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Enteral nutrition through a nasogastric tube is a technique often used with hospitalized patients when they present problems with oral nutrition. Patients receiving enteral nutrition show several kinds of complications such as diarrhoea, vomiting, constipation, lung aspiration, tube dislodgement, tube clogging, hyperglycaemia and electrolytic alterations. We present a prospective and observational study carried out in an Internal Medicine Unit with 64 patients who were fed by a nasogastric tube. From the results it can be seen that older people represented a majority (the average age was 76.2 years), and difficulty in swallowing was the main reason for beginning enteral nutrition. The complications which appeared were: tube dislodgement (48.5%); electrolytic alterations (45.5%); hyperglycaemia (34.5%); diarrhoea (32.8%); constipation (29.7%); vomiting (20.4%); tube clogging (12.5%); and lung aspiration (3.1%). We discuss the possible relationship between the different factors associated with the enteral nutrition procedure and the occurrence of these complications. Finally, some nursing interventions are suggested, such as: checking the gastric residue periodically; attempting to place the tube in the duodenum in unconscious patients; and the use of protective mittens in disturbed patients.  相似文献   

目的比较2种肠内营养混悬液应用于重症应激性高血糖患者肠内营养支持的临床效果。方法将46例重症应激性高血糖患者随机分成2组,每组23例。行手术治疗后,对照组给予肠内营养混悬液(TPF,能全力);观察组给予肠内营养混悬液(TPF-DM,康全力)。观察2组患者空腹血糖、甘油三酯水平的变化,并监测不良反应。结果营养支持第5天,对照组空腹血糖水平显著升高,第10天时虽有所下降,但仍维持在较高水平;而观察组营养支持前后空腹血糖水平无显著变化,2组比较差异显著。营养支持治疗后,2组甘油三酯水平均较治疗前无显著变化。2组不良反应发生率无显著差异。结论康全力可有效控制重症应激性高血糖患者血糖及甘油三酯水平,且安全性高,值得临床推广。  相似文献   

目的:探讨经皮内镜下胃造口术(percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy,PEG)在吞咽障碍患者家庭肠内营养中的临床应用价值及护理要点。方法:前瞻性观察28例采用鼻饲营养的吞咽障碍患者实施PEG术后行家庭肠内营养支持的一般情况、并发症情况及营养状态的变化。结果:28例患者均无PEG相关的严重并发症发生,2例患者出现轻微造口周围炎症,1例肉芽组织形成,1例导管脱出;所有患者和家属对PEG的评价为舒适、安全、方便;术后肺部感染发生率显著下降(由60.7%降至3.6%);术后营养状况迅速改善,术后3个月体重[由(45.75±8.09)kg升至(50.3±7.78)kg]、血浆白蛋白[由(35.19±2.70)g/L升至(39.83±3.04)g/L]、血红蛋白[由(89.48±15.49)g/L至(113.21±9.54)g/L]水平均有显著增长,P〈0.01。结论:PEG是舒适、安全的肠内营养途径,能显著降低肺部并发症,改善营养状况,适用于需要长期家庭肠内营养的吞咽障碍患者。  相似文献   

经皮内镜下胃造口患者家庭肠内营养的护理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨经皮内镜下胃造口术(percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy,PEG)在吞咽障碍患者家庭肠内营养中的临床应用价值及护理要点.方法 前瞻性观察28例采用鼻饲营养的吞咽障碍患者实施PEG术后行家庭肠内营养支持的一般情况、并发症情况及营养状态的变化.结果 28例患者均无PEG相关的严重并发症发生,2例患者出现轻微造口周围炎症,1例肉芽组织形成,1例导管脱出;所有患者和家属对PEG的评价为舒适、安全、方便;术后肺部感染发生率显著下降(由60.7%降至3.6%);术后营养状况迅速改善,术后3个月体重[由(45.75±8.09)kg升至(50.3±7.78)kg]、血浆白蛋白[由(35.19±2.70)g/L升至(39.83±3.04)g/L]、血红蛋白[由(89.48±15.49)g/L至(113.21±9.54)g/L]水平均有显著增长,P<0.01.结论 PEG是舒适、安全的肠内营养途径,能显著降低肺部并发症,改善营养状况,适用于需要长期家庭肠内营养的吞咽障碍患者.  相似文献   

