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This study was performed to test whether GYKI 52466, a nonNMDA receptor antagonist, would improve microregional oxygen supply and consumption balance in the focal cerebral ischemic area. Rats were anesthetized with 1.4% isoflurane. For the GYKI Group (n = 8), 10 min before middle cerebral artery (MCA) occlusion, a bolus of 5 mg kg-1 of GYKI 52466 i.v. was administered and was followed by an infusion of 5 mg kg-1 h-1. For the Control Group (n = 8), the same volume of the vehicle was administered. One hour after MCA occlusion, regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) was measured using the 14C-iodoantipyrine autoradiographic technique. Microscopic arterial and venous oxygen saturations were determined using microspectrophotometry. In the cortex contralateral to MCA occlusion, the average rCBF and the average O2 consumption were lower in the GYKI Group than in the Control Group (rCBF: GYKI 65.5 +/- 24.1 ml 100 g-1 min-1, Control 97.7 +/- 33.4 ml 100 g-1 min-1; O2 consumption: GYKI 3.9 +/- 1.2 ml O2 100 g-1 min-1, Control 6.2 +/- 2.5 ml O2 100 g-1 min-1) without a significant difference in the number of veins with SvO2 < 50%. In the ischemic cortex, the number of veins with SvO2 < 50% was significantly smaller in the GYKI Group (21 veins out of 63) than in the Control Group (45 out of 59) without a significant difference in the average rCBF (GYKI 44.9 +/- 17.7, Control 29.7 +/- 10.4) or regional O2 consumption between these two groups (GYKI 3.3 +/- 1.4, Control 2.7 +/- 1.2). Our data demonstrated that GYKI 52466 was effective in improving microscopic O2 balance in the focal ischemic cortical area of the brain and it decreased O2 consumption in the non-ischemic cortex.  相似文献   


This study was performed to test whether GYKI 52466, a nonNMDA receptor antagonist; would improve microregional oxygen supply and consumption balance in the focal cerebral ischemic area. Rats were anesthetized with 1.4% isoflurane. For the GYKI Group (n = 8), 10 min before middle cerebral artery (MCA) occlusion, a bolus of 5 mg kg–1 of GYKI 52466 i.v. was administered and was followed by an infusion of 5 mg kg–1 h–1. For the Control Group (n = 8), the same volume of the vehicle was administered. One hour after MCA occlusion, regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) was measured using the 14C-iodoantipyrine autoradiographic technique. Microscopic arterial and venous oxygen saturations were determined using microspectrophotometry. In the cortex contralateral to MCA occlusion, the average rCBF and the average 02 consumption were lower in the GYKI Group than in the Control Group (rCBF: GYKI 65.5 dh 24.1 ml 100 g–1 min–1 Control 97.7±33 A ml 100g–1 min–1; 02 consumption: GYKI 3.9 ± 1.2 ml 02 100 g 1 min–1 Control 6.2 ±2.5 ml 02 100g 1 min–1) without a significant difference in the number of veins with Sv02 < 50%. In the ischemic cortex, the number of veins with Sv02 < 50% was significantly smaller in the GYKI Group (21 veins out of 63) than in the Control Group (45 out of 59) without a significant difference in the average rCBF (GYKI 44.9±17.7, Control 29.7±10.4) or regional 02 consumption between these two groups (GYKI 3.3 ± 1.4, Control 2.7± 1.2). Our data demonstrated that GYKI 52466 was effective in improving microscopic 02 balance in the focal ischemic cortical area of the brain and it decreased 02 consumption in the non-ischemic cortex. [Neurol Res 1999; 21: 299-304]  相似文献   

The effect of GYKI-52466 (1-(4-aminophenyl)-4-methyl-7,8-methylenedioxy-5H-2,3-benzodiazepine), a selective antagonist of AMPA receptor was investigated on the generation and manifestation of 4-aminopyridine-induced cortical epileptiform activity. In vivo experiments were carried out on pentobarbital-anaesthetised adult rats. Ictal epileptiform activity was induced by local application of 4-aminopyridine (4-Ap) to the surface of somatosensory cortex. In one group of animals, GYKI 52466 was administered intraperitoneally before 4-Ap application, in another group, the already active primary focus was treated locally by GYKI 52466. Different parameters of epileptic activity were measured and compared in GYKI 52466-treated and control animals. The results demonstrate that GYKI 52466 exerts anticonvulsive effects on both the induction and the expression of epileptiform activity, by delaying the onset of the first ictal event, decreasing the numbers and duration of ictal periods, as well as the amplitudes of epileptiform discharges both in the primary and mirror foci. However, seizure propagation to other cortical areas seemed to be facilitated. The anticonvulsive effect of GYKI 52466 was stronger in pretreatment than in treatment of ongoing epileptiform activity. As a conclusion, it is supposed that AMPA receptors are probably more dominant in the induction of epileptiform activity than in the maintenance of it, mainly through the activation of corticothalamo-cortical networks. It is also supposed that the cortical inhibition which blocks the propagation of epileptiform process might be activated mainly through non-N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors.  相似文献   

