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Extracellular single-unit recordings were made from neurons in the lateral hypothalamus (LH) or zona incerta (ZI) of conscious sheep. A small population of neurons (12/83) were found which responded with increased firing rate when the animal looked at food but did not respond when the sheep looked at water. The effects of rapidly inducing intense thirst by the intracerebroventricular (i.c.v.) injection of hypertonic (0.85 M) saline or 200 ng of angiotensin II, or a mixture of the two dipsogenic stimuli, on the response of neurons initially responding only to the sight of food were investigated. Following i.c.v. injection of the dipsogenic stimuli the neurons began to respond strongly to the sight of water. The results demonstrated that changing the animal's motivational state alters the response of some neurons in the LH and ZI and suggests that the neuronal response is influenced by the animal's dominant need at the time of testing.  相似文献   

A number of procedures exist for the experimental induction of sodium appetite. With the exception of a low sodium diet, nearly all of these methods are invasive, requiring injections, surgery, or both. In addition to stimulating intake of concentrated salt, some of them produce substantial side-effects like reduced food intake and weight gain. The present experiment was designed to evaluate the efficacy of a novel non-invasive method to induce a salt appetite. We investigated the effects of ingesting 100 microM amiloride, a diuretic and natriuretic compound, on urine quantity, electrolyte balance, 0.5 1M sodium chloride (NaCl) intake, water intake, and Na(+)-free chow intake, and weight gain in rats. A water ingestion only group served as control. Consumption of amiloride in mixture with water produced greater loss of urinary Na(+) and intake of 0.51 M NaCl compared with controls. This treatment was without effect on food intake and only modestly influenced weight gain. These results demonstrate a rapid and non-invasive method for the induction of salt appetite free of unwanted side-effects.  相似文献   

Single unit recordings were made from neurones in the lateral hypothalamus and zona incerta of conscious sheep during the static visual presentation of food or visible approach of food towards the animal's mouth. The ability of this population of neurones to modulate their activity as a result of learning and satiety was investigated together with the extent to which their responsiveness reflected individual food preference. These neurones did not respond to either the sight or visible approach of a nonsense object or a food which they would not eat. Further, when the sight or approach of food which the animal desired to eat was not paired with ingestion the neurones rapidly extinguished their response. The magnitude of the neuronal response and the number of trials to extinction was dependent upon the animal's preference for a particular food: the most preferred food evoking the greatest response and being the most resistant to extinction. Following extinction the neuronal response to the sight or approach of food could be re-established after one or two trials with food reinforcement. If the sheep was repeatedly given the same food to eat the magnitude of the neuronal response and the number of trials to extinction gradually declined until no response occured when the animal refused to eat. These cells could also be induced to respond differentially to the approach of non-food objects dependent upon whether they were associated with a food reward or not. Thus a response could be evoked to the sight or approach of a black bottle if it was associated with a food reward but not to a yellow bottle unassociated with feeding. Acquired neuronal responses to novel foods could also be demonstrated.  相似文献   

In 20 conscious sheep, evidence was sought for localized brain mechanisms controlling ingestion of sodium salts, using electrical stimulation of diencephalic and neighbouring regions. The sheep lost saliva continuously through parotid fistulae. They were permitted to replace resultant sodium deficits episodically by drinking NaHCO3 solution (300 mEquiv./l). Focal cathodal stimulation at 40 Hz was delivered through needle electrodes, permanently fixed or roving in depth, when the sheep were behaviourally satiated for available salt, water and food. Response maps were constructed for approximately 1,000 brain loci tested. On stimulation of particular sites in fimbria, fornix columns, perifornical hypothalamus, or medial forebrain bundle, 6 sheep ingested salt specifically, but similar loci in other elicited only licking or arousal. In some sheep, selection between NaHCO3 and water for elicited drinking was influenced by situational factors. Licking was elicited from widespread loci in the diencephalon, fornix system, preoptic region and strio-pallidum, interspersed with excitatory or inactive points. The results suggest that hypothalamic mechanisms controlling salt ingestion exist, but are not reliably activated at comparable loci in different animals. It is alternatively possible that stimulated ingestion results from interactions between generalized arousal, excitation of unspecific alimentary circuits, and concurrent patterns of afferent input.  相似文献   

