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目的 介绍乳腺癌患者HER2基因扩增的瘤内遗传异质性(genetic heterogeneity,GH)现象,并探讨HER2基因GH与临床病理学参数间的相关性,寻找与HER2基因GH现象密切相关的病理学因素.方法 整理100例浸润性乳腺癌患者分期、组织学分型、分子分型等临床数据,应用免疫组化技术(immunohistochemistry,IHC)检测HER2、雌激素受体α(estrogen peceptor α,ERα)和孕激素受体(progesterone receptor,PR)蛋白表达,用荧光原位杂交(fluorescence in situ hybridization,FISH)技术检测HER2基因扩增情况,并分析HER2基因异质性与临床病理参数间的关系.结果 100例乳腺癌患者中有20%的病例(20/100)存在HER2基因GH现象.在瘤内异质性样本中,扩增细胞所占比例≥25%的样本组其FISH结果阳性率明显高于扩增细胞<25%的样本组(P=0.012).HER2蛋白的表达程度(P=0.004)和ER蛋白表达(P=0.002)与HER2基因GH现象显著相关.结论 HER2基因GH现象最易出现于HER2蛋白轻到中度表达、ER蛋白表达的乳腺癌组织,故而对于具有上述病理学特征的患者进行FISH检测时应特别注意GH现象,以免遗漏阳性细胞或者只计数阳性细胞,而给出不准确的FISH结果.  相似文献   

Powell G  Roche H  Roche WR 《Histopathology》2011,59(5):950-956
Powell G, Roche H & Roche W R
(2011) Histopathology 59 , 950–956 Expression of calretinin by breast carcinoma and the potential for misdiagnosis of mesothelioma Aims: Calretinin and cytokeratin (CK)5/6 are frequently used to differentiate between metastatic breast cancer and primary malignant mesothelioma in pleural biopsies, but both tumours may express these markers. This study was aimed at evaluating the frequency of calretinin expression in primary breast carcinomas, and assessing the characteristics of the calretinin‐positive tumours. Methods and results: Fifty‐three primary breast adenocarcinomas were analysed for immunohistochemical expression of calretinin. CK5/6 and epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) immunostaining were performed on the calretinin‐positive subset. Tumours were classified as basal‐like if they met standard morphological and immunohistochemical criteria. Fifteen per cent (8/53) of the breast tumours were positive for calretinin. Eighty‐eight per cent (7/8) of the calretinin‐positive tumours were grade 3, as compared with 20% (9/45) of the calretinin‐negative tumours (P < 0.001). Only 13% (1/8) of the calretinin‐positive tumours were also oestrogen receptor (ER)‐positive, as compared with 87% (39/45) of the calretinin‐negative tumours (P < 0.001). Eleven per cent (6/53) of the tumours were classified as basal‐like. Of these, four were positive for calretinin and two were negative (P = 0.003). Conclusions: Fifteen per cent of breast carcinomas stain with calretinin. These tumours are more likely to be high‐grade, ER‐negative, and display a basal‐like phenotype. These tumours may be misdiagnosed as malignant mesothelioma when they metastasize to the pleura.  相似文献   

