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Background: Factor XIII (F XIII), the last coagulation factor in the clotting cascade, plays a role in mucosal repair. Beneficial effects of F XIII supplementation in severe ulcerative colitis (UC) have been observed. The aim of this study was to relate plasma F XIII activity to the severity of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Methods: A transversional and, in part, longitudinal study of F XIII activity and related clotting products was performed in 39 patients with UC, 31 patients with Crohn's disease (CD), and 20 controls. Disease activity was assessed with a combined activity score in UC and with the Dutch Activity Index in CD. Results: F XIII activity was decreased in active UC (p<0.05) and active CD (p < 0.05) and was inversely correlated with severity in both UC (r = -0.30) and CD (r = -0.46). In six patients with UC (15%) and six patients with CD (19%) F XIII activity was below the lower range of normal. In these patients apparent rectal bleeding was only found in severe UC. Hyperhbrinolysis was indicated by elevated levels of D-dimer (p<0.001) notwithstanding increased concentrations of alpha-2 antiplasmin (p<0.05). Conclusions: In active IBD we found decreased plasma F XIII activity and hyperfibrinolysis. Decreased F XIII activity was not associated with apparent rectal bleeding in IBD.  相似文献   

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), a chronic gastrointestinal disorder, affects from 3–20% of the US population, depending on sociocultural and comorbid factors. IBS is characterized by a symptom complex of abdominal pain and abnormal bowel habits that present as diarrhea or constipation, and general physical weakness in the absence of abnormal morphological, histological or inflammatory markers. The main diagnostic Rome III criteria as established by international professional organizations are based on exclusion criteria and the occurrence and rate of symptoms. Because the pathophysiology and causes of IBS are poorly understood, treatment approaches are mainly focused on symptom management to maintain everyday functioning and improve quality of life for persons with IBS. The mainstay of intervention is pharmacological treatment with antispasmodics and antidiarrheals for diarrhea, prokinetics and high‐fiber diets for constipation, and supportive therapy with low‐dose antidepressants to normalize gastrointestinal motility. Other interventions include lifestyle and dietary changes, psychotherapy, herbal therapies and acupuncture. The purpose of this review is to critically assess benefits and risks of current treatment approaches as well as promising complementary and alternative therapies.  相似文献   

Patients suffering from the irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) tend to have extraintestinal symptoms. The purposes of this study were to compare the nature and severity of these symptoms in IBS patients in relation to patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and to nonpatients and to clarify the relationship between intestinal and extraintestinal symptoms. A consecutive group of male patients and a control group of age-matched male subjects were studied. Symptoms were graded for severity using a validated, self-administered inventory. There were 53 IBS patients, 55 IBD patients (32 Crohn's disease), and 56 controls. IBS patients scored significantly higher than IBD patients on constipation, dyspepsia, and reflux scales. Musculoskeletal symptoms, neurasthenia, and sleep scores were similar in IBS and IBD patients, and both groups scored significantly higher than the controls. The scores of urinary, thoracic, and oral symptoms were similar in IBD patients and in controls. However, IBS patients scored significantly higher than both groups on all these scales. Reflux symptoms were the most powerful predictors of extraintestinal symptoms, both in IBS and in IBD. Diarrhea was predictive of extraintestinal symptoms only in IBD. In conclusion, IBS patients experienced extraintestinal symptoms to the same extent, or even more than patients with IBD. However, the relationship between intestinal and extraintestinal symptoms differed in the two conditions.  相似文献   

Background.Although an accurate diagnosis of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and differentiation between ulcerative colitis (UC) and Crohn's disease (CD) can be made in most patients, it is sometimes impossible to distinguish UC from CD even after thorough pathological study. Recently, clinicians have used the term indeterminate colitis (IC) for patients with features of both diseases that overlap temporarily or persistently. The frequency, reasons, and outcome of patients with a clinical diagnosis of IC based on radiological, endoscopic, and histopathological findings were investigated retrospectively. Methods. Based on records of 735 patients with IBD, IC was defined as having features of both UC and CD, with differentiation from each other impossible at least once during the observation period (average 6.8 years) based on diagnostic criteria using endoscopic, radiological, and histological findings. Results. Twenty-three patients were identified as having IC. They were classified into three patterns according to the clinical cource and the final diagnosis: (1) UC changing to CD (n = 8); (2) CD changing to UC (n = 5); and (3) UC or CD (n = 10). The frequency of IC was 24.5%–43.4% of colitis-type CD (n = 53), 2.3%–6.5% of all CD (n = 352), and 3.1% of IBD (n = 735). The reasons for the indetermination were temporary (56.5%) or persistent (43.5%) overlapping of UC-like and CD-like presentations. Treatment of IC was inappropriate in only two patients, and the prognoses of all patients except one were fairly good. Conclusions. Overlapping of UC-like presentations (persistent bloody stool and diffuse colitis) was frequently observed with Crohn's colitis but less so in CD patients during their clinical course. The basis of differentiation and treatment of IC needs more attention.  相似文献   