Neuronal activity in the amygdala (AM) was recorded from alert monkeys during performance of tasks that led to presentation of rewarding or aversive stimuli. The tasks had 3 phases: (1) discrimination (visual, auditory), (2) operant response (bar pressing), and (3) ingestion (reward) or avoidance (aversion). Neuronal activity was analyzed and compared during each of these phases. Of 585 AM neurons tested, 312 (53.3%) responded to at least one stimulus in one or more of 5 major groups: vision related, audition related, ingestion related, multimodal, and selective. Forty neurons (6.8%) in the anterior dorsolateral capsule of the basolateral nuclei responded exclusively to visual stimuli (vision related). Twenty-six neurons (4.4%) further posterior in the basolateral group responded only to auditory stimuli (audition related). During ingestion an additional 41 neurons (7.0%) increased their activity (ingestion related). These were in the corticomedial group and at the boundaries between the nuclei of the basolateral group. Of these, 27 responded only in the ingestion phase, 11 during ingestion and at the sight of food, and 3 during ingestion and to certain sounds. Throughout the AM other neurons (n = 117, 20.0%) responded to visual, auditory, and somesthetic stimuli and, when tested, to involuntary ingestion of liquid (multimodal). Of these, 40 responded transiently (phasic; 36 excited, 4 inhibited). The remaining 77 maintained their altered activity into the subsequent phases of the task (tonic; 69 excited, 8 inhibited). In each of these 4 categories, most cells were activated primarily by novel or unfamiliar stimuli, and their responses habituated during repeated stimulation. A small number of cells in the basolateral and the basomedial nuclei (n = 14, 2.4%) were highly selective in that they responded specifically to one biologically significant object or sound more than to any other stimuli (selective). Some of these neurons responded to both sight and ingestion of a specific food. In summary, most AM neurons responded vigorously to novel stimuli, and some of the neurons had multimodal responsiveness. These results suggest the AM is related to processing of new environmental stimuli and to those cross-modal association.  相似文献   

Single neuron activity was recorded from monkey lateral hypothalamus to investigate neuronal events correlated with operant bar press feeding behavior. The behavioral paradigm was divided into three phase: visual (discrimination), bar press (procurement), and ingestion (consummatory). Of 669 neurons tested, 158 (24%) responded in one or more phases. During the visual phase, 106 neurons (16%) responded. Of 80 neurons that responded in the visual phase and were tested systematically, 33 (41%, 33/80) responded selectively to the sight of food or nonfood objects associated with a juice reward, but not to the sight of nonfood or objects associated with aversive saline. Neuronal activity related to discrimination was modulated by satiation and learning (i.e., acquisition and extinction). During the bar press phase, 51 neurons (7.6%) responded. These responded tonically during the early or late stage of the bar press period, but did not depend on individual bar pressing motions. During ingestion, 90 neurons (13%) responded. The ingestion response was modulated by palatability of food and satiation. Data suggest that the LHA is deeply involved in operant feeding behavior; discrimination of food, drive to get food, and perception of reward, all of which are affected by learning and internal states such as hunger and satiety.  相似文献   

The contributions of the central nucleus of the amygdala (CeA) and the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BST) to salt appetite were evaluated with two treatments which induce sodium chloride (NaCl) ingestion. Cumulative 3 h intakes of 2% NaCl after sodium depletion using furosemide, or subcutaneous (s.c.) injections of yohimbine (YOH), were measured in male, Sprague-Dawley rats both before and after electrolytic lesions of the CeA or the BST. Before surgery, sham-lesion and lesion groups drank equivalent amounts of 2% NaCl in response to furosemide depletion and YOH treatment. After surgery, rats with sham lesions increased their intakes of 2% NaCl following YOH while rats with CeA or BST lesions showed significant decreases. Rats with CeA or BST lesions also showed significant decreases in their intake of 2% NaCl after furosemide depletion, while intakes of the sham lesion groups remained unchanged. Lesions of either nucleus virtually eliminated 24 h need-free salt intake. Before and after surgery, all groups drank equivalent amounts of water in response to s.c. angiotensin II and to s.c. hypertonic saline, indicating the lesions specifically affected salt appetite. The results indicate that the CeA and the BST may be important sites for processing inputs mediating salt appetite.  相似文献   

