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口吃患者人格特征与临床症状的研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目的探讨口吃患者的情绪状态与口吃程度及其人格特征之间的相互关系,为临床治疗提供理论依据.方法应用焦虑自评量表(SAS),抑郁自评量表(SDS)、艾森克个性人格问卷(EPQ)对108例口吃患者,110名正常人,103例强迫症患者,137例抑郁性神经症患者进行测评.结果口吃组抑郁、焦虑高于正常组,低于抑郁组、强迫症组(p<0.01).口吃患者的E分低于正常组,高于抑郁组、强迫组;N分高于正常组,低于抑郁组、强迫组(p<0.01).E分与N分呈显著正相关.SAS、SDS得分与E分呈显著负相关.与N分呈显著正相关.SAS与SDS呈显著正相关.结论口吃患者的人格倾向于抑郁质,其负性情绪可能与人格特征有关.  相似文献   

为探讨习得性无助感与情绪调节、归因之间的关系,采用问卷法对某高校200名在读本科生进行问卷调查。结果表明情绪调节的重新评价维度与习得性无助感呈显著负相关;归因方式的能力归因、情景归因、运气归因三个维度与习得性无助感呈正相关。归因方式的运气归因、情绪调节的重新评价对习得性无助感有预测作用。结果显示:大学生的重新评价有利于减少习得性无助感,大学生归因于运气、情境等因素时更容易产生习得性无助感。大学生情绪调节的重新评价和运气归因对习得性无助感有预测作用。  相似文献   

口吃是一种语言节奏性和流畅性异常的语言障碍,主要表现为言语不自主的发音重复、延长或停顿,通常产生于儿童期。本案例通过应用放松练习、系统脱敏、家庭治疗等技术,对小学生的口吃进行干预,帮助其学会放松、减轻焦虑,提高自信心,从而改善其口吃情况,积极面对升学面试。  相似文献   

章逸桃 《医学信息》2010,23(16):2754-2755
1资料与方法1.1一般资料患者王某,男,1971年1月出生,江苏省灌云县人,初中文化。1990年12月因犯强奸罪被判处死刑,不服判决提起上诉,上诉后与1991年1月被江苏省高级人民法院改判为死缓,  相似文献   

目的分析暴力袭击造成的创伤后应激障碍形成的心理机制,探讨运用系统脱敏法,结合认知疗法与行为疗法中的放松训练,治疗暴力袭击造成的PTSD(创伤后应激障碍)的方法和步骤,为此类案例的临床治疗提供借鉴。方法采用访谈法、认知疗法,放松训练及系统脱敏法对一名暴力袭击造成的PTSD患者进行心理咨询与治疗。结果患者认识到PTSD发生的心理机制,在没有任何药物辅助的情况下,通过认知治疗、系统脱敏法及放松训练.患者社会功能与心理功能已经基本恢复。结论系统脱敏法结合认知疗法与放松训练,对暴力袭击造成的创伤后应激障碍的治疗有显著的临床疗效。  相似文献   

采用阿凡达虚拟化身心理治疗系统(CATS)对1例重度抑郁伴言语性幻听的患者进行了7次心理治疗。采用阳性与阴性症状量表(PANSS)、汉密顿焦虑量表(HAMA)、汉密顿抑郁量表(HAMD)、幻听相关信念量表(BAVQ-R)、精神症状评定量表(PSYRATS)等评估治疗前后变化。结果显示,幻听基本消失,情绪改善,社会功能恢复。初步提示阿凡达虚拟化身心理治疗系统可应用于言语性幻听治疗。  相似文献   

在双任务和高水平语言任务中,口吃患者比正常人需要更多的注意加工资源。来自口腔运动学的研究证据表明,口吃患者对发音器官的运动控制较正常人差。来自脑成像和ERP研究的证据也表明,口吃患者言语加工大脑皮层激活模式不同于正常人。但是,对口吃现象的研究还需要继续深入,以便为口吃矫正临床实践进一步提供理论指导,并促进言语加工普遍心理机制的研究。  相似文献   

李小英 《校园心理》2011,9(6):429-431
<正>口吃是一种语言节奏性和流畅性异常的语言障碍,主要表现为言语不自主的发音重复、延长或停顿,通常产生于儿童期。本案例通过应用放松练习、系统脱敏、家庭治疗等技术,对小学生的口吃进行干预,帮助其学会放松、减轻焦虑,提高自信心,从而改善其口吃情况,积极面对升学面试。1个案概况来访者,男,11岁,小学五年级,家庭经济状况良好,父亲本科,母亲大专。经询问无家族遗传史,来访者4岁幼儿园时  相似文献   

陈言贵 《校园心理》2005,3(2):34-35
心理学家赛利格曼在1967年做了这样一个实验:他在实验中先是将狗固定在架子上进行电击。狗既不能预料也不能控制这些电击。在这之后。他把狗放在一个中间用矮板墙隔开的实验室里,让它们学习回避电击。电击前10秒室内亮灯。狗只要跳过板墙就可以回避电击。对于一般的狗来讲,这是非常容易学会的,可是实验中的狗绝大部分没有学会回避电击,它们先是乱抓乱叫,后来干脆趴在地板上甘心忍受电击,不进行任何反抗。这一实验结果表明。  相似文献   

