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我国性病疫情的过去、现在与将来 总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27
张君炎 《中华流行病学杂志》1998,(2):118
当前,我国性病流行已是一个突出的社会问题。发病人数逐年上升,发病地区不断扩大,危害日益严重。1995年全国性病报告病例362654例,报告发病率为30.71/10万,比1994年(26.04/10万)上升18.00%。许多地区的性病发病率,在传染病发病顺位中已名列前茅(第2、3位),如不大力加强预防与控制,预计今后疫情会继续发展蔓延。5~10年后,我国将有可能是以性病为主要传染病病种的时期。“九五”期间以及“九五”以后,我国性病、艾滋病的防治任务将更为艰巨繁重。近20余年来,性病原来的概念逐渐被性传播疾病(STD)这一新的概念所替代。其范围与内容也扩大了,… 相似文献
宜宾市翠屏区1991-2000年性病疫情分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
为了解宜宾市性病流行趋势和流行特征 ,为宜宾市制定性病防治对策提供可靠依据。本文对宜宾市翠屏区 1991-2 0 0 0年性病疫情做了简要分析 ,结果报告如下。1 资料来源疫情资料来源于宜宾市翠屏区防疫站疫情统计室 ,人口资料来源于宜宾市统计局。2 结果2 1 发病情况 1991-2 0 0 0年宜宾市翠屏区共报告性病病例112 2 9例 ,发病率波动在 5 2 0 6/ 10万~ 419 95 / 10万之间 ,年平无发病率为 15 5 73 / 10万 ,(表 1)。 1992年性病发病率最低 ,为 5 2 0 6/ 10万 ,1999年发病率最高 ,为 419 95 / 10万 ,1991-2 0 0 0年性病发病呈上升趋势… 相似文献
我国性病流行和控制工作情况以及面临的挑战 总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18
建国前,估计我国约有性病病人1000万。建国后,党和政府采取了一系列措施,性病特别是梅毒的发病率迅速下降,在1964年我国曾宣布基本上消除了性病。 相似文献
目的了解南通市崇川区性病发病趋势及流行特征。方法对2008—2011年性病资料进行流行病学分析。结果 4年共报告性病3 283例,年均发病率为128.61/10万,发病率呈先升后降趋势;病种以梅毒(占45.57%)和淋病(占22.24%)为主,梅毒与生殖道沙眼衣原体感染所占比重呈上升趋势,淋病等其他性病呈下降趋势;发病人群中女性病例所占比例逐年增加;20~59岁(占87.53%)为高发年龄;职业以工人和家务待业居多(60.10%)。结论 2008—2011年崇川区性病疫情处于较高的流行状态,应高度重视性病防控工作。 相似文献
濮阳市1997~2002年性病疫情分析 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
我市于1997年开展性病监测及疫情报告以来,性病疫情出现了一些新的变化趋势和特点,及时掌握新的趋势的特点,对制定与之相适应的防治策略是十分必要的,现将濮阳市1997~2002年性病疫情动态分析如下. 相似文献
目的了解湖北省性传播疾病的流行特点,指导全省性病防治。方法用性病疫情管理软件和Excel对2004年湖北省77个地(市)、县上报的性病疫情资料进行统计分析。结果2004年湖北省累计报告性病病例22921例,较2003年下降了3.97%,发病率为38.867/10万。其中男性病例占报告病例总数的60.33%,女性病例占报告病例总数的39.67%,男女病例数之比为1.52:1.20~岁组占33.91%,30~岁组占37.33%,40~岁组占17.04%。0~岁和1~岁两个年龄组占0.87%。结论2004年湖北省性病疫情与2003年相比虽有所下降,但艾滋病已进入快速增长期,预防和控制性病的任务仍十分艰巨。患者主要集中在20~岁组和30~岁组两个年龄组。儿童患者的数量有明显的升高。性病的防治重点应放在青壮年和婴幼儿人群。 相似文献
永嘉县1999年性病疫情分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
为了解本县性病的发展趋势 ,及时掌握流行动态 ,为制订防治对策提供依据 ,我们对 1999年全县性病疫情进行了流行病学分析 ,结果报告如下。资料与方法1 资料来源 全县各级医疗单位已确诊为性病并填报的性病报告卡和上级医疗单位反馈的性病报告卡。2 方法 按性病报告卡填报内容逐项统计分析。结 果1 病种构成 1999年全县报告性病 6种 ,计 35 6例 ,年报告发病率为 40 72 /10万。淋病居首位 ,为 2 3 5 6 /10万 ;尖锐湿疣次之 ,为 13 0 4/10万 ;软下疳、性病性淋巴肉芽肿无病例报告 ;见表 1。表 1 永嘉县 1999年性病报告发病率 (1/10… 相似文献
E Gir T M Moriya M L Robazzi M H de Oliveira S M Bueno A A Machado 《Revista de saúde pública》1991,25(3):226-229
The concepts regarding sexually transmitted diseases (STD) of 41 (63.07%) dustmen of a country town in S. Paulo State, Brazil, are presented in order to provide support for the preparation of health education programmes on STD for this and similar populational groups. The data collected from interviews with these workers show that a considerable number of them have inadequate concepts about STD. These results demonstrate the lack of information and education on this subject, and the need to implement educational activities. 相似文献
Sexually transmitted diseases pose a health threat to families, society and the nation but there is no report of these diseases to help health planners in Bauchi. Medical records were examined from 1983 to 1988 in two major health institutions, the University Medical Centre and the Specialist Hospital to determine the extent and types of these diseases in Bauchi.
