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目的介绍外科护理电子病历设计方法,探讨其应用效果。方法根据广东省《临床护理文书规范》(专科篇)的表格式首次护理记录单(外科)设计并完成外科护理电子病历系统,并应用于临床。结果实施护理电子病历后,护士测量及录入病人生命体征时间为(1.0±0.3)min;完成护理电子病历的时间为(4.0±0.5)min。结论实施护理电子病历规范了护理记录书写形式与记录内容,提高了护理工作效率与护理记录质量。  相似文献   

临床护理记录电子模板的开发与应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的研究护理记录电子模板在临床应用的可行性,为提高护理文书质量提供保证。方法按照《病历书写基本规范(试行)》的要求,在计算机上开发护理记录模板,套入"军字1号"病程记录续版进行临床护理记录书写。结果提高了工作效率,且操作简单快捷,护理文书质量明显提高。结论护理记录电子模板在临床应用具有可行性,能促进我国护理信息化发展的进程。  相似文献   

电子护理记录与手写护理记录临床效果比较   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的 总结电子护理记录的优越性.方法 电子护理记录组50份,手写护理记录组50份,比较两组记录书写时间、书写质量及存在的问题.结果 电子护理记录组在书写时间及整体效果方面,明显优于手写护理记录组(P < 0.05).结论 电子护理记录书写时间短,操作简单快捷,病历整洁,提高了工作效率及护理文书质量.  相似文献   

目的探讨表格式护理记录单在临床使用的效果。方法成立表格式护理记录专业指导小组,设计表格式护理记录单,先在试点科室进行试用,对全院护士进行培训后全面推广使用。结果护理记录时间缩短,护理记录质量提高,护士对护理记录满意度提高(P<0.01)。结论推行表格式护理记录单使用的过程中必须注重护士的学习标准,注重对护士进行培训指导,提高其认识,才能确保护理文书简化工作的顺利进行,从而确保护理记录质量持续改进。  相似文献   

目的探讨专科专病电子护理记录单的应用方法与效果。方法设计一般护理记录单、7个专科表格和9种专病表格电子模块,在全院推广使用,并评价效果。结果应用电子护理记录单后,缩短了护士护理文书的书写时间,提高了文书书写质量(P〈0.01或P〈0.05)。结论根据不同疾病、不同专科设计不同的电子护理记录单,是I』缶床可行的护理记录方式。  相似文献   

目的探讨开展品管圈活动降低ICU电子护理记录单记录缺陷的效果。方法建立品管圈小组,分析导致护理记录单记录缺陷的要因,实施针对性干预。结果2017年10月21日—31日运行病历中的100张电子护理记录单共存在44条记录缺陷,较活动前(2017年6月1日—10日)的128条缺陷明显减少。品管圈活动开展后,圈员专业知识、沟通技巧、责任荣誉、工作热情、团队精神、品管圈手法运用均明显提高。结论应用品管圈可降低在ICU电子护理记录单记录缺陷,实现护理文书质量的持续改进。  相似文献   

Over the past decade, many questions have been raised about graduates’ clinical competence and fitness for practice upon completion of their undergraduate education. Despite the significance of this issue, the perspectives of registered nurses have rarely been examined. This systematic review explores the perceptions of experienced registered nurses regarding the clinical competence of new nursing graduates. Original research studies published between 2004–2014 were identified using electronic databases, reference lists, and by searching “grey literature.” Papers were critically reviewed and relevant data extracted and synthesized using an approach based on Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta‐Analysis. From 153 studies initially identified, 15 original research papers were included. Four main research themes were identified: clinical/technical skills, critical thinking, interaction/communication, and overall readiness for practice. Areas of concern in relation to the clinical competence of new nursing graduates specifically related to two themes: critical thinking and clinical/technical skills. Further research is required on strategies identified within the literature with the ultimate aim of ensuring new nursing graduates are safe and competent practitioners.  相似文献   

The two aims of the paper were to systematically review and critique social science and linguistic text analyses of nursing records in order to inform future research in this emerging area of research. Systematic searches in reference databases and in citation indexes identified 12 articles that included analyses of the social and linguistic features of records and recording. Two reviewers extracted data using established criteria for the evaluation of qualitative research papers. A common characteristic of nursing records was the economical use of language with local meanings that conveyed little information to the uninitiated reader. Records were dominated by technocratic‐medical discourse focused on patients’ bodies, and they depicted only very limited aspects of nursing practice. Nurses made moral evaluations in their categorisation of patients, which reflected detailed surveillance of patients’ disturbing behaviour. The text analysis methods were rarely transparent in the articles, which could suggest research quality problems. For most articles, the significance of the findings was substantiated more by theoretical readings of the institutional settings than by the analysis of textual data. More probing empirical research of nurses’ records and a wider range of theoretical perspectives has the potential to expose the situated meanings of nursing work in healthcare organisations.  相似文献   

