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BACKGROUND: Hypothyroidism is commonly thought to cause decreased gastric emptying but is mostly associated with autoimmune disease. In the present study the gastric emptying function of thyroid cancer patients with severe hypothyroidism of short duration was evaluated with a radionuclide solid meal gastric emptying study. METHODS: Twenty-two patients who had undergone surgical operation and (131)I ablation for thyroid cancer participated in solid meal gastric emptying studies before the withdrawal of thyroxine and then again 4 weeks after the withdrawal of thyroxine. Eleven patients had an additional gastric emptying study at 6 weeks after withdrawal of thyroxine. Gastric emptying curves and emptying parameters were calculated. Student's paired t-test was used for statistical analysis of data for all cases between the baseline and at 4 weeks after withdrawal. An additional repeated measure anova with multiple comparisons was performed on data between baseline, 4 weeks and 6 weeks after withdrawal for the other 11 patients. All P values presented are two-tailed and the significance level is 0.05. RESULTS: Hypothyroidism status was confirmed by the marked change of the serum thyroxine and thyroid-stimulating hormone 4 weeks and 6 weeks after withdrawal of the thyroxine replacement (P < 0.001). The gastric half-emptying time and emptying rate changed significantly after short-term severe thyroid hormone deficiency (P < 0.005). However, the length of the lag phase did not have a statistically significant change at 4 weeks or 6 weeks after withdrawal of the thyroxin replacement (P = 0.219 and 0.142). CONCLUSIONS: Hypothyroidism following the withdrawal of the thyroxine replacement in thyroid cancer patients preparing for (131)I cancer work-up can significantly prolong gastric half-emptying time and emptying rate.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: A better understanding of the clinical relevance of delayed gastric emptying (e.g. in diabetes) requires a simple, easily accessible and inexpensive method for measuring it. Two "new" methods for measuring gastric emptying of liquids (the paracetamol absorption test and the 13C-acetate breath test) are compared with the gold standard (gastric emptying scintigraphy (GES)). MATERIAL AND METHODS: The three techniques were used simultaneously in 10 healthy subjects. A gastric emptying time-retention curve was drawn for each technique and the results were compared at the 75%, 50% and 25% retention quartiles. RESULTS: Agreement was found between the paracetamol absorption test and GES (p=0.95; Hotelling's T 2 test). Using the Wagner-Nelson one compartment correction produced a retention curve for the 13C-acetate breath test statistically significantly below GES (p<0.01). CONCLUSION: In healthy subjects, the paracetamol absorption test produced results comparable to those of liquid GES, but not to the results of the 13C-acetate breath test.  相似文献   

Background: Paracetamol concentrations in plasma, a frequently used index of gastric emptying (GE) of liquids, are closely correlated with those in saliva. GE of liquids is delayed by co-ingesting solids. No researchers have used salivary paracetamol concentrations to show this phenomenon. The aim of this study was to elucidate whether salivary paracetamol concentrations can detect the food-induced delay in liquid GE. Methods: Paracetamol absorption was measured twice in five healthy male volunteers. Following an overnight fast, they received 10 mg/kg paracetamol in 200 ml water alone on one occasion, and received this solution after consuming a 400 kcal-containing cookie on another occasion. After thorough rinsing of the month, 1 ml saliva was obtained, simultaneously with 2 ml blood, at 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, and 6.0 h after paracetamol intake. The peak concentration (Cmax), the time to Cmax (tmax), the area under the curve (AUC), and Cmax/AUC in plasma were calculated. Salivary Cmax and tmax were also determined. Results: Plasma Cmax and AUC were not significantly different between the two occasions. In contrast, significant differences in plasma tmax and Cmax/AUC (P < 0.05) established the food-induced delay in GE. Salivary tmax could detect the delayed GE, whereas salivary Cmax could not. Conclusions: Salivary tmax can document the solid meal-induced delay in liquid GE. Received: December 10, 2001 / Accepted: March 8, 2002 Reprint requests to: Y. Kuyama Editorial on page 877  相似文献   

