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应用于远程医疗的远程家庭监护设备的发展   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
以美国、英国、加拿大等发达国家远程医疗历史发展为背景,介绍当前国际国内远程家庭监护的发展和现状,提出远程家庭监护设备的理想设计要求和特点,分析目前推广现有远程家庭监护技术的问题所在,在探讨目前处于发展中的远程家庭监护设备市场和卫生领域远程家庭监护设备应用现状后,借鉴并支持医院信息化和远程医学统一发展的观点,并就信息技术的发展前景和生物传感器的发展进一步探讨今后家庭远程监护发展趋势。  相似文献   

近日,在南昌大学第一附属医院远程医疗会诊中心,该院副院长王共先与参加过南极科考保健工作的3名医生,通过远程医疗设备,成功联通了中国第30次科学考察队。据介绍,这是我国首次将远程医疗网络延伸到极地。  相似文献   

此软件专门针对CT、X光机和超声系统等医疗设备而设计,用来保护受病毒、蠕虫和木马威胁的系统设备。软件通过受保护的数据线传输到医院的IT系统,并定期更新。为确保病毒防护软件的预前发布,用户需要利用西门子远程服务——医疗设备远程维护的高效基础设施,西门子远程服务也可用于Guardian软件。该软件全天候监测并分析诊断成像系统。  相似文献   

SDI信号无线传输的实现在远程医疗系统的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈科光  杨海涛  覃卫 《医疗装备》2010,23(11):27-28
日前,美国《Medical Device Today》报导了二十一世纪值得开发的十类医疗器械。其中:远程医疗系统是最值得开发的一项。针对目前市面上很少SDI信号无线传输设备,我们设计出符合CVBS信号、又符合SDI信号的无线传输设备应用到远程医疗系统中,下面介绍SDI无线传输的设计。  相似文献   

目的 分析我国二级医院远程医疗服务运营管理情况,为远程医疗在医院的良性运行提供科学依据.方法 研究采用PPS抽样方法,于2018年8—10月调查全国二级医院远程医疗运营管理情况,采用卡方检验和方差分析比较不同地区二级医院远程医疗运营管理情况差异.结果 研究收集了29个省(自治区、直辖市)的187家二级医院远程医疗运营管...  相似文献   

目的:通过对宿迁地区不同级别医疗机构医学影像科的基本情况进行调查,为该市推进远程影像会诊系统建设提供依据。方法:对全市150家医院发放问卷进行调查,调查内容包括影像科的设备配置情况和医生数量、年龄、受教育程度及职称情况。结果:宿迁市各级医疗机构DR、CT和MRI等数字化影像设备覆盖面广,但影像专业人才分布不均衡。其中,三级医院集中了全市大部分优质影像专业人才,一、二级医院影像专业人才短缺,并且存在学历层次低,年龄结构和职称结构不合理等情况。结论:建设区域性远程影像会诊系统是解决医疗资源配置不均衡的有效途径,有利于促进优质医疗资源下沉和分级诊疗制度落实。  相似文献   

目的开发能远程控制数字X线摄影(DR)设备的远程拍片系统。方法采用嵌入式技术开发控制主机,利用广域网将社区医院DR室的影像、声音信息等传输到中心医院,并将中心医院的控制指令下传到社区医院的DR设备。结果应用结果表明,该系统实现了中心医院对社区医院DR设备的远程控制。结论该系统能满足DR设备远程拍片的需求,有较大的社会应用价值。  相似文献   

我国PACS和远程影像学存在的问题和解决对策的探讨   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
笔者分析我国图像存储与通讯系统(Picture Archiving and Communication System,PACS)和远程影像学的现状,发现我国建立PACS的基本条件尚不完全具备,如存在的设备质量良莠不齐,尚无国家质量标准,以普通显示器代替高分辨率诊断专用显示器,计算机软硬件和图像存储介质更新换代过快使医院的投入产出比和经济效益降低,国内厂家规模较小和技术力量有限难以可持续发展等问题。提出了解决问题的对策:医院建立PACS最好分阶段实施,PACS和远程 系统必须装备高分辨诊断专用显示器,尽早建立PACS和远程影像学设备的国家质量标准,推动国内大型企业生产PACS和远程影像学设备,或与国外大公司建立合资公司,并与大型教学医院建立长期研发伙伴关系,以实现我国PACS和远程影像学的可持续发展战略。  相似文献   

目的:构建X线计算机体层摄影设备(以下简称CT)质量控制远程监管评价系统,以改变现有的保障模式。方法:依托军队网络传输数据,实现医院与监管机构的信息互动。结果:该远程监管评价系统增进了监管的连续性和时效性,实现了动态及时的高效运行模式,并可保证数据传输的安全可靠。结论:该系统实现了CT质量控制远程监管,为大型设备的质量控制远程监管评价系统的构建打下了坚实基础。  相似文献   

军事远程医学应用现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着通讯、电子和计算机技术的不断提高,远程医学作为医学和通讯结合的产物,有着广阔的发展前景。目前,远程医学在军事上主要应用于远程会诊、远程教育和远程手术等,远程会诊和远程教育更是有了突破性的进展。此外,对远程医学的应用方式,包括从单兵到后方医院的必要软、硬件进行了介绍,最后对我军远程医学的发展方向进行展望。  相似文献   

