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Bulk fluid flow or volume flow in the direction of counterion flow is a probable mechanism for enhanced flux of uncharged species by iontophoresis. Both the electrical volume force effect, resulting from the interaction of the ion atmosphere and the electric field, and an induced osmotic pressure effect produce volume flow in the same direction as counterion flow through the membrane. Since each of these effects is proportional to the membrane charge and the imposed electric field, we classify both as electroosmotic flow. This research develops a detailed theoretical model which allows the effect of volume flow on flux enhancement to be evaluated. A detailed theoretical result for the electroosmotic flow coefficient also results from the analysis. The model assumes that transport occurs in three types of aqueous pores: positively charged, neutral, and negatively charged. For hairless mouse skin (HMS), pore size, charge, and number are evaluated from transference number, volume flow, and electrical resistance data. The flux enhancement ratio is J 1/J 1 D= A ii/[l –exp( –i)], where i = pore type, and the summation runs over the three pore types. A i is the area fraction of pore type i effective for transport; J 1 and J 1 D are flux of species 1 with and without the electric field, respectively; and i is given by i = F(–/RT)[ z 1 + (–z m i )Bar i 2 C m i(G i + F)]. Here F = Faraday's constant; – = voltage drop; R = gas constant; T = absolute temperature; z m i = charge of pore i; C m i = charge concentration in membrane pore of radius, r i; B is a known collection of constants; a is the Stokes radius of the transported solute; G i, is a function of membrane charge and pore radius coming from the electrical volume force effect; and F is a function of membrane charge and ion mobility arising from the induced osmotic pressure effect. For transdermal iontophoresis, F <<G, and the induced osmotic pressure effect is not significant. Negative pores dominate electroosmotic flow and usually dominate flux enhancement. The term proportional to C m i is the contribution of electroosmotic flow and will always increase the flux enhancement ratio for anodic delivery of a positively charged ion (z 1 > 0) or a neutral species (z 1 = 0) in a negatively charged pore. The theoretical results are consistent with data in the literature.  相似文献   

以氧化苦参碱、苦参碱、盐酸小檗碱、氨茶碱和秋水仙碱五种生物碱以及水杨酸、水杨酸钠和水杨酰胺为模型药物,采用电致孔一离子导入并用技术进行体外经皮给药途径的试验。结果得出药物分子量的大小、油/水分配系数、药物熔点、浓度、解离性质四种药物因素和不同部位皮肤的生理因素是影响电致孔一离子导入联合促渗技术的主要因素。  相似文献   

This study deals with effects of electrical (current density, frequency and duty cycle) and chemical (buffer pH and ionic strength) conditions on the flux of the octapeptide, 9-desglycinamide, 8-arginine-vasopressin (DGAVP), through dermatomed human skin. A pulsed constant current was applied during iontophoresis. The anode faced the anatomical surface of the skin samples inside the diffusion cells. The resistive and capacitative components of the equivalent electrical circuit of human skin could be calculated by fitting the voltage response to a bi-exponential equation. The skin resistance prior to iontophoresis varied between 20 and 60 k .cm2. During iontophoresis a decrease of skin resistance and an increase of the series capacitances was observed, which were most pronounced during the first hour of iontophoresis; thereafter both quantities gradually levelled off to an apparent steady state value. The reduction of the resistance during iontophoresis increased non-linearly with increasing current density between 0.013–0.64 mA.cm–2. The steady state resistance and capacitances did not vary significantly with frequency and duty cycle of the current pulse. There was no pH dependence of skin resistance at steady state. Between pH 4 and 10, the steady state peptide flux had a bell-shaped pH-dependence with a maximum of 0.17 nmol.cm–2.h–1 at pH 7.4, which is close to the I.E.P. of the peptide. Lowering the ionic strength from 0.15 to 0.015 M NaCl increased the steady state flux at pH 5 and pH 8 by a factor 5 to 0.28 ± 0.21 and 0.48 ± 0.37 nmol.cm–2.h–1, respectively. Together these observations suggested that DGAVP is transported predominately by volume flow. At pH 6, at which 65% of the peptide carried a net single positive charge, the steady state flux increased with increasing current density (0.013–0.64 mA.cm–2) from 0.11 ± 0.03 to 0.19 ± 0.04 nmol.cm–2.h–1. Skin permeability during passive diffusion preceding iontophoresis at pH 6.0 was 2.9 ± 0.6 * 10–7 cm.h–7. In accordance with theoretical predictions based on the Nernst-Planck equation, to which a volume flow term was added, the flux was proportional to the mean voltage across the skin between 0.013 and 0.32 mA.cm–2.h–1. Variation of frequency or duty cycle did not result in significantly different peptide transport rates. From these studies it is concluded that DGAVP can be transported iontophoretically through human skin. The pH- and ionic strength-dependence of the iontophoretic peptide flux suggests that transport of DGAVP mainly occurs by volume flow. Furthermore, the flux of DGAVP appears to be controlled by the applied voltage rather than by the current density, as predicted by the Nernst-Planck equation.  相似文献   

