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Rectocele repair: when and how?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Pelvic organ prolapse repair poses a unique challenge to the reconstructive pelvic surgeon. Traditional levator plication has been promoted for the past century and has recently been shown to create unsatisfactory functional results, among them dyspareunia. In an attempt to improve both functional and quality-of-life outcomes, new methods for posterior vaginal wall defect repair have been developed and are now undergoing critical evaluation. We present a review of posterior vaginal wall repair with a focus on new anatomic concepts and site-specific rectocele repair.  相似文献   

During the last decade, articular ultrasonography (US) has been found effective in evaluating inflammatory, degenerative, and traumatic abnormalities of articular and periarticular tissues. In clinical practice, US used in combination with a thorough clinical evaluation can help rheumatologists to confirm or to refute diagnostic hypotheses. US is safer than computed tomography (CT), an advantage shared by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). As compared to CT and MRI, US is less expensive; in addition, it can be performed immediately, for several joints, as often as needed. Furthermore, US allows dynamic studies. Several articles published in rheumatology journals emphasize the value of US in patients with musculoskeletal diseases. The present review article discusses the indications, efficacy, and limitations of articular US.  相似文献   

Arthrodesis of the first metatarsophalangeal (MTP) joint has been established as the “gold standard” for the treatment of several first ray disorders, due to its perceived efficacy and the consistently reported good results in the literature. Arthrodesis is a commonly performed procedure for the treatment of end stage arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis with severe deformity, selected cases of severe hallux valgus (with or without signs of degenerative joint disease), as well as a salvage procedure after failed previous operation of the first ray. The goals of a successful 1st MTP arthrodesis are pain alleviation and deformity correction in order to restore a comfortable gait pattern and to improve shoe wear. Several techniques have been reported with several proposals regarding the preparation of the articular surfaces and the method of definitive fixation. As with any given surgical procedure, various complications may occur after arthrodesis of the 1st MTP joint, namely delayed union, nonunion, malunion, irritating hardware, etc.   相似文献   

Whipple's disease can mimic spondyloarthritis (SpA) or rheumatoid arthritis (RA) for many years and, in a few cases, induces the development of antibodies to cyclic citrullinated peptides. The causative agent Tropheryma whipplei can smolder within cells, including macrophages, by suppressing the xenophagic process, a type of selective autophagy that targets pathogens. Other inflammatory joint diseases may also stem from impaired xenophagy with persistence of bacteria or viruses that can eventually migrate from the mucous membranes to the joints and entheses, where they may exert adverse effects on immune responses, even if they fail to replicate. Xenophagy interferes with the loading of peptides (including self-peptides) onto major histocompatibility complex proteins. Another effect of xenophagy is the induction of citrullination, which accelerates pathogen clearance but can also contribute to loss of self-tolerance. Pathogens react to citrullination by becoming dormant. These facts suggest a role in SpA and RA for impaired xenophagy with migration of pathogens to joints and entheses, where they may remain dormant. Studies of fibroblast-like synoviocytes showed alterations in autophagy that correlated with citrullination of vimentin, alpha-enolase, and filaggrin, which are targets of RA-specific autoantibodies. Compared to autoimmune responses (T-cell or B-cell clones, autoantibodies) alone, metastatic spread of pathogens initially located in the mucous membranes as the event inducing inflammatory joint disease would constitute a better explanation to the heterogeneous distribution of the joint involvement, palindromic onset in some cases (as seen in Whipple's disease), occurrence of flares, and possible development of escape phenomenon to immunomodulating drugs in a manner reminiscent of delayed antibiotic resistance.  相似文献   

