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Fish are a healthy source of protein, but the risks from consuming fish have become a national concern. Over the past 7 years, there have been a number of national advisories regarding saltwater fish. Fish consumption patterns and public knowledge about advisories and warnings have been examined for at-risk populations, but there is little information about the latter for a general population, or of temporal trends in such information acquisition. Information about the benefits and health risks of consuming fish, health warnings from the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection and the Food and Drug Administration, belief in these warnings, and trust in different sources of information were examined in a sample of 460 people within a university community in central New Jersey in 2007. The null hypothesis of no differences in fishing, consumption, and knowledge about advisories as a function of age, gender, ethnicity, and education was tested. In 2007, only 30% of the study population fished, and 83% of the study population ate fish, either commercial or self-caught. There were differences in fishing behavior, consumption patterns, and awareness of advisories as a function of gender, ethnicity, age, and education. Most notably, nearly twice as many men as women fished, Whites fished more and Blacks and Indian/Pakistanis fished less than other ethnic groups, and people aged 23-35 fished more than did others. About 8% of fish meals were from self-caught fish, 32% were eaten in restaurants, and 60% were of fish bought in stores and cooked at home. Men ate more meals of self-caught fish than did females, and Asians ate more meals of fish in restaurants, and Blacks ate more meals of store-bought fish than other ethnic groups. The total number of fish meals consumed per month increased significantly with age. Overall, more people had heard about the benefits (92%) than the risks (78%) of fish consumption. When asked whom they trust for information about health benefits and risks from eating fish, doctors were rated the highest, followed by professors; friends and fishermen were rated the lowest. We then examined whether there were any changes from 2004 to 2007 in the knowledge of the health benefits and warnings about fish consumption, and the trustworthiness of different sources of information. In other words, have communication efforts of the state and federal agencies resulted in any appreciable increase in overall awareness of the benefits or risks of fish consumption. The greatest change in the parameters examined from 2004 to 2007 was an overall decrease in fish consumption from an average of 7.9 meals per month in 2004 to about six meals per month in 2007. This suggests that the unintended effect of some of the warnings and advisories is to decrease overall fish consumption, rather than to switch from fish species with high levels of contaminants to those with low levels.  相似文献   

Relatively little attention has been devoted to the risks from mercury in saltwater fish, that were caught by recreational fisherfolk. Although the US Food and Drug Administration has issued advisories based on mercury for four saltwater species or groups of fish, there are few data on how mercury levels vary by size, season, or location. This paper examines total mercury levels in muscle of bluefish (Pomatomus saltatrix) collected from coastal New Jersey, mainly by recreational fishermen. Of primary interest was whether there were differences in mercury levels as a function of location, weight and length of the fish, and season, and in what risk mercury posed to the food chain, including people. Selenium was also measured because of its reported protective effects against mercury. Mercury levels averaged 0.35±0.02 (mean and standard error) ppm, and selenium levels averaged 0.37±0.01 ppm (N=206). In this study, 41% of the fish had mercury levels above 0.3 ppm, 20% had levels above 0.5 ppm, and 4% had levels above 1 ppm. Size was highly correlated with mercury levels, but not with selenium. While selenium levels did not vary at all with season, mercury levels decreased significantly. This relationship was not due to differences in the size of fish, since the fish collected in the summer were the smallest, but had intermediate mercury levels. Mercury levels declined from early June until November, particularly for the smaller-sized fish. While there were significant locational differences in mercury levels (but not selenium), these differences could be a result of size. The levels of mercury in bluefish are not sufficiently high to cause problems for the bluefish themselves, based on known adverse health effects levels, but are high enough to cause potential adverse health effects in sensitive birds and mammals that eat them, and to provide a potential health risk to humans who consume them. Fish larger than 50 cm fork length averaged levels above 0.3 ppm, suggesting that eating them should be avoided by pregnant women, children, and others who are at risk.  相似文献   

