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As concerns about food insecurity in high income countries grow, there is a need to better understand the impact of social policy decisions on this problem. In Canada, provincial government actions are particularly important because food insecurity places substantial burden on provincial health care budgets. This study was undertaken to describe the socio-demographic and temporal patterning of food insecurity in British Columbia (BC) from 2005 to 2012 and determine the impact of BC's one-time increase in social assistance and introduction of the Rental Assistance Program (RAP) on food insecurity rates among target groups. Using data from the Canadian Community Health Surveys, logistic regression analyses were conducted to identify trends and assess changes in food insecurity among subgroups differentiated by main source of income and housing tenure. Models were run against overall food insecurity, moderate and severe food insecurity, and severe food insecurity to explore whether the impact of policy changes differed by severity of food insecurity. Overall food insecurity rose significantly among households in BC between 2005 and 2012. Following the increase in social assistance benefits, overall food insecurity and moderate and severe food insecurity declined among households on social assistance, but severe food insecurity remained unchanged. We could discern no effect of the RAP on any measure of food insecurity among renter households. Our findings indicate the sensitivity of food insecurity among social assistance recipients to improvements in income and highlight the importance of examining severity of food insecurity when assessing the effects of policy interventions.  相似文献   

Less than 18% of current convicts in Italy participate in job rotation (about one month a year) employed by the Prison Administration. Only 1% are employed by cooperative societies or external companies with a regular paid job (with national collective sector contracts). In this 1% relapse into crime is much lower. What features must work possess to reduce recidivism? Work must have a meaning. From the story of several cases key-words emerge that are not referred to strictly occupational categories, but to "affective" categories, such as esteem - good - human context - care of oneself- meaning - value. The expression "high and low" is also used as if the acceptance of a cyclic yield and a never final result could be principles to live with and which work organization must constantly address. Therefore the solution does not consist only in giving work to fragile individuals such as a prison inmates or the disabled, but the real problem is: what kind of work do we want to give them?. Or better, what do we want to give them through work? For the human being, because of human nature itself work has an intrinsic value, via which self-fulfilment and meaning are sought. Self-fulfilment via work, the discovery of one's own capabilities, inclinations and attitudes, allows the human being to know his own possibilities and limits. Work becomes one with the person who, through what he/she person does, can take care of his/herself and of his/her true nature. And it is not the kind of work that makes the difference: in the "noblest" work as in the most humble t is possible to work with diligence, ingenuity and competence. It is possible to achieve a sense of oneself dedicate oneself to the job and discover the positive effects of this attitude to work.  相似文献   

In 1994 Germany enacted a universal-coverage social insurance program for long-term care to largely replace its means-tested system. The program has achieved many of its stated policy goals: shifting the financial burden of long-term care off the states and municipalities; expanding home and community-based services; lessening dependence on means-tested welfare; and increasing support of informal caregivers. Many of these goals were reached without exploding caseloads or uncontrolled expenditures. We examine the German long-term insurance program, focusing on issues of financing, eligibility and assessment, benefits, availability of services, and quality assurance.  相似文献   



The most frequent manner of attending childbirth imposes on midwives assuming poor body position affecting the musculoskeletal system. Long professional experience does not mitigate the negative effects. The adopted movement habit, as well as the type, number and frequency of actions influence the body posture. The aim of the study was to identify ergonomic threats of basic occupational midwives activities and how particular spinal segments arrangements while attending childbirth using the same technique in senior midwives differ from those of junior ones. It was also checked whether pain influences the working position assumed by midwives.

Materials and Methods

Examinations were conducted in 95 midwives aged 21?C50 (X = 29.25±9.34): 51 graduates of BSc midwifery who worked 680 h in delivery rooms during obligatory practical classes and apprenticeship and 44 senior midwives with professional experience of 7?C27 years (X = 14.84±5.98). The study was threefold. The spinal alignment while performing work activities associated with attending childbirth was assessed using the OWAS system and the SonoSens Monitor, the center of gravity projection on basal plane ?? using the AccuGait AMTI stabilometric platform. The measurements were taken during a simulation of attending childbirth (on examination model). A survey was conducted aimed at identifying spinal pain.