Gastric stasis is suspected mostly to be encountered during acute migraine attack. The aim of this study is to evaluate the liquid phase gastric emptying and motility in migraine patients in ictal and interictal periods in comparison to normal subjects with gastric emptying scintigraphy. Seven women with migraine and age, sex matched controls who applied to the Neurology Department from May 2009 to May 2010 were compared. Gastric emptying study with a standard liquid was performed one time in the non-migraineur group and two times in the migraineur group. Non-migraineur controls and migraineurs were compared. The mean T1/2 was longer in ictal period in migraineurs. The T1/2 of migraineurs interictally and the control groups were similar. The T1/2 of migraineurs ictally and migraineurs interictally were also compared. We also considered the percentage of the radioactive material remaining in the stomach. There were no significant differences between non-migraineurs and migraineurs interictally. However, increased amount of radioactive material remaining in the stomach was observed in migraineurs ictally. We concluded that the liquid emptying was delayed in spontaneous migraine attacks in migraine without aura, however in the interictal period the emptying of liquids did not differ between migraineurs and non-migraineurs.  相似文献   

Objective. Dysmotility of the upper gastrointestinal tract has been reported in children with Hirschsprung's disease. In the present study, gastric emptying was studied in adult patients with Hirschsprung's disease to elucidate whether there is a persisting involvement of the upper gastrointestinal tract in this group of patients. Material and methods. Gastric emptying of caloric liquids and solids was studied in 16 adult patients with surgically treated Hirschsprung's disease during early childhood and in age-matched controls. To examine liquid emptying, the paracetamol absorption test was applied using a meal containing glucose, lactose, maize oil, water (2020 kJ) and paracetamol. To examine solid emptying, the 13C gastric emptying breath test was applied using a meal containing white bread, margarine, a one-egg omelette (1050 kJ) and [13C]-octanoic acid. Gastrointestinal symptoms were recorded according to a standardized questionnaire. Results. For liquid meal emptying, the time until emptying commenced was 8.1±1.9 and 2.9±0.9 min (mean±SE) in patients and controls, respectively (p=0.02). Thereafter, the first 25% of the meal emptied in 6.8±0.8 and 12.1±1.1 min in patients and controls, respectively (p=0.0005). The overall emptying rate tended to be delayed in patients compared with controls (p=0.06). For the solid meal, a delay in emptying was evident (p=0.02). The patients reported more symptoms from the upper gastrointestinal tract than the controls, but the symptoms were not significantly related to the emptying pathology demonstrated. Conclusions. The present study demonstrates that adult patients with Hirschsprung's disease have an abnormal pattern of gastric emptying, indicating persisting involvement of the upper gastrointestinal tract.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Because of the convenience of non-dispersive infrared spectrometry (NDIRS), we attempted to validate the usefulness of NDIRS compared with scintigraphy in human solid gastric emptying (GE) measurement, and tried to establish the normal range of solid GE based on NDIRS. METHODS: Twelve healthy volunteers (three men, nine women) were recruited for simultaneous scintigraphy and 13C-octanoic acid breath test (13C-OABT) studies. Stomach half-emptying time (t1/2) and lag phase (tlag) were the two main GE parameters measured and correlated. The breath samples were analyzed using NDIRS every 10-15 min for a total of 6 h, while scintigraphy was taken minute by minute for the first 30 min, then hourly for 4 h. Another 32 healthy volunteers (19 men, 13 women) received only the 13C-OABT to measure their solid GE. RESULTS: A significant correlation for t1/2 was found between the breath test and scintigraphy (r = 0.85, P = 0.001), while tlag was also positively correlated (r = 0.73, P = 0.007). The reference range of t1/2B based on all 44 subjects was 89.4-185.1 min (135.9 +/- 21.1 min (mean +/- SD)), while the range for tlagB was 37.1-117.8 min (81.9 +/- 17.4 min). No demographic characteristics were found to influence the GE parameters. CONCLUSIONS: 13C-octanoic acid breath test determined by NDIRS is a simple, non-invasive and reliable measurement, which may provide an 'office-based' tool to detect solid GE.  相似文献   