The excitatory amino acid antagonists, NBQX (2,3-dihydroxy-6-nitro-7-sulfamoylbenzo(F)quinoxaline) and GYKI 52466 (1-(4-aminophenyl)-4-methyl-7,8-methylenedioxy-5H-2,3-benzodiazepine) that act on non-NMDA receptors, provide potent anticonvulsant protection against AMPA [RS)-alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid)-induced seizures in Swiss mice and against sound-induced seizures in seizure-susceptible DBA/2 mice. Maximal anticonvulsant protection is observed 5-30 min after the i.p. administration of NBQX and 5-15 min after the i.p. administration of GYKI 52466 in DBA/2 mice. The ED50 values for the protection against AMPA-induced seizures by NBQX (30 min, i.p.) and GYKI 52466 (15 min, i.p.) are 23.6 (11.6-48.0) and 18.5 (11.5-29.5) mumol/kg, respectively. The ED50 values at 15 min for the protection against sound-induced seizures in DBA/2 mice are 31.3 (24.9-39.4) mumol/kg (NBQX, i.p.), 37.8 (21.2-67.4) mumol/kg (NBQX, i.v.) and 13.7 (11.5-16.5) mumol/kg (GYKI 52466, i.p.). In DBA/2 mice the therapeutic index (ratio of ED50 values for impaired rotarod performance and anticonvulsant action) is 6.6 for NBQX (15 and 30 min, i.p.) and 2.0 for GYKI 52466 (15 min, i.p.).  相似文献   

In the present experiments we have tested the effect of the noncompetitive AMPA antagonist GYKI 52466 (20-80 microM) on spontaneous epileptic discharges developed as the consequence of 4-aminopyridine application in neocortex slices of adult rats. Parallel to the changes of spontaneous activity, the field potentials, evoked by electrical stimulation of the corpus callosum, were also analyzed. Glass microcapillary extracellular recording electrode was positioned in the third layer of the somatosensory cortex slice, while the stimulating electrode was placed at the border of the white and gray matter. 4-aminopyridine and GYKI 52466 were bath-applied. The application of 40 microM GYKI 52466 caused about 40% decrease in the frequency and the amplitude of spontaneous seizures as well as the duration of each discharges developed in 4-amino-pyridine. Pre-incubation with the AMPA antagonist effectively inhibited both the development of seizure activity and the maintenance of the discharges. GYKI 52466 also decreased the duration and amplitude of field responses evoked by stimulation of the corpus callosum. This inhibitory effect was dose-dependent. Our data in the in vitro cortex slice epilepsy model suggest that the non-competitive AMPA antagonist GYKI 52466 is a potent anticonvulsant and neuroprotective compound because it reduced the fully developed epileptic discharges or prevented their development.  相似文献   

Summary The behavioural and neurochemical effects of the N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) antagonist dizocilpine and the -amino-3-hydroxy-5-methylisoxazole-4-propionic acid (AMPA) antagonist GYKI 52466, given alone or in combination, were investigated in rats. Locomotor activity was increased by dizocilpine (0.2 mg/kg), but not by GYKI 52466 (2.4 mg/kg). Dizocilpine-induced hyperlocomotion was reduced by co-administration of GYKI 52466. In dizocilpine-treated rats dopamine (DA) metabolism (measured as DOPAC [dihydroxyphenylacetic acid] or DOPAC/DA in post mortem brain tissue) was increased in the prefrontal cortex and nucleus accumbens. In GYKI 52466-treated rats serotonin was reduced in the prefrontal cortex and nucleus accumbens while DA metabolism was not affected. In rats treated with dizocilpine plus GYKI 52466, DA metabolism was increased only in the prefrontal cortex, but not in the nucleus accumbens, when compared with vehicle-treated animals. These data confirm that AMPA and NMDA antagonists do not have synergistic effects on locomotor activity. A differential role of NMDA and AMPA antagonists in the control of mesolimbic DA neurons will be discussed here.  相似文献   

