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油品码头职业病危害工程防护措施分析及风险评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的分析和评价某油品码头工程项目存在的职业病危害因素、工程防护措施及风险水平。方法采用工程分析、职业卫生调查、检测检验和半定性半定量评价法(MES评价法),分析该项目的生产工艺流程、职业病危害因素种类、特点和浓(强)度以及工程防护措施,评价职业病危害风险水平和工程防护效果。结果该项目主要职业病危害因素为粉尘、溶剂汽油、苯、甲苯、二甲苯、正己烷、非甲烷总烃、一氧化碳、二氧化碳、锰及其无机化合物、盐酸、硫化氢、噪声、高温、工频电场和电焊弧光等。危害因素中,噪声超标率16.67%,超标岗位为燃料油泵棚;高温(WBGT指数)超标率66.67%,超标岗位为10万吨码头和燃料油罐区;其他岗位各种职业病危害因素检测结果均符合国家职业卫生标准要求。风险评估认为:正常工况下,所有岗位的职业病危害风险水平均为5级(稍有危险)。特殊工况下,职业病危害和安全风险水平维修电焊工均为5级(稍有危险),码头巡检操作工和罐区巡检操作工均为1级(极其危险),检验人员、污水处理工、锅炉房操作工和电工均为3级(显著危险)。结论该项目对职业病危害因素采取的工程防护措施基本有效,职业病危害风险水平在正常工况下较低,但在特殊工况下较高,需要加强风险管理。  相似文献   

目的对某稀土合金生产线职业病危害因素进行识别、分析,对职业病危害作业进行分级,为监管部门和企业职业卫生管理提供科学有效的数据。方法采用职业卫生现场调查法、职业病危害因素检测法、职业健康监护等方法并结合国家职业卫生相关标准对职业病危害作业进行分级,并根据企业现有情况,提出针对性整改措施。结果该项目职业病危害因素为稀土粉尘、氟化氢、一氧化碳、二氧化碳、高温和噪声等。粉尘危害集中在电解车间。粉尘岗位8 h时间加权浓度合格率为为其中2#电解车间电解岗位粉尘分级为Ⅱ级,属中度危害作业,其它电解车间电解岗位粉尘分级为Ⅰ级,属轻度危害作业;各岗位噪声检测结果和有毒物质的检测结果均符合国家卫生限值的要求,合格率为100%。结论该项目电解车间稀土粉尘危害较为严重,针对稀土粉尘浓度超标现状,应加强职业病危害防护设施有效运行,完善各项职业病规章制度。  相似文献   

目的辨识某有色金属矿井下扩建项目试运行期间产生的职业病危害因素,分析其危害程度和接触水平,评价其职业病危害控制效果。方法通过职业卫生现场调查、危害因素检测、职业健康检查等途径收集相关数据和资料,采用检查表法、定性与定量分析法进行综合评价。结果该项目主要职业病危害因素有:粉尘、铅尘、氧化锌、砷化物、噪声等。检测结果为:粉尘中游离二氧化硅的含量为2.1%~8.3%。粉尘浓度检测19个岗位,岗位超标率26.32%。铅尘检测11个岗位,岗位超标率27.27%。砷化物检测11个岗位,岗位超标率45.45%。噪声强度测量23个岗位,超标率达47.83%。氧化锌和氰化物等符合职业接触限值。结论该项目属职业病危害严重建设项目。部分作业岗位粉尘、铅尘、砷化物浓度超过职业接触限值,建议采取职业卫生防护补救措施,控制职业病危害。  相似文献   

目的采用类比法和综合指数法对某垃圾生态填埋场项目的职业病危害风险进行预评价,为完善防护措施和预防相关职业病危害提供依据。方法选择与预评价项目在填埋场库容、处理规模、工艺、职业病危害因素和职业卫生管理等方面有可比性的企业开展现场劳动卫生学调查,并与职业接触限值比较,采用类比法对该项目建成后可能产生的职业病危害因素进行分析;采用综合指数法评价职业病危害风险。结果类比企业的职业病危害因素主要为飞灰固化车间、填埋库区摊铺岗位、喷药岗位、污水处理区巡检岗位的硫化氢、氨、其他粉尘和噪声,电焊岗位的锰及其无机化合物、电焊烟尘和电焊弧光;除喷药岗位的噪声强度超过国家职业接触限值外,其他检测项目均合格。预评价项目职业病危害评估结果显示,在职业接触限值评价缺项的岗位中,摊铺压实岗位接触夏季高温,喷药岗位接触夏季高温、氯氰菊酯及机修岗位接触高温、臭氧和噪声为中等风险;在职业接触限值评价合格的岗位中,除摊铺压实及污水处理接触噪声为可忽略风险、摊铺压实及运输岗位接触其他粉尘为低风险外,其他均为中等风险;而职业接触限值评价不合格的喷药岗位接触噪声为中等风险。结论摊铺压实、喷药、污水处理、机修岗位均存在中等风险职业病危害因素,综合指数法结合类比法能较全面地评估拟建设项目的职业病危害因素及其危害程度。  相似文献   

