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This clinical report describes the treatment of a 47‐year‐old female patient with a nasal septum perforation. The treatment used a 2‐piece magnetic custom prosthesis fabricated from a 3D‐printed model. By using an existing medical CT scan to generate the printed working model, the number of clinical appointments was reduced. The workflow expanded the purpose of the radiologic images from simply diagnostic to include the prosthetic aspect of treatment.  相似文献   

目的:探讨3D打印技术制作的定位导板在上颌Le Fort Ⅰ型截骨术中的应用效果。方法:选择牙颌面畸形患者8例,男4例,女4例;年龄18~32岁,平均24.6岁。所有患者术前均行头颅CT扫描,将CT数据导入Mimics16.0,重建出上颌骨和下颌骨的三维模型,用3-matic 9.0设计定位导板,在上颌Le Fort I型截骨线的上方骨壁厚的位置选4个点作为标志点,利用这4个标志点来定位上颌骨术后的位置,设计好后采用光敏树脂用三维打印机打印制作,在术中应用。结果:所有患者均采用新的方法行正颌手术,上颌骨模拟位置和术后实际位置绝对差异的平均值小于1 mm,患者对术后美学效果均满意。结论:初步的结果显示此技术定位上颌骨精确,可在临床应用。  相似文献   

目的:探讨多类型数字影像拟合及3D打印技术在治疗髁突肿瘤中的临床意义.方法:基于患者螺旋CT数据,血管CTA数据,牙齿3D扫描数据,联合运用软件Mimics 21.0(Materialise,Belgium)重建患者上下颌骨、面部软组织、髁突肿瘤及周围重要解剖结构,并运用牙齿3 D扫描数据与螺旋CT上下颌骨牙齿数据拟合...  相似文献   

目的:评价计算机辅助设计下,3D打印技术应用于自体牙移植术的临床疗效分析.方法:选取2016年5月~2019年5月31例患者,从年龄、性别、受区情况、供体牙发育情况、移植时间、模型制备时间、牙槽窝制备时间、供牙离体时间、供牙牙根与牙槽窝的平均距离、移植手术评分和移植牙成功率等角度进行分析.结果:实验组和对照组牙槽窝预备...  相似文献   

随着3D打印的快速发展,其在口腔颅颌面外科的应用越来越广泛,3D打印个性化生产改变了传统依靠手工成型的落后模式,满足了不同患者的使用需求。但目前对于颅颌面修复体制作用3D打印金属粉末的性能要求并无明确规范,不利于产业的长久发展。本文对颅颌面修复体制作用3D打印金属粉末的制备工艺(气雾化法、等离子体旋转电极雾化法、射频等离子体球化法)以及3D打印成型工艺(选区激光熔化、电子束选区熔化、激光近净成形)进行了介绍,并且根据制备工艺及成型工艺特点总结了颅颌面修复体制作用3D打印金属粉末的性能要求。  相似文献   

随着3D打印的快速发展,其在口腔颅颌面外科的应用越来越广泛,3D打印个性化生产改变了传统依靠手工成型的落后模式,满足了不同患者的使用需求。但目前对于颅颌面修复体制作用3D打印金属粉末的性能要求并无明确规范,不利于产业的长久发展。本文对颅颌面修复体制作用3D打印金属粉末的制备工艺(气雾化法、等离子体旋转电极雾化法、射频等离子体球化法)以及3D打印成型工艺(选区激光熔化、电子束选区熔化、激光近净成形)进行了介绍,并且根据制备工艺及成型工艺特点总结了颅颌面修复体制作用3D打印金属粉末的性能要求。  相似文献   

血管化作为骨、牙髓、皮肤等口腔颌面组织再生的关键,一直是组织工程研究的重点。随着三维(three-dimensional, 3D)打印在组织工程领域的发展,构建血管结构的方式逐渐增加。但要达到在形态及功能上高度模拟血管结构的目的,构建精度较高且具备生物功能的高仿真血管结构以促进组织修复仍是3D生物打印需要克服的一大难点。该文总结了三维打印血管结构的新进展,阐述了几种前沿生物制造技术即悬浮打印、同轴打印、4D打印等在构建血管及血管化结构中的应用,并分析和探讨其优缺点与应用前景,为三维打印血管在口腔颌面组织再生修复方面的应用提供参考。  相似文献   

Auricular defects comprise a large proportion of maxillofacial deformities. Most patients with acquired deformities have psychosocial ineptness and seek cosmetic rehabilitation. Although minor defects can be corrected surgically, extensive deformities are difficult to reconstruct with plastic surgery. Contrary to that, prosthetic restoration can provide excellent esthetic results. The conventional methods of maxillofacial prosthesis fabrication are time consuming and the outcome depends on the technician's skill. The advent of CAD/CAM technology in the field of dentistry has brought enormous improvement in the quality of health care provided. In the past decade, several methods have been described employing CAD/CAM techniques for the cosmetic rehabilitation of auricular defects. This clinical report details the integration of multiple digital technologies of CT scanning, computer aided design, and rapid prototyping to construct an ear prosthesis with limited number of appointments.  相似文献   

