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Synaptic transmission was examined in the plexiform zone of Octopus vulgaris optic lobes using field-potential recording from optic lobe slices. Stimulation of the optic nerve produced pre- and postsynaptic field potentials. Transmission was abolished in calcium-free seawater, L- glutamate or the AMPA/Kainate receptor blocker CNQX (EC(50), 40 microm), leaving an intact presynaptic field potential. ACh markedly reduced or blocked and d-tubocurarine augmented both pre- and postsynaptic field potentials, while alpha-bungarotoxin and atropine were without effect. Paired-pulse stimulation showed short-term depression of pre- and postsynaptic components with a half-time of recovery of approximately 500 ms. The depression was partially relieved in the presence of d-tubocurarine (half-time of recovery, 350 ms). No long-term changes in synaptic strength were induced by repetitive stimulation. A polyclonal antibody raised against a squid glutamate receptor produced positive staining in the third radial layer of the plexiform zone. No positive staining was observed in the other layers. Taking into account previous morphological data and our results, we propose that the excitatory terminations of the photoreceptors are in the innermost layer of the plexiform zone where the transmitter is likely to be glutamate and postsynaptic receptors are AMPA/kainate-like. Thus, the function of the terminal bags is to provide a location for a presynaptic cholinergic inhibitory shunt. The results imply that this arrangement provides a temporal filter for visual processing and enhances the perception of moving vs. stationary objects.  相似文献   

The synaptic organization of inhibitory systems in the pigeon's optic tectum was studied with intracellular recording techniques. An extrapolation procedure based on response latency was used to determine the synaptic delay of the postsynaptic potentials (PSPs) and the velocity of conduction of the associated retinal axons. Tectal cells receive mostly disynaptic, trisynaptic or polysynaptic inhibition from retinal ganglion cells. However, evidence was found which together with previous studies raised the possibility of the existence of a direct inhibitory retino-tectal path. Our present results also suggest that inhibition is transmitted from the retina to the tectal cells by way of both, feedforward and feedback pathways.  相似文献   

The synaptic connections within the lamina, the first of the optic neuropiles underlying the insect's compound eye, have been little studied in Drosophila melanogaster until now, despite the genetic advantages of this animal. Here we report the reconstruction through its entire depth of one of the lamina modules, or cartridges, of a female wild-type Drosophila, for which a series of EM cross sections was analysed at levels extending from the retinal basement membrane to the first optic chiasma. A complete, comprehensive catalogue of the synaptic connections of all columnar elements has been compiled from this single series, confirmed from comparisons with less completely photographed cartridges. Combinations of the 12 types of cartridge neurons form divergent multiple-contact synapses (dyads, triads, and tetrads) throughout the lamina's depth. These 12 neuron types include 11 narrow-field elements (one class of receptor terminal, R1-R6, providing input to the cartridge; two types of long visual fiber from the ommatidium, R7 and R8; five types of monopolar cell, L1-5; and three types of medulla cell--two centrifugal neurons C2 and C3, and a third, T1) as well as a wide-field intrinsic or amacrine cell. Connections within the lamina formed by L4 from two adjacent cartridges (posterodorsal and posteroventral) contribute to the matrix of connections. In addition, connections of at least one other wide-field element have also been incorporated.  相似文献   

