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Language is an important determinant of health, but analyses of linguistic inequalities in mortality are scant, especially for Canadian linguistic groups with European roots. We evaluated the life expectancy gap between the Francophone majority and Anglophone minority of Québec, Canada, both over time and across major provincial areas. Arriaga’s method was used to estimate the age and cause of death groups contributing to changes in the life expectancy gap at birth between 1989–1993 and 2002–2006, and to evaluate patterns across major provincial areas (metropolitan Montréal, other metropolitan centres, and small cities/rural areas). Life expectancy at birth was greater for Anglophones, but the gap decreased over time by 1.3 years (52% decline) in men and 0.9 years (47% decline) in women, due to relatively sharper reductions in Francophone mortality from several causes, except lung cancer which countered reductions in women. The life expectancy gap in 2002–2006 was widest in other metropolitan centres (men 5.1 years, women 3.2 years), narrowest in small cities/rural areas (men 0.8 years, women 0.7 years), and tobacco-related causes were the main contributors. Only young Anglophones <40 years in small cities/rural areas had mortality higher than Francophones, resulting in a narrower gap in these areas. Differentials in life expectancy favouring Anglophones decreased over time, but varied across areas of Québec. Tobacco-related causes accounted for the majority of the current life expectancy gap.  相似文献   

This article presents Canadian-specific findings from a study that compared child and youth care workers in thirteen cultures on four research scales (Savicki, 2002). The purpose of the overall study was to identify the ways in which individuals from different cultures responded to working with youth, and ways in which they coped with the threat of burnout. As part of a larger study (Savicki, 2002), data was collected among 68 Francophone and 48 Anglophone Canadian youth workers from a variety of settings. While there were no differences in burnout between the Francophone and Anglophone cultures, large differences appeared in cultural dimensions, in the manner of child and youth care practice, and in the contributors to burnout in each culture. With three out of four cultural dimensions significantly different, dramatic differences in culture exist side-by-side in Quebec.  相似文献   

The archaic definition and registration processes for stillbirth currently prevalent in Canada impede both clinical care and public health. The situation is fraught because of definitional problems related to the inclusion of induced abortions at ≥20 weeks’ gestation as stillbirths: widespread uptake of prenatal diagnosis and induced abortion for serious congenital anomalies has resulted in an artefactual temporal increase in stillbirth rates in Canada and placed the country in an unfavourable position in international (stillbirth) rankings. Other problems with the Canadian stillbirth definition and registration processes extend to the inclusion of fetal reductions (for multi-fetal pregnancy) as stillbirths, and the use of inconsistent viability criteria for reporting stillbirth. This paper reviews the history of stillbirth registration in Canada, provides a rationale for updating the definition of fetal death and recommends a new definition and improved processes for fetal death registration. The recommendations proposed are intended to serve as a starting point for reformulating issues related to stillbirth, with the hope that building a consensus regarding a definition and registration procedures will facilitate clinical care and public health.  相似文献   

Objectives: Type 2 diabetes is a chronic condition that affects nearly over three million Canadians, including immigrants. The timing of the first onset of diabetes has been linked to several other severe diseases. Yet, there is a dearth of empirical studies that examine the timing of the first onset of diabetes among Canadians, in general, and among immigrants and ethnic minority populations within Canada, in particular.

Design: Applying event history techniques to the 2013 Canadian Community and Health Survey, we address this research void by examining factors that contribute to the first onset of diabetes among immigrant and visible minority populations in Canada (N?=?8905). Given the gendered patterns in the epidemiology of diseases and the differences in risk factors for men and women, gender-specific models were estimated.

Results: Results showed that South Asian, Black and Filipino women developed diabetes earlier, compared to women from the UK. Similarly, South Asian, Chinese, Filipino, Black, South East Asian and Arab men developed diabetes earlier than men from the UK. A significant and important finding of this analysis was that the risks of developing diabetes vanished completely for Black and Filipino women, after accounting for lifestyle factors. For South Asian women, however, there was significant attenuation in their risks after accounting for lifestyle factors. The findings were strikingly different for immigrant men. Specifically, their risks of developing diabetes increased after accounting for lifestyle factors.

Conclusions: These results suggest the development of gender-specific and lifestyle interventions, targeted at specific immigrant groups with increased risks of developing diabetes earlier in the life course.  相似文献   

Objective. To determine a high-risk group of visible minority women in Canada who do not participate in cervical cancer screening and the reasons why they do not participate.

Design. We combined two cycles of a large Canadian health survey, Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS), to obtain a large sample size of visible minority women. Proportions of ‘never having a Papanicalaou (Pap) test’ and ‘not having a Pap test within the last three years’ were then calculated for different ethnic groups using sampling weights advised by Statistics Canada to account for the complex sampling procedure used in CCHS. A logistic regression model was developed to test the association between demographic and health-related variables and not having a Pap test. To identify visible minority women who were at a high risk of not having a Pap test, we stratified these women simultaneously on three variables that were significant in the logistic regression model.