Midwives?? working postures require unnatural body alignments. Postural instability in the working position and no maximal usage of basal plane were observed. The work overload may afflict the musculoskeletal system, which was confirmed by different pain discomforts in 67.3% of the examinees.


Spinal alignment while attending childbirth is individually differentiated and in every case non-ergonomic. Identifying explicitly spinal overloads is difficult, but the most prevalent ones affect lumbar and cervical regions altogether. Spinal pain is frequently noted, both in junior and senior midwives, and is characteristic for midwives working in maximal movement ranges.  相似文献   

Disorders of paraoxonase and γ-glutamyltranspeptydase activities can induce development of the atherosclerotic process. The aim of the study was to examine the effect of occupational exposure to heavy metals, tobacco smoke and alcohol consumption on the activities of paraoxonase and γ-glutamyltranspeptydase as well as glutathione concentration. We have observed reduced paraoxonase activity and higher γ-glutamyltranspeptydase activity in serum of smelters when compared to control groups. In the blood of smoking smelters was demonstrated a negative correlation between paraoxonase activity and BMI value as well as between paraoxonase activity and tobacco smoke and consumption of 40 % alcohol. Also, negative correlation was found for the activity of paraoxonase and glutathione concentration as well as γ-glutamyltranspeptydase activity. Higher γ-glutamyltranspeptydase activity and lower paraoxonase activity in the serum of smelters exposed to heavy metals and tobacco smoke can cause disorders in functioning of the body.  相似文献   

Objectives: The present study examines psychosocial and behavioral influences, particularly drug and alcohol use, as correlates of inconsistent condom use and having multiple sexual partners during the past month among African-American women.Methods: This cross-sectional study, conducted between May and June 1996, recruited a convenience sample of 180 African-American women in Birmingham, Alabama. Women completed a face-to-face interview that assessed alcohol and drug use, sexual behaviors, depression, condom use, and negotiation skills.Results: The majority of women, 51.6% (n = 93), had used either alcohol or drugs during the previous month. Many women, 31.1%, consumed alcohol, 18.3% used marijuana, and 8.3% had smoked crack within the past month. Nearly 42.7% of women used condoms inconsistently in the past month and 13.3% of women had multiple sexual partners within the past month. A logistic regression model predicting inconsistent condom use indicated that women were less likely to use condoms if they consumed alcohol between 20 and 30 days of the month (OR = 2.8, 90% CI = 1.3–5.9) and if they had not negotiated condom use (OR = 32.4, 90% CI = 7.9–131.6). The logistic regression model predicting multiple sexual partners indicated that women were more likely to have multiple sexual partners if they had smoked crack in the past month (OR = 5.3, 90% CI = 1.6–18.2).Conclusion: HIV sexual risk-reduction interventions for African-American women need to address the overlapping epidemics of drugs, alcohol, and STDs. Additionally, HIV sexual risk reduction efforts should be incorporated into existing drug and alcohol treatment programs and STD clinics.  相似文献   

Previous research investigating the risks of female street sex work has tended to focus on the most tangible risks to physical health and safety. This is reflected in the provision of support services for sex workers, where these aspects are prioritised. There is little research focusing solely on the psychological risks of sex work. This qualitative study aimed to explore the perceived psychological impact of street sex work and factors that affected support seeking. Interviews were carried out with a sample of UK female street sex workers (n = 7) who attended a drop‐in clinic and health professionals (n = 5) who provided input to the drop‐in service. The analytic process, which drew from an interpretative phenomenological approach, revealed four main themes that work together to describe the emotional impact of selling sex. Implications for support services and future research are highlighted.  相似文献   



Uptake of family planning services in Pakistan has remained slow over the past decade despite a rapid increase in availability and awareness, indicating that social barriers may be preventing uptake. Social barriers such as opposition by family members have largely been studied qualitatively; there is a lack of quantitative evidence about the effect of different family members’ opposition on women’s intention to use contraceptives. The objective of this study was to quantitatively evaluate the effect of family members’ opposition to family planning on intention to use contraception amongst poor women in Pakistan who have physical access to family planning services.