Presumed cholinergic projection neurons (PNs) in the brain of the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster, immunoreactive to choline acetyltransferase (ChAT), convey olfactory information between the primary sensory antennal lobe neuropile and the mushroom body calyces, and finally terminate in the lateral horn (LH) neuropile. The texture and synaptic connections of ChAT PNs in the LH and, comparatively, in the smaller mushroom body calyces were investigated by immuno light and electron microscopy. The ChAT PN fibers of the massive inner antennocerebral tract (iACT) extend into all portions of the LH, distributing in a nonrandom fashion. Immunoreactive boutons accumulate in the lateral margins of the LH, whereas the more proximal LH exhibits less intense immunolabeling. Boutons with divergent presynaptic sites, unlabeled as well as ChAT-immunoreactive, appear to be the preponderant mode of synaptic input throughout the LH. Synapses of ChAT-labeled fibers appear predominantly as divergent synaptic boutons (diameters 1-3 microm), connected to unlabeled postsynaptic profiles, or alternatively as a minority of tiny postsynaptic spines (diameters 0.05-0.5 microm) among unlabeled profiles. Together these spines encircle unidentified presynaptic boutons of interneurons which occupy large areas of the LH. Thus, synaptic circuits in the LH differ profoundly from those of the PNs in the mushroom body calyx, where ChAT spines have not been encountered. Synaptic contacts between LH ChAT elements were not observed. The synaptic LH neuropile may serve as an output area for terminals of the ChAT PNs, their presynaptic boutons providing input to noncholinergic relay neurons. The significance of the postsynaptic neurites of the ChAT PNs is discussed; either local or other interneurons might connect the ChAT PNs within the LH, or PNs might receive inputs arising from outside the LH.  相似文献   

Retinal terminal profiles in the goldfish optic tectum were identified electron microscopically after (1) labeling with horseradish peroxidase and (2) in the early stages of degeneration in short-term eye enucleates. All labeled terminals shared certain common morphological characteristics which were identical to those of a population of terminals in normal tecta. Terminals of this type disappeared 30 days after enucleation of the contralateral eye. Retinal terminal presynaptic profiles were characterized by (1) round and oval synaptic vesicles; (2) mitochondria with irregular, randomly oriented cristae, large intracristal spaces, dilated membrane spaces, and primarily light matrices; (3) a wide range in profile area, 0.06–6.82 μm2; (4) large numbers of synaptic vesicles per profile area 168± 33 synaptic vesicles per μm2; (5) asymmetric synapses; and (6) multiple synaptic contacts (1.46 ± 0.73 per terminal profile). The postsynaptic elements included both dendritic and, less commonly, pleomorphic vesicle-containing profiles. The majority of postsynaptic dendritic profiles were small (0.01–0.40 μm2). Serial synaptic contacts were occasionally seen. The combination of vesicular and mitochondrial morphology (1 and 2 above) was necessary and sufficient to establish the retinal origin of a terminal, but use of such criteria would underestimate the number of retinotectal terminals by omitting those which did not have a mitochondrion in the plane of section. The number of such terminals was calculated from independent measurements, and the total number of retinal terminal profiles per area of neuropil was estimated.  相似文献   

In Drosophila melanogaster olfactory sensory neurons (OSNs) establish synapses with projection neurons (PNs) and local interneurons within antennal lobe (AL) glomeruli. Substantial knowledge regarding this circuitry has been obtained by functional studies, whereas ultrastructural evidence of synaptic contacts is scarce. To fill this gap, we studied serial sections of three glomeruli using electron microscopy. Ectopic expression of a membrane‐bound peroxidase allowed us to map synaptic sites along PN dendrites. Our data prove for the first time that each of the three major types of AL neurons is both pre‐ and postsynaptic to the other two types, as previously indicated by functional studies. PN dendrites carry a large proportion of output synapses, with approximately one output per every three input synapses. Detailed reconstructions of PN dendrites showed that these synapses are distributed unevenly, with input and output sites partially segregated along a proximal–distal gradient and the thinnest branches carrying solely input synapses. Moreover, our data indicate synapse clustering, as we found evidence of dendritic tiling of PN dendrites. PN output synapses exhibited T‐shaped presynaptic densities, mostly arranged as tetrads. In contrast, output synapses from putative OSNs showed elongated presynaptic densities in which the T‐bar platform was supported by several pedestals and contacted as many as 20 postsynaptic profiles. We also discovered synaptic contacts between the putative OSNs. The average synaptic density in the glomerular neuropil was about two synapses/µm3. These results are discussed with regard to current models of olfactory glomerular microcircuits across species. J. Comp. Neurol. 524:1920–1956, 2016. © 2016 The Authors The Journal of Comparative Neurology Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Retinal projections in rats were studied using anterograde horseradish peroxidase (HRP) tracing and electron microscopic (EM) degeneration. HRP-labeled axons were observed to leave the optic tract in the vicinity of the lateral geniculate nucleus and enter the stria terminalis where they coursed anteriorly to the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST), and the anterodorsal (TAD) and anteroventral (TAV) thalamic nuclei. After enucleation, selected areas studied with EM confirmed that retinal presynaptic terminals are located in the BNST and TAV. These results support the finding of Conrad and Stumpf that the retina has a direct link to the limbic system2.  相似文献   