目的 探讨早期肠内营养(enteral nutrition, EN)支持对接受机械通气治疗的急危重症患者的效果。方法 将急危重症患者70例,随机分为A组35例和B组35例。两组均进行常规治疗,A组给予早期肠内营养支持,B组于入院48 h后给予肠内营养支持。对治疗后的营养学指标、免疫学指标、营养不良发生率、呼吸机相关肺炎(VAP)发生率、机械通气时间及住院时间进行比较。结果 两组治疗后血红蛋白、血清清蛋白均较治疗前高,A组较B组高(P<0.05)。两组治疗后血清总蛋白均较治疗前低,A组较B组低(P<0.05)。两组治疗后免疫功能指标均显著改善(P<0.05)。A组免疫功能指标中的CD3+、CD4+、CD4/CD8水平均高于B组,CD8+水平低于B组(P<0.05)。治疗后A组营养不良发生率(8.57%)、VAP发生率(2.86%)均较B组不良反应发生率(42.86%)、VAP发生率(28.57%)低(P<0.05)。A组治疗后的机械通气时间和住院时间均较B组短(P<0.05)。结论 为有效预防机械通气治疗中急危重症患者发生营养不良,在常规药物治疗的基础上给予早期肠内营养支持具有较为显著的临床效果。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to gain a more comprehensive understanding of how the elderly cope with being sick, unhealthy and living alone. Qualitative research interviews using a hermeneutic approach was undertaken to explore how the patients experienced coping with their daily life. Twenty patients with an average age of 82 years having different injuries and diseases were interviewed. The interviews were audiotaped, transcribed and analysed in a hermeneutical tradition of the hermeneutic circle: part–whole, pre-understanding–understanding, and primary, secondary and basic themes. Findings showed that even if physical constraints put limits on their level of activity, the elderly were able to adapt and carry out different activities that did not require any physical strength. The main coping strategy was to accept the situation, but the acceptance was often coloured by a resigned and passive acceptance. If the elderly tend to be passive and resigned, it can be necessary for the community nurses to have a more active problem-solving approach to these patients, in order to help them creating a daily rhythm with which they can feel comfortable.  相似文献   

This article explores the home care nurses’ perceptions on the services they provide in Cyprus, which has been hit by a financial crisis. Semistructured interviews were conducted in Greek at the home care nurses’ offices. Data were analyzed using qualitative content analysis. The participants’ perceptions are described in terms of provision of home care nursing, administration of homecare nursing, job satisfaction, financial issues, and suggesting improvements. The financial crisis influences the home care services with regard to workload increase, staff shortage, and lack of resources. Home care nurses are well engaged in the provision of proper services in order to address the patients’ needs. However, the financial crisis has set obstacles in the provision of care.  相似文献   

Public policy and an increasing body of literature identify housing as a critical element in recovery. Without suitable housing, people have little chance of maintaining other resources in their lives, such as supportive relationships and meaningful activities. It is also public policy that carers are central to decision making. There is evidence in the literature that carers often make a significant contribution to consumers staying well. Unfortunately, carers often feel ignored and/or excluded from decision making. This study is part two of a two‐part study (see Browne et al. 2008 ). It used focus groups with seven carers to explore their perspectives on recovery, with a particular focus on housing needs. The participants agreed that quality housing is a critical element of recovery. They identified ‘safety and vulnerability’ and ‘stigma’ as the important issues to be considered. They recommended that supported housing be stable, that services come to the consumer, and that the safety of consumers be a priority. This study took place in Australia and the findings have relevance there, but there are also implications for mental health service delivery internationally.  相似文献   

目的探讨不同肠内营养时间选择对重症急性胰腺炎患者营养状况和临床结局的影响,为临床护士对重症急性胰腺炎患者何时进行肠内营养提供时间选择。方法以48 h为时间节点,对205例重症急性胰腺炎患者追踪血清白蛋白指标动态变化和临床结局变化。结果 48 h以内进行肠内营养患者的血清白蛋白计数在第5天及第10天持续显著上升,胰腺感染、多器官功能障碍综合征、肺炎和呼吸功能衰竭的发生降低,住院时间缩短,住院费用减少(P0.01或P0.05),但菌血症指标无统计学意义(P0.05)。结论对重症急性胰腺炎患者而言,48 h内早期启动肠内营养,可以降低胰腺感染、多器官功能障碍综合征、肺炎和呼吸衰竭的发生,缩短住院时间和降低住院费用。  相似文献   

