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The skeletal structures of the face and throat are derived from cranial neural crest cells (NCCs) that migrate from the embryonic neural tube into a series of branchial arches (BAs). The first arch (BA1) gives rise to the upper and lower jaw cartilages, whereas hyoid structures are generated from the second arch (BA2). The Hox paralogue group 2 (PG2) genes, Hoxa2 and Hoxb2, show distinct roles for hyoid patterning in tetrapods and fishes. In the mouse, Hoxa2 acts as a selector of hyoid identity, while its paralogue Hoxb2 is not required. On the contrary, in zebrafish Hoxa2 and Hoxb2 are functionally redundant for hyoid arch patterning. Here, we show that in Xenopus embryos morpholino-induced functional knockdown of Hoxa2 is sufficient to induce homeotic changes of the second arch cartilage. Moreover, Hoxb2 is downregulated in the BA2 of Xenopus embryos, even though initially expressed in second arch NCCs, similar to mouse and unlike in zebrafish. Finally, Xbap, a gene involved in jaw joint formation, is selectively upregulated in the BA2 of Hoxa2 knocked-down frog embryos, supporting a hyoid to mandibular change of NCC identity. Thus, in Xenopus Hoxa2 does not act redundantly with Hoxb2 for BA2 patterning, similar to mouse and unlike in fish. These data bring novel insights into the regulation of Hox PG2 genes and hyoid patterning in vertebrate evolution and suggest that Hoxa2 function is required at late stages of BA2 development.  相似文献   

The general macrocirculation and branchial microcirculation of the air-breathing climbing perch, Anabas testudineus, was examined by light and scanning electron microscopy of vascular corrosion replicas. The ventral aorta arises from the heart as a short vessel that immediately bifurcates into a dorsal and a ventral branch. The ventral branch distributes blood to gill arches 1 and 2, the dorsal branch to arches 3 and 4. The vascular organization of arches 1 and 2 is similar to that described for aquatic breathing teleosts. The respiratory lamellae are well developed but lack a continuous inner marginal channel. The filaments contain an extensive nutritive and interlamellar network; the latter traverses the filament between, but in register with, the inner lamellar margins. Numerous small, tortuous vessels arise from the efferent filamental and branchial arteries and anastomose with each other to form the nutrient supply for the filament, adductor muscles, and arch supportive tissues. The efferent branchial arteries of arches 1 and 2 supply the accessory air-breathing organs. Arches 3 and 4 are modified to serve primarily as large-bore shunts between the dorsal branch of the ventral aorta and the dorsal aorta. In many filaments from arches 3 and 4, the respiratory lamellae are condensed and have only 1–3 large channels. In some instances in arch 4, shunt vessels arise from the afferent branchial artery and connect directly with the efferent filamental artery. The filamental nutrient and interlamellar systems are poorly developed or absent. The respiratory and systemic pathways in Anabas are arranged in parallel. Blood flows from the ventral branch of the ventral aorta, through gill arches 1 and 2, into the accessory respiratory organs, and then returns to the heart. Blood, after entering the dorsal branch of the ventral aorta, passes through gill arches 3 and 4 and proceeds to the systemic circulation. This arrangement optimizes oxygen delivery to the tissues and minimizes intravascular pressure in the branchial and air-breathing organs. The efficiency of this system is limited by the mixing of respiratory and systemic venous blood at the heart.  相似文献   

This study provides concise temporal and spatial characteristics of branchial chondrogenesis in embryonic sea lamprey, Petromyzon marinus, using high resolution light microscopy, transmission electron, and immunoelectron microscopy. Prechondrogenic condensations representing the first branchial arch appeared first in the mid-region of the third pharyngeal arch at 13 days post-fertilization (pf). Cartilage differentiation, defined by the presence of the unique, fibrillar, non-collagenous matrix protein characteristic of branchial cartilage, was first observed at 14 days pf. Development of lamprey branchial cartilage appeared unusual compared to that in jawed fishes, in that precartilage condensations appear as a one-cell wide orderly stack of flattened cells that extend by the addition of one dorsal and one ventral condensation. Development of lamprey gill arches from three condensations that fuse to form a single skeletal element differs from the developing gill arches of jawed fishes, where more than one skeletal element forms from a single condensation. The initial orderly arrangement of cells in the lamprey branchial prechondrogenic condensations remains throughout development. Once chondrification of the condensations begins, the branchial arches start to grow. Initially, growth occurs as a result of matrix secretion and cell migration. Later in development, the arches grow mainly by cell proliferation and enlargement. This study defines the morphology and timing of lamprey branchial chondrogenesis. Studies of lamprey chondrogenesis provide not only insight into the developmental biology of a unique non-collagenous cartilage in a primitive vertebrate but also into the general evolution of the skeletal system in vertebrates.  相似文献   