In patients with temporal lobe epilepsy some dentate granule cells develop basal dendrites. The extent of excitatory synaptic input to basal dendrites is unclear, nor is it known whether basal dendrites receive inhibitory synapses. We used biocytin to intracellularly label individual granule cells with basal dendrites in epileptic pilocarpine-treated rats. An average basal dendrite had 3.9 branches, was 612 microm long, and accounted for 16% of a cell's total dendritic length. In vivo intracellular labeling and postembedding GABA-immunocytochemistry were used to evaluate synapses with basal dendrites reconstructed from serial electron micrographs. An average of 7% of 1,802 putative synapses were formed by GABA-positive axon terminals, indicating synaptogenesis by interneurons. Ninety-three percent of the identified synapses were GABA-negative. Most GABA-negative synapses were with spines, but at least 10% were with dendritic shafts. Multiplying basal dendrite length/cell and synapse density yielded an estimate of 180 inhibitory and 2,140 excitatory synapses per granule cell basal dendrite. Based on previous estimates of synaptic input to granule cells in control rats, these findings suggest an average basal dendrite receives approximately 14% of the total inhibitory and 19% of excitatory synapses of a cell. These findings reveal that basal dendrites are a novel source of inhibitory input, but they primarily receive excitatory synapses.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of the optic lobes of carp (Carassius carassius) is outlined, and the terminal degeneration after lesions of the optic nerve, tectal commissure, cerebellum, forebrain, spinal cord, and labyrinth is described in relation to the seven layers that may be distinguished ultrastructurally. Optic fibers enter at the top of the tectum in the optic layer and terminate mainly in the external grey layer. Commissural fibers enter in the deep white zone at the bottom of the tectum and ascend to terminate mainly in the fibrous marginal layer, with smaller numbers throughout the deeper layers. Other afferents enter mainly in the deep white zone with smaller numbers of forebrain, cerebellar, and labyrinthine fibers entering in the optic layer. These have sparse terminations throughout the other tectal layers.  相似文献   

In rats that had been anesthetized by urethane-chloralose, we investigated whether neurons in the rostral part of the parvicellular reticular formation (rRFp) mediate lingual nerve input to the rostral ventrolateral medulla (RVLM), which is involved in somato-visceral sensory integration and in controlling the cardiovascular system. We determined the effect of the lingual nerve stimulation on activity of the rRFp neurons that were activated antidromically by stimulation of the RVLM. Stimulation of the lingual trigeminal afferent gave rise to excitatory effects (10/26, 39%), inhibitory effects (6/26, 22%) and no effect (10/26, 39%) on the RVLM-projecting rRFp neurons. About two-thirds of RVLM-projecting rRFp neurons exhibited spontaneous activity; the remaining one-third did not. A half (13/26) of RVLM-projecting rRFp neurons exhibited a pulse-related activity, suggesting that they receive a variety of peripheral and CNS inputs involved in cardiovascular function. We conclude that the lingual trigeminal input exerts excitatory and/or inhibitory effects on a majority (61%) of the RVLM-projecting rRFp neurons, and their neuronal activity may be involved in the cardiovascular responses accompanied by the defense reaction.  相似文献   

