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The Medical Education Scholars Program (MESP) at the University of Michigan Medical School was established in 1998 to develop educational leadership, improve teaching skills, and promote educational scholarship among medical school faculty. The Department of Medical Education designed and implemented the program. Eighty-one scholars have completed the MESP, with 15 more currently enrolled. While most scholars have been clinical faculty, some have been basic science faculty or from other allied health fields. The selection process emphasizes potential for contributing to the educational mission of the medical school. Each cohort is limited to two participants per department. The curriculum of the MESP is designed to provide an overview of a wide range of topics in education. It is divided into five broad domains: principles and theories of education, teaching methods, educational research methods, assessment and evaluation, and educational leadership. During the sessions, active learning of content is expected and encouraged. For instance, scholars share responsibility with the session presenters for planning and evaluating individual program sessions. To graduate, scholars are expected to attend the sessions regularly, and to make a final presentation of their project, which demonstrates near-completion or substantial progress toward that goal. Over its eight years, the MESP has evolved in response to environmental changes and ongoing evaluation of the program. Overall, the Medical Education Scholars Program has proven effective in developing faculty skills and educational leadership locally at the University of Michigan Medical School and nationally.  相似文献   

Despite its fundamental importance, the educational mission of most medical schools receives far less recognition and support than do the missions of research and patient care. This disparity is based, in part, on the predominance of discipline-based departments, which focus on the more sustainable enterprises of research and patient care. Where departmental teaching is emphasized, it tends to center on trainees directly associated with the department-leaving medical students unsupported. The authors argue that the ongoing erosion of the educational mission will never be reversed unless there are changes in the underlying structure of medical schools. Academies of medical educators are developing at a number of medical schools to advance the school-wide mission of education. The authors describe and compare key features of such organizations at eight medical schools, identified through an informal survey of the Society of Directors of Research in Medical Education, along with direct contacts with specific schools. Although these entities are relatively new, initial assessments suggest that they have already had a major impact on the recognition of teaching efforts by the faculty, fueled curricular reform, promoted educational scholarship, and garnered new resources to support teaching. The academy movement, as a structural approach to change, shows promise for reinvigorating the educational mission of academic medicine.  相似文献   

There is a growing appreciation of the need for educational faculty development within medical education. The authors describe the establishment and subsequent expansion of one such fellowship in medical education that arose from the cooperative efforts of Harvard Medical School, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, and Mount Auburn Hospital. Three resultant fellowships are outlined that share the common goals of enhancing the skills of the faculty as educators, providing an opportunity to conduct scholarly educational research, supporting the fellows as change agents, and fostering the creation of a supportive community dedicated to enhancing the field of medical education. Curricular structure and content are outlined as well as current approaches to curricular and programmatic evaluation. The fellowships have been well received and are widely perceived as transformative for the faculty, many of whom have assumed increased roles of organizational and educational leadership. Lastly, future directions for these fellowships are presented.  相似文献   

During the past five years (2001-2006), the University of Bristol Medical School has developed and implemented a new model for delivering clinical education: the clinical academy. The principal features of the model are (1) having both in-Bristol and out-of-Bristol campuses for clinical education, (2) innovative partnerships with local health care providers, (3) local leadership of educational delivery, and (4) the recruitment and training of new cadres of clinical teachers.The seven clinical academies consist of two academies based in traditional acute-care teaching hospitals in the city of Bristol and five academies in the surrounding counties. The same Bristol curriculum is delivered in every clinical academy by locally recruited hospital specialists and family physicians. Each academy is led by an academy medical dean, who has local responsibility for program delivery, quality assurance, academic and personal support for students, and finances on behalf of the university.Medical students rotate between clinical academies every half academic year, alternately based in and outside of Bristol. They learn clinical medicine and develop clinical competence as apprentice members of a local multiprofessional learning community. The medical school now has enough high-quality clinical placements to accommodate increasing numbers of medical students whilst keeping a "human-scale" educational environment.Clinical academies are thus the key components of a decentralized system of curriculum delivery; they differ in concept and purpose from the new academies of medical educators in the United States that offer a centralized focus for the educational mission.  相似文献   