Background:This study aims to determine whether risk factors at the time of diagnosis that are found to be predictive of proximal disease extension in ulcerative proctitis (UP) occur in a cohort of Brazilian patients.Methods:This is a retrospective analysis of data from 97 patients (67% female) with UP (Montreal classification: E1) with at least 12 months of follow-up who were admitted to the Ribeirão Preto Medical School IBD referral center between January 2001 and December 2018. Proximal disease extension, which was defined as E1 progressing to E3 (pancolitis), was evaluated endoscopically during follow-up.Results:A total of 29 (29.9%) patients experienced proximal disease extension. The risk factors at diagnosis associated with proximal disease extension were younger age (<40 years; P = .012), higher Mayo endoscopic score (P < .0001), higher partial Mayo score (P = .0018), and use of oral corticosteroids (P = .0016). During the follow-up period, increased disease relapse rates (P < .0001), immunomodulators (P = .00014) or the use of biological agents (P = .00037), and colectomy (P = .0002) were all significantly higher among UP patients with proximal disease extension.Conclusion:Similar to what has been demonstrated in other studies, Brazilian UP patients with increased clinical and endoscopic severity at the time of diagnosis are likely to evolve with both proximal extension and a more adverse clinical course. Therefore, these patients should be followed-up more carefully.  相似文献   

Background:We aimed to determine the clinical features, predictive factors associated with severe disease, and outcomes of coronavirus disease 2019 in patients with immune-mediated inflammatory diseases and report data on the comparison of coronavirus disease 2019 between patients with inflammatory bowel disease and spondyloarthropathies.Methods:A total of 101 patients with inflammatory bowel disease and spondyloarthropathies who had confirmed diagnosis of coronavirus disease 2019 were retrospectively analyzed. Demographics, comorbidities, immunosuppressive treatments, and the impact of immunosuppression on negative outcomes were assessed.Results:The median age of the patients was 47 (38-57) years. The most common rheumatologic diagnosis was ankylosing spondylitis (n = 24), psoriatic arthritis (n = 17), and reactive arthritis (n = 1). In the inflammatory bowel disease group, 47 patients had ulcerative colitis, 11 Crohn’s disease, and 1 unclassified. The most commonly used treatments were biologics (55%) in the spondyloarthropathies group and aminosalicylates (66.1%) in the inflammatory bowel disease group. Overall, 18.8% of the patients required hospitalization, 5% developed severe complications, and 2% died. There were no significant differences in coronavirus disease 2019-related negative outcomes between spondyloarthropathies and inflammatory bowel disease patients. The median age was higher in the patients who required hospitalization [57 (46-66) vs 47 (38-57) years, P = .008]. Bilateral opacities on chest radiographs were more common in the patients who required hospitalization in the spondyloarthropathies group [88.9% vs 14.3%, P = .016]. Comorbidity was significantly associated with hospitalization in the inflammatory bowel disease group (P ≤ .05). Baseline therapy with biologics or immunosuppressives was not associated with severe coronavirus disease 2019 outcomes.Conclusion:Older age, comorbidities, and bilateral ground-glass opacities were associated with adverse outcomes, whereas specific immune-mediated inflammatory disease diagnoses or immunosuppressive treatments were not.  相似文献   

