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Infantilecholestatichepatitissyndrome(ICHS)involvesseriousjaundice,reductionofbileeffluence,withthefeealcolourgettinglightorevenkaolin-likeinadditiontohepatomegaliaorchangeofliverquality,andthelevelofalanineaminotransferase(ALT)andglutamyltranspeptidase(γ-GT)raisedup.Treatmentofthesyndromeisquitedifficult.Inthepast,wehadtreatedICHSwithYinzhihuang(茵栀黄)injectionandgotsatisfactoryeff..t(1),onlyitneededintravenousadministration.DuringtheperiodofJunetoOctober1994,44caseswithICHSweretrea…  相似文献   

Hepatitiscausedbyhumancy-tQmegalovirus(HCMV)isquitecommona-monginfantsinChina.ltusuallylastsforseveralmonthsandevencausesthedeathinseverecongenitallyinfectedpatients['].Al-thoughganciclovirhasbeenusedasana-gentofchoicetotreatadults'CMVhepati-tisthatdevelopedafterorgantransplanta-tion[2],side-effectssuchasmyelotoxicitylimititsuseininfants[3].ItwasreportedthatgarlicextractcouldinhibitthegrowthofCMVADl69(strainforroutinelaborato-rywork)invitro[4J,whichmeantthattheremaybeanalternativesubstan…  相似文献   

Objective: To study the protective action of Astragalus Injection (AI) on ouabain-induced cardiac toxicity. Methods: Forty guinea-pigs were randomly divided into the AI group and the control group, AI injected intravenously in the AI group and 0.9% normal saline injected in the control group, ouabain was injected in contralateral of both groups intravenously 8 mins later. The time of cardiac ventricular tachycardia (VT) and cardiac ventricular fibrillation (VF), and the dose of ouabain were documented.Results: Compared with the control group AI could markedly prolong the time of VT and VF, and increase the dose of ouabain induces VT and VF (P<0.01). Conclusion: AI decreases the incidence of digitalism.  相似文献   

StudyonAntiplateletMechanismofLigusticumWallichiiInjectionLaiFu-shen(赖福生),ShiYin-mian(史荫绵),ChuZhong-lu(储钟禄),etal(NanjingHospi...  相似文献   

The common causes of infantile persistent choles-tatic jaundice are infantile hepatitis syndrome (IHS) and extrahepatic biliary atresia (EHBA)[1]. The differential diagnosis between IHS and EHBA is very difficult be-cause there is considerable clinical, biochemical, and histopathologic overlaps between them. Magnetic reso-nance cholangiography (MRC) is a newly-established non-invasive modality used for the diagnosis of EHBA in infants. Their results varied on the accuracy, sensitiv-ity…  相似文献   

Objective: To observe the effects of Xuebijing Injection (血必净注射液) in patients with severe pneumonia, and to explore the mechanism. Methods: Eighty cases of severe pneumonia are randomly assigned to the Xuebijing treatment (forty cases) and the control group (forty cases), with the same routine therapy provided in both groups. Clinical effective rates, inflammatory factors and organ function were observed in both groups. Results: The effective rate was higher in Xuebijing group than that of the control group (80.0% vs. 67.5%, P<0.05). As compared with the control group, the LDH, α1-AG, α1-AT levels and the peak body temperature decreased markedly with the Xuebijing treatment going, and the secretion of TNF-α, IL-6, IL-8 was suppressed in Xuebijing group; but no significant difference was found in leptin level. Conclusion: Xuebijing Injection may show a protective effect in patients with severe pneumonia. The mechanism is possibly with the decreased secretion of TNF-α, IL-6, and IL-8.  相似文献   

Objective:To observe the clinical efficacy of Yinzhihuang Oral Liquid(YOL,茵栀黄口服液)to prevent the premature infantile jaundice.Methods:After excluded hemolytic,suffocation,infection,and the very low birth weight,242 cases of premature infants were randomly assigned to two groups,the treatment group and the control group.Both groups were taken conventional procedures,such as warmth,feeding,and blood glucose monitoring,and the treated group was administered YOL 5 mL each time,twice daily additionally,and the...  相似文献   

