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不同作案动机的心理学、医学要件对照研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨动机论在司法精神病鉴定中的应用。方法根据田氏动机论的观点,将364例刑事责任能力鉴定案例分组:其中现实动机131例,病理动机113例,混合动机89例,不明动机31例;对不同作案动机的心理学和医学标准进行对照。结果不同作案动机在案型、预谋、诱因、作案对象、作案手段、自我保护、后果意识以及临床特征、责任能力评定等方面均存在显著性差异(P0.001)。结论动机论在司法精神病鉴定实践中具有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

不同病期精神分裂症司法精神医学鉴定比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨不同病期精神分裂症患者的司法精神医学鉴定特点。方法:将147例精神分裂症划分为早期、发展期、缓解期和残留期进行比较。结果:以凶杀伤害为主的暴力型作案多见于早期与发展期,其作案动机以病理性为主。缓解期以现实动机为主,残留期以混合动机为主;早期与发展期无1例评定为完全责任能力,缓解期无1例评定为无责任能力,残留期以部分责任能力为主。结论:不同病期精神分裂症的司法精神医学鉴定存在一些不同特点,有助鉴定结论的评定。  相似文献   

抑郁症患者暴力行为责任能力评定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:探讨抑郁症患者暴力行为责任能力的评定。方法:回顾性分析20例抑郁症司法精神医学鉴定特点。结果:责任能力评定除应考虑疾病的严重程度、辨认和控制能力外,还应考虑到疾病分类、作案动机、与被害人关系、病前人格等。结论:应从严掌握、区别对待不同类型抑郁症责任能力的评定。  相似文献   

目的 探讨不同类型刑事案例的司法精神病鉴定特点,方法 将294例司法鉴定刑事案例分成智力型,暴力型与性攻击型三组进行社会人口学及司法精神病学资料比较,结果 智力型案例作案时多存在不同程度智能障碍,多诊断为精神发育迟滞,精神分裂症和无精神病,作案动机多为现实,多评定部分及完全责任能力,暴力型案例作案动机多为病理,不明或混难事 ,作案者多为农业劳动者,诊断多为精神分裂症,无责任能力为主;性攻击型案例作  相似文献   

精神病司法鉴定1389例分析   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
目的 探讨我院进行的精神病司法鉴定案例特点。方法 对我院1987~2003年进行的1389例鉴定案例,按责任能力、性防卫能力、因果关系、民事纠纷、交通案件等鉴定类型进行回顾性分析。结果 在1389例鉴定中,疾病种类以精神分裂症、精神发育迟滞为主;鉴定类型以责任能力鉴定、性防卫能力鉴定为主,申办户口等的鉴定有增多趋势;犯罪类型以暴力犯罪为主。结论 应加强对司法精神病学的研究,尤其暴力案件、民事纠纷的研究,以适应时代的发展。  相似文献   

4例抑郁症病人盗窃的病理动机分析王槐经,何武龙,涂前雄迄今有些人主张分析精神疾病患者作案动机是评定责任能力一项重要标准D].近几年来,笔者见到4例抑郁症患者盗窃案,其行为均受病理动机支配、报告如下:案例资料1987年6月至lpel年12月间,我院受理...  相似文献   

精神病患者凶杀行为特征及与责任能力相关性的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的探讨精神病人凶杀行为特征及与责任能力的相关性。方法用自编凶杀行为特征调查表综合司法精神病鉴定中181例重型精神病病人和47例非精神病人凶杀案例的资料,采用SPSS13.0软件统计并进行凶杀行为特征的比较和责任能力与行为特征的相关分析。结果①两组在年龄构成、性别分布、婚姻状况及性格特征方面无显著性差异(P>0.05),在受教育程度和职业分布上差异有显著性(P(0.01);两组在作案诱因和先兆、预谋、方式、对象、动机、作案后的自我保护性、责任能力多方面有显著性差异(P(0.01)。②Logistic回归分析表明作案动机、隐蔽性、保护性、作案方式、诱因、病期和对象与责任能力的评定均呈显著性相关(B0.721~28.71;P0.000~0.027)。结论精神病人的凶杀行为特征与非精神病人有明显差异,其责任能力的评定依次与动机、隐蔽性、保护性、作案方式、诱因、病期和对象密切相关。  相似文献   

