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目的:探讨经直肠高强度聚焦超声(high-intensity focused ultrasound,HIFU)治疗激素难治性前列腺癌的有效性及安全性.方法:采用美国Focus Surgery公司生产的第三代HIFU Sonablate-500型治疗仪,对22例激素难治性前列腺癌患者进行治疗.根据直肠指检和经直肠前列腺B超检查前列腺肿块大小、血清PSA、ECT骨扫描等将疗效分为完全反应(CR)、部分反应(PR)、病情稳定(SD)、病情恶化(PD).主观症状根据骨痛、排尿异常、血尿等症状的变化分为症状消失、症状改善、症状平稳、症状加剧.结果:经HIFU治疗,CR 6例,占27.3%(6/22);PR 11例,占50.0%(11/22);SD 4例,占18.2%(4/22);PD1例,占4.5%(1/22).总有效率(CR PR)达到77.3%(17/22).主观症状消失9例,占40.9%(9/22);症状改善6例,占27.3%(6/22);症状稳定3例,占13.6%(3/22);症状加剧4例,占18.2%(4/22).主观症状总改善率(症状消失 症状改善)达到68.2%(15/22).3例伴有血尿者均控制良好.术后并发症:3例发生附睾炎,无尿道狭窄、尿失禁、阳痿、尿道直肠瘘并发症发生.结论:HIFU对激素难治性前列腺癌的治疗有效、安全,为微创治疗激素难治性前列腺癌提供了新的途径.  相似文献   

目的 探讨超声造影对高强度聚焦超声(HIFU)治疗局限性前列腺癌早期疗效评价的应用价值.方法 采用HIFU-2001型高强度聚焦超声肿瘤治疗系统,对17例局限性前列腺癌进行治疗.治疗前及治疗后1个月分别行超声造影检查,观察瘤体内部及周边组织血流灌注信号特点,据此判定疗效.同时根据直肠指检、经直肠前列腺B超检查前列腺肿块大小、血清PSA等结果进行客观疗效判定.将两疗效判定结果进行对比分析.结果 HIFU治疗前,所有前列腺低回声结节均呈快速高增强.HIFU治疗后,超声造影显示治疗有效15例,其中无增强12例、少量低增强3例;无效2例,仍表现为快速高增强.客观疗效判定有效15例,血清PSA下降幅度均≥50%,其中2例前列腺结节体积缩小≥50%;无效2例,血清PSA、前列腺低回声结节大小体积均与治疗前水平相当.客观疗效判定结果与超声造影结果相符.结论 超声造影能准确显示HIFU治疗局限性前列腺癌的消融范围及程度,是评价早期治疗效果的可靠方法.  相似文献   

Study Type – Therapy (case series) Level of Evidence 4 What’s known on the subject ? and What does the study add? Transrectal High‐Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) ablation has been used as a minimally invasive treatment for localized prostate cancer for 15 years. Five‐year disease‐free survival rates of 66–78% have been reported, challenging the results of external‐beam radiation therapy. Usually, a 6‐mm safety margin is used in the apex to preserve the urinary sphincter and potency. The influence of this 6‐mm margin on the results of the treatment has never been assessed. This retrospective study of a cohort of 99 patients who underwent systematic biopsy 3–6 months after HIFU ablation for prostate cancer (with a 6‐mm safety margin in the apex) shows that post‐HIFU residual cancer is found more frequently in the apex. Therefore, new strategies improving the prostate destruction at the apex while preserving the urinary continence need to be found.


? To evaluate whether the location (apex/midgland/base) of prostate cancer influences the risk of incomplete transrectal high‐intensity focused ultrasonography (HIFU) ablation.


? We retrospectively studied 99 patients who underwent prostate cancer HIFU ablation (Ablatherm; EDAP, Vaulx‐en‐Velin, France) with a 6‐mm safety margin at the apex, and had systematic biopsies 3–6 months after treatment. ? Locations of positive pre‐ and post‐HIFU sextants were compared. ? The present study included two analyses. First, sextants negative before and positive after treatment were recoded as positive/positive, hypothesizing that cancer had been missed at pretreatment biopsy. Second, patients with such sextants were excluded.