Developmental functions of mammalian Hox genes   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
The structure of the four murine Hox complexes and the co-ordinate expression patterns of Hox genes have been elucidated for almost a decade. However, clues about their developmental functions have been recently uncovered from the analysis of loss-of-function mutants generated by the gene targeting technique, as well as from transgenic mice with altered Hox gene expression domains. The 'anterior' Hox genes control the morphogenetic programme of specific hindbrain segments (rhombomeres) or pharyngeal arch neural crest derivatives. Various studies indicate that Hox gene products act in a region-specific, combinatorial and partly redundant manner to specify the identities of developing vertebrae. In addition, 'posterior' HoxA and HoxD genes act coordinately to control the growth and morphogenesis of skeletal structures along the proximodistal axis of developing limbs. Studies in other vertebrate model systems suggest that the evolution of Hox gene functions has allowed for the acquisition of specific morphological features along both the vertebral column and limbs of tetrapods. Gene targeting studies have also revealed region-specific functions of Hox genes along the developing digestive and genito-urinary tracts.   相似文献   

Previous work has emphasized the crucial role of retinoic acid (RA) in the ontogenesis of the vast majority of mesenchymal structures derived from the neural crest cells (NCC), which migrate through, or populate, the frontonasal process and branchial arches. Using somatic mutagenesis in the mouse, we have selectively ablated two or three retinoic acid receptors (i.e., RARα/RARβ, RARα/RARγ and RARα/RARβ/RARγ) in NCC. By rigorously analyzing these mutant mice, we found that survival and migration of NCC is normal until gestational day 10.5, suggesting that RAR‐dependent signaling is not intrinsically required for the early steps of NCC development. However, ablation of Rara and Rarg genes in NCC yields an agenesis of the median portion of the face, demonstrating that RARα and RARγ act cell‐autonomously in postmigratory NCC to control the development of structures derived from the frontonasal process. In contrast, ablation of the three Rar genes in NCC leads to less severe defects of the branchial arches derived structures compared with Rar compound null mutants. Therefore, RARs exert a function in the NCC as well as in a separated cell population. This work demonstrates that RARs use distinct mechanisms to pattern cranial NCC. Developmental Dynamics 238:2701–2711, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The development of the innervation of the human branchial aortic arches and the heart has been investigated. The early growth of nerve fibres to the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 6th aortic arches has been established. Evidence of the transformation of the 1st and 2nd aortic arches and the 4th right one into highly sensitive zones is presented. The order in which nerve connections of the arch regions which develop into reflexogenic zones in a definitive organism are formed is demonstrated. The cranial nerve fibres grow first, and are followed by the sympathetic trunk fibers. Investigations carried out on the extensive material corroborate Koch's hypothesis (1931) that all aortic arches of the embryo develop into reflexogenic zones.  相似文献   

Proximal 19p13.12 microdeletion has been rarely reported. Only five postnatal cases with intellectual disability, facial dysmorphism, branchial arch defects and overlapping deletions involving proximal 19p13.12 have been documented. Two critical intervals were previously defined: a 700 kb for branchial arch defects and a 350 kb for hypertrichosis-synophrys-protruding front teeth. We describe the first prenatal case, a fetal death in utero at 39 weeks of gestation. Agilent 180K array-CGH analysis identified a heterozygous interstitial 745 kb deletion at 19p13.12 chromosome region, encompassing both previously reported critical intervals, including at least 6 functionally relevant genes: NOTCH3, SYDE1, AKAP8, AKAP8L, WIZ and BRD4. Quantitative PCR showed that the deletion occurred de novo with a median size of 753 kb. NOTCH3 and SYDE1 were candidate genes for placental pathology whilst AKAP8, AKAP8L, WIZ and BRD4 were highly expressed in the branchial arches. Molecular characterization and sequencing of candidate genes for placental pathology and branchial arch defects were carried out in order to correlate the genotype-phenotype relationship and unravel the underlying mechanism of proximal 19p13.12 microdeletion syndrome. This case also contributes to define the novel critical interval and expand the clinical phenotype spectrum of proximal 19p13.12 microdeletion syndrome.  相似文献   

