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东城驻店药师信息化管理系统启动本刊讯日前,北京市药品监督管理局东城分局启动驻店药师信息化管理系统,引入现代信息管理手段,实现药品监督网络化、药师管理动态化、药学服务经常化、消费清算电子化、工作评价科学化,把对药品经营企业的监管全面提升到一个新的层次。驻店药师信息化管理系统,主要依托银联清算系统,运用空间信息技术,实现对药师资源、执业状况、群众评价的综合管理,充分发挥药师在服务群众安全、合理用药方面的作用,提高群众健康水平。其驻店药师执业子系统可对药师在岗和执业情况动态记录;培训教育子系统对驻店药师再教育情…  相似文献   

从监管的角度对驻店药师兼店长模式的利弊进行阐述,并作简要分析,探讨驻店药师如何在激烈的市场竞争中立足并取得纵深发展,如何在压缩成本与企业可持续发展中找到契合点等问题.  相似文献   

20 0 3年第二批驻店药师考试将于 11月进行 ,省属、中央驻粤各单位报名时间 :9月 1日 - 9月 15日 ,地点 :广州市东山区竹丝岗四马路 2号十楼驻店药师考试信息$广东省执业药师注册中心  相似文献   

药师在门店运营中的最大化运用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
钱晶 《中国药店》2010,(8):62-64
连锁企业如果不能做到店长和驻店药师的二合一,那么就必须重视驻店药师和店长的组合——店长+驻店药师必须成对出现,驻店药师必须在运营中有发言权,这样才能发挥出最大作用。  相似文献   

根据广东省药品监督管理局、广东省人事厅《关于印发〈广东省驻店药师资格制度暂行规定〉的通知》精神 ,各市积极开展驻店药师考核认定工作 ,取得了较好成绩 ,有 842 5人通过考核认定获得驻店药师资格 ,为今后推行药品分类管理制度和开展GSP认证及换发《药品经营企业许可证》等工作奠定了基础。但目前驻店药师数量还远远不能满足经营单位的要求。根据我省药品经营企业人员素质的客观状况和实行药品监督管理的实际需要 ,为了不断壮大驻店药师队伍 ,使驻店药师在流通领域发挥作用 ,促进医药事业健康发展 ,保障人民用药安全有效 ,现将驻店药…  相似文献   

张雪艳 《首都医药》2006,13(4):14-14
日前,北京市药品监督管理局东城分局启动驻店药师信息化管理系统,引入现代信息管理手段,实现药品监督网络化、药师管理动态化、药学服务经常化、消费清算电子化、工作评价科学化,把对药品经营企业的监管全面提升到一个新的层次。  相似文献   

如何发挥驻店药师在合理用药中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
叶杰 《海峡药学》2008,20(2):106-107
充分发挥驻店药师的作用是保证百姓安全合理用药的需要,更是构建和谐社会环境的需要。为此,需要驻店药师不断学习如何正确履行职责,不断培养高尚的职业道德和职业素养,扎实进行药学知识和临床医学知识的培训,认真参加与药品监管相关的法律、法规的学习,树立为人民服务的崇高理想。  相似文献   

郭莹 《首都医药》2008,(2):14-15
对于老百姓而言,"大病到医院,小病到药店",药店药师是老百姓的用药参谋,是安全用药的最后一道专业防线.正是基于驻店药师如此重要的意义,药师是否在岗、是否履行职责成为药品监督管理部门监管重点工作之一.  相似文献   

驻店执业药师与医院医师优势合作的SWOT分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
沈枫  李野  严中平 《中国药房》2004,15(5):317-318
目的 :促进我国驻店执业药师与医院医师的合作。方法 :运用SWOT分析方法 ,分别对驻店执业药师和医院医师各自的优、劣势以及各自所处环境的机会、威胁进行分析。结果与结论 :我国驻店执业药师和医院医师应各司其职、相互交流、共同协作 ,一起服务于我国的卫生保健事业。  相似文献   

各市药品监督管理局、省属各单位和中央驻粤有关单位 :根据省药监局《关于开展全省驻店药师培训与考核认定工作的通知》(粤药管人 [2 0 0 0 ]2 12号 )和省药监局、省人事厅《关于驻店药师考核认定工作的补充通知》(粤药监人 [2 0 0 2 ]32号 )的精神 ,为做好我省 2 0 0 3年驻店药师资格考试工作 ,现将有关事项通知如下一、做好驻店药师考前培训班工作凡不具备药学 (中药学 )或相关专业学历的人员报考驻店药师必须参加考前培训班 ,面授培训的学时数不得少于 96学时。其中药品分类管理知识面授不得少于 2 4学时 ,药学 (包括综合知识和专业知识 …  相似文献   

