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The pharmacodynamic activity of noradrenaline was evaluated comparatively in vitro on isolated human bronchi and on guinea pig tracheal spirals. Noradrenaline exerted a contractile effect on both preparations under resting tone and in the presence of propranolol 10(-6) M; maximal noradrenaline-induced contraction was 15-20% of maximal acetylcholine (ACh)-induced contraction. Without propranolol, the contractile effect of noradrenaline was negligible when the preparations were under resting tone and absent when they were precontracted with ACh. In contrast, noradrenaline exerted a strongly relaxant effect on both human bronchi (-log ED50 5.24 +/- 0.17; N = 5) and guinea pig tracheae (-log ED50 6.15 +/- 0.29; N = 8). With maximal contraction induced by ACh 3.10(-3) M the -log ED50 of both preparations were shifted to the right by functional antagonism and became 4.72 +/- 0.17 and 5.31 +/- 0.11, respectively. The pKD values of noradrenaline, calculated according to Furchgott and Bursztyn (1967), were 4.79 +/- 0.04 in human bronchi (N = 5) and 4.77 +/- 0.16 in guinea-pig tracheae (N = 8). In the presence of cocaine plus phenoxybenzamine these values were not significantly modified in human bronchi and only slightly modified in guinea pig tracheae. It is concluded that noradrenaline induces a strong beta-adrenergic response and a negligible alpha-adrenergic response from both human bronchi and guinea pig tracheae in vitro.  相似文献   

目的探讨P物质及其受体神经激肽1(NK-1)在体外培养的肺癌细胞系A549中的表达及免疫细胞化学定位,并进一步研究NK-1受体拮抗剂SR140333对A549细胞的影响。方法用放入盖玻片的6孔板进行A549肺癌细胞系的培养,第3天将盖玻片取出进行免疫细胞化学染色;另取培养3 d后的细胞加入SR140333,48 h后应用免疫细胞化学染色方法检测P物质和NK-1的表达。结果 A549细胞系中P物质和NK-1呈阳性表达,P物质阳性表达主要位于胞浆,而NK-1阳性表达主要位于胞膜和胞浆。加入SR140333的A549细胞P物质和NK-1阳性表达明显低于仅加入培养液的细胞,差异有显著性(t=11.54、14.58,P〈0.05)。结论 P物质和NK-1可能通过神经内分泌机制参与肺癌的发病过程,SR140333可抑制A549细胞P物质及NK-1的阳性表达。  相似文献   

目的研究P物质在BARRETT食管(BE)黏膜组织中的表达,探讨其在BE发病中的作用。方法应用免疫组织化学方法测定P物质在正常对照组(n=25)及BE组(n=58)中的表达,并比较P物质在不同化生程度、伴或不伴胆汁反流BE组中表达的差异。结果 P物质在BE中的表达低于对照组,且胃化生(+)BE组P物质表达高于肠化生(+)BE组,差异均有显著性(t=9.98、3.25,P〈0.05);伴胆汁反流BE组P物质表达明显低于不伴胆汁反流BE组(t=3.04,P〈0.05),而伴胆汁反流BE组肠化生阳性率高于不伴胆汁反流BE组,差异有显著性(χ2=4.99,P〈0.05)。结论 BE组存在P物质分泌失调,其可能在BE的发生发展中起着一定作用;胆汁反流可能影响BE黏膜P物质的分泌,而与肠化生的发生可能有关。  相似文献   

目的 评价多层螺旋CT仿真支气管镜 (CTVB)对儿童气管、支气管异物的诊断价值。方法 对 12例临床高度怀疑气管、支气管异物的患儿行多层螺旋CT(MSCT)仿真支气管镜检查 ,自下咽部至膈面行轴位容积扫描 ,扫描后将容积数据传至GEAW 4 0工作站 ,运用Navigator功能软件获得CTVB图像 ,部分病例进行MPVR重建 ,结合CT原始图像进行诊断 ,并与纤维支气管镜检查对照。结果  6例位于主支气管 ;2例位于气管 ,异物有花生米碎片 3例 ;玉米 2例 ;花生壳、黄豆及桃酥碎片各 1例 ;痰栓 4例。经纤维支气管镜取出异物或吸痰等治疗。结论 CTVB是一种非侵入性、无痛苦、安全、易为儿童所接受的检查方法 ,对儿童气管、支气管异物的诊断、术前筛选、定位、了解手术路径及术后复查等有很大的价值。  相似文献   