? Pre‐HIFU biopsies found cancer in all patients and in 215/594 sextants (36.2%); 55 (25.6%) positive sextants were in the apex, 86 (40%) in the midgland and 74 (34.4%) in the base. ? After treatment, residual cancer was found in 36 patients (36.4%) and 50 sextants (8.4%); 30 (60%) positive sextants were in the apex, 12 (24%) in the midgland and eight (16%) in the base. ? Both statistical analyses found that the locations of the positive sextants before and after HIFU ablation were significantly different (P < 0.001), with a higher proportion of positive apical sextants after treatment. ? At the first analysis, the mean (95% confidence interval) probability for a sextant to remain positive after HIFU ablation was 8.8% (3.5–20.3%) in the base, 12.7% (5.8–25.9%) in the midgland and 41.7% (27.2–57.89%) in the apex. ? At the second analysis, these same probabilities were 5.9% (1.9–17%), 9.9% (3.9–23.2%) and 27.3% (13.7–47%), respectively.


? When a 6‐mm apical safety margin is used, residual cancer after HIFU ablation is found significantly more frequently in the apex.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the biochemical disease-free survival (DFS), predictors of clinical outcome and morbidity of patients with localized prostate cancer treated with high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU), a noninvasive treatment that induces complete coagulative necrosis of a tumour at depth through the intact skin. PATIENTS AND METHODS: In all, 63 patients with stage T1c-2bN0M0 localized prostate cancer underwent HIFU using the Sonablate system (Focus Surgery, Inc., Indianapolis, IN, USA). None of the patients received neoadjuvant and/or adjuvant therapy. Biochemical recurrence was defined according to the criteria recommended by the American Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology consensus definition, i.e. three consecutive increases in prostate-specific antigen (PSA) level after the nadir. The median (range) age, PSA level and follow-up were 71 (45-87) years, 8.5 (3.39-57.0) ng/mL and 22.0 (3-63) months, respectively. RESULTS: The overall biochemical disease-free rate was 75% (47 patients). The 3-year biochemical DFS rates for patients with a PSA level before HIFU of <10, 10.01-20 and >20 ng/mL were 82%, 62% and 20% (P < 0.001), respectively. The 3-year biochemical DFS rates for patients with a PSA nadir of <0.2, 0.21-1 and >1 ng/mL were 100%, 74% and 21% (P < 0.001), respectively. Final follow-up sextant biopsies showed that 55 (87%) of the patients were cancer-free. Multivariate analysis showed that the PSA nadir (P < 0.001) was a significant independent predictor of relapse. CONCLUSION: HIFU therapy appears to be a safe, effective and minimally invasive therapy for patients with localized prostate cancer, and the PSA nadir is a useful predictor of clinical outcome.  相似文献   

Objective:   To report on the long-term results of high-intensity focused ultrasound in the treatment of localized prostate cancer.
Methods:   A total of 517 men with stage T1c–T3N0M0 prostate cancer treated with Sonablate devices (Focus Surgery, Indianapolis, IN, USA) between January 1999 and December 2007 were included in the study. Biochemical failure was defined according to the Phoenix definition (prostate-specific antigen nadir + 2 ng/mL).
Results:   The median follow-up period for all patients was 24.0 months (range, 2 to 88). The biochemical disease-free rate (BDFR) in all patients at 5 years was 72%. The BDFR in patients with stage T1c, T2a, T2b, T2c and T3 groups at 5 years were 74%, 79%, 72%, 24% and 33%, respectively ( P  < 0.0001). BDFR in patients in the low, intermediate and high-risk groups at 5 years were 84%, 64% and 45%, respectively ( P  < 0.0001). The BDFR in patients treated with or without neoadjuvant hormonal therapy at 7 years were 73% and 53% ( P  < 0.0001), respectively. In multivariate analysis, pretreatment prostate-specific antigen levels (hazard ratio 1.060; P  < 0.0001; 95% confidence interval 1.040–1.080), neoadjuvant hormonal therapy (hazard ratio 2.252; P  < 0.0001; 95% confidence interval 1.530–3.315) and stage ( P  = 0.0189) were demonstrated to be statistically significant variables. Postoperative erectile dysfunction was noted in 33 out of 114 (28.9%) patients who were preoperatively potent.
Conclusions:   High-intensity focused ultrasound therapy appears to be minimally invasive, efficacious and safe for patients with localized prostate cancer, particularly those with low- and intermediate-risk cancer.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess the short-term outcome in patients with high-risk prostate cancer treated by transrectal high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU). PATIENTS AND METHODS: From April 2003 to November 2004, 30 patients with high-risk prostate cancer were enrolled in this prospective study; all had transurethral resection of the prostate before transrectal HIFU treatment, using the Ablatherm device (EDAP, Lyon, France) during the same session, associated with hormonal therapy with luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone analogues. After the procedure, all the patients were evaluated every 3 months by physical examination, prostate-specific antigen (PSA) assay and a continence questionnaire. The follow-up schedule also included a transperineal prostate biopsy 6 months after the treatment. All the patients had a minimum follow-up of 12 months. RESULTS: The HIFU treatment took a median (interquartile range, IQR) of 140 (100-160) min. No complications were reported during treatment. The mean (IQR) hospitalization was 2.2 (1-4) days, and the suprapubic drainage tube was removed after 12 (7-18) days. The complications after treatment were: urinary tract infections in five patients (16%), stenosis of the intraprostatic and membranous urethra in three (10%), and secondary infravesical obstruction in four (13%). At 12 months after the procedure, 28 patients (93%) were continent. Seven of the 30 men (23%) had a positive prostate biopsy. At the 1-year follow-up only three of the 30 patients with high-risk prostate cancer had a PSA level of >0.3 ng/mL. CONCLUSIONS: HIFU is a modern, minimally invasive therapy for prostate cancer, often used in selected patients with localized disease. The present results show that HIFU was also feasible in patients with high-risk prostate cancer. The low complication rates and favourable functional outcome support the planning of further larger studies in such patients. The oncological efficacy of HIFU should be assessed in further studies with a longer follow-up.  相似文献   

