch regulation using finger-pinching force. The brain activities of the participants were measured using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) while they were performing the task. Two additional tasks were performed: an auditory-only task in which subjects listened to sound stimuli without any motor action and a motor-only task where they applied their finger force to the sensor in the absence of auditory feedback. The fMRI results showed the brain activities related to the online pitch regulation in the dorsal premotor cortex (dPMC), planum temporale (PT), primary auditory cortex, and part of the midbrain. The involvement of dPMC and PT was consistent with findings in previous studies on other audiomotor systems, implying that these regions appeared to be important for connecting the auditory feedback to motor actions.  相似文献   

Summary The coordination of manipulative forces was examined while children and adults repeatedly lifted a small object between the thumb and index finger. Grip force, load force (vertical lifting force), grip force rate and the vertical position of the test object were continuously measured. In adults, the force generation was highly automatized and was nearly invariant between trials. After a preload phase in which the grip was established, the grip and load forces increased in parallel under isometric conditions until the load force overcame the force of gravity and the object started to move. During this loading phase, the force rate profiles were essentially bell shaped and single peaked, suggesting that the force increases were programmed as one coordinated event. Children below the age of two exhibited a prolonged preload phase and a loading phase during which the grip and load forces did not increase in parallel. A major increase in grip force preceded the increase in load force, and at the start of the loading phase, the grip force was usually several Newtons (N). The force rate profiles were multi peaked with step-wise force increases most likely allowing peripheral feedback to play an important role in the control of the forces. After the age of two, the grip force increased less during the preload phase. The loading phase was more regularly characterized by a parallel increase of the grip force and load force and the duration of the various phases decreased. The older children programmed the forces in one force rate pulse indicating the emergence of an anticipatory strategy. Yet, the mature coordination of forces was not fully developed until several years later. It was concluded that the development of the precision grip was based upon the formation of a lift synergy coupling grip and load force generating circuits and that it seems to involve a transition from feedback control to feedforward control.  相似文献   

Creatine monohydrate is an organic acid that plays a key role in ATP re-synthesis. Creatine levels in the human brain vary considerably and dietary supplementation has been found to enhance cognitive performance in healthy individuals. To explore the possibility that the fMRI Blood Oxygen Level Dependent (BOLD) response is influenced by creatine levels, BOLD responses to visual stimuli were measured in visual cortex before and after a week of creatine administration in healthy human volunteers. The magnitude of the BOLD response decreased by 16% following creatine supplementation of a similar dose to that previously shown to increase cerebral levels of phosphocreatine. We also confirmed that cognitive performance (memory span) is increased. These changes were not found in a placebo group. Possible mechanisms of BOLD change are considered. The results offer potential for insight into the coupling between neural activity and the BOLD response and the more immediate possibility of accounting for an important source of variability during fMRI analysis in clinical studies and other investigations where between-subjects variance is an issue.  相似文献   

The current study investigated the effects of aging on the neural basis underlying true and false recollection. Although older adults, compared with younger adults, exhibited equivalent rates of true recollection, age differences in true recollection showed a pattern of activity commonly found among previous memory studies (e.g., age-related decreases in occipital and increases in prefrontal cortices), suggesting reduced retrieval of perceptual details associated with encoding items and a greater reliance on top-down compensatory processing. With regard to false recollection, older adults exhibited significantly greater false recollection yet did not exhibit increased neural processing. They did exhibit decreased activity in prefrontal, parahippocampal gyrus, and occipitoparietal cortex, suggesting a reduced reliance on reconstruction processes mediating false recollection in young. An individual differences analysis in older adults found false recollection rates predicted activity in several regions. including bilateral middle/superior temporal gyrus. Taken together, these results indicate that increases in false recollection in aging may be mediated by reduced access to encoding-related details as well as reliance on semantic gist and familiarity-related neural activity.  相似文献   

