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In vertebrates and many invertebrates, olfactory signals detected by peripheral olfactory receptor neurons (ORNs) are conveyed to a primary olfactory center with glomerular organization in which odor-specific activity patterns are generated. In the cockroach, Periplaneta americana, ORNs in antennal olfactory sensilla project to 205 unambiguously identifiable antennal lobe (AL) glomeruli that are classified into 10 glomerular clusters (T1-T10 glomeruli) innervated by distinct sensory tracts. In this study we employed single sensillum staining techniques and investigated the topographic projection patterns of individual ORNs to elucidate the relationship between sensillum types and glomerular organization in the AL. Axons of almost all ORNs projected to individual glomeruli. Axons of ORNs in perforated basiconic sensilla selectively innervated the anterodorsal T1-T4 glomeruli, whereas those in trichoid and grooved basiconic sensilla innervated the posteroventral T5-T9 glomeruli. About 90% of stained ORNs in trichoid sensilla sent axons to the T5 glomeruli and more than 90% of ORNs in grooved basiconic sensilla innervated the T6, T8, and T9 glomeruli. The T5 and T9 glomeruli exclusively receive sensory inputs from the trichoid and grooved basiconic sensilla, respectively. All investigated glomeruli received convergent input from a single type of sensillum except F11 glomerulus in the T6 glomeruli, which was innervated from both trichoid and grooved basiconic sensilla. These results suggest that ORNs in distinct sensillum types project to glomeruli in distinct glomerular clusters. Since ORNs in distinct sensillum types are each tuned to distinct subsets of odorant molecules, the AL is functionally compartmentalized into groups of glomeruli.  相似文献   

In the mature olfactory systems of most organisms that possess a sense of smell, synapses between olfactory receptor neurons and central neurons occur in specialized neuropil structures called glomeruli. The development of olfactory glomeruli has been studied particularly heavily in the antennal lobe of the moth Manduca sexta. In the current study, we address the development of synapses within the antennal lobe of M. sexta by reporting on the localization of synaptotagmin, a ubiquitous synaptic vesicle protein, throughout development. A cDNA clone coding for M. sexta synaptotagmin was characterized and found to encode a protein that shares 67% amino acid identity with Drosophila synaptotagmin and 56% amino acid identity with human synaptotagmin I. Conservation was especially high in the C2 domains near the C-terminus and very low near the N-terminus. A polyclonal antiserum (MSYT) was raised against the unique N-terminus of M. sexta synaptotagmin, and a monoclonal antibody (DSYT) was raised against the highly conserved C-terminus of D. melanogaster synaptotagmin. In Western blot analyses, both antibodies labeled a 60 kD protein, which very likely corresponds to synaptotagmin. On sections, both antibodies labeled known synaptic neuropils in M. sexta and yielded similar labeling patterns in the developing antennal lobe. In addition, DSYT detected synaptotagmin-like protein in three other insect species examined. Analysis of synaptotagmin labeling at the light microscopic level during development of the antennal lobe of M. sexta confirmed and extended previous electron microscopic studies. Additional synapses in the coarse neuropil and a refinement of synaptic densities in the glomeruli during the last one-third of metamorphic development were revealed.  相似文献   

The synaptic neuropil of the olfactory (antennal) lobe of the moth Manduca sexta is subdivided into histologically conspicuous structures called glomeruli that are typical of olfactory systems in vertebrates and invertebrates. Each glomerulus consists of the highly branched neuritic arbors of both primary olfactory axons and antennal-lobe neurons, bounded by a nearly complete envelope of glial cells. We have studied events occurring during the first half of metamorphic adult development. The first signs of organization of the neuropil into glomeruli are changes in glial cells. Prior to the ingrowth of olfactory axons from the antenna, glial cells form a continuous border around the neuropil. When olfactory axons begin to reach the lobe, glial cells embark on a stereotyped series of changes: the border becomes disrupted, glial cells begin to proliferate and extend processes into the outer regions of the neuropil, and some glial cells migrate toward the center of the neuropil. Shortly thereafter, glomeruli emerge from the neuropil, delineated by glial cells. If, however, afferent axons are prevented from ever reaching the antennal lobe, glomeruli never develop and the glial cells remain almost entirely restricted to a thick layer bordering the neuropil. Thus sensory axons have a direct influence not only on neuronal but also on glial differentiation. Our results lead us to suggest that the glial cells may be in a position to act as intermediaries in developmental interactions between sensory axons and antennal-lobe neurons.  相似文献   