The accessory optic system (AOS) was studied in an anthropoid primate by using anterograde transport of tritiated amino acids and autoradiographic techniques. The course of the accessory optic tract (AOT) and the retinal projection to the terminal nuclei are described in the gibbon and compared to that of other mammals. The AOT consists of a superior fasciculus, which includes both an anterior and a posterior fiber branch. An inferior fasciculus of the AOT is absent. In contrast to previous reports in haplorhine primates, which describe the AOS as consisting of only the dorsal (DTN) and the lateral (LTN) terminal nuclei, we find that in the gibbon, three cellular groups receive a bilateral projection, predominantly from the contralateral retina. According to cytoarchitecture and topographic location, two of these nuclei correspond to the DTN and the LTN. The third cellular group, situated dorsomedial to the substantia nigra, receives a distinct retinal projection and extends rostrocaudally for 2.0 mm in the mesencephalon. This nucleus is homologous to the dorsal division of the medial terminal nucleus (MTN) in other mammals. There was no evidence for a ventral division of the MTN, which in nonprimates is typically situated at the ventromedial base of the cerebral peduncle. Examination of brain morphology in primates suggests that the ventral division of the MTN has been displaced from its phylogenetically stable location in the medial part of the ventral midbrain to a more dorsal position. This shift appears to be a consequence of the overall morphological influences resulting from the relative enlargement of the pons in this region. The demonstration of a direct retinal projection to the MTN in the gibbon, as well as recent reports in other primates, indicates that a complete AOS consisting of three terminal nuclei is a feature common to all mammals.  相似文献   

The anterior visual pathway (AVP) conducts visual information from the medulla of the optic lobe via the anterior optic tubercle (AOTU) and bulb (BU) to the ellipsoid body (EB) of the central complex. The anatomically defined neuron classes connecting the AOTU, BU, and EB represent discrete lineages, genetically and developmentally specified sets of cells derived from common progenitors (Omoto et al., Current Biology, 27, 1098–1110, 2017). In this article, we have analyzed the formation of the AVP from early larval to adult stages. The immature fiber tracts of the AVP, formed by secondary neurons of lineages DALcl1/2 and DALv2, assemble into structurally distinct primordia of the AOTU, BU, and EB within the late larval brain. During the early pupal period (P6–P48) these primordia grow in size and differentiate into the definitive subcompartments of the AOTU, BU, and EB. The primordium of the EB has a complex composition. DALv2 neurons form the anterior EB primordium, which starts out as a bilateral structure, then crosses the midline between P6 and P12, and subsequently bends to adopt the ring shape of the mature EB. Columnar neurons of the central complex, generated by the type II lineages DM1‐4, form the posterior EB primordium. Starting out as an integral part of the fan‐shaped body primordium, the posterior EB primordium moves forward and merges with the anterior EB primordium. We document the extension of neuropil glia around the nascent EB and BU, and analyze the relationship of primary and secondary neurons of the AVP lineages.  相似文献   

The possibility that substance P (SP)-immunoreactive axon terminals in the nucleus tractus solitarius (NTS) make synaptic contacts onto NTS neurons projecting to the catecholaminergic cell region in the caudal ventrolateral medulla oblongata (CVLM) was examined in the rat using a retrograde tract-tracing method combined with immunohistochemistry. After injection of a retrograde tracer, wheat germ agglutinin-conjugated horseradish peroxidase-colloidal gold complex (WGA-HRP-gold), into the CVLM region where tyrosine hydroxylase-immunoreactive neurons were situated, many retrogradely labeled neurons were detected in the dorsal parts of the NTS, especially at levels between 1.0 mm caudal and 0.5 mm rostral to the obex. Immunoelectron microscopy revealed synaptic contacts between SP-immunoreactive axon terminals and WGA-HRP-gold-labeled neurons in the NTS. These findings indicated that SP regulates NTS neurons which project to the catecholaminergic cell region of the CVLM. ©1997 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