边明  张然  许佳 《中国药事》2014,(9):967-971
目的:分析北京市零售药店执业药师需求缺口,提出改进建议。方法选取2013年北京市零售药店执业药师注册数据,采用Excel软件处理数据,分析对执业药师需求的当前缺口及目标缺口。结果及结论按现行政策,当前执业药师数量上可以基本满足零售药店的需求。但按照《国家药品安全“十二五”规划》的要求,则存在执业药师需求缺口。建议通过提高执业药师地位、建立零售药店分级分类模式、推广责任药师制度等措施缓解需求缺口。  相似文献   

Background — The work scope of retail pharmacists in South Africa has changed considerably over the past few decades. A retail strategy is needed to adapt to these changes and challenges. One of the controllable variables of a retail strategy is store image. For a retail pharmacy, store image consists of factors relating to the pharmacist and factors relating to the pharmacy. Objective — The primary aim of the study was to investigate the image of retail pharmacists and pharmacies in Port Elizabeth, South Africa, in an attempt to supplement knowledge regarding the business aspects of retail pharmacy and to provide a model for a further and more detailed investigation into image research. Method —Empirical survey consisting of telephone interviews with pharmacy customers. A structured questionnaire was used to investigate the image of pharmacists and pharmacies. Setting — The study was undertaken in Port Elizabeth, South Africa. Two hundred customers from four different pharmacies were selected using systematic random sampling. Key findings — It was found that pharmacists and pharmacies had an exceptionally favourable image among the general public. The professional element contributed greatly to this positive image. Conclusion — The future will require a delicate balance between the professional and business aspects of retail pharmacy, and this aspect should be investigated further. A more detailed study into customers' perceptions of the image of retail pharmacists and pharmacies is necessary to determine how the image of pharmacy as a profession is changing.  相似文献   

目的:完善我国疫苗管理体系,为我国零售药店参与疫苗管理并提高我国疫苗接种的可及性提供参考。方法:检索美国联邦及州政府网站,内容包括疫苗管理现状、社会药房储存疫苗所需条件、执业药师准入资格和/及继续教育、疫苗管理费、相关保险制度等方面。结果:20世纪90年代,美国社会药房开始参与疫苗管理,截至2020年美国政府已授权50个州的社会药房管理绝大多数疫苗;执业药师获得管理疫苗的准入资格后需定时参加继续教育;美国社会药房对疫苗储存温度等环境要求极其严格,并建立一系列措施使执业药师参与疫苗管理,如接种前培训、储存疫苗、制定应对预防接种异常反应计划以及在系统上报接种异常反应事件等。结论:上述措施极大提高了美国疫苗接种可及性。而我国零售药店尚未参与疫苗管理,建议相关部门在明确执业药师疫苗管理准入资格基础上,根据药店分类分级政策逐步实施零售药店参与疫苗管理,完善疫苗异常反应补偿机制,逐渐实现零售药店管理疫苗,更好地挖掘零售药店执业药师潜力并发挥其最大作用。  相似文献   

目的:为提升零售药店执业药师药学服务水平提供参考。方法:设计调查问卷,对天津市零售药店的执业药师的药学服务开展现状进行调查,并就数据进行统计和分析。结果:共发放问卷3021份,回收有效问卷3001份,有效回收率为99.34%。被调查对象中大专及以上学历者占86.23%,(中)药学类专业人员占76.27%(47.95%+28.32%),副高级及以上职称人员仅占1.17%。参与调研的天津市各种类型药店均开展了较为详实的药学服务事项。但是非处方药店中药品安全及安全用药相关科普教育不足,在经营处方药及非处方药的零售药店,执业药师仅开展口头用药指导,在建立药历、开展用药情况追踪方面存在欠缺。慢性病管理药店,制定药学监护计划、分级分层管理疾病,用药疗效定期随访评估难以持续。医保药店中疗效追踪和安全性随访还有不足。直接面向患者提供专业服务的药房(DTP)中欠缺完整记录,长期随访不足。接入药品网络交易第三方平台药店的执业药师忙于订单核对、调配药品,用药交代没有落到实处。执业药师工作满意度达87.67%,执业药师对中成药推荐正确率27.16%,药品不良反应、患者教育相关知识掌握不精准。结论:执业药师队伍长足发展,但专业学历结构尚待优化;零售药店已逐步开展起基础的药学服务,但服务的水平和标准化程度尚待提高;执业药师工作满意度较高,但执业能力尚有差距。故提出鼓励零售药店开展多种类型及层次的药学服务满足公众多样化的社会需要;执业药师严守服务规范底线,不断提升执业能力素质;管理机构调动社会各界力量,提升执业药师职业荣誉感,增强职业吸引力,从而优化执业药师队伍结构,并采取一定措施,有效提升零售药店执业药师药学服务水平的建议。  相似文献   