目的探讨经直肠高强度聚焦超声(high-intensity focused ultrasound,HIFU)破坏犬前列腺组织的的安全性、可行性和有效性。方法采用美国Focus Surgery公司生产的第三代HIFUSonablate-500型治疗仪,对16只犬的前列腺进行消融处理,在消融术前,术后30min、30d、60d和180d,经直肠超声观察前列腺和前列腺部尿道的影像学变化;切取前列腺及临近组织和器官,观察其组织病理学变化。结果HIFU前列腺消融术前,前列腺体积为(6.50±3.12)cm3,前列腺部尿道的最大宽度为(0.59±0.11)cm;HIFU消融术60天后前列腺体积为(4.13±2.03)cm3,前列腺部尿道最大宽度为(2.57±0.98)cm。HIFU前列腺消融术后组织学检查,可见前列腺靶区内腺体腺上皮及基质细胞发生均匀性凝固性坏死,60d后消融区的坏死组织脱落,前列腺部尿道呈囊腔状。HIFU前列腺消融区凝固性坏死与正常前列腺组织分界清楚,消融区以外的前列腺及临近组织和器官均无副损伤。HIFU前列腺消融术后并发症主要有尿潴留、尿频和血尿,各实验犬均未发生尿道直肠瘘等并发症。结论HIFU前列腺消融术可彻底破坏消融区的前列腺组织,显著增加前列腺部尿道宽度,对消融区以外的临近组织和器官无副损伤。HIFU前列腺消融术,有望成为临床治疗前列腺疾病的一种可选择的、安全和有效的微创治疗方法。  相似文献   

We report the first case of salvage robotic-assisted laparoscopic radical prostatectomy (RALP) following failed primary high-intensity focussed ultrasound (HIFU) for localised carcinoma of the prostate. A 66-year-old male with a presenting prostate-specific antigen (PSA) of 5 ng/ml was diagnosed with T1c Gleason 3 + 4 prostate cancer. He underwent transurethral resection of the prostate and HIFU. His PSA dropped to 2.0 ng/ml and repeat biopsy revealed upgrading of his prostate cancer to Gleason 4 + 3. He was referred to us for a second opinion and, following discussion of his options, he underwent RALP. The total operative time was 159 min. There were no intra- or postoperative complications. He was discharged on postoperative day two and was fully continent 10 days following removal of his catheter. His PSA remained undetectable 6 months postoperatively. Salvage RALP was feasible in this case with good functional and short-term oncological outcomes for the patient.  相似文献   



To report on the short‐term functional and oncological results, from one institution, of high‐intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) for treating localized prostate cancer.