Heavy metals in commercial fish in New Jersey   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Levels of contaminants in fish are of particular interest because of the potential risk to humans who consume them. While attention has focused on self-caught fish, most of the fish eaten by the American public comes from commercial sources. We sampled 11 types of fish and shellfish obtained from supermarkets and specialty fish markets in New Jersey and analyzed them for arsenic, cadmium, chromium, lead, manganese, mercury, and selenium. We test the null hypothesis that metal levels do not vary among fish types, and we consider whether the levels of any metals could harm the fish themselves or their predators or pose a health risk for human consumers. There were significant interspecific differences for all metals, and no fish types had the highest levels of more than two metals. There were few significant correlations (Kendall tau) among metals for the three most numerous fish (yellowfin tuna, bluefish, and flounder), the correlations were generally low (below 0.40), and many correlations were negative. Only manganese and lead positively were correlated for tuna, bluefish, and flounder. The levels of most metals were below those known to cause adverse effects in the fish themselves. However, the levels of arsenic, lead, mercury, and selenium in some fish were in the range known to cause some sublethal effects in sensitive predatory birds and mammals and in some fish exceeded health-based standards. The greatest risk from different metals resided in different fish; the species of fish with the highest levels of a given metal sometimes exceeded the human health guidance or standards for that metal. Thus, the risk information given to the public (mainly about mercury) does not present a complete picture. The potential of harm from other metals suggests that people not only should eat smaller quantities of fish known to accumulate mercury but also should eat a diversity of fish to avoid consuming unhealthy quantities of other heavy metals. However, consumers should bear in mind that standards have a margin of safety.  相似文献   

Populations in Bolivian Amazonia are exposed to mercury contamination through fish ingestion. A group of 170 Amerindian women living along the banks of the Beni River were examined in order to detect any adverse effects on their health consistent with the toxic effects of mercury. The mercury content of the women's hair (H-Hg) was used as the bio-indicator of mercury exposure. The women answered a 24-h food recall questionnaire on the frequency of their fish consumption. They also underwent a clinical examination with their weight, stature, hemoglobin concentration in blood, and blood pressure being recorded. Significant relationships were found between fishing practices, the frequency of fish consumption and H-Hg levels with mercury contaminated women (H-Hg > 5 μg/g) being more likely to present neurological abnormalities (paresthesia, static and dynamic imbalance, poor motor coordination) than non-contaminated women. No relationship was found between blood pressure and mercury levels. Women with higher H-Hg reported more infant deaths than did women with lower levels. A logistic regression analysis which included socio-cultural traits, fish consumption habits and health characteristics was performed in order to determine the risks of contamination. Contaminated women were more likely to belong to those communities pursuing traditional fishing activities; moreover these women tended to be younger and frailer than other. They also exhibited mild neurological abnormalities and reported more infant deaths. These findings should stimulate local communities to take preventive actions directed towards the more “traditional” and vulnerable groups of population.  相似文献   

The New Jersey Meadowlands are located within the heavily urbanized New York/New Jersey Harbor Estuary and have been subject to contamination due to effluent and runoff from industry, traffic, and homes along the Hackensack River and nearby waterways. These extensive wetlands, though heavily impacted by development and pollution, support a wide array of bird and other wildlife species. Persistent contaminants may pose threats to birds in these habitats, affecting reproduction, egg hatchability, nestling survival, and neurobehavioral development. Metals of concern in the Meadowlands include arsenic, cadmium, chromium, lead, and mercury. These metals were analyzed in eggs, feathers, muscle, and liver of Canada geese (Branta canadensis) breeding in four wetland sites. We sampled geese collected during control culling (n=26) and collected eggs from goose nests (n=34). Levels of arsenic were below the minimum quantification level (MQL) in most samples, and cadmium and mercury were low in all tissues sampled. Chromium levels were high in feather samples. Mercury levels in eggs of Canada geese, an almost exclusively herbivorous species, were lower (mean ±SE 4.29±0.30 μg/g wet weight) than in eggs of omnivorous mallards (Anas platyrhynchos), and insectivorous red-winged blackbirds (Agelaius phoeniceus) and marsh wrens (Cistothorus palustris) from the Meadowlands, consistent with trophic level differences. However, lead levels were higher in the goose eggs (161±36.7 ng/g) than in the other species. Geese also had higher levels of lead in feathers (1910±386 ng/g) than those seen in Meadowlands passerines. By contrast, muscle and liver lead levels were within the range reported in waterfowl elsewhere, possibly a reflection of metal sequestration in eggs and feathers. Elevated lead levels may be the result of sediment ingestion or ingestion of lead shot and sinkers. Finally, lead levels in goose liver (249±44.7 ng/g) and eggs (161±36.7 ng/g) may pose a risk if consumed frequently by humans. Mill Creek, the site with the most documented prior contamination, had significantly elevated cadmium, chromium, mercury, and lead in goose tissues.  相似文献   

Only 2 neonates with transplacentally or perinatally acquired (congenital) babesiosis have been reported. We describe a probable third congenital case of babesiosis in a 26-day-old infant; transmission was determined on the basis of a blood smear from the infant (15% parasitemia) and serologic results from the infant and mother.  相似文献   