目的 为完善执业药师制度建设并发挥执业药师作用提供参考.方法 采取文献查询和制度梳理并分析方式,分析执业药师制度发展历程、队伍建设情况及存在问题,并提出完善制度和队伍发展的建议.结果 现阶段执业药师工作面临着新的问题和挑战,执业药师注册率较低、人数不足,执业素质和能力参差不齐,公众合理用药意识缺乏,各省出台配备政策标准...  相似文献   

A previous report suggests the popularity of the idea of installing consulting rooms in Zimbabwe pharmacies. A survey sent randomly to 30 retail pharmacies got 24 replies. Only 13% of pharmacists considered themselves to be pure professionals, 83% being aware of a professionel/business conflict, with 71% claming deviation from their primary role of selling medicines. 2/3 of pharmacies keep patient profiles, showing concern with medication control. Results showed that most pharmacists would be willing to extend clinical services, although it would be helpful to promote them by stressing business advantages. 74% of pharmacists would be prepared to conduct routine medical tests such as blood pressure monitoring, a program likely to enjoy public approval.  相似文献   

Despite the positive impact pharmacists have had on access to vaccines, only a limited number of community pharmacists and pharmacies are able to participate in most federal- and state-supported vaccine programs. In this commentary we (1) review vaccination services currently provided by community pharmacists in the United States, (2) highlight regulatory, reimbursement, and role-based barriers to community pharmacists’ participation in the vaccines for children (VFC) program, a cornerstone program to support vaccinations of children in the United States, and (3) suggest changes to support and improve VFC participation for all health care providers. For the purposes of this commentary, community pharmacies are defined as retail pharmacies not associated with a health care system, hospital, or clinic.  相似文献   

Objective To describe the awareness and perceptions of hormonal emergency contraception (EC) among retail pharmacists.Setting Private retail pharmacies in Kuwait City.Method A self-administered questionnaire was developed to elicit pertinent demographic information as well as awareness of and concerns about EC and administered to the senior pharmacist in 51 randomly selected private retail pharmacies.Main outcome measure Proportion of pharmacists aware of EC and who had recommended EC.Results The respondents had a mean (SD) age of 34.2 (7.7) years; 58.8% were male, and all but one were non-Kuwaiti. The median practice experience of the pharmacists was 6 years. Oral contraceptives and male condoms were universally available in the pharmacies, but none stocked emergency contraceptives, female condoms, or diaphragms. Twenty respondents (39.2%; 95% confidence intervals 25.5–53.9%) said they were aware of EC, and 4 (7.8%) that they had ever offered EC. Nine (17.6%) respondents saw EC as offering no advantages over other contraceptive measures and effectiveness was perceived to be low. Most cited concerns were of encouraging irresponsible behaviour and women relying on EC in place of regular contraceptive measures. Religious opposition (41.2%), lack of awareness by clients (51.0%) and lack of awareness by health providers (35.3%) were seen as the most significant obstacles to provision of EC.Conclusion Knowledge of EC is poor among community pharmacists in Kuwait. Action is needed to address this deficit and to make EC more accessible to women who wish to use it.  相似文献   

国外社会药房开展药学服务的影响因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着社会药房竞争的加剧以及病人对药学服务期望值的提高,提供优质的药学服务已经成为社会药房生存发展的关键因素和核心竞争力。本文通过研究国外社会药房开展药学服务的现状及影响因素,探讨影响药学服务深入开展的关键环节,为促进国内社会药房药学服务的深入开展提供参考。  相似文献   

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