Experiments were designed to investigate further the alterations in calcium metabolism caused by inaktin, a thiobarbiturate that impairs parathyroid hormone action in rats (1981). Treatment with an anesthetic dose of inaktin induced a drop in serum calcium without any variation in immunoreactive parathyroid hormone serum level and slowed body calcium turnover as studied with 45Ca, but was without effect on blood pH or partial pressures of oxygen and carbon dioxide. In contrast, calcium metabolism in rats was unchanged after treatment with an anesthetic dose of pentothal, another thiobarbiturate anesthetic. The effect of inaktin on body calcium turnover was dose-dependent and significant even at non-anesthetic levels. A marked slowing of the fast phenomena accounting for the initial dilution of the tracer in the animal was observed, accompanied by a corresponding decrease in rapid 45Ca uptake into bone, but not other tissues. These results show that inaktin slows calcium turnover, especially the fast renewal of calcium in bone. These effects were not correlated with anesthesia or immobilization, and we suggest that inaktin-induced changes in calcium metabolism involve an impairment of hypocalcemia-induced parathyroid hormone secretion, in addition to the impairment of parathyroid hormone effects previously reported. Furthermore, the present findings suggest that inaktin might be a useful tool for investigation of the rapid mobilization of bone calcium, which is as yet not well understood.  相似文献   

目的研究P物质及其受体神经激肽1(NK-1)在乳癌组织表达及意义。方法采用免疫组织化学染色法检测P物质及NK-1在乳癌以及导管上皮非典型增生、纤维腺瘤、腺病及导管内乳头状瘤等良性病变组织表达。结果 P物质和NK-1在乳癌组织阳性表达率分别为74.76%(77/103)和87.38%(90/103),二者表达水平与乳癌组织学分级呈正相关(r=0.253、0.228,P〈0.05)。P物质和NK-1在5例乳腺导管上皮不典型增生组织均呈阳性,而在5例纤维腺瘤及6例腺病中均呈阴性。3例导管内乳头状瘤均未见P物质表达,而2例存在NK-1的阳性表达。结论 P物质及NK-1参与了乳癌的发病过程,为乳癌诊断提供了新的可能的免疫组化指标。  相似文献   

A number of the properties of the L-asparaginase present in guinea pig serum have been examined and shown to be indistinguishable from those of the agent responsible for inhibiting cells of lymphoma 6C3HED in vivo. The patterns of instability of the enzyme to changes in temperature and pH were found to parallel closely those of the antilymphoma agent. L-Asparaginase activity was essentially absent from the serum of newborn guinea pigs and this failed to inhibit 6C3HED cells. On separating guinea pig serum proteins by salt precipitation, electrophoresis, and chromatography on DEAE cellulose, antilymphoma activity was found only in fractions which contained L-asparaginase.  相似文献   

目的探讨P物质及其受体神经激肽1(NK-1)在体外培养的结肠癌细胞系RKO中的表达及免疫细胞化学定位。方法将RKO细胞接种于提前放入盖玻片的6孔板进行细胞培养,细胞融合30%时将盖玻片取出进行免疫细胞化学染色。结果在RKO细胞系中P物质和NK-1呈阳性表达,P物质阳性表达多数位于细胞浆;而NK-1阳性表达多数位于细胞浆,少数位于细胞膜。结论神经内分泌机制可能参与了结肠癌的发病过程。  相似文献   

Summary— The interactions of calcium antagonists or channel activators with the different classes of calcium channel are reviewed with particular emphasis on interactions with neuronal tissue; reasons for the failure of calcium antagonists to inhibit neurotransmitter release under normal circumstances are outlined. Calcium antagonists may be protective in several pathological situations and the possibilities of protection against ischaemic damage in the central nervous system are evaluated.  相似文献   