We have investigated the localization of Nogo, an inhibitory protein acting on regenerating axons in the adult central nervous system, in the embryonic mouse retinofugal pathway during the major period of axon growth into the optic chiasm. In the retina, Nogo protein was localized on the neuroepithelial cells at E12 and at later stages (E13-E17) on radial glial cells. Colocalization studies showed expression of Nogo on vimentin-positive glia in the retina and at the optic nerve head but not on most of the TuJ1- and islet-1-immunoreactive neurons. Only a few immature neurons in the ventricular and peripheral regions of the E13 retina were immunoreactive to Nogo. In the ventral diencephalon, Nogo was expressed on radial glia, most strongly on the dense radial glial midline raphe within the chiasm where uncrossed axons turn and in the initial segment of the optic tract. In vitro studies showed that the Nogo receptor (NgR) was expressed on the neurites and growth cones from both the ventral temporal and dorsal nasal quadrant of the retina. In the optic pathway, NgR staining was obvious in the vitreal regions of the retina and on axons in the optic stalk and the optic tract, but not in the chiasm. These expression patterns suggest an interaction of Nogo with its receptor in the mouse retinofugal pathway, which may be involved in guiding axons into the optic pathway and in governing the routing of axons in the optic chiasm.  相似文献   

In flies, the large tangential cells of the lobula plate represent an important processing center for visual navigation based on optic flow. Although the visual response properties of these cells have been well studied in blowflies, information on their synaptic organization is mostly lacking. Here we study the distribution of presynaptic release and postsynaptic inhibitory sites in the same set of cells in Drosophila melanogaster. By making use of transgenic tools and immunohistochemistry, our results suggest that HS and VS cells of Drosophila express gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) receptors in their dendritic region within the lobula plate, thus being postsynaptic to inhibitory input there. At their axon terminals in the protocerebrum, both cell types express synaptobrevin, suggesting the presence of presynaptic specializations there. HS- and VS-cell terminals additionally show evidence for postsynaptic GABAergic input, superimposed on this synaptic polarity. Our findings are in line with the general circuit for visual motion detection and receptive field properties as postulated from electrophysiological and optical recordings in blowflies, suggesting a similar functional organization of lobula plate tangential cells in the two species.  相似文献   

The rostral ventrolateral medulla (RVLM) contains neurons critical for cardiovascular, respiratory, metabolic, and motor control. The activity of these neurons is controlled by inputs from multiple identified brain regions; however, the neurochemistry of these inputs is largely unknown. Gamma‐aminobutyric acid (GABA) and enkephalin tonically inhibit neurons within the RVLM. The aim of this study was to identify all brain regions that provide GABAergic or enkephalinergic input to the rat RVLM. Neurons immunoreactive for cholera toxin B (CTB‐ir), retrogradely transported from the RVLM, were assessed for expression of glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD67) or preproenkephalin (PPE) mRNA using in situ hybridization. GAD67 mRNA was expressed in CTB‐ir neurons in the following regions: the nucleus of the solitary tract (NTS, 6% of CTB‐ir neurons), area postrema (AP, 8%), caudal ventrolateral medulla (17%), midline raphe (40%), ventrolateral periaqueductal gray (VLPAG, 15%), lateral hypothalamic area (LHA, 25%), central nucleus of the amygdala (CeA, 77%), sublenticular extended amygdala (SLEA, 86%), interstitial nucleus of the posterior limb of the anterior commissure (IPAC, 56%), bed nucleus of the stria terminals (BNST, 59%), and medial preoptic area (MPA, 53%). PPE mRNA was expressed in CTB‐ir neurons in the following regions: the NTS (14% of CTB‐ir neurons), midline raphe (26%), LHA (22%), zona incerta (ZI, 15%), CeA (5%), paraventricular nucleus (PVN, 13%), SLEA (66%), and MPA (26%). Thus, limited brain regions contribute GABAergic and/or enkephalinergic input to the RVLM. Multiple neurochemically distinct pathways originate from these brain regions projecting to the RVLM. J. Comp. Neurol. 521:213–232, 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

