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A total of 190 specimens from South Indian children aged 0-59 months with ocular anomalies consistent with suspected congenital rubella syndrome (CRS) were investigated. Twenty-six of the 65 infants (40%) were confirmed as CRS by detection of rubella specific IgM. Rubella RNA was detected in 41 samples from 26 infants by both real-time and block based PCR. The PCR results correlated well with the presence of anti-rubella IgM/IgG (23/27 cases with rubella IgM were PCR positive). Whereas, only 17 of 26 infants met the WHO CRS case definition. Amongst the various specimens tested from the sero-confirmed cases (n = 27), a high percentage of positives were detected in lens (92%) and oral fluid (60%) specimens, when compared to other samples. The quantification of viral load by real-time PCR demonstrated higher copy number of virus in lens samples of 0-11 months infants. The rubella viruses were characterized and revealed the circulation of genotype 2B in three South Indian states. The integrated analysis of clinical manifestations, serological and molecular data in the study has generated baseline information of rubella infection and CRS in infants with ocular anomalies.  相似文献   

The incidence of CRS and CRI has decreased markedly worldwide with the implementation of efficient vaccination programs. We report a congenital rubella case with fetal death occurred at 29th week of gestation. RV was confirmed in placenta. The results of phylogenetic analysis showed that the RVs/SaoPaulo01.- BRA/08.CRI belongs to the genotype 2B of RV.  相似文献   

Rubella and congenital rubella syndrome continue to be important health problems worldwide. The detection of rubella RNA directly in clinical specimens is a critical factor in early laboratory diagnosis of recent or congenital infection, in addition to detection of rubella-specific IgM. In order to comply with recent WHO recommendations for establishing uniform genetic analysis protocols for rubella virus we have developed a new block based PCR assay (PCR-E317), which extends the sequence generated by the block based PCR-E592 currently in use, to cover the minimum acceptable 739 nucleotides (nt) window at the E1 gene. In addition, a real-time PCR assay has been developed to allow rapid detection of the virus in the laboratory. The assays were applied to a number of clinical specimens collected from patients including recent rubella incidences in the UK, Ethiopia and Turkey, two prenatal and two congenital rubella syndrome cases. Rubella RNA was detected in specimens from two patients that were collected too early for IgM detection, in two amniotic fluids for prenatal diagnosis and in the follow up specimens from the two infant with congenital rubella syndrome tested for viral secretion. At least four genotypes were identified among these patients. The results showed that molecular assays are important tools in the early diagnosis of rubella and congenital rubella syndrome, in the provision of molecular epidemiological information for tracking transmission pathways and in adding to the knowledge of rubella strain distribution worldwide.  相似文献   

Between 2005 and 2006, clinical specimens were collected from 31 infants with suspected congenital rubella syndrome (CRS) who presented at six hospitals in Khartoum, Sudan. Eleven (35.5%) were laboratory confirmed as CRS cases by testing for anti-rubella IgM, IgG and viral genome. For the first time in Sudan, the rubella virus genome was directly detected in clinical specimens of six CRS cases and two viruses were isolated in cell culture. Phylogenetic analysis suggested that three genotypes of rubella virus (RV; 1E, 2B and 1G) were co-circulating in Sudan. The study introduced the methodology for CRS confirmation and surveillance in Sudan and provides preliminary data.  相似文献   

Rubella virus (RV) infection during the early stages of pregnancy can lead to serious birth defects, known as the congenital rubella syndrome (CRS). In 2003, the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) adopted a resolution calling for the elimination of rubella and the congenital rubella syndrome (CRS) in the Americas by the year 2010. Brazil will have implemented the recommended PAHO strategy for elimination and interruption of endemic rubella virus transmission. The characterization of genotypes during the final stages of rubella elimination is important for determining whether new rubella isolates represent endemic transmission or importations. Samples (blood, urine, cerebrospinal fluid, and throat swabs) collected from patients with symptoms suggestive of rubella infection in 1997–2004 were isolated in cell culture and genotyped. Twenty‐eight sequences were analyzed and two genotypes were identified: 1a and 1G. The information reported in this paper will contribute to understanding the molecular epidemiology of RV in São Paulo, Brazil. J. Med. Virol. 84:1831–1838, 2012. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Summary A simple procedure for the rapid preparation of virus isolates from cell culture for negative-contrast electron microscopy was devised. Using only conventional centrifugation steps (i.e. without ultracentrifugation), the procedure produced consistent, fine-quality preparations of a variety of virus types differing in size/shape and buoyant density.  相似文献   