149例暴力案件主体责任能力评定影响因素比较分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
目的:探讨与精神病有关的暴力案件中被鉴定人责任能力评定中的分歧及其可能原因。方法:对149例暴力犯罪案件资料用SPSS10.0统计软件进行相关分析和逐步判别分析,筛选出对责任能力评定有重要影响的判别因子,然后对初、复鉴结果的一致性进行检验。结果:初次鉴定和复核鉴定之间,责任能力评定的判别因子和一致性检验在精神症状、诊断、作案动机及责任能力评定等方面均存在差异。结论:诸多因素影响暴力案件中被鉴定人责任能力的鉴定,有必要研究出一套操作性和科学性较强的评定规范,以提高鉴定结论的科学性。  相似文献   

论精神分裂症患者涉案责任能力的鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨精神分裂症患者涉案责任能力评定的难点问题及内在规律,为消除相关案件审理中的阻滞因素提供依据.方法对鉴定实践中的精神分裂症患者涉案多维变量因素进行分析,结合其临床类型及特征,依据我国法律规定进行深入探讨,发现精神分裂症患者责任能力评定的内在规律.结果研究表明被鉴定人对作案行为性质、后果认识的变量因素最为重要,精神分裂症患者限制责任能力的中间状态是客观存在的.结论被鉴定人在精神分裂早期、发作期、不全缓解期发生危害行为一般可评定为限制责任能力,同时兼顾评定其有无受审能力,防止出现诉讼阻滞.  相似文献   

早期精神分裂症刑事作案的责任能力相关因素分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的探寻在刑事作案中早期精神分裂症患者的特点及影响责任能力评定的相关因素。方法回顾性调查本中心司法鉴定室1991年至2000年间所作的本中心司法鉴定刑事案例资料,将早期精神分裂症患者与非早期精神分裂症患者和正常者进行分组比较,对家族史、案型、案前精神状况、作案诱因、作案动机、隐蔽性、作案对象、自我保护、鉴定诊断、症状特点、责任能力评定等相关因素用SPSS软件作统计分析。结果早期精神分裂症患者组在精神病家族史、文化程度、职业等方面与其他组相比有显著差异:自我保护、思维障碍、行为障碍等变量对三组被鉴定人具有差别效应。结论为提高在司法精神医学鉴定实践中对早期精神分裂症鉴定的准确性,应重视精神病家族史、作案动机、自我保护、思维障碍、行为障碍诸因素。  相似文献   

The criminality of narcotic addicts   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Recent research conducted by independent investigators concerning the relationship between crime and narcotic (primarily heroin) addiction has revealed a remarkable degree of consistency of findings across studies. The major conclusion supported by the majority of these studies is that narcotic addicts commit a vast amount of crime and that much of this is directly related to the need to purchase drugs. A large proportion of the crimes committed does not consist merely of drug sales or possession, but involves other criminal behaviors including serious crimes. The strongest evidence of a causal relationship between narcotic drug use and crime is derived from longitudinal studies in which the amount of crime committed during periods of active addiction far exceeds that committed during periods of nonaddiction. Much of this crime goes unreported, although addicts, under conditions of strict confidentiality, have provided information that permits realistic estimates of criminal activity. Use of this methodology has permitted the identification of different types of addicts, especially with respect to the amounts and types of crimes in which they are engaged. The implication of these findings is that although addicts as a group commit a great amount of crime, they cannot be regarded as a homogeneous class. Some addicts commit many crimes, regardless of current addiction status, whereas others commit relatively few, and these are obviously related to their need to purchase drugs. There is a discernible impact of treatment on narcotic drug use and criminality. Although the relationships between addict characteristics and treatment response have yet to be fully determined, extensive prior criminal involvement is associated with a negative outcome.  相似文献   

A testimony procedure of forensic psychiatry containing of the following steps as: "to set-up the medical diagnosis-to clarify the criminal motive-to determine the property of criminal legal ability damage-to evaluate the criminal responsibility" is recommended, and upon them "to clarify the criminal motive" is of importance. The property of criminal legal ability damage can be determined through the criminal motive and then the degree of criminal responsibility can be evaluated objectively through the criminal motive and criminal legal ability effected by the disease.  相似文献   

Drugs of abuse that cause developing neurons to commit suicide   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
When neuronal activity is abnormally suppressed during the developmental period of synaptogenesis, the timing and sequence of synaptic connections is disrupted, and this causes nerve cells to receive an internal signal to commit suicide, a form of cell death known as "apoptosis". By altering glutamate and GABA transmission alcohol suppresses neuronal activity, causing millions of nerve cells to commit suicide in the developing brain. This proapoptotic effect of alcohol provides a likely explanation for the diminished brain size and lifelong neurobehavioral disturbances associated with the human fetal alcohol syndrome. These findings have public health significance, not only in relation to fetal alcohol syndrome, but also in relation to several other drugs of abuse and various drugs used in obstetric and pediatric medicine, because these additional drugs (e.g. phencyclidine, ketamine, benzodiazepines, barbiturates) also suppress neuronal activity and drive developing neurons to commit suicide.  相似文献   

