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The mucosal immune system is uniquely adapted to elicit immune responses against pathogens but also to induce tolerogenic responses to harmless antigens. In mice, nasal application of ovalbumin (OVA) leads to suppression of both T(h)1 and T(h)2 responses. This tolerance can be transferred to naive mice by CD4(+) T(r) cells from the spleen. Using the allotypic Ly5 system, we were able to demonstrate in vivo that T(r) cells not only suppress naive CD4(+) T cells, but also induce them to differentiate into T(r) cells. The effector function of these mucosal T(r) cells is not restricted by cytokine polarization, since T(r) cells from T(h)1-tolerant mice can suppress a T(h)2 response and vice versa. Transfer of splenic CD4(+)CD25(+) and CD4(+)CD25(-) T cell subsets from OVA-tolerized mice revealed that both subsets were equally able to suppress a delayed-type hypersensitivity response in acceptor mice. In contrast to the CD25(-) T cell subset, the CD25(+) cells were not specific for the antigen used for tolerization. Together, these findings demonstrate a role for CD4(+)CD25(-) T(r) cells in mucosal tolerance, which suppresses CD4(+) T cells in an antigen-specific fashion, irrespective of initial T(h)1/T(h)2 skewing of the immune response. This offers a major advantage in the manipulation of mucosal tolerance for the treatment of highly cytokine-polarized disorders such as asthma and autoimmune diseases.  相似文献   

B7 2 (CD86) is essential for the development of IL-4-producing T cells   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The CD28/CTLA-4 ligands, B7–1 (CD80) and B7–2 (CD86),provide a co-stimulatory signal necessary for optimal T cellactivation. We have examined the effect of blocking B7–1and B7–2 in an in vitro system using ovalbumin-specificT cells from ß TCR-transgenic mice. This system allowedus to examine the interaction of B7 co-stimulators on physiologicantigen-presenting cells (APC) with antigen-specific T helperprecursor (Thp) cells. We report that blocking Thp/B7–1or B7–2 interactions in a primary response differentiallyaffects the cytokine profile observed in a secondary stimulation,even in the absence of additional anti-B7 antibody. Engagementof B7–2 in the primary stimulation was found to be essentialfor production of the Th2 cytokine, IL-4, but not the Th1 cytokines,IL-2 and IFN-, in a secondary stimulation. Conversely, inclusionof the anti-B7–1 mAb in cultures using highly purifiednaive T cells increased levels of IL-4 and significantly depressedlevels of IFN-, upon re-stimulation. The effect of the anti-B7–2mAb in reducing IL-4 production could be overcome by the additionof recombinant IL-4 in the primary stimulation. The effectsof the anti-B7–2 mAb appear to be due to blocking andnot cross-linking, as F(ab) fragments mimicked the intact antibody.Taken together, our data demonstrate that the interaction betweenThp and B7–2 favors the development of Th2 cells.  相似文献   

To determine the levels of maturation and differentiation ofmurine CD4 single-positive (SP) T cells, we compared the secondaryresponses of staphylococcal enterotoxin A (SEA)-induced neonatalthymic, adult thymic and adult splenic CD4 SP T cell blastsprepared from whole or heat-stable antigenlow CD4 SP T cells.Proliferative responses upon re-stimulation with SEA were strongin adult splenic CD4 SP T cell blasts, but quite weak in neonatalthymic and adult thymic CD4 SP T cell blasts. SEA-induced IL-2production was weaker in neonatal thymic blasts than in theadult splenic CD4 SP T cell blasts. In contrast, SEA-inducedIL-4 production was high in neonatal thymic CD4 SP T cell blasts,and low in adult splenic and thymic CD4 SP T cell blasts. Expressionof GATA-3, that directs production of IL-4 in T cells, examinedat protein and mRNA levels, was higher in neonatal thymic cellsthan in adult thymic and splenic cells. These results suggestthat neonatal and adult thymic CD4 SP T cells in the final stageof maturation are relatively immature compared with adult splenicCD4 SP T cells. The cytokine production profile of neonatalthymic CD4 SP T cells suggests that they are inclined towardsa Th2 response.  相似文献   

