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Objective: To observe the effect and mechanism of Garlicin in treating coronary heart disease (CHD) with angina pectoris. Methods: Clinical study: 55 patients were selected and randomized into the Garlicin group and the nitroglycerin group. To Garlicin group, 60 mg of Garlicin was given by adding in 5% glucose solution for intravenous dripping once per day, the therapeutic course  相似文献   

Objective: To observe the clinical efficacy of Xin'anning Nasal Drop (XAND, 心安宁滴鼻剂 )in treating coronary heart disease with unstable angina pectoris (CHD-UAP). Methods: Sixty patients with CHD-UAP were assigned, according to the randomizing number table, to two groups, the control group treated with conventional Western medicine, and the treated group treated with conventional Western medicine plus XAND. The clinical efficacy and the changes of S-T segment in resting EKG and total ischemia burden (TIB) in 24-h dynamic EKG were observed. Results: The clinical efficacy, including the effect of angina alleviation, its initiation, and the effect of TCM syndrome score reduction, were significantly superior in the treated group to those in the control group ( P<0.05 or P<0.01 ). The degree and extent of myocardial ischemia were significantly improved in both groups ( P<0.01 ), but the improvement in the treated group was better than that in the control group ( P<0.05). Moreover, it was worth mentioning that the immediate effect in the treated group was better than that in the control group, and the reduction of TIB, the improvement in heart rate and myocardial oxygen consumption (immediately after the first administration or by the end of the therapeutic course), and systolic blood pressure after treatment in the former were all superior to those in the latter, showing significant difference ( P<0.05 or P<0. 01 ). Conclusion: XAND has a quick effect in alleviating angina in patients with CHD-UAP, and it is worthy of further studies and spreading in clinical practice.  相似文献   

Thepathogenesisofpregnancyinducedhypertension(PIH)remainsunclearsofar.Butitisknownthatthebasicpathologicalchangesarethesystemicarteriospasm,micro-circulationimpedimentandbloodconcentra-tion.TheauthorsusedMailuoningInjection(MI),whichhastheeffectsofimprovingbloodvlscosity,dilatingbloodvesselandpro-m0tingbloodcirculation,intreating46PIHpatients,andcornpareditseffectwiththatofmagnesiumsulfas(MS)intreating4Ocase,theresultwasreportedasfollowwinthispa-per.METH0DSCIinicalMateriaIsFromJan.19…  相似文献   

Clinical Observation on Artificial Shexiang Baoxin Pill in Treating 112 Patients of Coronary Heart Disease with Angina Pectoris@王受益@戴瑞鸿@金椿  相似文献   

Objective: To observe the clinical effect of Yuantong Capsule (YTC) in treating vascular dementia (VD). Methods: Eighty-three patients of VD were randomized on ratio of 2 : 1 into two groups, the 54 patients in the treated group were treated with YTC orally administered, 3 times a  相似文献   

Effect of Buyang Huanwu Decoction on Platelet Function and Fibrinolytic Activity of Unstable Angina Pectoris PatientsTANGQi-z...  相似文献   

Assessment of Effect of Shexiang Baoxin Pill for Labour Angina Pectoris Patients with Computerized Tomography Myocardial Imaging@齐华阁@朱永春@许彩茹@郝玉明  相似文献   

Vasculardementia(VD)isoneofthechieftypesofseniledementia.Itisalsonamed“inversiblede mentia”duetoitsratherclearpathogenesisaswell  相似文献   

Objective:To explore the significance of platelet activation (PA) in patients with unstableangina pectoris (UA) and the effect of Xuefu Zhuyu pill (XZP, a Chinese composite recipe) on it, by wayof determining platelet membrane glycoprotein CD62P, CD41/CD45 expressions in whole blood of healthypersons and UA patients. Methods: XZP was given orally to 45 UA patients for 2 weeks. Their expressionsof CD62P and CD41/CD45 in peripheral blood were determined before and after treatment by whole bloodflow cytometry with special marked antibody, and compared with those in 10 healthy persons of the sameage as a normal control group. Results: Amount of expressions of CD62P and CD41/CD45 (FC%) in UApatients before treatment were 24.22± 7.92 and 25.89 ±8.10 respectively, all higher than those in thecontrol group (P<0.01 and P<0.05). After treatment, CD62P lowered to 20.42±8.01, significantlydifferent from that of before treatment(P<0.05), and CD41/CD45 also showed a trend of lowering (P>0.05). Platelet adhesion rate reduced significantly (P<0.05) at the same time, as compared with that ofbefore treatment. Conclusion: Highly platelet activated state exists in UA patients. XZP could inhibitplatelet membrane glycoprotein CD62P and CD41/CD45 expressions, which might be the molecular mecha-nism of it in antagonizing PA.  相似文献   

Clinical Study of Effect of Yinji Capsule(银蒺胶囊)on Left Ventricular Systolic Function of Angina Pectoris Patients with Blood S...  相似文献   

Objective:To study the method of electro-needling in treating angioma in mandibular,facialand oral cavity region to raise the therapeuticeffect.Methods:Insert the platinum needles(withthe number depending on the size of angioma andinterval between needles abou 1.5 cm)into the  相似文献   