Results. Visible minority women were more than twice as likely never to have had a Pap test. Among visible minority women, those who recently immigrated to Canada and did not have a regular physician had the highest risk for not having a Pap test. Common reasons reported for not having a Pap test included believing it was not necessary and simply not getting around to it.

Conclusion. Visible minority women in Canada may not be participating in regular Pap testing because of cultural beliefs and a lack of an understanding of the importance of Pap testing. A culturally appropriate cervical cancer screening intervention program that involves members of visible minority communities may increase participation of this subgroup of Canadian women. This study provides preliminary information on why visible minority women in Canada do not participate in cervical cancer screening. However, the lumping together of all visible minority may obscure differences between different ethnic groups. Therefore, further research on each ethnic group is required to develop tailored culturally appropriate intervention.  相似文献   

FURST  A L; SHAMBA  E 《Family practice》1989,6(3):177-181
An audit of ‘deficient outcome’ involves the step-by-stepanalysis of every event preceding the occurrence of a preventablemedical outcome in order to determine exactly what went wrong.This paper describes methodological problems and related issuesassociated with a deficient outcome audit undertaken on fivestillbirths which occurred in a rural family medical practiceIsrael between 1985 and 1987. Problems included initial officialdisinterest towards the audit, and the high levels of suspicionand antagonism which it aroused in hospital staff approachedfor information. The problematic aspect of such audits needsmore attention. The importance of this type of audit for establishing the precisereasons for perinatal deaths, and thus for maintaining antenatalcare standards is discussed. In view of the small numbers ofsuch events likely to occur within any one family practice itis not only feasible but also desirable for more family doctorsto carry out such audits routinely, despite the difficultieswhich are involved.  相似文献   

This article reviews issues relating to the prevalence, health implications, and prevention and treatment perspectives of obesity in U.S racial and ethnic minority groups. The growing interest in obesity in minority populations reflects an awareness of the high prevalence of obesity among black, Hispanic, Asian and Pacific Islander and Native Americans as well as a generally increased interest in minority health. In addition, the fact that some aspects of obesity among minorities differ from those in whites suggests that new insights may be gained from studying obesity in diverse populations. However, there are many methodological problems to be overcome, including some that arise from the way minority groups are defined. Under the assumption that all obesity results from a period of sustained positive energy balance at the individual level, an epidemiologic explanation for the excess of obesity in minorities at the population level seems readily apparent. A surplus of obesity-promoting forces and a deficit of obesity-inhibiting forces, caused by secular changes in food availability and physical activity, accompany the early phases of modernization and economic advancement. The high prevalence of obesity in minority populations can be viewed as a function of the slope and timing of these secular changes. Genetic predisposition, cultural attitudes, and exposure to maternal obesity and diabetes in utero may be potentiating factors. In this context, interventions targeting individuals would seem inevitably to put racial and ethnic minority groups on the path toward the same weight control crisis now observed in the majority white population. This suggests that the underlying causes of the societal energy balance problem must be addressed at the population level in order for effective clinical approaches to be developed for minority populations with a high obesity prevalence.  相似文献   

The current study examines the sleeping patterns of healthy, urban-dwelling, ethnic-minority children from lower socioeconomic standing using a validated screening measure, the abbreviated Child Sleep Habits Questionnaire (CSHQ). Parents of 52 children from well-care clinics of an inner-city children's hospital completed the abbreviated 33-item CSHQ, Hollingshead Index of Social Status, and a child health history. Mean child age was 6.71 years; range 4–10 years. Forty-four children were African American, and eight were Hispanic. Symptoms associated with sleep-disordered breathing, bedtime resistance, night waking and daytime sleepiness occurred more frequently in the current sample than the original validation sample. Parents of children in the current sample reported more concerns with sleep duration than the validation sample despite similar total sleep times. There were no group differences for sleep onset delay, sleep anxiety or parasomnias. Results suggest that healthy, ethnic-minority children living in impoverished, urban areas may have higher rates of snoring and more problematic sleep behaviors than children from middle-class, suburban environments. The potential impact of cultural and economic factors should be recognized during evaluations for sleep problems. As sleep-disordered breathing and excessive daytime sleepiness can negatively impact neurocognitive and behavioral functioning, screening of sleep habits during routine clinical care could help with identifying not only children at risk for sleep disorders but also those with poor sleep hygiene, thus providing opportunities for appropriate educational interventions.  相似文献   