FromOct.l992toDec.1994,70patientsofinfantileautumnaldiarrhea(IAD)weretreatedwithacupointinjectionofvitaminK3andcomparedwith70othercasesinthecontrolgroup.Theeffectwassatisfactory.Itisreportedasfollows.ClinicalMaterialsAllthepatientssuitthediagnosticstandardof"TheChineseSchemeforDiagnosisandTreatmentofDiarrhea"[JClinicalPediatrics1994;12(3):148J.Thetreatedgroup(VKgroup)consistedof36malesand34females;theiragewas3-12monthsin47cases,13months-2yearsin23;durationofdisease:<1dayin56cases,1-3d…  相似文献   

Since 1999, the authors have used electricacupuncture to treat 36 cases of female urethralsyndrome with good therapeutic effects as comparedto that of the routine treatment. The following is areport of it.Clinical DataSeventy-eight outpatients and inpatients diagnosed atthe nephrotic internal department of the hospital hadsymptoms of urinary irritation such as frequentmicturition, urgent urination, urodynia, discomfort in  相似文献   

AnExperimentalStudyoftheMechanismofAndrographisPaniculataNees(APN)inAlleviatingtheCa~(2+)-overloadingIntheProcessofMyocardial?..  相似文献   

The study of the micro and macro-hemorrheologic changes and theflow conditions of the nail-fold microcirculation in 30 patients with severe viralhepatitis was reported.Normal individuals,and patients with acute icterichepatitis or chronic active hepatitis were employed as the controls.The changes observed in the patients with severe viral hepatitis were asfollows:The reduced viscosity of the whole blood and the plasma viscosityincreased markedly;the dispersion rate of the values of blood viscosity increasedas the clinical state of the patient became worse;and the factors increasing theblood viscosity(i.e.increase of the immuno-globulin level,prolongation of theerythrocyte electrophoretic mobility time,and increase of RBC sedimentation rate)and those decreasing the blood viscosity(i.e.decrease of hematocrit reading,fibrinogen level and platelet aggregation ratio)existed simultaneously in thepatient.The changes of the flow conditions of the nail-fold microcirculation werein close correlation with the increase of blood viscosity and the severity of thedisease.The etiology and mechanism of the above mentioned changes were discussed  相似文献   

ClinicalStudyoftheTherapeuticEffectsofRhubarbasAMainDrugintheTreatmentofChronicRenalFailureYeRen-gao(叶任高);LiYan-chun(李彦春);and...  相似文献   

Plasma fibronectin was determined serially with both simpleradioimmunadiffasion and modified indirect hemoagglutination test(usinggelatin-coated sheep RBC)in 30 patients with severe viral hepatitis(SVH),100normal subjects and 30 cases of chronic active hepatitis(CAH)were also studiedto serve as controls.Liver function test,serum complement 3 and immunoglobulinwere determined simultaneously.Endotoxin was assayed with limulus lysate testin 21 cases of SVH and 14 cases of CAH.The normal value of plasma fibronectin was 284.31±45.56μg/ml and 1:30.64(geometrical mean).Plasma fibronectin level decreased significantly in SVHpatients.Obvious correlations were found between the levels of plasma fibronectinand the valuers of total serum bilirubin,prothrombin time,complement 3,immunoglobulin M,and blood platelet count.Low plasma fibronectin levels wereremarkably associated with the occurrence of endotoxemia.It is concluded that serial determination of plasma fibronectin can reflect theseverity of the illness and the prognosis of the patients with SVH.  相似文献   