An unmatched case control study (nested within a larger cohort study) was conducted in two public hospitals in Karachi, Pakistan. Univariable and multivariable logistic regression analyses were conducted to compare risk factors between women that were not intending to use any contraceptive methods in the future (cases) and women that were planning to use contraceptive methods (controls).


248 cases and 496 controls were included in the study. Negative contraceptive intent was associated with no knowledge of contraception (AOR = 3.79 [2.43-5.90]; p < 0.001), husband’s opposition (AOR = 21.87 [13.21-36.21]; p < 0.001) and mother-in-law’s opposition (AOR = 4.06 [1.77-9.30]; p < 0.001).


This study is the first to quantitatively assess the effect of opposition by different family members on women’s contraceptive intent in Pakistan. Our results indicate that of all family members, husband’s opposition has the strongest effect on women’s intention to use contraception, even when the women have knowledge of and physical access to family planning services.  相似文献   

Intimate partner violence (IPV) may increase as women in patriarchal societies become empowered, implicitly or explicitly challenging prevailing gender norms. Prior evidence suggests an inverse U-shaped relationship between women’s empowerment and IPV, in which violence against women first increases and then decreases as more egalitarian gender norms gradually gain acceptance. By means of focus-group discussions and in-depth interviews with men in 10 Bangladeshi villages, this study explored men’s evolving views of women, gender norms and the legitimacy of men’s perpetration of IPV in the context of a gender transition. It examines men’s often-contradictory narratives about women’s empowerment and concomitant changes in norms of masculinity, and identifies aspects of women’s empowerment that are most likely to provoke a male backlash. Findings suggest that men’s growing acceptance of egalitarian gender norms and their self-reported decreased engagement in IPV are driven largely by pragmatic self-interest: their desire to improve their economic status and fear of negative consequences of IPV.  相似文献   

Summary Objectives: The main purpose of this paper is to explore whether unemployment influences adolescents’ subjective perception of health and whether perceived financial stress and social contacts can mediate the effect of employment status on health. We are also interested in the differences in financial situation and social contacts between unemployed secondary school leavers and their employed and studying counterparts. Methods: Data were obtained from 844 adolescents (mean age 19.6) from Slovakia. The effect of unemployment on several health indicators was measured and subsequently controlled for perceived financial strain of respondents and their social contacts. Results: The results showed highest financial strain among unemployed, whereas only small differences in social contacts were found between three groups. Negative influence of unemployment on perceived health of respondents was confirmed. Nevertheless, strong influence was found only on long-term well-being and mental health. Financial situation and social contacts contributed to the prediction of almost all health outcomes, and to some extent mediated the effect of unemployment. Conclusions: Although unemployment was found to have a negative impact on health of adolescents, sufficiency of social contacts and good financial situation seem to decrease this effect and protect the health of unemployed people. Submitted: 22 May 2006; Revised: 16 February 2007; Accepted: 27 February 2007  相似文献   

The results from a number of studies suggest that children living close to busy roads may have impaired respiratory health. The study reported here was designed specifically to test the hypothesis that exhaust from traffic has an impact on indoor air quality and children’s respiratory health. Children living at three different locations in a suburban area in India were enrolled in the study, and the concentrations of indoor air quality parameters were measured at selected households during the period March 2006–February 2007 using portable air quality monitors. Respiratory symptoms were identified by means of a questionnaire completed by parents and from the results of a pulmonary function test (PFT) carried out using an electronic Spiro Meter. The logistic regression model revealed associations between respiratory symptoms and traffic-related indoor air pollutants among our study population. The prevalence of respiratory disorders was greater among children living in close proximity to traffic sources than among those living more distant from these sources, even after the adjustment of confounding factors. We also found intra-urban variability of indoor air quality and associated differences in respiratory symptoms. Our findings support the hypothesis that traffic has an impact on indoor air quality and that it is associated with children’s health. The findings from this study have important policy and program implications, including the need for public information campaigns designed to inform people about the risks of exposure to traffic exhausts.  相似文献   