目的 :观察头痛宁胶囊对偏头痛大鼠中脑P物质(Substance P,SP)mRNA表达的影响。方法 :健康Wistar大鼠24只,随机分4组:A组:生理盐水对照组,B组:生理盐水+偏头痛组,C组:头痛宁胶囊对照组,D组:头痛宁胶囊+偏头痛组。A、B组灌胃给予生理盐水2 ml/d,C、D组灌胃给予头痛宁胶囊0.375 g/kg/d,4组均连续给药7 d。给药结束后,B、D组给予硝酸甘油制备偏头痛模型,A、C组给予同剂量花生油对照,2 h后处死大鼠,取中脑。应用实时定量PCR技术,对各组大鼠中脑P物质mRNA进行绝对定量。结果 :大鼠中脑P物质mRNA拷贝数A组、C组和D组高于B组(P<0.05),A组、C组和D组之间无显著性差异(P>0.05)。结论 :头痛宁胶囊通过上调偏头痛大鼠中脑P物质表达,发挥治疗偏头痛的作用。  相似文献   

If we now consider briefly the principal results of our investigation, we can, in comparing the behavior of the thyroid after auto- and homeoplastic transplantation, in general recognize three stages. In the first stage, comprising the first 4 to 5 days after transplantation, there is no noticeable difference between the auto- and homeograft; both corresponding pieces behave in the main alike; large parts of both grafts become necrotic in the center; the necrosis begins shortly after the transplantation and concerns only a part of the periphery; here a narrow zone of thyroid tissue is left; it consists of one to two rows of partly well recognizable follicles. After 48 hours the first fibroblasts, polynuclear leucocytes, and lymphocytes appear in the tissue surrounding the grafts. After 72 hours these elements are present also in the center of the thyroid tissue. At the same date the first mitoses appear in the follicular epithelium; their number is, however, as yet small, but it increases markedly during the following days. After 4 days are found the first newly formed follicles, and from now on their number is increasing. Colloid is present only in small amounts in the old follicles. The central necrotic area still persists, but the masses of detritus are becoming smaller, while the number of fibroblasts and lymphocytes in the necrotic part is increasing; new blood vessels are also visible in the necrotic center. The second stage, the stage of transition, extends over the next seven days. The earliest, at first slight, differences between the auto- and homeograft appear after 5 days; the difference is usually very definite after 12 days. During this time there is an increase in the number of follicles in the autograft and correspondingly a decrease in the size of the necrotic central area, which is caused by a gradually progressing removal of the necrotic material in the center of the piece. The follicles are lined with a high cylindrical epithelium, which contains numerous mitoses. The number of mitoses increases markedly after the 4th day and reaches a maximum between the 7th and 9th days. Newly produced colloid is always present in the autograft after the 8th day; in the newly formed follicles the colloid contains numerous vacuoles and is almost never retracted, in contradistinction to the solid retracted colloid in the old follicles, which probably was present in the follicles at the time of transplantation. At the end of this period the central part is almost entirely freed from the necrotic masses and is filled with loosely arranged connective tissue cells, between which isolated lymphocytes and polynuclear leucocytes can be found. It contains also numerous blood vessels and brown blood pigment cells. After 5 days, with the beginning of the second stage, the first as yet rather insignificant differences become noticeable in the homeotransplants. They are as follows: (1) The number of lymphocytes is much larger in the homeo- than in the autograft. (2) The fibroblasts are increased in the central area and these fibroblasts form here very soon firm connective tissue bundles; they surround also the individual follicles or small groups of follicles and form fibrous bands, which are at this stage still very small. During the following days the number of lymphocytes increases and the fibrous connective tissue becomes more prominent, so that 7, 9, 10, and 11 days after transplantation numerous follicles are not only destroyed by the surrounding and invading lymphocytes, but in addition a part of the follicles is encircled and compressed by wide connective tissue bands. This compression is especially distinct in the central parts of the homeografts. At this stage the absence of a well developed vascular system is already noticeable in the central parts of the homeografts. It is especially noteworthy that the follicles of the homeograft which escaped destruction by the lymphocytes and connective tissue are as well preserved as in the autograft. Colloid is usually present in smaller amounts than in the autografts, even in the well preserved follicles of the homeografts. It must, however, be stated that some variations occur in this stage in the degree of destruction of the homeotransplanted pieces. Side by side with pieces in which a marked destruction has taken place, there are other pieces which suffered as yet relatively little. But some of the above mentioned differences between the auto- and homeotransplants are always