The paracetamol absorption technique, a widely used method for evaluating the gastric emptying rate of liquids, appears to be performed inappropriately, resulting from a lack of consideration of pharmacokinetics in paracetamol absorption. This review suggests that appropriate study designs and logical choice of the parameters for the rate of paracetamol absorption are the cornerstone of reliable investigation of gastric emptying using the paracetamol method. (Received 27 Jan. 1998; accepted 22 May, 1998)  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine how the [13C]octanoate breath test (OBT) using a muffin meal correlates with gastric emptying scintigraphy (GES) in normal subjects and patients with dyspeptic symptoms. Ten normal subjects and 23 patients with dyspeptic symptoms underwent simultaneous GES and [13C]OBT. After an overnight fast, a muffin labeled with [99mTc]sulfur colloid and [13C]octanoate was ingested along with water labeled with [111In]DTPA. Breath samples and scintigraphic images were obtained at baseline and at regular postprandial intervals over 6 hr. In the normal subjects, the mean GES T1/2 of solids and liquids were 64 ± 17 and 55 ± 27 minutes, respectively. The calculated OBT T1/2 using the 6-hr breath collection was 138 ± 15 min and correlated with T1/2 for solids by GES (r = 0.664; P = 0.051), but did not correlate with T1/2 for liquids by GES (r = 0.13; P = 0.738). In dyspeptic patients, the T1/2 for GES was 87 ± 53 min and 81 ± 70 min for solids and liquids, respectively. The mean OBT T1/2 was 155 ± 57 min and correlated with GES T1/2 for solids (r = 0.86; P < 0.001) and GES T1/2 for liquids (r = 0.73; P < 0.001). Delayed gastric emptying (GE) of the muffin meal was identified by scintigraphy in seven patients. The sensitivity and specificity for OBT identifying delayed GE were 86% and 94%. Use of the initial truncated 4-hr OBT results also revealed a significant correlation between OBT and GES T1/2 for solids (r = 0.86; P < 0.001) with sensitivity and specificity for detecting delayed GE of 86% and 94%, respectively. In addition, a linear regression model was able to reduce the number of collection points to four, while maintaining the same sensitivity and specificity. In conclusion, the OBT for GE, using an easily prepared muffin meal, significantly correlates with GES for solids. This muffin-based OBT is a sensitive and specific method to detect delayed GE in dyspeptic patients.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Myotonic dystrophy is often associated with digestive symptoms that can precede the clinical appearance of skeletal muscle involvement. Although motility disorders may be observed in these patients at any level of the gastrointestinal tract, upper gastrointestinal symptoms have up to now usually been considered to be due to oesophageal rather than gastric dysmotility. AIMS: To evaluate: a) gastric emptying in myotonic dystrophic patients without dyspeptic symptoms, and b) relationship between gastric emptying and severity and duration of the disease. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Gastric emptying was evaluated in 11 non-dyspeptic dystrophic patients and in 22 healthy volunteers by means of computerised ultrasound scan, assessing the variation in the antral area over time after ingestion of a meal. RESULTS: The final emptying time was higher in patients than in healthy volunteers (373' +/- 35' vs 270' +/- 47'; p < 0.001). Basal and maximal post-prandial antral areas were similar in the two groups. There was a significant correlation between gastric emptying and the duration of the disease (rs = 0.62; p = 0.04). No relationship was found between gastric emptying and severity of the disease. CONCLUSIONS: Gastric emptying may be abnormally delayed in myotonic dystrophy patients, even in absence of dyspeptic symptoms. This delay is correlated with duration but not with severity of the disease. However there is no difference in either basal or maximal postprandial antral areas between myotonic dystrophy patients and healthy volunteers.  相似文献   

