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流行病学调查发现,冬季气候变化可增加死亡危险,特别是体质虚弱的低体温老人。 低体温,是指人的体温降到35℃以下。一般人感到冷了会打寒战,起鸡皮疙瘩,以减少体内热量的散失。而老年人因为反应不明显,甚至没有反应,体内热量会因保暖不当而持续散失,使体温越来越低。有的老年人则因为睡眠不好而服用冬眠灵、安定、甲基多巴等镇静类药物,  相似文献   

在运动中,骨骼肌收缩表现出的机械能都来源于体内的化学能,而化学能在向机械能转化的过程中,其效率仅为1/3左右,其余2/3都成了热能。中等强度的活动所产生的热量可使人的体温在5~8分钟内升高1摄氏度,以此推算,在15~30分钟内体温即可达到致死水平。我们在现实生活中之所以不会碰到这种情况,是因为人体内有一个体温调节机制。热量产生后首先遇到的是机体内无处不在的水。水可以充分吸收热量,通过皮肤蒸发及汗液带走热量,使人体产热与散热保持平衡。但水分蒸发带走热量的同时也导致了水分的丧失。有资料显示:长跑运动员在训练比赛时,水分的丢…  相似文献   

正听说消化吸收食物,是需要消耗热量的。那如果食物提供的热量小于消化吸收消耗的热量,是不是越吃这种食物就能越瘦呢?理论上,真是这样。但食物的热效应一般不超过食物自身热量的30%,所以依旧有70%的热量会被吸收,怎么吃都不可能出现负数的。非要找出一种"负卡路里食物",可能就只有冰水了,本身热量是零,还得消耗一些热量让它升高到体温。但算一算,即使喝上五六杯冰水,也才能额外消耗不到20大卡的热量。  相似文献   

游泳是最好的减肥运动之一在12℃的水中如果停留4分钟所消耗的热量,相当于在同温度的居室内1小时消耗的热能。因为在水中,人体为了维持热量的平衡,补充散失的热量,身体就需要动用大量的能量物质来分解产热,维持体温的恒定,所以游泳时消耗的热量就会比平常要多。另外,水的密度比  相似文献   

探讨了水上搜救机营救任务系统所需达到的技术性能要求、设计原则,为研制水上搜救机营救任务系统提供依据,通过分析水上搜救飞机的特点、国内外现有装备水平,提出了水上搜救机营救任务系统设计原则、设计要求和设计方案,最后指出了设计的水上搜救飞机营救系统能满足水上搜救飞机的功能要求和环境要求。  相似文献   

张士鑫 《长寿》2011,(4):54
低体温,是指人的体温在35℃以下。由于老年人对寒冷的反应迟缓,体内产热减少,皮肤血管又不能很好地收缩,以致皮肤热量丢失,体温不能维持在正常水平,所以,低体温在老年人中较为常见。低体温会给健康带来危害。  相似文献   

褐色脂肪与构成人体大部分脂肪的白色脂肪不同,它非但不会储存热量,反而能够“燃烧”热量.因此被称为“好脂肪”,具有减肥的功效。新生儿体内的褐色脂肪可以“燃烧”热量,帮助保持体温。随着婴儿不断发育长大,这类脂肪在体内的水平会逐渐降低,被认为“完成了使命”。  相似文献   

盛夏,人们即使不做事情,也特别容易出汗,如果进行体力劳动或体育锻炼的话,出汗就更多了。这是因为夏天气温高,人体皮肤散热缓慢,导致体内热量积聚。如何减少体内热量?喝冷饮、游泳等是通过人体外部作用降热的,而出汗则是机体自身散热的重要方式。出汗可以带走机体的大量热量,从而降低了体温,避免了高热在体内的积  相似文献   

陈大夫:我的男朋友经常在野外干活,冬天他总让我送些酒给他喝,说喝点酒可以御寒。这种说法是否有道理?甘肃王盈王盈朋友:严冬季节,有些人在室外工作时总喜欢喝点白酒,以驱风寒、暖身骨。其实,这样做是不对的,因为每克酒精在体内氧化时释放的热量很少,对升高人的体温是微不足道的。酒精反而会刺激体温中枢,使体表血管扩张,血流加速,散发热量,这时虽然周身有热乎乎的感觉,但体内热量也同时散发了。因此,饮酒不仅不能御寒还更容易得感冒和被冻伤。你应该给男朋友送一些含热量高的食物如牛肉、狗肉等,还可以给他准备些厚毛衣、…  相似文献   

