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全髋关节置换术治疗髋关节发育不良   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
目的探讨髋关节发育不良的全髋关节置换术的手术要点和术后疗效。方法25例(28髋)根据CroweX线分型,Ⅰ型14例,Ⅱ型7例,Ⅲ型和Ⅳ型各2例。髋臼旋转中心的重建方法包括标准的全髋关节置换术、结构性自体植骨和髋臼旋转中心内移。恢复下肢长度的方法包括术中彻底切除挛缩的关节囊和纤维瘢痕组织并酌情进行软组织松解。随访内容包括:①Harris评分;②X线测量双下肢长度差和髋臼旋转中心位置。结果所有病例平均随访28.5个月,Harris评分由术前的平均43分(18~72分)升高至91分(79~100分)。所有病例髋臼旋转中心都恢复正常。术前双下肢长度差为0.5~5.5cm,术后双下肢长度差为-0.4~0.9cm。结论髋关节发育不良的全髋关节置换术中,除了标准的髋臼重建方法之外,结构性植骨和髋臼旋转中心内移可有效恢复髋臼旋转中心的高度。术前详细的计划,术中彻底切除挛缩的关节囊和纤维瘢痕组织并酌情进行软组织松解有助于恢复下肢长度。  相似文献   

全髋关节置换治疗髋关节发育不全   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
目的:研究全髋关节置换治疗髋关节发育不全(DDH)的外科技术。方法:47例(54髋)因髋关节发育不全引起严重骨性关节炎的患者行全髋关节置换治疗,其中男8例,女39例。随访12个月~14年,平均53个月。结果:根据MerleD'Aubigne评分方法,优8例(17~18分)、良30例(13~16分)、中8例(9~12分)、差1例(<8分)。结论:根据髋关节脱位的程度可将髋关节发育不全分成四度,其中Ⅰ度、Ⅱ度为半脱位型;Ⅲ度、Ⅳ度为全脱位型。DDHⅠ度,即低位半脱位,髋臼加深为其手术要点;DDHⅡ度,即高位半脱位,通过上移髋臼假体可以避免植骨;对于DDHⅢ度、Ⅳ度则使用小型髋臼假体并且植骨。我们提出的分类方法较Crowe方法简便且实用,特别是对髋臼的处理有指导意义。对髋关节发育不全进行全髋关节置换应严格掌握适应证,只有当疼痛和功能障碍非常明显而保守治疗无明确效果时采用  相似文献   

Total hip arthroplasty (THA) of Crowe type IV developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH) is challenging. Although traditional (lateral, posterolateral, and posterior) THA approaches have been used with great anatomic success, they damage periarticular muscles, which are already quite weak in type IV DDH. The recently developed direct anterior approach (DAA) can provide an inter‐nerve and inter‐muscle approach for THA of type IV dysplasia hips. However, femur exposure with the DAA could be difficult during surgery and it is hard to apply femoral shortening osteotomy. THA techniques used for type IV DDH include anatomic hip center techniques (true acetabular reconstruction) and high hip center techniques, wherein an acetabulum is reconstructed above the original one. Although anatomic construction of the hip center is considered “the gold standard” treatment, it is impossible if the anatomical acetabular is too small and shallow. Procedures used to support type IV DDH reduction with anatomic hip center techniques include greater trochanter osteotomy, lesser trochanter osteotomy, and subtrochanteric osteotomy. However, these techniques have yet to be standardized, and it is unclear which is best for type IV DDH. One‐state and two‐state non‐osteotomy reduction techniques have also been introduced to treat type IV DDH. Potential complications of THA performed in patients with type IV DDH include leg length discrepancy (LLD), peri‐operative femur fracture, nonunion of the osteotomy site, and nerve injury. It is worth noting that nowadays an increasing number of Crowe type IV DDH patients are more sensitive to postoperative LLD.  相似文献   