Odor information is processed in spherical structures called glomeruli, which in all animals with differentiated olfactory systems are sites of densely spaced synaptic contacts between olfactory sensory axons and target central nervous system (CNS) neurons. Glomerulus development in the antennal (olfactory) lobe of the moth brain, which is initiated by the arrival of antennal receptor axons, requires interaction among three elements: glial cells, receptor axons, and their targets, the antennal-lobe neurons. Receptor axons form an array of protoglomeruli that become surrounded by glia and serve as a template for mature glomeruli. Previous experiments showed that when the number of glial cells is sharply reduced during development either by irradiation or by an anti-mitotic agent, receptor axons form protoglomeruli, but in the mature lobes, glomeruli are absent and central neurons lack the characteristic glomerular tufting of their arbors. The current investigation was conducted to determine which cellular events in the process of glomerulus formation are disrupted by severe reduction in glial-cell number. The branching patterns of receptor axons and antennal-lobe neurons were examined in animals that had been irradiated to produce glia-deficient antennal lobes at stages during which glomeruli normally would develop. We found that the receptor axons did form protoglomeruli, but that the protoglomeruli quickly disintegrated in glia-deficient antennal lobes; the receptor axons branched diffusely, except where several neighboring glia survived irradiation and together formed a wall of processes that appeared to block the passage of neuronal processes. Multi-glomerular antennal-lobe neurons never developed tufted arbors even at early stages. These results suggest that maintenance of protoglomeruli depends on the border of glia that forms around each protoglomerulus and that the subsequent tufting of antennal-lobe neurons depends on maintenance of the protoglomerular template during the period of dendritic growth. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

C Lohr  L A Oland  L P Tolbert 《Glia》2001,36(3):309-320
In the olfactory (antennal) lobe of the moth Manduca sexta, olfactory receptor axons strongly influence the distribution and morphology of glial cells. In the present study, we asked whether the development of the electrophysiological properties of the glial cells is influenced by the receptor axons. Whole-cell currents were measured in antennal lobe glial cells in acute brain slices prepared from animals at different stages of metamorphic development (stages 3, 6, and 12). Outward currents were induced by depolarizing voltage steps from a holding potential of -70 mV. At all developmental stages investigated, the outward currents were partly blocked by bath application of the potassium channel blocker 4-aminopyridine (4AP, 10 mM) or by including tetraethylammonium (TEA, 30 mM) in the pipette solution. The relative contribution of the 4AP-sensitive current to the outward current increased from 18% at stages 3 and 6 to 42% at stage 12, while the TEA-sensitive current increased from 18% at stage 3 to 81% at stage 6, and then declined again to 40% at stage 12. In contrast, in the absence of receptor axons, these changes in the contribution of the TEA- and 4AP-sensitive currents to the total outward current did not occur; rather, the current profile remained in the most immature state (stage 3). The results suggest that olfactory receptor axons are essential for development of the mature pattern of glial potassium currents.  相似文献   

Other than association with the terminal nerve (TN), little is known concerning the distribution of gonadotropin hormone-releasing hormone (GnRH) in elasmobranchs. The purpose of this study was to identify GnRH immunoreactivity in the brains of three elasmobranch species with special regard to the mesencephalon. The round stingray (Urolophus halleri), thornback guitarfish (Platyrhinoidis triseriata), and leopard shark (Triakis semifasciatus) were used and immunocytochemistry was performed with antisera to both salmon and mammalian GnRH. A large GnRH-immunoreactive (ir) nucleus extends rostrocaudally for approximately 1.5 mm along and adjacent to the midline of the midbrain near the area of the oculomotor nerve. GnRH-ir fibers surround the nucleus and are found diffusely throughout the mesencephalon; some of the fibers may contact the ventricle. The medulla and spinal cord contain ir fibers that most likely originate from the midbrain nucleus. Mesencephalic GnRH-ir cell groups have been reported in representatives of all vertebrate classes with the exception of agnathans and mammals. Such a well-developed cell group in elasmobranchs may aid in understanding the evolution of GnRH systems with regard to the mesencephalon as well as providing insight to the functional significance of this cell group. Possible homologies to mesencephalic GnRH systems reported in other vertebrates is discussed as well.  相似文献   