Objective: To observe the therapeutic effect of Shenmai Injection (SI) in treating congestive heart failure (CHF). Methods: The changes in cAMP, cGMP, serum cardiac troponin T (cTnT, a specific marker reflecting myocardial injury), creatine kinase (CK) and creatine kinase isoenzyme (CK-  相似文献   

With the catgut-embedding therapy,the authortreated 46 cases of angina pectoris from October1997 to February 2002,and achieved goodtherapeutic results.This is reported as follows.  相似文献   

<正>Objective:To observe the effect of Yiqi Yangyin Decoction(益气养阴方,YQYYD) on the quality of life(QOL) of patients with unstable angina pectoris(UAP).Methods:A total of 108 patients with UAP of qi-yin deficiency syndrome confirmed by coronary angiography were enrolled and assigned to the treated group(treated with YQYYD and conventional therapy of Western medicine) and the control group(treated with conventional therapy of Western medicine),by the use of the PROC PLAN of the SAS 6.12 software,in a prospective, randomized,controlled design.The clinical total effective rate,symptom score,QOL scale[Seattle Angina Questionnaire(SAQ)]and incidence of important clinical events were defined as the observation indices to evaluate the interventional effect of YQYYD on the QOL of patients with UAP of the qi-yin deficiency syndrome. Results:During the study,three cases dropped out in the treated group,one case dropped out in the control group,and 104 cases,including 51 cases in the treatment group and 53 cases in the control group,finished the trial.After four weeks of treatment,the total clinical effective rates in the treated group and the control group were 80.4%and 75.5%respectively,and there was no obvious difference between them(P0.05).However,the symptom score of the treated group(9.31±2.02) was significantly lesser than that of the control group(11.62±3.04,P0.05),and the total score of the QOL scale of the treated group(68.76±5.74) was significantly higher than that of the control group(61.06±3.31,P0.01).Among those in the treated group physical limitation, angina stability,angina frequency,and treatment satisfaction were significantly ameliorated when compared with the control group after treatment(P0.05,P0.01).The incidence of important clinical events in the treated group(3.9%) was lower than that in the control group(5.7%) during the 8-month follow-up period,but the difference was insignificant(P0.05).Conclusion:YQYYD could improve the clinical symptoms of patients with UAP of qi-yin deficiency syndrome and greatly improve their QOL.  相似文献   

Objective:To explore the therapeutic effect of combination of Zhuanyindan (ZYD, 转阴丹, a self-made Chinese herbal preparation) and hormone in treating male infertility with positive antisperm antibody and its influence on nitric oxide (NO) level. Methods:Eighty-two patients were randomly divided (according to the digital list) into the WM group (n = 20, treated with prednisone), the TCM group (n=28, treated with ZYD) and the ICWM group (n=34, treated with prednisone plus ZYD). The clinical effect, negative converting rate of antisperm antibody, changes of NO level in semen and various parameters of sperm motion before and after treatment were observed. Results: The total effective rate in the ICWM group was 88.2%, that in theTCM group 75. 0% and in the WM group 65. 0%. Significant difference was seen in the ICWM and TCM group before and after treatment in NO level, sperm motion parameters, including linear motion speed, linearity, propulsion, whip frequency, sperm vitality and mean moving angle, and qu  相似文献   

Objective:To explore the clinical effectand mechanism of Shenfu Injection(SFI)intreating senile cerebral infarction.Methods:Eighty-two aged patients with cerebral in-farction were randomly divided into the trea-ted group treated with SFI and the controlgroup treated with Venoruton.The clinicaleffect was observed,the hemorrheologic and  相似文献   

Kanglaite(KLT)injectionismadeoftheeffectiveanti--tumorextractofcoixseed,andinitialstudiesindicatedthatithastheeffectofkillingtumorcelldirectly,strengtheningQiofMiddle--Jiao(th#,portionofthebodyhousingtheStomachandSpleen)andimprovingimmunityoforganism.ThestudywasattemptedtoilluminatethetherapeuticeffectsofKLTonpulmonarycarcinoma(PC)patientswithLung--QiDeficiencyandimmunologicinadequacy(LDll)afterpneumonectomy.METHODSClinicalM8terialsThe36PCpatientsobservedwereselectedfromOctober1996…  相似文献   

Twenty-sixmyastheniagravis(MG)patientsweretreatedwithtripterygiumglycosides(TⅡ),andtheclinicalefficacy,theserumsolubleinterleukin-2receptor(sIL-2R)andtumornecrosisfactor(TNF)levelswereallobservedfromOctober1995toFebruary1997.Itisreportedasfollows.METHODSClinicalMaterialsForty-eightpatientsofMGwereselectedfromtheNeurologyDepartmentofourhospitalandrandomlydividedintotwogroups,thetreatedgroupandthecontrolgroup.ThediagnosisofMGwasbasedontheclinicalsymptoms,neostigminetestandelectromyogr…  相似文献   

Slow transit constipation (STC) is a disease of kinetic disturbance in the lower digestive tract, clinically manifesting mainly dysporia, prolonged discharging time and abdominal distention. The disease is protracted, with its cause unknown and no safe and effective treatment. In light of the effective treatment for constipation with crude Rhi-zoma Atractylodes alba (RAA) reported in litera-  相似文献   

Objective:To observe the clinical effect ofShengmai Injection(SMI)in treating senile cere-bral infarction and to explore its mechanism.Methods:One hundred and twelve patients withsenile cerebral infarction were divided into the  相似文献   

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