Wells' syndrome, also termed eosinophilic cellulitis, is a dermatologic condition of unknown etiology that occurs as recurrent patches or plaques mimicking infectious cellulitis. Histopathology reveals an eosinophilic infiltrate and characteristic flame figures. Previous reports have associated this syndrome with parasitic infections, arthropod bites, pharmacologic agents, surgery, and hematologic disorders. We present a case report of a patient with Wells' syndrome associated with newly diagnosed ulcerative colitis. The dermatosis erupted concurrently with flares of ulcerative colitis. Furthermore, treatment of the ulcerative colitis led to resolution of the skin lesions. To our knowledge this describes the first association between inflammatory bowel disease and Wells' syndrome and argues for a distinct relationship between the two.  相似文献   

PAF-acether (PAF) is a phospholipid synthesized by numerous inflammatory cells. PAF can produce several pathological changes in various organs, especially in the colon. In animals PAF causes colonic ulceration and inflammation, which are similar to the anatomic lesions seen in human ulcerative colitis. The aim of this study was to measurein vivo colonic production of PAF in active ulcerative colitis using a modified colonic perfusion method. Ten patients with active ulcerative colitis and six control patients were investigated. A colonic segment was continuously perfused with a buffer and the liquid was recovered 20 cm distally, after a 45-min period of equilibration, at 20-min intervals. PAF, lysoPAF, and acetylhydrolase were measured in the colonic samples. PAF and lysoPAF outputs were significantly higher in patients with active ulcerative colitis compared to controls patients. There was a significant correlation between colonic PAF output and, respectively, macroscopic mucosal lesions and myeloperoxidase colonic output. We thus conclude: (1) the colonic perfusion method allowsin vivo study of the metabolism of PAF during ulcerative colitis and could also be used to study the efficiency of PAF antagonists in UC; and (2) colonic production of PAF is increased during ulcerative colitis and correlated to local injury and inflammation. Whether or not PAF plays a role in the pathogenesis of ulcerative colitis remains open for further investigations.  相似文献   

Idiopathic, chronic inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) refers to two diseases—ulcerative colitis (UC) and Crohn's disease (CD). Despite an abundant literature discussing the pathophysiology and treatment of these diseases, little if any empirical studies have focused on patients' subjective experiences with their diseases. The purpose of this paper was to identify and discuss the concerns of individuals with IBD and to suggest that the integration of concerns in clinical management is necessary for a comprehensive understanding of these chronic and debilitating diseases. In addition, case studies were included to highlight the concerns of people with IBD. Our review of the literature identified eight categories of concerns for individuals with IBD. They included loss of energy, loss of control, body image, isolation and fear, not reaching full potential, feeling dirty, and lack of information from the medical community. In conclusion, we argue that the efficacy of treatment for IBD would be greatly improved if psychosocial issues were to be integrated into treatment protocols.  相似文献   

Background: Patients who undergo colectomy due to intractable chronic inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) may keep a closed rectal stump for several years, which may be at increased risk of malignant transformation owing to residual inflammatory activity. We examined a hospital series of patients with ulcerative colitis or Crohn colitis to describe the clinical, endoscopical and histological features of the closed rectal stump and to screen for dysplasia and mutations in the TP53 tumour suppressor gene. Methods: During rigid proctoscopy, rectal mucosal biopsy specimens and rectal lavage fluid were collected from 42 patients. Biopsy specimens were examined histologically, and genomic DNA extracted from frozen biopsies and lavage fluid was analysed for mutations in TP53 exons 4–9. Results: The median disease duration was 8.5 years (range 1.3–34 years). No endoscopic or histological signs of dysplasia or carcinoma were seen and no mutations in the TP53 gene were detected in any biopsy or lavage fluid specimens. Histological moderate to severe mucosal inflammation was present in 78% (33/42) of the patients, however, and rectal stump involution was noted in 43% (18/42). Conclusion: No signs of malignancy or premalignant degeneration were detected in this prospective series of IBD patients with a closed rectal stump. Although this is reassuring for patients, the presence of moderate to severe inflammation in the majority of rectal stumps indicates a role for adjuvant molecular markers to improve colorectal cancer surveillance on this subgroup of IBD patients.  相似文献   

Kjeldsen J. Treatment of ulcerative colitis with high doses of oral prednisolone. The rate of remission, the need for surgery, and the effect of prolonging the treatment. Scand J Gastroenterol 1993;28:821-826.