The main source of human exposure to mercury is the consumption of fish contaminated with methylmercury, which may adversely affect early neurodevelopment. This study assessed mercury levels in hair of preschoolers in Spain, where fish consumption is elevated, with the aim of investigating the influence of their fish intake and other factors on mercury exposure, and evaluating their association with cognitive development. A population-based birth cohort from Granada (Spain) was studied at the age of 4 yr. Total mercury (T-Hg) levels were determined in children's hair, and daily fish intake was assessed by a food frequency questionnaire. The McCarthy Scales of Children's Abilities (MSCA) were used to assess children's motor and cognitive abilities. Complete data were gathered on 72 children, and multivariate analyses were performed to evaluate the influence of mercury exposure and fish intake on MSCA outcomes. Mean concentration of T-Hg in hair was 0.96 μg/g (95% confidence interval=0.76; 1.20 μg/g). T-Hg levels were associated with higher frequency of oily fish consumption, place of residence, maternal age, and passive smoking. After adjustment for fish intake, T-Hg levels ≥1 μg/g were associated with decrements in the general cognitive (−6.6 points), memory (−8.4 points), and verbal (−7.5 points) MSCA scores. Higher mercury exposure in children from this Mediterranean area was associated with cognitive development delay. Studies on the putative benefits of fish intake during early development should consider mercury exposure from different fish species.  相似文献   

Recent emergence of a virulent strain of Clostridium difficile demonstrates the importance of tracking C. difficile incidence locally. Our survey of New Jersey hospitals documented increases in the rates of C. difficile disease (by 2-fold), C. difficile-associated complications (by 7-fold), and C. difficile outbreaks (by 12-fold) during 2000-2004.  相似文献   

In the 1970s several states in the Great Lakes region became concerned about mercury contamination in lakes and rivers and were the first to issue local fish consumption advisories. In 2001, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) advised pregnant women, nursing mothers, young children, and women who may become pregnant not to consume shark, swordfish, king mackerel, and tilefish and recommended that these women not exceed 12 ounces of other fish per week. In 2004, FDA reissued this advice jointly with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and modified it slightly to provide information about consumption of canned tuna and more details about consumption of recreationally caught fish. Though several studies have examined consumers' awareness of the joint FDA and EPA advisory as well as different state advisories, few used representative data. We examined the changes in awareness and knowledge of mercury as a problem in fish using the pooled nationally representative 2001 and 2006 Food Safety Surveys (FSS) with sample sizes of 4482 in 2001 and 2275 in 2006. Our results indicated an increase in consumers' awareness of mercury as a problem in fish (69% in 2001 to 80% in 2006, p<.001). In our regression models, we found that in both years, parents having children less than 5 years of age were more aware of mercury in fish and knowledgeable about the information contained in the national advisories about mercury in fish (p<.01) than other adults. In both 2001 and 2006, women of childbearing age (aged 18–45) were less aware and knowledgeable about this information than other women. However, women of all age groups had larger gains in awareness and knowledge than their male counterparts during this time. Participants' race, education, income, region, fish preparation experiences, having a foodborne illness in the past year, and risk perceptions about the safety of food were significant predictors of their awareness and knowledge.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVESThe consumption of home meal replacement (HMR) is increasing among college students in Korea and China. In particular, Chinese college students studying abroad in Korea (CSK) show changes in their dietary behavior after migration, and HMR consumption for meal substitution is also increasing. This study was conducted to compare the HMR consumption behaviors and HMR development needs of CSK, Chinese college students in China (CSC), and Korean college students in Korea (KSK).SUBJECTS/METHODSThe subjects were 570 college students (180 CSK, 200 CSC, and 190 KSK) who had experience of HMR consumption. Data were collected by face-to-face survey in 2019 and analyzed using SPSS 25.0.RESULTSThe majority of the subjects purchased HMR to ‘saving time’ and ‘preventing meal skipping’. Average purchase price per HMR was about 5,000 won for the CSK and KSK, and about 3,000 won for the CSC. The most important attributes when selecting HMR for the CSK and CSC were hygiene, freshness, and taste in that order, while for the KSK were taste, price, and hygiene. Rice was preferred by the KSK while grilled and fried dishes were preferred by the CSK and CSC. In terms of development needs, dessert and meat-based side dishes were highest in all three groups. The preferred food materials for more than 50% of the subjects of all groups were beef, chicken, pork, shrimp, and squid, and spinach and Chinese cabbage in the CSK, and onion in the KSK.CONCLUSIONSThis study shows more effort is needed to develop the healthy customized HMR for college students studying in Korea and China, and that focuses are placed by CSK on hygiene and freshness, by CSC on meat side dishes, hygiene, and price, and by KSK on snacks (as meal substitutes), taste, and price.  相似文献   