盛夏季节,在高温场所或烈日露天下劳动,容易发生中暑,必须认真防治,以保障劳动人民身体健康,有利于抓革命促生产。中暑是怎样发生的健康人的体温,由于受神经系统体温调节中枢的调节,使身体产热量和散热量基本保持平衡,这样体温经常保持恒定。在高温环境中工作,体温稍有升高是常见的,一般  相似文献   

本文总结所在医院医疗救援队赴青海省玉树藏族自治州,开展抗震救灾医疗救援的主要做法,探讨在高海拔高寒地区,科学应对救援部队的高原反应,加强后勤保障,顺应藏族民众民俗开展医疗救援的特点。  相似文献   

In spite of increased environmental cold stress, heat strain is possible also in a cold environment. The body heat balance depends on three factors: environmental thermal conditions, metabolic heat production and thermal insulation of clothing and other protective garments. As physical exercise may increase metabolic heat production from rest values by ten times or even more, the required thermal insulation of clothing may vary accordingly. However, in most outdoor work, and often in indoor cold work, too, the thermal insulation of clothing is impractical, difficult or impossible to adjust according to the changes in physical activity. This is especially true with whole body covering garments like chemical protective clothing. As a result of this imbalance, heat strain may develop. In cold all the signs of heat strain (core temperature above 38 degrees C, warm or hot thermal sensations, increased cutaneous circulation and sweating) may not be present at the same time. Heat strain in cold may be whole body heat strain or related only to torso or core temperature. Together with heat strain in torso or body core, there can be at the same time even cold strain in peripheral parts and/or superficial layers of the body. In cold environment both the preservation of insulation and facilitation of heat loss are important. Development of clothing design is still needed to allow easy adjustments of thermal insulation.  相似文献   

体温输液的目的是将要输液的液体温度加热至人体温度后,再输入人体。而常规输液由于输入液体温度低于人体血液温度,致使病人出现肢体发冷、发麻、全身发冷等不良反应。采用的方法是,通过变压器将市电220V电压,变为安全电压,再经STC12C5A60S2单片机自动控制,调节输出电压,通过电加热板,对输液液体进行加热。加热温度在36.5OC以下,输液液体温度由温度传感器检测,反馈至单片机,并由显示电路进行温度指示,同时通过单片机改变加热电流的大小,达到自动恒温输液的要求。使用中温度稳定,使用方便。在输液过程中改变液体的流速,加热的温度也能自动限制在要求范围内。  相似文献   

目的分析飞机高空颠簸时旅客受伤特点,以便提供更好的临床救治方案。方法回顾性分析飞机在高空发生气流颠簸与造成人员受伤的情况,从受伤人群、检伤分类、受伤疾病种类、伤员转送等方面进行详细分析并提供相应策略。结果31人受伤中,旅客受伤26人,机组人员受伤5人;单处伤21人,多处伤10人,颈部软组织挫伤最多见(共9人),其次为颈部软组织扭伤(共8人),第三为腰部软组织挫伤及头部软组织挫伤(均为7人)。伤员被同时分流送往三间不同医院救治。结论飞机高空颠簸时,受伤人数众多,伤情有其特殊性,救治必须讲求方法。开放飞机所有舱门,大量医务人员同时进入机舱内救治,检伤、治疗、转运同时进行,伤员转送到多间医院治疗等是最佳策略。  相似文献   

目的分析飞机高空颠簸时旅客受伤特点,以便提供更好的临床救治方案。方法回顾性分析飞机在高空发生气流颠簸与造成人员受伤的情况,从受伤人群、检伤分类、受伤疾病种类、伤员转送等方面进行详细分析并提供相应策略。结果31人受伤q-,旅客受伤26人,机组人员受伤5人;单处伤21人,多处伤10人,颈部软组织挫伤最多见(共9人),其次为颈部软组织扭伤(共8人),第三为腰部软组织挫伤及头部软组织挫伤(均为7人)。伤员被同时分流送往三间不同医院救治。结论飞机高空颠簸时,受伤人数众多,伤情有其特殊性,救治必须讲求方法。开放飞机所有舱门,大量医务人员同时进入机舱内救治,检伤、治疗、转运同时进行.伤员转送到多间医院治疗等是最佳策略。  相似文献   

