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目的了解某五金制品厂手臂振动病的发生情况。方法采用现场职业卫生学调查、工作场所职业病危害因素现场检测和职业健康检查相结合的方法,对某五金制品厂研磨车间162名长期接触手传振动的工人进行调查研究。结果 1)该车间工作场所手传振动超出国家卫生标准限值的要求。2)162名工人的职业健康体检结果中,发现有42.59%手指发麻、38.27%手指关节痛、37.04%痛触觉减退、22.22%振动觉减退、43.21%冷水复温试验阳性;162名工人中有132名做了神经肌电图检查,结果异常有78例(59.09%)。3)有61人(37.65%)诊断为职业性轻度手臂振动病,2人(1.23%)诊断为职业性中度手臂振动病。结论五金制品厂研磨车间工人手臂振动病的发生率高,振动对作业工人健康危害严重,建议该厂改善劳动条件,加强防护措施,以减少手臂振动病的发生。  相似文献   

目的 调杏北京市某家具生产厂工人焦虑状况与生存质量.方法 采用整群抽样方法对17家家具厂所有接触苯系物和粉尘(木粉尘)的生产工人85人为调查对象,采用状态-特质焦虑问卷和生存质量评定量表评定调查对象的焦虑状况及生活质量.结果 生产工人工作场所中苯系物测定合格率为100%,木粉尘(总尘)合格率为83.3%.男性工人状态焦虑和特质焦虑得分均高于常模,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01);女性工人状态焦虑和特质焦虑与常模的差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).男性工人在生理领域(13.96±2.07)、社会关系领域(13.92±2.51)、总的健康状况和总生存质量(12.37±2.75)的得分低于常模,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01);女性工人的社会关系领域得分(13.65±2.01)与常模相比,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).男性与女性工人的环境领域、总的健康状况和总生存质量得分的差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论 家具生产男性工人的焦虑较明显,在个人健康、社会交往及总的生存质量方面的认可度均低于女性工人及一般人群.  相似文献   

Poor working factors of present-day industry (SALAMANDER technology) include high intensity of labour, monotonicity, forced posture, constant wide-range noise, fumes of organic solvents, dust of organic origin, etc. The working conditions in producing departments are considered to be of degrees of 1-3 of hazard class 3. The highest incidence rates were noted in age groups under 30 years and above 50 years and in workers with over 10-year length of service. There were prevalent acute respiratory diseases, influenza, osteomuscular and connective tissue, hypertensive and ENT diseases in the pattern of mortality with temporary disability. Comprehensive medical examinations revealed high incidence of ENT diseases due to exposure to chemical agents and organic dust.  相似文献   

The authors have improved, modified, and introduced a sociohygienic monitoring model proposed by Yu. V. Erofeyev, V. V. Dalmatov, and D. V. Turchaninov (2007) in the P. I. Baranov engine association and proposed objective criteria for evaluating the work space.  相似文献   

某卷烟厂工人健康状况3年动态观察   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的 观察与分析莱卷烟厂工人3年的健康状况,研究其变化趋势,协助企业完善防护措施.方法 对某卷烟厂2006-2008年作业工人(3年分别为648、598、648人)的健康状况进行观察与分析.结果 30个指标的体格检查异常检出率从高到低的前5项依次为:脂肪肝(含脂肪沉积过多,34.9%)、高脂血症(21.9%)、听力损伤(20.9%)、丙氨酸转氨酶升高(14.9%)、高血糖症(8.7%),异常检出率的性别差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05或P<0.01).结论 卷烟厂工人存在健康问题,企业应进行多方位干预.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to assess changes in concentrations of cadmium in the blood (Cd-B), cadmium in the urine (Cd-U), beta2-microglobulin in the serum (beta2-mG-S) and beta2-microglobulin in the urine (beta2-mG-U) of workers at a cadmium (Cd) pigment factory in Japan in which exposure conditions improved. We evaluated reversibility of these markers in continuously employed workers in relation to changes in exposure levels resulting from improvements in the workplace and the reduced production of Cd. Our study involved both environmental and biological monitoring. Data were collected for four years. We measured the Cd concentration in the air of each work area, using the time-weighted average (TWA). Cd-B and Cd-U were measured in workers as direct indices of Cd exposure. beta2-mG-S and beta2-mG-U were measured as markers of renal tubular function. Exposure levels were high in all work areas, according to the criteria set by the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH). Workers' Cd-B and Cd-U concentrations reflected high levels of exposure. Correlation was found between these direct indices and beta2-mG-S concentrations. Since the second year, ambient Cd concentrations decreased and reacted markers have been improved. Our results suggest that Cd-B, Cd-U, beta2-mG-S and beta2-mG-U are appropriate markers for monitoring both the level of Cd exposure and the tubular function of workers. Reversibility of urinary low molecular weight protein was observed in the workers over the four years.  相似文献   

目的 了解深圳市流动务工者的居住环境等状况,为政府制定有关政策提供依据.方法 采用问卷调查的方法,调查采取多阶段分层抽样设计,共调查深圳市福田、宝安和龙岗3个区1 025例外来务工人员.结果 被调查对象中40岁以下的占80.8%,大多数年个人收入在3万元以下.调查对象中在深圳有房子的仅有4.3%.63.7%的流动务工者居住在租用的楼房中,大多集体居住且面积较小.结论 该市流动务工者居住条件较差,因住房而引起了一系列的健康和社会融入问题,政府应予以关注.  相似文献   

The authors examined the relationships between stressful work conditions and diastolic blood pressure among blue collar men employed in similar occupational settings. The study population consisted of 288 male, hourly workers, aged 40-63 years, employed for a minimum of 10 years at one of two plants in the metropolitan Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania area in January 1980. Blood pressure was assessed by the random zero muddler method by trained nurses at screenings between March 1981 and August 1982; 47 men who received pharmacologic treatment for previously diagnosed hypertension were excluded from the analyses. Multiple regression analyses showed that ratings of six (of 15) stressful work conditions as well as overall job dissatisfaction were significant predictors of diastolic blood pressure, controlling for age, body mass index, alcohol consumption, cigarette smoking habits, family history of hypertension, and severe noise-induced hearing loss. Men with elevated diastolic blood pressure reported having little opportunity for promotion and for participating in decisions at work, an uncertain job future, unsupportive coworkers and foreman, difficulties communicating with others, and overall dissatisfaction with the job. Additional stepwise multiple regression analyses showed that overall job satisfaction was related to low diastolic pressure among men from the plant rated as having overall good work conditions. These results are noteworthy because they support the importance of stressful work conditions and psychological reactions to those conditions in understanding the epidemiology of hypertension.  相似文献   

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