present to a smaller or larger extent. There are also certain variations in the relative strength, with which lymphocytes and connective tissue injure the follicles; in some homeotransplants the attacks on the part of the lymphocytes prevail, while in others those on the part of the connective tissue are more prominent. The homeotransplants, which are relatively little injured at this stage are spared only to be subject to a stronger attack on the part of the lymphocytes and connective tissue during the following stage. The third stage begins approximately with the 12th day. From now on the difference between auto- and homeograft is sharply defined. In the autografts the regeneration of the thyroid tissue is steadily progressing and is nearly complete after 21 days. After this date the autograft represents throughout the picture of the normal thyroid gland; well developed follicles filled with colloid are surrounded by a very scant connective tissue. Mitoses, which begin already to decrease after the 9th day, are still present at the end of 17 days, but absent after this date. The small amount of loosely built, usually centrally located connective tissue, has no tendency to undergo a fibrous or hyaline change and does nowhere exert a compression on the follicles. It contains always a large number of blood vessels and only a few lymphocytes. In the homeograft the secondary destruction of the follicles is progressing with great intensity after the 12th day. In contradistinction to a primary degeneration of the follicles, due to the action of substances circulating in the body fluids, which might have been expected to take place, but which in reality does not occur, and which would be followed only secondarily by a connective tissue proliferation and lymphocytic invasion, we may speak of the destruction by means of lymphocytes and connective tissue, which actually does take place, as a secondary destruction of the follicles. This secondary mode of destruction of the follicles through lymphocytes and connective tissue is found exclusively in the homeotransplant. Following this destruction the larger part of the homeografts is occupied by a fibrous, hyaline connective tissue, in which remnants of destroyed follicles in the form of clefts filled with lymphocytes are seen. In several cases the destruction of follicles through lymphocytes, which accumulate in large numbers around the follicles and destroy them very actively, prevails; in other cases the compression of the follicles through fibrous, hyaline connective tissue predominates; in other cases both factors may be about equally active. The few peripheral follicles which escaped destruction are small, probably as a result of compression through the connective tissue; but they may still show normal epithelium and nuclei and may occasionally contain traces of colloid. Newly formed colloid is not present in the homeotransplants at the third stage. It should also be mentioned that the blood supply of the homeografts, especially after the 12th day, is very much restricted and that the blood vessels are mainly located in the connective tissue surrounding the graft, and not in the central connective tissue, which exists here in a much larger quantity and is much denser than in the autograft. At this stage also we find considerable variations in the extent of the injuries, in the individual follicles. But no piece escapes the attack entirely, and those which remain relatively well preserved for a certain period will be attacked at a later date by the connective tissue, as well as by the lymphocytes of the host. To summarize briefly, the principal result: For a short period of time after operation no difference is seen in the behavior of the thyroid after auto- and homeotransplantation. Very soon, however, a destruction of follicles begins to take place in the homeografts. This destruction is not caused by a direct primary disintegration or solution of follicles, but depends on the destructive activity of (1) the lymphocytes, and (2) of the connective tissue of the host tissue. The former invade the follicles and destroy them directly; the latter grows into the homeografts in larger quantity than into the autografts. In the former it soon becomes fibrous and hyaline; in the latter it remains cellular. The fibrous connective tissue surrounds and compresses and thus destroys the follicles. In some homeografts destruction by means of lymphocytes, in others by connective tissue, preponderates. The rapidity with which the destruction takes place in different homeotransplants also varies. A much better blood vessel supply develops in the autograft than in the homeograft.  相似文献   

运用标准玻璃微电极技术记录豚鼠心房肌、心室肌及房室结区细胞动作电位.比较和研究腺苷对它们的电生理作用。结果表明.腺苷可明显缩短心房肌细胞AP房室结区细胞的APD.并降低房室结区细胞APA及Vmax.而对心室肌细胞AP各参数无影响。其作用可被选择性A1受体拮抗剂DPCPX所消除.本文同时还探讨了踪着对不同部位心肌细胞产生不同效应的可能机制。  相似文献   

