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骶髂关节的解剖及生物力学研究进展   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
骶髂关节的解剖及生物力学研究进展钱齐荣①综述贾连顺①审校由于骶髂关节特殊的解剖位置及形态特点,关节活动度很小,而放射学检查难以清晰显示,增加了认识和诊断其疾患的难度,骶髂关节的研究显得极为欠缺。以至于Lavignole等[1]指出:迄今为止,骶髂关节...  相似文献   

目的:分析骶髂关节的三维运动。方法:应用7具新鲜标本,在双侧髂骨和骶骨各置入三个5mm的钢珠,在双侧髋关节不同位置下进行CT扫描,将CT信号传入计算机,确定每个钢珠中心点,并以钢珠的三维框架为基础进行分析。结果:骶髂关节的活动范围在矢状面最大(左7°,右8°),并通过比较不同髋关节的位置信号分析了骶髂关节的运动方向,髂后上棘相对骶骨的线性运动为4~8mm。结论:髋关节的位置可以诱发骶髂关节的最大活动,骶髂关节运动也影响腰骶关节的活动,可直接或间接地引起下腰痛  相似文献   

关节的近侧环节及其运动   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
吴环成 《解剖学杂志》2005,28(1):17-17,64
关节可理解为由远、近两个环节构成。近头端的环节为近侧环节,远离头端的环节为远侧环节。正确地认识关节的组成,有利于描述环节的运动,有利于科学地分析体育技术动作,更有利于体育技术动作的教学与训练。  相似文献   

腰椎小关节的生物力学研究:三维有限元分析   总被引:20,自引:1,他引:20  
作者对于腰椎小关节进行了三维有限元分析。结果表明,腰椎小关节在直立位、前屈位和后伸位时,均出现明显的应力集中。而腰椎间盘退变时,其应力水平又较正常时升高。作者认为,腰椎小关节过载可能是引起腰背疼痛的原因之一。腰椎间盘退变可使小关节承载加大。引起小关节的一系列病理变化,进而导致神经根管狭窄及神经根卡压。  相似文献   

探讨如何既可达到牢固的固定,同时又可最大限度地保留脊柱的运动功能,这将是未来脊柱内固定生物力学发展的趋势。人工寰齿关节的研制是既能重建寰枢关节稳定性,又能保留寰枢关节旋转功能的可行性技术。作者从人工寰齿关节的生物力学学研究、人工寰齿关节设计要求及原理、人工寰齿关节置入的可行性分析、人工寰齿关节置换术适应证等方面综述了近年来的一些研究进展。  相似文献   

吴环成  胡燕 《解剖学杂志》2005,28(4):415-415,435
关节近头端的近侧环节的运动也围绕运动轴进行。关节面的形状决定了关节的运动轴,环节绕运动轴的转动界定在人体的基本面内。由于运动时,上一个关节的旋转将改变下一个关节的解剖学方位,所以,在描述近侧环节的运动时,还应有人体解剖学标准姿势作为参照系。  相似文献   

关节软骨粘弹性的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作者通过单轴向压缩试验,对正常人体关节软骨的粘弹性进行了实验研究,在定载荷条件下测定了材料的蠕变曲线,1秒末的瞬时弹性模量和5分钟的蠕变模型,并将其与椎间盘纤维环的力学性质进行了比较。  相似文献   

目的探讨距舟关节的三维运动范围及其在足运动中的作用.方法采用12例新鲜青壮年小腿足标本,牢固地固定胫骨,标记距骨和足舟骨,分别对足前部加载不同的负荷,使前足处于特定的不同运动状态,用三维数字化仪测量标记点的三维坐标值,计算距舟关节的相对三维运动值,分析距舟关节和前足的运动范围及两者间的关系.结果前足相对胫骨的单一跖屈-背屈运动范围为84.1°±6.2°,内翻-外翻为61.8°±5.1°,内收-外展为49.3°±5.0°,在上述前足的单纯运动过程中,距舟关节的上述三维运动范围依次为18.3°±4.9°、32.3°±4.7°和28.37°±4.0°,分别占前足相应运动范围的21.8%、52.2%、和57.5%.结论距舟关节具有较大的三维运动范围,在前足的三维运动和足板的扭曲变形运动中发挥重要作用,并对踝关节的跖屈-背屈运动具有一定的代偿作用.  相似文献   