目的:通过3D打印的方法制备的不同重量比例的纳米羟基磷灰石/聚乳酸/聚乙烯醇(n-HA/PLA/PVA)复合膜,并对其相关性能检测。方法:采用3D打印技术制备不同重量比例的n-HA/PLA/PVA复合膜,分别为PLA/PVA复合膜、15%n-HA/PLA/PVA复合膜、50%n-HA/PLA/PVA复合膜、75%n-HA/PLA/PVA复合膜。扫描电镜下观察各组膜形态,对其力学性能、细胞毒性及动物实验相应指标进行检测。结果:扫描电镜下观察,n-HA/PLA/PVA复合膜呈现三维网状结构,各材料间相互结合,孔隙分布不均,大小不一。随着n-HA质量浓度的提高,电镜下见各材料间孔隙逐渐减小,形成结构均匀的复合膜。力学性能及吸水率检测中,随着nHA含量的增加,n-HA/PLA/PVA复合膜的拉伸强度及吸水率呈下降趋势;细胞毒性检测,不同比例复合膜的细胞增殖率无明显差别,无细胞毒性。动物实验测量牙周菌斑指数及龈沟出血指数未发现不同比例n-HA/PLA/PVA复合膜有统计学差异。结论:3D打印不同比例的n-HA/PLA/PVA复合膜具有良好的物理性能和细胞生物相容性,n-HA比例更高的复合膜可能具有更好的物理性能及良好的生物相容性。  相似文献   

Conventional techniques described in the literature for the manufacture of ocular prostheses are time‐consuming since they involve manual work. The use of technologies could improve this laborious process, providing better esthetic outcomes. This technique describes how to manufacture the ocular portion of an orbital prosthesis using a smartphone camera, color calibration with a tooth shade guide, and digital printing. This method allows clinicians to fabricate customized ocular prosthesis by using a photograph of the patient's eye, thus eliminating the need for hand‐painting and manual work, and reducing fabrication time.  相似文献   

目的:利用三维有限元分析方法研究基于3D打印技术定制不同根管形态桩核冠修复后牙齿各部分应力分布状况,为其在临床的修复应用提供理论依据。方法:利用Micro-CT扫描技术并结合逆向工程软件Mimics及模型修复软件Magics获得上颌尖牙的模型,应用UG中CAE的Nastran模块进行三维有限元应力分析。结果:对于正常形态根管,3D打印个性化桩核系统的桩应力分布优于预成纤维桩系统,能够有效降低粘合剂的失效概率;对于漏斗形态根管,3D打印个性化桩核系统修复后牙根应力分布明显优于预成纤维桩系统,能够有效提高牙齿的抗折性。结论:无论正常形态根管还是漏斗型根管,3D打印个性化桩核对牙体的修复效果均优于预成桩核系统。  相似文献   

Implant‐retained auricular prostheses are a successful treatment modality for children with microtia. They involve only minor surgical intervention of implant placement and result in an esthetically pleasing outcome. Integration of digital technologies (DT) in the prosthetic reconstruction process is a new approach toward enhancing outcomes. In this report we present a case of auricular prosthetic reconstruction following two implant placements in the right mastoid region. The ear prosthesis was constructed with the aid of various DTs. A structured light laser scanner was used to digitize the nondefect patient ear. The digitized 3D ear was then manipulated in specialist software, mirrored to reflect the opposing side, and a Rapid Prototyping (RP) machine (Z‐Corp) was used to manufacture the soft tissue required. This RP‐mirrored ear model allows very accurate reproduction to replicate missing soft tissue. A color Spectrometer was used to accurately reproduce skin tones. The use of these technologies is now routine practice at our unit. They enhance prosthetic outcomes and esthetics, save the prosthetist's time, and are digitally stored and subsequently readily available and reproducible.  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo present through a systematic review a qualitative analysis of studies published on stereolithography-based 3D printing of restorative materials and their clinical applicability.MethodsThe literature search was conducted based on the question: “What is the state-of-the-art of available restorative materials for 3D printing based on stereolithography?" Online search was conducted in three databases (MEDLINE/PubMed, Scopus and Web of Science) with no restriction for year of publication. Data are reported based on PRISMA, including publication details such as authors and their countries, year and journal of publication, and study design. The synthesis is focused on describing the dental restorative materials and properties evaluated, applied methods, 3D printers used and clinical applicability.ResultsStudies that fit the inclusion criteria were performed in Asia (21), Europe (16) and USA (10), mostly using polymer-based restorative materials (38) for 3D printing constructs. Stereolithographic-printed ceramic-based restorative structures were evaluated by 9 studies. Many studies reported on dimensional accuracy (14), strength (11) and surface morphology (9) of the printed structures. Antibacterial response, cytotoxicity, internal and marginal fit, fracture and wear resistance, density, viscosity, elastic modulus, hardness, structural shrinkage and reliability, degree of conversion, layer cure depth, fatigue, and color were also evaluated by the included studies. Many of them (11) published a proof of concept as an attempt to demonstrate the clinical feasibility and applicability of the technology to print restorative materials, but only 5 studies actually applied the 3D printed restorative structures in patients, which highlights an increasing interest but limited early-stage translation.SignificanceThe fast expansion of stereolithographic-based 3D printing has been impressive and represents a great technological progress with significant disruptive potential. Dentistry has demonstrated an incredible willingness to adapt materials, methods and workflows to this promising digital technology. However, esthetic appearance, wear resistance, wet strength and dimensional accuracy are the main current clinical limitations restricting the progression to functional part production with 3D printing, which may explain the absence of clinical trials and reports on permanent/definitive dental restorative materials and structures.  相似文献   