目的 评估某油墨制造企业的职业病危害风险。 方法 应用新加坡有害化学品职业暴露半定量风险评估方法对某油墨制造企业各岗位接触的职业病危害进行风险评估。 结果 混料岗位矽尘和丙烯酸甲酯浓度超过职业接触限值,风险等级分别为高风险(4级)和中等风险(3级),其他职业病危害因素未超过职业接触限值,风险等级为低风险;研磨和产品检验岗位各种职业病危害因素均未超过职业接触限值,风险等级均为低风险或可以忽略的风险。 结论 该油墨制造企业混料岗位风险较高,需要采取控制措施降低风险。  相似文献   

目的明确某垃圾发电厂职业病危害因素及其接触水平、职业病防护设施和职业卫生管理措施的效果,提出对策与建议,为职业卫生监管及企业职业病防治的日常管理提供科学依据。方法对企业进行职业卫生调查、对作业现场进行危害因素检测并分析。通过收集相关资料、职业卫生现场调查、职业卫生检测及检查表法等方法进行综合评价。结果该企业主要职业病危害因素是粉尘、氮氧化物、一氧化碳、二氧化碳、二氧化硫、氨、甲苯、盐酸、氢氧化钠、氨、硫化氢、噪声等,其中飞灰打包岗位粉尘浓度最高达2.9 mg/m3,是矽尘PC-TWA的2.9倍,危害程度Ⅰ级。超过职业接触限值,其余各岗位的粉尘浓度、毒物浓度、噪声强度均符合职业卫生标准要求。结论该企业属于职业病危害风险严重项目,职业病危害防护效果及措施基本符合职业卫生要求,建议进一步建立健全各项职业卫生管理制度和应急救援预案。  相似文献   

目的 通过危害因素识别、危险特称评估、接触评估等方式对南宁市某胶合板生产企业风险特称进行描述,评估其风险水平,为企业的职业病防治工作提供科学依据。方法 以南宁市隆安县某胶合板生产企业作为研究对象,于2019年7月通过对研究对象进行职业卫生现场调查、作业场所职业病危害因素检测,收集化学有害因素理化性质、接触时间、接触水平和作业场所危害控制措施。采用综合指数法对其进行危害因素识别、危害特称评估及接触评估,确定其接触等级,评估其风险水平。结果 制胶、涂胶、铺板、冷压及热压岗位甲醛及氨的风险指数均为4,其风险等级为高风险等级;热压岗位苯酚的风险指数为3,其风险等级为中等风险等级;涂胶、据边及打磨岗位的木粉尘以及做边岗位乙酸乙酯、二甲苯的风险指数均为2,其风险等级为低风险等级。结论 南宁市某胶合板生产企业的甲醛及氨的风险等级为高风险等级,可能会引起作业工人的健康损害。应采取有效的职业病防护措施,督促作业工人正确使用有效的个人防护用品,每年定期进行职业病危害因素检测、职业健康检查及职业健康风险评估。苯酚的风险等级为中等风险等级;木粉尘、乙酸乙酯、二甲苯的风险等级为低风险等级,中低风险等级可继续维持...  相似文献   

目的对某制药厂无菌药品车间新建设项目进行职业病危害预评价,为控制和消除职业病危害提供依据。方法 2013—2014年采用类比、半定量风险评估和检查表法对新建项目可能存在的职业病危害因素进行定性、定量分析。结果该项目存在的主要职业病危害因素有乙酸、二氯甲烷、粉尘、噪声、高温。类比项目职业病危害因素检测结果显示粉尘和噪声检测结果合格率均为100%;高温超出国家职业卫生标准;化学物质的的半定量风险评估显示乙酸风险为2级(低风险),二氯甲烷为3级(属中等风险)。结论该项目职业病危害一般,实施可行。  相似文献   