CD4(+) T cells with pre-defined MHC-unrestricted specificity to type II collagen (CII) were engineered for cell-based anti-inflammatory gene therapy of autoimmune arthritis. To this end, recombinant chimeric immunoreceptors, C2gamma or C2zeta, were expressed in primary mouse keyhole limpet hemocyanin (KLH)-specific T(h)1 and T(h)2 cells using retrovirus vector-based somatic cell gene transfer. The ectodomain of these tyrosine-based activation motif (ITAM)-containing immunoreceptors is a single-chain IgG variable domain of an anti-CII mAb. The engineered cells might arrest migration when they encounter CII in articular cartilage. Up to 19 and 55% of transduced CD4(+) T cells expressed respectively C2gamma and C2zeta. The expression of C2gamma or C2zeta on the surface of CD4(+) T cells was down-regulated upon binding CII, and cells activated in such a way proliferated, up-regulated CD25 expression and produced cytokines. Comparison of cytokine levels normalized by the number of producer cells revealed that C2gamma and C2zeta were as potent as TCR in the induction of IFN-gamma, but induced lower levels of IL-4. It appears that the reason why CD4(+) T cells stimulated through C2gamma and C2zeta produce low levels of IL-4 is a lack of integration between co-stimulatory signals required for the optimal production of this cytokine and the ITAM-dependent signals generated by the immunoreceptors. The significance of these data for the development of anti-inflammatory gene therapy based on CD4(+) T cells targeted to a tissue-specific protein is discussed.  相似文献   

DNA vaccination has been used to generate effective cellular as well as humoral immunity against target antigens. Here we have investigated the induction and involvement of regulatory T cell (T(reg)) responses in mediating prevention of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE), following vaccination with plasmid DNA encoding the TCR V(beta)8.2 chain predominantly displayed on disease-causing lymphocytes. Vaccination with DNA encoding the wild-type TCR results in priming of type 1 CD4 T(reg) and skewing of the global response to myelin basic protein in a T(h)2 direction, leading to significant protection from disease. In contrast, vaccination with mutant DNA encoding altered residues critically involved in recognition by the T(reg) results in priming of a type 2 regulatory response which fails to mediate immune deviation or protection from EAE. Control mice immunized with DNA, encoding TCR with changes at an irrelevant site, were protected from antigen-induced disease. Furthermore, protection can be transferred into naive recipients with CD4 T(reg) from wild-type DNA-immunized mice but not from animals vaccinated with the mutant DNA. These data suggest that vaccination with plasmid DNA encoding one or multiple V(beta) genes can be exploited to enhance natural regulatory responses for intervention in autoimmune conditions.  相似文献   

IL-4 is a cytokine which can be expressed by a number of cell types including Th2 cells, mast cells and a population of CD4+ NK1.1+ NK T cells. Although phenotypic markers exist for identifying each of these cell types, there is at present no known cell surface marker common to all IL-4-producing cells. Using gene targeting in embryonic stem cells, we have modified the IL-4 locus by knock-in of a transmembrane domain to generate mice that express a membrane-bound form of IL-4 (mIL-4). Flow cytometry using an IL-4-specific mAb allowed the detection of IL-secreting Th2 cells, mast cells and NK T cells from mIL-4 mice. Furthermore, the analysis of immune responses in mIL-4 mice following immunization with anti-CD3 and anti-IgD has allowed us to identify distinct subpopulations of IL-4-producing NK T cells. Thus, the expression of IL-4 in a membrane-bound form provides a novel method for the identification and characterization of IL-4-producing cells.  相似文献   