BackgroundTotal Hip Arthroplasty remains the standard treatment protocol for patients with neglected traumatic dislocations of the hip with arthritis. A total hip arthroplasty needs to be frequently combined with a subtrochanteric shortening femoral osteotomy to aid in the reduction of the hip joint in such cases. Still long-term stable implant fixation, rigid construct, and favorable functional outcome remain a challenge. In respect to subtrochanteric shortening osteotomy, various techniques have been described in the literature, including the step-cut, double chevron, transverse, and oblique osteotomies. Out of these types, a subtrochanteric step-cut osteotomy provides a better rotational stability and a larger surface of contact to aid in union. As there is a paucity in the literature regarding the step-cut osteotomy for traumatic dislocations of the hip, we designed this study to evaluate the outcomes of this procedure.MethodsWe prospectively evaluated 24 patients with neglected traumatic dislocations of the hip, who underwent total hip arthroplasty with a step-cut subtrochanteric shortening osteotomy using a long modular stem within a span of 4 years. The indications were severe pain and difficulty in walking and performing activities of daily living. Patients fulfilling the inclusion criteria were evaluated in terms of Harris Hip Score, leg length discrepancy, neurological status, union of the osteotomy, and implant stability.ResultsThe mean Harris Hip Score significantly improved from 33.4 preoperatively to 89.2 postoperatively at the latest follow-up. At the final follow-up, all patients showed union at the osteotomy site and there were no cases of implant loosening or instability. No neurological complications were reported.ConclusionsTotal hip arthroplasty combined with a step-cut subtrochanteric femoral shortening osteotomy in patients with neglected dislocations of the hip was associated with good functional outcome and higher success rates in terms of stable implant fixation and union at the site of osteotomy.  相似文献   

目的 与传统二维胶片模板测量术前计划比较,探讨人工应用智能辅助三维数字化手术规划系统在个体化全髋关节置换术(total hip arthroplasty,THA)假体植入中应用的准确性。方法 回顾性分析88例行单侧THA手术病人的临床资料,其中传统模板组(44例),人工智能组(44例),记录比较两组在假体型号大小选择、植入位置、患侧偏心距、双下肢等长重建等方面的差异。结果 人工智能组髋臼杯和股骨柄假体型号的预测吻合率分别为95.5%、88.6%,均高于传统模板组的75.0%、65.9%,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。人工智能组手术后偏心距和肢体长度的差值分别为(4.73±2.97)mm、(3.42±2.32)mm,均较传统模板组更小,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 人工智能辅助手术规划系统对人工髋关节假体型号的预测、患侧肢体偏心距的恢复、双下肢等长重建更加精准。  相似文献   

人工全髋关节置换术治疗髋臼发育不良近期疗效观察   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的:探讨在髋臼发育不良的病例行人工全髋关节置换术时人工髋臼安放的方法。方法:对15例22个因髋臼发育不良导致骨关节炎的病例,在行人工全髋关节置换术时,根据髋臼发育不良的程度,采用了髋臼外上缘植骨,加深髋臼及髋臼轻度内陷等三种方法。术后3、6、9、12个月及以后每半年以同等条件投照双侧髋关节正位X线片,观察人工髋臼安放的角度及人工髋臼与髋臼骨床愈合的情况。平均随访24个月。结果:随访时发现加深髋臼及髋臼轻度内陷的病例,人工髋臼与髋臼骨床接触良好,角度满意,关节功能恢复优良。而髋臼外上缘植骨的病例,术后2年时植骨块与人工髋臼之间出现了透亮带。结论:髋臼发育不良导致髋关节骨关节炎的病例在施行人工关节置换术时应根据髋臼骨床的情况采用不同的手术方式安放人工髋臼。特别是在髋臼较浅,而髋臼骨床底部骨质较多的情况下,应采用向内切磨髋臼:加深髋臼后安放人工髋臼。本组病例大部分采取此方法,收到了十分满意的临床效果。但手术中应注意不宜切磨髋臼过深,影响到髋臼内壁的稳定。  相似文献   

全髋关节置换术治疗成人先天性髋关节发育不良   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
目的探讨成人先天性髋关节发育不良(developmental dysplasia hip,DDH)髋臼假体的选择和手术方法。方法全髋关节置换术治疗成人先天性髋关节发育不良24例26个髋;年龄41~68岁,平均52岁。按照Perner分型,其中Ⅰ度10髋应用普通髋臼假体置换,Ⅱ度9髋选用螺旋臼假体,Ⅲ度5髋及度Ⅳ2髋选用小号髋臼假体,真臼部位安置髋臼假体,均为生物型固定,无结构性植骨。结果随访0.5~3.5年,假体与骨床结合牢固,患髋关节疼痛消失,关节功能基本正常,Harris评分平均86分。结论全髋关节置换术是治疗成人先天性髋关节发育不良的有效方法,针对髋臼病变程度的不同分别采用不同类型髋臼假体置换,配合术中的正确操作能简化手术,减少并发症,提高疗效。  相似文献   