Over a 3‐year period, 43 patients with localized prostate cancer were scheduled for HIFU in the primary (31) and salvage (12) settings using a second‐generation AblathermTM device (EDAP, Lyon, France). Oncological failure was defined by several criteria, including biochemical failure (assessed using both the Phoenix definition of the nadir + 2 ng/mL) and the current Food and Drug Administration (FDA) trial endpoint of a prostate‐specific antigen (PSA) level of ≥0.5 ng/mL, or starting salvage therapy, or the presence of cancer on biopsy after treatment.


Three patients had their procedures abandoned due to technical limitations/rectal wall thickness. The mean PSA levels in the primary and salvage groups were 9.2 and 5.1 ng/mL, respectively. The mean HIFU treatment time in the primary and salvage groups was 71.1 and 63.3 min, respectively. Using the Phoenix definition of biochemical failure, HIFU treatment failed in 13 patients in the primary group (46%) and five in the salvage group. Using the FDA trial endpoint, HIFU failed in 21 patients in the primary group (75%) and eight in the salvage group. One man died from metastatic prostate cancer 18 months after salvage HIFU. There were two urethral strictures in the primary (7%) and one in the salvage treatment group. There were two prostato‐rectal fistulae in the salvage HIFU group.


HIFU is proposed to be a minimally invasive low‐morbidity ablative treatment for localized prostate cancer, and with good efficacy. The present limited series is unable to support these claims. There were significant rates of complications and oncological failure in both the primary and salvage setting. As a result we have suspended our programme pending further evidence of its safety and efficacy.  相似文献   

Control of prostate cancer by transrectal HIFU in 227 patients   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
PURPOSE: To evaluate the results of high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) treatment of localized prostate cancer with reference to disease-related prognostic factors. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Patients with T1-2 localized prostate cancers, prostate specific antigen (PSA) 1 ng/ml with three consecutive rises. RESULTS: The study included 227 patients. Mean follow-up was 27+/-20 months (12-121 months). Eighty-six percent had negative control biopsies. Median nadir PSA was 0.10 ng/ml. The actuarial 5-year disease-free survival rate (DFSR), combining pathologic and biochemical outcomes, was 66%. DFSR showed a significant decrease when stratified according to initial PSA level: 90% with PSA 相似文献   

Objectives: To assess the long‐term outcomes of transrectal high‐intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) for patients with localized prostate cancer. Methods: From May 2003 to present, 137 consecutive patients with T1‐2 prostate cancer were treated using the Sonablate 500 and then followed for more than 12 months after their last HIFU treatment. A prostate biopsy was routinely carried out at 6 months and serum prostate‐specific antigen (PSA) was measured every 3 months after HIFU. Oncological outcomes as well as treatment‐related complications were assessed. Disease‐free survival (DFS) was judged using the Phoenix definition (PSA nadir + 2 ng/mL), negative histological findings and no local or distant metastasis. Results: The median follow up after HIFU was 36 months (range 12–84 months). No patients received adjuvant therapy during this period. The PSA nadir occurred at 2 months after HIFU and the median level was 0.07 ng/mL (0.01–2.01 ng/mL). Of the 133 patients who underwent prostate biopsy or transurethral resection of the prostate at 6 months or later after HIFU, six were positive for cancer cells (4.5%). There were no major postoperative complications, but urge incontinence (16 cases) and dysuria (33 cases) occurred after removal of the urethral catheter. The 5‐year DFS rate was 78% based on these criteria, and 91%, 81% and 62% in the low‐, intermediate‐ and high‐risk group, respectively. Conclusions: HIFU represents an effective, repeatable and minimally invasive treatment. It is particularly effective for low‐ and intermediate‐risk patients, and it should be considered as an option for localized prostate cancer.  相似文献   

Study Type – Therapy (case series)
Level of Evidence 4


To present experience in high‐intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) used as a salvage therapy for biopsy‐confirmed local recurrence at the vesico‐urethral anastomosis after radical prostatectomy (RP).


From July 2006, four patients diagnosed with prostate cancer recurrence after RP were treated with HIFU, with or without salvage radiotherapy, using the Sonablate® 500 (Focus Surgery, IN, USA). Biochemical failure was defined as in increase in prostate‐specific antigen (PSA) level of >0.2 ng/mL. No patients received any adjuvant therapy after HIFU therapy before reporting failure.