These studies examined the NaCl intake behaviors of rats with bilateral electrolytic lesions of the central nucleus of the amygdala (CeAX). Daily need-free intake of 3% NaCl was abolished by CeAX even in rats in which it had been enhanced preoperatively by a history of repeated sodium depletions but was slightly restored by three successive postoperative sodium depletions. CeAX rats drank water but not 3% NaCl to high doses of DOCA and to the activation of cerebral angiotensin II, and expressed small but reliable salt intake (need-induced salt intake or salt appetite) after postoperative sodium depletions. Other ingestive behaviors (water drinking, intake of food and 5% sucrose) were normal. When given decreasing concentrations of NaCl solution the CeAX rats rejected them until the concentration reached 0.2%. These findings suggest that lesions to the central nucleus of the amygdala produce a global impairment in salt intake behaviors that is possibly due to an alteration in the central processing of the salt taste signal.  相似文献   

Neuronal activity of the dorsal amygdala, the substantia innominata and the ventral putamen during bar press operant behavior was analyzed to investigate neuronal responses in various affective situations. Of 1507 neurons recorded, 431 responded to some stimuli and were classified into 6 functional categories: 64 (4.2%) indiscriminately and transiently responded to various stimuli; 98 (6.5%) responded to various objects depending on their significance, whether rewarding or punishing; 44 (2.9%) clearly responded only to certain food or objects associated with potables, but not to both; 16 (1.1%) responded to both food and objects associated with potables; 35 (2.3%) responded primarily at the sight of certain nonfood; 66 (4.4%) responded primarily in the ingestion phase. Relations between function and topography are discussed. The results suggest that the dorsal AM and adjacent areas might be important in recognizing the biological significance of objects and in procuring food.  相似文献   

COX, J. R., C. E. CRUZ AND J. RUGER. Effect of total amygdalectomy upon regulation of salt intake in rats. BRAIN RES. BULL. 3(5) 431–435, 1978.—Sodium appetite was studied in rats with lesions destroying the entire amygdaloid nuclear complex. The rats were totally aphagic and adipsic for several days following lesioning but regained nearly normal levels of food and water intake about 2 to 3 weeks postoperatively. Intake of 3% saline was observed after induction of sodium appetite by treatment with a mineralocorticoid and a natriuretic agent. Rats with amygdaloid lesions generally manifested severe but not total loss of sodium appetite. Regulation of water intake was also moderately to severely impaired. Suggestive evidence was obtained that recovery of sodium appetite in amygdalectomized rats can be enhanced by postoperative experience with sodium appetite and saline reinforcement.  相似文献   

Structures of the lamina terminalis (LT) sense and integrate information reflecting the state of body water and sodium content. Output from the LT projects into a neural network that regulates body fluid balance. Serotonin (5-HT) and the dorsal raphe nuclei (DRN) have been implicated in the inhibitory control of salt intake (i.e., sodium appetite). Signals arriving from the LT evoked by fluid depletion-induced sodium ingestion interact with this inhibitory serotonergic system. We investigated the role of neurons along the LT that directly project to the DRN. We analyzed the pattern of immunoreactivity (ir) of LT cells double-labeled for Fos (a marker of neural activity) and Fluorogold (FG; a retrograde tracer) following sodium depletion-induced sodium intake. Seven days after injection of FG into the DRN, sodium appetite was induced by furosemide injection and overnight access to only a low sodium diet (Furo-LSD) and distilled water. Twenty-four hours later, access to 0.3 M NaCl was given to depleted or sham-depleted rats and sodium intake was measured over the following 60 min. Ninety minutes after the termination of the intake test, the animals were perfused and their brains were processed for immunohistochemical detection of Fos and FG. Compared to sham-depleted animals there was a significantly greater number of Fos-/FG-ir double-labeled cells in the subfornical organ, the organum vasculosum of the lamina terminalis and the median preoptic nucleus in rats that ingested NaCl. Projections from the LT cells may contribute to inhibitory mechanisms involving 5-HT neurons in the DRN that limit the intake of sodium and prevent excess volume expansion.  相似文献   