目的探讨非骨水泥型髋关节置换术治疗髋臼发育不良的早期效果。方法回顾性分析2009—2013年我科非骨水泥全髋关节置换术治疗因髋臼发育不良导致的髋骨关节炎患者66例72髋,其中男9例11髋,女57例61髋;年龄46~75岁,平均55岁。按Crowe分型,Ⅰ型27例29髋,Ⅱ型17例18髋,Ⅲ型13例14髋,Ⅳ型9例11髋,均伴有不同程度的跛行、活动受限等症状。采用Harris评分及术前、术后X线片观察评价手术效果。结果术后患者肢体平均延长36 mm。66例患者均获得1~5年随访。除1例不遵守医嘱过度下蹲出现脱位后在全麻下闭合手法复位,所有患者髋臼重建侧植骨均获得愈合,髋关节假体均未出现假体松动。2例自体股骨头植骨区有少量骨吸收,未发现下肢因肢体延长致神经血管损伤症状。术前患者Harris评分(45.05±5.38)分、术前下肢不等长(23.29±19.36)mm、CE角(4±13.92)°改善至(88.62±3.38)°、(3.26±4.06)mm、(29.27±2.68)°,差异均有统计学意义(P0.05)。术后髋关节旋转中心距泪滴水平距离为(27.82±1.25)mm,垂直距离(24.14±2.59)mm。结论全髋关节置换治疗髋臼发育不良手术难度大,术前精心手术评估,真臼处髋臼重建及通过适度软组织松解、转子下截骨等方式的非骨水泥型髋关节置换术治疗成人髋关节发育不良可取得显著的早期疗效。  相似文献   

目的探讨人工全髋关节置换术(total hip replacement,THR)在成人发育性髋关节发育不良(developmental dysplasia of the hip,DDH)继发骨性关节炎的中期治疗经验。方法对26例(29髋)DDH继发骨性关节炎的患者行THR。对23例中、重度骨缺损者,采用植骨修补外上方承重区骨缺损,并重建髋臼及股骨的解剖结构,合理安装假体。结果随访9个月~6年,Harris关节功能评分由术前的平均(33.8±0.7)分提高到术后的(87.1±0.3)分。所有患者活动度增加,未出现骨折不愈合、内固定断裂、感染、神经损伤、下肢深静脉血栓形成及假体周围骨折等并发症。8例双下肢不等长者,短缩差由术前平均2.7(2.1-4.5)cm缩小到术后平均0.5(0.1-0.7)cm,外观改善明显。结论 DDH继发骨性关节炎采用THR是行之有效的。充分的软组织松解、重建髋臼和股骨近端结构以及合适的假体选择是手术的关键。  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo examine the accuracy, reliability, and reproducibility of a simple preoperative planning technique using plain X‐rays.MethodsA retrospective analysis of 96 consecutive cases of primary direct anterior approach (DAA)‐total hip arthroplasty (THA) from July 2015 to December 2018 was performed. The 96 patients included 24 males and 72 females, with an average age of 70 years. The standard AP pelvis radiographs with the patients'' hips extended and internally rotated were obtained pre‐ and postoperatively. The preoperative planning was also completed on the standardized AP pelvic radiographs. The prearranged cup positioning was radiologically measured intraoperatively using fluoroscopy. The correct leg length was assessed intraoperatively, which was compared with the preoperative planning. The component positioning was measured by three independent researchers. Two of the researchers completed the measurements three times, and intra‐observer and inter‐observer reliability were calculated. All patients received at least 6 months follow‐up (6 months–4 years).ResultsIn all cases, the median leg length discrepancy (LLD) was 4.4 mm (range 1.6–15.9 mm), and 84 patients had an LLD smaller than 10 mm, of which 58 patients had an LLD of less than 5 mm. None of the patients had a critical LLD of 2 cm or larger. The multivariable logistic regression for LLD (safe range: yes/no) with the co‐variables including gender, ASA classification, type of cup, the surgeon''s experience level, and the presence of a total hip arthroplasty (THA) on the contralateral side did not present statistical significance. The median angle of the inclination of the acetabular component (IA) was 42.3° (range: 28.7°–52.2°). Ninety‐one patients were within the defined safe range. The hit ratio for the cup to be within the safe zone was significantly higher for the Pinnacle cups than that for the Continuum cups (P < 0.05). However, there was no significant difference in gender, ASA classification, the surgeon''s experience level, and the presence of a total hip arthroplasty (THA) on the contralateral side. The median of its anteversion (AA) was 20.6° (range: 10.6°–40.1°). Only 41 patients were within the defined safe range. None of the co‐variables presented a statistical significance affecting the AA of the cup positioning. Meanwhile, the average fluoroscopy time for the cup positioning (n = 86, missing data in 10 cases) was 4 seconds (range: 1–74), with most of the patients (97.9%) having a fluoroscopy time of fewer than 20 seconds.ConclusionsThe combination of correct preoperative planning and standardized intraoperative measurements can reestablish right leg length and assure the correct cup positioning.  相似文献   