Treatment of acute attacks of ulcerative colitis in 89 patients with doses of prednisolone above or equal to 40 mg resulted in an overall remission in 67%. Remission rate and colectomy rate were 47% and 42%, respectively, when the disease was severe, 80% and 13% when moderate, and 84% and 3% when mild. The need for surgery was 28% in pancolitis, 11% in left-sided colitis, and 5% in proctitis. After subsequent treatment episodes colectomy was performed in 35% of patients with pancolitis, in 37% with left-sided colitis, and in 5% with proctitis. The median total duration of therapy in patients who went into clinical remission was 4 months, and the median dose just above 3 g prednisolone. Patients who stayed in remission during the follow-up received a significantly higher start dose and total dose of prednisolone in the treatment episode than patients who had a relapse. In 25 patients treatment with doses equal to or above 75 mg of prednisolone was continued beyond 10 days, and 11 patients experienced remission whereas 14 patients had surgery performed. Orally administered corticosteroids produce results comparable to those obtained after the previously suggested intravenous regimen.  相似文献   

Objective Faecal (f-) calprotectin is a biomarker of intestinal inflammation. Previous studies have described intra-individual day-to-day variability of this biomarker in patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and morning samples have been suggested for standardisation purposes. With this project, we investigated if day-to-day variability differed from diurnal variability. Additionally, we evaluated a new extraction method for f-calprotectin analysis. Methods Fifty patients provided three faeces samples from morning – evening – morning on two consecutive days. Nineteen patients provided two faeces samples from the same bowel movement, one conventional spot sample, and one sample with a device for patient-administered sampling and extraction. Results The two morning samples differentiated between mucosal inflammation and mucosal healing with same level of agreement as the two samples from the same day (kappa 0.76), using an f-calprotectin cut-off level of 259?μg/g. Although large intra-individual variation in f-calprotectin values, there were no significant day-to-day (p?=?0.096) or diurnal variation (p?=?0.78). Used by laboratory technicians, the new extraction device correlated significantly with the conventional extraction method (p?Conclusions The reliability of f-calprotectin morning samples is equal to the reliability of samples from different bowel movements on the same day. The new extraction method is reliable when used by laboratory technicians, but larger studies are recommended to evaluate patient administered extraction.  相似文献   

Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is very common in developed countries, while it is relatively uncommon in Asian countries. However, the incidence of IBD has been increasing in some Asian countries in recent years. Most cases of ulcerative colitis (UC) in Asia are of the chronic relapsing type, run a milder course, and the fulminant type is rarely seen. There is no difference in clinical manifestations between Asian and developed countries. The incidence of Crohn's Disease (CD) is mainly in males in Asia, while it is mainly in females in developed countries. The clinical manifestations of CD are similar between both sets of countries. In China there are less fistulae and perianal diseases, and extraintestinal manifestations of CD are uncommon. In China, 5.6% of patients with UC have a family history, which is lower than 10-20% in developed countries. NOD2/CARD15 variants in the locus of 16q112 (IBD1) are significantly associated with the susceptibility of CD in developed countries, but NOD2/CARD15 variants have not been found in Asian CD patients.  相似文献   

Rijk MCM, van Schaik A, van Tongeren JHM. Disposition of mesalazine from mesalazine-delivering drugs in patients with inflammatory bowel disease, with and without diarrhoea. Scand J Gastroenterol 1992;27:863-868.

The disposition of mesalazine from the azo compounds sulphasalazine and olsalazine (Dipentum®) and from the slow-release mesalazine drugs Pentasa®, Asacol®, and Salofalk® was studied in 20 patients with inflammatory bowel disease. Ten of them had diarrhoea, and 10 had normal stools. On the last 2 days of a 7-day maintenance treatment with each of the study drugs urine and faeces were collected for determination of mesalazine, acetyl-mesalazine, and unsplit azo compound. In patients with and without diarrhoea the urinary and the faecal excretion of acetyl-mesalazine was lowest during treatment with olsalazine. The proportion of acetyl-mesalazine in faeces was highest during treatment with Pentasa in both groups. The presence of diarrhoea was associated with a decrease in the proportion of acetyl-mesalazine in faeces during treatment with all drugs, not significant only for Pentasa. The proportion of unsplit azo compound in faeces increased in the case of diarrhoea to almost 50%. It is concluded that in patients with inflammatory bowel disease diarrhoea substantially influences the disposition from ail these drugs except Pentasa.  相似文献   