Both antennal receptor cell axons and uniglomerular projection neurons of the antennal lobe were specifically labeled, and their synaptic relationship was studied at the fine structural level. The labelings were applied in different combinations: i) Experimentally induced anterograde degeneration of sensory-afferent axons was combined with injection of horseradish peroxidase into uniglomerular projection neurons. ii) Lucifer Yellow was injected into uniglomerular projection neurons, and receptor cell axons were anterogradely labeled with the lipophilic dye DiI. The fluorescent dyes were transformed by immuno- or photochemical treatment into electron-dense markers. In both types of preparations, a considerable number of monosynaptic output synapses from antennal receptor neurons onto processes of uniglomerular projection neurons were identified within the glomeruli of the lobe. In most cases, the receptor axon was connected in a dyadic fashion, firstly to a process of a projection neuron and secondly to a nonlabeled process. The results clearly demonstrate a direct connection between receptor cells and output neurons of the cockroach antennal lobe which exists in parallel to the already proposed and demonstrated polysynaptic connection via inhibitory local interneurons. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Odours are represented by specific ensembles of activated glomeruli in a combinatorial manner within the olfactory bulb of vertebrates or the antennal lobe (AL) of insects. Here, we optically measured glomerular calcium activities in vivo in the honeybee Apis mellifera during olfactory stimulation with 36 pure chemicals differing systematically in carbon chain length (C-5-10) and functional group (aldehyde, ketone, alcohol, carboxylic acid and alkane). We show their glomerular representations in 38 morphologically identified glomeruli out of the honeybee's 160. We measured the molecular receptive range of identified glomeruli averaging up to 21 individuals. Of the 38 glomeruli measured, 23 show maximal activity in a specific range of chain length. Glomeruli preferentially responding to a functional group are also always broadly tuned to particular chain lengths. Furthermore, glomeruli with similar response spectra are often direct neighbours. The results allow conclusions about the interactions between olfactory receptors and odour molecules, and about the AL network.  相似文献   

The shapes of neurons and glial cells dictate many important aspects of their functions. In olfactory systems, certain architectural features are characteristics of these two cell types across a wide variety of species. The accumulated evidence suggests that these common features may play fundamental roles in olfactoryinformation processing. For instance, the primary olfactory neuropil in most vertebrate and invertebrate olfactory systems is organized into discrete modules called glomeruli. Inside each glomerulus, sensory axons and CNS neurons branch and synapse in patterns that are repeated across species. In many species, moreover, the glomeruli are enveloped by a thin and ordered layer of glial processes. Theglomerular arrangement reflects the processing of odor information in modules that encode the discrete molecular attributes of odorant stimuli being processed. Recent studies of the mechanisms that guide the development of olfactory neurons and glial cells have revealed complex reciprocal interactions between these two cell types, which may be necessary for the establishment of modular compartments. Collectively, the findings reviewed here suggest that specialized cellular architecture plays key functional roles in the detection, analysis, and discrimination of odors at early steps in olfactory processing.  相似文献   

The poreplate sensilla of honeybees are equipped with multiple olfactory receptor neurons (ORNs), which innervate glomeruli of the antennal lobe (AL). We investigated the axonal projection pattern in glomeruli of the AL (glomerular pattern), formed by the multiple ORNs of individual poreplate sensilla. We used the different glomerular patterns to draw conclusions about the equipment of poreplate sensilla with different ORN types. ORNs of single poreplate sensilla were stained and analyzed by laser-scanning confocal microscopy and 3D software (AMIRA). In 13 specimens we found between 7 and 23 ORNs. This is in accordance with data found in the literature (5-35 ORNs) suggesting that all ORNs of the single poreplate sensilla were stained. The ORNs innervate the AL via all four sensory tracts (T1-T4), and glomeruli of the anterior part of the AL are more often innervated. Each ORN innervates a single glomerulus (uniglomerular), and all ORNs of one poreplate sensillum project to different glomeruli. Visual inspection and individual identification of glomeruli, based on the honeybee digital AL atlas, were used to evaluate mapping of glomeruli by a rigid transformation of the experimental ALs onto a reference AL. ORNs belonging to individual poreplate sensilla form variable glomerular patterns, and we did not find a common organization of glomerular patterns. We conclude that poreplate sensilla are equipped with different ORN types but that the same ORN types can be found in different poreplate sensilla. The equipment of poreplate sensilla with ORNs is overlapping. The mapping of glomeruli by rigid transformation is revealed to be a powerful tool for comparative neuroanatomy.  相似文献   