It has been shown previously that some neurons in the lateral hypothalamus and substantia innominata respond to the sight of food, others to the taste of food, and others to the sight or taste of food, in the hungry monkey. It is shown here that feeding to satiety decreases the responses of hypothalamic neurons to the sight and/or taste of a food on which the monkey has been satiated, but leaves the responses of the same neurons to other foods on which the monkey has not been satiated relatively unchanged. This suggests that the responses of these neurons in the ventral forebrain are related to sensory-specific satiety, an important phenomenon which regulates food intake. In sensory-specific satiety, the pleasantness of the sight or taste of a food becomes less after it is eaten to satiety, whereas the pleasantness of the sight or taste of other foods which have not been eaten is much less changed; correspondingly, food intake is greater if foods which have not already been eaten to satiety are offered.  相似文献   

Activity was recorded from 358 neurons in the globus pallidus (GP) of monkeys (Macaca fuscata) during an operant feeding task consisting of 3 stages: (1) food or non-food presentation (1st stage); (2) bar pressing (2nd stage); and (3) food acquisition and ingestion (3rd stage). There were two kinds of neurons, one with high and the other with very low (almost silent), spontaneous firing rates. Two hundred and four neurons (57%) responded in one or more of the feeding stages. Of the 21 neurons which responded in the 1st stage, two responded selectively to food presentation, and 19 responded to both food and non-food visual presentation. One hundred and seventy-four neurons (49%) and 107 neurons (30%) responded in the 2nd and 3rd stages, respectively, and 106 (30%) of these were directly related to specific feeding motor acts such as arm extension, flexion, bar pressing, grasping, chewing etc. Both high and low firing neurons responded to motor acts with sharp or gradual onset. More than half of those that responded to arm extension showed laterality (contra or ipsi)- and function (extension or flexion)-dependent responses. The incidence of the motor related neurons was higher in the caudodorsal part of the GP. On the other hand, about one third, especially in the rostroventral part of the GP, showed dissociating responses in that they responded during bar pressing for food or during ingestion in an operant task, but not during bar pressing for non-food or during forcible ingestion. The magnitude of firing changes during arm extension and bar pressing depended on the nature of the food. Moreover, in trials using new food or false (model) food, firing changes during bar press appeared or disappeared within a few trials with no correlation to bar press movement. These data suggest heterogeneous functions within the GP; the caudodorsal part is strictly concerned with motor execution and preparation, while the rostroventral part is not related to motor function directly, but may rather be important in coupling internal, motivational information to the motor system.  相似文献   

Ono  T.  Nishijo  H.  Nishino  H. 《Journal of neurology》2000,247(5):V23-V32

It has been suggested that the cortico- and limbic-striatal systems are important in various motor functions such as motivated behaviors. In this paper we review our previous studies to investigate neuronal mechanisms of feeding behaviors. We recorded neuronal activity from the amygdala, caudate nucleus, globus pallidus, and substantia nigra during feeding behavior in monkeys, and compared neuronal responses recorded from these brain areas. First, of 710 amygdalar neurons tested, 129 (18.2%) responded to single sensory stimulation (48 to vision, 32 to audition, 49 to ingestion), 142 (20%) to multimodal stimulation, and 20 to only one item with affective significance. Eight food related amygdalar neurons were tested in reversal by salting food or introducing saline, and all responses were modulated by reversal. These results suggest that the amygdala might be important in ongoing recognition of the affective significance of complex stimuli (food-nonfood discrimination).

Second, activity was recorded from 351 neurons in the head of the caudate nucleus of monkeys during an operant feeding task. The 16% of these neurons responded in the discrimination phase. Some of these neurons responded specifically to food. The magnitude of these food-specific neurons depend on the rewarding nature of the food (reward value), and was inversely related to the latency of the onset of bar press. Of the caudate neurons, 10% responded in the bar press phase. Activity of most neurons which responded in the bar press phase was not correlated to individual bar presses. Cooling of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex abolished sustained responses during bar pressing, but did not abolish the feeding behavior. However, bar press speed tended to be delayed by prefrontal cooling.