To evaluate the safety and efficacy of tirofiban, a specific inhibitor of the platelet glyco- protein Ⅱb/Ⅲa receptor, in the treatment of unstable angina and myocardial infarction without per- sistent ST elevation (acute coronary syndrome, ACS), a total of 200 patients were randomly assigned to a heparin group and a tirofiban heparin group on double-blind basis and the treatment effects of the two protocols on ACS were compared when the patients of both groups were taking aspirin at the same time. The composite primary end-point events consisted of death, myocardial infarction, or re- fractory ischemia. Our results showed that the frequency of the composite primary end point events in 30 days was lower in tirofiban heparin group as compared with that of heparin group (13.9% vs 29.3 %, P=0.010). The rates of the other composite end point events in the tirofiban heparin group were also lower than those in the heparin group in 4.5 days and in 30 days. Bleeding complication occurred in 7.0% of the patients receiving heparin alone and in 12.7% of the patients receiving tirofiban and heparin in combination (P=0.1717). The study showed that the incidence of ischemic events in pa- tients with ACS receiving tirofiban heparin was lower when compared with that of patients who re- ceived only heparin and aspirin, suggesting that tirofiban might be of special value in the treatment of ACS.  相似文献   

Objective: To study the clinical efficacy of Suogudan Granule (SGDG, 索骨丹颗粒) in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Methods: Ninety patients with RA were randomly divided into the treated group and the control group. The treated group was administered orally with SGDG 6 g each time,thrice a day, while the control group with the combined therapy of Fenbid Capsules 0.3 g each time, twice a day and Tripterygium tablet 20 mg each time, thrice a day. The treatment course for both groups was 6 weeks. The changes of clinical symptoms and signs, and laboratory indices such as erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), rheumatoid factor (RF), antistreptolysin O (ASO), routine examination of blood and urine,liver and kidney function, etc. before and after treatment were observed. Results: (1) The total effective rate in the treated group (88.0%) was obviously higher than that in the control group (67.5 %) with significant difference ( P<0.05). (2) The improvement in arthralgia, joint swelling, time of morning stiffness, 15-meter walking, analgesia initiation and persistence in the treated group was better than that in the control group ( P<0.05, P<0.01), but there was no obvious difference in improvement of joint tenderness, range of joint motion, grip strength, and initiating detumescence time ( P>0.05 ). (3) The improvement in ESR and RF in the treated group was better than that in the control group with significant difference ( P<0.05). The negative-conversion rate of ASO in the treated group was also higher than that in the control group ( P<0.01 ).(4) No evident abnormality in blood, urine, liver or kidney function was found in either group. Conclusion:SGDG is effective and safe for the treatment of RA.  相似文献   

Bonemarrowtransplantation(BMT)isnowthemosteffectivetreatmentforleukemia;itisusedastheroutinetreatmentforleukemiainmanyco..t.ies(l).Butitspretreatmentofradiotherapyorchemotherapyinultra--largedosagewhichisusedinadditiontoBMTtoremoveleukemiccellsbringaboutin..Juriesoftheorgansandweakensthehematopoieticandimmunologicfunctionsofthepatient;moreover,evenaftertherestorationofhematopoiesis('),thedamagedorgansandtheimpairedimmunologicfunctionmightbeunabletonormalizeforalongperiodoftime,complicationsr…  相似文献   

Metabolic syndrome is a morbid condition that is related to many kinds of dysbolism, and is a critical factor for cardiovascular disease, which involves abnormal glucose tolerance, abnormal blood lipid, hypertension, obesity, hyperuricemia, hypercoagulability of blood, hypoplasminogenemia and microalbuminous urine, and it may finally induce angina pectoris, myocardiac infarction, sudden death, cerebral ischemia, cerebral apoplexy and intermittent claudication. As a syndrome not recorded in the …  相似文献   

Fifty-seven cases of nephrotic syndrome were treated with TCM decoctions as accessory treatment forprednisone and cyclophosphamide,and the effects were observed in a follow-up period of 5-15 years.The long-term complete remission rate of 68.4% and recurrence rate of 26.3% in the treatment groupwere respectively higher and lower than those in the control group (P<0.01,and P<0.01).The resultssuggested that the TCM decoctions were very helpful in treating this condition.  相似文献   

LaparoscopyintheDiagnosisandtheTreatmentofInfertility(Analysisof340consecutivecases)¥(葛春晓,刘梦梅,丁慧娟,曹雪芬)GeChum-xiao;LiuMeng-mei...  相似文献   

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