This study investigated capillary blood flow (CBF) and pathomorphological alterations in the mucosa of different bowel segments at different times after disease onset in rats with colitis induced by either trinitrobenzensulfonic acid (TNBS) or mitomycin-C. CBF was determined by intravital microscopy using fluorescein-labeled erythrocytes. The histological degree of inflammation was assessed by a new scoring system. Severe acute histological changes were found in the distal colon 24 hr after induction of TNBS colitis (score: 8.9 ± 1.0). CBF was increased (2.9 ± 0.05 vs. 2.6 ± 0.04 nl/min in healthy controls). The histological alterations persisted until day 3 (8.5 ± 0.9) when CBF significantly decreased (1.8 ± 0.05 nl/min). After 15 days, moderate acute inflammation was still detectable histologically (5.4 ± 1.3), but CBF had returned to normal values. In mitomycin-C colitis, changes developed mainly in the proximal colon: After three days, there was mild inflammation (2.8 ± 1.2) with normal CBF (2.5 ± 0.1 nl/min). After seven days, the inflammation had increased (4.8 ± 1.1), while CBF had decreased (1.5 ± 0.06 nl/min). These changes persisted for six weeks (5.3 ± 0.7; 1.2 ± 0.05 nl/min). These data suggest that disturbed colonic microcirculation may play an important role in the pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel disease regardless of the histopathomorphological alterations.  相似文献   

Objective Microscopic colitis is a common cause of chronic diarrhoea in the Scandinavian countries. This report comprises demographic data, clinical and endoscopic features, and occurrence of coeliac and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) in a large urban cohort of patients with lymphocytic colitis (LC) and collagenous colitis (CC). Materials and methods A total of 795 patients with microscopic colitis from two hospitals in Stockholm were included. Medical records were reviewed and clinical data, including endoscopic and histological findings, were compiled. Results Forty-three percent had CC (female:male ratio 3.7:1) and 57% had LC (female:male ratio 2.7:1). The mean age at diagnosis of CC was 63 years and of LC was 59 years (p?=?0.005). Clinical features were similar in both entities, but the intensity of symptoms differed. Watery diarrhoea was reported in 55% in CC patients versus in 43% in LC patients (p?=?0.0014), and nocturnal diarrhoea in 28% versus 18% (p?=?0.002). Subtle endoscopic mucosal findings were reported in 37% of the CC patients and in 25% of the LC patients (p?=?0.0011). Colorectal adenomatous polyps were found in 5.3% of all patients. Coeliac disease occurred in 6% and IBD occurred in 2.1% of all patients. Conclusions Clinical features of LC and CC are similar but not identical. CC seems to be a more severe type of bowel inflammation and LC tends to occur earlier in life. Both forms might indeed feature endoscopic findings despite the designation ‘microscopic’. Our study confirms the strong association with coeliac disease.  相似文献   

Background:Irritable bowel syndrome refers to a subgroup of disorders of gut–brain interaction associated with stress-related symptoms, but gastrointestinal infection can also be considered the leading risk factor. It is well reported that coronavirus disease 2019 can also result in gastroenteritis. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the incidence of post-infectious irritable bowel syndrome and stressful status among coronavirus disease 2019 patients.Methods:This cross-sectional study was conducted on adults with coronavirus disease 2019 referred to the Infectious Disease Clinic in Iran from November 2020 to February 2021. Patients who met all eligibility criteria were included in the study. The data were collected using a demographic questionnaire, Rome IV criteria questionnaire, and Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale.Results:Totally, the data obtained from 233 eligible patients (136 women, 97 men; mean age 38.41) 11.52 (years) were collected and analyzed, and 53.2% of the cases had a moderate coronavirus disease 2019. The analysis showed that 27 (11.6%) patients suffered from irritable bowel syndrome symptoms based on Rome IV criteria after the recovery from the infection. Also, Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale-based symptoms of depression and anxiety that occurred with coronavirus disease 2019 were reported in 27.4% and 36.9%, respectively.Conclusion:Our finding illustrated that irritable bowel syndrome symptoms based on Rome IV could occur in post-infected coronavirus disease 2019 patients. Also, Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale-based symptoms of depression and anxiety were more common in females and coronavirus disease 2019 infected patients with clinical symptoms including cough, shortness of breath, and sore throat.  相似文献   

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