Third, activity of 358 neurons was recorded from the monkey globus pallidus, and 204 neurons responded during the feeding task. In the globus pallidus, few neurons responded to food in the discrimination phase. On the other hand, activity of most responsive neurons changed during bar press and/or ingestion phases. Activity of about half of these responsive neurons was directly related to specific feeding motor acts such as arm extension, flexion, bar pressing, grasping, chewing, etc. Some of these neurons showed motor-related responses with gradual and preparatory responses. These motor-related neurons were located mainly in the caudodorsal part of the globus pallidus. On the other hand, about one third, especially in the rostroventral part of the globus pallidus, showed dissociating responses in that they responded during bar pressing for food or during ingestion in an operant task, but not during bar pressing for nonfood or during forcible ingestion. The response magnitude of the neurons during arm extension and bar pressing depended on the nature of the food.

Fourth, activity of 261 neurons was recorded from the substantia nigra pars reticulata. Most of responding neurons (more than two-thirds of the recorded neurons) responded during the bar press and/or ingestion phases. Activity of the one-third of neurons was related to specific motor execution such as arm extension, flexion and bar pressing, but not to motor preparation. These neurons were located mainly in the rostral part of the nucleus. More than one-third of the recorded neurons responded during feed and/or drinking acts and intra- and perioral sensory stimuli, and were located mainly in the caudomedial part of the nucleus.

Based upon these responses and known anatomical evidence, various information including that from the amygdala and prefrontal cortex is integrated in the basal ganglia, and converted to coordinated motivated behaviors such as feeding behavior.


To raise a natural sodium appetite in the laboratory requires approximately 10 days on a very low sodium diet. Most other regimens induce sodium appetite more rapidly, but also result in behavioral or physiological changes not observed in the deprivation-induced state. We compared the characteristics of need-free sodium appetite induced either by systemic aldosterone combined with an intracerebroventricular (ICV) injection of angiotensin II or by a single ICV injection of renin with an appetite induced by 10 days of sodium deprivation. We measured the latency to drink water and 3% NaCl, as well as the amount of these fluids consumed at 30 min, 3 h, and 24 h. Angiotensin induced the shortest latency for both water and salt drinking, but the overall salt intake was lower. In 24 h, renin and sodium deprivation both induced about 14 ml of NaCl consumption, but the time course of the fluid intake differed for the two regimens.  相似文献   

How fat is sensed in the mouth and represented in the brain is important in relation to the pleasantness of food, appetite control, and the design of foods that reproduce the mouthfeel of fat yet have low energy content. We show that the human somatosensory cortex (SSC) is involved in oral fat processing via functional coupling to the orbitofrontal cortex (OFC), where the pleasantness of fat texture is represented. Using functional MRI, we found that activity in SSC was more strongly correlated with the OFC during the consumption of a high fat food with a pleasant (vanilla) flavor compared to a low fat food with the same flavor. This effect was not found in control analyses using high fat foods with a less pleasant flavor or pleasant‐flavored low fat foods. SSC activity correlated with subjective ratings of fattiness, but not of texture pleasantness or flavor pleasantness, indicating a representation that is not involved in hedonic processing per se. Across subjects, the magnitude of OFC‐SSC coupling explained inter‐individual variation in texture pleasantness evaluations. These findings extend known SSC functions to a specific role in the processing of pleasant‐flavored oral fat, and identify a neural mechanism potentially important in appetite, overeating, and obesity. Hum Brain Mapp 35:2521–2530, 2014. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc .  相似文献   

The present study was designed to measure food and water intake, changes in hypothalamic chemistry, and other behaviour modifications after central injection of neuropeptide (NP) VF in broiler type chicks. In Experiment 1, chicks responded to central NPVF with a reduction in food intake for up to 90 min post injection. Water intake was unaffected. In Experiment 2, NPVF exerted a less potent and shorter duration of attenuated food intake than did the structurally related NPFF. In Experiment 3, 16.0 nmol NPVF reversed the prolactin-releasing peptide induced orexigenic effect. In Experiment 4, central NPVF treatment was associated with decreased c-Fos immunoreactivity in the lateral hypothalamus, whereas c-Fos immunoreactivity in the dorsomedial nucleus, infundibular nucleus (homologue to the mammalian arcuate nucleus) and ventromedial nucleus was increased. In Experiment 5, behaviours unrelated to ingestion including sit, stand, deep rest and locomotion were affected by central NPVF injection. Some of these behaviours are incompatible with ingestion and may contribute to hypothalamic associated perception of satiety after central NPVF. In conclusion, NVPF is a short-term regulator of appetite and its effects are associated with hypothalamic and behaviour changes in chicks.  相似文献   

