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We introduce a new arthroscopic technique for the partial excision of the symptomatic lateral discoid meniscus in one piece. Our experience indicates that this technique has several advantages compared with the conventional surgical techniques of partial meniscectomy. The operating time is short (less than 20 minutes), it is less aggressive, there is less damage to the cartilage, and less formation of foreign bodies.  相似文献   

盘状半月板水平撕裂的手术治疗   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
[目的]探讨半月板成型术治疗盘状半月板水平撕裂的效果及手术方法。[方法]2002年12月~2006年8月,27人(膝)盘状半月板水平撕裂患者经关节镜行盘状半月板成型术。患者年龄6~42岁,平均32岁,男23例,女4例。关节镜探查后,首先切除半月板中央部约1/3的半月板组织,然后对半月板进行仔细评价。不稳定的一片切除至边缘,稳定的一片保留并且行半月板成型术,不能保留的则完全切除。术前及术后患者随访时行膝关节功能评分,并观察术后半月板再撕裂的可能性和再次手术的需求。[结果]患者术后随访3~36个月,平均随访8个月。Lysholm关节功能评分术前65~79分,平均(72·48±4·64)分,术后83~98分,平均(92·18±4·52)分。术后患者功能评分较术前提高,没有发现再撕裂和需要再次手术治疗的患者。[结论]半月板成型术应用于盘状半月板水平撕裂的治疗具有较好的临床效果,可以作为其手术选择方案之一。  相似文献   

[目的]研究症状性与非症状性儿童外侧盘状半月板(discoid lateral meniscus,DLM)在MRI冠状面上的形态学差异。[方法]自2009年7月~2012年7月,32例症状性儿童外侧盘状半月板(研究组)和27例非症状性儿童外侧盘状半月板(对照组)被纳入研究。在MRI同一冠状面图像上测量两组外侧盘状半月板的游离缘高度、体部高度、关节囊缘高度、体部宽度、股骨外侧髁宽度以及内侧半月板高度等形态学指标。计算外侧盘状半月板游离缘高度、体部高度、关节囊缘高度与内侧半月板关节囊缘高度的比值,外侧盘状半月板体部宽度与股骨外侧髁宽度的比值以及外侧盘状半月板游离缘高度与其体部高度、关节囊缘高度的比值等相对形态学指标,所得数据进行Wilcoxon秩和检验。[结果]研究组外侧盘状半月板冠状面体部宽度为30 mm,大于对照组的24 mm(P0.001);研究组外侧盘状半月板冠状面游离缘高度为5 mm,大于对照组的3 mm(P0.001);研究组外侧盘状半月板体部高度为2.5mm、关节囊缘高度为3 mm,分别小于对照组的4 mm和5 mm(P0.001)。而内侧半月板关节囊缘高度以及股骨外侧髁宽度等形态学指标两组间比较差异无统计学意义(P0.05)。与对照组比较,研究组外侧盘状半月板体部宽度与股骨外侧髁宽度比值(P0.001)、外侧盘状半月板游离缘高度与内侧半月板高度的比值(P=0.001)以及外侧盘状半月板游离缘高度与其自身体部高度比值(P0.001)增加,而外侧盘状半月板体部高度及关节囊缘高度与同层面内侧半月板高度的比值降低(P0.001)。[结论]外侧盘状半月板在MRI冠状面上的体部宽度、游离缘高度、体部高度以及关节囊缘高度等参数可以作为评价儿童外侧盘状半月板损伤与否的形态学指标。  相似文献   

膝关节镜治疗老年人盘状半月板损伤   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨膝关节镜治疗老年人盘状半月板损伤的疗效。方法对19例外侧盘状半月板损伤的老年患者进行关节镜手术,依具体损伤情况采用半月板成形术15例,次全切除术2例,全切除术2例。同时对伴随的骨关节炎、关节游离体、内侧半月板损伤、滑膜皱襞增生给予切除增生滑膜、关节软骨修整、游离体取出及内侧损伤半月板次全切除。结果18例获得随访,时间6~24(15±9)个月,按Ikeuchi膝关节评分标准:优13例,良2例,可2例,差1例。结论膝关节镜下治疗老年人盘状半月板损伤可以获得良好的效果。  相似文献   

关节镜技术在膝外侧盘状半月板损伤中的应用   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
目的探讨关节镜在盘状半月板损伤中的治疗作用。方法对23例膝外侧盘状半月板损伤患者施行关节镜下盘状半月板部分或大部分切除成形术。结果术后4例并发关节血肿。23例随访5~22个月,平均9.7个月。按Lysholm等膝关节功能评分标准,优19例,良3例,中1例。结论关节镜微创技术诊疗盘状半月板损伤具有确诊率高.创伤小等优点,术后膝关节症状缓解明显,病变关节功能得到明显恢复。  相似文献   