Gastric and oesophageal emptying in insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Abstract Gastric emptying of a digestible solid and liquid meal and oesophageal emptying of a solid bolus were measured with scintigraphic techniques in 45 randomly selected insulin-dependent diabetics and in 22 control subjects. In the diabetics, the relationships between oesophageal emptying, gastric emptying, age, duration of diabetes mellitus, upper gastrointestinal symptoms, glycaemic control and the complications, autonomic neuropathy, peripheral neuropathy and retinopathy were examined. The lag period before solid food left the stomach was not significantly different in diabetics compared with control subjects, but the percentage retention of solid food at 100 min was greater ( P < 0.001) in the diabetic subjects. Both the early phase (percentage retention at 10 min) and the 50% emptying time for liquid gastric emptying were delayed ( P < 0.001) in the diabetic subjects. Of the diabetics, 58% had delayed gastric emptying of either the solid and/or the liquid meal; oesophageal emptying was delayed in 42%. Upper gastrointestinal symptoms correlated poorly with both gastric and oesophageal emptying. Oesophageal emptying, solid gastric emptying and the liquid 50% emptying time correlated with the severity of autonomic nerve dysfunction ( P < 0.05). The early phase of liquid emptying (retention at 10 min) was significantly slower ( P < 0.05) in patients with mean plasma glucose concentrations of > 15 mmol/l during the gastric emptying test and the lag period for solid emptying correlated with both the glycosylated haemoglobin and mean plasma glucose concentrations.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to compare scintigraphy, the standard method, and the 13C-octanoic acid breath test (OBT) for measuring gastric emptying. Patients with functional dyspepsia (N = 21, 8 men and 13 women; ages, 40–75) underwent standardized dynamic scintigraphy and OBT. Scintigraphic images were obtained for 90 min and breath samples for 4 hr. The gastric half-emptying time for solids (T1/2) was calculated by two previously described mathematical models for the OBT samples: the nonlinear least-squares method and the geometrical method. T1/2 was significantly longer measured by OBT than by scintigraphy (167 ± 50 min for the nonlinear least-squares method (P < 0.05) and 185± 52 min for the geometrical method (P < 0.005) vs. 109 ± 74 min for scintigraphy). No correlation appeared between T1/2 measured by scintigraphy and T1/2 measured by OBT (r = 0.26) for nonlinear least-squares method and (r = −0.13) for geometrical method). Furthermore, the correlation between the two mathematical models appeared to be low (r = 0.15). Although OBT is simple and safe, its correlation with scintigraphy appears to be weak. The usefulness of this test for measuring gastric emptying thus requires further validation.  相似文献   

Gastric emptying measured by ultrasonography   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Anumberofdifferentmethodshavebeenusedtoestimategastricemptyinginhumans,andalhavetheiradvantagesanddisadvantages.Themethodofch...  相似文献   

Cholecystogastric scintigraphy, utilizing [99mTc]HlDA to label the gallbladder contents and [111In]DTPA to label different meals, was utilized to determine the relationships between gallbladder and gastric emptying after meals of differing composition. Gallbladder emptying was determined in response to a multicomponent meal and to monocomponent fat, carbohydrate, and protein meals and in response to isotonic and hypertonic dextrose and isotonic and hypertonic saline. Also, the gallbladder emptying responses to equivalent multicomponent solid and liquid meals were compared. Significant gallbladder emptying was observed in response to the multicomponent meal and the monocomponent fat, carbohydrate, and protein meals. The most rapid and complete gallbladder emptying was seen with the multicomponent meal and the monocomponent fat meal. Significant gallbladder emptying was stimulated, not only by isotonic and hypertonic dextrose, but also by hypertonic saline. The gallbladder emptied more rapidly after a liquid than after a solid meal.  相似文献   

AIM:To determine the effect of oral sumatriptan on gastric emptying using a continuous 13 C breath test(BreathID system).METHODS:Ten healthy male volunteers participated in this randomized,2-way crossover study.The subjects fasted overnight and were randomly assigned to receive a test meal(200 kcal/200 mL) 30 min after pre-medication with sumatriptan 50 mg(sumatriptan condition),or the test meal alone(control condition).Gastric emptying was monitored for 4 h after administration of the test meal by the 13 C-acetic acid breath test performed continually using the BreathID system.Then,using Oridion Research Software(β version),the time taken for emptying of 50% of the labeled meal(T 1/2) similar to the scintigraphy lag time for 10% emptying of the labeled meal(T lag),the gastric emptying coefficient(GEC),and the regression-estimated constants(β and κ) were calculated.The statistical significance of any differences in the parameters were analyzed using Wilcoxon’s signed-rank test.RESULTS:In the sumatriptan condition,significant differences compared with the control condition were found in T 1/2 [median 131.84 min(range,103.13-168.70) vs 120.27 min(89.61-138.25);P = 0.0016],T lag [median 80.085 min(59.23-125.89) vs 61.11 min(39.86-87.05);P = 0.0125],and β [median 2.3374(1.6407-3.8209) vs 2.0847(1.4755-2.9269);P = 0.0284].There were no significant differences in the GEC or κ between the 2 conditions.CONCLUSION:This study showed that oral sumatriptan significantly delayed gastric emptying of a liquid meal.  相似文献   