In this event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging study, we investigated age-related differences in brain activity associated with conceptual repetition priming in young and older adults. Participants performed a speeded “living/nonliving” classification task with 3 repetitions of familiar objects. Both young and older adults showed a similar magnitude of behavioral priming to repeated objects and evidenced repetition-related activation reductions in fusiform gyrus, superior occipital, middle, and inferior temporal cortex, and inferior frontal and insula regions. The neural priming effect in young adults was extensive and continued through both the second and third stimulus repetitions, and neural priming in older adults was markedly attenuated and reached floor at the second repetition. In young adults, greater neural priming in multiple brain regions correlated with greater behavioral facilitation and in older adults, only activation reduction in the left inferior frontal correlated with faster behavioral responses. These findings provide evidence for altered neural priming in older adults despite preserved behavioral priming, and suggest the possibility that age-invariant behavioral priming is observed as a result of more sustained neural processing of stimuli in older adults which might be a form of compensatory neural activity.  相似文献   

Unexpected pulling and pushing loads exerted by an object held with a precision grip evoke automatic and graded increases in the grip force (normal to the grip surfaces) that prevent escape of the object; unloading elicits a decrease in grip force. Anesthesia of the digital nerves has shown that these grip reactions depend on sensory signals from the digits. In the present study we assessed the capacity of tactile afferents from the digits to trigger and scale the evoked grip responses. Using tungsten microelectrodes inserted percutaneously into the median nerve of awake human subjects, unitary recordings were made from ten FA I and 13 FA II rapidly adapting afferents, and 12 SA I and 18 SA II slowly adapting afferents. While the subject held a manipulandum between a finger and the thumb, tangential load forces were applied to the receptor-bearing digit (index, middle, or ring finger or thumb) as trapezoidal load-force profiles with a plateau amplitude of 0.5 – 2.0 N and rates of loading and unloading at 2 – 8 N/s, or as step-loads of 0.5 N delivered at 32 N/s. Such load trials were delivered in both the distal (pulling) and proximal (pushing) direction. FA I afferents responded consistently to the load forces, being recruited during the loading and unloading phases. During the loading ramp the ensemble discharge of the FA I afferents reflected the first time-derivative of the load force (i.e., the load-force rate). These afferents were relatively insensitive to the subject's grip force responses. However, high static finger forces appeared to suppress excitation of these afferents during the unloading phase. The FA II afferents were largely insensitive to the load trials: only with the step-loads did some afferents respond. Both classes of SA afferents were sensitive to load force and grip force, and discharge rates were graded by the rate of loading. The firing of the SA I afferents appeared to be relatively more influenced by the subject's grip-force response than the discharge of the SA II afferents, which were more influenced by the load-force stimulus. The direction in which the tangential load force was applied to the skin influenced the firing of most afferents and in particular the SA II afferents. Individual afferents within each class (except for the FA IIs) responded to the loading ramp before the onset of the subject's grip response and may thus be responsible for initiating the automatic increase in grip force. However, nearly half of the FA I afferents recruited by the load trials responded to the loading phase early enough to trigger the subject's gripforce response, whereas only ca. one-fifth of the SA Is and SA IIs did so. These observations, together with the high density of FA I receptors in the digits, might place the FA I afferents in a unique position to convey the information required to initiate and scale the reactive gripforce responses to the imposed load forces.  相似文献   

Older adults recall less episodically rich autobiographical memories (AM), however, the neural basis of this effect is not clear. Using functional MRI, we examined the effects of age during search and elaboration phases of AM retrieval. Our results suggest that the age-related attenuation in the episodic richness of AMs is associated with difficulty in the strategic retrieval processes underlying recovery of information during elaboration. First, age effects on AM activity were more pronounced during elaboration than search, with older adults showing less sustained recruitment of the hippocampus and ventrolateral prefrontal cortex (VLPFC) for less episodically rich AMs. Second, there was an age-related reduction in the modulation of top-down coupling of the VLPFC on the hippocampus for episodically rich AMs. In sum, the present study shows that changes in the sustained response and coupling of the hippocampus and prefrontal cortex (PFC) underlie age-related reductions in episodic richness of the personal past.  相似文献   

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