An immunocytochemical assay for the p53-regulated protein product of the WAF1/Cip1 gene, p21WAF1 (p21), was developed and applied to archival primary breast tumour material from 91 patients whose subsequent recurrent disease was treated with assessable courses of endocrine therapy. Nuclear localization of p21 protein was observed in 76 (82·4 per cent) cases. Status cut-offs were established and 29 (31·9 per cent) were deemed negative, 39 (42·9 per cent) weakly positive, and 23 (25·3 per cent) strongly positive. p21 status was inversely correlated with p53 protein (p = 0·047) but did not relate to oestrogen receptor (ER) status, response to endocrine therapy, or time to further disease progression (TTP). Highly p21-positive patients had a significantly improved overall survival time (p = 0·020). Co-assessment of p21 and p53 subgroups revealed p21 + /p53 − patients to have good survival characteristics, whilst p21 − /p53+ patients did poorly (p = 0·008). The p21 − /p53− patients overall did intermediately well, but Ki67-defined cellular proliferation analysis of these revealed two subclasses: those with high proliferation and poor survival times resembling the p21 − /p53+ phenotype, and those with less proliferative tumours with good survival, similar to the p21 + /p53− group. The significance of these results is discussed in the light of recent research concerning the role of p21 and p53 in breast cancer aetiology. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The aims of this study were to identify genetic changes associated with malignant progression of the fibroepithelial neoplasms, phyllodes tumours of the breast (PTs), and to ascertain whether genetic progression occurs when PTs recur locally. A further aim was to assess whether the genetic data support the classification of these tumours into three subtypes, benign, borderline and malignant. 126 PTs (37 benign, 41 borderline, 48 malignant) were analysed by either array-CGH or the Illumina Goldengate assay. The large-scale genetic changes associated with malignant/borderline phenotypes were +1q, +5p, +7, +8, -6, -9p, -10p and -13. Cluster analysis of the array-CGH data supported the division of malignant and borderline PTs into two separate groups, one comprising almost all malignant lesions and the other, benign and borderline tumours. Interstitial deletions of 9p21 that involved the p16INK4a locus were present in many malignant/borderline PTs, and some of these appeared to cause homozygous loss. Loss of expression of p16INK4a was found frequently and this was associated with 9p deletion; we also identified one p16INK4a mutation and evidence of methylation of p16INK4a in malignant PTs. Our evidence shows that inactivation of this gene is important in the development of malignant PTs. In selected PTs, multiple areas of stroma were isolated and analysed separately by array-CGH. We found considerable intra-tumoral genetic heterogeneity. Analysis of paired primary and recurrent tumours showed that recurrent tumours often acquired new genetic changes; in particular, benign tumours tended to acquire changes characteristic of the malignant/borderline phenotype. We believe it likely that unfavourable sub-clones not easily identified by histology account for the unpredictable clinical behaviour of these tumours.  相似文献   

Invasive breast cancer is divided into luminal A, luminal B, HER2 overexpression, basal‐like (BL) and normal‐like subtypes, among which the BL subtype has the worst prognosis. The purpose of this study was to determine the clinicopathological and cytological characteristics of BL breast cancer (BLBC). Fine‐needle aspiration cytology samples from 17 patients with consecutive BLBC were investigated, and the findings were compared with those of other subtypes (10 cases each) for the following cytomorphological features: necrosis; lymphocyte infiltration; mitotic index; apoptosis; naked nuclei; nuclear/cytoplasmic ratio; nuclear margin, size and pleomorphism; chromatin granularity and density; and nucleolar appearance. Histologically, the BLBCs were heterogeneous, and included medullary carcinoma and metaplastic carcinoma, in addition to invasive ductal carcinoma. Cytologically, high mitotic index, naked nuclei, and irregular nuclear margin were significantly observed when compared with both the luminal A and B subtypes. Large nuclei with nucleoli and lymphocyte infiltration were frequently seen compared with the luminal A and B subtypes, respectively. Squamous nodules were seen in all metaplastic cases, but not in the HER2 overexpression subtype. Lymphocyte infiltration, squamous metaplasia, and nuclear findings such as a high mitotic index, naked or large nuclei, an irregular nuclear margin and the presence of nucleoli, may be clues indicating BLBC. Diagn. Cytopathol. 2013;41:283–287. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Recent evidence suggests that ovarian high‐grade serous carcinoma (HGSC) originates from the epithelium of the fallopian tube. However, most mouse models are based on the previous prevailing view that ovarian cancer develops from the transformation of the ovarian surface epithelium. Here, we report the extensive histological and molecular characterization of the mogp–TAg transgenic mouse, which expresses the SV40 large T‐antigen (TAg) under the control of the mouse müllerian‐specific Ovgp‐1 promoter. Histological analysis of the fallopian tubes of mogp–TAg mice identified a variety of neoplastic lesions analogous to those described as precursors to ovarian HGSC. We identified areas of normal‐appearing p53‐positive epithelium that are similar to ‘p53 signatures’ in the human fallopian tube. More advanced proliferative lesions with nuclear atypia and epithelial stratification were also identified that were morphologically and immunohistochemically reminiscent of human serous tubal intraepithelial carcinoma (STIC), a potential precursor of ovarian HGSC. Beside these non‐invasive precursor lesions, we also identified invasive adenocarcinoma in the ovaries of 56% of the mice. Microarray analysis revealed several genes differentially expressed between the fallopian tube of mogp–TAg and wild‐type (WT) C57BL/6. One of these genes, Top2a, which encodes topoisomerase IIα, was shown by immunohistochemistry to be concurrently expressed with elevated p53 and was specifically elevated in mouse STICs but not in the surrounding tissues. TOP2A protein was also found elevated in human STICs, low‐grade and high‐grade serous carcinoma. The mouse model reported here displays a progression from normal tubal epithelium to invasive HGSC in the ovary, and therefore closely simulates the current emerging model of human ovarian HGSC pathogenesis. This mouse therefore has the potential to be a very useful new model for elucidating the mechanisms of serous ovarian tumourigenesis, as well as for developing novel approaches for the prevention, diagnosis and therapy of this disease. Published 2014. This article has been contributed to by US Government employees and their work is in the public domain in the USA.  相似文献   