The mean age and initial PSA level before RP was 74 years and 10.0 ng/mL, respectively. After RP, one patient was stage T2aN0M0, two were stage T3N0M0 and the last had an unknown pathological stage. Three patients received external beam radiotherapy as salvage therapy after RP. The mean PSA level before HIFU, tumour volume at the vesico‐urethral lesion and operative duration were 4.3 ng/mL, 4.6 mL and 27 min, respectively. Adenocarcinomas were confirmed by biopsy of the tumour at the vesico‐urethral anastomotic lesion before HIFU. At 24 months of follow‐up, patients 2 and 4 were classified a biochemically disease‐free. Biopsies at the anastomotic site after HIFU in three patients showed no malignancy, with fibrosis. There were no complications.


Salvage HIFU for patients with recurrence after RP is feasible, even though they received salvage radiotherapy before HIFU. More patients and a longer follow‐up are needed to evaluate the safety and oncological adequacy of this new approach.  相似文献   

目的探讨经直肠高强度聚焦超声(high-intensity focused ultrasound,HIFU)治疗良性前列腺增生(BPH)的有效性和安全性。方法对150例BPH患者采用Sonablate 500型“经直肠超声聚能刀”进行前列腺消融术。在术前、术后30min,1、2、6和12个月,经直肠超声观察前列腺和前列腺部尿道的影像学变化,通过尿液分析、国际前列腺症状评分(IPSS)、生活质量评分(QOL)、最大尿流率(Qmax)和残余尿量(PVR)进行疗效评估,同时观察术后并发症。23例术后12个月行排尿期膀胱尿道造影。结果对143例进行了12个月的观察随访,术后IPSS评分和QOL评分降低,PVR减少,Qmax明显提高(P〈0.01),前列腺体积缩小(P〈0.05)。前列腺消融时间25—90min。术后留置尿管时间为3—19d,7例术后反复排尿困难、药物治疗效果不佳者行TURP手术,3例患者出现附睾炎,1例术后15d发生尿道直肠瘘。术后经直肠超声观察和膀胱尿道造影,证实术后前列腺部尿道较术前明显增宽。结论“经直肠超声聚能刀”前列腺消融术,能对前列腺组织进行选择性破坏,具有微创(无血手术)、安全和并发症少等优点。对前列腺中叶增生明显者可联合TURP治疗。“经直肠超声聚能刀”治疗BPH近期疗效满意,远期疗效有待进一步观察。  相似文献   

Study Type – Therapy (case series) Level of Evidence 4 What's known on the subject? and What does the study add? The experience with HIFU as a minimally invasive treatment for localized prostate cancer is relatively new and most reports are from European centres. Our study is unique in five regards: 1. Data was collected prospectively. 2. All patients were treated with contemporary technology. 3. Outcomes are reported after a single HIFU session using two definitions of biochemical failure that have the ability to predict longer‐term clinical failure after primary ablative therapies for prostate cancer (Stuttgart definition for HIFU and Horwitz definition for radiation). 4. All patients were treated in a single centre. 5. No patients underwent peri‐HIFU TURP. The present study represents the largest North American prospective cohort of primary HIFU for prostate cancer with mid‐term oncological outcome data.


  • ? To assess 4‐year biochemical failure (BCF) rates in patients after high‐intensity focused ultrasonography (HIFU) treatment using the Horwitz and Stuttgart definitions.


  • ? A total of 447 consecutive patients were treated with a single session of HIFU between May 2005 and December 2010.
  • ? Follow‐up included prostate‐specific antigen (PSA) measurement every 3 months during the first year and every 6 months thereafter.
  • ? Patients who had previously received radiation, androgen deprivation or HIFU therapy, and patients with <2 consecutive PSA measurements were excluded.
  • ? BCF was reported using the Stuttgart (PSA nadir + 1.2 ng/mL rising) and the Horwitz (two consecutive increases of at least 0.5 ng/mL) definitions.