丁云鹏  章亚东 《骨科》2021,12(2):143-148
目的 探讨关节镜下半月板成形、后角胫骨止点重建并缝合固定术治疗症状性Wrisberg韧带型盘状半月板的临床疗效.方法 回顾性分析2012年1月至2015年1月我科收治的11例症状性Wrisberg韧带型盘状半月板损伤病人的临床资料,其中男7例,女4例,平均年龄为19.5岁(14~25岁).左膝6例,右膝5例;军事训练伤...  相似文献   

Discoid shapes of lateral menisci are relatively common finding, whereas discoid medial menisci are less common. Discoid medial meniscus with associated anomalous variants has been reported. However, symptomatic complex tear of complete type discoid medial meniscus with anomalous blending with anterior cruciate ligament is an extremely rare pathology. A 35-year-old male was admitted to our hospital with left knee pain and loss of terminal extension for 2 years. On physical examination, the patient presented with clicking and restriction during the extension motion of the knee joint. Magnetic resonance imaging and arthroscopy indicated complex tear of complete discoid medial meniscus in association with anomalous connection between entire apical portion of discoid medial meniscus and tibial insertion portion of the anterior cruciate ligament. We obtained a successful outcome with arthroscopic resection and shaping in one-piece method using no. 11 scalpel blade.  相似文献   

Osteochondritis dissecans (OCD) of the lateral femoral condyle sometimes occurs with a discoid lateral meniscus. Recently, it was reported that OCD of the lateral femoral condyle occurred after total removal of the lateral meniscus. We report the case of a 12-year-old boy with bilateral OCD of the lateral femoral condyle following bilateral total removal for discoid lateral meniscus. Valgus deviation of the knee after total removal and increased sporting activity might have concentrated excessive stress on the lateral condyles in the standing position. As a result, bilateral OCD might have occurred. Drilling of the areas of OCD on the bilateral lateral femoral condyles was done and the patient wore inner wedge arch supports postoperatively. After 2 years, neither knee pain nor arthrosis has occurred so far, but long-term follow-up of this patient is considered to be necessary.  相似文献   

The diagnostic utility of radiographic signs of complete discoid lateral meniscus remains controversial. This study aimed to investigate the diagnostic accuracy and determine which sign is most reliably detects the presence of a complete discoid lateral meniscus in children. A total of 141 knees (age 7-16) with complete discoid lateral meniscus and 141 age- and sex-matched knees with normal meniscus were included. The following radiographic signs were evaluated: lateral joint (LJ) space, fibular head (FH) height, lateral tibial spine (LTS) height, lateral tibial plateau (LTP) obliquity, lateral femoral condyle (LFC) squaring, LTP cupping, LFC notching, and prominence ratio of the femoral condyle. Prediction models were constructed using logistic regressions, decision trees, and random forest analyses. Receiver operating characteristic curves and area under the curve (AUC) were estimated to compare the diagnostic accuracy of the radiographic signs and model fit. The random forest model yielded the best diagnostic accuracy (AUC: 0.909), with 86.5% sensitivity and 82.2% specificity. LJ space height, FH height, and prominence ratio showed statistically large AUC compared with LTS height and LTP obliquity (P < .05 in all). The cut-off values for diagnosing discoid meniscus to be <12.55 mm for FH height, <0.804 for prominence ratio, and >6.6 mm for LJ space height when using the random forest model. On the basis of the results of this study, in clinical practice, LJ space height, FH height and prominence ratio could be easily used as supplementary tools for complete discoid lateral meniscus in children.  相似文献   

膝关节镜下治疗盘状半月板损伤   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
目的观察膝关节镜下手术治疗膝关节盘状半月板损伤的疗效。方法1999年7月~2003年6月,行膝关节镜下外侧盘状半月板成形术45例49膝(41例单侧,4例双侧),其中完全型32膝,不完全型17膝。常规关节镜检查,根据盘状半月板损伤状况,实施关节镜下盘状半月板部分切除术44膝(其中3膝同时做半月板缝合术)、盘状半月板全切除术5膝。术后早期开始肌力训练和关节活动练习。结果本组45例手术全部成功,无手术并发症。40例获1年8个月~5年7个月(平均3年3个月)的随访。根据Lysholm-Ⅱ评分系统做术前及随访时膝关节功能评定,术前评分平均55分(40~71分),随访时评分平均88分(60~100分),优良率为85.3%。结论膝关节镜下盘状半月板成形术是治疗盘状半月板损伤的最好方法之一,手术损伤小,恢复快,并发症少,可最大限度保存半月板结构和功能。配合正规的康复训练,可获得良好疗效。  相似文献   