The Academy of Medical Educators at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), was established in 2000 to (1) foster excellence in teaching, (2) support teachers of medicine, and (3) promote curricular innovation. A membership organization, it recognizes five categories of educational activity: direct teaching, curriculum development and assessment of learner performance, advising and mentoring, educational administration and leadership, and educational research. Excellent medical student teaching and outstanding accomplishment in one or more areas of educational activity qualify a teacher for membership. Candidates prepare a portfolio that is reviewed internally and by national experts in medical education. Currently 37 faculty members, 3% of the entire school of medicine faculty, belong to the academy. The academy's innovations funding program disburses one-year grants to support curricular development and comparisons of pedagogical approaches; through this mechanism, the academy has funded 20 projects at a total cost of $442,300. Three fourths of expended funds support faculty release time. Faculty development efforts include promotion of the use of an educator's portfolio and the establishment of a mentoring program for junior faculty members built around observation of teaching. The Academy of Medical Educators vigorously supports expanded scholarship in education; the academy-sponsored Education Day is an opportunity for educators to present their work locally. Recipients of innovations-funding program grants are expected to present their work in an appropriate national forum and are assisted in doing this through quarterly scholarship clinics. The Academy of Medical Educators has been well received at UCSF and is enhancing the status of medical education and teachers.  相似文献   

Changes in the education, research, and health care environments have had a major impact on the way in which medical schools fulfill their missions, and mission-based management approaches have been suggested to link the financial information of mission costs and revenues with measures of mission activity and productivity. The authors describe a simpler system, termed Mission-Aligned Planning (MAP), and its development and implementation, during fiscal years 2002 and 2003, at the School of Medicine at the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, Texas. The MAP system merges financial measures and activity measures to allow a broad understanding of the mission activities, to facilitate strategic planning at the school and departmental levels. During the two fiscal years mentioned above, faculty of the school of medicine reported their annual hours spent in the four missions of teaching, research, clinical care, and administration and service in a survey designed by the faculty. A financial profit or loss in each mission was determined for each department by allocation of all departmental expenses and revenues to each mission. Faculty expenses (and related expenses) were allocated to the missions based on the percentage of faculty effort in each mission. This information was correlated with objective measures of mission activities. The assessment of activity allowed a better understanding of the real costs of mission activities by linking salary costs, assumed to be related to faculty time, to the missions. This was a basis for strategic planning and for allocation of institutional resources.  相似文献   

The University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine has developed and evaluated an extensive teaching program in clinical ethics coordinated primarily through the Center for Clinical Medical Ethics. The program provides medical students with a foundation in medical ethics during the four years of medical school and augments the clinical ethics knowledge and teaching skills of the housestaff and clinical faculty at the University of Chicago. Together, medical student teaching and clinical faculty development have made clinical ethics an integral part of medical education at the University of Chicago. Through these efforts, the teaching program aims to incorporate clinical ethics considerations into medical decisions and in this way contribute to improving patient care. (A detailed overview of all clinical ethics instruction at the school is provided.)  相似文献   

Realistic medical simulation has expanded worldwide over the last decade. Such technology is playing an increasing role in medical education not merely because simulator sessions are enjoyable, but because they can provide an enhanced environment for experiential learning and reflective thought. High-fidelity patient simulators allow students of all levels to "practice" medicine without risk, providing a natural framework for the integration of basic and clinical science in a safe environment. Often described as "flight simulation for doctors," the rationale, utility, and range of medical simulations have been described elsewhere, yet the challenges of integrating this technology into the medical school curriculum have received little attention. The authors report how Harvard Medical School established an on-campus simulator program for students in 2001, building on the work of the Center for Medical Simulation in Boston. As an overarching structure for the process, faculty and residents developed a simulator-based "medical education service"-like any other medical teaching service, but designed exclusively to help students learn on the simulator alongside a clinician-mentor, on demand. Initial evaluations among both preclinical and clinical students suggest that simulation is highly accepted and increasingly demanded. For some learners, simulation may allow complex information to be understood and retained more efficiently than can occur with traditional methods. Moreover, the process outlined here suggests that simulation can be integrated into existing curricula of almost any medical school or teaching hospital in an efficient and cost-effective manner.  相似文献   