Attrition rates of male nursing students exceed those of females yet the experiences of male students in nursing school are poorly understood. This interpretive ethnographic study explored the experiences of male nursing students and female nursing instructors in the context of classroom education. Data collection consisted of participant observation of classroom teaching sessions followed by interviews with six male nursing students who were participants in the classes and six female nursing instructors who taught the classes.Themes resulting from data analysis addressed men’s roles in the nursing classroom and the culture of nursing education. The theme of nursing like a real man was characterized by men’s reliance on roles and behaviours associated with traditional masculinities including leadership, assertiveness and risk-taking. The theme of masculinities in a feminine place captured the gendered culture of nursing education which manifested in stereotypes and a sexualized identity, where men saw themselves as accommodated but not integrated. Diversity between masculine and feminine communicated the incongruity between men’s educational preferences and the techniques that predominate in nursing education. These findings suggest that nursing instructors need to consider gender in their teaching practice, avoid parody or stereotypes of masculinities, and reject assumptions that male students are homogeneous.  相似文献   

目的 探讨表格式护理记录书写指南在五官科的应用效果.方法 对照组资料选定2007年10月~2009年2月在我科住院的120例病人的护理记录,实验组资料选定2009年3月~2010年5月在我科住院的120例病人的护理记录,两组病人的护理记录均采用我科自行设计表格式护理记录,对照组护理记录由责任护士常规记录,实验组护理记录组织学习并应用表格式护理记录书写指南由责任护士进行记录.结果 应用表格式护理记录书写指南前后,两组护理记录书写质量比较,经统计学分析,P值均<0.05,差异具有统计学意义.结论 应用表格式护理记录书写指南来指导临床护士书写护理记录是可以保证书写的完整性、及时性、动态性和规范性,从而提高了表格式护理记录的书写质量.  相似文献   

护理记录规范化书写的现状分析与建议   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
综述了当前护理记录书写中存在的主要问题,并有针对性地进行客观分析,提出护理记录规范化书写的建议及对策,为临床护理工作提供借鉴和参考,确保护理安全,提高护理质量.  相似文献   

护理记录书写中的问题及应对措施   总被引:24,自引:5,他引:19  
护理记录是病历的重要组成部分 ,也是记录患者诊断治疗过程的重要法律依据。为适应《医疗事故处理条例》中患者有权复印护理记录的要求 ,通过对护理记录进行检查 ,分析护理记录出现问题的原因 ,探讨护理记录改进措施 ,以不断提高护理记录质量。  相似文献   

A fully integrated and operating EPR in a clinical setting is hard to find: most applications can be found in outpatient or general practice settings or in isolated hospital wards. In clinical work practice problems with the electronic patient record (EPR) are frequent. These problems are at least partially due to the models of health care work embedded in EPRs. In this paper we will argue that these problems are at least partially due to the models of health care work embedded in current EPRs. We suggest that these models often contain projections of nurses' and doctors' work as it should be performed on the ward, rather than depicting how work is actually performed. We draw upon sociological insights to elucidate the fluid and pragmatic nature of healthcare work and give recommendations for the development of an empirically based EPR, which can support the work of nurses and other health care providers. We argue that these issues are of great importance to the nursing profession, since the EPR will help define the worksettings of the future. Since it is a tool that will impact the development of the nursing profession, nurses have and should have a stake in its development.  相似文献   

目的探讨中医护理记录改革创新模式。方法采用流调法对5家中医院410人分时段进行问卷调查;采用前瞻性研究,运用分层、随机、单盲抽取5家医院410名护士分为实验组和对照组各205人,选择纳入标准病例,同时实施传统护理记录和创新表格式护理记录书写,对两组记录从时间和质量上分析测评。结果问卷结果显示:传统记录满意度明显低于表格记录(P0.01)。实验结果显示:两组首次护理记录、护理过程记录、出院护理记录所用时间差异有极显著意义(P0.01);中医护理观察要点四诊内容、饮食调护、临证护理、给药护理、情志护理两组比较差异有极显著意义(P0.01)。结论实验组与对照组相比,中医表格式记录操作简单,省时节力,护理内容覆盖面广,易于掌握和便于推广。  相似文献   

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