Naive CD4(+) T cells rapidly proliferate to generate effector cells after encountering an antigen and small numbers survive as memory T cells in preparation for future immunological events. In the present work, adoptive transfer of naive CD4(+) T cells into RAG2(-/-) mice caused the generation of memory-type effector T cells including T(h)1, T(h)2, T(h)17 and regulatory T cells, and eventually induced T cell-dependent colitis. We found here that blocking of the IL-6R with a specific mAb remarkably inhibited the CD4(+) T cell-mediated colitis in parallel with the inhibition of T(h)17 cell generation. However, the transfer of naive CD4(+) T cells prepared from IL-17(-/-) mice still induced severe colitis. At the effector phase, the mAb significantly inhibited IL-17 but not IFN-gamma production. The blockade of IL-6 signaling enhanced the generation of IL-4- and IL-10-producing CD4(+) T cells, and inhibited up-regulation of tumor necrosis factor -alpha mRNA expression in the colon. These findings clearly demonstrated that IL-6 is a critical factor for the induction of colitis by expansion of naive CD4(+) T cells in RAG2(-/-) mice. Thus, the IL-6-mediated signaling pathway may be a significant therapeutic target in T cell-mediated autoimmune diseases.  相似文献   

Experimental protocols for cancer immunotherapy include the utilization of autologous monocyte-derived dendritic cells (moDC) pulsed with tumor antigens. However, disease can alter the characteristics of monocyte precursors and some patients have increased numbers (up to 40%) of the minor CD16(+) monocyte subpopulation, which in healthy individuals represent 10% of blood monocytes. At the present, the capacity of CD16(+) monocytes to differentiate into DC has not been evaluated. Here, we investigated the ability of CD16(+) monocytes cultured with granulocyte- macrophage colony-stimulating factor, IL-4 and tumor necrosis factor-alpha to generate DC in vitro, and we compared them to DC derived from regular CD16(-) monocytes. Both monocyte subsets gave rise to cells with DC characteristics. They internalized soluble and particulate antigens similarly, and both were able to stimulate T cell proliferation in autologous and allogeneic cultures. Nevertheless, CD16(+) moDC expressed higher levels of CD86, CD11a and CD11c, and showed lower expression of CD1a and CD32 compared to CD16(-) moDC. Lipopolysaccharide-stimulated CD16(-) moDC expressed increased levels of IL-12 p40 mRNA and secreted greater amounts of IL-12 p70 than CD16(+) moDC, whereas levels of transforming growth factor-beta1 mRNA were higher on CD16(+) moDC. Moreover, CD4(+) T cells stimulated with CD16(+) moDC secreted increased amounts of IL-4 compared to those stimulated by CD16(-) moDC. These data demonstrate that both moDC are not equivalent, suggesting either that they reach different stages of maturation during the culture or that the starting monocytes belong to cell lineages with distinct differentiation capabilities.  相似文献   

Three distinct bone marrow (BM)-derived dendritic cells (BMDC) were expanded from BALB/c BM cells by culture with (i) granulocyte macrophage colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF) plus IL-3, (ii) GM-CSF, IL-3 plus T(h)1-biasing cytokines (IL-12 and IFN-gamma) or (iii) GM-CSF, IL-3 plus T(h)2-biasing cytokines (IL-4). All of these cells expressed the DC-specific marker CD11c, and were designated as BMDC0, BMDC1 and BMDC2 cells respectively. BMDC1 cells exhibited superior T cell-stimulating activity in allogeneic mixed lymphocyte culture (MLC), while BMDC2 showed inferior stimulating activity. Specifically, BMDC1, as compared with BMDC2, induced a higher frequency of IFN-gamma-producing CD8(+) T cells in MLC. Moreover, BMDC1, but not BMDC2, were strong inducers of H-2(d)-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) in MLC. BMDC0 always showed intermediate stimulatory activity; however, when BMDC0 were cultured with IFN-gamma, they differentiated into BMDC1-like stimulator cells concomitant with the up-regulation of both MHC antigens and co-stimulatory molecules. In contrast, BMDC2 were refractory to differentiation into superior stimulator cells by treatment with IFN-gamma, although this treatment enhanced MHC expression. These findings indicate that T(h)1- and T(h)2-biasing cytokines, in addition to their effect on T(h) cell differentiation, may play a critical role in the functional skewing of DC. These findings have important implications for the development of DC-based immunotherapies.  相似文献   