本文对39例Ⅰ-Ⅲ期原发性高血压病人进行了生物反馈和放松训练疗效对比观察,结果表明:生物反馈组收缩压及舒张压治疗前后两者间差异均有显著性;放松训练组仅收缩压治疗前后两者间差异有著作性,而舒张压治疗前后无统计学意义。  相似文献   

目的通过对1名社交恐惧障碍来访者的诊断与干预,探讨用心理技术治疗社交恐惧障碍的同时解决学生学习倦怠问题。方法来访者经医学鉴定、症状自评量表(SCL-90)测量结果以及典型行为表现诊断为社交恐惧障碍。采用观察法、谈话法、认知疗法、放松训练等心理技术对其进行心理咨询与治疗,消除社交恐惧,同时解决学习倦怠问题。结果治疗后社交恐惧症状得到有效控制(P〈0.01),学习倦怠得以解决。结论运用认知疗法、放松训练等心理技术对社交恐惧障碍治疗是有效并可以帮助学生克服学习倦怠,恢复正常的学习生活。  相似文献   

In order to fully satisfy eligibility criteria for membership of the Royal College of Psychiatrists, trainees must demonstrate satisfactory attainment of competencies in psychotherapy. Evidence required includes a Psychotherapy ‘ACE’ (assessment of clinical expertise) and completion of two psychotherapy cases in two modalities. With training posts in the Yorkshire deanery becoming European Working Time Directive compliant, a trainee gains less experience in their actual clinical post. Therefore, what benefit could a trainee derive from further time away from their posts in order to gain experience in a subspecialty that very few of us will pursue long‐term? I have conducted a 40‐week period of psychodynamic psychotherapy. I also received weekly supervision sessions with an experienced therapist. I will reflect on my positive experiences completing a psychodynamic long case and describe how the skills I have developed are transferable to most aspects of practice. The role of the psychiatrist within the NHS is continually being redefined. The Department of Health's New Ways of Working initiative may result in fleeting patient contact, which may not be conducive to in‐depth psychodynamic work. I would suggest that, at this uncertain time, psychiatrists might wish to push for further involvement with psychotherapy. The first step in this process is to ensure that all psychiatric trainees are adequately trained in psychotherapy. Efforts should be made to ensure that, as working hours become more unpredictable, psychiatric trainees are afforded protected time slots in order to complete psychotherapy training.  相似文献   

目的探讨动力性心理治疗在大学生咨询实践中的运用。方法依照动力性心理治疗的理念形成对来访者的整体理解和治疗方案。结果来访者抑郁状态有明显缓解,对自身的情感觉察能力增强,对自己成长经历有一定的接纳,内省力及自主感增强。结论在大学生咨询实践中可以采用动力性心理治疗的理念。  相似文献   

At the site of interpersonal conflict resides the potential for learning. This paper presents psychodynamic theories, empirical research and a fictional case study of psychotherapy group supervision. Supervision is discussed in terms of teaching and learning, triangular relations, and group and organizational perspectives. We examine the interconnectedness of patterns of distress that emerge within dynamic relational systems at the levels of the macro‐social, organizational, group and individual. The concepts of equivalence, parallel process and reflection process provide frameworks for this discussion. We explore the constraints and dynamic influence of the organization upon the supervision relationship and the ethical tensions that construct im/possible positions for the supervisor. The case study tells a fictional story of a supervision group situated in an organizational context – a university psychotherapy education programme. A collapse of the group into complementarity, that is into polarized conflicted positions, proffers a vitalizing opportunity for learning. Through the clinical discussion, we reveal how this is contingent on the group's capacity to think together about the meaning of their struggle and to transcend a binary conflict and achieve ‘the third’.  相似文献   

This paper reports an 18 session treatment in brief focal psychotherapy of a case that presented with at least two major contra-indications for this type of therapy: 1) childhood deprivation and 2) the danger of intensification of a depressed illness. This paper shows that the recent traumatic event, in this case a highly ambivalent pregnancy, can help to destabilize the armour of a defensive structure, and bring to the surface primitive fears and conflicts which cause severe symptomatology and distress but which become more accessible to the patient's awareness and more amenable to interpretation. The acuteness of the disturbance brought about by the traumatic event increased the patient's motivation and need for treatment, speeding up the therapeutic process. This brief psychotherapy shows the importance of the working through of the patient's intense hostility towards her mother and towards the therapist in the transference, if a solution of murderous feelings towards her baby are to be achieved. As far as technique is concerned, this paper shows that a thorough interpretation of the negative transference from the early stage of therapy, an unusual number of transference/parents interpretations and the working through of the patients's anger and grief about termination seemed to be essential factors correlated with a positive outcome.  相似文献   

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