目的 应用3D打印熔融沉积(FDM)技术制作个性化种植修复体,评估其与天然牙的误差。方法 通过Mimics 15.0软件提取锥形束CT(CBCT)扫描的6颗因正畸减数而需拔除牙(体内牙)的数据模型并制作个性化种植修复体。在相同参数下重新扫描拔除后的正畸减数牙(体外牙)及个性化种植修复体获取数据模型,利用Geomagicstudio软件比较3种数据模型之间的三维偏差大小。结果 个性化种植修复体与体内牙数据模型整体模型间的高低区域偏差的平均值为0.19 mm和-0.16 mm,体内牙与体外牙数据模型整体模型间的高低区域偏差的平均值为0.14 mm和-0.07 mm;两组数据经独立样本t检验,差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论 1)应用3D打印FDM技术制作的个性化种植修复体精密度良好。2)基于相同参数CBCT扫描数据获得的体内牙与体外牙的数据模型仍存在一定误差。  相似文献   

Orthognathic surgery is indicated for the treatment of significant skeletal malocclusions and facial dysmorphosis. Recent technological developments allow surgeons to virtually plan the orthognathic jaw movements. When producing intermediate splints, overlap between the upper and lower dentitions can occur. Autorotation of the mandible is often used as a solution for this problem. The purpose of this study was to present an optimized approach to fabricate digital intermediate splints based on the use of a scanned thick wax bite to overcome dental overlap during planning.Twenty patients (9 males and 11 females) undergoing bimaxillary orthognathic surgery participated in this prospective study. Planning of the maxillary movements was conducted by the same surgeon. The thick wax bite was scanned using an intraoral scanner and a special CBCT protocol. The fabrication of the intermediate splints was done by means of conventional model surgery and virtual 3D planning-printing. The splints were clinically assessed by comparing the digitally printed intermediate splints to the corresponding conventional set-up which served as the clinical standard. Moreover, reproducibility and comparison tests between the scanned wax bites were implemented.The root mean square (RMS) for the reproducibility and comparison tests was respectively 0,15 mm (SD 0,24 mm) and 0,19 mm (SD 0,08 mm). 19 out of the 20 intermediate digitally 3D printed splints were clinically accepted.This proposed protocol can be considered as an optimization to the current 3D planning protocols of bimaxillary orthognathic surgery.  相似文献   

Severely resorbed residual alveolar ridges are a challenge in rehabilitation with removable complete dentures. Increased interarch space may result in increased height of maxillary and/or mandibular dentures with corresponding increase in weight, which may compromise retention and resistance of the denture and ultimately, the success of the removable prosthesis. There are many techniques and materials described for reducing the weight of dentures. This article describes an innovative technique for fabricating hollow maxillary dentures using a 3D printed hollow dental surgical guide resin spacer. The double flask technique was used to construct the hollow denture and was modified to incorporate the hollow spacer at the time of final closure of flasks.  相似文献   

获得足够的釉质粘接是保证瓷贴面固位、边缘封闭及临床使用效果的共识性建议,牙体预备后,基牙的粘接面就确定下来。由于唇面釉质厚薄不均,常常存在或多或少的牙本质暴露,而分区识别粘接面上的釉质或牙本质(简称釉本)并采用“选择性酸蚀”使其获得最大粘接力的处理方式,将有助于提高瓷贴面的整体粘接强度。不同于以往“选择性酸蚀”裸眼识别釉本分区的不确定性和经验依赖,本技术方案通过第一个目标修复体空间定深导板控制预备深度,获得准确的釉本分区;并将其映射到第二个分区粘接导板里,依靠第二个导板分别对粘接面上的釉本进行不同处理,实现了精准的、可预期的瓷贴面的分区粘接,获得了更好的粘接效果。  相似文献   

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