Background: Nearly all fish consumption advisories for methylmercury (MeHg) are based only on risk. There is a need to also address benefits, especially those from polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), in neurodevelopmental function and cardiovascular health. However, because MeHg and PUFA generally act on these same end points, disentangling risk and benefit is challenging.Objectives: We propose an approach for balancing risk and benefit that is based on the use of statistically dissociated measures of risk and benefit.Discussion: Because of mutual coexposure of MeHg and PUFAs in population-based studies and their opposite effect on many of the same end points, MeHg risk and PUFA benefit are tightly linked statistically, which results in mutual (negative) confounding. Thus, neither MeHg risk nor PUFA benefit can be accurately quantified without taking the other into account. A statistical approach that generates unconfounded risk and benefit coefficients for each end point can permit their subsequent recombination to describe the overall risk–benefit profile of each species of fish or fish diet. However, it appears that some end points may be adversely affected by MeHg without experiencing counterbalancing benefit from PUFAs. Such end points may drive consumption advisories and may preclude balancing of risk and benefit on the basis of other end points.Conclusions: Our thinking about fish consumption advisories now recognizes the need to balance risk and benefit. However, although statistical analysis of the appropriate data can eliminate mutual confounding, care is required to address the most sensitive end points that may be sensitive to risk and not benefit.  相似文献   

The southeastern United States, and in particular the coastal areas along the Gulf of Mexico (Gulf Coast) in Florida, experience some of the highest levels of mercury deposition in the country. Although the State of Florida's coastal border is among the longest in the United States, and the State has issued fish consumption advisories due to mercury on multiple fish species, few data have been systematically collected to assess mercury levels in the human population of the state or to assess the efficacy of the consumption advisories. Because of the generally high rate of seafood consumption among coastal populations, the human population in the Florida Panhandle, near Pensacola, FL is potentially exposed to elevated levels of mercury. In the present study, we analyzed hair mercury levels in women of child-bearing age (16-49 years) who had resided near Pensacola, FL for at least 1 year. We also surveyed the fish consumption practices of the cohort and evaluated awareness of the Florida Fish Consumption Advisory. Hair mercury levels were significantly higher in women who consumed fish within the 30 days prior to sampling (p<0.05) and in those women who were unaware of the consumption advisory (p<0.05). Only 31% of the women reported knowledge of the consumption advisory and pregnant women exhibited lower awareness of the advisory than non-pregnant women. The data suggest that public health interventions such as education and fish advisories have not reached the majority of women in the counties surrounding Pensacola who are most at risk from consumption of fish with high levels of mercury.  相似文献   

Background This pilot study aimed to explore the nutritional knowledge, attitudes and dietary fat consumption in male students attending Leeds Metropolitan University.
Methods A Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ) was used to determine the fat intakes of subjects. This was incorporated into a questionnaire designed to measure nutritional knowledge and attitudes. Questions were also asked about the subject characteristics, such as weight, height and alcohol consumption.
Results Eighty subjects were approached, from whom 56 questionnaires were returned completed. The results revealed few significant differences between subject characteristics according to fat intakes, with the exception of alcohol consumption, which was greater in the high fat consumers. The main findings of the study were that subjects with a high fat intake had significantly more negative attitudes towards reducing fat consumption compared with those who had a lower fat intake. However, there was no statistically significant difference between nutritional knowledge and fat consumption and no relationship was found between level of nutritional knowledge and attitudes.
Conclusion It was concluded that negative attitudes towards reducing fat consumption might be more important barriers to dietary change than level of nutritional knowledge in male students. This constitutes an important target for health promoters in encouraging dietary change in men.  相似文献   

Incidence of Legionnaires’ disease is increasing, particularly in the Mid-Atlantic states in the United States; since 2015, New Jersey has documented ≈250–350 legionellosis cases per year. We used SaTScan software to develop a semiautomated surveillance tool for prospectively detecting legionellosis clusters in New Jersey. We varied temporal window size and baseline period to evaluate optimal parameter selections. The surveillance system detected 3 community clusters of Legionnaires’ disease that were subsequently investigated. Other, smaller clusters were detected, but standard epidemiologic data did not identify common sources or new cases. The semiautomated processing is straightforward and replicable in other jurisdictions, likely by persons with even basic programming skills.  相似文献   