Computer simulation: how can it help the surgeon optimize implant position?   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Component placement critically affects the performance and longevity of total hip replacements (THRs). Because of limitations of observation and anatomic orientation imposed by the operative site, selection of the correct size, and position of the acetabular and femoral components is best done through preoperative planning. Currently, this is done by comparing two-dimensional templates of prosthetic components with clinical radiographs; however, this method has the inherent limitation that AP and lateral radiographs each provide one projection of the pelvis and the femur. Computer technology makes it possible to observe implantation of the femoral and acetabular components in three dimensions. This approach allows surgeons to template with superior accuracy, while providing an intimate view of the fit of the components in the implantation site. Additionally, computer routines can predict the functional outcome of a preoperative plan before its implementation. Restoration of leg length, center of rotation, ROM of the joint during various activities, and points of bony and prosthetic impingement can be analyzed preoperatively by the surgeon. This is a valuable tool for surgical navigation and surgeon training. With emerging technologic advances in surgical technique, computer-based preoperative planning tools should prove all the more essential to reliable component placement.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess patient compliance for semen analysis after vasectomy, and to determine the timing and number of semen analyses required to confirm sterility. PATIENTS AND METHODS: The study included 1321 men who underwent vasectomy between October 1995 and June 1998. They were followed up in two groups; in group 1 (one-test method) 961 consecutive patients were asked to provide a semen sample for analysis 4 months after vasectomy. Sterility was defined as the absence of sperm in one sample. If sperm were present in the sample, the test was repeated at monthly intervals until there were no sperm. In group 2 (two-test method) 360 consecutive patients were advised to provide semen samples 3 and 4 months after vasectomy. The absence of sperm in two consecutive samples was defined as the criterion to declare the man azoospermic. The presence of sperm in one sample required further samples every month until two consecutive azoospermic samples were produced. RESULTS: In group 1, 810 patients provided semen samples, of which 783 (97%) had no sperm and the men were thus declared azoospermic. The remaining 27 (3%) samples contained sperm; six men withdrew from follow-up at various times but 21 patients produced a negative sample at some time within 7 months and were declared azoospermic. At the end of the follow-up, 804 (84%) patients had been declared azoospermic. In group 2, 294 (82%) patients provided a semen sample after 3 months but only 259 (72%) did so after 4 months. Of the patients providing the first sample, 287 (98%) were azoospermic, and after the second 252 (97%) were azoospermic. At the end of the follow-up 255 (71%) patients were declared azoospermic. There was no reported paternity in any of the men. CONCLUSION: These results suggest that compliance was better in group 1; when the patients in group 2 were asked to provide a second sample the compliance decreased significantly. The percentage of patients producing an azoospermic sample was similar for semen provided after 3 and 4 months. Thus, provided that the patient is adequately warned about the risk of failure of the vasectomy at any time during his life, a single semen analysis after 3 months is sufficient grounds for discontinuing other contraceptive precautions.  相似文献   

Use of non invasive ventilation (NIV), the delivery of mechanical ventilation without endotracheal intubation, is increasing among patients with acute and chronic respiratory failure, mainly because of its convenience, lower cost, morbidity sparing potential compared with standard invasive technique. An understanding of the technical equipment, the classification, modes of ventilation and the selection of an appropriate interface are necessary for the best outcomes. The parameters which should be monitored during noninvasive ventilation are presented. The majority of studies have used pressure-targeted ventilation in the assist mode. Positive qualities of pressure support ventilation (PSV) are leak compensation, good patient/ventilator synchrony and the option of integrated positive end-expiratory pressure to counteract the effect of dynamic hyperinflation. The interface between patient and ventilator is a crucial issue of noninvasive ventilation. Advantages and disadvantages of face and nasal masks are discussed. The beneficial effects of NIV have been demonstrated in patients with respiratory acidosis (pH < 7.35). Arterial blood gas tensions should be measured in most patients with acute breathlessness.  相似文献   

A comparative review of changing patterns between 1997 and 2002 of who performs appendicectomy and a snapshot of the surgical approaches in use. It also indicates the stage at which competency in appendicectomy may be achieved by contemporary trainees in surgery and anaesthesia.  相似文献   

Experimental research faces two great problems: the significant reduction of public funding and the firm opposition of the public opinion. The law forbids the use of large animals, so that it is possible to use small animals only, which require microsurgical techniques. However, even a skillful surgeon does not know how to perform microsurgery and has to begin a long and tiring training to master techniques. We think that experimental surgery should play a role because it tests the validity and safety of new surgical techniques and allows special pathophysiological aspects to be studied. Furthermore experimental surgery could represent an essential stage in the training of young surgeons. We should find a balance between observance of the law and respect of the animals and, on the other hand, the role of experimental surgery because we should not forget that its most important aim is the improvement of the health of the humankind.  相似文献   

Despite ART scale‐up, tuberculosis (TB) remains a leading cause of HIV‐related deaths worldwide and much of this disease may remain unascertained. In patients receiving ART, TB incidence is highest during the first few months of treatment (many cases of which were prevalent disease missed by baseline screening) and long‐term rates remain several‐fold higher than background. We identify three groups of patients starting ART for which different interventions are required to reduce TB‐related deaths. First, diagnostic screening is needed in patients who have undiagnosed active TB so that timely anti‐tuberculosis treatment can be started. This may be greatly facilitated by new diagnostic assays such as the Xpert MTB/RIF assay and a novel point‐of‐care urine test for lipoarabinomannan (LAM). Second, patients with a diagnosis of active TB need optimised case management, which includes early initiation of ART (with early timing now defined by randomised controlled trials), trimethoprim‐sulphamethoxazole prophylaxis and treatment of co‐morbidity. Third, in high TB burden settings, all remaining patients who are TB‐free at enrolment have high ongoing risk of developing TB and require optimised immune recovery (with ART ideally started early in the course of HIV infection), isoniazid preventive therapy and infection control to reduce infection risk. Further specific measures are needed to address multi‐drug resistant TB (MDR‐TB) and there are now new promising developments in antimycobacterial agents. Finally, in high burden settings, scale‐up of all these interventions requires nationally and locally tailored models of care that are patient‐centred and provide integrated health care delivery for TB, HIV and other co‐morbidities.  相似文献   