The Medical Education Scholars Program (MESP) at the University of Michigan Medical School is designed to develop leaders in medical education. The program's goals are to enable faculty to provide curriculum direction, improved teaching, educational research, and development, and institutional leadership at all levels of medical education. This one-year program uses a variety of educational methods and provides a broad curriculum in educational theory, assessment and evaluation, research design and methods, teaching-skills development, and educational leadership. Faculty are admitted on a competitive basis and one half-day per week of release time is funded as part of the program. Salient outcomes of the program (promotions, educational research and development, curriculum leadership, and educational scholarship) were measured in a pre- and post-program design in which each scholar acted as his or her own control. There were major increases in promotions and educational awards, new educational responsibilities, and new educational programs. A particularly important outcome was the emergence of educational scholarship in the professional portfolios of the program scholars in the form of peer-reviewed presentations and publications and educational grant funding. A cost-outcome analysis indicates that these multi-year outcomes were obtained from a one-time investment of approximately $21,000 per graduating scholar. This evaluation indicates that intensive faculty development programs can have measurable impacts on the careers of the participants and the institutional environment.  相似文献   

The dual goals of the faculty Fellowship in Medical Education (MEF) program at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, established in 1992, are to prepare excellent teachers to serve as clerkship chairs, course chairs, or residency program directors while strengthening their dossiers for promotion based on a scholarly approach to curriculum development, implementation, and evaluation. Fellows are nominated from their departments and must demonstrate a strong interest in assuming educational leadership in their respective specialties. A total of eight fellows are accommodated each year based on interviews with the MEF faculty. The two-year program consists of two seminars and two projects focused on four objectives: to critique teaching and testing practices in medical education in light of current theories of learning; to develop and implement curricula that reflect these theories; to improve personal teaching skills through reflection and feedback; and to design and conduct an educational research or program evaluation study. An analysis of the curricula vitae of faculty members who have completed the fellowship suggest that this program continues to provide educational leaders for the school as originally intended. Of the 71 medical school faculty members who completed the MEF between 1993 and 2004 and have remained at the university, 43 (61%) have assumed new leadership roles in medical education. The evaluation data strongly suggest that the MEF has had a major role since its inception in creating a pool of faculty members with the confidence to manage the tasks of educational planning and implementation.  相似文献   

The authors describe their findings from a study that (1) identified 41 medical schools or medical school departments that used metric systems to quantify faculty activity and productivity in teaching and (2) analyzed the purposes and progress of those systems. Among the reasons articulated for developing these systems, the most common was to identify a "rational" method for distributing funds to departments. More generally, institutions wanted to emphasize the importance of the school's educational mission. The schools varied in the types of information they tracked, ranging from a selective focus on medical school education to a comprehensive assessment of teaching activity and educational administration, committee work, and advising. Schools were almost evenly split between those that used a relative-value-unit method of tracking activity and those that used a contact-hour method. This study also identified six challenges that the institutions encountered with these metric systems: (1) the lack of a culture of data in management; (2) skepticism of faculty and chairs; (3) the misguided search for one perfect metric; (4) the expectation that a metric system will erase ambiguity regarding faculty teaching contributions; (5) the lack of, and difficulty with developing, measures of quality; and (6) the tendency to become overly complex. Because of the concern about the teaching mission at medical schools, the number of institutions developing educational metric systems will likely increase in the coming years. By documenting and accounting financially for teaching, medical schools can ensure that the educational mission is valued and appropriately supported.  相似文献   