本文报告精神分裂症凶杀、伤害案例60例的作案动机,将其分为病理性、无意识性及一般(现实)性三类.作者以疾病精神病理整体的及心理过程系统的观点,对作案动机与刑事责任能力的关系进行了分析。  相似文献   

Previous research has established that the appearance of criminal suspects and defendants can affect subsequent legal decisions. Specifically, researchers have proposed that (1) masculine suspects are believed to commit more stereotypically male crimes (e.g., burglary), (2) masculine suspects are believed to commit more violent crimes (e.g., assault), and (3) masculinity is a general cue for committing crime. The current study sought to test these competing hypotheses regarding masculine appearance and perceived criminality. Across three studies, participants read a brief crime scenario and were asked to select out of a lineup the suspect they believed had committed the crime. Suspect masculinity and type of crime were manipulated to determine whether the degree of masculinity influenced whether participants believed they had committed the crime. Results showed that participants consistently associated masculinity with committing violent crime and showed some evidence for the general criminality hypothesis on secondary measures. These findings have important implications regarding law enforcement, eyewitness and juror bias, and legal decisions.  相似文献   

目的:探讨早期精神分裂症犯罪暴力行为特征。方法:采用一般情况调查表和司法鉴定评估表,对28例精神分裂症罪犯与32名精神正常罪犯进行回顾性对照分析。结果:两组在职业、作案动机、作案预谋、作案性质、辨认、控制能力、作案后果判断能力、自我保护能力和刑事责任能力方面差异具有统计学意义。结论:早期精神分裂症发病前作案的行为特征表现为无明显的作案动机、无预谋准备、缺乏有效的自我保护能力、对作案行为及其后果的分析判断能力明显削弱,虽辨认能力大部分存在,但控制能力基本削弱。早期精神分裂症犯罪应加强识别,预防犯罪。  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to investigate the discriminant and predictive quality of "suicide intent" (SIS) in relation to motives for deliberate self-harm (DSH). Cluster analysis was performed in a sample of 137 inpatients admitted to a psychiatric hospital after a DSH episode. Six different subgroups were isolated. The hypothesis was tested that the six groups would reveal distinct patterns of motives and different patterns of repeated DSH episodes during a 12-month observation period. Results indicated that one high-risk group for completed suicide was characterized by the highest death intention and remarkably low interpersonal motives. Two further groups were labeled as "moderate" risk groups. Two groups were found to be characterized by low suicide intent with prevailing patterns of distinct interpersonal oriented motives (manipulative vs appellative), whereas one group revealed an ambiguous motive structure reflecting death orientation and interpersonal motives. The DSH repetition rates were found to be significantly different between certain subgroups. The study results support the assumption that DSH patients represent heterogeneous populations with regard to suicide intent, motives, and the repetition of deliberate self-harm.  相似文献   

目的探讨司法精神医学鉴定诊断为精神分裂症凶杀作案行为及作案后表现的特点。方法对43例司法精神医学鉴定中被诊断为精神分裂症的凶杀案例资料进行回顾性分析。结果精神分裂症占凶杀案例鉴定为有精神障碍总数的43%;被鉴定人作案先兆、动机、预谋、作案方式、作案后表现均有一定的特点。结论精神病理因素影响精神分裂症作案后的表现,综合分析作案行为及作案后的表现,有助于精神分裂症患者凶杀行为的辨认、控制能力评定。  相似文献   

现实动机作案与责任能力的关系   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
目的:探索司法精神医学鉴定中现实动机作案者与责任能力之间的关系。方法:分析78例现实动机作案者的责任能力。结果:除24例无精神病外,其余54种有各种精神障碍的作案者中有31例评定为限制责任能力,23例评定为完全责任能力,无1例能完全免除责任能力。结论:动机论适合于司法精神鉴定实践,现实动机作案者,不论其精神状态如何,均不能完全免除刑事责任。  相似文献   

精神分裂症193例暴力行为案例分析   总被引:28,自引:1,他引:27  
本文报道了193例具有暴力行为的精神分裂症病人并对其犯罪性质,手段,规律进行分析。犯罪以凶杀为主要方式。从疾病分型观察以偏执型为多(50.9%),其次为残留型(21.7%)。作案以被害、嫉妒、关系妄想和幻觉的精神症状为主而造成凶杀行为。本文指出为了加强预防和减少病人肇事,维护社会治安,应对各类精神病人积极治疗和管理,实行整个社会来监护。  相似文献   

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