  • ? In all, 402 patients met the inclusion criteria and the median (range) follow‐up was 24 (6–48) months.
  • ? Of these patients, 183 (45.5%) had low and 219 (54.5%) had intermediate D'Amico's risk stratification disease.
  • ? Mean and median absolute PSA nadir levels were 0.36 ± 0.69 and 0.1 ng/mL (Q1:0, Q3:0.37), respectively and these were achieved in median time of 3 months.
  • ? Overall 4‐year mean (range) BCF‐free rates were 68 (61–75)% and 72 (68–77)% according to the Stuttgart and Horwitz definitions at 4 years, respectively.
  • ? Mean (range) BCF‐free rates were significantly higher for a PSA nadir ≤0.5 ng/mL and prostate volume ≤30 mL for both definitions at 4‐year follow‐up [Stuttgart: 79 (72–86)% vs. 25 (13–38)%; Horwitz: 82 (77–87)% vs. 33 (21–44)%] and [Stuttgart: 72 (64–79)% vs. 56 (42–69)%; Horwitz: 75 (69–80)% vs. 63 (53–74)%], respectively.
  • ? Pre‐treatment PSA and PSA nadir of >0.5 ng/mL were the predictors of BCF using both definitions.


  • ? Primary HIFU appears to result in promising 4‐year BCF‐free rates in individuals with low‐ and intermediate‐risk prostate cancer who achieve PSA nadir <0.5 ng/mL.
  • ? A prostate volume <30 mL is associated with PSA nadir levels of <0.5 ng/mL suggesting a potential role for pretreatment volume reduction (medically or surgically) in larger prostates.



Patient selection for focal salvage remains difficult. Therefore, we developed and internally validated prediction models for biochemical failure (BF) and a composite endpoint (CE) following focal salvage high intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) for radiorecurrent prostate cancer.

Materials and methods

A prospective HIFU registry identified 150 cases (November 2006–August 2015). Recurrence was assessed with multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) combined with template prostate mapping biopsies, targeted biopsies, or systematic transrectal ultrasound-guided biopsies. Metastatic disease was ruled out with a positron emission tomography-computed tomography and a bone scan. Focal salvage HIFU consisted of quadrant-ablation, hemi-ablation, or index-lesion ablation. Cox-regression was used for BF (Phoenix-definition) and CE (BF/MRI+/biopsies+/local or systemic treatment/metastases+/prostate cancer specific mortality+). Internal validation was performed using bootstrap resampling (500 datasets) after which C-statistic and hazard ratios were adjusted. Models were calibrated and risk scores created.


Median follow-up was 35 months (interquartile range: 22–52). Median biochemical disease-free survival (DFS) was 33 months (95% CI: 23–45). Median CE-free survival was 24 months (95% CI: 21–35). After multivariable analysis, DFS interval after primary radiotherapy, presalvage prostate-specific antigen (PSA), PSA-doubling time, prostatic volume, and T-stage (both MRI based) predicted BF. For the CE, PSA-doubling time was not predictive but additionally, primary Gleason score was. The adjusted C-statistics were 0.68 and 0.64 for BF and CE, respectively. Calibration was accurate until 48 months. The risk scores showed 3 groups, with biochemical DFS of 60%, 35%, and 7% and CE-free survival of 40%, 24%, and 0% at 4 years.


Our model, once externally validated, could allow for better selection of patients for focal salvage HIFU.  相似文献   

高强度聚焦超声系统治疗局限性前列腺癌(附26例报告)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的探讨高强度聚焦超声系统(HIFU)治疗局限性前列腺癌的有效性及安全性。方法使用Sonablate-500聚焦超声系统对26例局限性前列腺癌患者进行治疗,观察术后3、6、12个月时的血清前列腺特异性抗原(PSA)、直肠指诊及经直肠B超情况。结果平均手术操作时间48min(28~86min),平均术后住院时间3.2d(2~9d)。治疗后3、6、12个月PSA与治疗前相比有显著降低(P<0.05),直肠指诊发现结节消失或减小的占73.3%(11/15),B超提示:低回声结节消失或缩小的占76.9%(20/26)。治疗后3、6、12个月各项检查结果经统计学检验无显著性差异。结论HIFU可以安全、有效杀死前列腺癌细胞,在治疗局限性前列腺癌方面具有美好的应用前景。  相似文献   

High-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) is a minimally invasive alternative for patients with localized prostate cancer, not suitable for radical prostatectomy because of a life expectancy less than 10 years or because of major co-morbidities precluding surgery. HIFU can be performed in patients with LUTS (associated TURP) or with a previous history of BPH surgery. HIFU is repeatable after the initial procedure if a recurrent cancer is diagnosed on control biopsies. Furthermore, this therapy is a viable option for patients with a local relapse after external beam radiation therapy: oncologic efficacy is conversely related to the initial prostate cancer stage before radiation therapy.  相似文献   