日本使用的高速通讯媒介CT移动车在为远程医疗服务   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍一种正在日本使用的为执行特定的远程医疗任务而设计的流动车,该流动车由螺旋CT设备、配套检查设备及各种通讯设备组成。可进行医疗检查、CT扫描并能将图像数据/远程会议传送到医疗中心。该设备是由日本松本远程通讯发展组织和日本松本Shinshu大学医院在1995年联合研制的。Shinsbu大学医院建立松本医院研究中心(MRC),提供了移动远程医疗服务系统。流动系统执行的特定任务是为偏远地区提供全面医疗服务及肺癌的早期检测。  相似文献   

We have developed a telemedicine project called Telesurgex, which is an integrated information system designed for several hospitals as well as the Minimally Invasive Surgery Centre. The project researches and develops telemedicine systems (both hardware and software) and their contents, ensuring that they are really useful and not just a videoconference with medical topics. Another aim of the project is the improvement of teleteaching systems as applied to medicine, mainly teleteaching of minimally invasive surgical techniques.  相似文献   

建立服务于远程医疗系统的区域性的医疗信息交换中心   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
本文以海南省远程医疗系统的建设的规划方案为基础,在分析了当前国内外远程医疗技术发展现状的情况下,提出了建设一种基于Internet的区域性医疗信息交换中心的基本构想,并着重探讨了建立基于Internet的区域性医疗信息交换中心总体目标、系统结构及其对远程医疗系统建设的重要意义等问题。其意义在于探索如何有效地利用计算机信息处理技术,不断拓展大型综合医院的医疗技术服务空间,从而建立起一种新型医疗技术服务模式。  相似文献   

To provide patients with easy-access telemedicine services in Palestine, a simple and low-cost telemedicine system has been established. The system is based on a star topology network between local hospitals and a main telemedicine centre. In a pilot trial, a computerized tomography image was transmitted from a local hospital connected to the telemedicine service centre by ISDN (128 kbit/s). A videoconferencing discussion between the two ends was held. The performance of the system was satisfactory. The transmission time for a 1 MByte image was about 60 s. A conference was conducted to discuss this real clinical case by use of interactive sharing of the medical record. The session lasted 20 min. Encouraging results were obtained. The pilot study suggests that telemedicine can overcome existing isolation problems of cities and villages and the difficulties of transferring patients from one location to another.  相似文献   

This paper presents a case study on the adoption of telemedicine in Rwanda. Three key constructs which influence adoption and use of telemedicine technologies are theoretically reviewed and examined in these projects: technology readiness, organization readiness, and government readiness. The research examined the national telemedicine project which has been implemented in three hospitals.Data was collected through semi-structured interviews with stakeholders associated with the project and an in-depth review of related documentation and reports of the project. The study found that Rwanda has developed basic telemedicine capabilities in using video conferencing to enhance a participatory approach in teaching and facilitating continuous medical education and training. The findings suggest that the commitment of government to telemedicine, the strategic choice of using low-cost and less complex technologies, and strategic partnerships with educational and technology companies are factors which have influenced telemedicine implementation in Rwanda.  相似文献   

远程医疗系统将新兴的计算机和多媒体技术应用到传统医疗行业,近年来获得了快速的发展。本设计的远程会诊系统通过字、图象和语音的交互,实现了不同地域的医疗专家同时会诊。  相似文献   

Success and failure: a case study of two rural telemedicine projects   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We studied two rural telemedicine projects in the state of Michigan: one that enjoyed success and steady growth in activity, and one that experienced frustration and a lack of clinical utilization. Multiple data collection strategies were employed during study periods, which lasted approximately one year. Both projects enjoyed a grassroots approach and had dedicated project coordinators. However, the more successful project benefited from resources and expertise not available to the less successful project. In addition, the more successful project possessed a more formalized organizational structure for the telemedicine application. A comparison of the two projects leads to a simple conclusion. Telemedicine programmes are positioned within larger health organizations and do not operate in a vacuum. It is crucial that the organization in which it is intended to launch telemedicine is examined carefully first. Each organization operates within a larger environment, which is often constrained by fiscal, geographical and personnel factors. All these will affect the introduction of telemedicine.  相似文献   

为解决医疗资源分布不均的问题,通过对安徽省医疗影像云项目"政府主导,企业和专家参与,市场化运营"的"四位一体"建设模式进行研究、探索和成效分析,充分利用医改政策优势,解决遇到的难题,为远程医疗服务走进基层,推动全国远程医疗影像云建设的发展提供了新思路.  相似文献   

In 1997, a telemedicine project began in Kansas which brought health-care directly into elementary schools using interactive video-links. The project initially involved four schools, but was expanded to cover 10 schools, including two middle and one high school. We examined the organizational issues related to telemedicine links to schools. Specific attention was paid to the perceptions of the nurses, teachers and key administrators. The research involved analysing archive data and interviewing participants in the project from the schools and the medical centre. The results showed the difficulties in delivering health-care, especially by telemedicine, to under-served urban children. However, the data also revealed that these can be overcome. Once they had experienced it at first hand, almost all concerned began to see telemedicine as an effective and important asset to the delivery of health-care.  相似文献   

Scott L 《Modern healthcare》1994,24(48):34-5, 38, 40-1
Although vast sums of money have been pumped into telemedicine demonstration projects, and studies project millions in savings, the promises are still unproven. Researchers are just starting to sort out when telemedicine makes sense and how much it will cost.  相似文献   

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