In today's environment of increasing accountability in higher education and health care, it is critical that administrative units of a medical school demonstrate the added value of their activities to the school's mission and that these units discriminate those activities that demonstrate the most return on investment. This is particularly important for administrative units whose activities may not be considered essential to the basic functioning of the medical school. For example, admissions would likely be considered an essential administrative unit that the medical school cannot do without, while faculty development might be considered nonessential. Effective measurement systems serve two purposes. They guide decision making throughout the organization and they serve as a basis for evaluating performance. This article describes use of the program logic model to measure the contribution of faculty affairs and development offices to the recruitment, retention, and development of a medical school's teaching faculty, an outcome central to the mission of the medical school. The process of developing and rewarding faculty for teaching is used to illustrate the application of this method in linking activities of faculty affairs and development offices to outcomes that are of importance to the medical school.  相似文献   

Medical schools, once devoted primarily to educating medical students, have evolved into complex academic medical centers (AMCs), some of which place a greater emphasis on research and the clinical business than on educating future physicians. This occurred primarily as the result of outside forces, specifically the available revenue streams that have fostered growth. Discipline-based departments have been at the center of the governance structure of medical schools, but many AMCs now have research institutes and centers to enhance research productivity, and faculty group practices to maximize clinical revenue. Although AMCs have been successful in making scientific discoveries, developing new technologies, and providing state-of-the-art clinical care, their successes have not always been favorable to the education mission. Furthermore, the roles of departments and their chairs have not always been carefully considered; a mismatch between organizational and governance structures is occurring. In this article several suggestions are offered to help medical schools rediscover their unique reason for existence and better distinguish core missions from core businesses. Mission-based management and mission-based budgeting provide the framework for maximum success of all the missions. Specific suggestions include (1) organizing a national task force to consider optimal organizational and governance structures of modern AMCs, (2) establishing a core teaching faculty, (3) creating a matrix letter of assignment that aligns salary rates with assigned activities, (4) linking education to the provision of health care to the underinsured, and (5) forming education centers to effectively centralize governance of the education mission.  相似文献   

The Association of American Medical Colleges' Council of Academic Societies (CAS) has a long-standing interest in scholarship as it relates to research, education, and service, the traditional definition of the activities of medical school. The work of Ernest Boyer and Charles Glassick is highly respected for redefining scholarship and conceiving how scholarship as thus defined can be assessed. Because their ideas have been applied in other areas of the academy but not widely in medical faculties, the CAS Task Force on Scholarship collected a special set of papers on Boyer's four areas of scholarship as applied to medical school, including case studies and the perspective from the university. The four areas of scholarship defined by Boyer and Glassick are the scholarship of discovery, the scholarship of integration, the scholarship of application, and the scholarship of teaching. The scholarship of discovery-research-has for decades been the primary focus for promotion and tenure for medical school faculty, even though the faculty also had major and critical activities in the other areas of scholarship. The CAS hopes that the ideas put forth in this special theme issue will produce a continuing dialogue as faculty and administrators at medical schools reflect on the value of these different forms of scholarship, their application by medical school faculty, and their contributions to the individual missions of each medical school and teaching hospital. In addition, these articles will stimulate continuing discussions that will definite equitable methods for the continued assessment of the scholarly accomplishments of medical school faculty.  相似文献   

A national panel on medical education was appointed as a component of the AAMC's Mission-based Management Program and charged with developing a metrics system for measuring medical school faculty effort and contributions to a school's education mission. The panel first defined important variables to be considered in creating such a system: the education programs in which medical school faculty participate; the categories of education work that may be performed in each program (teaching, development of education products, administration and service, and scholarship in education); and the array of specific education activities that faculty could perform in each of these work areas. The panel based the system on a relative value scale, since this approach does not equate faculty performance solely to the time expended by a faculty member in pursuit of a specific activity. Also, a four-step process to create relative value units (RVUs) for education activities was developed. This process incorporates quantitative and qualitative measures of faculty activity and also can measure and value the distribution of faculty effort relative to a school's education mission. When adapted to the education mission and culture of an individual school, the proposed metrics system can provide critical information that will assist the school's leadership in evaluating and rewarding faculty performance in education and will support a mission-based management strategy in the school.  相似文献   