The dentition is a segmental system whose evolution and morphology bears analogy to the evolution of segmentation in the vertebral column and limb. Combinatorial expression of members of the large “Hox” class of homeobox regulatory genes has been shown to play an important role in positional specification in these skeletal systems. This raises the possibility that homeobox genes are also used for positional specification in the dentition, and several homeobox genes are known to be expressed in developing teeth. To identify additional dentally expressed homeobox genes, cDNA from from murine tooth germs at 9.5, 14.5, and 17.5 days gestational age was amplified by PCR using sets of degenerate primers to the homeodomains of 18 different classes of homeobox genes. Amplification products were cloned and sequenced and compared to known gene sequences. To date this approach has confirmed the presence of Msx1, Msx2, Dlx1, and Dlx2, and identified several other homeobox genes not previously known to be expressed in teeth: Dbx, MHox, and Mox2A, plus an additional Dlx gene, Dlx7. The Msx and Dlx genes are the best current candidates for a combinatorial mechanism that controls the differentiation of structures within and between teeth, and perhaps also the evolution of those structures.  相似文献   

The development of melanocytes from neural crest-derived precursors that migrate along the dorsolateral pathway has been attributed to the selection of this route by cells that are fate-restricted to the melanocyte lineage. Alternatively, melanocytes could arise from nonspecified cells that develop in response to signals encountered while these cells migrate, or at their final destinations. In most animals, the bowel, which is colonized by crest-derived cells that migrate through the caudal branchial arches, contains no melanocytes; however, the enteric microenvironment does not prevent melanocytes from developing from crest-derived precursors placed experimentally into the bowel wall. To test the hypothesis that the branchial arches remove the melanogenic potential from the crest-derived population that colonizes the gut, the Silky fowl (in which the viscera are pigmented) was studied. Sources of crest included Silky fowl and quail vagal and truncal neural folds/tubes, which were cultured or explanted to chorioallantoic membranes alone or together with branchial arches or limb buds from Silky fowl, White Leghorn, or quail embryos. Crest and mesenchyme-derived cells were distinguished by using the quail nuclear marker. Melanocytes developed from Silky fowl and quail crest-derived cells. Melanocyte development from both sources was inhibited by quail and White Leghorn branchial arches (and limb buds), but melanocyte development was unaffected by branchial arch (and limb buds) from Silky fowl. These observations suggest that a factor(s) that is normally expressed in the branchial arches, and is lacking in animals with the Silky mutation, prevents cells with a melanogenic potential from colonizing the bowel.  相似文献   

This study indicates that the development of the vertebrae in the Atlantic salmon requires the orchestration of two sources of metameric patterning, derived from the notochord and the somite rows, respectively. Before segmentation of the salmon notochord, chordoblasts exhibit a well-defined cell axis that is uniformly aligned with the cranio-caudal axis. The morphology of these cells is characterised by a foot-like basal projection that rests on the notochordal sheath. Notochordal segments are initially formed within the chordoblast layer by metameric change in the axial orientation of groups of chordoblasts. This process results in the formation of circular bands of chordoblasts, with feet perpendicular to the cranio-caudal axis, the original chordoblast orientation. Each vertebra is defined by two such chordoblast bands, at the cranial and caudal borders, respectively. Formation of the chordoblast segments closely precedes formation of the chordacentra, which form as calcified rings within the adjacent notochordal sheath. Sclerotomal osteoblasts then differentiate on the surface of the chordacentra, using them as foundations for further vertebral growth. Thus, the morphogenesis of the rudiments of the vertebral bodies is initiated by a generation of segments within the chordoblast layer. This dual segmentation model for salmon, in which the segmental patterns of the neural and haemal arches are somite-derived, while the vertebral segments seem to be notochord-derived, contrasts with current models for avians and mammals.  相似文献   

Iroquois homeobox‐like 1 (irxl1) is a novel member of the TALE superfamily of homeobox genes that is most closely related to the Iroquois class. We have identified the zebrafish irxl1 gene and characterized its structure. The protein contains a homeodomain that shares 100% sequence identity with other vertebrate orthologs. During embryogenesis, irxl1 is expressed from 18 hours postfertilization onward and prominent expression is detected in the pharyngeal arches. Knockdown of irxl1 by morpholinos results in malformed brain and arch structures, which can be partially rescued by cRNA injection. The heads of the morphants become small and flat, and extensions along the anterior–posterior/dorso–ventral axes are reduced without affecting regional specification. Loss of irxl1 function also causes deficit in neural crest cells which consequently results in partial loss of craniofacial muscles and severe deformation of arch cartilages. These observations suggest that irxl1 may regulate factors involved in brain and pharyngeal arch development. Developmental Dynamics 239:639–650, 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Fgfr1 regulates patterning of the pharyngeal region   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Development of the pharyngeal region depends on the interaction and integration of different cell populations, including surface ectoderm, foregut endoderm, paraxial mesoderm, and neural crest. Mice homozygous for a hypomorphic allele of Fgfr1 have craniofacial defects, some of which appeared to result from a failure in the early development of the second branchial arch. A stream of neural crest cells was found to originate from the rhombomere 4 region and migrate toward the second branchial arch in the mutants. Neural crest cells mostly failed to enter the second arch, however, but accumulated in a region proximal to it. Both rescue of the hypomorphic Fgfr1 allele and inactivation of a conditional Fgfr1 allele specifically in neural crest cells indicated that Fgfr1 regulates the entry of neural crest cells into the second branchial arch non-cell-autonomously. Gene expression in the pharyngeal ectoderm overlying the developing second branchial arch was affected in the hypomorphic Fgfr1 mutants at a stage prior to neural crest entry. Our results indicate that Fgfr1 patterns the pharyngeal region to create a permissive environment for neural crest cell migration.  相似文献   