The literature concerning the efficacy and safety of transrectal high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) for the treatment of localized prostate cancer still comprises a relatively small number of articles. The main studies have been published by four teams using an apparatus available in Europe for several years. The recently presented results of the European Multicentre Study and the study by Gelet and associates based on 242 patients with a follow-up of more than 1 year show that HIFU is a valid alternative for the management of welldifferentiated and moderately differentiated localized prostate cancer with an initial PSA 10 years. In two studies, the combination of transurethral resection of the prostate and HIFU limited the risk of postoperative urinary retention without inducing a higher complication rate. In a series of patients presenting recurrence after external-beam radiotherapy, HIFU was found to be a useful therapy, with >80% negative biopsies. The best indications for HIFU are men over the age of 65, those who are not candidates for radical prostatectomy, obese patients, or patients with comorbidities likely to make surgery more difficult. The learning curve for this technique is relatively short, between 10 and 15 patients, for urologists experienced in transrectal ultrasonography. One of the advantages of HIFU is that it can be repeated in the case of recurrence or to re-treat a prostatic site, it involves no radiation, and patients do not suffer from long-term irritative urinary symptoms.  相似文献   

Four patients with biochemical prostate-specific antigen (PSA) failure with suspected local recurrence at the vesico-urethral anastomotic site after radical prostatectomy were treated using a high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) device (Sonablate 500) under caudal or spinal anesthesia. The pretreatment PSA levels ranged from 0.318 to 0.898 ng/mL and their Gleason scores ranged between 5 and 7. HIFU treatment was carried out six times in four patients. The median time of operation and follow-up period were 30 min (range, 15-37) and 13 months (range, 7-18), respectively. In all patients, the median PSA levels decreased from 0.555 ng/mL (range, 0.318-0.898) to 0.137 ng/mL (range, 0.102-0.290). The median PSA nadir after each HIFU was 0.054 ng/mL (range, 0.008-0.097). No major complications were noted. HIFU may be useful for the therapy of vesicourethral anastomostic lesion in patients with PSA failure after prostatectomy.  相似文献   

Study Type – Therapy (case series)
Level of Evidence What’s known on the subject? and What does the study add? Renal cancer is increasingly diagnosed when tumours are small and asymptomatic, during routine abdominal imaging. Whilst surgery is an effective and potentially curative option, it carries a significant risk of complications. Recent work suggests that thermally ablative therapies (RFA, cryotherapy, HIFU) may be suitable minimally invasive treatment options in selected patients. The success of extracorporeal HIFU has been limited by the abdominal wall and rib‐cage limiting energy delivery. For this study, a purpose‐built laparoscopic HIFU probe was designed to allow direct application of the transducer to the tumour surface, thus facilitating tumour destruction. Successful and accurate tumour destruction was demonstrated, paving the way for further clinical trials, subject to device modifications.


  • ? To test and establish clinical proof of concept for a laparoscopic high‐intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) device that facilitates delivery of ultrasound by direct application of a probe to the tumour surface.


  • ? Twelve patients with renal tumours were treated with laparoscopic HIFU using a newly designed probe inserted via an 18‐mm laparoscopic port.
  • ? HIFU treatment was targeted at a pre‐defined proportion of the tumour and immediate laparoscopic partial or radical nephrectomy was then performed.


  • ? No tumour ablation was seen in the first five patients which made modifications in the treatment protocol necessary. After this, definite histological evidence of ablation was seen in the remaining seven patients.
  • ? The ablated zones were within the targeted area in all patients and no intra‐lesional skipping was seen.
  • ? Subcapsular skipping was seen at the probe–tumour interface in two patients with viable tumour cells seen at microscopy.
  • ? One patient did not undergo surgical extirpation; subsequent biopsy revealed no viable tumour cells.
  • ? There were no intraoperative or postoperative complications directly related to HIFU therapy and patients have reached a mean (range) follow‐up of 15 (8–24) months with no evidence of metastatic disease or late complications.


  • ? Tumour ablation with laparoscopic HIFU is feasible.
  • ? Homogenous ablation can be achieved with no vital tissue within the targeted zone.
  • ? The technique is associated with low morbidity and may have a role in the definitive management of small tumours.

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