Among other deficits, amygdalectomy impairs the ability of the animal to recognize the affective significance of a stimulus. In the present study, neuronal activity in the amygdala (AM) was recorded from alert monkeys while they performed tasks leading to the presentation of rewarding or aversive stimuli. Of 585 AM neurons tested, 312 (53.3%) responded to at least one stimulus in one or more of 5 major groups: 40 vision related, 26 audition related, 41 ingestion related, 117 multimodal, and 14 selective. Ingestion-related neurons were subdivided according to their responses to other stimuli: oral sensory, oral sensory plus vision, and oral sensory plus audition. Depending upon their responsiveness to the affective significance of the stimuli, neurons in the vision- and audition-related categories were divided into 2 subclasses: vis-I (26/40), vis-II (14/40), aud-I (8/26), and aud-II (18/26). All 4 subtypes usually responded to unfamiliar stimuli but seldom responded to neutral familiar stimuli. Types vis-I and aud-I responded to both positive and negative familiar stimuli. Types vis-II and aud-II responded to certain familiar negative stimuli but not to familiar positive stimuli. In vis-I neurons, responses were stronger for palatable foods than for less palatable foods. No neurons within vision-related, audition-related, and multimodal categories responded solely to positive or to negative stimuli. Of the 27 oral sensory neurons 9 were tested with saline or salted food, and 8 responded to normally aversive oral sensory stimuli in the same manner as they did to normal food or liquid (water or juice). In contrast to oral sensory neurons, all responses of 4 oral sensory-plus-vision and all of 4 selective neurons tested, as well as bar pressing behavior, were modulated by altering the affective significance of the food. These results suggest that the AM is one of the candidates for stimulus-affective association based on associative learning and memory.  相似文献   

Septal nuclei are suggested to work as an interface between the hippocampal formation, involved in higher cognitive functions, and the hypothalamus, involved in motivational behaviors such as feeding, drinking, and intracranial self-stimulation. In the present study, to elucidate a role of the septal nuclei in motivational behaviors, single neuron activity was recorded from water- and food-deprived monkeys during discrimination of objects associated with juice, and during ingestion of juice. Of 349 neurons recorded from two monkeys, 67 responded in the ingestion phase of the object discrimination task. Of these 67 neurons, 31 were further tested with the noncontingent liquid (juice or water) test in which liquid was provided until the animals became satiated. These 31 septal neurons were classified into two groups: type I neurons (n = 10) responded to juice ingestion with inhibition, and type II neurons (n = 21) responded with excitation. The spontaneous firing rates of the type I neurons were higher in the deprived condition and decreased as the animal became satiated by intake of liquid. Nine type II neurons responded to the sight of a white object associated with juice as well as ingestion of juice. The response magnitudes of the type II neurons to both the sight of the white object and ingestion of juice also decreased by satiation. However, spontaneous firing rates of the type II neurons did not change. These activity changes of both type I and II neurons were well correlated with changes in motivational state of the monkey estimated by the behavioral test. The results suggest that the activity of type I neurons reflects thirst or hunger drive levels, and that responses of type II neurons are related to reward perception. These type I and II neurons were located mainly in the anterior part of the septal nuclei. Results of the present study suggest, along with previous lesion and anatomical studies, that the septal nuclei exert a powerful influence on the motivational/drive systems through the projection to the hypothalamus. Hippocampus 1997;7:536–548. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Circumventricular organs such as the subfornical organ (SFO) may mediate the effects of circulating angiotensin (ANG) II on salt appetite under conditions of sodium depletion in the rat. We studied the effects of an electrolytic lesion of SFO on salt appetite after adrenalectomy (ADX) in Long-Evans rats. The SFO lesion had no effect on saline intake, but it did abolish water intake after acute peripheral treatments with 2 mg/kg of captopril or a 10 mg/kg of furosemide. These findings contrast with other recent data from this laboratory demonstrating large reductions in salt appetite in adrenal-intact rats with lesions of either SFO or the organum vasculosum laminae terminalis during acute iv infusions of ANG II. Thus, the SFO may contribute to the salt appetite response to circulating ANG II, but it is not essential for the response to adrenalectomy.  相似文献   

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