GYKI 52466 [1-(4-aminophenyl)-4-methyl-7,8-methylenedioxy-5H-2,3-benzodiazepine], a non-competitive AMPA [alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionate] and kainate receptor antagonist and its two analogues, GYKI 53405 [1-(4-aminophenyl)-3-acetyl-4-methyl-3,4-dihydro-7,8-methylenedioxy-5H-2,3-benzodiazepine] and GYKI 53655 [1-(4-aminophenyl)-3-methylcarbamyl-4-methyl-3,4-dihydro-7,8-methylenedioxy-5H-2,3-benzodiazepine] were investigated in two seizure models and in MgCl2 induced global cerebral ischaemia, as an acute neuroprotective model. The ED(50) values of GYKI 52466 for suppression of the tonic and clonic phases of sound-induced seizures were 3.6 and 4.3 mg/kg, respectively. The corresponding data for GYKI 53405 were 1.1 and 3.1 mg/kg, while ED(50) values of GYKI 53655 were 1.3 and 2.0 mg/kg, respectively. The inhibition of seizure evoked by maximal electroshock was also found to be remarkable: the ED(50) values of GYKI 52466 and its two analogues were 6.9, 2.6, and 2.2 mg/kg, respectively. All compounds prolonged the survival times in MgCl2 induced global cerebral ischaemia test in a dose-dependent fashion, with PD(50) (dose of 50% prolongation) values of 24.1, 8.3, and 8.2 mg/kg intraperitoneal, respectively. In audiogenic seizure model the duration of anticonvulsant action of 10 mg/kg GYKI 52466 and 5 mg/kg GYKI 53405, GYKI 53655 were examined, too. The effect of GYKI 52466 decreased to 50% after 2 h, while the analogues showed more than 80% seizure suppression 3 h after treatment. After 6 h the effect of GYKI 53655 decreased to zero, while the effect of GYKI 52466, remained on the 50% level.  相似文献   

The neuroprotective effects of a systemically active, highly selective, corticotropin-releasing factor-1 (CRF1) receptor antagonist, R121920 ((7-(dipropylamino)-2,5-dimethyl-3- [2-(dimethylamino)-5-pyridyl] pyrazolo [1,5-a] pyrimidine), was assessed in two rat models of permanent focal cerebral ischemia, where the middle cerebral artery (MCA) was occluded either through the subtemporal approach or using the intraluminal suture technique. R121920 rapidly crossed the blood-brain barrier after intravenous (IV) bolus administration (10 mg/kg), with peak brain concentrations at 5 minutes (2.26 +/- 0.40 microg/mL), which were approximately 2-fold greater than those in plasma (0.98 +/- 0.24 microg/mL). Treatment with R121920 (10 mg/kg IV followed by 5 mg/kg subcutaneously at hourly intervals for 4 hours) significantly (P < 0.001) reduced total (by 40%) and cortical (by 37%) infarct volume at 24 hours after subtemporal MCA occlusion (MCAO). In the intraluminal suture MCAO model, IV administration of R121920 (10 mg/kg) at the time of ischemia onset (and at multiple times thereafter) reduced both hemispheric infarct volume (by 34%, P < 0.001) and brain swelling (by 50%, P < 0.001) when assessed at 24 hours. In this model of focal ischemia, significant reduction (P < 0.05) in both outcome measures was obtained when R121920 administration was delayed up to 1 hour after MCAO. These results further define the antiischemic properties of selective CRF 1 antagonists in two experimental models of permanent focal cerebral ischemia.  相似文献   

In vivo microdialysis has been used to study the effect of pre- or post-ischaemic administration of the non-NMDA antagonist 1-(4-amino-phenyl)-4-methyl-7, 8-methyl-endioxyl-5H-2,3- benzodiazepine hydrochloride (GYKI 52466), on the increases in extracellular glutamate levels induced by 20 minutes of four vessel occlusion in rats. In control rats, ischaemia resulted in transient increases in glutamate (4 fold), aspartate (6 fold) and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) (15 fold) and decreases in glutamine (0.5 fold). Intravenous administration of GYKI 52466 (10 mg kg-1 bolus followed by 10 mg kg-1 h-1 infusion) beginning 20 minutes prior to the induction of ischaemia abolished ischaemia-induced glutamate release without affecting the increases in aspartate and GABA and the decrease in glutamine. Administration of GYKI 52466 immediately post-ischaemia resulted in a more rapid return of glutamate levels to basal values.  相似文献   