Shao MM  Zhang F  Meng G  Wang XX  Xu H  Yu XW  Chen LY  Tse GM 《Histopathology》2011,59(2):264-273
Shao M‐M, Zhang F, Meng G, Wang X‐X, Xu H, Yu X‐W, Chen L‐Y & Tse G M
(2011) Histopathology 59 , 264–273 Epidermal growth factor receptor gene amplification and protein overexpression in basal‐like carcinoma of the breast Aims: Epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) is frequently expressed in basal‐like breast cancer (BLBC). The aim of this study was to evaluate their correlation as detected by immunohistochemistry (IHC) or fluorescence in‐situ hybridization (FISH). Methods and results: IHC for oestrogen receptor (ER), progesterone receptor (PR), human epidermal growth factor receptor (HER) 2, cytokeratin (CK) 5/6 and EGFR, and FISH for EGFR amplification, were performed in 59 cases of BLBC. EGFR IHC results were scored semiquantitatively, and compared with its gene amplification status. ER, PR and HER2 were negative in all cases, whereas 35 and 55 cases were positive for CK5/6 and EGFR. For EGFR IHC, 20, 11, 11 and 17 cases showed a negative, a low, an intermediate or a high staining level, respectively, and seven cases showed gene amplification by FISH, with two, 19, 11 and 20 cases showing balanced monosony, disomy, trisomy, and polysomy respectively. Immunohistochemical expression in gene‐amplified tumours was significantly higher than in those without amplification, including balanced polysomy tumours. EGFR immunohistochemical expression also correlated with the EGFR/chromosome 7 ratio. High sensitivity (86%) and negative predictive value (98%) were achieved with high‐level immunohistochemical expression as a cut‐off to predict gene amplification. Conclusions: High‐level EGFR immunohistochemical expression correlated with and predicted EGFR amplification, and may be used as a screening method to exclude gene amplification.  相似文献   

Genes have been identified for which germline mutations are associated with high lifetime risks of breast, colorectal and other cancers. Identification of mutation carriers through genetic testing is important as it could help lower cancer incidence and mortality. The translation of genetic information into better health outcomes is expensive because of the costs of genetic counselling as well as laboratory testing. Approaches to triage for mutation screening of known genes which rely on cancer family history are not necessarily sensitive and specific or the most cost-effective. Recent population-based research has shown that the cancers and precancerous lesions arising in mutation carriers have specific molecular and morphological characteristics. People with colorectal cancer, especially those diagnosed at a young age, whose tumours exhibit microsatellite instability and some specific pathology and immunohistochemically-defined features are more likely to carry a germline mutation in one of four mismatch repair genes. Some morphological and immunohistochemically-defined features are associated with breast cancers arising in women who carry BRCA1 or BRCA2 germline mutations, especially if at a young age. Screening paradigms based on molecular and morphological features that predict mutation status, especially if focused on early-onset disease, have the potential to identify mutation carriers with greater sensitivity and specificity, and in a more cost-effective way, than those based on family history alone. Genetic testing results could help inform treatment if those affected are tested soon after diagnosis using pathology-led selection strategies to identify cases most likely to carry germline mutations. We propose how this new approach could be undertaken by having genetic testing and counselling prioritised to those with the greatest probability of carrying a germline mutation in these known cancer predisposition genes.  相似文献   