Urethritis, syphilis, candidiasis, pelvic inflammatory diseases, trichomoniasis were very common. Gonorrhoea was the least reported disease.
The cases of syphilis reported at the Specialist Hospital nearly doubled from 111 in 1983 to 214 in 1988, urethritis increased from 141 to 232. In the University Medical Centre, all reported cases of sexually transmitted diseases decreased from 1983 to 1988.
Data analysis of cases common to the Specialist Hospital and the University Medical Centre gave no significant difference between the institutions at the 95% level of confidence. 相似文献
Leslie C. Norins 《Preventive medicine》1974,3(4):494-499
Sexually transmitted diseases continue to be major health problems. Syphilis and gonorrhea merit their traditional importance but other conditions (genital herpes infection, trichomoniasis, chlamydia infection, and public lice infestation) are also of a magnitude deserving attention. Current failure to control these conditions has prompted renewed interest in detection and prophylaxis, and the accelerated pace of current research promises many advances in the next few years. 相似文献
H H Handsfield 《Hospital practice (Office ed.)》1982,17(1):99-109, 113-6
The "traditional" venereal diseases account for a small fraction of the sexually transmitted diseases prevalent in industrialized societies. The clinical as well as the public health impact of the widening range of STDs is discussed. 相似文献
Young F 《The journal of family health care》2007,17(5):175-178
Under the National Sexual Health Strategy, some sexual health services are sited in primary care. Men are increasingly approaching primary care services about sexual health and professionals should be able to give accurate advice and refer them to the appropriate services. This article offers the non-specialist nurse an overview of the topic, including references to current clinical management and treatment guidelines. It discusses how and when to refer patients for a specialist opinion. 相似文献
PURPOSE: Persistence of sexually transmitted infections (STI) in a population is due to the activities of a small proportion of the population with STI, who transmit infection on average to one or more susceptible sex partners during an infectious period. Within these groups, the average number of transmissions by infectious people to susceptible people in a closed group is measured by the reproductive number; a threshold, above which endemic infection is likely occur and below which, in the rest of the population, it is unlikely to occur. We hypothesized that people with repeated bacterial STI's and their sex partners include the theoretical core group and that they differ from singly infected noncore individuals. METHODS: Data on infected individuals and nominated sex partners for the years 1990-1992 were extracted from the notifiable disease and health insurance registries in Manitoba, Canada. Individuals with repeated gonorrhea, chlamydia and coinfected infections were compared using logistic regression, and reproductive numbers were calculated using sex partner data. RESULTS: Of the three groups, the coinfected were youngest, and they were largely of aboriginal descent and had the lowest incomes. Repeaters were older; they had higher incomes, and there were fewer aboriginal people in this group. Chlamydia repeaters had even higher incomes, and this group comprised the least number of aboriginal people. The reproductive numbers showed the same gradient; (1.09, 1.01, and 2.41, respectively.) CONCLUSIONS: These data show that these groups do not contribute equally to STI endemicity and indicate that sexual network structure affects epidemic thresholds. 相似文献