From January to June 2008, a rubella outbreak involving 111 laboratory confirmed cases occurred in the Friuli Venezia Giulia (FVG) region of North‐Eastern Italy. The outbreak occurred initially in two residential homes for young adults disabled mentally and physically. Subsequently, the epidemic spread to the general population. Young adult cohorts were mostly affected and the mean age of the patients was 26.8 years; the majority of cases were male (73.8%), with a mean age of 26.6 years in males and 27.4 in females. Three pregnant women had a primary infection and two had their pregnancies terminated. Genotyping of 16 isolates showed the circulation of RUBV 2B, a genotype originating from Asia and South Africa and now present in Europe. In addition, molecular analysis revealed a well defined space‐temporal spread of two viruses showing distinct sequences. A seroepidemiological survey carried out in a city within the same geographical area showed that the proportion of women of childbearing age still susceptible to rubella virus was 5.5%, fairly close to the figure (<5%) expected by 2010. J. Med. Virol. 82:1976–1982, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

目的在无法成功分离风疹病毒的前提下鉴定风疹病毒阳性标本的基因型,从而全面完整地了解河北省风疹病毒基因型的特征.方法采用半巢式PCR法,将盲传三代风疹病毒核酸检测为阴性而咽拭子标本风疹病毒核酸检测为阳性的风疹疑似病例咽拭子标本进行核酸扩增、序列测定和分析.结果检测的11份风疹疑似病例咽拭子标本中有6份为2B基因型风疹病毒,5份为1E基因型风疹病毒,11份标本与相应的各基因型参考株同源性高,重要抗原位点未发生变异.结论使用半巢式PCR法能够成功地鉴定出盲传为阴性的风疹病毒基因型,丰富了风疹病毒基因库,并为更全面地了解河北省风疹病毒分子流行病学提供依据.  相似文献   

Rubella-specific IgG in acute-phase sera produces a characteristically altered zone termed soft hemolysis in the radial hemolysis test. Here, the soft hemolysis was shown to be a product of the purified IgG1 subclass isolated from acute-phase sera. In contrast, ordinary hemolysis was produced by IgG1 isolated from sera of previous rubella immunity, indicating that the subclass composition of IgG was not involved in the mechanism of soft hemolysis. A novel type of solid-phase immunoassay was developed for the avidity of virus-specific IgG. Acute-phase IgG (with soft hemolysis) was dissociated from rubella antigen in an enzyme immunoassay (EIA) test by hydrogen-bond disrupting agents under conditions where IgG of previous immunity (showing ordinary hemolysis) remained mostly bound. These data suggest that the mechanism of soft hemolysis is the avidity of rubella-specific IgG. The new quantitative avidity EIA was tested with sera taken from 169 subjects. Recent infection could be shown from sera taken weeks or months after primary rubella.  相似文献   

Hemagglutination inhibition (HI), single radial hemolysis (SRH) and enzyme-linked immuno sorbent assay (ELISA), performed with commercial antigen and reagents are described and were compared in the three distinct situations that require rubella antibody detection. Determination of immunity status was carried out on 156 sera. A degree of correlation > 0.9 was found when comparing the three methods. Analysis of a further 74 sera, from 31 primary infections and three congenital syndromes, was performed to compare the occurrence of the various classes of antibodies in the three tests: HI test and IgM-ELISA become positive the day after the rash, whereas SRH test is not positive before the sixth day. From our limited study bearing on a total of 230 sera, each test has a precise assignment. For the determination of immunity status, SRH is simpler, faster, and inexpensive; absence or evidence of past infection can be unequivocally obtained especially in cases of low (1:10, 1:20) residual immunity. In the seriodiagnosis of a rubella rash, SRH alone, due to the delayed rise in antibody titers, will demonstrate a complete seroconversion with a first serum collected up to the fifth day of the eruption. In case of absence of an early serum, of primary infection in a pregnant woman, of a newborn with suspicion of congenital syndrome, the measurement of rubella specific IgM is best obtained with ELISA, a procedure less time-consuming than HI following centrifugal, chromatographic, or electrophoretic separation. And “light” (8 S) RF with SRH test is discussed. Interference of IgM Rheumatoid Factor (RF) with IgM ELISA and IgG RF with SRH test is discussed.  相似文献   

To characterize T cell-recognized epitopes on rubella virus (RV) E1 glycoprotein, IL-2-dependent RV-specific T cell lines were established from 14 rubella-seropositive healthy donors. The responses of these lines were studied by using a panel of 94 partially overlapping synthetic peptides of 15 amino acids (aa) length covering the known nucleotide sequence of RVE1 glycoprotein. Two to seven peptide-defined epitopes were recognized by the T cell lines, but a large interindividual variation was found. T cell reactivity was most often localized to the regions between aa 276 and 290, aa 381 and 395 and aa 410 and 420. Analysis of overlapping, truncated peptides revealed three minimal T helper cell epitopes VIGSQARK, KFVTAALLN and RVIDPAAQ in aa positions 280–287, 385–393 and 412–419, respectively.  相似文献   