1. In passively sensitized animals bacterial anaphylaxis has been produced, in vivo and in vitro, with haptens from B. lactis aerogenes, the pneumobacillus, and a yeast. 2. The smallest amount of hapten causing fatal anaphylaxis is less than the minimal amount of protein which will cause death in properly sensitized animals. 3. The haptens used were largely carbohydrates, and gave none of the protein reactions, but since they did contain a small amount of nitrogen we cannot yet assert positively that carbohydrate alone will produce shock. 4. Since haptens will not sensitize animals we must conclude that the anaphylactogenic and shock-producing parts of the antigen are not identical. 5. These experiments provide further evidence of the close relationship of precipitins to anaphylaxis.  相似文献   

本研究运用RT PCR、细胞原位杂交分子生物学技术 ,以培养的DRG神经元为研究对象 ,观察P物质对超极化激活电流 (hyperpolarization activatedcationcurrent ,Ih)通道表达的影响。RT PCR结果表明 ,P物质浓度为 (mM ) 0 .5、5和 5 0与DRG神经细胞共培养一天 ,Ih通道mRNA表达无明显变化 ;共培养三天后 ,Ih通道mRNA表达明显上调 ;细胞原位杂交结果显示 ,中、小型DRG神经元上Ih通道的mRNA含量均明显增加 ,以小细胞增加最为显著。上述实验结果证明 ,P物质持续作用于DRG神经元 3天 ,可诱导Ih通道的表达 ,其中 ,小型细胞的变化较中型细胞更为明显。  相似文献   

目的 :进一步探讨针刺镇痛机理。方法 :用离子探针Fura -2 -AM和Furaptra -AM配合高敏度AR -CM -MIC阳离子测定系统分别测定了异博定和氯化钙对电针的镇痛效果及小鼠下丘脑 (HT)和导水管周围灰质区 (PAG)细胞内游离钙离子浓度 ( [Ca2 +]i )及游离镁离子浓度 ( [Mg2 +]i )的变化。结果 :电针小鼠拟“人中”、“承浆”穴 ,上述两脑区 [Ca2 +]i均明显降低 ,而 [Mg2 +]i则略有升高 ,[Ca2 +]i/[Mg2 +]i比值明显降低 ;小鼠脑室内注射少量CaCl2 及腹腔注射钙通道阻断剂异博定(verapamil)均可抑制电针的镇痛效应。结论 :电针镇痛效果可能与细胞内的游离钙镁离子浓度比值有关。  相似文献   

The hypotensive and negative chronotropic effects of 5 calcium entry blockers (verapamil 200 micrograms/kg IV; diltiazem 300 micrograms/kg IV; nifedipine 5 micrograms/kg IV; nicardipine 50 micrograms/kg IV; and bepridil 5 mg/kg IV) were compared in control normotensive and acute neurogenic hypertensive anaesthetized dogs. Acute neurogenic hypertension was induced by sino-aortic denervation (SAD). In control normotensive dogs, all drugs (except bepridil) induced a slight and transient decrease in blood pressure. Nifedipine and nicardipine increased heart rate whereas the three other drugs remained ineffective. SAD caused a 2-2.5-fold increase in the hypotensive properties of the 5 drugs in dogs. Moreover, the duration of this induced hypotension was longer than in control normotensive animals. In SAD dogs, all calcium entry blockers significantly decreased heart rate. This study indicates that the direct cardiac inhibitory action of calcium channel blockers is modulated by baroreceptor activity in intact animals. The mechanism of the selective action of calcium entry blockers in hypertensive SAD in contrast to normotensive dogs is discussed.  相似文献   