Purpose:  Benzodiazepines such as diazepam may fail to effectively treat status epilepticus because benzodiazepine-sensitive GABAA receptors are progressively internalized with continued seizure activity. Ionotropic glutamate receptors, including AMPA receptors, are externalized, so that AMPA receptor antagonists, which are broad-spectrum anticonvulsants, could be more effective treatments for status epilepticus. We assessed the ability of the noncompetitive AMPA receptor antagonist GYKI 52466 to protect against kainic acid–induced status epilepticus in mice.
Methods:  Groups of animals treated with kainic acid received GYKI 52466 (50 mg/kg followed in 15 min by 50 mg/kg) or diazepam (25 mg/kg followed in 20 min by 12.5 mg/kg) beginning at 5 min of continuous seizure activity or 25 min later. The duration of seizure activity was determined by EEG recording from epidural cortical electrodes.
Results:  Both GYKI 52466 and diazepam rapidly terminated electrographic and behavioral seizures when administered early. However, diazepam-treated animals exhibited more seizure recurrences. With late administration, GYKI 52466 also rapidly terminated seizures and they seldom recurred, whereas diazepam was slow to produce seizure control and recurrences were common. Although both treatments caused sedation, GYKI 52466-treated animals retained neurological responsiveness whereas diazepam-treated animals did not. GYKI 52466 did not affect blood pressure whereas diazepam caused a sustained drop in mean arterial pressure.
Discussion:  Noncompetitive AMPA receptor antagonists represent a promising approach for early treatment of status epilepticus; they may also be effective at later times when there is refractoriness to benzodiazepines.  相似文献   

Apoptotic cell death occurs in neurons after cerebral ischemia. To investigate the molecular basis of this mechanism of cell death, we explored the expression and localization of Smac/DIABLO, a newly identified mitochondrial apoptogenic molecule, and XAF1, a recently identified antagonist of XIAP anti-caspase activity in the rat brain following focal ischemia. Transient focal cerebral ischemia was produced for 90 min in rats. We observed changes in the expression of Smac, XAF1, and XIAP during reperfusion. The expression level of Smac/DIABLO was negligible under normal conditions and was moderately increased by 6-24 h reperfusion on both immunohistochemical and Western blotting levels. In opposition to the orthodox method of Western blotting employing electrophoretic analysis and homogenization, the immunohistochemical investigations of XIAP provided spatial information. Immunohistochemical analysis showed that the subcellular localization of XIAP became more extensive within cells during reperfusion, as compared with the normal state. Under normal conditions, XIAP was localized predominantly in the cytoplasm and the perinuclear region. However, at 6, 12, 24, and 48 h post-reperfusion, XIAP exhibited a diffuse distribution, including nuclear and cytoplasmic compartments. Interestingly, the expression of XAF1 exhibited significant changes during reperfusion. XAF1 expression was increased and there was a cellular redistribution with a nuclear localization in the post-ischemic phase by 6-24 h. XAF1 expression apparently enhances neuronal susceptibility to degeneration either by suppressing the ability of XIAP to complex with caspases or by sequestering XIAP in nuclear inclusions. These finding indicate that Smac/DIABLO, XAF1, and XIAP are implicated in the pathophysiological mechanisms of reperfusion injury.  相似文献   

The present study was conducted to investigate the effects of two noncompetitive alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid (AMPA) receptor antagonists, GYKI 52466 and GYKI 53405 (the racemate of talampanel) on the generation of spike-wave discharges (SWD) parallel with the vigilance and behavioral changes in the genetic absence epilepsy model of WAG/Rij rats. Intraperitoneal (i.p.) administration of GYKI 52466 (1-[4-aminophenyl]-4-methyl-7,8-methylenedioxy-5H-2,3-benzodiazepine; 3, 10 and 30 mg/kg, i.p.), the prototypic compound of the 2,3-benzodiazepine family, caused a fast dose-dependent increase in the number and cumulative duration of SWD. These changes were accompanied by dose-dependent increase in duration of light slow wave sleep (SWS1) and passive awake, vigilance states associated with the presence of SWD. In addition a short, transient behavioral activation occurred that was followed by strong ataxia and immobility, decrease of active wakefulness and increase in deep slow wave sleep. GYKI 53405 (7-acetyl-5-(4-aminophenyl)-8-methyl-8,9-dihydro-7H-1,3-dioxolo[4,5-b][2,3]benzodiazepine, the racemate of talampanel, 16 mg/kg, i.p.) failed to affect any measure of SWD and vigilance. When used as a pretreatment, GYKI 52466 (10 mg/kg) slightly attenuated SWD-promoting effects of the 5-HT1A receptor agonist 8-OH-DPAT, it decreased cumulative duration and average time of paroxysms. In conclusion, AMPA receptors play moderate role in regulation of epileptic activity, and some of these effects are connected to their effects on vigilance in this model.  相似文献   