Hox genes have a critical role in controlling the patterning processes of many tissues by imparting positional information in embryogenesis. Patterning of the pharyngeal component of the skull (the visceroskeleton) has been proposed to be influenced by this "Hox code." Recently, it has been shown that Hox genes are associated with the evolution of jaws, loss of Hox gene expression in the first branchial arch being necessary for the transition from the agnathan condition to the gnathostome condition. Teeth develop on the first branchial arch in mammals and, therefore, might be expected to be under the control of Hox genes in a manner similar to that of the cranial skeletal elements. However, we show that, unlike cartilage and bone, the development of teeth is not affected by alterations in Hoxa2 expression. Tooth development in the first arch was unaffected by overexpression of Hoxa2, whereas recombinations of second arch mesenchyme with first arch epithelium led to tooth development within a Hoxa2-positive environment. These data demonstrate that teeth develop from local interactions and that tooth formation is not under the axial patterning program specified by the Hox genes. We propose that the evolutionary development of teeth in the first branchial arch is independent of the loss of Hox expression necessary for the development of the jaw.  相似文献   

The cephalic neural crest produces streams of migrating cells that populate pharyngeal arches and a more rostral, premandibular domain, to give rise to an extensive ectomesenchyme in the embryonic vertebrate head. The crest cells forming the trigeminal stream are the major source of the craniofacial skeleton; however, there is no clear distinction between the mandibular arch and the premandibular domain in this ectomesenchyme. The question regarding the evolution of the gnathostome jaw is, in part, a question about the differentiation of the mandibular arch, the rostralmost component of the pharynx, and in part a question about the developmental fate of the premandibular domain. We address the developmental definition of the mandibular arch in connection with the developmental origin of the trabeculae, paired cartilaginous elements generally believed to develop in the premandibular domain, and also of enigmatic cartilaginous elements called polar cartilages. Based on comparative embryology, we propose that the mandibular arch ectomesenchyme in gnathostomes can be defined as a Dlx1-positive domain, and that the polar cartilages, which develop from the Dlx1-negative premandibular ectomesenchyme, would represent merely posterior parts of the trabeculae. We also show, in the lamprey embryo, early migration of mandibular arch mesenchyme into the premandibular domain, and propose an updated version of the heterotopy theory on the origin of the jaw.  相似文献   

The vertebrate hindbrain develops from a series of segments (rhombomeres) distributed along the anteroposterior axis. We are studying the roles of Wnt and Delta-Notch signaling in maintaining rhombomere boundaries as organizing centers in the zebrafish hindbrain. Several wnt genes (wnt1, wnt3a, wnt8b, and wnt10b) show elevated expression at rhombomere boundaries, whereas several delta genes (dlA, dlB, and dlD) are expressed in transverse stripes flanking rhombomere boundaries. Partial disruption of Wnt signaling by knockdown of multiple wnt genes, or the Wnt mediator tcf3b, ablates boundaries and associated cell types. Expression of dlA is chaotic, and cell types associated with rhombomere centers are disorganized. Similar patterning defects are observed in segmentation mutants spiel-ohne-grenzen (spg) and valentino (val), which fail to form rhombomere boundaries due to faulty interactions between adjacent rhombomeres. Stripes of wnt expression are variably disrupted, with corresponding disturbances in metameric patterning. Mutations in dlA or mind bomb (mib) disrupt Delta-Notch signaling and cause a wide range of patterning defects in the hindbrain. Stripes of wnt1 are initially normal but subsequently dissipate, and metameric patterning becomes increasingly disorganized. Driving wnt1 expression using a heat-shock construct partially rescues metameric patterning in mib mutants. Thus, rhombomere boundaries act as Wnt signaling centers required for precise metameric patterning, and Delta signals from flanking cells provide feedback to maintain wnt expression at boundaries. Similar feedback mechanisms operate in the Drosophila wing disc and vertebrate limb bud, suggesting coaptation of a conserved signaling module that spatially organizes cells in complex organ systems.  相似文献   

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