Water and mannitol were used as test penetrants to study the effect of age on the skin permeability of the Wistar-derived Alderley Park (AP) rat and Sprague-Dawley (SD) rat. Whole-skin membranes were prepared from rats aged 10 to 120 days, while epidermal membranes were prepared from rats aged 24 to 32 days. The results indicated that the skin permeabilities of the two strains were very similar for either whole-skin or epidermal membranes. The influence of age on skin permeability was found to be negligible for the AP rat, and a small decrease in whole-skin permeability was observed for SD rats above 80 days of age. A statistically derived expression (the separation efficiency factor) was used to determine the optimum age for preparing intact epidermal membranes; these were 26 days for AP rats and 28 days for SD rats. Histological examination of whole-skin membranes for both strains revealed that the stratum corneum and epidermal thickness did not alter significantly with age (10 to 120 days old). Dermal thickness, hair follicle depth, and, to a lesser extent, the surface area occupied by hair follicles all appeared to be influenced by age, although these changes had no detectable effect on skin permeability.  相似文献   

研究了增渗剂和离子导入技术对尼莫地平(NM)体外经皮渗透性的作用,渗透促进剂如3%和5%月桂氮卓酮及10%油酸的20%丙二醇溶液能增加药物的渗透性(P<005),其增渗比分别为466、439及1264.离子导入技术能够显著增加药物的渗透性(P<001),渗透比为803.同时表明10%油酸和3%的月桂氮卓酮丙二醇溶液与离子导入并用,渗透比为15、85、892.  相似文献   

Previous studies suggest that bulk fluid flow by electroosmosis is a significant factor in iontophoresis and may provide an explanation for the observed enhanced transport of neutral species. In a charged membrane, the solution carries a net charge and thus experiences a volume force in an electric field, which causes volume flow (J v in the direction of counterion flow. J v data were obtained for hairless mouse skin (HM) as a function of pH, concentration of NaCl, current density, and time. Volume flow was measured by timing fluid movement in horizontal capillary tubes attached to the anode and cathode (Ag/AgCl) compartments. By convention, the sign of J v is taken as positive when the volume flow is in the same direction as positive current flow. Experimental mean values were in the range 0 to + 37 µl/cm2 hr, depending on the experimental conditions. Volume flow of this magnitude is large enough to have significant impact on flow of both ions and neutral species. The positive sign for J v indicates that HMS is negative in the pH range studied (3.8–8.3). J v decrease with time, decrease with increasing NaCl concentration, are much lower at pH 3.8 than at the higher pH's, and increase with current density. Effective transference numbers, determined from membrane potential measurements, showed significant pH dependence, consistent with a small negative charge on the membrane at mid pH's and charge reversal around pH 4. Both electrical resistance and J v data indicate changes in transport properties occur when HMS is subjected to an electric field.  相似文献   