1. The larger the wound, the more rapidly the tongue enlarges and the earlier the closure of the wound takes place. Larger wounds heal, therefore, more quickly than smaller wounds within the variations in the size of the wound chosen in our experiments. 2. Both outgrowing of the tongues and contraction of the wound are concerned in the closing of the wound. A marked contraction sets in in the period preceding the closing of the wound and continues over a longer period with gradually diminishing intensity. The contraction, therefore, sets in earlier in the larger wounds. The contraction is also absolutely greater in the larger wound. 3. During wound healing the mitoses increase first markedly in the old epithelium and only very few mitoses can be found in the outgrowing epithelium during the first two days. Very soon the mitotic proliferation extends to the tongue and the number of proliferating cells may here become greater than in the old epithelium. With the closure of the wound a sudden fall in the number of mitoses takes place in both series. This fall is greatest in the tongue. Throughout the time of observation the number of mitoses is greater in the smaller wound. The fall in the number of mitoses directly after the closure of the wound is more sudden in the 4 mm. than in the 2 mm. series. It is, however, possible that the increase of mitoses extends over a larger area in the 4 mm. series than in the 2 mm. series. 4. It is probable that the difference in the rapidity in the outgrowth of the epidermal tongues and the resulting difference in the time of closure are mainly responsible for the difference in the variations in mitoses in the larger and smaller wounds. The longer the period of time over which the pull of the epithelium extends, the greater is the number of mitoses in this area. Therefore it is greater in the 2 mm. series. Closure of the wound is followed by a sudden decline in the number of mitoses especially in the area of the defect. Therefore the number of mitoses decreases earlier in the 4 mm. series, and we find here the smallest number of mitoses during the whole period of our observation. 5. The size of the epithelial cell and nucleus increases soon after the making of the wound. A maximum is reached in both the larger and smaller wound in the period just preceding the closure of the wound; this maximum is therefore reached earlier in the larger wound. Absolutely the maximal size reached in both kinds of wounds is approximately the same or only a little higher in the larger wounds. After the closure of the wound a sudden decline in the cell size takes place in the larger as well as in the smaller wounds. Then a more gradual decline sets in. Fourteen days after the operation the cells are still larger than in the normal skin. The variations in the size of the nucleus are similar to those in the whole cell, but less marked. The curves of variations in cell and nuclear size follow in both the larger and smaller wounds a curve similar to the variations in the number of mitoses. But the cell size returns more slowly to the normal condition than the number of mitoses. 6. The closure of the wound causes an increase in the number of epithelial rows over the defect. This increase is therefore reached at an earlier period in the larger wound. The increase is greater in the larger wound owing to the greater pressure which the two opposing cell layers exert upon each other in the larger wound. In the old epithelium the maximum in the number of cell rows is apparently reached slightly before the closure of the wounds. It seems that the epithelial movements leading to the closure of the wound start in the old epithelium and extend wave-like towards the wound. 7. It thus appears that the primary process in the wound healing consists in movements of the epidermis towards the wound, that these movements are carried out with greater energy in the case of the larger wounds, that the pull of the epithelium calls forth mitotic cell division, and that pressure exerted by epithelial cells upon each other leads to a rapid diminution in the mitotic proliferation.  相似文献   

目的:观察N型钙通道在福尔马林诱导的内脏炎症痛中的作用。方法:选用成年健康Wistar大鼠,随机分5组:正常对照组(N);单纯福尔马林直肠致炎组(F);脊髓蛛网膜下腔插管组(IT),插管内注射生理盐水组(NaCl);插管内注射SNX-111组(SNX-111)。记录实验组大鼠的疼痛行为反应,致痛后以15 min为一个时间段,共记录8个时间段,计2 h,分别计算疼痛分数;福尔马林致痛后30 min用原子吸收光谱分析和La3 阻断技术测定L6~S1~2阶段脊髓细胞内Ca2 含量。结果:F、IT组与NaCl组8个时间段内疼痛分数无显著性差异(P>0.05);IT组与F组相比也无明显差异(P>0.05);SNX-111组与NaCl组在致痛后75 min内疼痛分数明显减少(P<0.01或P<0.05)。F、IT组与NaCl组在福尔马林致痛后30 min脊髓细胞内Ca2 含量无明显变化(P>0.05);IT组与F组相比也无明显差异(P>0.05);SNX-111组与NaCl组相比Ca2 含量明显减少(P<0.01)。结论:SNX-111能明显减轻福尔马林内脏炎症痛行为反应,降低脊髓内Ca2 含量,提示N型钙通道可能在福尔马林致内脏炎症痛感受中起重要作用。  相似文献   

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