目的识别与确定某磷肥复合肥制造企业工作场所中职业病危害因素及其接触水平、职业病防护设施和职业卫生管理措施的效果,提出对策与建议,为政府职业卫生监管及企业职业病防治的日常管理提供科学依据。方法通过职业卫生现场调查、收集企业相关资料、职业卫生检测、职业健康检查及检查表法等方法进行综合评价。结果该企业主要职业病危害因素是磷矿粉尘、硫酸及三氧化硫、氟化氢、普钙、氨、氯化铵等,作业场所中粉尘浓度、化学毒物浓度、噪声强度检测总合格率分别为86.4%、100.0%和23.7%,氨、氟化氢作业场所检测浓度范围分别为0.35~18.8、0.04~0.69 mg/m3。其中磷肥生产单元进料岗位、仓库包装岗位和复合肥生产单元上料岗、成品包装岗位其他粉尘(磷矿粉尘、混合粉尘)作业危害程度为Ⅰ级,球磨巡检岗位、混合造粒、粉碎、烘干、筛分巡检岗位各岗位的噪声作业危害程度均为Ⅱ级,磷肥生产车间进料岗位、锷式粉碎岗位、司炉工岗位、复合肥生产单元加料、包装岗位各岗位的噪声作业危害程度均为Ⅰ级。结论该企业属于职业病危害风险严重项目,职业病危害防护效果及措施基本符合职业卫生法律法规要求,企业应重点关注磷肥生产单元的进料岗位、包装装卸岗位、复合肥生产单元的上料及包装岗位的粉尘防护、进料、粉碎、球磨、造粒、筛分等岗位工段的噪声和混化岗位、进料造粒等岗位操作的氟化氢、氨等毒物防护。企业存在氨、氟化氢高毒物品。  相似文献   

目的 分析某制药企业固体制剂技术改造项目的职业病危害特点、危害程度及防护措施, 为该行业职业病防控提供依据。
方法 采用现场调查、职业病危害因素检测、检查表、职业健康检查等方法分析该项目职业病危害特点和发病风险, 提出职业病危害防护措施。
结果 该项目生产过程中的主要职业病危害因素为噪声、粉尘、甲醛、臭氧、乙醇、苯酚等; 检测个体噪声超标率为50.0%, 高温、粉尘、甲醛、臭氧、乙醇、苯酚检测结果均符合国家职业接触限值要求。
结论 该项目职业病危害关键控制岗位为混粉、制粒、干燥、压片、胶囊填充、消毒岗位, 发生噪声聋的风险较大, 应采取针对性的防控措施减少或控制职业病危害的发生。

Acute arsenic intoxication from environmental arsenic exposure   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Reports of acute arsenic poisoning arising from environmental exposure are rare. Two cases of acute arsenic intoxication resulting from ingestion of contaminated well water are described. These patients experienced a variety of problems: acute gastrointestinal symptoms, central and peripheral neurotoxicity, bone marrow suppression, hepatic toxicity, and mild mucous membrane and cutaneous changes. Although located adjacent to an abandoned mine, the well water had been tested for microorganisms only and was found to be "safe." Regulations for testing of water from private wells for fitness to drink are frequently nonexistent, or only mandate biologic tests for microorganisms. Well water, particularly in areas near mining activity, should be tested for metals.  相似文献   

The large disparity between arsenic concentrations in drinking water and urine remains unexplained. This study aims to evaluate predictors of urinary arsenic in a population exposed to low concentrations (≤50?μg/l) of arsenic in drinking water. Urine and drinking water samples were collected from a subsample (n=343) of a population enrolled in a bladder cancer case-control study in southeastern Michigan. Total arsenic in water and arsenic species in urine were determined using ICP-MS: arsenobetaine (AsB), arsenite (As[III]), arsenate (As[V]), methylarsenic acid (MMA[V]), and dimethylarsenic acid (DMA[V]). The sum of As[III], As[V], MMA[V], and DMA[V] was denoted as SumAs. Dietary information was obtained through a self-reported food intake questionnaire. Log(10)-transformed drinking water arsenic concentration at home was a significant (P<0.0001) predictor of SumAs (R(2)=0.18). Associations improved (R(2)=0.29, P<0.0001) when individuals with less than 1?μg/l of arsenic in drinking water were removed and further improved when analyses were applied to individuals who consumed amounts of home drinking water above the median volume (R(2)=0.40, P<0.0001). A separate analysis indicated that AsB and DMA[V] were significantly correlated with fish and shellfish consumption, which may suggest that seafood intake influences DMA[V] excretion. The Spearman correlation between arsenic concentration in toenails and SumAs was 0.36 and between arsenic concentration in toenails and arsenic concentration in water was 0.42. Results show that arsenic exposure from drinking water consumption is an important determinant of urinary arsenic concentrations, even in a population exposed to relatively low levels of arsenic in drinking water, and suggest that seafood intake may influence urinary DMA[V] concentrations.  相似文献   