目的 探讨标准化处理流程在ICU肠内营养后胃潴留患者中的应用效果.方法 选取2018年3月至2019年2月100例接受肠内营养后并发胃潴留的ICU患者作为对照组,给予胃潴留常规处理,2019年3月至2020年2月100例接受肠内营养后并发胃潴留的ICU患者作为观察组,给予胃潴留标准化处理流程,连续干预7 d后比较两组患...  相似文献   

目的探讨重症急性胰腺炎(SAP)早期经鼻空肠管行肠内营养支持的方法和护理措施。方法回顾分析37例SAP患者早期使用鼻空肠管行肠内营养支持和护理的临床资料。结果37例患者中,5例发生腹胀,3例发生轻度腹泻,37例均未发生误吸和SAP复发,全部痊愈出院。结论鼻空肠管是SAP患者行肠内营养支持的重要手段,做好鼻空肠管的日常护理,预防和处理各种并发症,是SAP患者肠内营养护理的关键内容。  相似文献   

黄彤  林丽华  冯碧英 《护理研究》2005,19(11):976-977
[目的]观察肠内营养支持对破伤风病人的干预作用。[方法]对3 3例破伤风病人(肠内营养组)于入院48h内给予肠内营养支持,观察其对营养指标以及对愈后的影响,并与未用肠内营养支持的3 8例破伤风病人(对照组)进行比较。[结果]肠内营养组病人在营养支持后,体重指数、上臂肌围、三头肌皮褶厚度均高于对照组,但无统计学意义(P >0 .0 5 ) ;对照组病人血红蛋白、血清蛋白和外周血淋巴细胞的下降较肠内营养组明显,有统计学意义(P <0 .0 5 ) ;肠内营养组并发症发生率(15 .2 % )低于对照组(3 9.5 % ) ,两组比较有统计学意义(P <0 .0 5 )。[结论]肠内营养支持可以改善破伤风病人营养状况,降低并发症发生率。  相似文献   

Purpose: Family carers provide the majority of home-based care for people with motor neurone disease (MND). Carers’ need for, and use of, support services are not fully understood; this study aimed to explore, from a qualitative perspective, the views of current and former family carers of people with MND. Methods: A qualitative study was undertaken in Northwest England, using narrative interviews with current (18) and former (10) carers of a family member with MND. An optional longitudinal element involving diary completion was offered to the current carers. Data were analyzed using a thematic framework approach. Results: Carer’s needs vary, but encompass the provision of information and training, availability of respite care, counselling, and access to trained paid-for carers. Conclusions: There is need for a range of support services to be made available from which carers can select those most appropriate for them. Some support services are not always available for carers of this client group. There is a need for carers to access greater manual handling and training for physical care. Without sufficient support, carer burden can be overwhelming which may impact on the place of care of the patient and ultimately has implications for health and social care services.

Implications for Rehabilitation

  • People with motor neurone disease have complex care needs with family carers providing the majority of home-based care.

  • This study has shown there is a need for increased training in manual handling and physical care for family carers.

  • Failure to properly support family carers increases the burden on them and if left unchecked may ultimately affect where the patient is cared for.

  • A range of support services are needed for family carers with clear signposting for them to select those most appropriate for their individual needs.


Aims and objectives. This study sought to assess the impact of a standardized protocol to maintain nasoenteral tube (NET) patency in patients requiring fluid restriction and identify factors associated with tube patency. Background. Nasoenteral tube obstruction may interrupt nutritional support and prohibit drug administration. Balancing NET patency in the context of fluid restriction can be a challenge. Design and methods. The impact of the standardized protocol was assessed by using a quasi‐experimental design and an historical control. Results. Sixty patients receiving nasoenteral feeding as part of their clinical management were enrolled in the study. Nasoenteral obstruction was 8·3%, showing a reduction from the 17·4% observed in the baseline data collection. A key factor associated with tube obstruction was sounding of an infusion pump alarm reflecting the tube patency issues. Conclusions. While mindful of the limitations of probability sampling, the implementation of a standardized protocol accompanied by staff training reduced the rates of NET obstruction. Relevance to clinical practice. On the basis of these findings, we conclude that it is possible to maintain the patency of small bore tubes, even in the presence of fluid restriction, with a standardized protocol to guide clinical management.  相似文献   

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