The severe anatomic deformities render acetabular reconstruction as one of the greatest challenges in total hip arthroplasty (THA) for patients with Crowe III/IV developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH). Thorough understanding of acetabular morphology and bone defect is the basis of acetabular reconstruction techniques. Researchers have proposed either true acetabulum position reconstruction or high hip center (HHC) position reconstruction. The former can obtain the optimal hip biomechanics, including bulk femoral head autograft, acetabular medial wall displacement osteotomy, and acetabular component medialization, while the latter is relatively easy for hip reduction, as it can avoid neurovascular lesions and obtain more bone coverage; however, it cannot achieve good hip biomechanics. Both techniques have their own advantages and disadvantages. Although there is no consensus on which approach is better, most researchers suggest the true acetabulum position reconstruction. Based on the various acetabular deformities in DDH patients, evaluation of acetabular morphology, bone defect, and bone stock using the 3D image and acetabular component simulation techniques, as well as the soft tissue tension around the hip joint, individualized acetabular reconstruction plans can be formulated and appropriate techniques can be selected to acquire desired clinical outcomes.  相似文献   

目的探讨全髋关节表面置换术(total hip resurfacing arthroplasty,THRA)治疗成人髋关节发育不良(developmental dysplasia of the hip,DDH)继发骨关节炎的中期疗效。方法2005年3月至2006年6月,采用THRA治疗DDH患者25例,女18例,男7例;30~59岁,平均48岁;双髋1例,共26髋。根据Hartofilakidis分型,半脱位22髋,低位脱位4髋。采用Conserve-plus金属对金属全髋关节表面置换假体,髋臼假体为非骨水泥固定,股骨头假体采用低黏骨水泥固定。临床随访采用Harris评分,测量髋臼外展角、垂直距离、水平距离、股骨柄干角、髋臼假体覆盖率;记录髋臼和股骨假体周围透亮线及骨溶解;以各种原因所致翻修或影像学松动为随访终点。结果所有患者均随访3年以上,平均随访3.5年。截至随访终点无翻修或影像学松动。患者的Harris评分由术前平均46分提高至术后平均92.1分,26髋均为优。术后轻度跛行2例,所有患者均无迟发感染、术后股骨颈骨折、术后残余股骨头坏死、术后假体松动、脱位、术后异位骨化。髋关节活动度:屈曲由97.5°增加至127.5°,外展由19.3°增加至40°,外旋由23.2°增加至42.5°,内旋由4.2°增加至28.5°。X线片显示:关节假体位置正常,髋臼假体平均外展角为41.6°,髋关节旋转中心位置平均下移6.2 mm、内移15 mm,股骨柄干角平均146.4°。宿主骨对臼杯的平均覆盖率为94.4%,1例宿主骨与臼杯界面在2区出现透亮线,宿主骨与股骨假体柄界面无一例出现透亮线。结论THRA治疗成人半脱位型及低位脱位型DDH继发骨关节炎具有良好的中期疗效,熟练的手术技术和正确的适应证选择是降低中远期并发症的关键。  相似文献   

目的 通过随机对照临床试验,评价一种新型国产髋关节假体用于人工全髋关节置换术(total hip arthroplasty,THA)的临床疗效和安全性.方法 本研究采用多中心、随机、单盲、阳性平行对照设计,在全国5家医院共招募72例受试者,分别纳入试验组和对照组,各36例.试验组使用新型国产髋关节假体,对照组使用成熟的...  相似文献   

目的探讨全髋关节置换术(total hip arthroplasty,THA)治疗重度先天性髋关节脱位(developmental dys-plasia hip,DDH)时下肢可以延长的安全范围。方法基础研究部分:20只狗建立后肢延长后神经、血管损伤模型,通过神经电生理、组织学和血流动力学的方法,了解其神经损伤和血管损伤与牵拉的关系。临床研究部分:29例(32髋)重度DDH患者,26髋行单纯THA手术,6髋行THA、粗隆下截骨术。术后采用Harris评分、肌电图、血管超声等方法检查神经血管损伤,平均随访6个月。结果动物实验:延长长度超过肢体原有长度6%时,神经电生理有所表现,未发生血管损伤。临床试验:29例患者术前Harris评分为(32.98±8.51)分,术后随访6周,28例患者(脱漏1例)Harris评分为(91.26±3.57)分,肢体延长长度(3.3±1.15)cm,最长延长5.9 cm。有5例出现神经传导速度减慢,6例出现感觉神经传导减慢,4例延长超过下肢长度6%的患者均出现感觉及运动神经传导异常、肌电图未见自发电位,3例患者在术后出现肢体麻木,复诊时症状消失;血管损伤均未发生。结论 THA手术治疗重度DDH时,肢体延长不超过下肢长度的6%是安全的。  相似文献   

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