地方性砷中毒是一种严重危害病区居民健康的地方病.根据砷源不同,分为饮水型职业性砷中毒、燃煤型职业性砷中毒和职业性砷中毒.饮水型地方性砷中毒主要是由于长期暴露于饮用水中的砷而引起的慢性砷中毒.饮水中的砷还可以通过农田灌溉等引起粮食、土壤等砷浓度的升高,间接危害居民健康.在以往的研究中发现,饮水型砷中毒地区饮用水砷超标,不...  相似文献   

长期吸入砷化合物可发生慢性砷中毒,发生早晚及程度与车间空气砷浓度大致呈平行关系。不脱离砷接触时尿砷可作为砷中毒诊断的重要指标,对尿砷超标者行驱砷治疗可降低砷中毒发病率。  相似文献   

The Binational Arsenic Exposure Survey (BAsES) was designed to evaluate probable arsenic exposures in selected areas of southern Arizona and northern Mexico, two regions with known elevated levels of arsenic in groundwater reserves. This paper describes the methodology of BAsES and the relationship between estimated arsenic intake from beverages and arsenic output in urine. Households from eight communities were selected for their varying groundwater arsenic concentrations in Arizona, USA and Sonora, Mexico. Adults responded to questionnaires and provided dietary information. A first morning urine void and water from all household drinking sources were collected. Associations between urinary arsenic concentration (total, organic, inorganic) and estimated level of arsenic consumed from water and other beverages were evaluated through crude associations and by random effects models. Median estimated total arsenic intake from beverages among participants from Arizona communities ranged from 1.7 to 14.1 μg/day compared to 0.6 to 3.4 μg/day among those from Mexico communities. In contrast, median urinary inorganic arsenic concentrations were greatest among participants from Hermosillo, Mexico (6.2 μg/L) whereas a high of 2.0 μg/L was found among participants from Ajo, Arizona. Estimated arsenic intake from drinking water was associated with urinary total arsenic concentration (p < 0.001), urinary inorganic arsenic concentration (p < 0.001), and urinary sum of species (p < 0.001). Urinary arsenic concentrations increased between 7% and 12% for each one percent increase in arsenic consumed from drinking water. Variability in arsenic intake from beverages and urinary arsenic output yielded counter intuitive results. Estimated intake of arsenic from all beverages was greatest among Arizonans yet participants in Mexico had higher urinary total and inorganic arsenic concentrations. Other contributors to urinary arsenic concentrations should be evaluated.  相似文献   

尚琪  任修勤  李晋蓉 《卫生研究》2002,31(4):270-272
利用人群流行病学调查资料 ,通过估计人群累积呼吸量和大米食用量的方法 ,估算了污染区人群经呼吸和饮食的累积砷暴露量。并对如何评价人群环境污染物暴露水平的方法进行了探讨。不考虑非污染期经呼吸道的砷暴露时 ,所估计的污染区人群最大累积砷暴露量 ,经呼吸道途径 ,女性为 5 91 4mg ,男性为6 12 9mg。消化道途径为 34 88 74mg,合计女性为 40 80 14mg ,男性为 410 1 6 6mg。按污染时间折算成每日暴露量 :女性为 34 9 1μg (天·人 ) ,男性为 35 0 9μg (天·人 ) ,约为调查时所计算日均暴露量的 80 %左右  相似文献   

Summary The relationship between airborne concentrations of arsenic and the urinary excretion of inorganic arsenic metabolites (inorganic arsenic + methylarsonic acid + dimethylarsinic acid) have been studied among smelter workers exposed to arsenic trioxide. The urinary concentrations of arsenic metabolites were found to increase steadily during the first day of the working week (after 2–3 d off from work), whereafter they reached a steady state. The concentration in the late evening after a day of exposure was very similar to that in the early morning after. Both were well correlated to the total daily excretion. In the second part of the study, comprising 18 subjects, the first-void morning urine of each participant was collected for 2 to 3 d during the steady-state phase. Total concentration of arsenic in the breathing zones was measured by personal air samplers. Airborne arsenic (8-h values) varied between 1 and 194 g As/m3, and urinary arsenic between 16 and 328 g As/g creatinine. With the urinary arsenic concentrations (mean values of 2–3 d for each subject) plotted against the corresponding airborne arsenic concentrations, the best fit was obtained by a power curve with the equation y = 17 x x0.56. However, four of the participants were found to excrete far more (105–260%) arsenic in the urine than possibly could have been inhaled, most likely due to oral intake of arsenic via contaminated hands, cigarettes or snuff. If these four were excluded, the best fit was obtained by a straight regression line with the slope 2.0 and the intercept 29 g As/g creatinine (coefficient of correlation 0.92; P < 0.001).  相似文献   

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