Olfactory receptor axons in many species terminate centrally in an array of distinct glomeruli that are thought to encode the molecular features of odors. Particular molecular attributes are detected by receptor neurons widely distributed over the sensory epithelium, but these neurons then project to a small number of glomeruli in the olfactory bulb. This raises perplexing questions about olfactory axon guidance, especially how axons sort by odor specificity and how they find their appropriate targets in the brain. Taking advantage of the relative cellular simplicity of the moth antennal system, we have examined receptor axons in normally developing animals and also in preparations in which the nerve was experimentally misrouted. Just before they enter the antennal lobe, receptor axons undergo a dramatic reorganization in a discrete zone filled with glial cells. Here they shed neighbor relationships and become associated with axons that have common targets and presumably share common odor specificies. Electron microscopy revealed that the growth cones of early arriving axons travel preferentially next to glial processes. The growth cones of receptor axons were relatively simple except as they entered newly forming glomeruli. Misrouted nerves turned and ran along the surface of the brain until they reached the region of the antennal lobe. In only 6% of cases did misrouted axons enter the brain ectopically, never forming glomeruli. Our results suggest that olfactory receptor axons are attracted to the antennal lobe by soluble or surface-bound cues and sort by odor specificity by using a mechanism that may involve glial cells. J. Comp. Neurol. 398:119–138, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of the accessory olfactory bulb (AOB) of the bullfrog tadpole and adult was examined, and the main difference between tadpole and adult is that the latter is more compact and shows more synapses. Except for vomeronasal (VMN) glomeruli, the AOB is not highly organized, with mitral cell neurons scattered throughout the neuropil. VMN axon terminals form asymmetric synapses with mitral cell dendrites in glomeruli; in VMN axon terminals, dense-cored vesicles are seen along with the more abundant lucent vesicles 40-50 nm in diameter. Counts indicated that more than 90% of the dendro-dendritic synapses between mitral cells and presumed granule cells are of the asymmetrical type, and reciprocal asymmetrical-symmetrical synapses are not common. Lucent vesicles with round or slightly ellipsoidal profiles and less abundant dense-cored vesicles 60-90 nm in diameter are found in pre- and postsynaptic dendrites; sometimes the dense-cored vesicles lie against or near the presynaptic membrane. Microtubules were often seen to be closely associated with pre- and postsynaptic elements of dendro-dendritic synapses. The most characteristic feature of mitral cell bodies, apart from their large size, is an extensive Golgi system that may extend well into their major dendritic extensions. Dense-cored vesicles are associated with Golgi membranes, from which they probably originate. Centrioles are associated with the Golgi system, and some become basal bodies and give rise to cilia in some mitral cells.  相似文献   

The distribution of glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP)- and vimentin-containing cells was studied by immunohistochemistry in the midbrain of the lizard Gallotia galloti. At embryonic stage 32 (E32), vimentin immunoreactivity appeared first in cell bodies located in the ventricular walls, in radial fibers, and subpial end-feet and increased in these structures until E34/E35. Faint GFAP immunoreactivity gradually appeared in the same structures between E34 and E37, and this increased until adulthood, whereas vimentin immunoreactivity decreased after E35, becoming limited to a few end-feet and fibers in the adult, mainly in the tegmentum. Thus, in developing Gallotia midbrain a shift from vimentin-containing to GFAP-containing intermediate filaments begins around E36 or E37. At E40, in addition to the cell bodies in the ependymal area, dispersed GFAP-positive cells, possibly immature astrocytes appeared. These cells showed the same shift. In the adult lizard, GFAP-positive radial glia are still present and coexist with GFAP-positive astrocytes, which are prefentially located in the marginal optic tract and the oculomotor nuclei, but are absent in the fasciculus longitudinalis medialis. Optic tectum, pretectum, tegmentum, and isthmic nuclei are the areas richest in GFAP-positive radial fibers: these were much less abundant in the deep mesencephalic nuclei. Thus, in this lizard, GFAP-positive astrocytes display a clear cut regional distribution: they are present in mesencephalon, whereas they are absent in telencephalon.  相似文献   