Efforts were made to shorten the time required for detection of rubella virus in clinical materials through the use of immunoperoxidase (IP) staining. Comparative studies were performed in which specimens were inoculated in parallel into BHK-21 hamster kidney cells, which were examined by IP staining at 5 days, and into BK-13 and BS-C-1 cells, which were examined in two ways, viz., by subpassage at 7 days into BHK-21 cells and IP staining 3 days later and by subpassage at 7 days into BS-C-1 cells followed by interference testing and immunofluorescence (IF) staining on positive materials (standard method). Direct inoculation into BHK-21 cells with IP staining at 5 days permitted detection and identification of 59% of the 63 positive specimens. Toxicity of some specimens preserved with sorbitol and of certain tissue specimens reduced the number of satisfactory examinations which could be performed in this system. Virus detection and identification by IP staining on subpassaged RK-13 and BS-C-1 materials, requiring a total of 18 days, was comparable to the longer interference-IF method, requiring 17 days. Results obtained by IP staining and interference-IF showed 98% correlation on RK-13 materials and 97% correlation on BS-C-1 materials. IP staining on inoculated BHK-21 cells can be a useful method for rapid identification of a relatively high proportion of rubella-positive specimens, particularly if sorbitol-preserved specimens are avoided, and IP staining on subpassaged RK-13 and BS-C-1 materials is a highly satisfactory alternative to the longer interference-IF method.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine if rhesus monkeys infected with one isolate of hepatitis E virus (HEV) were immune to subsequent challenge with other isolates of the virus. Three epidemic and one sporadic Indian HEV isolates were employed in the study. The interval between primary inoculation and challenge varied from 1 year and 6 months to 2 years and 9 months. Evidence of HEV infection was ascertained by rise in serum alanine transaminase (ALT) levels and/or seroconversion to antibodies to HEV (anti-HEV), and the presence of HEV-RNA in the bile or faeces of the infected monkeys. No evidence for multiplication of virus in monkeys challenged with different HEV isolates was obtained. These results show that immunity generated by one isolate of HEV protects against different isolates of hepatitis E virus. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Serum IgM antibodies directed against the rubella virus hemagglutinin can be detected without prior serum fractionation. In the first step of a newly developed method, chick erythrocytes were sensitized with a subhemagglutinating dose of rubella hemagglutinin. Next, the sensitized erythrocytes were mixed with patient serum, allowing specific antibodies to react with the fixed antigens. Finally, rabbit antibodies to human IgM were used to create bridges between IgM molecules on different blood cells. The visible result was an easily read hemagglutination with sera which contain specific rubella IgM antibodies. The procedure is very simple and rapid to perform. At least 20 sera can be examined in approximately 2 h. No sophisticated instruments are needed.We have tentatively called the new method rubella anti-IgM hemagglutination (HA). Rubella antiIgM HA was more sensitive than the standard density gradient centrifugation/hemagglutination inhibition technique, but the correlation between the methods was good. Non-specific inhibitors of hemagglutination or rheumatoid factors did not seem to interfere with the specificity of the new method, and competition for antigenic sites between antibodies from the IgG/IgA and IgM classes did not seem to represent a serious, practical problem.  相似文献   

The identification of T- and B-cell sites recognized frequently by human populations could provide the basis for selecting the candidate T- and B-cell epitopes for the development of an effective synthetic vaccine against rubella. Rubella virus E1 glycoprotein has been shown to be the predominant antigen to which the majority of human populations develop lymphocyte proliferative and antibody responses. To define the T- and B-cell epitopes of E1 glycoprotein of rubella virus, 23 overlapping synthetic peptides corresponding to more than 90% of the amino acid sequence of E1 were synthesized and tested for their capacities to induce proliferative and antibody responses of 10 seropositive individuals. The most frequently recognized T-cell epitopes were EP19 (residues 324–343), with 7 of 10 responders, and both EP12 (residues 207–226) and EP17 (residues 289–308), with 6 of 10 responders, respectively. Two immunodominant linear B-cell epitopes were mapped to residues 157 to 176 (EP9, 8/10) and 374 to 390 (EP22, 6/10) by using peptide-specific enzyme linked immunosorbent assay.  相似文献   

Rubella virus (RV) infection during the early stages of pregnancy can lead to serious birth defects, known as congenital rubella syndrome (CRS). This retrospective study was conducted between 1996 and 2009 with surveillance specimens collected from patients suspected of congenital rubella infection (CRI) and CRS. The clinical samples (nine amminiotic fluid, eight urine, eight blood, one conception product, and one placenta) were sent for viral isolation and genotyping. Twenty‐seven sequences were analysed and four genotypes (1a, 1B, 1G, and 2B) were identified in São Paulo that were involved in congenital infection. To our knowledge, this study is the first report that describes genetic diversity of the circulating rubella strains involved in CRI. J Med. Virol. 85:2034–2041, 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

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