We sought to understand whether women’s empowerment and male partner engagement were associated with use of antenatal care (ANC). Women presenting for ANC in Nyanza province of Kenya between June 2015 and May 2016, were approached for participation. A total of 137 pregnant women and 96 male partners completed baseline assessments. Women’s empowerment was measured using the modified Sexual Relationship Power Scale. ANC use measures included timing of the first ANC visit and number of visits. Male engagement was based on whether a husband reported accompanying his wife to one or more antenatal visits during the pregnancy. Multiple linear and logistic regression analyses were used to identify factors independently related to use and timing of ANC. Women with higher mean empowerment scores were likely to have more than one ANC visit in the index pregnancy [Adjusted Odds Ratio (AOR) = 2.8, 95% Confidence Interval (CI): 1.1–7.3], but empowerment was not associated with early ANC use. Women who were more empowered were less likely to have a husband who reported attending an ANC visit with his wife (AOR = 0.1, 95% CI: 0.03–0.8). Women’s empowerment is important and may be related to ANC use and engagement of male partners in complex ways.  相似文献   

The economic resources available to an individual or a household have been hypothesised to affect health through the direct material effects of living conditions as well as through social comparison and experiences of deprivation. The focus so far has been mainly on current individual or household income, and there is a lack of studies on wealth, a potentially relevant part of household resources. We studied the associations of household wealth and household income with self-rated health, and addressed some theoretical issues related to economic advantage and health. The data were from questionnaire survey of Finnish men and women aged from 45 to 67 years, who were employed by the City of Helsinki from five to seven years before the collection of the data in 2007. We found household wealth to have a strong and consistent association with self-rated health, poor health decreasing with increasing wealth. The relationship was only partly attributable to the association of wealth with employment status, household income, work conditions and health-related behaviour. In contrast, the association of household income with self-rated health was greatly attenuated by taking into account employment status and wealth, and even further attenuated by work conditions. The results suggested a significant contribution of wealth differentials to differences in health status. The insufficiency of current income as the only measure of material welfare was demonstrated. Conditions associated with long-term accumulation of material welfare may be a significant aspect of the causal processes that lead to socioeconomic inequalities in ill health.  相似文献   

The aim of this post-intervention assessment was to measure the effects of community intervention on the knowledge and attitudes of women regarding safe abortion in Ethiopia. In 2014, following implementation of an educational intervention on sexual and reproductive health from December 2012 to December 2013, 800 women were interviewed about their knowledge, attitudes, and practices regarding abortion. Multivariate regression analyses of respondents’ demographics, sources of abortion information, knowledge, and attitudes about safe abortion were conducted. More women in the intervention community knew safe abortion was available in the community (76 percent vs. 57 percent; p < 0.001). Women in the intervention community had greater odds of feeling that women should have access to safe abortion services (adjusted odds ratio [aOR]: 1.55, 95 percent confidence interval [CI]: 1.06, 2.28) after adjusting for socio-demographic characteristics. They had significantly greater odds of feeling comfortable and confident talking to a healthcare provider (aOR: 2.44, 95 percent CI: 1.55, 3.84) and/or her partner (aOR: 2.47, 95 percent CI: 1.58, 3.85) about abortion. Increased mobilization of community networks in disseminating sexual health and abortion information was followed by increased knowledge of abortion services in the intervention community and improved reproductive choices for women.  相似文献   


Although children’s science television shows aim to educate young audiences, a recent content analysis found that these shows are mostly animated and often depict science information anthropomorphically. An experiment examined the implications of these depictions for children’s learning and transfer of scientific information. Preschoolers viewed two videos about insect communication from a popular children’s television show that contained either realistic or anthropomorphic visuals of insects. Results indicated that initial learning from the show did not differ between conditions. However, one week later, children who viewed the show with realistic visuals were more likely to transfer what they learned to real insects, whereas children who viewed the show with anthropomorphic visuals were more likely to attribute humanlike characteristics to real insects. Contrary to predictions, these effects were not mediated by children’s attention to the show or their reality judgments of the factual content.  相似文献   



In this study, we investigated how socioeconomic factors contributed to airborne PM10 concentrations in living rooms and children’s bedrooms in 50 homes in Korea from July to September 2008.  相似文献   

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