Low-risk and high-risk breast cancer patients are stratified primarily according to their lymph node (LN) status and grading. However, some low-risk patients relapse, and some high-risk patients have a favorable clinical outcome, implying a need for better prognostic and predictive tests. Micro RNAs are often aberrantly expressed in cancer and microRNA-21 is upregulated in a variety of cancers, including breast cancer. High miR-21 levels have been associated with poor prognosis. To determine the cellular localization of miR-21 and to compare its expression levels with histopathological features, we performed in situ hybridization and semi-quantitative assessment of the miR-21 signal on 12 LN negative grade I (assumed low risk), and 12 LN positive grade II (high risk) breast cancers. miR-21 was predominantly seen in cancer associated fibroblast-like cells, with no difference in expression levels between grade I and grade II carcinomas. Immunohistochemical scoring of the prognostic proliferation marker Ki-67 and tumor suppressor p53 showed that the miR-21 expression levels significantly correlated with the Ki-67 score (p = 0.043), whereas no correlation between p53 and miR-21 was found. Our results indicate that miR-21 may contribute to improve clinical stratification according to growth rate and facilitate tailored treatment of breast cancer patients.  相似文献   

A p53 network immunohistochemically‐based signature to discriminate between good and poor prognosis breast cancer would have clinical relevance, given the key role of p53 in malignancy and response to therapy. Utilizing a five‐protein signature of p53/mdm2/mdm4/bcl2/p21 discriminates good‐prognosis and poor‐prognosis patient groups, based on the functionality of the p53 network. However, the relationship of this five‐protein signature to p53 mutation, the wide range of breast cancer therapies now in use and the over‐70 age group remain uncertain. Nonetheless, confirmation of the signature in two independent series suggests that this approach should be considered in further case series and in the context of clinical trials. Copyright © 2009 Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Ribophorin II (RPN2), part of the N‐oligosaccharyltransferase complex, is highly expressed in breast cancer stem cells and is associated with tumor metastasis through interaction with mutant p53. The clinicopathological implication of RPN2 expression is undetermined. We examined immunohistochemically the expression levels of RPN2 and p53 in primary breast cancer tissues surgically resected from 218 patients. The correlations of RPN2 expression with the intrinsic subtype defined by hormone receptors (HRs) and HER2, clinicopathological parameters, p53 expression, and patients’ clinical outcomes were examined. RPN2 was positive in 139 (64%), and the incidence of RPN2 expression was higher in the triple‐negative breast cancer (TNBC) (HR‐/HER2‐) (65%) and HER2‐enriched (HR‐/HER2+) subtype (95%) than in the luminal A‐like (HR+/HER2‐) subtype (58%) (P = 0.0009). RPN2 expression was also correlated with p53 nuclear accumulation (P = 0.04). The RPN2‐positive/p53‐positive patient group showed significantly poorer prognosis than the RPN2‐negative group for disease‐free survival (P = 0.05) and for overall survival (P = 0.02). By multivariate analyses, the combination of RPN2 and p53 was not an independent prognostic factor. RPN2 expression was correlated with clinically aggressive features of breast cancer. These data support the further clinical application of anti‐RPN2 therapy and the development of personalized medicine.  相似文献   

The amplification of cyclin D1, located on chromosome 11q13, in breast cancer patients has been found to be associated with reduced relapse-free and overall survival; however, there still exists strong controversy about these findings. In order to evaluate the prognostic value of cyclin D1 and other prognostic variables in human breast cancers, we have assessed estrogen receptor (ER) status, cyclin D1, c-erbB2 and p53 overexpression in 175 primary breast carcinomas, and investigated the relationships of prognostic variables to the patient clinical outcome and the association between cyclin D1 overexpression and other prognostic variables. There was some degree of variability in staining intensities and proportions within the same tumor. The overexpression of both cyclin D1 and ER revealed a significantly prolonged survival in univariate analysis (P = 0.020). Among the various prognostic variables, distant metastasis showed a statistically significant association with overall survival. A significant correlation was observed between cyclin D1 overexpression and small size of the primary tumor (P = 0.031), low Bloom and Richardson's histological grade (P = 0.001), and positive ER status (P = 0.000). In contrast to what was previously expected, the present study suggests that the overexpression of cyclin D1 has a tendency to have a positive clinical outcome and a potential role in identifying a subset of patients predicting a good prognosis, particularly when ER is coexpressed.  相似文献   