Lees GJ  Leong W 《Brain research》2001,890(1):66-77
The 2,3-benzodiazepine GYKI 52466, administered intracerebrally or systemically, was assessed for its ability to protect against the neuronal death in the brain caused by intra-hippocampal injections of the non-N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor agonists, kainate and L-alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionate (AMPA). In contrast to a previous report, a low intra-hippocampal dose of GYKI 52466 (25 nmol) did not protect against kainate toxicity. In order to achieve higher doses of GYKI 52466, solubilization in 2-hydroxypropyl-beta-cyclodextrin was used, and limited protection against AMPA, but not kainate toxicity was found. There was a commensurate reduction in seizure-related neuronal loss in the limbic regions of the brain. When diazepam was used to prevent seizures, GYKI 52466 had no effect on hippocampal neuronal loss caused by the direct toxicity of AMPA and kainate on hippocampal neurons. Systemic administration of GYKI 52466 had only a minimal effect on preventing neuronal death caused by AMPA. In vivo, GYKI 52466 is only weakly effective as a neuroprotective agent.  相似文献   

The effects of the glutamate N-methyl-D aspartate (NMDA) receptor antagonist, MK-801, upon ischemic brain damage has been examined in anesthetized cats. Focal cerebral ischemia was produced by permanent occlusion of one middle cerebral artery and the animal were killed 6 h later. The amount of early ischemic damage was assessed in coronal sections at 16 predetermined stereotactic planes. Pretreatment with MK-801 (5 mg/kg, i.v.), 30 min before occlusion of the middle cerebral artery significantly reduced the volume of ischemic damage (from 32.7 +/- 4.0% of the cerebral hemisphere in vehicle-treated cats to 16.2 +/- 4.5% in MK-801-treated cats). NMDA receptor antagonists that penetrate the blood-brain barrier, such as MK-801, merit further study as protective agents against ischemic brain damage.  相似文献   

Recent results have demonstrated that the spin trapping agent alpha-phenyl-N-tert-butyl nitrone (PBN) reduces infarct volume in rats subjected to 2 hours of middle cerebral artery occlusion, even when given 1 to 3 hours after the start of recirculation. In the current study, the authors assessed the effect of NXY-059, a novel nitrone that is more soluble than PBN. Loading doses were given of 0.30, 3.0, or 30 mg x kg(-1) followed by 0.30, 3.0, or 30 mg x kg(-1) x h(-1) for 24 or 48 hours. Dose-response studies showed that when treatment was begun 1 hour after recirculation, 0.30 mg x kg(-1) had a small and 30 mg x kg(-1) a marked effect on infarct volume. At equimolar doses (3.0 mg x kg(-1) for NXY-059 and 1.4 mg x kg(-1) for PBN), NXY-059 was more efficacious than PBN. Similar results were obtained when a recovery period of 7 days was allowed. The window of therapeutic opportunity for NXY-059 was 3 to 6 hours after the start of recirculation. Studies of the transfer constant of [14C]NXY-059 showed that, in contrast to PBN, this more soluble nitrone penetrates the blood-brain barrier less extensively. This fact, and the pronounced antiischemic effect of NXY-059, suggest that the delayed events leading to infarction may be influenced by reactions occurring at the blood-endothelial interface.  相似文献   