关节炎是一种常见的慢性疾病,最常见的是骨关节炎和类风湿关节炎两种,我国目前关节炎患者估计有1亿以上,且人数还在不断增加。近年来,关节疾病正向年轻人和白领一族靠拢,这是因为现代人生活中的运动幅度和运动量远远不能满足关节  相似文献   

本文对5只猕猴膝关节进行了扭转和拉伸实验,了载荷变形关系曲线,经过转换得出载荷与损伤关系曲一,这些结果为下肢系统方案设计提供了定量数据;在临床上节损伤的处治民帮助。  相似文献   

运动分析是研究人体运动的一门学问。通过对运动过程的分析和研究,可以简化运动过程,方便运动标准化、提高运动效率。目前运动分析技术已广泛应用在医疗、运动科学、康复、娱乐等领域。从临床来说,运动分析己被运用于各种神经骨骼肌肉系统相关的疾病诊断、个性化治疗规划,也是评估治疗效果与医疗器材,包括骨科植入物、矫辅具以及康复器材的重要客观科学工具。未来运动分析方法的进步,将同时带动骨科、康复科、精准个体化医疗和医学工程等领域的进步。本文从骨科生物力学的角度,介绍运动分析的发展简史、现代常见的运动捕捉技术与设备、运动分析的临床应用与限制以及未来运动分析可能的发展方向。  相似文献   

基于运动学和动力学参数的步态识别研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了通过步态进行身份鉴别 ,采用模式识别的方法进行基于步态运动学和动力学参数的步态识别 ,提出了对步态运动学参数中关节角度、动力学参数中地面垂直支反力 (VGRF)进行特征提取的方法。对 14名健康男性受试者的步态进行了识别实验。结果显示 ,基于关节角度的识别准确率 (CCR)为 87.1 (k-近邻法中 k=1)和90 (k=3) ;基于 VGRF的 CCR为 85 .7 (k=1)和 80 (k=3)。另外 ,从多元统计学的角度对实验数据进行分析证明了通过步态进行身份鉴别的可行性。同时 ,主成分分析显示 ,在 VGRF曲线中 ,对步态识别起比较重要作用的是足部接触地面瞬间的部分。  相似文献   



Cutting maneuvers have been implicated as a mechanism of noncontact anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries in collegiate female basketball players.


To investigate knee kinematics and kinetics during running when the width of a single step, relative to the path of travel, was manipulated, a lateral false-step maneuver.


Crossover design.


University biomechanics laboratory.

Patients or Other Participants:

Thirteen female collegiate basketball athletes (age  =  19.7 ± 1.1 years, height  =  172.3 ± 8.3 cm, mass  =  71.8 ± 8.7 kg).


Three conditions: normal straight-ahead running, lateral false step of width 20% of body height, and lateral false step of width 35% of body height.

Main Outcome Measure(s):

Peak angles and internal moments for knee flexion, extension, abduction, adduction, internal rotation, and external rotation.


Differences were noted among conditions in peak knee angles (flexion [P < .01], extension [P  =  .02], abduction [P < .01], and internal rotation [P < .01]) and peak internal knee moments (abduction [P < .01], adduction [P < .01], and internal rotation [P  =  .03]). The lateral false step of width 35% of body height was associated with larger peak flexion, abduction, and internal rotation angles and larger peak abduction, adduction, and internal rotation moments than normal running. Peak flexion and internal rotation angles were also larger for the lateral false step of width 20% of body height than for normal running, whereas peak extension angle was smaller. Peak internal rotation angle increased progressively with increasing step width.