Purpose The aim of this work was to explore the effect of iontophoresis on acyclovir (ACV) accumulation and permeation. In particular, the objectives were to check the efficacy of the transport mechanisms, electromigration and electroosmosis, on drug accumulation.Methods Permeation experiments were performed in vitro, using rabbit ear skin as barrier, from donor solutions at pH 3.0, 5.8, and 7.4. At the end of the experiments, drug accumulation in epidermis and dermis was measured. Anodal and cathodal iontophoresis were applied at pH 3.0, whereas only anodal iontophoresis was used at pH 5.8 (current densities 0.06–0.50 mA/cm2) and 7.4.Results Cathodal iontophoresis was more efficient than anodal iontophoresis on ACV permeation across the skin at pH 3.0. At pH 5.8, ACV flux and accumulation increased with current density during anodal iontophoresis. At pH 7.4, anodal iontophoresis produced a remarkable increase of flux and a modest increase of accumulation. Overall, anodal flux increased as the pH of the donor solution was increased as a result of the increase of the skin net negative charge.Conclusions From the results obtained in the present work, it can be concluded that iontophoresis application increases ACV flux and, to a limited extent, accumulation in the skin.  相似文献   

In vitro and in vivo skin penetration of three drugs with different lipophilicities and the enhancing effects of l-geranylazacycloheptan-2-one (GACH) were studied in rats. In vivo drug absorption profiles obtained by deconvolution of urinary excretion profiles were compared to the corresponding in vitro data obtained with a diffusion experiment. In vivo skin penetration of lipophilic butylparaben was considerably greater than that observed in vitro, while hydrophilic mannitol and acyclovir showed low penetration in both systems without GACH pretreatment. On the other hand, GACH enhanced mannitol and acyclovir penetration, especially in the in vivo system. Analysis of absorption profiles, using a two-layer skin model with polar and nonpolar routes in the stratum corneum, suggested that the diffusion length of a viable layer (viable epidermis and dermis) was shorter in vivo than in vitro and the effective area of the polar route in the stratum corneum was larger in vitro without GACH pretreatment. GACH increased the partitioning of acyclovir into the nonpolar route to the same extent in both systems. In addition, GACH increased the effective area of the polar route in vivo, probably because of enhanced water permeability; however, this effect was smaller in vitro since the stratum corneum was already hydrated even without GACH pretreatment.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of the nonionic surfactant, n-decylmethyl sulfoxide (NDMS), pH, and inhibitors on the metabolism and the permeation of amino acids, dipeptides, and the pentapeptide enkephalin, through hairless mouse skin. An HPLC gradient method was developed to identify the possible peptide and amino acid metabolites of leucine-enkephalin. NDMS increased the permeability of all amino acids and peptides tested. At neural pH, the enzyme activity within the skin was such that no flux of leucine-enkephalin (YGGFL) was observed and the donor cell concentration of YGGFL decreased rapidly. The major cleavage occurred at the Tyr-Gly bond. At pH 5.0 the metabolic activity was reduced significantly and a substantial flux of YGGFL was observed. Enzymatically stable YGGFL analogues, Tyr-D-Ala-Gly-Phe-Leu (YDAGFL) and its amide, exhibited significant fluxes even at neutral pH in the presence of NDMS, but with substantial metabolism. YDAGFL amide was more stable to metabolism than YDAGFL. The rates of metabolism of the peptides in the skin homogenates were in the order: FL.>>YGGFL > GFL > GGFL >> YG, YGG >> YDAGFL amide. In the skin homogenates puromycin and amastatin showed the highest inhibitory effects, while FL and GFL were only slightly active. However, in the skin diffusion experiments, FL allowed the highest amount of intact parent compound to permeate, making it the most potent inhibitor. These results show that the complex proteolytic enzyme activities occurring during skin permeation are different from those in skin homogenates and that a combination of enhancer, pH adjustment, and inhibitors can increase the transdermal delivery of peptides.  相似文献   