The cerebroprotective action of non-NMDA receptor blockade has been assessed in a model of transient global ischaemia using NBQX, 2,3-dihydro-6-nitro-7-sulphamoyl-benzo(F)quinoxaline, and GYKI 52466, 1-(amino-phenyl)-4-methyl-7,8-methylendioxy-5H-2,3-benzodiazepine. HCl. In Wistar rats, prior cauterisation of the vertebral arteries was followed by occlusion of the common carotid arteries for 20 min, with a 7 day survival period before histological evaluation. NBQX, 40 mg/kg, or GYKI 52466, 40 mg/kg, was administered intravenously starting directly after the end of carotid occlusion and ending 3 h later. Both compounds produced significant protection against selective cell loss in the striatum and cortex. Less consistent changes were seen in the hippocampus; protection by NBQX was significant in CA3 but neither compound produced significant protection in CA1. This pattern of protection is interpreted in terms of a blockade of glutamate's action at non-NMDA receptors limited to the initial 3 h of reperfusion.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Evidence suggests that glutamate contributes to ischemic brain damage through activation of the alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazole propionate (AMPA) receptor. We tested the novel, selective AMPA receptor antagonist PD152247 (PNQX) in a model of temporary focal ischemia to determine the dose-response relationship and to investigate the contribution of drug-induced hypothermia to the neuroprotective action of AMPA receptor antagonists. METHODS: Temporary focal cerebral ischemia was induced in Sprague-Dawley rats by occluding the middle cerebral artery and both carotid arteries for 3 hours. Body temperature was monitored by telemetry. PNQX was administered intraperitoneally or by intravenous infusion with various doses for 6 hours. Lesion volume was determined after 3 days by stereological methods. RESULTS: PNQX reduced the lesion volume by 51% after intraperitoneal administration. The intravenous dose-response study demonstrated that the lowest effective dose of PNQX was 1.0 mg/kg per hour, which corresponded to a steady state plasma level of 685 ng/mL. Neuroprotection was demonstrated at PNQX plasma concentrations that did not lower body temperature over the entire course of the experiment. CONCLUSIONS: AMPA receptor activation plays an important role in the development of ischemic brain damage. Thus, novel AMPA receptor antagonists may be useful for the treatment of stroke in humans.  相似文献   

Microvascular structure after embolic focal cerebral ischemia in the rat   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
OBJECTIVES: We analyze morphological alterations of cerebral neovascularization after stroke using a new 3D imaging software program. METHODS: Male Wistar rats underwent unilateral embolic middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAo) by a single fibrin rich clot. Subjects were sacrificed from 1 to 28 days post infarct. Vessel perimeters were measured on coronal sections stained with endothelial cell-specific antibody to von Willebrand's factor. Vessel segment lengths, diameters and number of vessels were analyzed on cerebral microvessels perfused with FITC-dextran 14 days after ischemia using LSCM and a 3-D vessel quantification program. RESULTS: The mean number of microvessels with enlarged perimeters significantly increased in the ipsilateral cortex at day 7 when compared to the contralateral cortex (29.7+/-14.7 vs. 3.7+/-2.5, P<0.05). Subsequently, differences in the number of microvessels with enlarged perimeters decreased on days 14 and 28. Fourteen days post-MCA occlusion, microvessel segment length (15.0 vs. 26.0 microm, P<0.05) and diameter (3.14 vs. 3.75 microm, P<0.05) significantly decreased in the ipsilateral hemisphere when compared to the contralateral hemisphere, respectively. Furthermore, the mean total number of these smaller microvessels increased in the ipsilateral hemisphere (57.33+/-14.5 vs. 32.22+/-11.7, P<0.05). CONCLUSIONS: Focal cerebral ischemia induces morphological changes (early dilated microvessels followed by decreased microvessel segment length and diameter) that are consistent with newly generated microvessels.  相似文献   

Temporal profile of CREB phosphorylation after focal ischemia in rat brain.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The phosphorylation of cAMP response element binding protein (CREB) in the rat brain was examined immunohistochemically at 3.5 h, 12 h, 24 h and 48 h of recirculation after focal ischemia induced by occlusion of the middle cerebral artery for 1.5 h. Brain sections were stained with affinity purified anti-phosphorylated CREB antibody. The ischemic core revealed a significant, but transient increase in number of phosphorylated CREB-positive cells at 3.5 h of recirculation, followed by a rapid decrease during the subsequent period. In the peri-ischemia area, the number of phosphorylated CREB-positive cells showed a more marked increase as compared to that in the ischemic core at 3.5 h of recirculation, and the increase continued until 48 h of recirculation with a tendency for gradual decline. Persistent enhancement of CREB phosphorylation may thus be closely related to the neuronal viability and neuroprotective mechanisms, whereas rapid disappearance of CREB phosphorylation may clearly precede neuronal death.  相似文献   

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