A climatic exposure was conducted for the 52 rescue brigadesmen of a mine while they wore flame protective clothing. We looked for individual parameters allowing prediction of tolerated exposure times in the climate tested. Of all individual parameters, only body temperature at the end of the Stoklossa heat tolerance test and physical fitness showed significant influence on the tolerated exposure time, although not very strongly. Age, body mass, and Body Mass Index showed no significant influence on the tolerated exposure time. It was found during a longitudinal study that the tolerance time within the climate for four subjects showed considerable variations, and so it was decided neither to take the result of the heat tolerance test as admittance criterion for the mine rescue service nor to perform a ranking of brigadesmen with respect to heat tolerance by this test.  相似文献   

People, for a long time exposed to cold and physical training or cold only, exhibit strengthening of thermal regulatory reactions aimed at the preservation of heat in the body in the state of rest, as well as during muscular tension. Adaptation of the organism to cold in the situation of limited motor activity lead to the increase of the thickness of the body "cover" under the conditions of rest in the cold due to the decrease of the temperature of skeletal muscles, while physical training in the cold facilitates stabilization of muscular temperature and, correspondingly, lessening of the thickness of the "cover". At the initial stage of muscular activity thermal regulatory reactions of the organism are aimed at the decrease in heat emission, which promotes accelerated heating of the muscles.  相似文献   

A large body of published data was analyzed to determine the concentrations of DHA, vitamins B12 and D, iodine, selenium in seafood (finfish and shellfish, wild and farmed, seawater and freshwater). The data on apparent consumption per inhabitant were taken from statistics prepared by OFIMER. This was used to determine the mean consumption of the main products of seafood in France in 2004 and the mean intakes of people aged 65 years and over. Not enough seafood is consumed by older people, according to the French recommended dietary allowances (french RDA), seafood provides 25% of the vitamin D RDA, 56% of the vitamin B12 RDA, 28% of iodine RDA, 23% of selenium RDA and 203% of DHA french RDA. For DHA, mean intake is aprox. 100% of international RDA. Seafood is the only class of food that provides major fractions of all these elements. We therefore recommend that older people increase their consumption of seafood to counteract the potential problems due to the low concentrations of these elements in their usual diets; this could overcome a potentially major public health problem. All elderly people would benefit from an increased intake of vitamin D and B12, iodine and selenium. Although some segments of the population seem not to lack DHA, others, such as those whose socio-economic positions or life styles restrict their seafood intakes, would benefit greatly from an increased intake of this omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid.  相似文献   

Epidemiological studies on the impact of determining environmental factors on human health have proved that temperature extremes and variability constitute mortality risk factors. However, few studies focus specifically on susceptible individuals living in Portuguese urban areas. This study aimed to estimate and assess the health burden of temperature-attributable mortality among age groups (0–64 years; 65–74 years; 75–84 years; and 85+ years) in Lisbon Metropolitan Area, from 1986–2015. Non-linear and delayed exposure–lag–response relationships between temperature and mortality were fitted with a distributed lag non-linear model (DLNM). In general, the adverse effects of cold and hot temperatures on mortality were greater in the older age groups, presenting a higher risk during the winter season. We found that, for all ages, 10.7% (95% CI: 9.3–12.1%) deaths were attributed to cold temperatures in the winter, and mostly due to moderately cold temperatures, 7.0% (95% CI: 6.2–7.8%), against extremely cold temperatures, 1.4% (95% CI: 0.9–1.8%). When stratified by age, people aged 85+ years were more burdened by cold temperatures (13.8%, 95% CI: 11.5–16.0%). However, for all ages, 5.6% of deaths (95% CI: 2.7–8.4%) can be attributed to hot temperatures. It was observed that the proportion of deaths attributed to exposure to extreme heat is higher than moderate heat. As with cold temperatures, people aged 85+ years are the most vulnerable age group to heat, 8.4% (95% CI: 3.9%, 2.7%), and mostly due to extreme heat, 1.3% (95% CI: 0.8–1.8%). These results provide new evidence on the health burdens associated with alert thresholds, and they can be used in early warning systems and adaptation plans.Supplementary InformationThe online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s11524-021-00536-z.  相似文献   

Fertility surveys have rarely asked people who are using contraception about the contraceptive method they would like to be using, implicitly assuming that those who are contracepting are using the method they want. In this commentary, we review evidence from a small but growing body of work that oftentimes indicates this assumption is untrue. Discordant contraceptive preferences and use are relatively common, and unsatisfied preferences are associated with higher rates of method discontinuation and subsequent pregnancy. We argue that there is opportunity to center autonomy and illuminate the need for and quality of services by building on this research and investing in the development of survey items that assess which method people would like to use, as well as their reasons for nonpreferred use. The widespread adoption of questions regarding method preferences could bring indicators of reproductive health services into closer alignment with the needs of the people they serve.  相似文献   

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