Evaluation of the role of clonal heterogeneity in colon tumour sensitivity/resistance to drugs and/or in conferring metastatic potential requires an adequate experimental model in which the tumour cells maintain the initial genetic alterations and intra-tumoral heterogeneity through maintenance of the genetic clones present in the initial tumour. Therefore, we xenografted subcutaneously into nude mice seven human colonic tumours (from stages B1 to D) that showed chromosome instability and transplanted them sequentially for up to 14 passages. Maintenance after xenografting of the genetic alterations present in the initial tumours was scored by allelotype studies targeting 45 loci localized on 18 chromosomes. We show that xenografting does not alter the genetic or the histological profiles of the tumours even after 14 passages. Screening of the entire genome of one tumour by comparative genome hybridization also showed overall stability of the alterations between the initial and the xenografted tumour. In addition, intra-tumoral heterogeneity was maintained over time, suggesting that no clonal selection occurred in the nude mice. The observation that some loci showed partial allelic imbalance in the initial tumour but loss of heterozygosity after the first passage in nude mice when all the normal cells were lost may allow identification of interesting genetic defects that could be involved in tumour expansion. Thus, sequential xenografts of colon tumours will provide a powerful model for further study of tumour clonality and for the identification of genetic profiles responsible for differential resistance to therapeutic treatments. Our data also suggest that tumour expansion can result from alterations in several distinct genetic pathways.  相似文献   

A series of 392 female breast carcinomas was analysed immunohistochemically for expression of p53 protein with special emphasis on the role of p53 as an independent prognostic factor. Altogether, 54·8 per cent of the carcinomas expressed p53 protein, with the mean [standard error (SE)] fraction of positive nuclei being 17·1 per cent (1·2 per cent). Expression of p53 protein was independent of tumour metastasis at diagnosis, axillary lymph node status, tumour diameter, histological type, tubule formation, proportion of intraductal growth, margin formation, necrosis, DNA ploidy, and S-phase fraction. A high fraction of p53-positive nuclei was significantly related to patient age under 70 years, high grade, severe nuclear pleomorphism, dense infiltration of tumour by lymphocytes, high mitotic index, and high apoptotic index (for all, P<0·05). Impaired survival probability in the entire cohort (P=0·05) and in the axillary lymph node-positive (ANP) tumours (P=0·015) was associated with a fraction of p53-positive nuclei less than 25 per cent, while in the axillary lymph node-negative (ANN) tumours, expression of p53 had no prognostic value. In multivariate analysis, independent prognostic predictors included axillary lymph node status, tumour diameter, and mitotic index. In the ANN tumours, tumour diameter, fraction of p53-positive nuclei, and tumour grade were independent prognostic factors, whereas in the ANP tumours, diameter and mitotic index were the two independent prognostic factors. The results suggest that abnormal expression of p53 protein is only a weak independent prognostic factor in female breast cancer.  相似文献   

目的通过观察人乳腺癌组织中凋亡调节蛋白p53、bcl-2和caspase-3表达,探讨bcl-2、p53和caspase-3在乳腺癌发生、发展过程中的作用及其相互关系,为乳腺癌的生物治疗提供实验依据。方法收集手术切除的人乳腺癌组织和癌旁相对正常乳腺组织,用免疫组织化学方法和图像分析技术对21例乳腺癌标本进行检测。结果乳腺癌组织中bcl-2蛋白阳性表达率(52.4%,11/21)明显高于相对正常乳腺组织(19.0%,4/21);乳腺癌组织中p53蛋白阳性表达率(57.1%,12/21)也明显高于相对正常乳腺组织(0%);而乳腺癌组织中caspase-3蛋白阳性表达率(38.0%,8/21)明显低于相对正常乳腺组织(76.1%,16/21)。结论p53、bcl-2和caspase-3蛋白在乳腺癌发生、发展过程中发挥着既独立又协同的作用。  相似文献   

Alterations of CD44 glycoproteins have been shown to play an important role in progression of various malignancies, including urothelial cancer. We investigated expression patterns of CD44s and CD44v6 in transitional cell carcinoma (TCC) of the urinary bladder in relation to tumour grade, proliferative activity, and immunoreactivity for p53. The selected markers were detected immunohistochemically in 122 samples of TCC. We found a close relationship between CD44s and CD44v6 expression and tumour grade. The extension of positive staining for CD44s and CD44v6 towards the luminal surface was a predominant feature of differentiated carcinomas (grades 1 and 2), suggesting deranged maturation of cancer cells related to their neoplastic transformation. Heterogeneous expression of CD44s and CD44v6 predominated in poorly differentiated tumours (G3-4). However, areas of squamous differentiation within the high-grade tumours displayed strong immunoreactivity for both CD44s and CD44v6. The proliferative activity and p53 overexpression increased with the dedifferentiation of the tumour. The results of this study are discussed in relation to the significance of CD44 expression in TCC and to the explanation for controversial results reported in previous studies on the relationship between CD44 expression and the biological behaviour of urothelial cells.  相似文献   

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