It has been previously assumed that the asymmetry of the monocular optokinetic nystagmus (OKN) of lateral-eyed mammals is caused by an absence of visual cortex projections to directional selective neurons in the pretectal nucleus of the optic tract and dorsal terminal nucleus of the accessory optic system (NOT-DTN). In contrast to this generally accepted hypothesis, we present multiple evidence that OKN-related neurons in the rat NOT-DTN in fact do receive input from the visual cortex. We studied the corticofugal projection to NOT-DTN physiologically, with extracellular single unit recording and electrical stimulation of the optic chiasma and the visual cortex, and anatomically, using retrograde and anterograde tracing techniques. In particular we focussed our attention on the NOT-DTN neurons, which control eye movements during OKN. All OKN-related NOT-DTN cells were activated after optic chiasma stimulation. Forty-five percent of these neurons were also activated after stimulation of the visual cortex (VC). The majority of neurons activated from VC (80%) also responded to monocular stimulation of either eye. On the contrary, most of the neurons that responded to stimulation of the contralateral eye only were not activated from VC. After injection of fluorescent latex microspheres into the NOT-DTN, retrogradely labeled neurons were found in areas 17, 18, and 18A of the visual cortex. Phaseolus vulgaris leucoagglutinin injected into the visual cortex anterogradely labeled fibres and terminals throughout the NOT-DTN complex. Labeled boutons were found in close proximity to OKN-related NOT-DTN cells, selectively stained after horseradish peroxidase (HRP) injections into the inferior olive. Our results demonstrate that NOT-DTN cells in the rat, which are involved in the generation of horizontal OKN, receive a direct input from the ipsilateral visual cortex.  相似文献   

Substance P-like immunoreactive (SP-LI) neurons were identified within the inner nuclear layer and ganglion cell layer of the chick retina. The SP-LI cells in the inner nuclear layer consisted of several subtypes of neurons, differing in soma size and dendritic arborization. In the ganglion cell layer a population of moderately labelled SP-LI neurons was also present. About 6-9 microns in diameter and spaced 50-80 microns apart, they formed a regular array across the entire retina, with a density of about 400 cells/mm2 in the superior temporal retina, declining to less than 100 cells/mm2 in the peripheral retina. The total number of SP-LI cells in the ganglion cell layer was approximately 75,000. Individual axons could be followed toward the optic nerve head. Lesions near the optic nerve head resulted in axotomy of ganglion cells within a limited portion of the retina. Two days of postaxotomy there were numerous SP-LI swellings in the proximal segments of axotomized axons. SP-LI neurons in the axotomized zone were larger, more numerous, and showed increased staining of their processes. Fourteen days following a retinal lesion, there was depletion of all SP-LI cells in the ganglion cell layer within the axotomized zone, but the SP-LI neurons in the inner nuclear layer were not noticeably affected. Following a localized injection of rhodamine-coupled latex beads into the optic tectum, a population of retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) in the contralateral retina was retrogradely labelled. Many of these cells also exhibited SP-like immunoreactivity. Examination of the optic tectum indicated the presence of SP-LI fibres in laminae 2-13 (nomenclature of Cajal: Histologie du Systeme Nerveux. Vol. 2. Paris: Maloine, '11), with immunoreactive terminal regions present mainly in laminae 2-4, 7, and 9-13. SP-LI cell bodies were found predominantly in laminae 10-12 and 13. Fourteen days following a retinal lesion, SP-LI processes and terminals were depleted from laminae 2 and 3. Immunoreactive cells and processes in the remaining laminae of the optic tectum were not noticeably altered. The present report confirms the existence of SP-LI retinal ganglion cells in the chick retina and demonstrates their contribution to lamina specific SP-LI arborization in the optic tectum.  相似文献   

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