The therapeutic effect of acarbose is generally attributed to inhibition of amylase and brush border glucosidases and consequent impaired digestion and absorption of carbohydrates. We have investigated the possibility that acarbose may also influence the rate of gastric emptying by comparing plasma glucose and gastrointestinal hormone responses to an oral sucrose load with and without acarbose in 11 healthy subjects. Gastric emptying was assessed indirectly by measuring circulating paracetamol concentrations following administration of paracetamol along with the sucrose load. Peak plasma glucose, insulin, and glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP) responses were reduced when sucrose was given with acarbose. There was a significant reduction in post-sucrose paracetamol levels with acarbose suggestive of a significant delay in gastric emptying. The failure of acarbose to induce change in circulating paracetamol concentrations until after 60 min is indicative of a delay in gastric emptying rather than an osmotic malabsorption. The exaggerated and sustained release of glucagon-like peptide-1 (7-36)amide (GLP-1) seen when sucrose was given with acarbose may play a part in the inhibition of gastric emptying. This study indicates that a significant delay in gastric emptying may be an added mechanism contributing to the therapeutic effect of acarbose. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Digestion of fat in pancreatic insufficiency (PI) is strongly affected by how rapidly fat enters the duodenum. We postulated that: (1) oil empties faster in PI than in normals and (2) in both, it empties in a load-dependent fashion. We used a gamma camera to test these ideas by comparing gastric emptying of iodine-123 iodinated oil in normal and pancreatic-insufficient subjects after 15 g of free oil were ingested in a small spaghetti meal and 60 g of oil were ingested in a large spaghetti meal and in a milk emulsion. Indium-113m marked gastric emptying of water in the milk. In both groups after all meals, oil emptied fastest initially, slowing later; and oil emptied three to four times faster when 60 g vs 15 g were ingested. There were no significant differences between the groups of subjects with respect to gastric emptying of the spaghetti meals, but the pancreatic-insufficient subjects emptied both oil and water faster from the milk emulsion than did the normal subjects. The slower emptying of oil in the normal subjects was associated with significantly more layering of oil to the top of the intragastric milk emulsion.  相似文献   

It is well established that liquid emptying occurs in the absence of motor activity of the stomach. In contrast, solid-phase emptying is controlled in part by antral peristalsis and is, therefore, a more precise indicator of gastric motility. We developed a semisolid, radionuclide gastric emptying test using rice cereal and technetium-99m-sulfur colloid to assess antral physiology in infants with vomiting. Computer-programmed mathematical models were used to determine the shape of a line that best fit our emptying data points. Linear, simple exponential [f = 2-(t/t1/2)], and power exponential [f = 2(t/t1/2)beta] patterns of emptying were calculated, where f is the fraction of the meal remaining in the stomach at time t, and t1/2 is the time when 50% of the meal has emptied and is a determinant of the shape of the curve. In infants with simple regurgitation (chalasia) and those with vomiting and failure to gain weight, we made statistical comparisons between gastric emptying patterns after analysis of the mean percentage of retained radionuclide at 120 min, calculated t1/2, and area under the curve. The coefficient of determination, R2, was calculated as an index of whether a curve provided goodness of fit to the data. Differences between groups of patients were statistically significant for all parameters of each mathematical model. However, higher coefficients of determination were noted in the power exponential model. The data suggest that the power exponential mathematical model provides the best analysis of the gastric emptying patterns for infants with chalasia and those with vomiting and failure to gain weight.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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