目的 了解北京市高校大学生保健食品消费现状及其影响因素,为引导保健食品的消费与开发、加强对高校学生营养保健知识培训提供科学依据。方法 随机抽取北京市10所高校465名学生进行自填式问卷调查。结果 54.4%的大学生在大学期间曾经或正在服用保健食品,其中54.1%保健食品年消费金额<200元;消费种类主要是补充维生素和矿物质(49.0%)、增强免疫力(22.0%)和补脑类(12.0%);多因素分析表明,相信保健食品功效(OR=2.610,95%CI=1.050~6.485)、比较相信保健食品功效(OR=2.013,95%CI=1.206~3.359)、有家人服用保健食品(OR=3.779,95%CI=2.114~6.753)对自身保健食品消费意愿有明显影响。结论 北京市高校>50%的大学生有消费保健食品经历,浏览保健信息的频率、对保健食品功效的态度以及家人或同学是否服用是北京市高校大学生保健食品消费的重要影响因素。  相似文献   

We report a case of congenital rubella syndrome in a child born to a vaccinated New Jersey woman who had not traveled internationally. Although rubella and congenital rubella syndrome have been eliminated from the United States, clinicians should remain vigilant and immediately notify public health authorities when either is suspected.  相似文献   

Studies of fish consumption often focus on awareness of and adherence to advisories, how much fish people eat, and contaminant levels in those fish. This paper examines knowledge and accuracy of risks and benefits of fish consumption among fishers and other recreationists in the New York Bight, indicative of whether they could make sound dietary decisions. While most respondents knew about health risks (70%) and benefits (94%) of consuming fish, far fewer could name specific risks and benefits. Less than 25% of respondents mentioned mercury and less than 15% mentioned that pregnant women and children were at risk. Far fewer people mentioned polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). Nearly 70% said it was healthy to eat fish, and 45% were aware that fish were rich in healthful oils. Despite the lack of details about what specific risks and benefits of fish, well over a third did not feel they needed more information. Other respondents had basic questions, but did not pose specific questions about the fish they caught or ate that would have clarified their individual risk-balancing decisions. Knowledge of which fish were high in contaminants did not match the mercury or PCB levels in those fish. There was a disconnect between the information base about specific risks and benefits of fish consumption, levels of mercury and PCBs in fish, and the respondent's desire for more information. These data indicate that respondents did not have enough accurate information about contaminants in fish to make informed risk-balancing decisions.  相似文献   



Refugees from Burma who consume fish caught from local waterbodies have increased risk of exposure to environmental contaminants. We used respondent driven sampling (RDS) to sample this hard-to-reach population for the first Biomonitoring of Great Lakes Populations program. In the current study, we examined the interview data and assessed the effectiveness of RDS to sample the unique population.


In 2013, we used RDS to sample 205 Burmese refugees and immigrants residing in Buffalo, New York who consumed fish caught from Great Lakes waters. RDS-adjusted population estimates of sociodemographic characteristics, residential history, fish consumption related behaviors, and awareness of fish advisories were obtained. We also examined sample homophily and equilibrium to assess how well the RDS assumptions were met in the study.


Our sample was diverse with respect to sex, age, years residing in Buffalo, years lived in a refugee camp, education, employment, and fish consumption behaviors, and each of these variables reached equilibrium by the end of recruitment. Burmese refugees in Buffalo consumed Great Lakes fish throughout the year; a majority of them consumed the fish more than two times per week during summer, and about one third ate local fish more than once per week in winter. An estimated 60% of Burmese refugees in Buffalo had heard about local fish advisories.


RDS has the potential to be an effective methodology for sampling refugees and immigrants in conducting biomonitoring and environmental exposure assessment. Due to high fish consumption and limited awareness and knowledge of fish advisories, some refugee and immigrant populations are more susceptible to environmental contaminants. Increased awareness on local fish advisories is needed among these populations.  相似文献   

北京市6所高校大学生生殖健康知信行调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:了解北京市在校大学生生殖健康知识、态度、行为(知信行)现状,为开展大学生生殖健康教育提供科学依据。方法:2010年1~5月,采用整群随机抽样的方法对北京市6所高校的大学生进行匿名问卷调查。结果:共调查1041人,其中男生497人,女生544人。调查对象对紧急避孕方法及我国重点预防的性病了解最少,对艾滋病传播途径认知较好;男生认知水平高于女生。82.21%的大学生可以接受婚前性行为,61.05%的大学生可以接受未婚先孕;12.20%的大学生发生过婚前性行为,每次性行为均采取避孕措施的占56.00%;仅有22.47%的同学能够准确计算出安全期,调查对象意外妊娠发生率为14.40%。89.05%的大学生认为有必要在学校开展生殖健康教育,并希望通过系列讲座或课程等形式获取性相关的生殖健康知识。结论:北京市大学生生殖健康认知水平较低且不全面,性态度宽容,他们普遍对生殖健康教育有需求,学校应根据大学生的特点有针对性地开展系统全面的生殖健康教育。  相似文献   

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