A review of the specific requirements of home oxygen therapy in children which attempts to offer guidance to clinicians and service providers.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: We analyzed operations performed at our institution retrospectively for recurrent carotid artery stenosis to assess the indication for surgery. We also assessed the techniques used for these operations. PATIENTS AND METHODS: From January 1992 to December 1998 1210 carotid endarterectomies were performed. Forty two (3.4%) of these were for recurrent stenosis. A new vein patch was implanted in 27 cases, PTFE patches were used in nine cases. In six cases an interposition with the great saphenous vein was performed. RESULTS: The mean interval between primary and secondary procedure was 60. 2months (3months to 23yr). Twenty five of our 41 patients had had ipsilateral neurologic symptoms before redo surgery, the remainder were free of symptoms. The grade of stenosis was over 90% in 22 cases, between 75 and 90% in 11 cases and below 75% in nine cases, two cases had aneurysmatic lesions. None of the patients died in the 30day observation period. One patient had a stroke with a permanent neurological deficit. In two cases postoperative bleeding occurred requiring reexploration. Two patients developed hypoglossal neurapraxia and in four patients the recurrent laryngeal nerve was injured. One patient had an apneic episode in the recovery room. CONCLUSION: The reported incidence of recurrent carotid artery stenosis surgery ranges from 3 to 36% and our incidence is at the lower end of this range. The surgical results of reoperating are acceptable with a low incidence of complications.  相似文献   

Despite the significant technical evolution of the blood purification methods, cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in dialysis patients is still several times higher than that observed in the general population. Vitamins are playing a crucial role in multiple key metabolic pathways. Due to multiple factors, dialysis patients present very often hypo- or hypervitaminosis for a broad range of vitamins. Dialysis in the context of renal replacement therapy is associated with a non-physiological potassium-sparing dietetic regime. Additionally, there is a non-selective intradialytic loss of micro- and macronutrients, deranged intracellular kinetics and gastrointestinal malabsorption due to uratemia. Frequent treatment with antibiotics due to infections associated with the acquired uremia-related immunosuppression may derange the vitamin-producing intestinal microflora. Certain agents prescribed in the context of renal failure or other conditions may reduce the absorption of vitamins from the gastrointestinal tract. These factors may deplete a dialysis patient from vitamins, especially the ones with antioxidant activity that may be associated with cardioprotective properties. In other cases, vitamins metabolized and excreted by the kidneys may be accumulated and exert toxic effects. The scope of this paper is to describe the main issues on vitamin therapy in dialysis patients in view of the ever contradictory opinions and practices.  相似文献   

In Congo-Brazzaville, the seroprevalence of HIV infection is in the range 7-8%, and AIDS is the leading cause of aseptic arthritis (60% of cases). PATIENTS, MATERIAL AND METHODS: The ESSG and Amor's criteria for spondyloarthropathy were evaluated in 83 patients with HIV infection admitted for aseptic arthritis to the rheumatology department of the Brazzaville teaching hospital, over an 8-year period. RESULTS: All 83 patients were CDC stage IV; 66 (80%) had polyarthritis and 17 (20%) oligoarthritis. A single patient met ESSG and Amor's criteria, with six points; one patient had five points and 15 had three points. The joint involvement was asymmetrical and nonerosive. Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory therapy ensured resolution of the manifestations within 4-8 weeks. The most common sites of involvement were the knees (84%), ankles (59%), and great toes (23%) at the lower limbs and the wrists (41%), elbows (29%), and metacarpophalangeal and interphalangeal joints (25%) at the upper limbs. CONCLUSION: Inflammatory arthritis in HIV patients does not meet ESSG or Amor's criteria for spondyloarthropathy.  相似文献   

HYPOTHESIS: Nausea associated with gastroesophageal reflux disease is cured by laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication (LNF). DESIGN: Prospective cohort study of unselected patients who underwent LNF from January 1, 1995, through March 31, 1999. Patients were followed up by a physician for 6 to 36 months. SETTING: A large community teaching hospital. PATIENTS: One hundred consecutive patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease who underwent LNF; all patients were followed up. Patients were grouped according to the presence (group A, n = 33) or absence (group B, n = 67) of preoperative nausea. Interventions were LNF, esophageal manometry, 24-hour pH monitoring, and nuclear gastric emptying studies. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Resolution of symptoms after LNF. RESULTS: Nausea was the most common atypical symptom of gastroesophageal reflux disease, occurring in 33 patients (33%). There were no differences in esophageal manometry or 24-hour pH results between groups. There was a female preponderance in group A (55% vs 33%; P = .003). Patients in group A had a higher prevalence of preoperative dysphagia (P = .02). Patients with persistent postoperative nausea had a higher prevalence of cough (P = .003) and dysphagia (P = .009). The LNF was more effective in reducing heartburn (95% reduction) and regurgitation (95% reduction) than cough and dysphagia (60% reduction). There was a 79% reduction in the number of patients with nausea (33 to 7; P<.001). CONCLUSION: Laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication is effective in eliminating nausea associated with gastroesophageal reflux disease and is not contraindicated in these patients.  相似文献   

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