Stillbirth recurrence in a population of relatively low-risk mothers   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We sought to estimate the risk of stillbirth recurrence among relatively low-risk women, a group defined as maternal age <35 years; absence of congenital anomalies; gestational age range of 20–44 weeks inclusive; singleton births; and non-smokers. The Missouri maternally linked data containing births from 1978 to 1997 were used for the study. We identified the study group (low-risk gravidae who experienced a stillbirth in the first pregnancy) and a comparison group (low-risk gravidae who delivered a live birth in their first pregnancy) and compared the stillbirth risks in the second pregnancy between both groups. Analysis was based on 261 384 women with information on first and second pregnancies [1050 (0.5%) women with stillbirth].
Of the 947 cases of stillbirth in the second pregnancy, 20 cases occurred in women with a history of stillbirth (stillbirth rate 19.0 per 1000 births) and 927 in the comparison group (stillbirth rate 3.6 per 1000 births; P  < 0.001). The adjusted risk of stillbirth was almost six times higher in women with a prior stillbirth (hazard ratio [HR] 5.8, [95% CI 3.7, 9.0]). Analysis by stillbirth subtype in the second pregnancy showed that history of stillbirth conferred greater risk for subsequent early (fetal deaths between 20 and 28 weeks) (HR 10.3, [95% CI 6.1, 17.2]) than late stillbirths (fetal deaths at ≥29 weeks) (HR 2.5, [95% CI 1.0, 6.0]); and for intrapartum (HR 12.2, [95% CI 4.5, 33.3]) than antepartum (HR 4.2, [95% CI 2.3, 7.7]) stillbirths. Among relatively low-risk women, history of stillbirth was associated with increased recurrence, with substantial heterogeneity by timing of stillbirth.  相似文献   

Suicide in Canada: an epidemiological assessment   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Suicide rates in Canada rapidly increased during the 1960s and 1970s. More recent analysis of these trends indicates that in males suicide rates have stabilized and in females a notable decrease has been identified. The greatest changes in suicide rates have occurred among the youngest age groups (15 to 19), while little change has occurred in suicide mortality rates for males aged 50 years and over. The age-specific death rates in 1986 are uniformly distributed in males above age 20, while in females an inverted "U" curve is demonstrated with the peak at age 45-50. Males continue to have higher rates and the difference between males and females is expanding. A birth cohort analysis indicates that the contribution of the birth cohort to explaining suicide rates has diminished and been replaced by a more recent period effect. Suicide remains the second most important cause of death of persons between 15 and 34 years of age. Provincial variation is discussed through geographic variation, cause-specific rankings and potential years of life lost. In contrast to national trends, suicide mortality in Alberta, Quebec and New Brunswick continues to increase. An atlas is provided to display Canadian census divisions that exhibit elevated rates of suicide.  相似文献   

Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health - The&nbsp;objective of this study is to assess the impact of maternal nativity on stillbirth in the US. We utilized the US Birth Data and Fetal Death...  相似文献   

PURPOSE: The purpose of the present study is to identify risk factors for stillbirth and explore hypotheses about the cause of stillbirth based on the time in gestation when exposures occur. METHODS: Relationships between lifestyle factors, pregnancy conditions, medication use, and occupation on risk for stillbirth were examined within a population-based case-control study. Women who had a stillbirth and a random sample of women who had a live birth between 1999 and 2001 were identified through perinatal databases in Nova Scotia and Eastern Ontario, Canada. Exposure data were collected for each month of pregnancy and analyzed within trimesters. Case-control data were converted to case-cohort data, and hazard ratios (HRs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were determined from Cox proportional hazards models. RESULTS: This study included 105 stillbirth cases and 389 live-birth controls. Fertility treatment in the present pregnancy was associated with increased risk for stillbirth (adjusted HR, 4.0; 95% CI, 1.4-11.6). Smoking during the first trimester also was associated with increased risk for stillbirth (adjusted HR, 2.4; 95% CI, 1.2-4.9). Other risk factors included antiemetic use during the first trimester, second-trimester antibiotic use, low family income, and age older than 35 years. CONCLUSIONS: Risk factors identified in this study concur with findings of previous studies and support the importance of early pregnancy exposures on stillbirth risk.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE. Adherence to treatment is a key factor in achieving blood pressure control among hypertensives. We examined correlates of nonadherence to hypertension treatment in an inner-city minority population. METHODS. Subjects (n = 202) were interviewed as part of a case-control study of severe, uncontrolled hypertension conducted in two New York City hospitals in 1989-91. All subjects were African American or Hispanic. Self-reported nonadherence to drug treatment for hypertension was measured using a five-item scale, and the sample was dichotomized as more (n = 87) or less (n = 115) adherent. Multiple logistic regression analysis was used to adjust for demographic and other covariates. RESULTS. Nonadherence was associated with having blood pressure checked in an emergency room (adjusted odds ratio [OR] = 7.9; 95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.75, 35.77; P < .01), lack of a primary care physician (adjusted OR = 2.9; 95% CI = 1.37, 6.02; P < .01), current smoking (adjusted OR = 2.4; 95% CI = 1.10, 5.22; P = .03), and younger age (adjusted OR = 1.03, 95% CI = 1.00, 1.06; P = .03). CONCLUSIONS. Changing the locus of care for hypertension from emergency rooms to primary care physicians may improve adherence to hypertension treatment in minority populations.  相似文献   

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