The central projections of the cold receptor axons were examined by filling two types of cold receptive sensilla with cobalt lysine—a cold and hygroreceptive (C/H) sensillum and a cold receptive and olfactory (C/O) sensillum—on the antennae of the cockroach, Periplaneta americana L. When the dye filled a single C/H sensillum, four axons were stained. Three of these axons terminate in the ipsilateral antennal lobe, while the other branches in the ipsilateral dorsal lobe. One of the branches passed through the tritocerebrum to terminate in the suboesophageal ganglion, while the other branches end in the lobe. When a single C/O sensillum is dye filled, all axons of the four receptor neurons terminate exclusively in the ipsilateral antennal lobe. One axon from the C/H sensillum and one axon from the C/O sensillum terminate in a particular glomerulus in the ventroposterior region of the antennal lobe. Each of these axons also has a tuft in separate giomeruli situated just dorsal to the glomerulus in which both axons terminate. This set of three glomeruli have indistinct boundaries and appear to form a complex of glomeruli similar to the macroglomerular complex of male moths. Assuming modality-specific convergence of antennal afferents, these axons appear to belong to the cold receptor neurons, and the set of glomeruli appear to function in cold reception. Two other neurons stained from C/H sensilla always terminate in theglom-eruli distinct from the set of glomeruli mentioned earlier. These neurons are assigned to the pair of hygroreceptor neurons, and their glomeruli are thought to function in hygroreception. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The ultrastructural organization of cholinergic afferents to the rat olfactory bulb (OBI) was studied with the aid of choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) immunocytochemistry in electron microscopy. Particular attention has been paid to a subset of glomeruli characterized by a remarkably high density of cholinergic afferents. Numerous cholinergic terminals making symmetric or asymmetric synaptic contacts were observed in the periglomerular area. ChAT-labelled terminals have a diameter ranging from 0.3 to 1.5 μm and contain numerous clear agranular vesicles. Axo-somatic and axo-dendritic contacts were both observed in contact with several types of target neurons. Three types of cholinoceptive, noncholinergic neurons could be identified: periglomerular cells, superficial short-axon cells, and external tufted cells. Our results provide an anatomical substrate for the hypotheses concerning the complex effects of acetylcholine in the processing of sensory information in the olfactory bulb. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Neural stem cells (NSCs) in the murine subventricular zone (SVZ) niche allow life‐long neurogenesis. During the first postnatal month and throughout aging, the decrease of neuroblasts and the rise of astrocytes results in diminished neurogenesis and increased astrocyte:neuron ratio. Also, a different neurogenic activity characterizes the SVZ periventricular region (LV, lateral ventricle) as compared to its rostral extension (RE). In order to investigate whether and to what extent these physiological modifications may be ascribed to intrinsic changes of the endogenous NSC/progenitor features, we performed a functional analysis on NSCs isolated and cultured from LV and RE tissues at distinct postnatal stages that are marked by striking modifications to the SVZ niche in vivo. We evaluated the effect of age and brain region on long‐term proliferation and multipotency, and characterized the cell type composition of NSC‐derived progeny, comparing this make‐up to that of region‐ and age‐matched primary neural cultures. Furthermore, we analyzed the effect of prolonged in vitro expansion on NSC functional properties. We documented age‐ and region‐dependent differences on the clonogenic efficiency and on the long‐term proliferative capacity of NSCs. Also, we found age‐ and region‐dependent quantitative changes in the cell composition of NSC progeny (decreased quantity of neurons and oligodendrocytes; increased amount of astroglial cells) and these differences were maintained in long‐term cultured NSC populations. Overall, these data strengthen the hypothesis that age‐ and region‐dependent differences in neurogenesis (observed in vivo) may be ascribed to the changes in the intrinsic developmental program of the NSC populations. J. Comp. Neurol. 517:333–349, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The development of neuropeptide and neurotransmitter-related immunoreactivities in the rat olfactory bulb were investigated immunohistochemically by using antisera raised against substance P (SP), cholecystokinin-8 (CCK), neurotensin (NT), leucine-enkephalin or methionine-enkephalin-Arg6-Gly7-Leu8 (ENK), somatostatin (SOM), neuropeptide Y (NPY) and tyrosine hydroxylase (TH). Results obtained for the adult olfactory bulb confirmed previous observations, except for SP-like immunoreactive (SP-IR) granule cells in the main olfactory bulb (MOB) and NT-IR neurons around the modified glomerular complex (MGC) (Teicher et al., Brain Res. 194:530-535, 1980). SP-, CCK- and NT-IR neurons were observed in the MOB of the rat fetus. SP-IR neurons also appeared in the accessory olfactory bulb (AOB). Among them, NT-IR neurons in the MOB and SP-IR neurons in the AOB were observed on embryonic day 16. SP- and CCK-IR neurons in the MOB appeared on embryonic day 18. Most of these neurons were presumed to be projecting neurons. SOM-, NPY-, ENK- and TH-IR neurons appeared in the newborn rats. The number and intensity of immunostaining of these neurons continued to increase with age, producing the adult pattern, except for NT-IR neurons in the MGC and SP-IR neurons in the mitral cell layer of the AOB, which were more numerous and intensely stained in young animals.  相似文献   

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