关节镜下盘状半月板的治疗   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:16  
目的 探讨关节镜下盘状半月板的治疗方法与疗效。 方法  37例 (37膝 )盘状半月板 ,33例行关节镜下成形术 ,4例肌腱部自关节囊缘较广泛撕裂因无法成形而行全切术。 1例自R区纵向撕裂在成形后行缝合修补术。 结果 按Ikeuchi氏膝关节评价等级 :优 19例 (5 1.4% ) ,好 13例(35 1% ) ,良 5例 (13 5 % )。 结论 关节镜下盘状半月板成形术可获得优良疗效 ,主张尽可能施行关节镜下成形术治疗盘状半月板。  相似文献   

[目的]报告1组77例膝关节外侧盘状半月板损伤的关节镜下手术治疗与疗效.[方法]1999年1月~2005年6月,本院共完成77例膝关节外侧盘状半月板损伤的关节镜手术,手术采用常规髌下前内侧和前外侧入路,根据盘状半月板损伤情况进行半月板全切除术或成形术.其中21例(29.2%)患者行盘状半月板次全切除术和全切除术,13例(18.1%)患者行部分切除术,38例(52.8%)患者行半月板成形术.77例患者中,男39例(54.2%),女33例(45.8%),年龄8~51岁,平均(29.4±10.9)岁.有5例失访,72例患者随访时间12~44个月,平均(26.2±9.3)个月.手术前、后采用Lysholm评分对膝关节功能进行评定,并应用t检验进行统计学分析.[结果]所有病人术后膝关节疼痛及肿胀症状消失或明显减轻,活动度恢复正常.全部患者术后无感染、血管神经损伤、关节活动受限等手术并发症.手术前Lysholm评分为50~78分,平均(66.8±5.2)分,手术后提高至85~100分,平均(96.4±3.6)分.经过student-t检验分析,手术前后Lysholm评分有非常显著性差异(t=34.7,P<0.01).[结论]关节镜技术治疗膝关节外侧盘状半月板损伤创伤小、疗效佳,在保留半月板良好形态和生理功能,及减少患膝骨关节炎发生率方面有显著优点.  相似文献   

杨顺杰  张明智  李箭  陈刚 《中国骨伤》2022,35(3):243-248
目的:基于外侧盘状半月板(discoid lateral meniscus,DLM)与形态正常外侧半月板(normal lateral menis-cus,NLM)之间的解剖学差异,设置具有区分二者潜能的超声检查参数,并探讨这些参数对DLM的诊断价值.方法:收集2019年10月至2020年6月住院治疗的DLM患者(DL...  相似文献   

In symptomatic discoid medial meniscus, partial meniscectomy is the principal treatment method and can yield promising short-term results. However, unlike the nondiscoid meniscus, discoid medial meniscus is frequently associated with horizontal cleavage tears, attributable to the presence of myxoid degeneration in the intrameniscal substance, in that it may potentially occur deteriorating long-term results because of re-tearing of remaining meniscus or secondary degeneration of cartilage of the medial compartment after meniscectomy. We experienced three rare cases of retear or secondary degeneration of cartilage of the medial compartment after meniscectomy for two patients with torn bilateral meniscus. Both patients were highly active young males. Meniscal allograft transplantation in complicated discoid medial meniscus was performed. At 2 years after meniscal allograft transplantation, clinical outcomes were improved with a normal range of motion. Orthopedic surgeons should recommend activity modification to prevent possible complicated injury of the discoid medial meniscus. Meniscal allograft transplantation may be an alternative option in highly active young patients undergoing complicated discoid medial meniscus to diminish pain, improve knee function, and prevent or delay degeneration.  相似文献   

The symptomatic discoid lateral meniscus is a well-known congenital anomaly that is of three different types: complete, incomplete, and Wrisberg-ligament type. The Wrisberg-ligament type has no meniscotibial attachment posteriorly, and in the past has been treated by total (open or arthroscopic) meniscectomy. In this article, we review the literature and report a previously unreported case of arthroscopic peripheral attachment after central partial meniscectomy of a Wrisberg-ligament type discoid lateral meniscus, with documentation of healing at arthroscopic second look 1 year following surgery.  相似文献   