Purpose. The objectives of this study were to investigate the impedance properties of human skin in vivo and to examine the effect of iontophoresis upon them. Methods. Having established the intra- and inter-individual variation in basal values of skin impedance, the effect of varying iontophoretic current density, ionic strength and counter-ion on the rate of recovery of skin impedance after iontophoresis was investigated. Results. Passage of an iontophoretic current caused a significant reduction in the magnitude of the skin impedance. Increasing the current density caused an even greater reduction in the value of the skin impedance and slowed the rate of recovery. Reduction of the ionic strength resulted in an increase in the rate of recovery following iontophoresis. A significant increase in the rate of recovery was observed when CaCl2 replaced NaCl as the electrolyte. Although visual inspection revealed the presence of greater erythema when CaCl2 was used, there was an absence of the mild sensation experienced by volunteers when using NaCl. The last part of the study established a correlation between transepidermal water loss and impedance analysis as complementary methods for probing skin barrier function in vivo. The data were fitted to an equivalent circuit consisting of a resistor in parallel with a constant-phase element and a mechanistic model proposed to explain the electrical properties of the skin. Conclusions. The first comprehensive investigation of the effect of iontophoresis on the electrical properties of human skin in vivo has been described. It would appear from the results, and from their interpretation, that impedance spectroscopy may be an effective method to quantify the impact of iontophoresis on the skin, and to determine the extent to which proposed drug delivery regimens will perturb skin barrier function.  相似文献   

Purpose. The aim of this study was to verify the hypothesis that the application of high voltage to the skin enhances both stratum corneum and keratinocyte permeability. Therefore, the transport of FITC labelled phosphorothioate oligonucleotides (FITC-PS) administered by passive diffusion, iontophoresis or electroporation was localized. Methods. Fluorescent microscopy and laser scanning confocal microscopy were used to visualize the FITC-PS transport at the tissue and cell level respectively in hairless rat skin after electroporation (5 × (200 V 500 ms) or iontophoresis (same amount of charges transferred). Results. FITC-PS did not penetrate the viable skin by passive diffusion. Molecular transport in the skin upon electroporation or iontophoresis was localized and implied mainly hair follicles for iontophoresis. In the stratum corneum, the pathways for FITC-PS transport were more transcellular during electroporation and paracellular during iontophoresis. FITC-PS were detected in the nucleus of the keratinocytes a few minutes after pulsing. In contrast, iontophoresis did not lead to an uptake of the oligomer. Conclusions. The internalization of FITC-PS in the keratinocytes after electroporation confirms the hypothesis and suggests that electroporation, which allows both efficient topical delivery and rapid cellular uptake of the oligonucleotides, might be useful for antisense therapy of epidermal diseases.  相似文献   

Purpose The aims of the study are to develop and evaluate an in vitro rat intestine segmental perfusion model for the prediction of the oral fraction absorbed of compounds and to assess the ability of the model to study intestinal metabolism. Methods The system consisted of a perfusion cell with a rat intestinal segment and three perfusion circulations (donor, receiver, and rinsing circulation). Lucifer yellow (LY) was applied as internal standard together with test compounds in the donor circulation. To validate the model, the permeability of eight noncongeneric passively absorbed drugs was determined. Intestinal N-demethylation of verapamil into norverapamil was followed in the donor and receiver circulations by high-performance liquid chromatography analysis. Results The in vitro model allowed ranking of the tested compounds according to their in vivo absorption potential. The Spearman's correlation coefficient between the oral fraction absorbed in humans and the ratio of permeation coefficient of test compound to the permeation coefficient of LY within the same experiment was 0.98 (P < 0.01). Moreover, intestinal N-demethylation of verapamil, its permeation, and the permeation of its metabolite norverapamil could be assessed in parallel. Conclusions Up to six permeation kinetics can be obtained per rat, and the method has shown to be a valuable tool to estimate human oral absorption.  相似文献   