Performing a lateral false-step maneuver resulted in changes in knee kinematics and kinetics compared with normal running. The differences observed for lateral false steps were consistent with proposed mechanisms of ACL loading, suggesting that lateral false steps represent a hitherto neglected mechanism of noncontact ACL injury.  相似文献   

Three-dimensional joint rotations in human movement analysis have been mainly described by Euler/Cardan angles. Due to sequence dependence, each combination of three Euler/Cardan angles defines a single pattern of joint rotation. When the rotation pattern is unknown, it needs to be considered using a particular sequence of Euler/Cardan angles to represent joint rotations. In this paper a spherical rotation coordinate system is developed for describing three-dimensional joint rotations using a method of rotation involving two steps: a long axis rotation and a pure axial rotation. Two angles of the classical spherical coordinate system--longitude and latitude--are used to describe long axis rotations in this newly proposed coordinate system. The spherical rotation coordinate system uses a radial rotation angle to describe pure axial rotation of a limb segment whereas the classical spherical coordinate system uses a radial displacement to describe motion of a point. An application of the spherical rotation coordinate system is given to define three-dimensional rotations of the glenohumeral joint. A mathematical proof shows that the long axis rotation and axial rotation are sequence independent. Two numerical examples are investigated which demonstrate that the spherical rotation angles can be uniquely determined in both forward and inverse kinematics without considering sequences rotations.  相似文献   

步态参数分析是神经疾病康复的重要评估手段,能够方便、准确的测量人体下肢步态参数具有重要意义。本研究把人体下肢简化为由铰链连接的串联多刚体,利用三维运动捕捉仪检测脚尖与髋关节空间坐标与姿态,根据机器人逆运动学的方法计算下肢关节角度。通过测量人体骨骼模型的关节角度,分析逆运动学方法的精度与可靠性,分析显示逆运动学法计算的关节角度算术平均误差为3.12°,具有小于10%的最大允许误差,且其与向量法计算数据在0.01水平上是显著相关的。本研究提出的逆运动学方法能够保证计算精度与可靠性,减少了测量需要的标识点数目和点滑移对测量的影响,增加了测量的方便性。  相似文献   

天然关节及人工关节的润滑机理探讨   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
对人类天然关节及人工关节的润滑机理进行了探讨。简要回顾了关节润滑研究的发展历史。对关节润滑中的一些关键问题进行了讨论。另外,对关节润滑机理的研究成果如何在临床实践中应用也进行了讨论。  相似文献   

韧带是稳定膝关节的主要组成部分。如何在生物力学模型中模拟韧带将会影响膝关节动力学特性以及韧带力.韧带应变和接触力分布的计算。本文就韧带在生物力学模型中的简化方法及其力学参数的选择以作一综述.并提出建模的具体方法。  相似文献   


We assessed the effects of using a passive back-support exoskeleton (BSE) on lower limb joint kinematics and kinetics during level walking. Twenty young, healthy participants completed level walking trials while wearing a BSE (backXTM) with three different levels of hip-extension support torque (i.e., no torque, low, and high) and in a control condition (no-BSE). When hip extension torques were required for gait—initial 0–10% and final 75–100% of the gait cycle—the BSE with high supportive torque provided ~ 10 Nm of external hip extension torque at each hip, resulting in beneficial changes in participants’ gait patterns. Specifically, there was a ~ 10% reduction in muscle-generated hip extension torque and ~ 15–20% reduction in extensor power. During the stance-swing transition, however, BSE use produced undesirable changes in lower limb kinematics (e.g., 5–20% increase in ankle joint velocity) and kinetics (e.g., ~ 10% increase in hip flexor, knee extensor, and ankle plantarflexor powers). These latter changes likely stemmed from the need to increase mechanical energy for propelling the leg into the swing phase. BSE use may thus increase the metabolic cost of walking. Whether such use also leads to muscle fatigue and/or postural instability in long-distance walking needs to be confirmed in future work.


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