We introduce a surgical technique of arthroscopic excision of the symptomatic discoid medial meniscus in one piece. Compared with other surgical techniques of partial meniscectomy, our technique has several advantages. It is easier, less aggressive, there is less formation of foreign bodies, and it is a time-saving technique.  相似文献   

目的探讨关节镜下中心成形联合边缘稳定术治疗外侧盘状半月板损伤的疗效。方法收集自2009-01—2013-08诊治的盘状半月板损伤68例(72膝),经MRI和关节镜下确诊后,随机分成2组。A组给予保留边缘6~8 mm成形联合半月板稳定术,进行体部、肌腱裂口周围垂直缝合固定,前、后角经胫骨骨道固定;B组行盘状半月板全切或次全切除术。观察2组术后3、6、12膝关节功能Lysholm评分,术后12个月MRI半月板板台比。结果 A组34例获得随访,B组34例获得随访,随访时间平均12.3(12~14)个月。患者术后关节活动度恢复满意,关节交锁及弹响症状消失,无再撕裂或因症状复发需要二次手术者。2组术后3、6个月Lysholm评分差异无统计学意义(t=1.826,P=0.077;t=0.442,P=0.661);术后12个月A组Lysholm评分较B组高,差异有统计学意义(t=3.718,P=0.001)。A组术后12个月MRI半月板板台比为(9.2±2.6)%,B组为(5.0±2.7)%,A组残存半月板板台比较B组高,差异有统计学意义(t=3.475,P=0.001);但比同侧正常的(12.3%)低。结论对于不稳定盘状软骨损伤,在半月板成形的基础上,给予周边缝合固定及前后角重建固定,能最大程度地保留外侧半月板周缘并保持其稳定性,具有良好的短期疗效。  相似文献   

In order to determine the usefulness of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for detection of intrasubstance tears or degeneration of the lateral discoid meniscus, we compared findings obtained with MRI with those of histological examination. Sixty-four symptomatic lateral discoid menisci were studied using MRI before surgical treatment. Of these, 18 (28%) met the criteria that MRI signals did not extend to the surface and that no visible tears were observable at arthroscopy. Findings of intrameniscal regions of high signal intensity and flattening in shape on MR images were found to represent intrasubstance tears or degeneration not detected at arthroscopy. Our findings thus demonstrate that MRI is more sensitive than arthroscopy in the detection of intrasubstance pathologies of the lateral discoid menisci.  相似文献   

Twenty-two patients (25 knees) were evaluated at an average follow-up of 54 months for clinical results of arthroscopic treatment of the discoid lateral meniscus syndrome. Discoid lateral menisci were classified arthroscopically as incomplete (92%) or complete (8%); no Wrisberg-type lesions were noted. Three patients (14%) had bilateral lesions. Symptomatic torn discoid menisci (20 knees) and torn discoid menisci with other significant symptomatic lesions (3 knees) underwent arthroscopic partial lateral meniscectomy utilizing the saucerization technique. Asymptomatic intact discoid menisci (2 knees) were left unresected. Using the knee scale of Ikeuchi, 55% of the symptomatic torn lesions were rated as excellent or good, 30% were rated as fair, and 15% were rated as poor at follow-up. Two of the 3 asymptomatic torn lesions were rated as excellent or good, as were both of the intact discoid lesions. Factors associated with an unsatisfactory rating at follow-up included preexistent degenerative changes, age, and sex. Duration of symptoms, type of discoid tear, and length of follow-up were not necessarily related to outcome results. Seven knees (28%) required arthroscopic reevaluation at a postoperative average of 23 months, documenting apparent physiologic function of the saucerized rim in 4 patients and failure of saucerization in 3 patients (12%). Overall, 14 of the 22 patients in this study (64%) resumed a normal activity level postoperatively, including 61% of those with symptomatic torn discoid lateral menisci.  相似文献   

目的回顾分析关节镜下成形联合缝合修补术治疗不稳定外侧盘状半月板损伤的手术方法和短期疗效。方法采用关节镜下半月板成形缝合术治疗不稳定外侧盘状半月板损伤患者22例(24膝),随访时采用Lysholm评分评价手术疗效。结果术后随访12~30个月,平均18.1个月。术前Lysholm评分(62.3±5.4)分;术后12个月(93.4±5.6)分(P〈0.05),优良率为95.5%。结论只要手术指证掌握正确,采用关节镜下半月板成形联合缝合修补术治疗不稳定外侧盘状半月板手术效果良好。  相似文献   

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