Jefferson Medical College has developed a program to successfully meet the goal of teaching ambulatory care to all medical students, by providing each of its 223 third-year students with a required six-week clerkship in family medicine. The structured clerkship takes place at one of seven residency-based family practice centers, is supplemented by a formal curriculum, and is based on the active clinical involvement of caring for patients under full-time family medicine faculty supervision. This clerkship has been in existence for 16 years, and has added over 400,000 student-patient encounters to the clinical education of over 3,500 students. Student evaluations of the clerkship have rated it the highest of the six required core clerkships at Jefferson. In addition, over 16% of Jefferson graduates have entered family medicine residency training programs, a rate higher than that of any other school in the northeastern United States, and significantly higher than the average for all U.S. medical schools (12%). Jefferson's experience suggests that ambulatory care can be taught as a core component of the clinical education of all medical students. To be successful, however, strong institutional support, a structured curriculum, an adequate number of patients, a dedicated faculty, a sufficient number of training sites, an appropriate evaluation process, and significant financial support are all necessary.  相似文献   

ProblemDespite the implementation of holistic review in the medical school application process, there is little information about how this can be utilized in Combined Baccalaureate/Medical Degree pipeline programs, especially since many programs offer reserved spots to their students in the medical school. Implementing holistic review in a Combined Baccalaureate/Medical Degree program and intentionally structuring it to align with the medical school mission and admissions practices and processes, can improve the diversification of the physician workforce, contribute to more primary care doctors, and promote in-state practice.InterventionUtilizing the medical school admissions by-laws, committee structure, shared training, and educational processes, we successfully engrained in our committee members the values and mission alignment to select the best applicants to fulfill the medical school mission using holistic review. To our knowledge, no other program has written about how holistic review is used in Combined Baccalaureate/Medical Degree programs and how it contributes to program outcomes.ContextThe Combined Baccalaureate/Medical Degree Program is a partnership between the undergraduate College of Arts and Sciences and the School of Medicine. The Combined Baccalaureate/Medical Degree admissions committee is a subcommittee of the School of Medicine admissions committee but has a separate membership. Hence, the holistic admissions process for the program mirrors the School of Medicine admissions process. To determine the outcome of this process, we analyzed practice specialty, practice location, gender, race and ethnicity of program alumni.ImpactTo date, the Combined Baccalaureate/Medical Degree holistic admissions processes have supported the medical school mission, “…To meet the physician workforce needs of the state by selection of students who are likely to train in specialty areas of need and to remain in or return to the areas of our state needing physicians.” This implementation has resulted in 75% (37/49) of our practicing alumni selecting a primary care specialty, and 69% (34/49) practicing in the state. In addition, 55% (27/49) identify as Underrepresented in Medicine.Lessons LearnedWe observed that having an intentional structured alignment in place allowed for implementation of holistic practices in the Combined Baccalaureate/Medical Degree admissions process.The high retention rates and specialty of graduates from the Combined Baccalaureate/Medical Degree Program support our intentional efforts to diversify our admissions committees and align the Combined Baccalaureate/Medical Degree program's holistic review admissions process with our School of Medicine mission and admissions practices and processes, as key strategies to reach our diversity-related goals.  相似文献   

Over the past seven years, educational innovations and scholarship have flourished at the University of California, San Francisco, (UCSF) School of Medicine. Prior to 1998, there was no infrastructure to support educational research and yet a few faculty members published in medical education journals and were active in national professional associations. With the initiation of curriculum reform in 1998, a great deal of excitement about education was generated and innovative new educational programs were envisioned. These changes became opportunities for educational scholarship. With the development of an Office of Medical Education in 1997 and the Haile T. Debas Academy of Medical Educators in 2001, the infrastructure was in place to expand educational research and the scholarship of teaching. The components of this support include educational leadership, faculty development, the Teaching Scholars Program, the Office of Educational Research and Development, the Academy, a Fellowship in Medical Education Research, collaborative research, and extramural grants. As a result of these investments, the number of UCSF faculty members who are involved in educational research has increased significantly. There has been a four-fold increase in peer-reviewed articles published in medical education journals and a greater increase in the publication of educational abstracts, editorials, chapters, and books, plus presentations at U.S. professional association meetings. In this article, the authors describe the changes that have occurred at UCSF to achieve these results.  相似文献   

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