Activation of nalve dense CD4+ T cells by plate-bound anti-CD3antibodies favors the development of Th1 cells which, upon re-stimulation,produce significant amounts of INF- but no IL-4. However, co-activationof such naive T cells in the presence of IgE [anti-dlnitrophenyl(DNP)]-loaded bone marrow-derived mast cells (BMMC) on platescoated with anti-CD3 antibodies and DNP-BSA led to the developmentof IL-4-produclng Th2 cells. The same result could be observedif irradiated (800 rad) BMMC were applied as co-stimulators.Moreover, BMMC could be replaced by the supernatant of IgE-activatedBMMC suggesting that a soluble mediator, presumably IL-4, wasresponsible for this effect. This assumption was substantiatedusing neutralizing anti-IL-4 antibodies which abolished theBMMC-medlated Th2 development in all cases. Addition of IL-12,a cytokine that was shown to antagonize the Th2-promoting effectof IL-4 in vivo, could not inhibit the development of IL-4-producingT cells, but gave rise to a T cell population which producedrelatively high amounts of IL-4 and IFN-. Since BMMC representthe in vitro equivalent of mucosai mast cells these data suggestthat IgE-activated mucosai mast cells can bias an emerging Tcell dependent Immune response towards a Th2 dominated reactionby the initial production of IL-4.  相似文献   

Regulation of the IL-12 receptor (IL-12R) beta2 chain has been suggested to function as a molecular switch in determining T cell phenotype. However, because most studies have been carried out under conditions in which cell proliferation was occurring, it has been difficult to distinguish between instructive and selective mechanisms in regulating this key receptor. Here, in the course of trying to understand the mechanism for synergy between IL-12 and TNF-alpha in up-regulating IFN-gamma production, we find that when the stimulus through the TCR is too weak to induce cell proliferation, which would be needed for selection, IL-12 and TNF-alpha synergize to up-regulate not only IFN-gamma, but also the IL-12Rbeta2 chain, which triggers IFN-gamma production. Neither cytokine alone was sufficient. This observation held true both in the absence of antigen-presenting cells (APC), when the stimulus was anti-CD3 on plastic, and in the presence of APC presenting ovalbumin peptide to TCR-transgenic T cells. In contrast, when the TCR signal was stronger, no cytokines were necessary to up-regulate the IL-12R. Our results support the strength of signal model in instructing Th phenotype, and suggest both an instructive role and, later, through the production of IFN-gamma, a selective role, of this synergistic combination of cytokines in the preferential differentiation and expansion of Th1 cells.  相似文献   

CD4CD25 regulatory T lymphocytes in allergy and asthma   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Shi HZ  Qin XJ 《Allergy》2005,60(8):986-995

In this study we have investigated the capacity of human fetalthymocytes to differentiate in vitro into subsets of T cellswith polarized Th1 or Th2 cytokine profiles. Stimulation offreshly isolated human fetal thymocytes with anti-CD3 mAb, cross-linkedonto CD32,CD58,CD80-expressing mouse fibroblasts and subsequentculture in the presence of exogenous rIL-2 for 6 days, inducedthe production of both IL-4 and IFN-, which was mainly producedby CD4+ single-positive (SP) and CD8+ SP cells respectively.Addition of rIL-4 during priming augmented IL-4 production incultures of human fetal thymocytes, which was mainly due toan increased production of IL-4 by CD8SP cells. In contrast,addition of IL-4 to the cultures only slightly enhanced IL-4production and had little effect on frequencies of IL-4-producingCD4SP cells. Both CD4SP and CD8SP cells produced IL-5, IL-10and IL-13 at comparable levels, following priming in the presenceof rIL-4. Priming in the presence of rIL-12 strongly enhancedthe production of IFN- in both CD4SP and CD8SP cells. No correlationbetween expression of CD27, CD30 and CD60, and a particularcytokine profile of differentiated thymocytes could be demonstrated.Together, these results demonstrate the full capacity of fetalhuman thymocytes to differentiate into cytokine-producing Tcells in a priming milieu with appropriate stimulatory moleculesand exogenous cytokines. In addition, CD4SP thymocytes rapidlydifferentiate into polarized Th2 cells following stimulationin vitro in the absence of exogenous rIL-4.  相似文献   

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