The objective of this research was to provide in vitro transport data designed to clarify the relative importance of permeability increase and electroosmotic flow in flux enhancement via iontophoresis, Iontophoretic fluxes were measured with both anode and cathode donor cells, and passive fluxes were measured both before iontophoresis (Passive 1) and after iontophoresis (Passive 2). Data were generated for three uncharged low molecular weight solutes (glycine, glucose, and tyrosine) and two high molecular weight anionic species (carboxy inulin and bovine serum albumin). Flux enhancement is greater for anodic delivery than for cathodic delivery, even for the negatively charged molecules, and anodic flux of glucose decreases as the concentration of NaCl increases. Both observations are consistent with a mass transfer mechanism strongly dependent on electroosmotic flow. Steady-state anodic flux at 0.32 mA/cm2, expressed as equivalent donor solution flux (in µl/hr cm2), ranged from 6.1 for glycine to about 2 for the large anions. As expected, iontophoretic flux is higher at 3.2 mA/cm2 than at 0.32 mA/cm2, and passive flux measured after iontophoresis is about a factor of 10 greater than the corresponding flux measured before the skin was exposed to electric current. There are two mechanisms for flux enhancement relative to passive flux on fresh hairless mouse skin: (1) the effect of the voltage in increasing mass transfer over the passive diffusion level, the effect of electroosmotic flow dominating this contribution in the systems studied in this report; and (2) the effect of prior current flow in increasing the intrinsic permeability of the skin. Both effects are significant. Based on theoretical results given elsewhere, theoretical values for flux were calculated and compared with the experimental data. While agreement between theory and experiment was only qualitative in several cases, most of the data are predicted quantitatively by the theory.  相似文献   

An in vitro technique was developed to study the permeation and antimicrobial activity of graded concentrations of a new antibacterial agent, chlorhexidine phosphanilate (CHP), in cream formulations using Franz diffusion cells. Formulations containing from 0.2 to 2% CHP were quantitatively applied to intact excised skin and to skin from which the stratum corneum and partial epidermis had been enzymatically removed. Receptor fluids from diffusion cells were sampled over time and assayed by HPLC methods for chlorhexidine and phosphanilic acid; 24- and 48-hr samples of the diffusate from studies with damaged skin were also bioassayed using clinical isolates of appropriate microbial species. Through intact skin almost no permeation of CHP was observed over 48 hr. The failure of CHP to penetrate intact human skin suggests that normal stratum corneum is the rate-limiting barrier to penetration by this antimicrobial agent. In damaged skin lacking stratum corneum barrier, the release of CHP from the formulation becomes the rate-determining step. Coincident with penetrating damaged skin, CHP dissociates, and the molar ratio of the chlorhexidine and phosphanilate moieties in the diffusate changes to favor phosphanilic acid. The extent of changes in the permeation rates of both moieties of CHP was directly related to the CHP concentration in cream. Both CHP moieties were found to reach equilibrium in the dermis within 24 hr after application. It was also observed that CHP creams down to 0.2% concentration yielded diffusates with activity exceeding the minimum inhibitory concentration of all test microorganisms within 24 hr.  相似文献   

To investigate the origins of an organotropic shift toward increasing esophageal carcinogenicity and DNA alkylation caused by -trideuteration of the hepatocarcinogen,N-nitrosomethylethylamine (NMEA), the single-dose toxicokinetics of NMEA andN-nitrosomethyl(2,2,2-trideuterioethyl)amine (NMEA-d 3) has been characterized in 8-week-old male Fischer 344 rats by analysis using high performance liquid chromatography of serial blood samples. An i.v. bolus dose of 0.6 mol/kg to rats revealed biphasic first order elimination with a terminal half-life of 9.46 ± 0.69 min for unchanged NMEA and 28.9 ± 2.4 min for total radioactivity. Extensive conversion to polar metabolites was observed in the chromatograms. The systemic blood clearance and apparent steadystate volume of distribution for unchanged NMEA were 39.9 ± 4.6 ml/min/kg and 496 ± 36 ml/kg, respectively. There was negligible plasma protein binding and no detectable NMEA was excreted unchanged in the urine. Larger doses given by gavage indicated a systemic bioavailability of 25 ± 1%. Similar doses of NMEA-d 3 given to other groups of rats revealed no significant differences in any of the toxicokinetic parameters. NoN-nitrosomethyl (2-hydroxyethyl)amine was found as a detectable metabolite of NMEA or NMEA-d 3 in any of the blood or urine samples which were analyzed. When considered together, the data suggest that previously observed differences in organ specificity for the carcinogens, NMEA and NMEA-d 3, are not due to differences in the total amounts of nitrosamine reaching particular tissues, but may have other localized causes such as differences in the enzymes responsible for metabolism which are present in each tissue. Such differences may make too small a contribution to the total systemic clearance to be detectable in that parameter, but at the level of the fraction of a dose that alkylates DNA they may be important.  相似文献   

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